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~ A clearer view of how to exploit cloud computing ~ Design freedom from a bottom up approach
7 Interview: Ergonomic issues 11 Automotive Design 22 Fibre optic sensors 34 Compact power entry modules 42 Wing screws 44 Bonding fasteners
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47 Laser marking for washers 48 Power Transmission 56 Precision spur gear 61 Variable frequency drives 63 Optimisation of electromagnetic force 66 Advertisers' Index
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7 11 22 34 42 44 47 48 56 61 63 66

Interview: problemss d'ergonomie Conception automobile Capteurs a fibre optique Modules compacts d'entree de puissance Vis a oreilles Pieces de fixation collantes Marquage au laser pour les rondelles Transmission de puissance Engrenage cylindrique de precision Lecteurs a frequence variable Optimisation de la force electromagnetique Index des annonceurs

7 11 22 34 42 44 47 48 56 61 63 66

Interview: Ergonomische Fragen Automobildesign Faseroptische Sensoren Kompalde Netzeingangsmodule Flugelschrauben Anker Laserbeschriftung fur Unterlegscheiben Energieubertragung Prazisions-Stirnradgetriebe Frequenzumrichter Optimierung der elektromagnetischen Kraft Verzeichnis der Inserenten

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~ Far from being unimportant compared with a product or machine's function, good ergonomics can deliver a number of business benefits. Jon Severn discussed the need for good ergonomics with Gary Davis, a qualified ergonomist and industrial designer, a fellow of the Ergonomics Society, a Registered European Ergonomist, and founder of Davis Associates in 1986. ~ Loin d'litre sans importance par rapport a la fonction d'un produit ou d'une machine, une bonne ergonomie peut offrir de nombreux avantages commerciaux. Jon Severn a discute de la necessite d'une bonne ergonomie avec Gary Davis, un ergonome europeen et concepteur industriel qualifie, membre de la Ergonomics Society, ergonome europeen agree, et fondateur de Davis Associates en 1986. ~ Wer die Ergonomie im Vergleich mit der Funktion eines Produkts oder einer Maschine als unwichtig ansieht, ist weit von der Realitiit entfernt: Gute Ergonomie kann eine Reihe von geschiifllichen Vorteilen bringen. Jon Severn besprach die Notwendigkeit guter Ergonomie mit Gary Davis, einem qualifizierten Arbeitswissenschafller und Industriedesigner, Mitglied der Ergonomics Society, eingetragenen europiiischen Ergonomen und Grunder von Davis Associates in 1986.

Why designers should pay more attention to •• ergonomic Issues

obody sets out to design a product or machine that is ineffective, inefficient or unsafe. If asked, therefore, most designers would say that they take usability into account as part of the design process. However, it is often true that ergonomics (or human factors) considerations are restricted to the designer applying his or her common sense, or organising usability trials far too late to influence the design before it is released for manufacture. Of course, there are many designers and manufacturing companies that take a far more enlightened view of ergonomics, treating it as something that can add significantly to the value of a product - or service or environment. When asked what can benefit from ergonomics, Gary Davis, the managing director of Davis Associates, a UK-based ergonomics design consultancy, replies: "Virtually any product, system, service or environment. There are obvious examples, such as seating, remote control handsets, plant control rooms and websites, but almost anything with an element of human interaction can benefit - for instance, mass rapid transit vehicles and buildings through which people must navigate. Often people do not appreciate that ergonomics is as much about cognitive behaviour and psychology as it is about physical interaction" (Fig. I) Given that ergonomics is so widely applicable, there are many reasons why Davis believes that

designers should be paying more attention to ergonomics: "We have a changing demographic; by the year 2020 half the adults in the UK will be aged 50 or over and the number of older people in the world will double to 1.2 billion by 2028. Inclusive design, in which products and services are usable by the widest possible range of people, therefore provides access to an expanding market" (Fig. 2). Interestingly, Davis is finding that among those product manufacturers that give due consideration to ergonomics, the motivation is changing: "Previously we had to fight to sell the idea of applying ergonomics to improve usability, but now usability is considered to be a minimum requirement and the requirement is to make a product more pleasurable to use and to give it the 'wow!' factor. Ergonomics is becoming recognised as something that can create a commercial advantage" (Fig. 3).

