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ReI_ N e, .MB -"'tl2'/;2nql7


Admission t,s'

:2:Qll ,~" t,2


Prnvlskura] S,cbledule of activitii.es tor Admis:dml to "Iod Graduab} COlrSie iu Pharmacy (M. Pharm.) FJor tl;u~ y'eal' 2011~11
Sr., iNlc'" • .A,ctiv[ty

S(,"HE'1IULE -u -,



01/06 ~------~~--~--~----~----~------~ 2. Submission of AppHcatilon Form Ihrough ARCs 3. Date of M. Phann, AS:SO~CET ~2011

ScaJ',e of Info~mation Br,ochurB' along with Application form at all ARCs

, 2011 to' 151 06/2,01 1 26,j 06' /2011

Entry in examination ha~

10.,,30' am Lang bel.! 11.00 am

Examin aion


l.asl entry ,Permitted i~examim~tlDn halli ( No candidate wm he penniUed IGlfter 11.00 am und,srany clrc.umstanc8$. )

111.00 am

Warning iBell

1'2.50 pm
1,00 pm


(l\fal1ar.a5htlr~ 67/20071W~rdliQ dated .11/04/2:{l07 )


M., PH~.ru""-l.lOn-12

In Private Unaided Pharmacy Colleges in the State of'Maharashtra


Institute ofPh14r:trla;C eutir;..a]Education & Research,

Borgaon {1¥~'~3J1e)JWardha44{ 00.1



logti lute of Pharmaceutical Bduca:I.iQIl .Reseru:eh~ & iOOl Horgatrn(:Mc];I1e}j,Wardha 442 Maharashlra Stat.e
07152 - 2402-84


07'] 52- 24 Hi84

http://www.auppG. org

L "SateLQfapp:Ii~.a~


9,[1 mr,m arid info rmaUon Brochure.s.atAHe. Inform::Jjtibn ibrccflUr-e is also ,available



'for.dG~vn~o:adlnRon 'website wvJW~aljpp':c,org Iii S ~bm i$sioner APPUb.aU(lIIl Porm ~yhand In peirnomii1l'yatA'RCs 111 Application fQrms~~GeJ.\le.d' 5.:00 prn en ~ij~r 1,,5JJ6~~1J1.1 will be 118j~Gt~d. '. Appl!cf:liiion Jorm-sent lil'laAY{lther mode sl=J~h :as'fa>:" e:ma.lteR:; .wI iii tt8' n~i~~te.d. ,. Dis,play oflm.~ofeli,siblee:aT'!~il~~te!S:fofM.Pharm. AsSn-eET 20 1"1ci~·t~e: website·www"a:uggc,PJE . .~U:brriis}lioh dr9rl~varic~ if~ny onlY'by ema.il

(r r:l~1U${ve.


{ ~m::IIJSiw.e b"othdays)

l;O.06.201-1 at 11.Ot);a.m.
21 :01:",2"0111 upto 1'1,.0"0·'81. m,

to- rOO'n,arm ,~uppcl!red~frfinalli-cpm .

Displa.y of Seatnumbenrof cand'idates f9rM..Pharm, A.S8;O·CET 2011: oin'w¢:lf~i~e INW. a tJ~~t~tlrg W

2-2..o6..2'O~1at 11 JJOJt m"


7. 8.

OI$pJaya:fM. p'h;~~m.A&SO~·CET.20n.examtnaUon '

result'and merit list Dill www.au(:lpc.org

26.06.20 11 ~t 11-.'QOa.m ,A' ':"~1 . no' . O"'t. 07':,20 u at~111 .I.i' 8;m.


9f"$~missiQn·as.p.erallooatlon in M. Pharm ASSO-CA:P-20 11 ~e~und t

AuditorIUm af IPERWardhia; La'std~ate 'of,te;pcrting'to the I ristitut§· a nd GOnfitm:atlolirl

~,d:mission ,Round I 'tlYcpero$ana'l' c0l1ns9,ling ,at

?O.Qi.2011·s.ncl ,21' ,01:291'1


1D1S'p~aydfVacaney posIfion atthee~iidof

AQmtefjienJ~,qu.n,d I (lj1 w~bs,ite .WWW,,8LiPl4c.OJg Admission 'ROU!Mq II:by pernQn~11cou'n-seffng at· 9l1ditorium ,oN.RER, Wafdha last date orreportil1g to the Irnstitut-e and GO'IHrmatiull of admissig'n .asJ>:e raIl9'~8'Hoi11 in M,.. Ph'.i3{m. A'SSO ..CAp".20 f1 Round·H. C;.ompletj:ol[l'of Ad"ijiission Process for academtc year

27.07.:2011 at·1tQ.Oa ..I1h.






Applications receiv~d after .las:.' d~~e" of s~hedul~.and in,Qompllete .~p,pliC(Jtion.s will bE ·~m mnii;l:nly r~Je{:l,ru:t ilndno oorrrmUfi I£SWll'1'i!i lhfs ragardfwJn ba· dons, with o-alld~date. C Changes in the Schedules {jf,any) wlll'be notified ORwe.Qsittwnl:y,and nO'seplnate: nO'ijficatiar wmJ be lssued, .. . .

.i 1. Introduction
1,1 1.2

Abbrevi etle 115 an d Defi nltlons Rale of Com pat:ent: ·Authority

RElIPresental·tive of Cpmpet:ent .Authority

4 5 in CAP

1...5 1 ;6 1.. 7 LB :3

Sanctloned Intake
ElIg IblUI:y Clllteri21: Types of Se.a1s Calldid.~tulre Type and Home UnJv€irslty ~c",· andidates C

6 7
'9 9'

Se:a:t.s,2Ivail·a ble for admission

3.1 :3.2 5 6 $.

thro-ug!h-Gentmlized Admission Process (CAP) SancUoned intake fur various courses in various Institutes / Co,lIeges Adm i5S [em process

Admission Procedure: Admission rounds Hostel Acccrnmodetion




17 17
17 1.8 18 19

10 11 12 13

' Rules [OJ ccmcel~atj.QiI1 ,and Refund of Fees Co.nduct and Distipl rne I Others I The Guidelines for the admIssion to N .. harm. by unaided coll!eges P
I Actions

15 16 17

to be taken in case of excess ad m Issto

Ii1IS I'

late uplload'ing of admitted

.2.0 22 23 25

candidates&. fiu'nftive Action on NonH',sFu nd Cases after cancellation of admlsslcn , Con duct 2H1d Disdpl ifie Undertak i filg Annexure I Provisio,nalUst of Participant Colle,ges Con.du-cting 1M,p'narm. Courses, II Format of sponsorship letts'f (0.111 Letter head of employer) m entto n ing d rug I teen se nw m be r or Ma n ufacb.l'ri ng Lice n SEl n um be r. III A Specimen for Bonafide Certificate In B $pedmen of C~rtifiCClte to be Produced if Transfer
Certlf IV


cate / teavl ng: Certlflca be is not Issued to The Stud ent Di ractl y.

S pee i m en

fo'r CertificC!tJEl to be

Given rrom

lH.ealdl Pri nci pa I Where Ca nd idate. hill!s

Akead y ta ken ad mlsslon

V V1



list of the applrcatlcn form

list of Examinatlol1 Centers U!1~versityCod e N,um bern Ust of Subj,ect codes

tssue and




29 30



X 18 1'9

32 33 34

Syllabus for M.. P·ha~rm.-ASSO-tET-2011

I Pro fOrme ~.A

Pm fmmE! _.B
Pro. forma - HI ~Qrfl!mng:App~lc;atlol1


Pm forma - I
I nstructionsForm


Irn po rta n t Irtstruetlons

Assoclatlcn of Unaided Private'PharmacY Co'lIe.9'i;s (AU,PPC) herein after referred as 'As;5lac~atiQ.I1i was establlshed in April 200] and registered under Societies· Re:gistr,at,roo' Act {Reg. Nb. MHlJG1I

20071'dated 12/04/2007).
The Asscctattcn h;as been formed to consider deliberate and furrnulate Indtcenve gUidelines rel,ared to various: aspects i!)f quality educatton ln Pharmacy' and Its techna~ogy fie,lds and to make recommencatlons re,g~rdiil1:gmatters related to Pharma,ceutical Education to appr.opriate authorities anc) bodies. The Assoclattcn hes alway'S Ru:;usehtf on the 'fni:)(3'restS of the society at la,rge and student's in partlculet; The Assoclatlon wlll ta,ke up common issues with' the ?,tate and Central GoVti!,mments, Universrties and :Regul.atory bodies such as All India Council for Technk:a! EducaUon (AlCTE) •.The Associat.ion: is.commttted 'for its ef~olrts 'for the improvement In tihe f[,efd ,or P.hlilrmac;y Education. A Comrnen Brrtrance Test (M..Pharm.~AS.SO-CET-201.1) wIll be conducted by the As"s,od,atiof) fat adrnlsslon to Unaid,ecl Ptrv,ate Pna'rma~y Collelges conductin.g M. Pharmacy course in the State' of M!aharalshtra 19lppraved by .AICTE. ,affHiatecl under Maharashtra Unhi'liE,rsity Act 1994-" The number .of seats, to be 'filled in throuQlh Assoctanon eEl will' .be determined on the basis of Jl.I!dlci.a,1 .,.. , ..=:> [I" • I ~ . Prcmo~ncements and "Order,or appreprlate authorities from ,tim~ J9~im~.

As per the di:rectlves: .ASSO-CET-2IHl.

(l'r HQna~rable:fiNS

it"fs 'mand.atory fer all·cand idates to appear for M. Pharrn,«


Assodatr 0 n I,S en (M. Pharm -ASSo-eET -20 11) w~ be held in the 'ibrm Qf' multiple' choke; q uestions. Ii The adrnlssians will be onthe basis ofsum of Merit or GPAT2(111 Pu%) and M. Pharm.-'ASSO-CET~ 2011 (30%) score, The brochure for M'. Pharm.-ASS'O-CET-201l '&' M. :Pharm.~ASSO-CAP~2011 contains ::'lpplr.icatl'on form. for adrnlsston '& ent,ralFu::e e,:<aminatiqn • single

. j~ made amply elear' thart after pubUcattii'of1l.of the! ibrochure if there lis alli1:y 'ordi,er bV U ,~ppropliialte Oil uth,ority Olr any IlegisiatE'o'll or judgnu:llilt by ,any court 10'l' I'arw then the Assoc.raltio'l!iI wm abide trvt'hle ~ndi,er of aippr,opri'ater 1i!llUthorityl,erU!u::tmentljudgment r,eserving ~t;s:rij'gnt 110 ac:cep't I chaU'engewIthout prejudi,cie.,


. . _. f'




FOR A'CADIEMlC Y;EAR 2011-.2012

The' .tnlform!;itiCm giVen herein is applicable for admission to First: y.e.ar OFtwo year full time Post graduatle dE'gllI"e€!' course in P,hal!"macy (f"". Phartn) ..The tnstltutes, wh1ch qua,lrfy for the adrnisslon PliOCE,lS$ as pen-these rules, are


by.A1I India Council For TechniCal Educatrorl (AICTEj, New Delhi . of the' ten Non Agricultur,~1/ Non TechnQ~og:ltal Universitres in the


Recogni.zed by tne Government of M:aharashtra Affil'iated to anyone

Mahe rsshtra State.

Alii' Un-aided MI. Ph-arm. llils,tiitutes WhlOIhave, giYell1l eensent te palrtilcipla,tein C:A.PI,rol!mds, t;,j),ndu:cted by the A'IlJIPP'C: sh,a!.I'llibe! lc:o·VE!~lIledy tthe:s,e 1t1:J,les. b
( .1. )

These rules

are framed by the competent ~i..JthQrity appointed by AUPPC to 'conduct adrnfs slons In Its member institutes. Tne tulles inbJude distribution under various types of seats (i" e. non-sponsored, sponsored, university not IJEI1\;frngM. Pherm .. course), reservation of State' candidates-

seats for SC and! 5'T (Maharashtra



of cornrnon



'(MI. Pharm ASSO-CET :2(]11)~ Centralized Admls:siorn Prc,cess (CAP)f detafi's of admIssion rounds, Institute inr9tmation etc. 1•. 1 Atlbreviatio,ns ,andD'efini'trans

1.1 •.1 Ab breviatio


D'r. B,abasaheb ,A,mbedkalrMarathwa:da

Au ra In g;iJ bad




sse lise
HU ,I Home University

M ..IPha,,rm~ .A-SSO..CET -21011


1.1..,2, De'finmtl;ionst

a. 'State


means Government

,of Maharashtra.

b. ~'Compie(:enr
Pharm, c.

authoritv~ refers to the Authorfty designated

of condt~cting M., Pharrn, ASSO-CET in Its hi! thle

or appointed

by the

AUPPC for the, purpose adrnissiens

exam~nation and M,



member Institutes.

Rep,li'lesenta:t:mVI9 off of

the CQunpete.n,f; ,Autholriw"

means an offic-er of adrntssion

assist Competent Authorityfor smooth conduct


appointed to. as per the

.the eornpetentauthcrlty,

d". "Appeal C,ommittee' means the cornrntttee setup under thechatrrnanstrlp of competent au tho r[ty ~ it shall deal: wlththe rep resentartiorn s S,U b m itted bv the candjdates/parertts r,(i!:I,ating to gri,evanc~s of the 'candidates, wIth reg'~rd to ,M.
Pharm-ASSO-'CET e.' AppUcat,i1on 2011 Exami'harion and the sel!ectlolfl! pr-ocess.

form' means prescrtbed form filled up by tile candlidate for acfmlssiC!n precess ana/,olr ;?lppe'ar~ng for N. pnalim-A.SSO~CET 2.011"
means aU unlvsrsttles of India recoqnlzed.
(LjGq of India. by University Grant CommiS'ston


« 2: )

g", "InstitU'te/CoUe'ge! means the organizatlion imparting, M. Pharm, educatton a pprcved by Govern m(=Ul,t of Ma h1:'wolshtra,AlCTE and affiHatil1g university. (Annexure - 1)

h. !Home University·

::: he affiliatinQlUnive'lISity of Departrnent/ Col'lege/ Institute, T from which candldate has' obta~ii'ledhis! herB,. Ph',Slrm. degrree. OR the jurisdiction ef tha urnverslty as per Type A, St Cor D candidates as.per rule 1.7 eel.
~other than 'H,ome Unilver,sity;':: All Urdversiti,es ,of Mahan~shtra
Un wersllties


other than Home

'AU India 1lJ:niv'elisity {AIU) ': 'AI' I UnNelFSi:UeI5:of Indria recoqntzed by UnJverSity Gll"alnt Ccmrrtlssion of IndIa and! the Instltute / College I University Department approved by' AJi :Irndi,a Council for fe:crhnlcal Ed ucs tton l' New DeihL.

k. ·Univ,sr.sity' n,olt h;alving MI Pharm, CQuii'Se": IJniv,9rS:ities: existing in M'aharashtra Staite which are not having any M. Pharm .. course in a.ffilii!lted Departmentj

Collegel Institute.
NOTE .: The formed UlliverSiityi .e. not having post g'li'ad'l.late Pharmacy course be constdersd under the home univ,ersTty category in the University area from wh['ch it has been created. Thus consideration be continued til:l! new post graduate QDUI"$~ infbrmed unlversltv is establlshed ..



The ,car1f(Hdates fmmrormed Univers:i1:i,eswrJI,lbe ccnstdered es Horne UnN,ersil:y candidates of their ori'ginaJ' University'areafl"Om whlch formed University has separated. (e.,g. the formed Ui'liversity m::e 5O:~apurUniversity, SOilapu,r will be considered under original: Sn.iv:ajilInf'llef:'Sity, KoI,hapur;The candtdates from S(i,lapuD" University WI.t!I'be considered as tine Horne Universjty candidates from Shivajl Un.iversity, l(o:lhapur.)


