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The Constitution of India

1. Through which constitutional amendment in article 359, it has been laid down that
Fundamental Rights under articles 20 and 21 are enIorceable during the operation oI
(A) 44th Amendment Act
(B) 46th Amendment Act
(C) 45th Amendment Act (D) 48th Amendment Act

2. On whose satisIaction period oI emergency shall be extended Ior operation in case security
oI India or any part oI the Indian territory is threatened
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Home Minister
(C) President oI India
(D) Vice-President oI India

3. Article 20 oI the Fundamental Rights represents which subiect
(A) Equality oI opportunity in matters oI public employment
(B) Protection in respect oI Conviction oI OIIence
(C) Protection oI liIe and personal liberty
(D) None oI the above
4. Article 21 oI the Fundamental Rights deals with which subiect
(A) Protection oI certain rights regarding Ireedom oI speech,
(B) Protection in respect oI conviction oI oIIence
(C) Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases
(D) Protection oI liIe and personal liberty
5. Who declares the Iinancial emergency
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Finance Minister
(D) None oI the above

6. AIter declaration oI Iinancial emergency by the President, what is the period oI operation
without approval by the Parliament
(A) Three Months
(B) Four Months
(C) Two Months
(D) One Month

7. Within what period, the Parliament has to approve Financial emergency declared by the
(A) Six Months
(B) Two Months
(C) Three Months
(D) Four Months

8. In Financial Emergency, salaries and allowances oI which groups get reduction
(A) Central Government Employees
(B) Judges oI the Supreme Court and High Courts
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

9. Rai Pramukh represents whom under the Indian Constitution
(A) President
(B) Governor
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

10. Under the Indian Constitution, what is the concept behind the protection oI President and
(A) President & Governors are above the law
(B) President & Governors make any law Ior the Constitution
(C) President and Governors are answerable to Prime Minister
(D) President and Governors shall not be answerable to any court to the exercise and
perIormance oI the powers and duties oI their oIIice

11. By which Constitutional amendment, the appellation Raipramukh was omitted
(A) 7th Amendment Act 1956
(B) 4th Amendment Act 1955
(C) 6th Amendment Act 1956
(D) 10th Amendment Act 1961

12. Which constitutional article provides personal immunity Ior President and Governors Ior
oIIicial act
(A) Article 362
(B) Article 363
(C) Article 368
(D) Article 361

13. Which constitutional article provides personal immunity to the head oI the states Ior his
oIIicial act Irom legal action, including proceedings Ior contempt oI Court
(A) Article 361
(B) Article 362
(C) Article 368
(D) Article 369

14. Under which constitutional articles, newspapers do not have the right to publish report oI
the proceedings oI a secret session oI either oI the Houses oI Parliament or Legislative
Assembly & Legislative Council
(A) 361
(B) 361A
(C) 361B
(C) 361C

15. Spell out the condition under Article 361A by which any person or newspaper cannot be
sued Ior legal proceeding iI any report oI proceedings oI Parliament and State Legislature is
(A) The report must be a report oI the `procedings' oI a House oI the Union or a State
Legislature. Hence, it must be relevant to a motion or other business beIore the House, and
must not have been expunged
(B) It must be a report` as distinguished Irom one article or `Comment'.
(C) Such report must be substantially true. Hence, an extract or a garbed or perverted report
would not be protected. The reporting must not be actuated by malice
(D) All oI the above
16. Any Court including Supreme Court does not have constitutional right under Article 143
to exercise iurisdiction over any dispute arising out oI any provision oI which agreements that
were in operation beIore commencement oI the Constitution
(A) Treaty, Agrrement
(B) Covenant, Engagement
(C) Sanad
(D) All oI the above
17. What is the meaning oI Indian State in the Constitution
(A) Any territory recognised by President oI India
(B) Any territory beIore commencement oI Indian Constitution by the British ruler
(C) Any territory which government oI the Dominion oI India recognised
(D) B & C
18. BeIore which Constitutional Amendment, Prince, ChieI or other person were recognised
by the President oI India as the Ruler oI the Indian State
(A) 26th Amendment Act 1971
(B) 24th Amendment Act 1971
(C) 16th Amendment Act 1963
(D) 17th Amendment Act 1964
19. Under which Constitutional Amendment Privy Purses were abolished
(A) 36th Amendment Act 1975
(B) 26th Amendment Act 1971
(C) 16th Amendment Act 1963
(D) 17th Amendment Act 1964

20. Under which Constitutional Article, Union Government has the power to give direction to
the State Govt. regarding any oI the provisions oI the Constitution
(A) Article 368
(B) Article 362
(C) Article 365
(D) Article 367

21. II any State Government Iails to comply with or to give eIIect to any direction given by
the Union Government, who can come to conclusion that a situation has arisen in which the
State cannot carry out governance in accordance with the provision in the Constituion
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Home Minister
(D) Supreme Court

22. Under Article 365 what are the duties oI the Union Government with respect to State
(A) Ensure that every State Minister should act in accordance with the advice oI ChieI
(B) Ensure that Governor acts under advice oI the ChieI Minister
(C) Ensure that Governance in the State is in accordance with the Constitution
(D) All oI the above
23. What is the meaning oI Foreign State as given in our Indian Constitution
(A) Federal State
(B) Commonwealth State
(C) Nation
(D) Any State other than India

24. Which Constitutional article deIines the work oI Administrative Tribunal
(A) Article 323A
(B) Article 233B
(C) Article 223B
(D) None oI the above

25. Under which part oI the Constitution, Tribunals have been deIined
(A) Part Four
(B) Part Seven
(C) Part FiIteen
(D) Part Ten

26. What is the period laid down by the Constitution beIore the proposal Ior removal oI
Speaker and Deputy Speaker oI Lok Sabha can be taken up by a resolution in the Lok
(A) 15 Days
(B) 18 Days
(C) 16 Days
(D) 14 Days

27. In Lok Sabha, who can not preside in the House while a Resolution Ior Removal Irom his
oIIice is under consideration
(A) Speaker
(B) Deputy Speaker
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

28. Under which Article Salaries and allowances oI the Chairman and Deputy Chairman oI
Raiya Sabha and Speaker and Deputy Speaker oI Lok Sabha are mentioned
(A) 97
(B) 96
(C) 95
(D) 94

29. Which Article mentions the conduct oI business oI the Houses oI Parliament
(A) 99
(B) 100
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

30. Who appoints each member oI either oI the Houses oI the Parliament aIter notiIication is
received Irom the Election Commission
(A) President
(B) Speaker oI Lok Sabha
(C) Chairman oI Raiya Sabha
(D) Prime Minister

31. Who shall not give vote in the Iirst instance in either oI the Houses oI Parliament
(A) Speaker
(B) Chairman
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

32. When Speaker and Chairman shall give their votes on the Parliament.
(A) When Prime Minister asks them to give vote on the Bill
(B) When the House passes such a resolution
(C) In the case oI a tie between Yes and No
(D) All the above

33. What is the Quorum laid down to constitute a meeting oI either oI the Houses oI
(A) one-tenth oI the total number oI members oI that House
(B) one-Iourth oI the total number oI members oI that House
(C) one-IiIth oI the total number oI members oI that House
(D) one-halI oI the total number oI members oI that House

34. Which Article mentions disqualiIication oI members in the Parliament
(A) Article 101 to Article 104
(B) Article 101 to Articles 105
(C) Article 102 to Article 106
(D) Article 106 to Article 110

35. Lok Sabha has the supremacy in which matter
(A) Railway Budget
(B) DeIence Budget
(C) Foreign aIIairs
(D) Financial Bill

36. Normally, what kind oI session does the Parliament hold
(A) Budget session
(B) Monsoon session
(C) Winter session
(D) All the above

37. Which session oI the year, President addresses both the Houses oI Parliament
(A) First session (Budget)
(B) Second session (Monsoon)
(C) Third session (Winter)
(D) None oI the above

38. In which session oI Parliament, Railway and General Budgets are presented
(A) Monsoon session
(B) First session
(C) Winter session
(D) None oI the above

39. What is the meaning oI the adiournment motion under Parliamentary procedure
(A) Member draws attention regarding important subiect-matter
(B) Member wants the House to discuss his subiect-matter
(C) Member wants to raise complicated issue
(D) Member wants to draw the attention oI the House to way recent matter oI urgent public
importance having serious consequences.

40. Who has the power to accept adiournment in the House
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Home Minister
(C) Speaker in the Lok Sabha and Chairman in the Raiya Sabha
(D) All the above

41. Which authority in the Parliament has the right to adiourn the House
(A) Speaker oI Lok Sabha and Chairman oI Raiya Sabha
(B) President
(C) Parliamentary AIIairs Minister
(D) Prime Minister

42. Who has the power to present adiournment motion in Lok Sabha and Raiya Sabha
(A) Minister
(B) Deputy Speaker
(C) Prime Minister
(D) Member oI the said House

43. In the Parliament, every Bill has to pass through which stages oI Reading beIore it
becomes act
(A) First Reading
(B) Second Reading
(C) Third Reading
(D) All the above

44. When a Bill is passed by the Parliament and the President, what is the status oI the
(A) Law
(B) Bill approved
(C) Bill exercised Ior administration
(D) Government procedure

45. Which two houses, can have a ioint sitting
(A) Legislative Assembly and Parliament
(B) Lok Sabha and Raiya Sabha
(C) Council oI State and Legislative Council
(D) None oI the above

46. When does the President assent the Bill
(A) Lok Sabha passes the Bill
(B) Raiya Sabha passes the Bill
(C) Lok Sabha and Raiya Sabha both passed the Bill
(D) None oI the above

47. In India, when does the Iinancial year commence
(A) First April
(B) Second April
(C) First March
(D) FiIteenth March

48. On the subiect oI budget, demands Ior grant are arranged in which way
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Finance Minister
(C) Ministry wise
(D) All the above

49. In how many parts, the Budget is presented in Lok Sabha
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

50. How are the parts oI the Budget known as
(A) General Budget
(B) Railway Budget
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

51. During T. N. Seshan period as ChieI Election Commissioner, who was the other
Commissioner in the Election Commission
(A) M. S. Gill
(B) G. V. Krishnamurthy
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

