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Configuring Apache web server for LDAP Authentication.

This has been tested with solaris 8, 9 with Apache 1.3

1. Copy mod_auth_ldap library to apache's libexec derectory 1. Precompiled mod_auth_ldap.so is located on punldap01 under /export/home/adm/download/ 2. #cd Apache_ServerRoot/libexec 3. #cp /net/punldap01/export/home/adm/download/mod_auth_ldap.so . 4. #chown root:bin mod_auth_ldap.so ; chmod 555 mod_auth_ldap.so 2. Configure httpd.conf. 1. httpd.conf is usually located under /etc/apache/ 2. Edit httpd.conf and add the following line appropritaely under Load module sections of the file LoadModule ldap_auth_module libexec/mod_auth_ldap.so 3. Add ldap specific directives, Following is a example to authenticate againnt Username & password from ldapserver punldap01. <Directory /var/apache/htdocs/Directory_to_be_protected> AuthType Basic AuthName "Access Test" LDAP_Server punldap01.vxindia.veritas.com UID_Attr uid Base_DN "ou=people,dc=vxindia,dc=veritas,dc=com" require valid-user </Directory>

3. Restart the apache server and test. 4. Detailed documentation can be found on following website.

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