'PerSDIilS oflndia,n Orilgin (PIO')" ::,A. person having Fore~gn Citizenship (except P,akfstan &, Bangladesh) without NRI status, who holds; a For,eign passport. at the time of sianding Appllcation, censlderetlon for admlssion and dudngl the pe.rJoO lof his/her studies and he/she or any,one/bothof his/her parents Q.F alnlv,oru~'/bloth of his/her gra,ndlparent is: (or was)/ are: (or welrE!) c:iUz;en (s) of India virtue of the provisions. of the Constitut[:on of India of the section 2(b) of Oitizenship Act,

1955 (Act N.D. 57 of 19.55).

m.'FC:)lrei'gn INati.olna.I' means Citi,zerls of all countries other than Indian who are not o'r Indian~o:rrgin as defined under



'F',orel!gn student' means- forej'g.n student in this context shall: bG! efined as the d student who possesses arorej'bi III passport. !INRr Non Resldent Indj~m as per the definition given in sectJon 6 of Income Tax

Act 19S:L
p, 'NRI Candidalte" means a candidate who 15a thL!d/warcl ofthe person who has. the NRI status as defined tmoet seetlon 6' of Income Tax Act 195.1. ,q'.

CA,P' Sea ts:I'". these are

t!h e sests for


;:;J il il otrnent/

ad missi


by Competent

.AlLlthority 'through

Ad m tss ion Process


M. Pharm.-ASSO-CAP-201l ()en[er~

Is C(I rrted au t (Centrallzed

means ,A,pp!i,cat~cin receipt and prccesslnq

s:. ~'QU'anfving 'ex;aminatioo'n' rneensexammetlcn onthe resultotwhlch a candidate becomes eHglI,ble 'for adrnlssren to MI. Pha,ml. i. e" B"Pharm. Or equivalent exarnlnatten,

t .. Appro~l'r',late autlh:ori1ty' foriss:uiing Cas,til! Validity lCertiifie~:tie : For SC 'category , ca n d ide! tes the Caste \!",a itV' certtf:l cate sh au Id be 155ue d by D Iv] sional Caste Hd Certificate SCflcJtinyCommii:tiE~e of the- r,espe<::tJvE!DIVTSfcnal1 Soda! W,eJfare Offioe of ,Mahar,ashtra state and in case of ST Category candldates, the casta val11ldiity
oertifleete should be issue Iby Director/ of res pect:lVEl! reg ion :of Ma h iSi rashtra, 1.2 Deputy D.1re,cl"O:rof Scrutiny CommittelEl

Roh! of Comp,etentAutholi'ii'ty,: ~. The competent ClILi'thelrity headed by Associatron elf Unaided. Private pnarma.cy GOlllegeS'(AUPPC)1shall be the authority for centrallzed admission process (CAP) ain d d irect the student as per thel r ad rn~~$i'(mth ro u:gh CAP to all Coilleg es I lin,stltutes in the State 'of .Ma harashtra, o, Competent authority shall effe,ct admlssiorrs to' M•. Pharm. course: ln unaided IPh~:rm'i;!;cy Colleges in the State of Maiharashtra" fer whtch such Institutions/ Collegesl Associations of institutes have g'~venconsent. c. Com petr.i:!rntauthority shall also deal wrth the representattcns received from the cilndid:ates pertaining' to allotment and admissions in unatded tolleg.!2s in tlre State of Mc.l1ara5:htra~ whlch actsas Grievance Radressa] Authority (GRA) and A.ppe~lat~ Authority CAP')at the state l'eVeL

d, To approve the branch w~se i~st of students ad.mitted t.aRrst semester/veer by 'QJ:I pharmacy colleges I institutes submitted through the office of Joint Dir,ector, Techrucal Educati1on, of respective Regiona~ offices in the' state of Maharas.htlf'a. e. Alii the deetslcns taken in relatlcn to adrmssion to the nrst,semestar M. Pharm. course by the competent authority shall be 'final and bind concerned.

1 ye,ar or
[["Ig on al'l


If the number of students. under each cateqorvis

not mentioned by AlGE, then the competent ~liL~thority'shalll dedde the cateqerlzetlon of seats on the basls ~'f : case :lnlth e slrn r typE'; of instltute.



Re'pr,es:entative of ICom:pet!E!nt A,uthority : The authnritv du Ilyappointed by Competent Aurthority of AUPPC wlll conduct the adm~s5icmcl(:thnNe:5 as dfn!:ct,e:d by the ccrnpetent anJthorlty.. Nomlenc~alture ,and Durathm 'OfCoufs'e.: Tile Post Graduate CQUf§€l shall be d:esiglnatedas.IM. Pharm./Master of Pharmaceutical Scrl;!Ooces 0 r biy ,anyother 111 me nclatu re as diecJdeci by th e respective Un iverslties 0 and she III be of 2. "fe,a rs l 4 se rneste r's d LJ. mtitul CIS pEl r AlCTE FWI,EN:>. h e Post I T Gra,duate course. snail be conducted only in the lnstltutes approved by AlCTE or as per AlaE rules. Stu-uc:tunE!lsylla'bus; and examlnattcn schema shall be prescrtbed by th e eon cernec lU In lversl ty.


The intake to these courses sbail be as approved by AICTE, Gov'ern rnent of IMa,hara~htra:and ccncerned University from time to time. 1.5 Sandi'oned Intake: A:s .s,(] ctlo ned i the norma I i11take sha II n

fiO Iiliows: The sanctioned normal intake shall be divided into a) Non~spornsQred~ b) Spons'On:!d and G:) Seats for SCIST ,cale'90rjes of Maharashtra State only .
bell ClIS


Number of seats.ln Genera~ cflt€'gtory and! SC/ST cateqortes shall be as per th eapp rova I '9[\ten by AlCTE/ (as per the: case )~or res:pecWlle instttutes/as

(4 J

per~.2 (0" IHow'ev'er number 0:1l' s,e,aits,'f,o'r Sp'Dlilsoreld Ic,a't,eg:oliV sb6lH bel00ta!' of sa n,cUoned intake of th'e eeurse to the iihls'tiitllil'te"


EUgibUily Cr~terial:


,apipear in Mi" Pha:rm.~ASSO-CET'-20 11: All' the candidates have to secure rum zero score in 1M. Ph,arm.-A5S0CET-2011 to be·eiUSJlib:le for d1a]ming adrmsslcn. Candidates who: have passed B. Pharm, degree or appeared in final ye,ar! flnal semester of B, Pharm. from. ,any MorE approved tnstltute affiliated with UnTv,ercsity {approved by UGC), subject to the condltlen that they must produce proof of passing B. IPllarm. examination as per M. Pharm admlsslon eligibility c:rltertolfii in orlqlnalat the tlme ofadmisS'ion by counseJlng round, N~,olte::,Tn!!!M. Pharrn .-ASSO-CEr<Wl1 examtnatton will have tile curriculum 6:S per Annexure X g:iven on Page no 32 of this brochure. There will be no negative mfllF.!klng system in 1M.Piharm.-:ASSq-CET-,lQll i,

b), 'For Admissbll':'. to M. Pharrn, : Candidates should be~.n Indian [ilJat]ona]and who possess Bac.he~or5; degree or equiwnlent in Phal;rmacy from an AICTE approved lnstltutlons, with at feast 50 o marks (at leest 45 % marks 'in case .of SC/ST c:~'tegory belonging to

state only)

And ln M" IP'hallrm.ASSO-CET-2C1!11.

c) IOther engibil~ity ,criteria':

F'O'f Spom;;ored seats:

The eHgibJetandIdate as per rule N'D" 1..6 {b) shou~d submit 'fol'lowing' certfflcates 'From hils/ her employer as per Ani'lexure with foHowing documents. a]. Appo f ntm ertt ~ etter b) Joining letter


Ex peri en ce

,(:e:rmr elite

d) Spon50rsh~p letter (,a:siperAnnlexure II) e) Re.lievlng Il.etter (at the time of joIning the' course) 2., The~;a.ndiidates who have minimum two years' experience ~re only eUgiible for claiming sponsored seats .. 3. No rese rvatl 0 n is ava j:1 III eta r SC/ST categ ory ca nd ldates for s pc rise re d a se ts, H Dwev,er p:ref€!~rem:e will be- given to SCjST ca nd id ates incase of

equal merit. Fo,r SC/S,. seats


1. The- englble eandldate as per 1,6 (b) ,dairnlng. the seat under SC/ST cateqorv snou'ld submit the certificate riecessarv toclairn the category su ch as Caste certif cate ,6 n d eEl s be V.'EJd ~ II ty Ce rtHka te Issued by i appreprlate ,authority of M,aha.rasntra state anly. The certificate issued by th e a uthorltlas 0 th e r th it n Ma hares htra state is not va ndror cl a lrn ing

S C/ST sea ts, 2, In case of n,o,l1-,availabllity of'SC or ST canctdates,

seats irrter-converslcn betJi"iiee,nsc and Sf 1's permitted as the case ma,)l be. of

( 5"

Note: 0:) The 're.se,n;a~iicm policy is sUlbj"e!:ct to the RU!~e.s& Reg1ulatlcns by Govemment. of IM~har-ilishtra from tlrne to time.
b) ThE! candidate earlhe:racadem~t who has 2!'lready taken admission year is not eUg'rble for this CAP.

raid d4;)WilI

in MI. Pharm.


e) Those candidates appeared for 8" Pharrn, exarntnattonmust produce prcorot passing B. Ph,arm. examination es per M:. pn;;lrm. admission eligibility crltsrtcn in oruginal at the time of c,onfirmatiorl of adrnlsstcn

by counseling round, failing which the claim for the seat will' be forfeited

and chance will be 'gIven to the next candidate

For Sup e r mllmer:a ~V Seats:

in the order of merit.

(FS)I Person ofIndi,an Origin (PiO)1 Children of Indian workers in gu:lf countrtes: 1. The:. candldate who sa tiisfi'es. the c:ondiUon:5 of FNI FSI PIG etc. es per
fore~gn Nationals

(FNJ! Foreign Students

definition ,gtv,en iln 1.1.2. and also satisfying pier 1.6 (b),.
1,.'1 TVp es of'Se,ats

the conditions

of eligihllityas

The total intake approved by AICfE Is: divided Tnta 'three types. as fof~ows; a) NDn~sp'o,nsoliled seats: Candtdates who "have applied with prescribed fees and are eligibl'€ aSIP9r rule no, 1.6 (b) and not.sponsored by Clfnv Q<r-g'aniZatlon will be eonstdered for these seats. These candidates are eiligibl'e 'to reeetvestlpend/ seho lars hip S [,1' bjed to· ava i la bmty of fii nan ci al asststa nee fro m MeTE and fu 1m11rnent of condtttons lald down! b,y AI'CTE.'from ttrne to time .. b) Sp,onsor,ed s,eats :: Candidates who have applied wiith prescrlbsd fees and are eJI'gibl'e as per fUll's number 1.6 {bJ who is 1 Employee of a Phaimaceutical of.ganizatiQn involved In: manufacturlrtq, research &. development, qua I'fty control, quality assurance, dccurnentatlon, regu!latory divisi,on, 2.
3 Teachers Reg lstared teachlnq in dtploma:/ PInarma

degree Pharmacyln,st:ltutiol1s. OR .

quad j fled

HospUail ~harmacy

ds:t (wa nklng. w~th reta iI er whole sa le Pha I'm acy l and whose name is approved by Food and Drug Adrnlnts-

by their employer, The candidate should ha'i;l',e'two vears furl' tfme experienc-e only ,after cornpletlo n of h is/ he r B. Pin.alrm, d eq ree, the ex peri ence shaII bs consl de-red 0 nl y ti III the date of submission of Appllcatlcn form at ARC.
c) S:ea'ts fOIi SC/,ST' category available Icall1dhl:ila.tiE!,s: he admissions T to tilts category

tratlcn), A.ud who, is sponsored


to th@, SC/ST c,ateg:ory candidates who are ,el!l~Ilolle as per rule no.l.6 (b) beioi1g~llg to the: State of Maharashtra only. Th€ reservation policy ls sub~ected to the Rules: &. Re'gulat:lo,l1s laid down by the Gov.ernment of M:alMiarashtm

from time to time:,. d) Forei'gn :N,atiomds I FOr'E!:i'Qnstude:r:!'ts /IP,ersons o'fIndian. o'ri.gin I C:hUdren ,Oof NRIl ChUdrern of India.n wo:rkef.s in Gurfcounitrhl·s: ~These admisslcns wUl
be done at the Institut'e level from the candidates who are eUgib.le as

per rule no.

L 6 (b) .as per rnert t 5U bjected to tb e:perm iss] en from A]CTE .& Govt ..,of M~ harashtra,



lC:andi~datureTVp'e and Ham,e.lUnhNiIi.lislity f,!?" Candidatels in 'CAP: The CancUdature Type arrd the Home Unhrenrity of the ci;lT'1didate plays an trnpertant role in the CAP. To beeli~rble as "Maharashtrar Sti:!ite" ca.ndU!_~te" he/she ha!S to have type err candid.ature as Type A or B or C or D status, Type of candldature further decides thetr status; of Home UnTver,5ity. Th,e Cane ldature TYpe' and the: Home U'nhl',ersily of the candidate can be determined as per- tIne 9IlJi,deliiles provided in the following table,

1.,8..1 Tvpe 10," C!i'lJli1:dida'tur,e ~for.M,anali'iIIs.h.tra -State ,c,andid;~tes~


ofC:aIiIId atu rei ~d


,H,omeIlJ !illi'ller,sitv Un~versity in Mlaharashtra from which the qualify.ing examlnatton is cassed,

.Pcrs~ingH?C .and Qua IilYi fig exami nation (B. Pharrn. J fro rn Ma h a~ rashtra Sta te. OR Pas6i1l'llg Dlpl~9ma ln Pharm~cy and qlJCl,lifying ex~mi,nati<?<n tB. iPharrl1i.) from M a ba ras htra S tate a nd ca nd id ate is domicile in the state' of Maharg·shtra.

EX8mph:l :::,/\ candidate who has passed HSC from Ahtnadenaqar and qualifying e:xamhlation from 'O;;J,llege'affWated to S.G.B. Amra..v~ti unTv,ers;itY wm have Tvpe of Candidatur,e as· "Ai" and Home Univiarslty as S.G.,B; Arnrevatl Univ,ersity.
2. TyFI'El!,6: I

D',oes not s,illtisfyas

TVp'!! ~'A

CandIdate anti
exernlnatlon HSC and/oli' qualifying (8. Phrarm •. from outside )

Maharashtral state' and candldate I Father or IMotnrer of the candidate is DomicHed in Staiteof Mahar1!!lshtra E'XilrmplJe :: A candi:d'ab;;!' who

U'ltliVs'l"S in M a I:N3I ity rash under the jlLfr.fsdi:c;tioll t he H ee d Q uartar Authority issuingl the tertiJtcate is situated starte of M'aharasfitrSl

tra sta te

O[ which of th e domicile in the

has passed HSC 'From Nanded and qualifying

e;xElmtnatton from ,a C:OI:re.g'8 afflllated to Ca~[Cllt Univl!!r,slty and the Father of the cendldate Is Issued with ell Mainamshtra Dnrniclle Certlfi:oi1.!te from Nag'_pur

wm un fversity"'.

h.ave Type of Candidature.



and Home Univ,er-sity as "Nagpur

NOTE: These c:andida'tes shouJd~ PE'lOd!.!liC,e the D'(J!mh:Ua: 'ce.rtifi,eat:e ,of Ca Ii1 diidatte/ Fath'er 10 r M othe r Cif Utl,e can d [dalt,e at the lwme of S IlJj bm isslo n ,o'f
uAppl~caNQrn. fo'rmf'l:l'r Admis:s;ton

thtog,gh C'AP'"

Does n (l,f; sart~sfy as 'Typ1e ,_ A. an d Typ1e .. B,Candidate

I in Maharashtra
the ju rlsd rctton

Pa·ssing HSC and/olf

Stat.e- under


O:~. harm P

fr-om outside

Ma harashtra state and Fathi er l Mother of the candidate is an ernplovee otthe Government oHndla or Government of India Undertaking "I )

of Which the place of p'osting of fa:th er I mother {wh 0 ls G:overrn m e n t of f 11 d Iar.JcT GOV€ rn rnent of Inc! fa,,undertaklng employee) ls sttuated,

Sr.N'Q. who Is posted and reported to duty in Ma,haiashtra Stal:!e bsforathe I.alst date f'OfSU bm [ttl 0'9 the a PIPIlcatl on for Ad m 1:6$10'1111. Ex,amplle :: A candidate who has passed HSC from New Delhi and q'l~a[~1FY~ll'Ig e:X;aJm~:r1atkmfrom ~ toHege affiii,al-ed to .Sa ng!(lIOfe Un~versity and whose fathElr I Mather Is an amployae in a N(ltijonaii:zed Bank iocabed tn Pune w illIIhave Type of eandldature as "C'" and Home University as "Pune Un~verslty". NOTE: Thes'E! c.iallildidate.s·shouldp,ro,duce Ic'elltificate in the ptlllfo.l"lma 'iA'i re,g',ardingt.liili! ,empl~Qvmentstatus of Father I M.'Qithell"at the time of submission of "Applh:::athm form foil' Admiss:iolill th,O'UQlh CAP,n. Such candidates wlll not be abte to ctatrn prevlslen of Backward elass cateqory candldetes and candtdates shall be treated a~ Genen:ll/ Open:candklate. 4" Tvpe D: Do,es'not satisfy as T;vpe - .A. ,1"ype , - B a,;ndTvp1e - C Candiidlate University in Malha rashtra state under the jurlsdlctlon of which the place of posting of Father J Miother is sttuared.

