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Rhodes MT-BC/DT
Board Certified Music Therapist/Developmental Therapist Phone: (630)546-0380 Fax: (630)229-6505

Client Record
Name: __Sabrina Schoonveld_________ Time In: _10:00_ am/pm
Direct Treatment: 120 min Cancellation: Family/Therapist

Date: ____6/24/2011______________ Time Out: 12:00 am/pm

Evaluation: EI #:

IFSP: Onsite/Offsite Setting: Home/Other

Progress Toward Goals Goal Area Joint Attention Activity Sabrina engaged in a shared activity for 80% of the session today. Therapist followed her lead, however Sabrina allowed therapist to be in close proximity to her and share in her ideas for play. Sabrina engaged in play ideas and appeared to be well regulated during the session. She only stopped to suck her thumb one time during the 120 minute session. She enjoyed covering her self up with pillow and blanket during sleep game and therapist gave her squeezes and deep pressure. A lot of eye gazes today 20- 30xs during session. Eye contact is noticeably longer when therapist positions her self further away from Sabrina. Sabrina said several words and phrases today. Pick up, put on, are you ok, get off, thank you, rainbow, pull it, water, splash, swim, scoop and pour. She imitated therapists modeled language but also spontaneously came up with several words that went along with her play schemes.
Action Plan: Schedule team meeting, discuss volunteer training and schedule. Edit and upload video sessions


Eye Contact


Notes: Sabrina was engaged in the ball on/in drum activity for 1 hour. She really liked this and had several ideas about how to play with them. She initiated a pretend play scheme in which balls inside the drum were like water in a pool.

___________________________ Parent/Guardian

__________________________ Stacey Rhodes, MT-BC/DT

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