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WORD STRESS ( Page 108 )

A Heteronym is a word that has the same spelling as another word but with a different
pronunciation and meaning.

Exercise 1 : List of heteronyms

1. Subject SUBjekt- the theme; subJEKT- to force upon someone

2. Record RECKord- a list; reKORD- to write down
3. Rebel REBBell- a resister; rihBELL- to resist
4. Close CLOZE- to shut; CLOS- near
5. Conduct KONduckt- behavior; kunDUCKT- to lead
6. Content KAHNtent- meaning; kunTENT- satisfied
7. Convert conVERT- to change one's belief; CONvert- one whose belief was
8. Contest kunTEST- to argue; KAHNtest- a match of skill
9. Convict kunVIKT- to find guilty; KAHNvikt- a prisoner
10. Dove DUV- a bird; DOEV- jumped off
11. Excuse EKskyooz- to let someone off; EKskyoos- a reason or explanation
12. Minute MINNit- 60 seconds; myNOOT- tiny
13. Object ubJEKT- to complain; AHBjekt- a thing
14. Perfect PERfekt- exactly correct; perFEKT- to make correct
15. Present PREZent- a gift; preeSENT- to give a talk
16. Produce PROdoos- vegetables; proDOOS- bring forth
17. Project proJEKT- to show a movie; PRAHjekt- a task
18. Rebel REBBell- a resister; rihBELL- to resist
19. Record RECKord- a list; reKORD- to write down
20. Subject SUBjekt- the theme; subJEKT- to force upon someone
21. Tear TARE- to rip; TEER- fluid in eye
22. Wound WOOND- to injure; WOWND- coiled up

Exercise 1 : Sentences and samples of word stress with Heteronyms

1. I had to desert my friend at the desert.

2. My garden will produce a lot of produce next year.
3. The Dove dove under the tree.
4. Please excuse us while we think of a valid excuse.
5. I went to record bar to record some songs.
6. We need to present well because that is our present for her.
7. The candy was so minute that it took me a minute to find it.
8. I need to project myself well when I present my project.
9. We object to what they are saying. The Object that was given to us yesterday was a
10. To convict someone makes him a convict.
11. Your conduct of behavior is improving but I need you to conduct your group better.
12. Please close the door, the fire is too close to our house.
13. We were subject to questioning today at the immigration that’s why we were not able
to prepare our subject for today.

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