P,flssing HSC ~ nd I or qua lifyllhg 'examination (6. Pharm.) fN)11'i hlsidel au ts ~d Maha rsshtra state ,E! nd Father e l Mother of the rea nd idate is; an employee of the Government of Ma herashtra J Gov,ernment of Mah,arashtra undertaking. Such candidates are required to submit the proof or hjslher Fathe~IMQther be:ing,the employee of Miahara.shtra I Govt. of M,ahaf;5lSntr,a undertaklnq,

.E:)[,ampIe : A ca nd ~date w!~H;r has passed from kol ha pill r a nd qua Ii ryl rlig examl]nation 'FtPim a coUeg·e affmat:ed to Deihl University and Who.s9Father is Employ,ee in Law and Judiciary Department of the Government of Maharashtra at M·umb.Ei,i:'wilil have type of candidature as I~Di!and Horne University as "Murnbai Untverslty", Notle: : These, ,ca.ndh;ilates sliloluld pn:lldlL!lced ,aertif~ca.t:ei in the Proforma I·B!~Ii',egl,ardifllg the;emph~y'm:en;t sia,tiIJs 'of .ll'atli1,eli' M,o:thE!r all: 'the time of' I s!Jbm·~sshJ!n.'DfIIA~lpIUca:Non form fo'r Admtsslon through C~PI~.• Notet For Cllaimingracmty under Type Al 8, D it ts bInding 'on the candidate to produce alii the docurnentarv proof for the claim made while subrnlttlnq the i;!ppJiicatiQn~orm"



Candidate can clalrn only one' type ofc:andidab.J.re (AlBjC/D} while subrrutttnp the application form. Candidate dCH;lS not satisfv as TyplEl A, !B'r C. and iD then such candtdates ",."d;III I be eng:~bleal1~yfor ALI India Unlive,rsity Seats, (8 )

1.8 •. JUrisdkti0.n 2 of 'th'f! INon Technm,ca II ,and NQn Agrh::::u~tura,11 Uni'v,ersities M a ,h,a, ras Ii1tra State: The foHowing table shows the: details about the Horne Universities State along with thelr Head' qtlarters and the] r ]ur!sdidiorn, 1.. Dr. Babasaheb.Ambedkia.r
M,arathwadal UnIversity Th.erth U.n~ver~tty Swami Ramanand


;In Malnarashtra



Beed Jall1a,1'Osmanabad
Hingo[i, Latur, Nanded, Parbhanl ,Mumbal CRy,




Mum ba,i U'niVersi


Murnbar Suburban;
Ra'tnagini~. Ralgad,

Sl ndhudu rg, Tha ne 4.

North Mah(ilra:shtra University
PUlli1Ie nfversity U Sh[vaju Univ,er-srty and 50.18 pu r Univem;jt'l"

Dh IlJI'er Ja Ig ao 111 Nandu'rbar

6. 7.

Kiolhapur/ Solapur
KolhaplIr, Sanglill Satawat So'l2Icpur

S.G.H..Amravati University
R..T.M" Nagpu:r Unilversity


Ak!Q,I,(I,Arnravetl, B:ulda.na[ Wash~m, Yavatma~ N.agpur

Bhandara, Chandrnpu'r,
Gh,~dchirolil Gondfa, Nagpl,lr, Wardt1Ci

All candIdates: shall have to secure non zero score in N •. Pharrn .-ASSQ-CET-ZtOU conducted by competenteurnentv to. be englbleforda,lmlng edrnlsston. The Information about M'.Pharm.-ASSO~CET-.201:IL is av8Jfabl@ '0111 .AUPPC w:ebslbe (Ilttp"'llwww.auplPc.org),

These seats are' the, seats for whfch admtsslon Is carried aut b;y the competent through CAP. The detatls of such seats are as shown In 'the feUowing table:
1N:'on-Sp'ons,o,red category Other than Home University seats 120%se:ats
.All [111 ia seats d 20 Clioseats candidates


SC/ST Ca.teg:ory


only As approved by AlCTE



Horne Univer~:ity seats

120% seats

All Indicl.seats 3.1 Siancth;med' inbll:ke for v,iuiio,us 10:1:" the }fle\all ,2'011-,2,012 :::





Ins:titub;~s /ICoUege,s,

Sancti,aned courses in various Instltutes/ ment.f:one.d in Ann,€!xure !" ( '9 )

OoUeges for the 'Year 2'011-20012 is

The AICTE shall cemmuntcate tel the. Stat,e GoV,E!m:m~iiitfor the approved rtew ln~fftut€s and the danges in thE capacity of the courses In .exfstililg lnstltutes betere 3ij~:h June, 2'011. Approval to starta ne~.f;l lnstlitu[e I course and the cha,nges in the lntake capacity o.,f.ex.istlng lnstltute cemmunlceted ad1:er'30th Ju!Ii1~ 2011 will not be co'ns-jdemd for admission durfnq the acedsmtcvear 2011-.2012. Approv(i~ to start al neW 'instituteancl ci"naiiligesin the ~ntake capacity for the course in the. ~:xts;'~l institlWle COf1ll'rl1!!Jln:i'c.ated by AKTE ,aft:er the: printing of in.format:lofl brochure ng shall be. dIsplayed on website (h~tJl:llwww .. uppc.orq) and w"ill not beseparately a notilled In any newspaper- The flna,1 institute I;nformaltion dlsplayed 'On AUPPC website (!http://www .euppc.orq) wm be treated as authentic for adrnlsslon to the year 2~111-2012::,.Ci;lndidat~'5 are lnstructad to refer '~h~ website for revised and final inforrna non,



The schedule jcr av,ailabHity ,i~Hld subrrnsslon of adrrusslon form,s will be notified in the

newspapers and website of .AUPPC(http://www .. uppc.orp), e

The students inte!IliElsteu in :appl,lying aglaill1st both ,N;'o,n-s,po,nsm·e:d aswlelll as spolns,ored se:Blts must 'fin separate :appn~atiol'l,forms 'with slep'alli'ate fees as ap'plkaMe.
3.2,.1 N 0 n-s p,o,nsDred seats Adrmsstens: wi'll: be effected 21lomrding to merit Ilist prepared en the basls of sum Qf valid GPAT<Wll score (70%) end M. Pharm.-.ASSd-CET-2011 score (30%). If -candilda'te.s'~f Home Univers'lty are not ava~~abl,e:f hen the va'cant seats sha~11 e t b offered tocandldates of unlversltles ·of Miaha rashtra in the order of lnter-se-mertt, Spolnsored ,sea,ts: Ad missions td sponsored (:and~di3,t@s ft.h sponsorship w f,o!.lowl' I11Ig Q rde Ii of P refe renee :


letter shall be given in the

1. Candidates with GPAT Cj!ualifl:cation and non zero score in M. Pharm.-ASSOeET-ZOll with rnlntrnum of2 yealrs experience,

2. N'OInG'PAT candidates with mlntmu mof twa: Ye:'ars experience. and with non-zero seoreln M. Pharm.-ASS.O~CEl-2al1. Iii case of preference 1 and 2, rnerlt list will be prepared based on sum of GPAT score (7.0%) and M,. Pharm.~ASSO":CET-2all score (.300/0).
3,,2..• SIC:tST 3:

to the·SC/ST category cand:ida.te.s

1. The admlsstons to thts categ6r')l areavallabla belonging to the State of Mahqr,flIshtra only.

2,. ,AdmIssionS will be eFfe:c:l::edc((uuirll.g tomerit a

Ust prepared on the: basis of sum

of velld ·GPATscore (70%) and M. Pharm,=ASSO~CET-2011 seore (30o/Q).

Seats reserved far'Se I ST shall be made available For the candidates bel:onging to th,e!;ie.·cat'e,g·ories only. Ol,l"t of total ((ii.g. 03) seats reserved 'FolrSC 1ST, MO third seats ('i .e, 02.) shall be reserved for' SC and one third seat [Lie. 01) for 5T cate,gory
In the' 19,vent of F10n av~Hlabll ~'ty of t:he, candidates in one "o'f 'the cat.egiorya I1d availability of more num bsr of applicants in other category; there will be converston permiitted within altettedseats and maximum or total seats (e.g. (3) ln either of SC or·$Tcou.l.d be permitted to be fmedi,

( 110 )


Melin List: Merit lists. wm be prepared on the basis of sum of valid GPAT score (70%,) and
M. Pharm.-ASSO=CET'-<2011 score

(3CWo) 'for NO,Iil~sponsoredf spons,ored



catepories, 3.2..$ Riela'tl've merit im:;,ase of 'eqiua,I, score ':' a. Whelll sum of v-a~.id GPAT score (7'0'%) and M. Pharm.-ASSO-CET-2011 score (~O%) IS 'same, the candtdate with higher percentag,e of marks scored: in the 2lgg:reglate at the HSC (std ..XU) or its equh'ille.nt exarnlnatien willi get preference,
b. When the. su m of \!"Cllid G:PAT score PO'%,} and M. Pharrn .-ASSO-CET-20'11 score

(30%) is 'sarne and also pen::e:nl:iagir;' 'of marks scored in' the .aggregate, at the HSC {$t.d.Xn ) or lts ,equivalent exernmatten are same, the candidate w1th h l 9 h er percel11ta:9,e (if m a rks sco red In the, a g 9 re;g at~ at the sse (Std . X) at i ts equfvalent examination wIt! get preference. c.. Dat,e~ Birth (Elder c4ndi~date of


be given pnEl'fem.lIJce).

a) Application forms wm be ~vail·able at the Appl:lcation Receipt tenter (ARC) or AUPPCCET ,office Wardha on payment of Rs. 1000/~ (Rupees One Thousand only) in the form of a D,emaind Draft t'lil favor of '".AllJIPP'C M. iPharm,,~,AS:SO-CEY-20:111In, pavable at Wardha. The li~t ofA.RCs (ill1ong wtth addresses :wHI be' made avsllable on offic:ial website. Cendrdatesshall submit the admjsslorr form along with a !D.D.foDr Rs. SOO/- bowards examination fees, in "fervor of uAUPP,C M.Pharm,."ASSO'-Ce"~2(J111'"lt Wardha before prescribed last date 'Of subrnlsslon. GPAT quallfled candidates shall SI;J brntt their adrrusstcn formatcnq with copy 'of valid GPAT score card and other dccurnents,

10) AppUca:nts are requlred to fill separate eppltcanon form Ffrthey are Hlter.,ested in chllimfng the seat: 'under bath the cate'gorie's, l.e, ncn-spcnscred and sponscred category., Cand]dates wi:th minimum ofh'lljJ' Y:Ei~2!r5'E!xperle.n~e: after B. pn:arm. s,ha III be

considered under thls ca.t,egmy.

c) The i'nform:at~Qn brcchure is also ·avaUaf.Jl'e on AUP'PC website.www.aJllJIppc.org for the download and prin'ting 'ror other than M,ahara,sntra state csndldatas (o.MS) only.

nd Recelp:t-cu rn -a d m! t ca rei down loa d sd from th e' we bs lte sinau ~ d directly be submitted to Co.mpetent .Authori'ty, AUPPC" I'P,ER, Wardha alcnq with a Demand Draft Df Rs. 150C1j- (For non-sponsored category. and sponsored category separiltely) as cost of Information brochure and M. Pharm.~ASSO-CET-2011 fees ,~ lR~ceipt CUI m adm it card.
Ap PI icat'i en vb rms

On'I'y OIMS ciinullidcde~s, can send dow:nloaldedl ,ap'p,Ucathms" Do,wnl'o'aded aIP'pm,h::,ation of Mah,Br,ashit!::iia .s:tat,e candh::l:at:'E!'s not b,eacce:pted. 'l'h,ey have 'bl ,subm:it IP'irinted ap'pliicat.h:!ln "duly 'fUled)1 ail,ong with c,op,i:'El:s ndeva n:t of do,cu:ments &. flees; to ,Ully' one olth,e .ARC.


.AU P'PC~'CET o;ffic:e, IP'IER W,8rdha,

,appOc,aJtilon form alolng) with pn'~',s;crilhe,d fees shan be aCicepte,d at onl:)" tin l:a511; da.t,e of submiss.~on 'of aplf,dh::a,t~oli1l form" Candidate,s s:hol.,d,dnot submiit I send d,ownl'o,ade£l!J;o,rms to'.AiRes. shauld be made-In the form
/ Scheduled


a) All payments

.of Demand dran I Pay order onily of olny

Bankdra,wn in favor of 'll'AUPP'C M .•

I Prilvabe

sector commercial

Ph:illlrlJtril.,~ASSO-CET-':2,1IJ1,1 ~i

paya~ble at Wardha. No other mode of payment- shaH be ( 11 )

permitted. C:cindiLdalte:s' should write their na me an_d address ICm back sida of Demand d rafl:.l Pay order;
F) Si~:f!"!he form and attach the. attested copies of prescribed dceurnents tosubstarttlete t

the clalms.
Ni'Oib!:: In any ease the-form: and any document will not be constdered Fen further pro cassl Iii 9 if ~ is race i ved efter til e sched u Ie da te and t~ t me due. to ~n Y rease ns, g) Submit. a.n appllcatten form to the concerned ARC' rn person only as mentioned in scheduie. In IiIO case the Applicatlon form received by Post/Coi,Jli'ler willi be accepted at

Application 'f'OrmsJlild Receipt cum adrntt card dowii1lloa.dedfrom the website. should bs posted b), C,am pete n t Au:th oritv ,AUPPC" Im;,tituoooln!lih.a rn::tace uth::a, I Ed uleath,m &. Research, B,orlg~u)n (Meghe) W,ardha- 442,001, M,aharas,htra state.

h) Collect the Signed and stamped RECEIPT~CUM-ADMI,T'CA.R,[) from ARC. Pre5efV~IE: this reeelpt as an ~m;po:ttant docurnerttfor further 'M.,P'harm. Admission prncess.zui r. i) Candldates whq have sent their appUcation form by post can collect their R.EC:EIPTCUM-AD,MIT CARD from tile exernlnation centre,
No'te' : ,At the, tlms: Q'fr;jlll~g the applicaticn form at ARC candidate must produce aJI required or;iginal documents for verlficattcn andln support of substantiating the cleirns made their in. If a candidate- is unable t,QI produce olriglnal certiftcates at 'th~ ARC on account of adrntsslon already secured to some other lrtstltution, he: I she shall produce' a certlflcatefrern tha head of the lnstrtunen where he / she has ·al~ready taken adrnlsstein indicaUng that nhe/she has been admitted to a partleular course ln that lnstltutlon on a partlcular dete and hence origi:nall certlftcates have been F,etained in that lrrstltute," The candidate shal] produce' the attested copies of the certlficates duly attested by 'th e h ead of the concerned instt tuti 0 n,


Docurnents (A!tt'8'stad true copi,es) to be attached are appllcable), 1. Valid and qualifled GPATscore card.

with appl lcatton

form (wh ic;hever

2. B., Ph'arm degnee mark [list (If result declarad) OR Borlla'ffde' certificate rr'om the Princip.a!1I Head of InsUtute if appeared for Final B. Pharm. exarrnnanon (as pier

annexure III A) .
3. HSC rnarkllst


sse markllst

5.. DamJ,erle Certificat,e'; Dornlclle certificate issued. by the Mahar,asl1tra State's appropriate authorities. The domicile certificate of Motheli of the candidate should have oee-n'issued after her marrTC'i'gs, uch certiflcate issued before her' m13rliiag'E~ III s wl not be va ~ .. 1n case o:f mother's dIom icl~e certTl'lc~te, the GEl n dldare sh a U sub rrnta n ld affldavrt on Rs.I00{ ~ 'stamp paper; -sta'ting that the person in whose name the domicile certificate is Issued is the mother or the candtdate (As applicable).