Regulations and standards

Other trends that should cause designers to reassess their view of ergonomics include pressure from legislators, which manifests as regulations and supporting standards (for example, ISO 11064 Ergonomic design of control centres). This is due partly to stronger promotion of equality (one example being the EU Equal Treatment Framework Directive 2000178/EC) and a better appreciation of the way in which ergonomics can influence safety (for example, the new EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC places a much greater emphasis on

''Virtually any product, system, service or environment can benefit from ergonomics input to the design process."
Gary Davis, Managing Director, Davis Associates.


ergonomics of products to design-out industries,

than its predecessor). and machinery

In addition,


bottles. We used rapid prototyping models, which volunteers narrow

to create 80 different bottles to help the project. The final this while

are aware that they are operating error. Certain

tested with weighted

in an increasingly

litigious society, which acts as an incentive

down the choice and progress designers

the possibility of human

handle is likely to be larger than people are used to seeing, so the industrial need to work around creating the bottle form and labelling."

such as the railways, also have their own standards

to reduce the risks specific to those industries.

Business benefits
Aside from reacting to the market trends mentioned more account of ergonomics early on and throughout the longer-term above, there are several other reasons why designers should take - and why they should do so cycle. We sales and the product development

have already alluded to the potential for increased

value added to the brand, but there are other from the outset, you design changes; in a there is a huge risk of prototype ergonomics stage, but earlier. In to use, this claims."

business benefits that are less obvious. Davis cites the main ones as follows: "If you consider ergonomics are less likely to have to make last-minute typical product development programme leaving user trials until the pre-production this risk can be reduced by considering

addition, if products are intuitive and comfortable minimise the number production workstations

reduces the need to provide after-sales support, plus it helps to of product returns and warranty that will be used in a to operator for applying ergonomics For designers of machinery environment,

can improve safety, reduce the opportunities the benefits of improved ergonomics can is in

errors to be made, and raise productivity. Quantifying be difficult, but one area where this is done routinely website design, particularly a specialist industry which can be translated consultancy. Elsewhere, of course, investing in ergonomics concepts can reap rewards in the early stages of a project and at other points too - such as when alternative when pre-production in improved consumer any level of ergonomics users, enhanced are being assessed, and units are available for user trials. Almost input can benefit a design, resulting satisfaction, appeal to a wider range of for sales-orientated

sites. Indeed, sales and,

has evolved to improve website usability very rapidly into increased the costs of the usability

ultimately; profits that far outweigh

safety and so on.

Fig. 2. Davis Associates helped to make the Sky+ satellite television receiver and video recorder handset usable for as many people as possible - including blind people.
Davis also highlights "Increasingly; ergonomics another reason why companies have

Techniques and tools

One of the problems a specialist discipline. in-house necessary ergonomics companies ergonomics methods methods, ergonomists, expertise, with applying ergonomics Large companies industrial some design consultancies designers probably is that it is possess the studied but most are likely to have

been taking a greater interest in ergonomics as brand values have become is a good way to protect gain a reputation important a brand

in recent years: highly valued, or strengthen

to some extent during their training,

will need to rely on consultancies.


is very much a science, rather than an art, as 300 different tools and ourselves. Part of to use at

it. If your products this can become differentiation the opportunity products new phenomenon

for being user-friendly;

Davis explains: "We have around

in markets where product difficult." Conversely; the relatively consumers with can damage brands if

that we can apply; many of which are text book while others we have developed lies in knowing what techniques according

is otherwise

of websites providing to review products

the skill therefore Techniques

which points in a project." can be categorised interpret; to the phases of and the are the project: research; Some are desk-based, various techniques resolve; and test and refine.

are found to be unsatisfactory. can be used of liquid a brand, Davis outlines a project in which his involved: ''A manufacturer design of handle for large

To illustrate the way in which ergonomics to enhance consultancy detergent is currently

others are computer-based, A number


may not require users and/or of the techniques

wants the optimum

physical models/products.


