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9.3 Factorsandclusters 9.3.1. Onefactormodels The emprirical results of Section 9.1.

9.1.3 show that the correlation matrix has one dominanteigenvaluei,muchlargethalalltheothers.Thissuggeststhateachreturn icanbedecomposedas: i=Bi f 0ei where f 0 and e i are M 1 uncorrelated random variables, of variance 2 respectivelyequalto . and sigma 2 ,and Bi arefixedparameters.The i samerandomvariable f 0 iscommontoallreturnsandcorrespondstoa'factor' thataffects all stocks,albeit withdifferent 'impacts' Bi .The e i are random variables,specifictoeachindividualstock,andareoftencalledtheidiosyncratic contributions,orresiduals.Thecorrelationsbetweenstockare,inthissocalledone factormodel,entirelyincludedbythecommonfactor f 0 .Inreality,aswewill discuss below, the residuals are themselves correlated, for example when two companiesbelongthesameindustrialsector. Thecorrelationmatrixoftheonefactormodeliseaslycomputedtobe: C i , j =Bi B j . sigma2 d i , j

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