6'.. O~-rtJr[~Elt~ of Indian Nationality in the name 'of the -. Candidate.

In lie u of the Ce rtl ficate 'of In d la n Na tlorre :Iltty" 'raHowing eertlficates/ d ecu men ts wi II

also be acceptable 00 ThiS! Seho'D,II,eaving ,as'.Indi[an! • C:ell1:ifical:ltei:mllic;a:Uo'g

the NationaEit,v

of the Cliillildlda:bll!

( 12)

¢ Indian Pas\sp,odi:n ,authio rl'th.1i!s.


the name of 'the cam:Udate, f,ss,ged bvappr'QplTiate

,Birth Certifiicate

,aUhe Cal.ndildate in.dh::atin'g the plaee (I,f bi:rt:h in :I'ndJa.

If the Candidate residing in Indla fails to produce any one-of the above mentioned .cel"t~f~catle'/docLlme.nts ~1t1dlc21ting Na'th:Jnality then such cane [dates NaUc:maii[y shal r be considered, based on the umlll!rtakfng given on Rs, !oo/~ No:n-Ju.dkTa~Stamp

7', Co:lh~.ge .leaving cartlfleate / Bonafide, certlflcate as per' Annexure certlflcate Annexure B


~.I A / Transfer

8. Gap certifh:a'te (If ~ptpiicabl,e)

9. Caste ce rtl flcata (If a PD!ieac Ie)

10. Caste valil1ity certificate

or Undertak.ing

in Proronns-H (If applteable)

11. SP:o:nsorship letter (If applicable in prescribed format as per Anne.xtlFe II for sponsored seat canclld~t:es on[y) issued afl:~r A.pril 2011 from current emp~aver.
. 2" Exprerience 1 csrtlflcate (II' .ap·pllcabre)lPa;st I current

13 •.A.ppa.il1tment ~~tter (from current employer} 14. Joiningl letter (to eurrerrt ernplcyer) 15. T h ose

ca Iii dldates witb Grade system or po ~ ntsl!{ste rn art

to submit conversion chart

are required

I certificate.

sse I


B. P11 rm, ell

Hi. Non~crsa:my Ilayer Cettlf,fcate (if appUcabl.e) •.




apP,U,ca't'ioli1 form

,at ARC' ,cam:Udiarte must produce


Ire,guiire:d (;n'i,ginal documents for verification and in s:upport of s:UbS:tillf;ltii~titilgl the ,cl,ai.ms made theIr in. :U,iJjcandidate is: un,atde tal p'r'Dduce ID,riginal certificates

aJready secUlfiedto some other' i'nst:itutI~n,~ friOm th,e head ofth.e ins'tituti:on where he I sn,e: has a,l:resld:ytaikien: adf!i1I:i"5sJolili ~ndlcat~ngthat' "he l she has, be,el11 ,ilJdm~tted tiD'iiI part:i:culla::r c~u,lrse in tha't: il'l.stitutiion ona parti,cullar date and. henee original certi'f~,ca'bll's have D"'E!len retained in 't1'1,at:ins·1tiitllJlt;e (a,s. pier iilli'lliFII'I;lXUre IV). mi The C.11I11ild:idate s,nan praduce tine attested coples of the c:elrtifh:.:a,tes duly attested bY' the head io,fthie cOIi1:cerned ·instit'ufion.

at the ARC on a CCC!IIJII'It: ,ofad!mission

IrJl.i~ I she: shan IP'foldu,ee,iJjcertificilte ,

The cancUdiates be~ongfng to SC c::atego'ry should' procuce "'Cas,t:e V·am:nty IC:edifiicate"~ Issued by .ScrutlnY' Committee o,f Social WeHare' Department and 'the Candtdeta belonging to ST 'category must submit i'TrEbe 'ValUditv ,C'ertifii.c,ate'" Issued by Scrutiny Committee ,of Tribal IDe-partment at. the tiime of'su.bmissicm of CAP' '21pplic~tj0:l1 form for the Admlsston, HoWever; If tile SC Candidates are not achE!to, .submit the caste Va~ld~ty Certificate then they are required to suhrnlt the Ul1"ldertak~J1g'in Prr,o.fo:r,ma-H ,gtating: that if the candidate 'fails to submit Caste Validity Certifiicate on or before 30th NQ,vember 21.-:1!.:1, t:helfl-Govt. and .Admisskm Authorftty shall not be held responsible tor the consequences arising out of cancellatloo of the adrnlsslcn of' the candidate. k} Merit lists will be displayed on tile website of AUPPC. (www.auppc.,Qrg) Ii MooPharrrr. ASSO~CET 201.1


be conducted for candidates as per the schedule.

m} Attend adrrnssren rnu nds in person as per schedule and at the venue mentioned on file
,AUPPC (www.i3luppc.org)

n) Th.eJr shall be. twa rounds Collegel Institute ~e\H~L

or admlsslca
( 13)

at CAP level and one round o'Fadrnlsslen at

0) The candidates pmvisi:onallY' admitted will be considered 'for betterment ,only once th,roughout the adrnlsstcn process. The betterment means better choice ,of Institute I Su:bj'ect l T:V'P'L13:of Seat. The candidate wll I be ch.arg'~ld Rs.100Oj;" (Rs; One Thousand IQ:nIy as a betterment fee). p) Those candidates who have already claimed (me' betterment durlnq admission process wlll nat beeligiblle·ta partlcipate iII"I S'IJ bssquent adrnlsslcn rounds ..

Candidate has to Status Raterrtkm Form (as per annexure V) at CoU,eg,eI Institute where he l she has been admitted if he I she want to retain his I her allotted seat provided he I she is ellqlble, The candidate has to pay ~ separate demand dr-Gift as provtstcnal each tvpa j)f saat he' I she claim during the ,admfsslon procedure. admission fees ,Wr



IMPORTANT :IiN,ST,RUCTION: The admitted candi:da'te who has not t!ifled ,and subm'itt,ed Status, Retention Fo,rmto n1!sp,ectivE! C~QUege J:nst:it:ute, his; I her seat wWI beautoI n1:"atical'r., consid'ilu·ed as vacant: and admi:ssion w~nbe cions,~der'ed as' cancelled and thh; .se,fltw~n be made ,a'u',allabh,~ fors,ubseq!Uent CApi ftllundf" INotte : In no case Applkation form wit!: nat he considered for further processing received nr received after the scheduled date and ttme due to any reasons, If It 'is nat



'to candidates will be effieclJed ,according to merit list prepared on the of va,llid GPAT score (70%) and M. Pharrn .-ASSO-CEf-2.011·sc.ore (30%1)1 Adrrrlsslcns shall be' made In the order of preferences rnentlcnad above ..
basis of'surn


Ad m iss~on Prolcess a. Me,rit Ilist willI be d.isPrla'led' on the offidal schedule.

b. Th

website of As~sociatiolil as per


e selectlon to be rna de em the' basis of su m .of va lId G PAT sec re pO,o/a)and

MI.Ph arm.-,ASSO-CET-.2D 11 "score (30%) cum prererenceand cQuns;el:lng. C. Attend! Admission round in person as; per Schedule and at the 'Venue mentioned an the website (w'Ww.auppc.m',g). d. Th ereshal ~be two rou nds of Ad mlsslon at CAP Ie ve I by CQU nsel i1':1 9 " e. Any seat t'emaining vacant Or! completion o,'f rounds by ,ASSO-CAP~2011, the vacantseats will be fill,eel ~ by the respectlve. eolleqes by fo.llowing merit: list. n

R'[lund 1. [CoiunseUng Round)

N,on-s;pons,olred AllelTgJbre


Round' lA.: NOJi1;~spolll1slol'led Ge:li1eli'al,c,a;tbe·91ory: ca ndldates with assjgned' merit number .shan be eonsldered t lhir~, round.

fOr admtsston


Riou:nd 1.9 ,:: ClI:n~splo.nsoted S:C/ST category: N All eligiblecandida~es frnrn laC and 501' ategory of Maharashtra c
me rit n u m be r s:h a Iil tie eonsl dielied for ad m issi an In th ls rou nd,

state and with assiQll'1led

Sp (ins Dt1;lil: cC;lite9t,_ory: R,ound Ie; Spronsoln:ld' categl'ory: AU eligible candidates with asslqned merit number shall be considered for admission In this r~JU!1d ..The adrntsslon tosponsersd candidates shall be gIven ln the foillowing order of preference, ( 14)

1. Candidates 2-.

with GPAT qualification

and nor! zero score in M. Pharm.-ASSO-CEf'-

2011 with rnlnlrnurn

NOII1 GPATc<ilndidabes

Df.l years experience.

with minimum of two

ye~ts experience

and non-zero


iii M!. P'halim,~ASSO~CET-2011. In case of prelierence 1 and 2~ merit !fst wIll be prepared based on sum of' GPATscore
(70%) and M. Pharm,-ASSD-CiIT~2011 score (30'0/,0), counseling

Note :: All eli9ihle

cllnd at

candidates must attend

round in personas

per schedule
.. ASSO~

the venue mentioned

on web site www.auppc.orgallong·wlthM.Pf1arm

CET~2011 recetpt cum edmlt card, neCeSS,alil'Y Ident.i'fkation document (identity card, dr'living ttcense, BtC')J all orIginal documents and (II set of attested coples of d~c:uments and with provisional admission fe,es in 1i:hefo rm of crossed iDemandlDralft drawn of Its HlrOOO.OO (i;ts ..Ten tno!IJs£:md only) lin 'Mvo'r oif !lAUPPC M.Pharm.~ASSO-C:ET"2011"" payable at 'Wardlha, :for all'c,ateg'ory of seats, The candidate has to pay the remaining amount of admiss!.on flees tha respe-ttiv,e allotted instit'Utel college. If the candldate



IJ nable

tOI produce

-of'lgina~ ,certificates where


]time of hIs Iher adrnlsslen he/she shall taken produce



nt of

admission from that

6iliFeady secured

to. some other lnstttuta,

a certlflcata Jndic~tlng

the head of the institution !ii1e/5h@

he/sihe has already


has. been adrnttted to a partlcular course {n that institute on a particular date and hence origLnal certlflcates have been retatned In thattnsntute" {as per annexure IV) ..The candldateshal r produce tfUll attested coples of certlflcates duly attested by the head ,of the concerned institution.

R"olund' 2 (V,acancv Round 1) (C(umseUng

R'OUlI'lId 2JU Non.-,sp'D'ns,o'r,ed G'eneral

ca.te,gory-: (If seats remejn vacant in Round lA) . .AIIII eiiigfbhi! candidates with i31-5sig'UI'ed erit numbershell m !be considered for adrrrlsslon in thts round, If candidates of Home University are not avatlahle, than 'the seats sihlaU be o,ffer'€!d to ce,.ndidates of other 'than horne unlversttv cam1idate~ in U:t~ order of int.l'!!r-se-merlt and vice versa,
,R,ound 28::: NOI:n~s;pons'o'li'ed: S'C,fS,'t catlE!'9'OIiV=

(If seats remain vacant in Round 1St).

stalte arid

Ail eligibl,e




ST category of MaJnarashtm

w;ith assi!;,lfled

rnerlt number shall be consldered fcr admlsslon in this round.

Round 2C:~,5p,onso.red category: (If'seats remain vacant in RQ'und lC). All ~llgible candidates with 21'ssigned merit nu rnber shall be conslderedtor cidmission tn thts round.
Roun.d20': I nstltutes (AII~TiheJli,aharashtra St,atie Candfdates) The end of Round

2A.r ROtund 281 and

as seats

ROll nd 2C or due to non reporttnq

seats remahlil1g vacant at the of candfdates at

shalltil be treated

avallable for this round, A,II the candldates

shalj be considered eligible



been assi'9'ned a home university N,o,~e : If candidatas of Herne

merit number

for thls round,

Universltyare notavaltable, than the, seats shall be off,ered to candidates o'f other than horne universIty candidates in the order of inter-semetit: and vlae ve rss.

All elifgibl,e candidates must attend coun~enll"grounds in person as per schedule at the ven'ue rnenttoned an web site www.aiUlppc.orga longwjthM.Pi1alrm. ASSO~ CET;', 2011 racalpt CIU m 'a,dm1t card, necessary ~dentJfication document (Ii'den~ity card, driviing license, etc,), alii origin,al documents and a sat of attested copies of docu rnents Note:

fe.es in the' form of crossed Demand Draft drawn of only) ln faver of III1AUPiPC M;,Phillf'm.~ASS'O~CET -'201.11'1" payable at Wardh8, for all c:ategQry of seats. The candrdete has, to pa;y the remaliii3ng amount of admlssson fees to' the respective aLlotted tMtitute/ co~~ege t,he candidate ..If

and \i\fith provislomlll ,admission

Rs 10/000..00

(Rs. Ten thousand

" 15)<


III na

b I,e to prod uce on 9 In fill ce rtlflcates


th e tl me of hi s/h

er If'! d mission


acco iJ nt of

adrntsslon already secured to some other lnstttute, j:,e/she shall produce acertltlcate from the' head o'f the lnstltutlen -where helshe has akeady taken iadm!ssion indi·cating that !'he/she has been admitted to a particular course iln that lnstrtutecn a particular date and hence ·orIginal certlrlcates havlEi been .reta~l!'Il(ild in th<:lt institute' (as pel' annexurs IV). The candidate shall produce. the. attested COpi'8S. o'f c~rtificaltes duly attested by the head of the concerned lnstltutlon. IRepo.nin.g a ftE!lr CAP R.OILi! nd :: , Afte·r reoeivlng the admission letter from the CAP authority, candtdates should report to the respective lnstitute where the~r have been allotted a SEH'lt as per n otif~ed sch ed u~e.0"1' the ad m lssio Ii'I process, •. Candldates shall report to the concerned institute; with all ori91nal certlftcates needed
to :subs:tantlate·th€ clalrns made in

the:aiPp~~caijon r,~gi1)jr'ding e~igTbmty and reserveaU the

tions as spsctfted in ·4.'0 (j)" Colilegeli:nstitules are directed tovet"ify cl'aims madl'e! by' t.lle ·c,andhll,ate b'e!fore confiliming t:he ;ad mi:s:siO'[fl"

'. If thecandt dates fails·t.o· report to the a[lottecJ lnsntu be with In: s pecifled tim e t, e. 0 n or before th e last date Q f' lie pOlti n 9 after tha ad rniss lo n rou nd, th en SUI ch cand to ates forfeits the da:i m on the allotted seats end arnou nt paid dUirfng th.e admission round l.e. Rs. ::1.0,0001- byhlm, • If candidate fails 'to substantiate the claim made at the time of submitting n ecessa ry orl gina I doeu me nts wJth ~ the repo rting ti rne fo r CA P rou nd U11~ ca ndldate n forfeits the clatrn on the allotted seats .