Fig. 3. British Airways' award-winning Club World flat-bed seat benefited from ergonomics input from Davis Associates, including sleep trials and all aspects of usability.
applicable appropriate cycle. A technique that is often used is Task Analysis, in which required is as well as the opportunities commonly used technique existing user actions are analysed to identify the information at various points in the operation, for things to go wrong. Another User Observation, products and sometimes at all stages in the project, but others might be only for one phase of the product development revealing. This identifies descriptive example, strength 'strong' in later evaluations Establishing identifying are unaware advantage competitors. Few people would cite ergonomics opportunities illustrates interact enhance designers for innovation in products the potential as a way of identifying and services, but this Typically but that to the should be Davis at both with words that people use (for or 'weak'), then these terms are presented so that people can allocate a score for

or weakness. how people feel about things can help in a new product or service latent needs, which are the needs that consumers that they have. Creating

which may be with new products, competitor in computing products.

to fulfil these latent needs can deliver a major commercial because it places the company a step ahead of its

With developments computer-based ergonomists

power and software, anthropometric

tools are now gaining in popularity For example, manikins

and non-specialists.

models and three-dimensional dimensional a multimedia

are available, though are to demos

offered by the science of how humans

it should be noted that much work can be done with twodata, especially if 3D physical mock-ups also uses Macromedia authoring tool for creating interactive products, be used. Davis Associates and simulations. environments real artefacts example, Director,

with objects and their surroundings. a product,

an ergonomist

will be called upon to improve usability or

system, service or environment, need to appreciate difference that to maximise can make a substantial though,

and design managers

Davis says: "This is a powerful package systems or well before any Director to, for ticketing systems".

good ergonomics

that enables us to create on-screen

business. Remember, considered concludes the Health

the benefits

with which users can interact

within the time and budget available, ergonomics

exist. We have used Macromedia

as an integral part of the design process, right with this quote from the principal and Safety Executive: "Human psychologist 0

simulate fully functioning

mobile phones,

from the earliest stages, and not just as an afterthought.

systems, control consoles and mass rapid transport To gain an understanding service or interaction, cognitive mapping

of how users feel about a product, can be very

factors is not like a

coat of paint. It cannot be added on at the end."





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Automotive Design

~ There is a strong argument against continuing to build and use fossil-fuelled cars, though, to be fair, automotive manufacturers are improving the sustainability of their products. But are the mainstream automakers inherently the wrong organisations to make step changes in how we fulfil our need for personal mobility? Paul Stevens looks at what independent designers and consultancies are proposing. ~ II existe un argument solide contre I'idee de continuer a fabriquer et a utiliser des voitures alimentees par energie fossile, pourtant, pour etre juste, les constructeurs automobiles ameliorent la durabilite de leurs produits. Cependant, les principaux constructeurs automobiles sont·ils par nature les mauvaises organisations pour faire des changements par etapes dans notre fa!;on de satisfaire notre besoin de mobilite personnelle ? Paul Stevens observe les solutions proposees par les concepteurs independants et les societes de conseil. ~ Es gibt ein starkes Argument gegen die fortgesetzte Fertigung und Nutzung von Fahrzeugen, die mit fossilen Kraftstoffen angetrieben werden. Allerdings bemiihen sich Automobilhersteller darum, die Umweltfreundlichkeit ihrer Produkte zu verbessern. 1st der durchschnittliche Autohersteller jedoch die falsche Organisation, um sukzessive Veriinderungen bei der Erfiillung unseres Bedarfs an privater Mobilitiit zu bewirken? Paul Stevens betrachtet die Vorschliige unabhiingiger Designer und Beratungsfirmen.

