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The C Major Scale

Music Notation Tip

What is the pattern of whole steps and half steps used
in all major scales?
How to write scales correctly
Spread the notes out over the space
- start with the first and last notes, so
The half steps come between the
that you don’t end up with all the notes
bunched up:
___ and ___ and,

___ and ___ degrees of the major scale.
Always remember to write the clef:

Mark the half steps with a

in this scale of C major:
and finish with a double barline:

Write the scale of C major between these two notes:

Write the scale of C major in the treble clef, one octave ascending, then mark the half steps with a

Write the scale of C major in the bass clef, one octave ascending, then mark the half steps with a

Sample Worksheet from “Printable Music Theory Books” from the Fun Music Company
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© 2010 The Fun Music Company Pty Ltd

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