., If a candidate is u.nable to preduce Drl;gfnill!~ certificates at the time .of his l her adrnlsslon on account of admission .aJready secured to-some other i'l1stltuti(lnl he l sh B s he II prod ucee terti fIca te' fro rn the 11<(3;ad of the institu bj0 n where he I ShB' ha s alrsady taken admission Indicatingl that "he / she has been adrnttted tOI a partteular OOUl In that Instttutlen 'On a particular dateand hence ,o.rigin2l11 rse certlflcates hava been retained tn that tnstttute.' The ·ca,ndidab:~ s-hall produce the attested copies 01" the certificates duly attested by the head oif .the D,Qnc;eif'n~d lnstltuticn, Such candidate·s shall be requtred to pi~'Y the requlsit,e, fees lrnmedletaly at the time ef admission and such candidates s.hall be perrnlttedto submit the requi red ari'gina.l certificates within four w,orkkng days aft.er the date of p'aym~nt ·of feeJs. .. After scrutiny of original documents arid confirming the admlsslcn offered .. R.Qund 3 (I'nstit:utel:evel round): The seats rema.i'nrng vacant ·a,t t.he end of Round 1 and 2 or due to, non-repertlnq/ ncn-allotrnent/ ce ncella"tion of candidates, shall be filled at im;titute level by counsel ingl the claim

the candidatewr.~1 have to pay prescribed fees rrnrnedtetely as notified

by th:e candidate and confirm

The Prlnclpal of 'the unaided Ins,titute has to carry out the adrntsslon for the vacant seats ,after CAP Rou n,d 1 and 2' as per the guideli[nes given ln 13.0. P'ro,ceduli"·e:f,o" fUlh19 the va.cant seatstn R.ound 3 Fo r aII the cand [Q atss ~

1l!In-,aided co,ueg,es,

Seatsav:ailable ;' The seats remalninq vacant elt tile end ,of.Rou.nd 2D or due to non reporting ,of cand ldates at .~nsll:itutesha~~be treated asseats availacle. Eligiblli.ty : All the candidates who have been assrqned a General rnerlt number sl,ar,l be c""of'I::;Tderedell'~JJb'lefcr this round, ( 1.6 )

General .No,te.s ,: a} This admission [,nstiitu tss,

round Is conducted

by cou!1seling in tVtJo stag,e,sat th,e respective

oj The Principal of CoUege' I tnstlture shall noW'y' the admtsslon s,chedu,l'e for lnstltute level round in the local newspaperS end ColIegefIosUtute! w,ebsUe"end .notice boards, c) The acS:pir~l1Ig eandldates shall r.Eilgisber J:heJr names with home untv,ersiity merit number' fo,r admi~,siol1 g'gainst 'Vacant seats in !the respective, Institute, Far detatl Informa't:Tcm and precsdure candidates are requ,lred to contact the ?r~ncipal of the concerned institute. However the lnstttute wise vacandes willi made avairable on College I tnstttutawebslte ..The vacancy pcsltton and the: detailed schedule w'ill also be available at the respective institute and notice board. oj Any seat of the institute (to which \\;II ca"ndid'at,e mr,ght have been admitted in earlier round) 'falling vacant dur!ng the 'ro,und due to change ina,dmlssiofl l.a, admission to, diffen~ntcourse in same Instltute, should be made.avaltable to thenext candidate in the merit, Ie) For the candtdates whio have secured admission ln unaided fn.stituthm In Round 1 " and Round 2j and 'gets admlsslon to allier imit!tute In ROlJnd 3 has, (~incel'his I her earlier admtsslon Cit his I her own riskandcost, He / She' h~M;! to pa.y prescribed Fees at the time of admis-sion.


Sch ed u Ie

(l,r va rio UISrOllin d's wijl


declared en wabslte of AU'PPC (www. auppc, orp),

HlolStie,1 accernmcdatlon can not be "g uaranteed AvaUability "of Ihosteli aecommcdatlon and ,1SlITlOLJrnt hostel fees may be ascertained by the candidate from PrTnciipal of the correof spondlnq Institut,e/ Colleg'e.

(a} TiJUirJliI fee's for all the 'full time uin'6Ii'aediinstitutes ln the State of Mai1!:1r,asn'rra shall be as directed by the state GovermnenV O)mpetent authorit.ies! Shiks'hali1lSlniulJ<a Samlti or any other author:rty appointed by stat~ Government from time, to tlme, (b) (!\t the Urne o'r a,dmiss,i<Clflby CQUIlSeUng, It is eSS,elltiq,1 for students to pay minImum fEH:i'S in the: form of cross~ed demand draftln faveur of j'AlJPPC M. Pharm.~ASSO-CET;"20111 Wardh~" for an amount of Rs, 10,00'0/- (RS, •. Ten thousand on~y)far rton-sponsorad and sponsored category se:p,aliate:ly (fur ai'l' candidates ,lrtc,ludrrig SC/ST), failing whrch the_ ,admission wlj"~:1 not be made eonfumed and chance wflill be gi'V,en to next candidate in order of merit. The bailance'or fees (If alny) shall be p.aid by the candrdete in respective institute at the tIme of reporting. The deta:ilsof 'fees for sponsored and non-sponscred candldatesapplicable to vartous institutes will be nctlfled at the websltes .of different lnstttutes and I or at the! time of adrnlssicn by' ceunsellnq, Final dectsion Of Sn:lkshan ShLl~rlk.aSamlti, Bandra (E), Mumtl'aJ will be bl.l1d~ng Or! the students who wilLI he admitted in the year 2011~20.l2.

The candidate who has been provisionally admir'tt.ed may cancel admlsslcn by submitting an EI'pplkatl'on tn dupJlcat!E!, in the presertbsd proforma and. may request for refund of fees. The refund of 'fees' a:!ji,applicable shedl be made [n due course, It Is made' clear that 5'Ucn

( 17 )

cancellation wfl'l .be considered if and Dilly :if the ,S!dm~5si0111is Dn~y confirmed by payment ofthe prescrtbed tuition fee arid other fees in fun and by submitting the or~ginal documents. Refund shall be made ,aiteli'"deduction i()\r the, ,canoel~atIQn charqes as snow!ilioelow. 1. In the event of .a s:tLldE!nt/cand~dElte.s wrthd[awingQefore~h;e st,artlri:g ,of the C,Qu[s'E:1 the entire 'fe.e'collected From the students, al'li:e'ra deduction of the process.ing fee, of not mOM than Rs, 1000/- (Rs, One thousand only) shall be refunded and retume.d by the Institutjo'fiI/ O:Wege 'bo'the .studentl candidate withd rawtn.g from 't:n.e programme ..


2. ShQuld a student leave after joIning the course and If the 'seat subsequently falling vacant has been fllled by another candidate by tha last date of adrnlsalor, f the iilst~'tu ti em m LJ st retu rn th e fee coil:1e.ted w ~th proco rtl on ate d ed uct ten of month Iy fe.e e and prnportlonate hostel rent, where applicable .


Students while studying iii any Pharmacy' C~'"e,g'e / Institute, if found indulgingl lUI. antl-natlona ~ acUv,'~Ue~s ontrary to the provisions -o:f acts ,eI nd Iaws. en ~orcedby c Govemment end any ,activity contrary to the rules of discJpHne will be liable to be. €!xpe.lled from the College I Institute without ;any notleeqiven by Principal of the. Corleg~

I In stl tu te,.
• Candidates applyHl!;j for admission ,a_gainst the seats reserved far backward cless cateqo ry cand idates men tlo ned in these ru les sh ou ld note that on Iy those ce nd ida t~· 'who adua.fI y bel an9 to the res pectiVe castes ~nd cornrn unrtil~,s. m be el i9 fb~ 'Fe r tf1e w e co ncession • Raglging is proh~bited per the Rules •

• •'

tly law. Any student ~ndulg~ng inthis ,activIty shall be dealt


If any of the statement made in applicatjcn fnrrn or any lnfurmation supplied by the candidate f!i:1 CO III necti on with his I her admission is found to, be 'false or incorrect Jate.r on at ,any tlrne, hE!I she m~y be expelled from the College Ilns'tltuteby the Principal and prosecuted, if deemed necessary. An appeal against the order of' expulsion, howe-V@f; may be, referred to the D~ ctnt .of Tech UI. lea ~ .Ed re ucatl on whose declslo n ~ such ri cases will be- tina!.

.. It willi be oblig,atoryror every postgraduate

student to undertake -8-10 hrsIpar week) of wark rell,atedbo teaching and esststarrcs in researehatrlvltres as ,ass~g ned to. him l her by th e Pri n d pa IIof the CoIIege / Instltute i.n ad d itl OIl to hi s reg u I,ar a cad emit actu viti,es .. This Includes tutorials, practical, classes, development & maintenance Q,f teboretcrv, asslsta rtcs til research ami developmartt ,activIty, computers and other facUities'r asststanee in !ibraryl et.c. All students are required ttl give an undertaking to the eFfect that he f she woul~d net leave the' course m:J'd-way or appear in C1riy competitive examination in order to be ,eliglib1ie receive scholarshtp • to the student shall not reeelveany ernolu rnents, salarv, sttpsnd ete, from any 'other source, tn case he I she is recerving sttpend I scrtelarshlp from AlDiE or any other source.
DUii"lilrug the course' ot studies,



• ,

The student shall be entltled for ~eave fOIF maximum perlod of 30 days per year summer I winteil''I Pl.Ija etc. 1n addition to <gEmer,211hoHdays but he! is not errtltled to vacations. Thlsadrnlsslen process does not ,have' any bearlng regarding the .stipend/ scholarships

of .any kJnd from a ny agency. ( 18 )


AdmJssionr to CAP allcrtees 'for the lnstltute The admi ssiol1!21uthority {Principal] in the Co~leg'eI Institute shall fellow the procedure mentioned under rule for reporting of candldates under Central Admission Process (CAP)

AdmJss,ion for vacantseets ,at the endof ¢ Eli,gibility erlterta: Same, aiS, Rule 1.6. ,0

ROlUi1H::Ill 6U1l,d Round


Seats avallable: Vacancy' remell'ned at the :end of Round .1 and Round 2 within sanctioned 1 ke 'due 00,the non-re,po,rting non-alietrnent &. Cancellation In the r'FtGl res pectlve. type, l CCi be9orv of the seets,

A~ per the declsion of Pravesh Niyan'tFan Samitt (,Hli,gh,er and 17ElchnicalEducCI,tion) in Its meetJ:ng held 011 1st Sept. 2010/ the vacant seats Of c,ny) may beallctted to the students in thefollow;lng order elf preference 1. GPAT 2'011 and Mi. Phalrm,-ASSO-CET~20:11 candtdates 2,,,M. Pharm.-ASSO-CET-2Ql1 3. GPAT2D11 Candidates 4. MAH-MPH-CET-2011 candidates.

Guid,el'ines, :: " AU admlsslcns shan be In fiull'y transparent •

manner and shalll be merit based.

The Principals of unaided Pharmacy Golleges shall ililivlts' applications lfor the avai~atde seats by givilng publidty at least in 2, newspapers. V;:u:::anCjes are alsc to he disp~ay.EN::I on the notice board and wsbstte of' CoHe'!;;l'e Institute along With the d"etaliied SChedule ,of ! admission process, Aspir~n,g candldates fuffiiling eU,g.ibIUt-y crl~eria shall 'i;!pply directly to the Principal of respecth/ecoIleges for adrnlsslons, The candtdate \i'J,hohas be..enoffEH"ed adrntsston as per inter se merit necessary ree in 'nLlII and secure the admission at the Ins;~itute.. , list has to pay

.' '" ,.

The admission ta.Ken under this rule is tndependent (l,f theadmlssto .. taken th,roLigh CAP n conducted by the: Competent Au,thorlty. Therefore tha refund rules :for respective institutes. wi'l'l be appncable for the cancellation of admissions C!lgainst such vacant seats ..Institutes are required to sp!€H;:ify the rules of refund en Ulel'r notlce board' as w;ell as 0 n thei r website before the sta rt of ro Und . Inf'orm.El!t:ion brochure I prospectus of the 'i;nstitute, which speclftas the rules of admtsslcn, should be published weil t:;Hilfbr,e the: commencement of admlsstorts for seats: to be, f~:J,Iedat the in:stitute leveL A:II the information in the, brochure should 21,lso be rnentlon eel 0 n 'Web sites.


Excess ,admli'ssio'['Is .. •' .. Excess ,admissions, over the sanctloned Intake shBII 110t be allowed ILllnder any clrcu mstancas . In case ifllll'PI excessadrnlsstcn is reported/noted by the DTE/AICTE~ appropriate penal action wiU be inItiated against the Instttutlon, The Institution sha:II be liable' to followingl punitive action from any one or more 'of Um~ollo.wing by the DTE/AICTE. ( .1.9 )

sll~n:llIargr€ ·amouln,tingl fivE!"t:ime,$tl~e' tatalfees be' ~evred ~ga~'n5tJ~a,chexcess a,dmissioo


per student



<> 'seats eq ua [I.to (j:6uble: the number

¢ Sus pens!
0 ITl of

of le:;<ce5s-admi:s;sTon:~;-shall be redw::(ild fnom lntake in the subsequentacademic y-E!lar

a p prova.1 for


pe mu m era ry $aaa ts


No admission

-status in orte/meee courses

¢ W~thdrawa~ of a pprova Ii.for pnJgra m m eJ cou rse' WitndrawaJ -of approval ofthe r'llls:t~tution

Institut~ O:r'I ha 1'1 listEd as d efau I teran d defau iter iJ[cst ha ~ be cornm un ts be s ~ eated to AlaE and will bs pubUshed on: DirE we.bl.sTte fOF the infdr.m:atliQr1: of ge ne rel publl lc

114.2 la.ta I.l.p~oacU.flg f Admitted cilindh::I'ate,!li1 on o web site. .. At. the end or ctdmis's;ian precess, the: Prindpal[ of the. f1s.spactlve Institute is required to carry Quti'Online Updat:e·i:i of the corrflrma.tio:n/carll~€l~~a.tk)nef the U:1,ndFd'i3tsr~,qdm'ilS5",on, 'DTIE en website t!h,rQugh Uleirlnstututelogln ,c~eaJlyir1rQicat~rlg the s.tageof thel r ,B d mission with] iI1I 5 days from the cu t off d c,te of the ·ad rnlsslcn .. • If the r!ll:st~tLj"b;::, fails to. update the reporting the' candidate through "Online Update'\ t hE! a tt~Qn shell be :~1":!k.€!n a ga ~nTs.th@' instl tute as pe Ii" the GR datsd t



2.9.0],.2008 ..