52. For which Election, one General Electoral Roll Ior every territorial Constituency shall
(A) Lok Sabha
(B) Raiya Sabha
(C) Legislature
(D) All the above

53. On what basis, Election to Lok Sabha and State Legislature shall be conducted
(A) Adult SuIIrage
(B) Indirect Election
(C) Direct Election
(D) None oI the above

54. Under which Constitutional Amendment, provision Ior minimum age as 18 years Ior the
Indian citizen was made to become eligible to vote
(A) 60th Amendment Act 1988
(B) 61st Amendment Act 1989
(C) 62nd Amendment Act 1989
(D) None oI the above

55. BeIore 61st Amendment Act 1989, what was the age oI Indian citizen eligible to vote in
the Election
(A) 23
(B) 24
(C) 21
(D) 22

56. Under Article 326, what was the Constitutional requirment Ior the Indian citizen not to
become eligible as a voter
(A) Non Resident
(B) Unsoundness oI Mind
(C) Crime or Corrupt or Illegal practive
(D) All the above
57. Which Constitutional Article lays down qualiIication Ior becoming a voter
(A) Article 328
(B) Article 339
(C) Article 326
(D) Article 295

58. Which Constitutional Article lays down qualiIications Ior the Indian citizens Ior election
to Parliament
(A) Article 81
(B) Article 80
(C) Article 83
(D) Article 84

59. Which Constitutional Article deIines qualiIications Ior the Indian citizen Ior election to a
State Legislature
(A) Article 173
(B) Article 175
(C) Article 177
(D) Article 178

60. Under the Indian Constitution, what does `Adult SuIIrage' signiIy
(A) Children
(B) Persons
(C) Any Indian citizen who is oI the age oI 18 years and above
(D) None oI the above

61. Who makes law with respect to Elections Ior State Legislature
(A) Parliament
(B) Judiciary
(C) Government
(D) Election Commission

62. Under Constitutional Articles 327 or 328, which subiect shall not be called to be
questioned in any Court
(A) Delimitation oI Constituencies
(B) The allotment oI seats to such Constituency
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

63. How the election to either House oI Parliament or to either House oI the Legislature oI
the State shall be called in question in the courts whose manner oI presentation may be
provided made by law by appropriate Legislature
(A) PIL (Public Interest Litigation)
(B) SLP (Special Leave Petition)
(C) Action under Article 32
(D) Election Petition

64. Which Constitutional Article lays down the reservation oI seats Ior Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha
(A) Article 330
(B) Article 332
(C) Article 333
(D) Article 334

65. Which Constitutional Article deals with `Representation oI the Anglo-Indian Community'
with House oI the People
(A) Article 334
(B) Article 331
(C) Article 332
(D) Article 333

66. Under Article 331, how many members oI the Anglo-Indian Community can be
nominated in Lok Sabha by the President
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 2
(D) 1

67. In which State a separate district has been reserved Ior Scheduled Tribes
(A) Assam
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Kerala

68. Which Constitutional Article deals with representation oI the Anglo-Indian Community in
the Legislative Assembly
(A) Article 334
(B) Article 335
(C) Article 336
(D) Article 333

69. Under Article 333, how many members Irom the Anglo-Indian Community can be
nominated by the Governor in the Legislative Assembly
(A) 8
(B) 1
(C) 4
(D) 3

70. Under which Constitutional Amendment oI Article 334, reservation oI seats Ior
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assembly has
been laid down
(A) 31st Amendment Act 1959
(B) 23rd Amendment Act
(C) 45th Amendment Act 1980 & 62nd Amendment Act 1989
(D) All the above

71. BeIore which Constitutional Amendment, 20 years were Iixed Ior reservation oI seats Ior
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Lok Sabha and State Legislature
(A) 23rd Amendment Act 1969
(B) 8th Amendment Act 1959
(C) 44th Amendment Act 1978
(D) 45th Amendment Act 1980

72. Through which Constitutional Amendment, 30 years were Iixed Ior reservation oI seats
Ior SC and ST in Lok Sabha and State Assembly
(A) 45th Amendment Act 1980
(B) 50th Amendment Act 1984
(C) 23rd Amendment Act 1969
(D) 51st Amendment Act 1984

73. Which Constitutional Amendment Iixes 40 years Ior reservation oI seats Ior SC and ST in
Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assembly.
(A) 55th Amendment Act 1986
(B) 56th Amendment Act 1987
(C) 52nd Amendment Act 1985
(D) 45th Amendment Act 1980

74. Which Constitutional Amendment lays down 50 years Ior reservation oI seats Ior SC and
ST in the House oI People and State Legislative Assembly
(A) 62nd Amendment Act 1989
(B) 44th Amendment Act 1928
(C) 45th Amendment Act 1980
(D) None oI the above

75. Which Constitutional Article mentions Claims oI SC and ST in Govt. services and
(A) Article 336
(B) Article 335
(B) Article 338
(D) Article 339

76. In the Parliament, what is the meaning oI the Government Bill
(A) Bill presented by Ruling Party member
(B) Bill approved by the Government
(C) Only the Prime Minister presents the Bill
(D) A Bill introduced by any Minister in either oI the Houses oI the Parliament

77. In the Second Reading, what kind oI process is adopted to approve the Bill
(A) A general discussion on the Bill
(B) Clause by clause consideration oI the Bill
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

78. Who has the authority to call a ioint sitting oI the two Houses oI Parliament
(A) Prime Minister
(B) President
(C) Member oI Lok Sabha
(D) Member oI Raiya Sabha

79. Who has the power to accord his assent or withhold his assent to a Bill passed by the
(A) President
(B) Member oI the House
(C) Minister
(D) None oI the above

80. Which Bill President can neither return nor withhold his assent
(A) DeIence Bill
(B) Money Bill
(C) Law Bill
(D) Financial Account Committee Bill

81. How may Standing Committees are there in Lok Sabha
(A) 14
(B) 15
(C) 15
(D) 18

82. Standing Committees in Lok Sabha are
(A) Business Advisory Committee & Committee oI Privileges
(B) Committee on Absence oI Members Irom the sitting oI the House & Committee on
(C) Committee on Government assurances and Committee on papers laid on the Table
(D) All the above

83. Financial Committees in Lok Sabha are
(A) Committee on Estimates
(B) Public Accounts Committee
(C) Public Undertaking Committee
(D) All the above

84. Ad hoc Committees in Parliament are
(A) Committee on DraIt Five Year Plan, etc.
(B) Committee in the conduct oI certain members during the President Address (C) Select or
Joint Committee on Bills
(D) All the above

85. Who appoints Ad hoc Committee on Parliament
(A) Speaker oI Lok Sabha
(B) Chairman oI Raiya Sabha
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

86. By which procedure the Indian President and American President are elected as laid down
by their country's constitution
(A) Elected through Member oI Legislature
(B) Elected by the People
(C) Elected by State Legislatures
(D) Elected by an Electoral College

87. In what way our Indian Parliament is not Sovereign or Supreme with respect to the
(A) In the Preamble, Constitution oI India deIines people oI India as Sovereign
(B) Written Constitution oI India
(C) Separation oI Power and Checks and Blanees between the three constitutional organ
(D) All the above

88. Who has said that basic Ieatures oI the Indian Constitution do not amount to a change
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Parliament
(C) Supreme Court oI India
(D) Government

89. What is the nature oI India's political system
(A) Presidential System
(B) Parliamentary System
(C) A & B
(D) None oI the above

90. Which Constitutional Article was very much aIIected in the Supreme Court Judgement oI
Kesavanand Bharti vs. State oI Kerala
(A) Article 352
(B) Article 368
(C) Article 351
(D) Article 342

91. Which constitutional article emopowers amendment in the Constitution oI India
(A) Article 368
(B) Article 356
(C) Article 357
(D) Article 359

92. Which constitutional organ has the power to amend Constitution oI India
(A) Judiciary
(B) Executive
(C) Legislative
(D) Parliament

93. On which subiect, Parliament has the power to amend the Constitution and the same also
need ratiIication by the State Legislature
(A) Articles 54, 55, 73, 162 and 241 or Chapter IV oI Part V, Chapter V oI Part VI or Chapter
I oI Part XI
(B) Any oI the Lists in the Seventh Schedules oI the representation oI State on Parliament
(C) The Provisions oI Article 368
(D) All the above

94. Under which Constitutional Amendment Act, Article 368 oI the Constitution was
amended Ior the Iirst time
(A) 25th Amendment Act
(B) 26th Amendment Act
(C) 24th Amendment Act
(D) 27th Amendment Act

95. Which Supreme Court Judgement pronounced that Fundamental Rights cannot be
(A) Golak Nath vs. State oI Puniab A.I.R. 1967 S.C. 1643
(B) Kesavanand Bharti vs. State oI Kerala A.I.R. 1973 S.C. 1961
(C) Indira Gandhi vs. Rainarain A.I.R. 1975 S.C. 2299
(D) None oI the above

96. Who curbed the Judicial Review power oI Judiciary through Amendment oI the
(A) State Legislature
(B) Parliament
(C) Council oI State
(D) Legislative Council

97. Who restored the Judicial Review power oI Judiciary under Indian Constitution
(A) Supreme Court oI India
(B) High Court
(C) ChieI Metropolitan Magistrate
(D) District Court

98. In which House, Janta Government Iailed to secure two-third maiority Ior new clause
under Article 368 Ior introducing reIerendum Ior eIIecting changes in certain logic Ieatures
oI the Constitution
(A) Legislative Council
(B) State Legislature
(C) State Assembly
(D) Raiya Sabha

99. Who said in his iudgement that no part oI our Constitution is unamendable
(A) Allahabad High Court
(B) Calcutta High Court
(C) Madras High Court
(D) Supreme Court oI India

100. What was the important landmark iudgement regarding amendment oI the Constitution
(Article 368)
(A) Shankari Prasad vs. Union oI India
(B) Golak Nath vs State oI Puniab
(C) Kesavananda vs State oI Kerala, Minerva Mill vs. Union oI India
(D) All the above

Answers :