Radically different approaches to car design and manufacture


the October n

2009 issue of European there was an interview Spowers of race cars with


(more efficient fuel cells or wheel tyres, for example) that to the cars during their lifetime so element of Riversimple's

Design Engineer

motors, or longer-lasting can be retrofitted Another philosophy

Hugo Spowers of Riversimple. made his name as a designer but left the industry impact.

that both the car users and the suppliers benefit. important is that the car's design will be can start building cars and/or the barriers than to

because of concerns He subsequently design, commercial

about its environmental

started Riversimple manufacture

to enable a fresh start to be to automotive

released on an open source licence so that small, local companies developing the design. By removing automotive reaching

made, with new attitudes

and, equally importantly,

interests. His design for an urban car is based a hydrogen fuel cell, which enables the car and very fuel-efficient will lease, rather than suppliers - even develop better the car is designed for a life of to be compact, lightweight

entry, the market will be far more dynamic the conventional improvements and benefitting Riversimple's composite combination Although customers

industry, resulting in more quickly sooner.

(Fig. 1). Moreover,

the environment

15-20 years and customers

urban car uses a carbon fibre to provide an optimal and low weight. is difficult to recycle,

buy them. The lease (or 'sale of service') business model also extends to Riversimple's those of consumables encourages suppliers to continually such as tyres. This approach

monocoque this material

of stiffness, strength

Spowers calculates

that a body made this way is www.engineerlive.com11

more sustainable than one fabricated from steel, plus it is more cost-effective over the vehicle's lifetime and does not increase the price for the consumer. Since Spowers was interviewed for European Design Engineer in 2009, Riversimple has been joined by Christopher Reitz, who previously headed the design team at Fiat, where he was responsible for the Fiat 500, before moving to Alfa Romeo. The first task for Reitz is to take the existing design for the urban car and develop it to a stage where 30 can be built for testing in the UK city of Leicester, with users getting their first cars in the summer of 2012. These will be trialled for a year, with drivers providing feedback on their experience. Another former race car designer, Professor Gordon Murray, has also taken a holistic approach to the design of a lightweight urban car. Initially his firm, Gordon Murray Design, created the T.25 as a compact, lightweight city car

(Fig. 2). The T.25 is a three-seater with a rear-mounted threecylinder petrol engine. Having subsequently teamed up with Zytek Automotive, a UK-based company with extensive experience in electric and hybrid vehicle powertrains, an electric version of the car has been designed, known as the T.27.

Pure electric
Based on the T.25, the T.27 is a pure electric vehicle using a 25 kW motor and 12 kWh lithium-ion batteries. Recycled materials are incorporated within the innovative composite panels that add stiffness and integrity to the 'exoframe' primary structure. However, one of the most important aspects of the design of the T.25 and T.27 is Gordon Murray Design's low-energy iStream manufacturing process, which utilises a monocoque but with body panels that are

iStream manufacturing process

his innovative nlanufacturing

iStrelUD vehicle process body During

end of the asseOlbly process, damage, All external panels can be nlechanically efficiency


new variants investnlent vehicles cesmetlc

can also be introduced

helping to reduce the risk of paint

quickly and with nllninlal in tooling, and existing or to nlake can be modified either to changes.

developed chassis


Gordon Murray a separate

Design utilises

asseOlbly process.

fixed to the chassis,

change the specification

the first part of the process the powertrain, wiring harnesses, and alllDajor brakes, suspension the chassis being fitted. Body panels are delivered to the line pre-painted to the completed and are 'nlarried' chassis near the

which aids the asseOlbly process and siOlplifies repairs to of the iStrelUD accident daDlage. Other advantages chassis platfornl or vehicles process include the way in which the can be used as a standard on which different variants can be built - even on line. Entirely

A strategic advantage of the

iStreanl process lies in the fact that a central plant could be established for Olanufacturing be distributed facilities of deeaand, Cranles and painted panels, which could then to SOlall assenlbly located close to the points

cOlDponents are fitted direcdy onto prior to the body panels

the Sanle production






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Automotive Design

attached mechanically in order to reduce assembly time and complexity, and minimise the cost of accident repairs (seepanel page12).