Th fee ceples .of list are to bepri rrted ·andI to be ,s.ubmltted to theca nee rned Regl~o:n Qffice of T-eCF!ini i Educetten d u ~y £I' ned by me Pri ncl pa l wlt hin "'lelay g. a~ ea si fro rn 't:h e cutoff date.



rc-egToa I omce of the Jornt Director of Techn ~cal Ed u cati on sh an verify the n suppo rttn gl d:OCLJ rnents a ndfrtllf'liVC'ird tih e irTst of ,a drnltted eafldid'ate to the 0 irectrrr, TeCh n leal Education ail 0 ng with 'the lie m ~rr:ksof Joir'1'1:Dl recto rforfl ne La p p reva ~.
Tile DTIE. and/or PreJ:vesh N ~yantra n Sa mUir N U rnaat sha j I a ceo nedth Fa fin a I approval. to t.h.e ~~gt admitted eandldates, It ~. of binding on .a,lltha Unhl'@rsiNes to gr,~mtenroUnnent only to the students who are en approved list,

J:mpo.rta.r:Ut N'olte : All the Institutes are. re,qulred to complete their admlsston process ran or befor.E ths cut-off darts· f:lss:pec~f1ied in the schedule, Any admls:s~on carried 'Out after cut-off' date wH~ not be approved by DlE an.d/or Pr'avesn Niy:antr2lr1 Samit'i r M'-'!mbe'!i •
14,,3 Punit~v,e A.ct::h:nl0rn :Non"reflUlnd[,Cases ,after c:anc:e:JlatioIi1I01f adimi:s;.si,on ~y AfCTE reg.ardlng refu nd of f€!!Elson ca ncsll ation s or d e~-aly~ refu nds sh·al[1 [Ibe'Ua b~eto foHowi rig p lJl!il~t~ve actio.nrro many one nrg or more o'r t'rle ftll'l.owlng by the A[tT,!;;IDTE .. • Sutcharg,e amm.Jinting two times: the total fees collected per student snell be levfed ag2li~nstea.lCh ease re,g,i!lrd~IIMJ FE'lfulild.. .. Se(irtssq uad to d au ble th e nu m bsr IOlf su ell cases sha I~toe reduced frern l nta k,e:in th e subsequent. cIC[ldirem,ic yeat. +S;U S Diens! o !fir of ·approvalI! fe r SIU psrn umerarv :Sie,a [if- a ny, ts,
InstitutiolilS no~ 'rollQwTngguidaUnes



rCionduct. ,and iO'i:!idprnrllrl~f'olr Ml" Ph·alrm ASSO'-CET '211l11, ,.. :Fa~rl:u of the ca nd ~d re 6Ite i1T1! ma Idn girL! ll at lila correct State me nts in tn,€! a p pilication f'Ormandlor su ppresslon 'of .~Ii1IYlnformatien andI6rs!LJ!:Im lsslcn of false

(20 )

documents 'shalll lead to disquali"ficatiol1 of the candidate 'for M. Pi1arm ASSOCET 2011. Sucn a candidate will be debarred from the examination as well as the entire, selectron process, Therefore the candidate is required to make only such claims, which could be substantiated !by relevant oriqlnal documents,

Adopting ~my unfalr means oreng,aging in rrralpracttca lin t;he exam ina'tugn shall rend er a: ca nd ldate I!a b 1,8,for pun is hrn en t und e r; "M,ah i3 rashtra Preventto n 0 f
Malpractices and disquali'fy Act, Utrllhl'er.s:itlies,~ "oard and Other Spect'ned Examl:n&Uolli S him/hi:lr for iM" P'harm ASSO-CET 2011 examlnatten .

Act, 1982"

. - If ,any personts) or o'ffl,cer(s) dealingl wlit.h the conduct of the Mi., Pharm ASSO) CEl" 2011 are found engaged in act{s) 'that W,Quld result in the' leakage of


to use or help in the use of 'Unfa;ir means in this exarnlnatlcn he/she shall be 'liable to' prosecurlcn under Indian Penal Code.

paper or attempt

Any issue

not dealt here-lnabove wHI be dealt witJ1r when arising fi na ~ by fh e Competent Au tho Iflty, 'IY
& cQUeg@s (Re,gardin,g



Condu.ct and ,dis,c:ipUne fg:r aU students and .Act'illllnl aga!inst r,a'gging: )-


Fall;ure of the candidate in mOlkilngfull and correctStatements iii! the appllcatfon rorrn and/or suppression 'of ;any tnfcrmancn and/or SUbmission of false documents shalllaad to disqualification lof the' candldare forst. Pharm A5S0CET 2011 or even etlater date 'diu.rllngthe Adrnlsstcn Precess, Such a cendtdate W ill be d.ebarred fro m the. exa mi' netten as wei:! "as th e i!ntfre !lH~·1 ecti GIn IlItroces:s", Th'srefore the candldate Is required to rnake only suchclalrrrs which could be SIJ bs:l:a:ntlated by rel~vant ortulnal documents. anyt'hillUg contained in these Rules, ifthe GeNt. takes any policy .decision per~i:lining 'to' M. Pharnm. admtssion, then the same shall be brought in to effect at that point of time 'as per the dlractives from the Govt.lfrom time to


IJfme. ,. Students while studying in any college, if found indulging i n antl-natlonal ~cUvitTes. Icont.rary to the provlslons Of Acts and lii:l;ws' enforced by Government Or lir! any a,cth/tty eontrarv to rules of disclpllne, will be; ltable to be expelled from the: co lie 9e wit hi out any notice by til e PrTnclpa I of the. 'CQ:lleg e.
appear 'for 'the ,examiinati,on if he/she do not ult.bmd minimum 75 pelf cent

'. Aetlan


practical, drawingl e,tc.

ra~mi'ng: Ma,ha,I:"a,stritIl'3 P'r(i!lilibUio'n lof Ralggin{J' Act 1'9'9'9 and of'Raggibg: (.Ah;:o' refer ,A p'pen,dix 12 publishled inl AlrCTE Ap p.rov,aIP:rolcess H:aIiU!1bo ok 2:eU.l ~12,) anlulJ th,e~r amen d me nt:li"wh h:1t1i m,j;I be :p,ubUs;h ed 'fram. ti met'ClI ti m,e. The M ah a rashtr,a P Ii'CI,bjb~t:io n af V Riliggling Act: 1999' is in effed 'from :15tth :Mav, 199'9 has the 'foU'o;'!i'!iiIl1l91 pnllvisio:r1ls for Action aga.inst !Raggin.g.
,~glainst Plllev'E!n1t:i'olil and, Prohibitio'ri!

a) Ragging within or outside of any educatrcnal lnstttutton


b) Whosoever directly or im::iif1ec:t:ly comrnlts, participates In, abets, or pr,op),lg'ates ragging with 11:11 or outside any ed ueatlonel lnstitutlon shall II, on convletlon, be punished wit:n lmpriscnrnerrtfor a term up to .2 yea,!'"s and I or ~pE!n8,lty, w'hich may extern d 'to ten tho us~~md pees, ru

21 )

I C) Any stu dent

con v ~cted of an ,offM.ce of ra gg in g she II be. dis m j ssed fro m th e, ] nstrtu ti 0 n ,8III d su ch stu dFe'lI1 s.haII not be ad m ~ t tted ina iF1I y eth e r led ucat lo na i ij nstltu tilO n fa rape rtod of five Ve'a rs fr:om the date of ord e r of such dlsrn issal,

ed u catlcnal


any student arrcs the case rrray bel the parent Oil"gua,rdialll, ora teacher o·f ,an edu catlerra I r nsti t1U tlon 'CO.l11 p la 1rrts r ln writi:t1,g of rl:!9 9 ing to rh e he,ad of th e educational rnstiit:uUan, the head of 'the ,edu.caUoni;l'l insHtutkm shall, w[tihou[ prejudh:-e to. the 'rore'90in9 prnvlstons, within seven days. of the receipt of the cC:fmpl,alntjEmqulire into the matter mentioned lin tbe complelnt and if; prima facie, it is found truer suspend the stu:dent who laaccused of the offenoei and shall, iimmediateilyflo~,ard the camplatnt to the poitoe statton having jurisdiction ever the area in wl\ic.n the educational instttutlon is situated, for further action. Where, on enquiry by the head lof the educatlonal institution, it is found that there is no substance, prima facie in the cornplatnt received, he I she shall inti mate the fact, in writirn9,tD the cernpletnent, The declsten (if the he,ad Of the ed ucattcna t InsUh.ution shaii be final.
j' 1

e) If the Hemd

the educational institution fails or neglects to act in the. manner speclfted In section Old'! above;' when a cornplalnt 'of ra:gging Is made, such person shaH be deemed to have abetted the. offence and shan, on conviction, be.punished as p ro'Vrd ed fa II in section 0" a bove.

A,ny Acts or its a.m@ndments Which may be pu.bHshed'frDmtim,e to ti'me by AIC1'E, G'Qve'rnm:ent: er Judgments by lion. SUlfUierne C€lIu.rt of InlEUa, HOln. HisJ!ll C(u.llrt,lo,f Bom b iii V eti:c w iiU be a p pUc,a Ibll:e toill Ca.n d hi at:,es: and Irn~stitILllth:ms, C;'Qve r-e.d L! n d e r tlh €iS@ rll.llle:s ,o,t ad miss io n. ,AU th e in stittutes ana h ereby ~.n stru cted 'tIDI strictmy faUow the l1'leioe-nt guldeUn.e.s ,ol.AICTEin ordelibli pn:~ve:nt raggling., ). If i31r1)! oHhe s;taternent made tn appUcatron
any :ce~rtH9cate{s) submitted

fpsJ]"Jiurrany ]lI'Irormatl:an su:g[!.Hen o.

by the c.and:tdate in COlJ l"I_ectfotl wrth M!li -or h.er admission is later Cltlat any..J;iro_e; found to. be false or Im;;orre,ct •. hilS or her adml5s1lon will be caliH:::e,l!ed., fe,es!,bneite_d ,and 'he or she may be expgLledfrOI1i1
the co 11I!€'g by thepr] e

rid pa I tD ire:.c:tor. An alp pea I aga ~ the 0 rd e LQr ·exp,u Is~on, n,st


be sern.t__wjtl,ln 7' d.G!ys


the lDirectoLoi




State .. Ml!mbail. 'whose decision in 5ucb ,Icases W ill II be final. Suc.h

ill1Lecalsa liabh.~·for pena,l. ,fl.ctioll flS p'er th.e provisions.


in th€! liliW'.,

leg a ~j u,r'isdlcth:m

.All disputes pertaining to the conduct ,of examtnation and adrnlssion shall fall within tile jurtsdictlan of MlJlmbsf High Court, bench at Mumbai only. The Competent Authority shall be the I'egal person ln whose name the Govar:nment. of Maharashtra may sue Of may bile' sued, If any persents) or oFficer(s) deaiing with the aondlutt of the M.Pha:rm,. ASSO-ccr-::20U found engaged in 'cc<t{s) that would result in the leakage or quesnon paper cor attempt to use or help in:the useof unfalrmeans in this sxarnlnatlon he/sheshall Ib€il: liable to prosecutlon under Indian Penal Code.

A Student fal.lowing

for adrnlsslon iProfu'rma 1

to M.Pharm.

cou rse.shell

be requlred

to, give the undertaking

in the

I( 22)

Annexure ~I
Dr. D.Y. P,atil Pr.aUshtMn's Padmashree Dr. D. Y. P,ati I Institute

of Pharmaceutlcal ScIences S, Research, opp .. H.A. Ltd., .rrmprl; Pune-41l!. 018


Colletge of Pharmacy',

s. No.

Sinhgadl Technleal .Education Society!'s Sinhg~d 44/1, O'i'fSinhgad Road, Vadga-on {ElkJi

Pune-41i 0.41

R:ajgad' Dny~npeethtr5 CoJil'ege of Pi1a.rrnacv, M a ha d Pand ha rpu r Road t Bel'1ind9ho,r Police S~tion,. Tal.~ Bhor; Dist.- Pune
,Mahatnla Gandhi Vrdy.a Mandir's College of p'narmacy. Agro Road, p.ane.havatiJ N'ashik- 422 0.03

1Q 56




College of Ph.armacy, At! Post-Arnree Nagel.1 (GhlJil~wadl)j

TaL .~. cllnga mMIt DT5t•. Ahmed.naga r S ~ MPH-lOG.

MPH-H)] Sinhgad Technical Education of Pha rm acy, Pu n e Sha radchandra SQtcli~ty's



Ka!ilhiba'i Na\i'(lIle CoJJe,ge'


PdWi3Ili Oollege of P'l1iarnr:miCVI M- DlLlmb13iFwadi (OtUIIi). JUiil1eri Pune


Sinhgadi Technical S. No. 309/210,311

EducaUon Kusg'aoJ1


Sinhgtad InsUtut'te of PharmaaaU'tic

. 3111 Sde.ncGs,

(BK),. O'ff Mumbai~ PI:.l e tonavala n



Sinngad Technlcal

Edlllcation Sodely's,

Illitstit'ulle of Pha:rmacy,

Off. S m t. .Kas h ib~J Nava Ie Hesptta I f

Narhe Road, Narihe, Pune-411041

Sanjiv.ElIlI Rural Educetlon SOciety"s, Sanjiva,n.i Col;lege of Pharmaceutical Educatfon and research, At Sahajanan~ga~~ P05t-Slhlngn.apu~ Tal. K6parg.1iIolr1~423 603 Dr. D. Y. PatH Pratlshthan Cullege; Q~ Pharma'cy, Sector 29, .Akurni, iPijll"ile .~ 41l 044.




18 201

SND Cio!llege Of P'harmacy, At. Post Babhulgaonjl'al .. Yeo~a - 423 401. m.st. N.ashik (MS) MPH~201

MGS.~'Ps smt, Sharadchandrlka$ureshr

Chopatda, Dist. Jal~gaon - 425 107

Patil! O:l~liege of PhalrmacY.r

Ta.pi Va IIey Ed u 613 t~o nSociety~s Co liege of Phawma el!I Nehru Vidyan.agar~ Fa.lzpurj: TaFYawal :. 425503


Dlhule Charttable Socliety!s Annasaheb Ramesn Ajmera CQlleg'(:! of PtmrmatYJ MlJmba[ ~ .A.gra Roadl N.agaOTil, Dhule
proojya Sane GurujE

VudYi!:IlPrasara k Manda~'s Co:lie:gltE! Ph.armacy of

- 42540'91


Dist. Nandurb~r


( i3)


I<,ilsan vidy,a Prasara':k Sanstha"s, Institute of Ph!;!rma,oeuticalEducation" Boradt, Tal. "shirpur, Dist. Dhule
Yavatmr:ll Zilla Vik,as Samitrs

18 72. 36



Pataldl1amal Wadhw~ni College of Dnalmang;;,lon Road, Gkija Nagar; Vavatmal- 445 001

P.R. MI.S. Sansthai"SI Anuradha College. of P'hrarma~yAnuradha Na,gar, Sai<:e,g,aon Rd, At &. Post - Cihfilkhll Dist. BlIldhan8 ~ 44320:1


J. S. P. tManded's 5udhakar Rae Nail< Irtstltute of Pharmacy,

Nagpur R06d,. Pusad, Dist.-Yavatmal - 44,5 204· Vidya Bharatl 5itiaikshnik Mandail, Amr.CivatPs Vidya Bhara:ti College: of Pilall"'macy,/ C.K. N,E!idu .ROtld~ CElmpl Amravatl - 442 &02

36 36


Indira Banuuddl@shfY2lrShik·shan Sanstna" Co.illege 'of Pharmacy, Ei.uldhal1a road, IMCi~kapur;. :Dist. Buildhana Slhri seceshlvrac Patil Shlkshan·Sanstha's Smt.

K~shorrtaJ Bhoy,ar

College of Pharmacy, Be'hind IRailway Station, New Kampt.e'~r DIst. NagplUr ~ 441 0102 MPH~40,2

The Sidk.h IEducaUon societyl'.s

Gurunana,k College of p~a'rmacYi


Nagpur V[darbh.a Youth W,~lfar,e socletv's Institute Ed ucaf em &, R"asea rch, Bqrgaon (Meghe)r Wardha - 442 00.1:

of Pi1!:!!fmaceutlcal 61

Jal M!ahal<:atii Shikshan S,Cli1stha's Agnihotlil ColleSie of- Pharmacy Agnihotri Conege: Campus, B~,pll,ljj Wadi,

Slndl (Megihe), Wardha -442001



.Adarsh Shiiksi1a,n Presarak Mam:llaPs K. T. PatH Colle,ge of PI'mrmacy, Siddrath Nagillrt Barshf Road, Osmanabad-413




The Hst 'of lnstltutlons

ths academic

and their intake given above ['S as, per the AlOE apprevsltcr year 2J.n 0-2011. Varlationitl the lntake, New InstItl;,J'te:s if any~.for the' yea!f
en the web site ofAUPPC

20 11-20L2. wU!llbe dlsplaved


( 24 )

Annexure- II


I'etter (On Letter head of e.mp~oiye:rJ Ucens'e n umber,

iliili11ention1ing' d,rug Ucense: numbe,r or Ma:nufacturin'g

Reference Na.:


an fulltime


of this orgaralzatlclH

and ,is presentiv wiOrkin91 .EllS,



I she


s@,le'cb:i!d for the said post vide


~ertter no. _~_~_


He'; she is bein!g:sponsored to seek adrnlssion to the, postg'raduate degree proqram li'Jl Pharmacy (M. Pharm.) He I She wi'll not be witndrawn mid'way tlll the cornpletlcn of the course. I\-IeI She will be futl'y' under the a·dimini:stnatlve control of the institute for the perted of the. course, Ifadm1tted for the C:OUiFS8 'organ.l;;:ation will refleve .hlm I her immediately fer the entire duration ofM.Pharm.