1.(A) 2.(C) 3.(B) 4.(D) 5.(A)
6.(C) 7.(B) 8.(C) 9.(C) 10.(D)
11.(A) 12.(D) 13.(A) 14.(B) 15.(D)
16.(D) 17.(D) 18.(A) 19.(B) 20.(C)
21.(A) 22.(C) 23.(D) 24.(A) 25.(C)
26.(D) 27.(C) 28.(A) 29.(C) 30.(A)
31.(C) 32.(C) 33.(A) 34.(A) 35.(D)
36.(D) 37.(A) 38.(B) 39.(D) 40.(C)
41.(A) 42.(D) 43.(D) 44.(A) 45.(B)
46.(C) 47.(A) 48.(C) 49.(B) 50.(C)
51.(C) 52.(D) 53.(A) 54.(B) 55.(C)
56.(D) 57.(C) 58.(D) 59.(A) 60.(C)
61.(A) 62.(C) 63.(D) 64.(A) 65.(B)
66.(C) 67.(A) 68.(D) 69.(B) 70.(D)
71.(B) 72.(C) 73.(D) 74.(A) 75.(B)
76.(D) 77.(C) 78.(B) 79.(A) 80.(B)
81.(D) 82.(D) 83.(D) 84.(D) 85.(C)
86.(D) 87.(D) 88.(C) 89.(B) 90.(B)
91.(A) 92.(D) 93.(D) 94.(C) 95.(A)
96.(B) 97.(A) 98.(D) 99.(D) 100.(D)

1 lndlan 8epubllc ls noL Lhe producL of
(A) ollLlcal 8evoluLlon
(8) ulscusslon
(C) Made bv a bodv of emlnenL represenLaLlves of Lhe people
(u) All Lhe above

2 lor Lhe flrsL Llme 8rlLlsh arllamenL enacLed whlch laws for Lhe 8rlLlsh CovernmenL Lo aovern ln
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1837
(8) CovL of lndla AcL 1838
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1891
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1888

3 1he 8rlLlsh SecreLarv of Lhe SLaLe aoverned lndla Lhrouah whlch lnsLlLuLlon
(A) LxecuLlve Councll
(8) arllamenL
(C) Covernor asslsLed bv an LxecuLlve Councll
(u) Covernor Ceneral appolnLed bv an LxecuLlve Councll

4 under Lhe 8rlLlsh 8ule ln lndla Covernor Ceneral was responslble Lo
(A) SecreLarv of lndla
(8) SecreLarv of 8rlLaln
(C) SecreLarv of SLaLe
(u) none of Lhe above

3 MorelvMlnLo reform ls assoclaLed wlLh whlch AcL
(A) lndlan Councll AcL 1836
(8) lndlan Councll AcL 1909
(C) lndlan Councll AcL 1908
(u) lndlan Councll AcL 1912

6 uurlna Lhe 8rlLlsh rule whlch communlLv aoL separaLe represenLaLlon from whlch AcL
(A) ChrlsLlan CommunlLv lndlan Councll AcL 1909
(8) 8uddhlsL CommunlLv lndlan Councll AcL 1907
(C) Musllm CommunlLv lndlan Councll AcL 1909
(u) All Lhe above

7 uurlna Lhe 8rlLlsh perlod under whlch AcL elecLlon was lnLroduced ln lndla
(A) lndlan Councll AcL 1913
(8) lndlan Councll AcL 1909
(C) lndlan Councll AcL 1906
(u) lndlan Councll AcL 1907

8 MonLaauChelmsford reporL ls assoclaLed wlLh whlch CovL of lndla AcL
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1918
(8) CovL of lndla AcL 1920
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1930
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1919

9 When was Lhe lndlan naLlonal Conaress esLabllshed
(A) 1888
(8) 1883
(C) 1889
(u) 1890

10 under Lhe 8rlLlsh 8ule when 'uvarchv Covernlna SvsLem' was lnLroduced for Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1919
(8) CovL of lndla AcL 1929
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1923
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1933

11 under Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 whlch communlLles were provlded separaLe represenLaLlon ln
Lhe LlecLoraLe svsLem
(A) Slkh Luropeans
(8) lndlan ChrlsLlans
(C) Analolndlans
(u) All Lhe above

12 under whlch CovernmenL of lndla AcL lederaLlon and rovlnclal AuLonomv were lnLroduced ln
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1933
(8) CovL of lndla AcL 1930
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1940
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1936

13 under Lhe 8rlLlsh rule how manv acLs came lnLo operaLlon
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1838 lndlan Councll AcL 1861
(8) lndlan Councll AcL 1892 lndlan Councll AcL 1809
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1919 CovL of lndla AcL 1933 lndlan lndependence AcL 1947
(u) All Lhe above

14 Whlch AcL provlded lndla Lo become an lndependenL sLaLe
(A) lndlan lndependence AcL 1949
(8) lndlan lndependence AcL 1946
(C) lndlan lndependence AcL 1947
(u) none of Lhe above

13 under Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 Lhe lndlan lederaLlon worked Lhrouah whlch klnd of llsL
(A) lederal LlsL
(8) rovlnclal LlsL
(C) ConcurrenL LlsL
(u) All Lhe above

16 ln Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1833 lederal LlsL conLalned whlch klnd of sub[ecLs
(A) LxLernal Affalrs
(8) Currencv and Colnaae
(C) naval MlllLarv and lorce Census
(u) All Lhe above

17 ln Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 provlnclal llsL lncluded whlch klnd of sub[ecLs
(A) ollce
(8) rovlnclal ubllc Servlce
(C) LducaLlon
(u) All Lhe above

18 ln Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 whlch sub[ecLs are lncluded ln Lhe concurrenL llsL
(A) Crlmlnal Law rocedure Clvll rocedure
(8) Marrlaae
(C) ulvorce ArblLraLlon
(u) All Lhe above

19 under Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 who had Lhe power Lo proclalm emeraencv
(A) Covernor Ceneral
(8) Ceneral of lndla
(C) Covernor of Lhe SLaLe
(u) none of Lhe above

20 ln Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 who was auLhorlsed Lo make a law on Lhe rovlnclal sub[ecL
(A) Covernor
(8) Covernor Ceneral
(C) lederal LealslaLure
(u) none of Lhe above

21 Whlch ConsLlLuLlon ls ln Lhe wrlLLen form for Lhe flrsL Llme bv an elecLed bodv durlna Lhe Modern
(A) lndla
(8) Amerlca
(C) 8rlLaln
(u) lrance

22 Who was Lhe de facLo rlme MlnlsLer aL Lhe Llme of evoluLlon of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuenL
(A) MoLl Lal nehru
(8) Sardar 8allabh 8hal aLal
(C) !awahar Lal nehru
(u) P n kunzru

23 Who bolcoLLed Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) unlonlsL Musllm
(8) Musllm Leaaue
(C) unlonlsL Scheduled CasLe
(u) krlshak o[a

24 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlch parLles were members
(A) Conaress Musllm Leaaue unlonlsL Musllm
(8) unlonlsL Scheduled CasLe krlshak o[a Scheduled CasLes lederaLlon Slkh (non Conaress)
(C) CommunlsLs lndependenLs
(u) All Lhe above

23 Whlch parLv sald LhaL lndlan ConsLlLuenL Assemblv does noL have a fullv represenLaLlve
(A) Conaress
(8) Musllm Leaaue
(C) unlonlsL Musllm
(u) unlonlsL Scheduled CasLes

26 AfLer lndependence who declded Lo deLermlne Lhe luLure ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Sardar 8allabh 8hal aLel
(C) ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(u) none of Lhe above

27 Whom Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuenL Assemblv represenLed
(A) lullv represenLaLlve of Lhe Plndus
(8) lullv represenLaLlve of Lhe SLaLe ln lndla
(C) lullv represenLaLlve of Lhe rovlnces ln lndla
(u) lullv represenLaLlve of Lhe SLaLes and rovlnces ln lndla

28 1hrouah whlch offer Lhe 8rlLlsh CovernmenL auLhorlLaLlvelv supporLed a ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
for maklna Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) AuausL offer
(8) vlcerov offer
(C) Slr SLrafford Crlpps offer
(u) none of Lhe above

29 Who supporLed Lhe vlews of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv for maklna Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) Sardar aLel
(8) Candhl[l
(C) !lnnah
(u) none of Lhe above

30 Candhl[l wroLe whlch arLlcle ln Lhe Parl[an of 19Lh november 1939 Lo supporL Lhe formaLlon of
ConsLlLuenL Assemblv for maklna Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) 1he need of ConsLlLuLlon
(8) lormaLlon of ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(C) 1he onlv wav
(u) 1he wav

31 Whlch arLv supporLed formaLlon of a ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) Conaress
(8) Musllm Leaaue
(C) unlonlsL Musllm
(u) unlonlsL Scheduled CasLes

32 When dld ConsLlLuenL Assemblv adopL a naLlonal llaa
(A) 22nd Aua 1947
(8) 22nd !ulv 1947
(C) 22nd !an 1947
(u) 22nd CcL 1947

33 uld Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv exlsL aL Lhe Llme of lndlan lndependence
(A) no
(8) Cnlv ldea emeraed
(C) ?es
(u) uncerLalnLv reaardlna formaLlon of sald Assemblv

34 Who was Lhe lasL 8rlLlsh Covernor Ceneral who addressed Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) Lord ALLlee
(8) Lord MounL 8aLLen
(C) Lord 8enLlck
(u) none of Lhe above

33 When dld Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv passed a resoluLlon for LranslaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of
lndla lnLo Plndl and oLher manv lanauaaes of lndla
(A) 17Lh Sep 1949
(8) 17Lh CcL 1949
(C) 17Lh nov 1949
(u) 17Lh uec 1949

36 WhaL was Lhe lasL sesslon of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) LlevenLh sesslon
(8) 1welfLh sesslon
(C) SlxLeenLh sesslon
(u) SevenLh sesslon

37 When was Lhe lasL 1welfLh sesslon of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv held
(A) 24Lh !an 1930
(8) 24Lh leb 1930
(C) 24Lh Aprll 1930
(u) 24Lh uec 1930

38 Pow manv coples of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon were prlnLed afLer Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv framed Lhe
(A) 1wo
(8) Cne
(C) 1hree
(u) lour

39 Whlch sona was sana ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv before lLs Ad[ournmenL slne dle
(A) !ana Cana Man
(8) vande MaLram
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