Association) facilities. The crash test was the mandatory EEC 40 per cent offset deformable barrier front high-speed impact and the T.27 passed with zero cabin intrusion (Fig. 3). This result is an endorsement for the iStream manufacturing system that delivers reduced weight and cost without compromising safety.

Concept cars
While Riversirnple and Gordon Murray Design are making progress towards production-ready vehicles, Swiss company Rinspeed is continuing to create concept cars that are perhaps less likely to make it into production. For example, the 2009 Rinspeed iChange concept was described as the world's first car whose body adapts to the number of passengers on board (Fig. 4). For Rinspeed boss Rinderknecht, the vehicle is more than just a clever concept car: "The iChange is a symbol for the fundamental changes the auto industry undergoes worldwide. And it is clear that only those companies will survive that have innovative answers for the demands of a new automotive era." In seconds a streamlined one-seater sports car transforms into a comfortable car with ample room for three - achieved at the press of a button that causes the rear end of the car to pop up. And the reason for this transformation stems from the basic idea behind the iChange, which is that the energy demand of a vehicle depends mostly on its weight, the type of engine it uses and its aerodynamic properties. The extremely lightweight car weighs only 1050 kg, with power coming from an electric motor and a choice of battery packs, one for shortrange and the other for long-range journeys; the pop-up rear end means the car's aerodynamic properties are adapted to suit the number of vehicle occupants. While other cars are encumbered by exteriors that can accommodate up to seven passengers even if they are only transporting a driver, the iChange's adaptive body means that the lone driver is conveyed in a teardrop-shaped car that offers optimal aerodynamic properties and, therefore, minimised energy consumption. If more than one person needs to be transported, the expanding rear provides room for two passengers. As a result of the increased weight and the altered aerodynamics, the energy consumption increases - but only when passengers are carried. More recently the same company has announced the Rinspeed Bamboo. Many interior components are made from bamboo fibres, but the four-seater, open-top Bamboo sets out to awaken the longing for sun, summer, lightness and easiness - and the desire to be at the beach. Neither the Bamboo nor the iChange are likely to go on sale imminently, but it is a real possibility that the urban cars from Riversimple and Gordon Murray Design could be on the road soon. And although the major automotive manufacturers will continue to unveil concept cars that attempt to address our future needs, these companies are so intimately involved with conventional production methods and business models that they are, in truth, unlikely to present us with a step change that can make a major difference to the way we perceive and procure personal mobility. Let us hope, therefore, that the independent design houses find the right formula in terms of customer appeal, commercial success and sustainability. 0

Fig. 3. Based on the Gordon Murray Design T.25 but with a pure electric powertrain, the T.27 has passed its first crash tests. Thanks to the simplified assembly process, the manufacturing plant can be one-fifth of the size of a conventional factory, which could reduce capital investment in the assembly plant by approximately 80 per cent. Yet the flexibility of this assembly process means that the same factory could be used to manufacture different variants or models - even the T.25 and T.27 could be built concurrently Gordon Murray Design also says that the iStream process is a complete re-think on high-volume materials, as well as the manufacturing process, and will lead to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions over the lifecycle of the vehicles produced using it. According to the company, the iStream composite monocoque brings Formula One technology to mass-production vehicles, with significantly higher specific energy absorption rates compared with conventional bodied cars. Far from being a design exercise, the T.27 is well on the way to being ready for production. In January 2011 Gordon Murray Design announced that the T.27 had been subjected to its first crash tests at the MIRA (Motor Industry Research

Fig. 4. Rinspeed's iChange concept features pop-up rear bodywork so that the aerodynamics can be adapted to suit the number of occupants.



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