,Appailntment Jetber ref; no ..:

.Date o,fjorning

~ __ ~ __

~_~_~_~_~_ ~~ ~ __


CPF I GPF Number (if-any): __


Mabile no. ~~ _

Name and contact no. ,ofEmployer __

The above informaticm is: ,g'fvenas pier the record of chi:s office,


Autho nized si 91 na tory Name

fII'OTE : Sponsored 'ship letter must be supported with foillowing attest Xerox documents 1. Copy of appomtment Jetter 2" Copy (if jQlning I,etter 3, Experh~nce c:errtrfJcate 4. Reglstered ,Pharmalcist certifkflite and flame approval (I'etter/License) from FDA (If ,appi rcabl:e) ( 2S "




M. IP'HARM.~ASSO-CAP' ADM:ISS,.ION ,2>0 1.1-12

(,on Jetter head of Coileqe / Institute)

ThIs is to ce:rtify that Mr./ M:rs.J Milss.__ bonafide student of this. Department! Pharm. He! Sh~ hi:l'V€!appeared


CQ,llegel Institute

:studying fn class Finall B', of

for hf~! her Final B. Pharrn, exarntnatton

:2:0.11(ExaminatIon Se'2lt No .. ~

UiliyeliS~ty in April! June

). ThrscertITficat~

is. i&SIJ6!.das

per lhis req uest fOr 1M.Ph errn .. ASSO - CAP Adm i;ssion 2011-12' ~


Oa,te: PEa:ce:


Signat:un! Priru:ipal with name and stamp

Annexure ~III B



Thi.s is to certiify that Mr./Mrs./M[Ss. student ,of this Department

~ He

, is bonafide

I CoUege I Institute. I Her

She has passed his

I her


year B.Pi1C1rm.,e:x:amfnation from nation seat no. ) His

,university in Aprilii/ June 2011 (Exami~ otilginal h~avTing certilFic'aiteI Transfer certificate will

be directly send to hts place of admlsslon as per his authority,

her i'llppli:catioi1 to respective



Prine.pa. with n,ame ,and ,stamp

( :2.7 )





If'hJsis to cert.ify that IMr./ Mrs.; Miss,.. ~~

hes beenad mitted to

arrd following' (Iriiginall certlflcstes

course In this lnstltuteen have been retalned in 'this: in5tlHtll.l!te.


4. 5. 6.


Seal Pdndpaiwi.t:h Ii1lmeali1d 's:ta,mp

No1te~Al,o'ng w~tih,j;libQve letter subrnlt Xerox, copies oforigl n~:lcertifiaates T'staiined 1:Ji'y c:oII eg e attested by P runci pa I .of th e sa rnel nstltute OIl:! Iy'.,

Annexure- V
:STATUS RETE:N'TION F'ORM tll,e' Ca,lIeg,eJ'
Meri't No. _~ _
~~ ~~_

(To' be sea:t to ,Admission Aathor-i't,'y by Candldate's Name: Cate!g.ory:

University Address: Name:: __


----------------------------------------------Pin code Phone


The Competent Auth'Ci,rity

AUPPC Wardh~ Sir;, I~ Mr./MJss. .allpttedl to, me at. for Po,st Gradluate De:gree: CQIJIiSE! (NameoHhf; Coll6gle) in Pharmacy Fot the academic; year 2011-20.12"


to retaln the seat


[)IeeEi'! ration, 1: am ful Iy aware that arterfnlTng thls SMrtlus Retl!~.llt~olil form that I will not be . considered fov.any subsequent round of ad' miss Tonproce-ss 'rOf the year 2.011 - 2012. I also declare that! will not ask 'for reconsideration 'of my name For further admission precess.


--_.- - - ~-- ~,~.--- --- - - -- -,- - -- ----.- --.- =--- --- -- -.~-(To be, retaEned


Signature Qifth:,e Candidate:


--_._._._._- _._-_._._= =._--- -- - -- - - -- -- -.- - -- - -- - --C,oEleg:!€!)1

·Signature of PrincIpaJ

To, The Co m petent Ai.rt'h ori:ty

AU PPC Wa rdha Sir; Ii Mr./ Miss. retain the seat allntted to me at

~ ( Name' of the CandJda're )

~ (Merit No.

,) wis.h to

( Nsme of t/rfJ College)

for Post Graduate De'Siea. course In Pharmacy 'for the aoademle year 2011-21112. r
[hEl,el a lI"',artJoln

I a rn fu ~ 1'1awa re t hat after fj n9 'til is Statu,s R,etenthl,n F,orm th at I wi til not be considered for any subsequent round of admtssion process for the year 2011 - 2012,. I also declare that I will not ask for reconslderation, of my name for further admission process.


Sig nature: of :Pif"mn ciPiBI II

( 29 )






Sinhgad Technh:al IEducadJon Sodety's Sinhgad Co~ieg,e of Pl:"tarmacYr S. No. 44,11, Off Si'nihgiad Road, Vadgao!l (Bk), PUne: ~ 411041 Mahaltmal Gandhi Vidya, M~:ilndlr'sr Pharmacy
Agt!;l Road; Col!ege,

Panc:ha~vat", Nashik - 42.2 003

suresh ~atil CvH(!lge Q,fP~larmaC::Yt Chcpda,


MGSf\or's Smt., Sharaschandrika.

Ja~gaon .~. 25 107 4

4. Yavatmal Zilla Vik;;lls Sanliti's Pataldharnal Wad:hwani CQllege

01' PharmaCVj

Yavatmal 5.
Shri 843(1),



Sadashfvra.o PatH Shi~shan Sanstha ..Akhtlesh Institute of Management Studies, New Nandanwan, Behind NIT Com:ple'{j Near Gurudeo N!:I,gar Petrol Pump,
~ 440009'. Society's" Institute of Pha:rmaceutical Edu,catio:n &. Youth Welfare

I Nandanwi3f11, Nagpur 6. Vidarbha


BorQlaon (IMeghe)j

Walrdha - 442. 001

Annexure .. VII





Bha rti ~ na iksha n ik M a nd a~'s V~d hya B ha rti CoHege Of Camp Amrav,atl - 444 602.

PharmaCYJ C.K. N,aidu !'toad.

Bha·gwa Ini Sh lksh 8,11 p" ra sa rk Ma nda l's Sh rl Bb;a:_g a n Coli eg e af' w Pharmacy, :Dr:, Y.·S. Khedkar Margl, :N-6,. CIDCO,

Aurilllgabd - 431003.. DHU!LE

Dh~uij.aChrit.abl!e Society"s Annasaheib Ftamesih A:Jemera College Of Pharmacy, Mu rnbal A.gra Roa'd, lNaga.of\ Dist, Dhul:e - 424 002.


Manavilr Calleg,e Kolha.pur Dhanwate Nation~~ Corlege

Congress Nag,ar Nagpur


M8d:1~tmi:.!G:andnlt VIdy,a MandH"'s Pharrnecy Agi ra Road t P'cU"iI c hva ti Nash tk- 42:2 0'0'3



Sinngad ColI@g,e; of Pharmacy 44l1, Vadgacm (El'k)r Off SinnhagadR;oad

I D.S.T.S. Ml,andals college of Pharma'Cy, Rio'2IfdSolapur


J I{ Ju[e sclapur, Vljapur (30 )


SAL Institute of Phe rrn acy

Opp .. Science Cltyl Sola Kalol Road( IBhadi:'lj,

AHM'IED'ABAD 360 060 (Gujrat) 2



'& R;¢sean~h Centre People.s Campus, Bh.anpur;. BHOPAL 462037 {M.P;)

Indira Gandhii!l1'stilWite of Piharmaceuticall .IRe Villlage, Nayapa.lli BHU.BANESHWAR 751 015 OrIssal :Sciences1

P;eopl'es; Instttute 'of Phi:lrmacy


s nih fi I nstltu t.e 'of Piha,rrn ace utica I 'Sden ces B-5l4~ NjZi3,mpE1th :r;t;oadr R~jiv (j,andhi NagClr IBUISStop Bachupally,. HYDERABA_D'~.(A .•P.) 500' 072


tachco IMemorial College of S9ienr:e '& T~chnolQgYf C~101 Kamal:a Nehru Naga,r 1st Ext JODHPUR 342. (109 (Rajashtel n)


Delhi rnstttute of Pharmaceuttcal

(DIPSAR) Sectm-ID, NEW !DELHI 110'017

S,ciencG'5 &. ReSfH:l.rch

Govt. iQf NlCf of Delhi P'ushp Vihar!.


St. Pefers Institute

of Pharmaceutical


Vidyanagl;l,F, Hanamkenda WARANG.A-l (A P.) 506001


Annexure ...VIII
Pune University~ Harth Maharashtra

3, 4 ..

Univ1e·rsil:.y, Jalg,Clon


Maharaj Nagpur Un~vers,jtYt NagpUlr



Dr. lBabal5ahHi~bArnbedkar




Ph armaceutlcs



Quality Assurance

& Phytochemistry'


Industrial Pharmacy ( 31 )

Annexure- X
Natulli':al Products: Pharmac:ogn.osy and PhyrochemistryChem~stry, tests, i5Qlatlofil~chamctefr:za.tlon and esttmatton of phytophermaceutkals belongIng to tihe group of Alkaio.rds,·Glyc:osides,Terpenoids, Stell"ci,ds;,lBiof.lavarmldsr Purmes, Guggu~ ll ptds, Ph61rmacogno,siYof crude d:r'ilJigs that ccntal i"II the above ccnstltuents. Standa,rdiz,att!ClI1 of r.aw matartals and herbal prcducts. WHO '9'I.iidellne£. .Quantitatfve microscopy Ii.n.Cluding modern techntques used for eV.3lluath:m, Bio'ti!!chnoiogh:al prlnclplas ami technlcues for plant deve'lopmentrTIssue culture.

'Of dn.Jgs ,Qctil1lg on Certtre] rle rvo us' system, Cardia,vascular

principles including 'Toxicology. Drug internction. Pharmaoology syst,em, Au'Conortlllc nervous system, Ga,strointestinaI5YSltem~nd Resplrn!tory system. Pha1rmacol,ogy of AutoQoids, Harrnones, Harmone !1ulrti51glon~stst chemotherapeutic; agents in.cluding ,anticancer dru,gs,,, Bioassa.ys, Immune Pharrnacology. o I"iU g$ acti ng on the blood ami bh:uJQfQrming organs ..Dr'1!.Ugs ,act~n:gon the renal system. Pha:limiu:o,EogV: General pharmacological

M:,ediclinaW Ch,emistl!"V : Stru~tUiie.r nomenclature, classlflcahon, synthesis, SAR. and metabolism of the, fo,~llowlrl1gcategory.of druqs, ~'II'hrchare offidat in Indian Pharmaco.poeia and BritIsh Pnarm;;lcppoeta. Intrnductlon to drug ~es:ign. Ste.reoci"neMlstryof drug moleeules, Hypnotlcs and Sedatives, Analg'esi'cs~ NSAIDS. Neuro,leptics, Antrdepr,essalllts, Anxiol'ytics, Anttconvulsants, Antlhtstarnlnlcs, t.ocal Anaasthettcs, ea rene VascUllar drugs - Antfarngirll.a! :age:nts: Vasodl~la'tQr. Ad renergic and ChoUneirQfc drugs; C2l'mfotonlcagenlts, DIuretics; Anrlhypertenslve drugs, Hypoglycemic. ageClts, AnUlipidemic agents, Coaqulants, A.ntjl:oag ulants, Antfpllaltelet .a.gents. Chemotherap,euUc agents Ant.fbiOt~':;5'r ,A,mJb2:l.c:teria!s, Su~phadn.tgs. An:ti protozoa I,drugs, An'tuv[ral~ AntiWlber,wliali, Anttm.,al,qr[la~" Antlcanoer, Antlamoablc drugs. Dlagno,st.i.c: agents." Preperaticn and storage and uses of officiiaJ Radiepharrnaceutlcals, Vltarnl ns and Hormones. Ek:osnno~ds and their applicatlon.

Pha rm.au::,E!II.IIUCS,. : DeV'~lo'pment,

manufacturlrrg pharmacopoeal requirements, Stora.ge ,of.different Bliapha rrnaeeutjcs ,and Pharmac'okl netles and their preparatlon of cesrnetlcs - Ii pstick, sha m pco, Pharm'aceuth::ail calculattons,

standards Q.C. limUs" label ~ng, as per the! dosaqe forms and new dnJ.9 delivery ~:;ystems..
importance in fermuletlen. creams, nal I preparatrcns Formulation and and dentlfrlces,

P'h,armaceuth:::aj ,1ur~sp.rlUd'llnllcie ,: Drugs anq cosmetics Act and rules w~th respect to manufacture sales and storage. Pharmacy Act, Pha.rmaceutlcad etnles, and appllcattcns of the following: FI!ame photometry" IPotentiometry. Conductornetry zmd Plaro'graphy .. Pha rrnaccpcatal assays. Pr'~nci.pie.$ of NMR",t ESRt Mass spectroscopv, X:-ray diffraction analysis and diff;erent chromatographic methods. Pharmalcel!lth:;.id Anillly.sis

'1Princ,ipt@s~. Instrumentation

Absorption spectroscopv

(UV;. viisrble and IR)j. FI'uarimetryl

rnls of hormones, Vitamins; Enzymest Nucle.j,c acids, Bioenergetics", Gerlera~ principles .of ~mmunology. ]mmUlno~ogliceI, Metabollsm ;of cal0boltydr,ate nlpi~sl proteins, Methods to determine; kldnev -&.liverfu.nction. Up['d proflles.

Eno,chemistrv '; BIochemical


of preparatlcn

Princ.rlp[es, and methods of microbrulogrcal assays ofthe Pharmacopoeia. Methods of QrrrTd~ I ser,a and' vaccines. 5ero~o,gica~ and d~agnostics'tests. AppHcath:ms of
and in PI,al1maceuNcal industry.

rnlcrocrqantsrns in Sio Corwerslons

Clinicam Pharm;:u:;y .::TherapeutIc DI"li'Q Monltoring' .Dosage regimen in Pl'5egancy and lactation, Pedfatrics; and Ger~atric5. Rena~and hepatic impairment Drug - ,Drug interactions and Drug-fo·od lntaracttons, Adverse Drug reaction-so Medicationl HistQryl Interview and Patient Ciounse~~ng.

( ~2 )

Pro fo.rma: ~ A
,fTa be issued on .the Printed ,(.,e·tte,r Head ~fth,e c::c:mcem,edo'ffi.r::eFo'" Typte II: Cam.#dates}


and dau!J'hters' ,QfCe,n'tra/1Ii!o've:rn:lrn;!'nt'/ ,f,lndertaking ,emp'/crees)

G',OVEl',rnmenf aflnrlla



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(Name ·of tf1e Org~mfz·t'J.tl'm /Establishment/Department)

This Or.ganisatfcm IEsta.Jj~ishmentl Department

is under


of Central I G'OIvernment I Go,vernment of Indla undertakmq ..

Shii / S:mt. to ." Dat,:;d ,.., , ·





transferred ,., , ,...•.•... .

.Jn Malih.ar:ashtrs, State vide transter He

order No

She has [elned duty tn IM.aharashtr.a on

and is currently werking in the same post.

This 'cerrmcate is Issued fo'r the purpose of hts adrmssiun

her son



to First V:ea:r ,of M.:PnClII!'m. for the acederntc ye.ar 2011-1"2.


iT1.O ...