40 lor how manv vears monLhs and davs dld Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv work on Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of
(A) 2 ?ears 11 monLhs and 19 uavs
(8) 3 ?ears 12 monLhs and 16 uavs
(C) 4 ?ears 18 monLhs and 6 uavs
(u) none of Lhe above

41 Pow manv number of sesslons were held ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 1wenLv sesslons
(8) 1welve sesslons
(C) 1wenLvflve sesslons
(u) 1wenLvelahL sesslons

42 Pow manv ArLlcles and Schedules were ln Lhe llrsL urafL ConsLlLuLlon presenLed bv Lhe urafLlna
CommlLLee Lo Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 318 ArLlcles and 7 Schedules
(8) 319 ArLlcles ad 10 Schedules
(C) 313 ArLlcles and 8 Schedules
(u) 399 ArLlcles and 3 Schedules

43 ln Lhe flnal form of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon adopLed bv Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv how manv ArLlcles
and Schedules were Lhere
(A) 397 ArLlcles and 9 Schedules
(8) 393 ArLlcles and 4 Schedules
(C) 396 ArLlcles and 7 Schedules
(u) 393 ArLlcles and 8 Schedules

44 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv how manv LoLal number of AmendmenLs were proposed ln Lhe urafL
(A) Approx 7933
(8) Approx 7892
(C) Approx 7363
(u) Approx 2473

43 WhaL was Lhe expendlLure made bv Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlle framlna Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of
(A) 8s 6396729
(8) 8s 6498723
(C) 8s 6992769
(u) 8s 6392926

46 Pow manv vlslLors came Lo wlLness Lhe proceedlnas of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 32300
(8) 33000
(C) 34000
(u) 34300

47 Who presenLed Lhe Cb[ecLlve 8esoluLlon ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) !awaharlal nehru
(8) MoLllal nehru
(C) Sardar 8allabah 8hal aLel
(u) none of Lhe above

48 When was Lhe llrsL urafL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla proposed
(A) CcL 1943
(8) CcL 1947
(C) CcL 1946
(u) CcL 1948

49 Who prepared Lhe flrsL drafL ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Candhl[l
(C) Advlsorv 8ranch of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(u) Sardar 8allabh 8hal aLel

30 Who was Lhe Chalrman of Lhe urafL CommlLLee of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) ur 8 8 Ambedkar
(8) k M Munshl
(C) !aa[lvan 8am
(u) none of Lhe above

1(A) 2(8) 3(u) 4(C) 3(8) 6(C) 7(8) 8(u) 9(8) 10(A)
11(u) 12(A) 13(u) 14(C) 13(u) 16(u) 17(u) 18(u) 19(A) 20(C)
21(8) 22(C) 23(8) 24(u) 23(8) 26(C) 27(u) 28(A) 29(8) 30(C)
31(A) 32(8) 33(C) 34(8) 33(A) 36(8) 37(A) 38(C) 39(C) 40(A)
41(8) 42(C) 43(u) 44(C) 43(A) 46(8) 47(A) 48(8) 49(C) 30(A)

31 When was Lhe drafL ConsLlLuLlon of lndla prepared bv Lhe urafLlna CommlLLee submlLLed Lo Lhe
resldenL of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 28Lh leb 1948
(8) 26Lh leb 1948
(C) 21sL leb 1948
(u) 23Lh leb 1948

32 When was Lhe Second 8eadlna of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon compleLed ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 18 nov 1949
(8) 17 nov 1949
(C) 13 nov 1949
(u) 16 nov 1949

33 Pow manv readlnas were held on Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) llrsL 8eadlna
(8) 1hlrd 8eadlna
(C) Second 8eadlna
(u) none of Lhe above

34 When was Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla adopLed bv Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 23Lh nov 1949
(8) 29Lh nov 1949
(C) 26Lh nov 1949
(u) 27Lh nov 1949

33 Pow manv rlncelv SLaLes exlsLed aL Lhe Llme when Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv was maklna Lhe
(A) 600
(8) 800
(C) 900
(u) 930

36 Who sald 'l feel however aood a ConsLlLuLlon mav be lL ls sure Lo Lurn ouL bad because Lhose
who are called Lo work lL Laken Lo be a bad loL Powever bad a ConsLlLuLlon mav be lL mav Lurn ouL
Lo be aood lf Lhose who are called Lo work lL happens Lo be a aood loL 1he worklna of a
ConsLlLuLlon does noL depend whollv upon Lhe naLure of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon'
(A) ur Ambedkar
(8) ur 8a[endra rasad
(C) ur Subhash kashvap
(u) none of Lhe above

37 Who sLaLed 'As Lo Lhe execuLlon LhaL Lhe urafL ConsLlLuLlon has produced a aood parL of Lhe
provlslons of Lhe CovernmenL of lndla AcL 1933 make no apoloales 1here ls noLhlna Lo be ashamed
of ln 8orrowlna'
(A) ur 8a[endra rasad
(8) !awhar Lal nehru
(C) Candhl[l
(u) ur Ambedkar

38 Who sald 'lf Lhe people who are elecLed are capable and men of characLer and lnLearlLv Lhev
would be able Lo make Lhe besL even of a defecLlve ConsLlLuLlon lf Lhev are lacklna ln Lhese Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon cannoL help Lhe counLrv'
(A) Sardar Pukam Slnah
(8) k M Munshl
(C) ur 8a[endra rasad
(u) Sardar 8allabh 8hal aLel

39 When were Lhe elecLlon Lo Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv held
(A) !ulv 1946
(8) Aua 1946
(C) Sep 1946
(u) CcL 1946

60 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv how manv seaLs were aoL bv Lhe Conaress
(A) 204
(8) 203
(C) 203
(u) 208

61 Pow manv seaLs were obLalned bv Lhe Musllm Leaaue ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 74
(8) 73
(C) 73
(u) 76

62 Pow manv seaLs were acqulred bv Lhe oLher parLles ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 14
(8) 13
(C) 17
(u) 18

63 Pow manv LoLal members were elecLed ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 296
(8) 293
(C) 291
(u) 292

64 ln Lhe arllamenL of lndla upper Pouse ln known as
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) 8a[va Sabha
(C) Councll of SLaLes
(u) none of Lhe above

63 ln Lhe arllamenL Lower Pouse ls called as (A) LealslaLlve Assemblv
(8) LealslaLlve Councll
(C) 8a[va Sabha
(u) Lok Sabha (Pouse of eople)

66 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv who was Lhe Pead of Lhe unlon ConsLlLuLlon CommlLLee
(A) !awaharlal nehru
(8) Sardar aLel
(C) Subhash 8use
(u) none of Lhe above

67 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlch words were assoclaLed wlLh Lhe arllamenL
(A) arllamenL of Lhe LealslaLure
(8) arllamenL of Lhe unlon
(C) arllamenL of Lhe lederaLlon
(u) All Lhe above
68 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv lL was sald LhaL arllamenL of Lhe lederaLlon shall conslsL of Lhe
resldenL and whaL else
(A) naLlonal LealslaLure
(8) naLlonal Assemblv
(C) Pouse of eople
(u) Councll of SLaLe

69 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlch commlLLee recommended LhaL lndlan ConsLlLuLlon adopL
arllamenLarv lorm of LxecuLlve
(A) urafLlna CommlLLee
(8) ConsLlLuLlonal CommlLLee
(C) unlon ConsLlLuLlon CommlLLee
(u) All Lhe above

70 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv how manv seaLs were flxed for Pouse of eople
(A) 300
(8) 400
(C) 300
(u) 230

71 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whaL was Lhe number of populaLlon flxed for one 8epresenLaLlve
(A) 7300
(8) 730000
(C) 30000
(u) 78300

72 Who elecLed ur 8a[endra rasad as Lhe llrsL resldenL of lndla
(A) ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(8) LealslaLlve Assemblv
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) Lok Sabha

73 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv who proposed Lhe name of ur 8a[endra rasad as resldenL of
(A) !awaharlal nehru
(8) Sardar aLel
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

74 Whlch ls our naLlonal anLhem
(A) !ana Cana Mana
(8) vande MaLram
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

73 When dld Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv adopL naLlonal AnLhem
(A) 23Lh !an 1930
(8) 26Lh !an 1930
(C) 24Lh !an 1930
(u) 29Lh !an 1930
76 ln Lhe lasL sesslon of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlch sona was suna
(A) !an Cana Mana
(8) vande MaLram
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

77 Whlch women presenLed naLlonal llaa ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) SmL Saro[lnl naldu
(8) SmL Pansa MehLa
(C) SmL lndlra Candhl
(u) none of Lhe above
78 ln Lhe lndlan naLlonal llaa whaL does Ashoka's wheel represenL
(A) Wheel of Lhe 1ruLh
(8) Wheel of Lhe Moral
(C) Wheel of Lhe uharm
(u) Wheel of Lhe Law

79 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whaL does areen colour represenL
(A) Anlmals
(8) Soll
(C) Puman naLure
(u) SplrlLual hllosophv

80 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whaL does saffron colour represenL
(A) SplrlL of 8enunclaLlon
(8) SplrlL of colours
(C) SplrlL of Puman naLure
(u) none of Lhe above

81 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whom does Lhe wheel represenL
(A) rlLhlvl 8a[ Chauhan
(8) 8a[a Man Slnah
(C) Ashoka
(u) none of Lhe above

82 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whaL shall be Lhe 8aLlo of Lhe wldLh Lo Lhe lenaLh
(A) 2 3
(8) 2 4
(C) 2 3
(u) 2 6

83 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa how manv colours are Lhere
(A) lour
(8) 1hree
(C) 1wo
(u) llve

84 Whlch colours are lncluded ln Lhe naLlonal llaa
(A) ueep Saffron
(8) WhlLe
(C) uark Creen
(u) All Lhe above

83 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whlch colour ls used ln Lhe wheel
(A) 8lue
(8) navv 8lue
(C) 8ed Creen
(u) CreenWhlLe

86 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv when was Lhe adhoc CommlLLee appolnLed for Lhe naLlonal llaa
(A) 23rd !une 1947
(8) 23rd !ulv 1947
(C) 23rd !an 1947
(u) 23rd leb 1947

87 WhaL was Lhe name of lndla's llrsL LealslaLure
(A) arllamenL
(8) unlon arllamenL
(C) ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(u) naLlonal Assemblv

88 uurlna whaL perlod ConsLlLuenL Assemblv of lndla worked
(A) 19481930
(8) 19491931
(C) 19471949
(u) 19311932

89 Who was Lhe flrsL Speaker of free lndla's flrsL LealslaLure (ConsLlLuenL Assemblv)
(A) C v Mavalankar
(8) k M Munshl
(C) lrank AnLhonv
(u) SmL Saro[lnl naldu

90 AfLer lndlan lndependence who represenLed rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) arllamenL
(C) 8a[va Sabha
(u) ConsLlLuenL Assemblv

91 When dld lndla become a fullv Soverelan uemocraLlc 8epubllc
(A) 26Lh nov 1949
(8) 26Lh nov 1930
(C) 26Lh !an 1949
(u) 26Lh nov 1931

92 AfLer lndlan lndependence whaL was noL rovlslonal arllamenL provlded
(A) ulrecLlv LlecLed 8odv
(8) lndlrecLlv LlecLed 8odv
(C) Soverelan 8odv
(u) none of Lhe above

93 ln Lhe rovlslonal arllamenL of lndla how manv members were Lhere
(A) 296
(8) 313
(C) 318
(u) 316

94 ln lndla who amended Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhrouah Lhe flrsL AmendmenL 8lll 1931
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) 8a[va Sabha
(C) rovlslonal arllamenL
(u) arllamenL

93 Who was Lhe flrsL rlme MlnlsLer of lndla aL Lhe Llme of rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Lal 8ahadur ShasLrl
(C) lndlra Candhl
(u) 8a[lv Candhl

96 Who was be uepuLv rlme MlnlsLer of lndla aL Lhe Llme of rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Sardar 8allabh 8ahl aLel
(u) Maulana Abdul kalam Azad
(u) Culzarllal nanda
97 Whlch occupaLlon was represenLed more ln Lhe rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) AarlculLurlsLs
(8) 8uslnessmen
(C) 1eachers/Academlclans
(u) Lawvers

98 lrom whlch area more members were represenLed ln Lhe rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) 8ural area
(8) urban area
(C) MunlclpallLles
(u) anchavaLs

99 When dld Lhe flrsL Lok Sabha funcLlon
(A) 19321936
(8) 19331937
(C) 19321937
(u) none of Lhe above

100 Who was Lhe rlme MlnlsLer of lndla ln Lhe flrsL Lok Sabha
(A) andlL Covlnd 8allabh anL
(8) !awahar Lal nehru
(C) Abdul kalam Azad
(u) C u ueshmukh

31(C) 32(u) 33(8) 34(C) 33(A) 36(A) 37(u) 38(C) 39(A) 60(8)
61(C) 62(A) 63(u) 64(8) 63(u) 66(A) 67(C) 68(A) 69(C) 70(A)
71(8) 72(A) 73(C) 74(C) 73(C) 76(C) 77(8) 78(u) 79(8) 80(A)
81(C) 82(A) 83(8) 84(u) 83(8) 86(A) 87(C) 88(C) 89(A) 90(u)
91(C) 92(A) 93(8) 94(C) 93(A) 96(8) 97(u) 98(A) 99(C) 100(A)

101 Who was Lhe MlnlsLer of Pome Affalrs ln Lhe flrsL Lok Sabha
(A) !aa[lvan 8am
(8) C u ueshmukh
(C) andlL Covlnd 8allabh anL
(u) Abdul kalam Azad
102 Who was Lhe flrsL Speaker of Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha
(A) Cv Mavalankar
(8) C u ueshmukh
(C) ur S 8adhakrlshnan
(u) andlL Covlnd 8allabh anL

103 Who was Lhe chalrman of Lhe 8a[va Sabha aL Lhe Llme of flsL Lok Sabha
(A) nC ChaLLer[ee
(8) ur S 8adhakrlshnan
(C) A k Copalan
(u) Mahavlr 1vaal

104 Who was Lhe faLher of Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) Pukam Slnah
(8) n San[lva 8eaddv
(C) C S uhlllon
(u) C v Mavalankar

103 When dld Lhe orlaln and evoluLlon of Lhe offlce of Speaker sLarL ln lndla
(A) ln Plndu perlod
(8) ln 8rlLlsh erlod
(C) ln Muahal perlod
(u) none of Lhe above

106 1lll 1920 who preslded over Lhe LealslaLlve Councll of lndla
(A) Speaker
(8) uepuLv Speaker
(C) Covernor
(u) Covernor Ceneral

107 When was Lhe LlLle 'Speaker' assumed ln lndla
(A) 1947
(8) 1948
(C) 1949
(u) 1946

108 under whlch acL Lhe 8lcameral CenLral LealslaLure was esLabllshed durlna Lhe 8rlLlsh perlod for
Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1938
(8) 1he lndlan Councll AcL 1861
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1919
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1933

109 Who was Lhe flrsL resldenL of CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv before lndla was lndependenL
(A) Slr lrederlck WhvLe
(8) Slr CP SeeLalbad
(C) Sardar aLel
(u) Slr Mohammad ?akub

110 Who was Lhe Speaker of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) Slr Abdul 8ahlm
(8) C v Mavalankar
(C) M A Avvanaar
(u) Slr lbrahlm 8ahlm 1oola

111 Who was Lhe lasL resldenL of Lhe lndlan CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv durlna Lhe 8rlLlsh Llme
(A) C v Mavalankar
(8) Abdul 8ahlm
(C) Slr 8 k Shanumukham CheLLv
(u) none of Lhe above
112 Who was Lhe flrsL lndlan Lo be Lhe resldenL of CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) M A Avvanaer
(8) 8 8 8haaaL
(C) ur 8alarm !akhar
(u) vlLhalbhal ! aLel

113 AfLer Lhe deaLh of Shrl C v Mavrlankar who became Lhe Speaker of Lhe flrsL Lok Sabha
(A) M A Avvanaar
(8) kS Peade
(C) n San[lva 8eddv
(u) none of Lhe above

114 Who was Lhe Speaker of Lhe second Lok Sabha
(A) k S Peade
(8) M A Avvanaar
(C) Salman khurshld
(u) 8abl 8ov

113 Whlch lndlan resldenL was Lhe Speaker of Lhe lourLh Lok Sabha
(A) S u Sharma
(8) ur 8a[endra rasad
(C) n San[lva 8eddv
(u) ur S 8adhakrlshanan

116 Who was Lhe Speaker of Lhe SlxLh Lok Sabha
(A) n San[lva 8eddv
(8) k S Peade
(C) A and 8
(u) none of Lhe above

117 Whlch arLlcle of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon menLloned Lhe posLs of Speaker and uepuLv Speaker of
Lhe Pouse of eople
(A) ArLlcle 93
(8) ArLlcle 93
(C) ArLlcle 91
(u) ArLlcle 96

118 Who ls Lhe Pead Lo LransacL Lhe buslness of Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Members of Lok Sabha
(C) Speaker
(u) resldenL

119 ln Lhe absence of Lhe Speaker who performs Lhe duLles of LransacLlna Lhe buslness ln Lok
(A) uepuLv Speaker
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) Members of arllamenL
(u) arllamenLarv Affalrs MlnlsLer

120 under whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhe Councll of SLaLe (8a[va Sabha) has a Chalrman and
uepuLv Chalrman
(A) ArLlcle 109
(8) ArLlcle 108
(C) ArLlcle 89
(u) ArLlcle 91

121 WhaL members of Lhe arllamenL cannoL represenL
(A) Members of Lok Sabha
(8) Members of 8a[va Sabha
(C) Members of LealslaLlve Assemblv
(u) Members of boLh Pouses of arllamenL

122 Pow can member of arllamenL reslan from hls seaL
(A) 8v speaklna ln Lhe Pouse
(8) 8v an announcemenL ln Lhe ress
(C) 8v wrlLlna under hls slanaLure addressed Lo Lhe Chalrman or Lhe Speaker
(u) All Lhe above

123 Who flxes salarles and allowances for Lhe Chalrman and uepuLv Chalrman of Lhe 8a[va Sabha
and Lhe Speaker and uepuLv Speaker of Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) 8a[va Sabha
(C) Members of Lhe arllamenL
(u) arllamenL bv Law
124 ln whlch Schedule of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon salarles and allowances for Lhe Chalrman and uepuLv
Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha and Speaker and uepuLv Speaker of Lhe Lok Sabha are speclfled
(A) llrsL
(8) Second
(C) 1hlrd
(u) lourLh

123 under whlch ArLlcle ConducL of 8uslness of arllamenL ls menLloned
(A) ArLlcle 99
(8) ArLlcle 93
(C) ArLlcle 76
(u) ArLlcle 92

126 under whlch Schedule of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon everv member of arllamenL Lakes oaLh or
(A) llrsL
(8) 1hlrd
(C) llfLh
(u) SlxLh

127 under Lhe 8rlLlsh 8ule who was Lhe llrsL uepuLv resldenL of CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) Shrl Sachchldananda Slnha
(8) Shrl Abdul MaLla Chaudharv
(C) Slr Muhammad ?akub
(u) Shrl 8 8 Shamnukhavm CheLLv
128 8efore lndlan lndependence how was Lhe osL of uepuLv Speaker ln Lhe CenLral LealslaLlve
Assemblv called
(A) vlce resldenL
(8) vlce Chalrman
(C) uepuLv resldenL
(u) none of Lhe above

129 Who was Lhe lasL uepuLv resldenL of CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv durlna Lhe 8rlLlsh erlod
(A) Slr Muhammad ?amln khan
(8) Shrl Abdul MaLla Chaudharv
(C) Slr Muhammad ?akub
(u) Shrl 8 8 Shamnukham CheLLv

130 Who was Lhe uepuLv Speaker of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv (LealslaLlve)
(A) Shlvara[ aLll
(8) C Laxman
(C) Sv krlshnamurLhv 8ao
(u) M A Avvanaar

131 Who was Lhe uepuLv Speaker of Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha
(A) M A Avvanaar
(8) Sardar Pukam Slnah
(C) M 1hambldural
(u) none of Lhe above