& D.atce.':


Plae:e :

Name & Des:!g nation of the Hea d ef the office

iNotle ~ Th:ls pro formaIs to beacccmpanted 1) TransFer order 2) Joi,nhlg report

by attested copyof :

(To b'e issued on the Pr'in,ted ,le'Hier Head of th e c(J,n,oemed ,office POI" Type' {J' C!tlndTd;fJ'i':es) {Fo.,. S:On'S and daugh,ter:s ,ofMah',arashtt:a' State 'G'Q,~ern.men'MMahara$h:t.,..a Sta,f:e
Govel"Qmen;f undertaking ,empio,J/E!es)'

ThiS ls to cerUfy that. Shri in the capacity of

I S.mt. ,;,



,'; ..•. IS anernplevee

(Desfgna t"iDfl .)

( Name ot the Organlzation /Esrnblishmefit

I Department)
" Depart-

This Or,ganlzatJa.n/Est2lbl'ls.nment /Dspartrnent

ts under

~." "

" "'

ment of Maharashtf.a! Stalb~ GOV'ElTliment!Maharashtra

state Gov.ernment

IJ nderta'ki:ng.



Smt.. .

,,_ ...•........,

, Is transferred
NO,,, .. ++, .. "'

to/fr·onl .."



" "...

IilI/aut of Mahara,sntra He Sh.e has joined

state vlde transfer order


duty ~n/Qut of M,aharashtr.a;·Stslit::e on ..,,,

and is currently

working in the same post,

This 'certificaJte is issued ~or the, purpose of hls/ her son! daughter edmlsslen to, First Ve-alr ,M Pharm. for or ..





the academ,lc year 2011-12.;


o'r the' Head of the office

Name &.Oesignat:ion

Seal ef'the omoe


Thi.s pro. forma .rs to be a:c~ompani,ed 1;' Transfer order 2) JQ111l1~ngeport r

by attestedcopy

of :

(34 )

""I i~


qi), '\iR" 111i11 I"~'

if1f ~~

tril14'tn "lIT

ifH" II


tR \:i,i fa t1.5 t'I ,hiPJ;f!' ~I q,d :qrl 1lID17h~:miH.Ud;f&~iiiq)-

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3'DjOt(~O~, ~

mfG' ~



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f.I'tw'fcl~ ~~hr ft.

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1.pl~ Cil1hflarillli'tlw



~U16"tlw'tl ~ulijl~Glfl

\fI d'fi'O

twO 'il16l'H iJ1li,41 'lij,t'!i!T~;;: 1~{I.


~U~I'~ if ~

;lll:-~!i iii! ,16;u ,<' '~ ~i

(f'd G~-'JI ijl~fG

'lifSft \It!1 ,61.


-Q, cpr /

'&I I en ~, '::m;r

(35 )

P'ro fOrlm8 ,_I

( Un de rl:a king) (7'<0 ,besubtm,j;tted·at the time" of vedfies t.iOll:'~ of d,OCUUl,Ii!O'f:S
tum) t5t-.rike out wh'tche lie,. is a) I undertake

"",t ,apP'JicabJej

q·t ARC ,and

at ,admitted Instj~

Na:me of tne Candidate) herewith that I have: read allII the Rul:es, of Admis:sk'ln 'for [he year 2011-12 and afternufly IWlli1derstandil1'g al!1 'the rules, I hav-e'lfflled in this appllcatlon form For adrnlsslon for the current acad~mic ye,ar.

b) c)

am a ctttzen of


or I am a

Citizen ,of /Fona,jgtU1 N;;ltional

tnan Maharashtra andllMyHom~

My Canciidatuf,e'

is Mahcwashtra/Other Candidate .submitting'

d) 1 am a Type B Ma,narashtra:
no". 1.7- (e) I am herewlth of DIstrict

Un~vers~ity __ Is


__ ~ __

tine dcmidle

issued by_~

vlde No..

darted :__

__;,as per rule _ ~ _

e) I am a Type C I D Maha rashtra Candidate and My Home' UnIversity is as per ru Ie no. 1.7 (e). [am herewith sub mtttl ngltlle requl rsd proforma issued' by vide. No. dated:. . The district of p,ostilng of my further/mother irs~~ ~ f)
I bel-ang to Cd:tego.l'Y which is recoqntzedss Backward ·Cla.59 Category li,n Maharasnt:n31 State

caste Is.


Vid'e G.,R .. No. dated: . The serial .No.. of mY' and based on this" I am herewith claiming the reservation as per rule no. submitting the caste c:ertlficate issued by vide

dated: __


.I am not submittlrn.g the

caste certitlcate whliCh state ti1c;lt my caste is m~gr,abed from 'other

appllcetlon form ts

state of India, for claiming the benefit of ressrvatron in :M,aharilshtra

11) The lnformatlcn

19rven by me·in my

true to

the best

elf my





If at later stage, it is found thaU have furrrlshed wrong lnfcrrneticn 'and:/or subrnitted false cie"rt.i'flcate(s.)1 I am aware that my admission stands cancelled and fees paid by me will be forfeited. Further I will be; .subj"ect to I,e'ga!and/of penal action as per the provlslnns of the :Iaw"
I have not been debarred 'from appearing
consntuted or stat1ut;ory

autonomous exarnlnatlon

k) I iler,eby agre,e to conform to emy RUles, Acts and Laws entorced by the Gov,emmentaml. 1 here:by U n d erta ke that so kllng: as 1 shall be a stude nt q'f'the CoHeg e I I nJ~t'itUlt~ I W II'I!d,OIl oth ing

at any


conducted by i:my G,overnment


in Indla,

compelling the euthorittes to take d i.sd"pH nary actlon against me under the rules, acts, and laws of good' conduct arid
inside or outside the Co.llege which may- result in behavior in gene;r,al: and those referred to under ~ule H.G



pertlcular, infringement under of the Rule No.


I fullyunderstand that the Prlnclpal /Di!:"ettor 'of the institute where t .shall be fina~,lyadrnltted,
willi have a rig ht to ex pe.l,.rusticate me from the Colleqe and cHsc]p.iJne

I Institution for any



of .good conduct and the rules

and cli~H:ipllne in gJe:n~erC311 nd partlcu ~arl:y those referred a of go-od conduct

prescribed by the Institute

/ College.

University (ir any)." m) If admltted, I shall sign the u:nd,ertaking as prescribed by AleTE

,rot. Pharm.

ASSO-CEf;'.2011 Exam Seat No. S:ignature, ,ofthe'P,'arents

(N.a'm,e ,O:fifh,e P:a,re,nt)

Sig'l1atur;e of the Candtda,te (Name .of the! Cand ldate)

( 36)


/"......- ,IN_::_ 'RUCTI'ON,S T




(Fill this ApplrlcaUon form and subrntt along wIth attested copies of documents and presc.ri,bed fees in the: form of crossed demand draft as mentloned In the brochure" F'olHowthe rnstrueuons carefully., Do, not write ali1fY thlng: In the boxes provided when it was asked to tick fn box (-I')





Willie: the tltle as Mr:,/ Ms. lMrs" StrH<.e out which is, not applicable Write surname in CAPITAL LEITERS ONLY



Write first name in CAPITAL lEliTERS ONLY


Write 'MI for M.ale and F for F,emale' in bo'X provided.

Caste'lnfor'm,atia'I1,: Write GN for genen:d Ca.t!egoiV, seror Schedule Caste Cat.egory and ST for Sc:hedulli'i! 'TrIbe q'ltegorry in the' box provldad, Keeping the boxes blank W],I.[ be considered as celindid,ates-'from G,eneral Cat,e'g.ory. Only MarnarElshtra State. SC and SoTcandidates should: mention their caste as SC and ST, Candidabas other than IM,aharr,ashtra should mention casteas GN (Genem!) only.


r Vafidity ce'l'ti'ficat:e : Write Y if you hav,e caste v'aIh:llty certl'fijc:a,te. WrIte IN! rlf you do not ha,ve casta veliil,dity certiftcate. You. hav1e to submit the undertaking as per 'Pr,o,fDli'ma~H if yOl! do not have caste validity certlflcate.Tick approp:rii:lte box ln 'Docu,ment column certificate (polint no.) Address: Write ¥,Dur address tn box provided in CAPITAL l!mERS ONLY. Write address :in detaH along with pln code number; Phone number a.long wit:h SID code, M,obile number;


E-mail ID, etc, B.


Writ!@. the name of University from where 'You have passed I appeared 13.Pharm, Course. Candidates belonging to Solapur Universjty should mention S'hivaji Universityl' Kolhapur as their Parent Un.ive·!'sRy. G'PAT Infol'rn'afi,QrJ ,~~ rite valld and qua·lifled GPAT score ,only in Box provided. Dtj not W writel rank or anY' other j,nformation. Write year of passing GPATexaminatilon (2:011 only) in box provided. If you do not wrute any thin.g in these boxes or ,any one of the box or if your writ1Jng is 'Unreadable and confustnq, this; wiH nOt be ccnsldersd as .(£PATQ.ua/ified ,ciJ'ndldate" Write t:h'lsin"o'rmaf~on cS'.refullyas thiS. informa'tio'n is cl''Uci;;d 'tn' th's merit list prep',ii',r:atirm. .ExamimJ tion : Wr~t'8:marks obtained I marks 01.1 t of and p'i'i!.rcent9 gao f rna rks obta ined at sse (X.~ ), HSSC (Xnm)i B" Pharm. (if results declared, *Marks mentioned in ma'rkli~t b;y Uniiversity far :a.warding B. Pharm. de'gireeto, the candid.ate) exarnmauon, 'Date of Bkt~ in apprnprlate boxes prov~idred.Write this information carefuHy as thfs information iscrucii;ll far the rnerlt list pr,epar&tio.n. If your result ():f ,B"Pharm (Summer 2011) not declared, bUr dat.e", i;11 the box of B. Ph,arm.:+: and B. Pha;rm., C.!ass write statement ",R'esu&t oif B. Pha rrm. N!'!Jit d'E!lda,red.



( 37 )




lDescltipUon,Ililst:ructJon exarnlnatjun centre, give choice amongst the availablr€! centre in the box provided. Write name of the cantrs in front of pr,efer.ence number 1" .2" 3' as per your choice. Slve· preference for all centers, Allotment of centre is in the prL!I,rv]ew Qf ad mission authorltv subJected to the .!ivaiJability of is.eating capa.city of the concerned centre" (Write ChofQ~,of centre as Pune, N~shiik, Nagp'Ur only}. DOCUMENTS for the do cum en tss L! brn itted iSll [0 neg IN lth application farm ..Attach the attested Xerox copies of the all reievant certlflcates, Non attested copies, wWi not be considered. Do not submit any, ori,ginal certificates with I appllcatlon form.



Fdr the: choice of M" Pharm.-ASSO-CET..,2an

c. u.

: TIcK ( if) a p proprtats


14. 15.

Read this declaration

carefully and sIgn the decla ration.

Photograph ;' Paste recent photcqraph (passport size,) at approprtate box. Do not staple I pin photograph. Attest the photograph by Ga:z:etted officer orall1Y Instltutlon Head.

Put Date, Pla.ce and SIgnature at proper place prrov:ided below the dedaration . If y,ou are submttting spnnscrshtp letter~ it must bern the gbJ',enrormat. IE on letterhead of employer a,'longwitlii tr,e requtred documents, as per format given in Annexure In on letterhead of College I Institute.
Cand]dates secured adrnlsslon e~5,e.whe:reand do not have origlTnaJ certificate's with them for ve:nl:flc-ation, t ARC1 must submit the certi'flcatre in the ~J'rven a furmat as per Annexure IV on letterhead of College I Institute •. The documents in vernacular langllages other than Ma,rn,thJ: and Hlndl must be translated ii'1I Eng I ishend thei r nota rlzed copl res m list be 6U b m ltte d . SCI 5T candidate not havl rngCaste v,a~iidity certlflcateshcufd submit und,ertaking as per

per Ann2)(Ure~

The candidates" who do not have their result declared 'must submit bonafide certlncate

prororma- H"


Submtt the appllcatlnn

form at ARC.

If ('and hjhdesw~ant to app.l!v f'O.1" bDth nonnSpronso,rred a nd s:pIlonso red IcatelQ en'V' seats then .hle I she s:hould submit hi:sl li'ie,r both the appUc,art'ion 'forms simull'tane-ous,~y at 'one ARC: o,nSy.
Co~!1ct t he ARC rete ipt, e Affix phctograph on rece~pt~cum-adm[t Card. Get it stamped and sf~ ned from the ARC head, It is necessary to use it as Hall Ticklet for examination.



1M PO'RTANT 1. Please read thelnforrnatlcn


foHow the ktstwctiions fCH'flll'f!i'llQ up the

brechu re carefully; given int.lhe brochure.

2. M. P,harm.-ASSO-CET-,2011 is compulsory for all the candidates.

3. The M. Phailim.-ASSO-CET-20.11 olPplicatijon form obtarned by the' candidate tra nsfi! ra bile. is not

4. iBefore submItting the alp-plicatron form, please verify that It lsslqned by youl. S. C!;!ndidat,e must pre~H3r.v,e the Re,ci.dprt-C·'um-Admlt Card safaht and brIng the same to.
t.he examination hal! and produce it on d'e~ali1rd. 6., I,ncas'e of loss .oFAjdmtt card I non-receipt aFeiLI mit card, It shall be, ,obligiatory an the p~:rt of the: candidate to, procure dupucate admit card from the AUPPC.ARC (Appllcaticn farm issue-&. rece~pt centers), not ~ater than one hour before the commencement of exarnlnatlon, This Will he, tssued to him I her o.n production of surffk~'8ntevidrence (~eceillt Cum Ide:ntt~y Card) to prove that he1 she is the genuinEl/ bonafide eandldate, 7. Ph'otograp.liI of the candid.ate on the applicatlcn form, Recefpt-cum-Ident.lty duplicate Admit card shew Id be taken from the same negative. card and!

B. Please note tha~t i.s:su€!of Admit card is: just a provlslon fOIr appe~ring in M. Pharm .. A$SO-CET and doss not imply that the candidate is eUg.ible for adrntssion,

9'. In 13IU yourfur1!:ure: correspondence

the ASSO~CET cell, do not forget. to mention el ther yOlur MI. P ha rm .~·ASSO- eEl" rO,jd n umber or the appN cat! on fa rm ,f1:1l.lI m be r.



TO' T'H E CANDID'AT'ES; Card, B!ack Ball Pen and


1. Mi3:tJ~ri,al be brought to' exarntnatron hall: Recefpt-Cum Admlt to Cord Board / Clip Board.

2. BrTilil9 pro'of of ldentlty as ooUege or school identity card or driving llcensa etc. " 3. Students shculdappear fur M. Pharm.~ASS:O-CET-.201.1 on the centre opted by 'them.

in centre is: not permitted

on any ,~'ro!LJlnd"


Do not bring a:ny rnathernetlcal 'table wlth you

Ci3!ndiciateshould occupy th,e seat ~11the ,eXamination hall 30 minutes before the commencement o,f the le~!amin.21tJorll. 6,,, C~llclJlEitotand cornmunkatton devices: !iikece:ll'iUIllalf phone ate. are not permitted in tine
exemmatton hell.

7. Darken' only one drdle (:ompl'eteily far each answer as shown below:
Correct Method




,G) (J W ro n 9 M,eth-od

8.. Do not put all1Y stray mark anywhere on' the Appllcetion furm, 9. All entries ,omthe answer sheet must bl~'made onliy with BLACK ballpoint pen lO. NO Gandlidate wm be ,aU'Dwed roO :I€!(;)IVE the examlnaticm hall till compl,et!lon .or the. exarnlnatlon. '11. Ensure that you h-aveodrrect~y fme~ up yCiulir ReIn Number and other det.rims in your enswer sheet and stqned at t;he space provided. 12. Adoption of ,any" unfair means, in the examtnetlon 'shall render C!I candldeta '!labIa for
punishment under "Mlaharashb:i:i1 Pnav,enUon of MalpraC!tiC€'S Ad, Univ,ersny, Board and otherspectttee Examin[!tlon ,Ad, 1982'llEilnd disqL1a,lffy' ihiriVher'for M. Pharm.-ASS0~CET~



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