132 Who was Lhe rlme MlnlsLer aL Lhe Llme of Second Lok Sabha
(A) Lal 8ahadur ShasLrl
(8) L !awahar Lal nehru
(C) narslmha 8ao
(u) l k Cu[ral

133 Who was Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha Speaker unanlmouslv elecLed
(A) Pukam Slnah
(8) ur CS uhlllon
(C) MA Avvanaar
(u) 88 8haaaL

134 ln Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha LlecLlon whaL was Lhe expendlLure lncurred
(A) 8s 1043 crore
(8) 8s 390 crore
(C) 8s 781 crore
(u) 8s 1443 crore

133 Who sald 'As resldenL l have no eves buL consLlLuLlonal eves l cannoL see vou'
(A) ur 8a[endra rasad
(8) ur 8adhakrlshnan
(C) Abraham Llncoln
(u) MahaLma Candhl

136 When was Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha dlssolved
(A) 4Lh Aprll 1937
(8) 3rd Aprll 1937
(C) 6Lh Aprll 1937
(u) 8Lh Aprll 1937

137 ln Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha whaL was Lhe 8epresenLaLlon of Women
(A) 27
(8) 34
(C) 22
(C) 39

138 ln Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha how manv seaLs were
(A) 300
(8) 499
(C) 344
(u) 321

139 ln whlch Lwo Lok Sabhas Women 8epresenLaLlon was equal
(A) llrsL and SlxLh Lok Sabha
(8) llrsL and LlahLh Lok Sabha
(C) llrsL and llfLh Lok Sabha
(u) llrsL and nlnLh Lok Sabha
140 Whlch rlme MlnlsLer of lndla lmposed resldenL 8ule for more number of Llmes
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Lal 8ahadur ShasLrl
(C) n u ueva Cowda
(u) lndlra Candhl

141 uurlna Lhe Llme of !awahar Lal nehru how manv 1lmes resldenLs 8ule was reproduced
(A) Seven
(8) 1wo
(C) Zero
(u) lour

142 uurlna Lal 8ahadur ShasLrl Llme how manv Llmes resldenL 8ule was lmposed
(A) lour
(8) 1en
(C) 1wo
(u) llfLeen

143 uurlna Lhe Llme of lndlra Candhl whaL was Lhe number of resldenL's 8ule lmposed
(A) 16
(8) 48
(C) 4
(u) 6

144 uurlna Lhe Llme of Morar[l uesal and Charan Slnah whaL was Lhe number of Llmes resldenL
8ule lmposed
(A) 16
(8) 4
(C) 3
(u) 10

143 ln 8a[eev Candhl Llme how manv Llmes resldenL 8ule was lmposed
(A) 13
(8) 20
(C) 3
(u) 6

146 AL Lhe Llme of v Slnah how manv Llmes resldenL's 8ule was lmposed
(A) 2
(8) 6
(C) 7
(u) 8

147 uurlna Lhe perlod of Chandra Shekhar how manv Llmes resldenL's 8ule was lmposed
(A) 9
(8) 4
(C) 3
(u) 11

148 uurlna Lhe Llme of v narslhmha 8ao whaL was Lhe number of resldenL's 8ule
(A) 90
(8) 100
(C) 7
(u) 11

149 AL Lhe Llme of P u ueva Cowda whaL was Lhe number of resldenL's 8ule
(A) 2
(8) 3
(C) 13
(u) 16

130 under whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla ConsLlLuLlon of arllamenL has been deflned
(A) 80
(8) 79
(C) 82
(u) 81

101(C) 102(A) 103(8) 104(u) 103(8) 106(u) 107(A) 108(C) 109(A) 110(8)
111(A) 112(u) 113(A) 114(8) 113(C) 116(C) 117(8) 118(C) 119(A) 120(C)
121(u) 122(C) 123(u) 124(8) 123(A) 126(8) 127(A) 128(C) 129(A) 130(u)
131(A) 132(8) 133(C) 134(A) 133(C) 136(A) 137(C) 138(8) 139(C) 140(u)
141(A) 142(C) 143(8) 144(u) 143(u) 146(A) 147(8) 148(u) 149(A) 130(8)

131 Who nomlnaLes 12 members ln Lhe Councll of SLaLe
(A) Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(8) uepuLv Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(C) resldenL of lndla
(u) rlme MlnlsLer of lndla
132 Members of 8a[va Sabha are elecLed bv whlch members
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) LealslaLlve Assemblv
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) LealslaLlve Councll

133 8epresenLaLlve of unlon LerrlLorles ln Lhe Councll of SLaLe shall be choosen ln such a manner as
declded bv
(A) As prescrlbed bv law ln Lhe Assemblv
(8) As prescrlbed bv law bv SLaLe
(C) As prescrlbed bv law bv Lhe unlon
(u) As prescrlbed bv law ln Lhe arllamenL

134 Pow manv members represenLed unlon LerrlLorles ln Lok Sabha
(A) 20
(8) 21
(C) 22
(u) 23

133 lor a LlecLlon Lo Lok Sabha each SLaLe shall be dlvlded lnLo
(A) ConsLlLuencles
(8) 1errlLorlal ConsLlLuencles
(C) unlon ConsLlLuencles
(u) SLaLe ConsLlLuencles

136 Pow manv members are flxed for Lok Sabha
(A) 301
(8) 331
(C) 330
(u) 306

137 ln whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla duraLlon of Pouse of arllamenL has been
(A) 83
(8) 84
(C) 83
(u) 88

138 Whlch Pouse shall noL be a sub[ecL for dlssoluLlon
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) Pouse of eople
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) SLaLe LealslaLure

139 AfLer how manv vears oneLhlrd of Lhe members of Lhe 8a[va Sabha reLlre
(A) 6 vears
(8) 3 vears
(C) 3 vears
(u) 2 vears

160 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal sub[ecL ln operaLlon llfe of Lok Sabha can be exLended bv one
(A) roclamaLlon of Lmeraencv
(8) roclamaLlon of resldenL 8ule ln Lhe SLaLe
(C) roclamaLlon of AmendmenL Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(u) none of Lhe above
161 WhaL ls Lhe perlod of Lok Sabha
(A) lour vears
(8) Slx vears
(C) llve vears
(u) 1hree vears

162 under whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla quallflcaLlon for membershlp of arllamenL has
been menLloned
(A) 88
(8) 84
(C) 89
(u) 91

163 WhaL power Lhe resldenL mav exerclse from Llme Lo Llme ln respecL of arllamenL
(A) roroaue elLher of Lhe Pouse of arllamenL
(8) ulssolve Pouse of Lhe eople
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above
164 WhaL acLlvlLles does Lhe resldenL perform ln respecL of boLh Lhe Pouses of Lhe arllamenL
(A) 1lme Lo Llme Lo summon each of arllamenL
(8) roroaue elLher of Lhe Pouse of Lhe arllamenL
(C) ulssolve Lhe Lok Sabha
(u) All Lhe above
163 under whose advlce Lhe resldenL shall have Lhe power of summonlna proroaaLlon and
(A) Pome MlnlsLer
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) Councll of MlnlsLers
(u) arllamenLarv Affalrs MlnlsLers

166 WlLhln whlch perlod Lhe resldenL has Lo summon sesslon of Lhe arllamenL
(A) Slx MonLhs
(8) llve MonLhs
(C) lour MonLhs
(u) 1hree MonLhs

167 under whlch Supreme CourL !udamenL acLlon of Lhe resldenL Lo summon proroaue and
dlssolve elLher of Lhe Pouses of Lhe arllamenL shall be unconsLlLuLlonal lf acLed wlLhouL advlce of
Councll of MlnlsLers
(A) lndlra Candhl vs 8a[ naraln Al8 1973 SC 2299
(8) 8ao vs lndlra Candhl Al8 1971 SC 1002
(C) Anandan vs Chlef SecreLarv Al8 1966 SC 637
(u) none of Lhe above

168 ln Lhe evenL of dlssoluLlon of Lok Sabha who need noL reslan or aeL dlsmlssed lmmedlaLelv
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Pome MlnlsLer
(C) unlon Councll of MlnlsLers
(u) none of Lhe above
169 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle resldenL has Lhe rlahL Lo address and send messaae Lo Lhe
(A) 84
(8) 83
(C) 83
(u) 86

170 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle resldenL has Lhe rlahL for Speclal Address Lo Lhe
(A) 87
(8) 88
(C) 89
(u) 90

171 Whlch law offlcer shall have Lhe rlahL Lo speak ln boLh Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) SollclLor Ceneral
(8) AdvocaLe Ceneral
(C) ALLornev Ceneral
(u) Leaal Advlsor

172 Whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla menLloned Lhe posLs of Lhe Chalrman and uepuLv
Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(A) 90
(8) 89
(C) 93
(u) 94

173 Whom Lhe 8a[va Sabha has Lhe power for removal
(A) Speaker
(8) uepuLv Speaker
(C) Councll of resldenL
(u) uepuLv Chalrman

174 uurlna Lhe absence of Lhe Chalrman who runs Lhe 8a[va Sabha ?
(A) uepuLv Chalrman
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) Pome MlnlsLer
(u) arllamenLarv Affalrs MlnlsLer

173 under whlch ArLlcle Pouse of Lhe eople can have Lhe Speaker and uepuLv Speaker
(A) 93
(8) 93
(C) 98
(u) 96

176 WhaL ls Lhe perlod lald down bv Lhe ConsLlLuLlon before Lhe proposal for removal of Speaker
and uepuLv Speaker of Lok Sabha can be Laken up bv a resoluLlon ln Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) 13 uavs
(8) 18 uavs
(C) 16 uavs
(u) 14 uavs

177 ln Lok Sabha who can noL preslde ln Lhe Pouse whlle a 8esoluLlon for 8emoval from hls offlce ls
under conslderaLlon
(A) Speaker
(8) uepuLv Speaker
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

178 under whlch ArLlcle Salarles and allowances of Lhe Chalrman and uepuLv Chalrman of 8a[va
Sabha and Speaker and uepuLv Speaker of Lok Sabha are menLloned
(A) 97
(8) 96
(C) 93
(u) 94

179 Whlch ArLlcle menLlons Lhe conducL of buslness of Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) 99
(8) 100
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

180 Who appolnLs each member of elLher of Lhe Pouses of Lhe arllamenL afLer noLlflcaLlon ls
recelved from Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon
(A) resldenL
(8) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(C) Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(u) rlme MlnlsLer

181 Who shall noL alve voLe ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance ln elLher of Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) Speaker
(8) Chalrman
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above
182 When Speaker and Chalrman shall alve Lhelr voLes on Lhe arllamenL
(A) When rlme MlnlsLer asks Lhem Lo alve voLe on Lhe 8lll
(8) When Lhe Pouse passes such a resoluLlon
(C) ln Lhe case of a Lle beLween ?es and no
(u) All Lhe above
183 WhaL ls Lhe Cuorum lald down Lo consLlLuLe a meeLlna of elLher of Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) oneLenLh of Lhe LoLal number of members of LhaL Pouse
(8) onefourLh of Lhe LoLal number of members of LhaL Pouse
(C) oneflfLh of Lhe LoLal number of members of LhaL Pouse
(u) onehalf of Lhe LoLal number of members of LhaL Pouse
184 Whlch ArLlcle menLlons dlsquallflcaLlon of members ln Lhe arllamenL
(A) ArLlcle 101 Lo ArLlcle 104
(8) ArLlcle 101 Lo ArLlcles 103
(C) ArLlcle 102 Lo ArLlcle 106
(u) ArLlcle 106 Lo ArLlcle 110

183 Lok Sabha has Lhe supremacv ln whlch maLLer
(A) 8allwav 8udaeL
(8) uefence 8udaeL
(C) lorelan affalrs
(u) llnanclal 8lll

186 normallv whaL klnd of sesslon does Lhe arllamenL hold
(A) 8udaeL sesslon
(8) Monsoon sesslon
(C) WlnLer sesslon
(u) All Lhe above

187 Whlch sesslon of Lhe vear resldenL addresses boLh Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) llrsL sesslon (8udaeL)
(8) Second sesslon (Monsoon)
(C) 1hlrd sesslon (WlnLer)
(u) none of Lhe above

188 ln whlch sesslon of arllamenL 8allwav and Ceneral 8udaeLs are presenLed
(A) Monsoon sesslon
(8) llrsL sesslon
(C) WlnLer sesslon
(u) none of Lhe above

189 WhaL ls Lhe meanlna of Lhe ad[ournmenL moLlon under arllamenLarv procedure
(A) Member draws aLLenLlon reaardlna lmporLanL sub[ecLmaLLer
(8) Member wanLs Lhe Pouse Lo dlscuss hls sub[ecLmaLLer
(C) Member wanLs Lo ralse compllcaLed lssue
(u) Member wanLs Lo draw Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe Pouse Lo wav recenL maLLer of uraenL publlc
lmporLance havlna serlous consequences
190 Who has Lhe power Lo accepL ad[ournmenL ln Lhe Pouse
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Pome MlnlsLer
(C) Speaker ln Lhe Lok Sabha and Chalrman ln Lhe 8a[va Sabha
(u) All Lhe above

191 Whlch auLhorlLv ln Lhe arllamenL has Lhe rlahL Lo ad[ourn Lhe Pouse
(A) Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(8) resldenL
(C) arllamenLarv Affalrs MlnlsLer
(u) rlme MlnlsLer
192 Who has Lhe power Lo presenL ad[ournmenL moLlon ln Lok Sabha and 8a[va Sabha
(A) MlnlsLer
(8) uepuLv Speaker
(C) rlme MlnlsLer
(u) Member of Lhe sald Pouse

193 ln Lhe arllamenL everv 8lll has Lo pass Lhrouah whlch sLaaes of 8eadlna before lL becomes
(A) llrsL 8eadlna
(8) Second 8eadlna
(C) 1hlrd 8eadlna
(u) All Lhe above

194 When a 8lll ls passed bv Lhe arllamenL and Lhe resldenL whaL ls Lhe sLaLus of Lhe name
(A) Law
(8) 8lll approved
(C) 8lll exerclsed for admlnlsLraLlon
(u) CovernmenL procedure

193 Whlch Lwo houses can have a [olnL slLLlna
(A) LealslaLlve Assemblv and arllamenL
(8) Lok Sabha and 8a[va Sabha
(C) Councll of SLaLe and LealslaLlve Councll
(u) none of Lhe above

196 When does Lhe resldenL assenL Lhe 8lll
(A) Lok Sabha passes Lhe 8lll
(8) 8a[va Sabha passes Lhe 8lll
(C) Lok Sabha and 8a[va Sabha boLh passed Lhe 8lll
(u) none of Lhe above
197 ln lndla when does Lhe flnanclal vear commence
(A) llrsL Aprll
(8) Second Aprll
(C) llrsL March
(f) llfLeenLh March

198 Cn Lhe sub[ecL of budaeL demands for aranL are arranaed ln whlch wav
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) llnance MlnlsLer
(C) MlnlsLrv wlse
(u) All Lhe above

199 ln how manv parLs Lhe 8udaeL ls presenLed ln Lok Sabha
(A) Cne
(8) 1wo
(C) 1hree
(u) lour

200 Pow are Lhe parLs of Lhe 8udaeL known as
(A) Ceneral 8udaeL
(8) 8allwav 8udaeL
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

131(C) 132(8) 133(u) 134(A) 133(8) 136(C) 137(A) 138(C) 139(u) 160(A)
161(C) 162(8) 163(C) 164(u) 163(C) 166(A) 167(8) 168(C) 169(u) 170(A)
171(C) 172(8) 173(u) 174( ) 173(8) 176(u) 177(C) 178(A) 179(C) 180(A)
181(C) 182(C) 183(A) 184(A) 183(u) 186(u) 187(A) 188(8) 189(u) 190(C)
191(A) 192(u) 193(u) 194(A) 193(8) 196(C) 197(A) 198(C) 199(8) 200(C)

201 ln Lhe arllamenL whaL ls Lhe meanlna of Lhe CovernmenL 8lll
(A) 8lll presenLed bv 8ullna arLv member
(8) 8lll approved bv Lhe CovernmenL
(C) Cnlv Lhe rlme MlnlsLer presenLs Lhe 8lll
(u) A 8lll lnLroduced bv anv MlnlsLer ln elLher of Lhe Pouses of Lhe arllamenL

202 ln Lhe Second 8eadlna whaL klnd of process ls adopLed Lo approve Lhe 8lll
(A) A aeneral dlscusslon on Lhe 8lll
(8) Clause bv clause conslderaLlon of Lhe 8lll
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

203 Who has Lhe auLhorlLv Lo call a [olnL slLLlna of Lhe Lwo Pouses of arllamenL
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) resldenL
(C) Member of Lok Sabha
(u) Member of 8a[va Sabha

204 Who has Lhe power Lo accord hls assenL or wlLhhold hls assenL Lo a 8lll passed bv Lhe
(A) resldenL
(8) Member of Lhe Pouse
(C) MlnlsLer
(u) none of Lhe above

203 Whlch 8lll resldenL can nelLher reLurn nor wlLhhold hls assenL
(A) uefence 8lll
(8) Monev 8lll
(C) Law 8lll
(u) llnanclal AccounL CommlLLee 8lll
206 Pow mav SLandlna CommlLLees are Lhere ln Lok Sabha
(A) 14
(8) 13
(C) 13
(u) 18

207 SLandlna CommlLLees ln Lok Sabha are
(A) 8uslness Advlsorv CommlLLee CommlLLee of rlvlleaes
(8) CommlLLee on Absence of Members from Lhe slLLlna of Lhe Pouse CommlLLee on LsLlmaLes
(C) CommlLLee on CovernmenL assurances and CommlLLee on papers lald on Lhe 1able
(u) All Lhe above
208 llnanclal CommlLLees ln Lok Sabha are
(A) CommlLLee on LsLlmaLes
(8) ubllc AccounLs CommlLLee
(C) ubllc underLaklna CommlLLee
(u) All Lhe above

209 Ad hoc CommlLLees ln arllamenL are
(A) CommlLLee on urafL llve ?ear lan eLc
(8) CommlLLee ln Lhe conducL of cerLaln members durlna Lhe resldenL Address (C) SelecL or !olnL
CommlLLee on 8llls
(u) All Lhe above

210 Who appolnLs Ad hoc CommlLLee on arllamenL
(A) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(8) Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

211 8v whlch procedure Lhe lndlan resldenL and Amerlcan resldenL are elecLed as lald down bv
Lhelr counLrv's consLlLuLlon
(A) LlecLed Lhrouah Member of LealslaLure
(8) LlecLed bv Lhe eople
(C) LlecLed bv SLaLe LealslaLures
(u) LlecLed bv an LlecLoral Colleae
212 ln whaL wav our lndlan arllamenL ls noL Soverelan or Supreme wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
(A) ln Lhe reamble ConsLlLuLlon of lndla deflnes people of lndla as Soverelan
(8) WrlLLen ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(C) SeparaLlon of ower and Checks and 8lanees beLween Lhe Lhree consLlLuLlonal oraan
(u) All Lhe above

213 Who has sald LhaL baslc feaLures of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon do noL amounL Lo a chanae
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) arllamenL
(C) Supreme CourL of lndla
(u) CovernmenL

214 WhaL ls Lhe naLure of lndla's pollLlcal svsLem
(A) resldenLlal SvsLem
(8) arllamenLarv SvsLem
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

213 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle was verv much affecLed ln Lhe Supreme CourL !udaemenL of
kesavanand 8harLl vs SLaLe of kerala
(A) ArLlcle 332
(8) ArLlcle 368
(C) ArLlcle 331
(u) ArLlcle 342

216 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle emopowers amendmenL ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) ArLlcle 368
(8) ArLlcle 336
(C) ArLlcle 337
(u) ArLlcle 339

217 Whlch consLlLuLlonal oraan has Lhe power Lo amend ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) !udlclarv
(8) LxecuLlve
(C) LealslaLlve
(u) arllamenL

218 Cn whlch sub[ecL arllamenL has Lhe power Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe same also need
raLlflcaLlon bv Lhe SLaLe LealslaLure
(A) ArLlcles 34 33 73 162 and 241 or ChapLer lv of arL v ChapLer v of arL vl or ChapLer l of arL
(8) Anv of Lhe LlsLs ln Lhe SevenLh Schedules of Lhe represenLaLlon of SLaLe on arllamenL
(C) 1he rovlslons of ArLlcle 368
(u) All Lhe above
219 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL AcL ArLlcle 368 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon was amended for
Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) 23Lh AmendmenL AcL
(8) 26Lh AmendmenL AcL
(C) 24Lh AmendmenL AcL
(u) 27Lh AmendmenL AcL

220 Whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL pronounced LhaL lundamenLal 8lahLs cannoL be abrldaed
(A) Colak naLh vs SLaLe of un[ab Al8 1967 SC 1643
(8) kesavanand 8harLl vs SLaLe of kerala Al8 1973 SC 1961
(C) lndlra Candhl vs 8a[naraln Al8 1973 SC 2299
(u) none of Lhe above
221 Who curbed Lhe !udlclal 8evlew power of !udlclarv Lhrouah AmendmenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(A) SLaLe LealslaLure
(8) arllamenL
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) LealslaLlve Councll

222 Who resLored Lhe !udlclal 8evlew power of !udlclarv under lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) Supreme CourL of lndla
(8) Plah CourL
(C) Chlef MeLropollLan MaalsLraLe
(u) ulsLrlcL CourL
223 ln whlch Pouse !anLa CovernmenL falled Lo secure LwoLhlrd ma[orlLv for new clause under
ArLlcle 368 for lnLroduclna referendum for effecLlna chanaes ln cerLaln loalc feaLures of Lhe
(A) LealslaLlve Councll
(8) SLaLe LealslaLure
(C) SLaLe Assemblv
(u) 8a[va Sabha

224 Who sald ln hls [udaemenL LhaL no parL of our ConsLlLuLlon ls unamendable
(A) Allahabad Plah CourL
(8) CalcuLLa Plah CourL
(C) Madras Plah CourL
(u) Supreme CourL of lndla

223 WhaL was Lhe lmporLanL landmark [udaemenL reaardlna amendmenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(ArLlcle 368)
(A) Shankarl rasad vs unlon of lndla
(8) Colak naLh vs SLaLe of un[ab
(C) kesavananda vs SLaLe of kerala Mlnerva Mlll vs unlon of lndla
(u) All Lhe above
226 Whlch Supreme CourL [udaemenL descrlbed Lhe baslc sLrucLure of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla for
Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) Sankarl rasad vs unlon of lndla
(8) kesavananda vs SLaLe of kerala
(C) lndlra Candhl vs unlon of lndla
(u) Colak naLh vs SLaLe of un[ab
227 Pow manv [udaes of Lhe Supreme CourL were ln Lhe 8ench Lo descrlbe Lhe baslc sLrucLure of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon for Lhe flrsL Llme ln Lhe landmark !udaemenL kesavananda vs SLaLe of kerala
(A) ArLlcle 13
(8) ArLlcle 12
(C) ArLlcle 14
(u) ArLlcle 13

228 under whlch Chlef !usLlce of lndla Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 8ench descrlbed Lhe baslc sLrucLure of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon for Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) Mr !usLlce ! M ShelaL
(8) Mr !usLlce ! S verma
(C) Mr !usLlce C ! Slkrl
(u) Mr !usLlce k v Chandrachud

229 ln whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL lL has been pronounced LhaL arllamenL cannoL enlarae lLs
own powers bv maklna lLself new ConsLlLuLlon
(A) Sasanka vs unlon of lndla
(8) kesavananda vs SLaLe of kerala
(C) Mlnerva Mllls vs unlon of lndla
(u) Sankarl rasad vs unlon of lndla
230 WhaL ls Lhe naLure of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) 8lald ConsLlLuLlon
(8) llexlble ConsLlLuLlon
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

231 Whlch ArLlcles ln Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon represenL emeraencv provlslons
(A) ArLlcle 348334
(8) ArLlcle 332360
(C) ArLlcle 339361
(u) ArLlcle 368380

232 under whlch arLlcle of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon proclamaLlon of emeraencv has been deflned
(A) ArLlcle 332
(8) ArLlcle 333
(C) ArLlcle 334
(u) ArLlcle 338

233 Whlch arLlcle ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla deflnes effecL of proclamaLlon of Lmeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 333
(C) ArLlcle 334
(u) ArLlcle 237

234 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes LhaL onlv Lhe unlon has Lhe power Lo proLecL sLaLes aaalnsL
exLernal aaaresslon and lnLernal dlsLurbance
(A) ArLlcle 339
(8) ArLlcle 360
(C) ArLlcle 333
(u) ArLlcle 361

233 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe provlslons ln case of fallure of consLlLuLlonal machlnarv
ln SLaLes
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 338
(C) ArLlcle 339
(u) ArLlcle 369

236 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes exerclse of LealslaLlve power afLer proclamaLlon ls lssued
under arLlcle 336
(A) ArLlcle 338
(8) ArLlcle 337
(C) ArLlcle 360
(u) ArLlcle 338

237 Whlch arLlcle deflnes suspesslon of Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 18 durlna emeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 344
(8) ArLlcle 343
(C) ArLlcle 343
(u) ArLlcle 338

238 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe provlslon ln respecL of flnanclal emeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 339
(8) ArLlcle 337
(C) ArLlcle 336
(u) ArLlcle 330

239 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe provlslon ln respecL of flnanclal emeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 348
(8) ArLlcle 331
(C) ArLlcle 360
(u) ArLlcle 362

240 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes proLecLlon of resldenL and Covernors
(A) ArLlcle 362
(8) ArLlcle 363
(C) ArLlcle 368
(u) ArLlcle 301

241 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes proLecLlon aaalnsL publlcaLlon of proceedlnas of arllamenL
and LealslaLure
(A) ArLlcle 361u
(8) ArLlcle 361A
(C) ArLlcle 364
(u) ArLlcle 363

242 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe 8ar Lo lnLerference bv CourLs ln dlspuLes arlslna ouL of
cerLaln LreaLles aareemenLs eLc
(A) ArLlcle 363
(8) ArLlcle 370
(C) ArLlcle 371
(u) ArLlcle 372

243 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle abollshed Lhe rlvv urses
(A) ArLlcle 374
(8) ArLlcle 392
(C) ArLlcle 363A
(u) ArLlcle 364

244 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe effecL of fallure Lo complv wlLh or Lo alve effecL Lo
dlrecLlon alven bv Lhe unlon
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 367
(C) ArLlcle 368
(u) ArLlcle 363

243 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe varlous deflnlLlons of consLlLuLlonal sub[ecL
(A) ArLlcle 366
(8) ArLlcle 369
(C) ArLlcle 373
(u) ArLlcle 378

246 Whlch lundamenLal 8lahLs ArLlcle ls noL ln operaLlon durlna Lhe emeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 22
(8) ArLlcle 19
(C) ArLlcle 23
(u) ArLlcle 24

247 Whlch consLlLuLlonal oraan has wlder powers when emeraencv ls ln operaLlon
(A) LxecuLlve
(8) LealslaLlve
(C) !udlclarv
(u) A 8

248 Whlch oraan does noL have Lhe rlahL Lo quesLlon and [usLlfv as null and vold Lhe law whlch
vlolaLes lundamenLal 8lahLs arLlcle?
(A) LxecuLlve
(8) !udlclarv
(C) LealslaLlve
(u) none of Lhe above

249 Who has Lhe power Lo declare LhaL clLlzen has no rlahL Lo move anv courL for Lhe enforcemenL
of Lhe rlahLs conferred bv arL 3 of lundamenLal 8lahLs durlna Lhe course of emeraencv
(A) LxecuLlve
(8) resldenL
(C) Covernor
(u) rlme MlnlsLer

230 Whlch lundamenLal 8lahLs arLlcle ls enforceable durlna Lhe perlod of emeraencv
(A) 20
(8) 21
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

201(u) 202(C) 203(8) 204(A) 203(8) 206(u) 207(u) 208(u) 209(u) 210(C)
211(u) 212(u) 213(C) 214(8) 213(8) 216(A) 217(u) 218(u) 219(C) 220(A)
221(8) 222(A) 223(u) 224(u) 223(u) 226(8) 227(A) 228(C) 229(C) 230(C)
231(8) 232(A) 233(8) 234(C) 233(A) 236(8) 237(u) 238(A) 239(C) 240(u)
241(8) 242(A) 243(C) 244(u) 243(A) 246(8) 247(u) 248(8) 249(8) 230(C)

231 1hrouah whlch consLlLuLlonal amendmenL ln arLlcle 339 lL has been lald down LhaL
lundamenLal 8lahLs under arLlcles 20 and 21 are enforceable durlna Lhe operaLlon of emeraencv
(A) 44Lh AmendmenL AcL
(8) 46Lh AmendmenL AcL
(C) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL
(u) 48Lh AmendmenL AcL

232 Cn whose saLlsfacLlon perlod of emeraencv shall be exLended for operaLlon ln case securlLv of
lndla or anv parL of Lhe lndlan LerrlLorv ls LhreaLened
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Pome MlnlsLer
(C) resldenL of lndla
(u) vlceresldenL of lndla

233 ArLlcle 20 of Lhe lundamenLal 8lahLs represenLs whlch sub[ecL
(A) LquallLv of opporLunlLv ln maLLers of publlc emplovmenL
(8) roLecLlon ln respecL of ConvlcLlon of Cffence
(C) roLecLlon of llfe and personal llberLv
(u) none of Lhe above

234 ArLlcle 21 of Lhe lundamenLal 8lahLs deals wlLh whlch sub[ecL
(A) roLecLlon of cerLaln rlahLs reaardlna freedom of speech
(8) roLecLlon ln respecL of convlcLlon of offence
(C) roLecLlon aaalnsL arresL and deLenLlon ln cerLaln cases
(u) roLecLlon of llfe and personal llberLv

233 Who declares Lhe flnanclal emeraencv
(A) resldenL
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) llnance MlnlsLer
(u) none of Lhe above

236 AfLer declaraLlon of flnanclal emeraencv bv Lhe resldenL whaL ls Lhe perlod of operaLlon
wlLhouL approval bv Lhe arllamenL
(A) 1hree MonLhs
(8) lour MonLhs
(C) 1wo MonLhs
(u) Cne MonLh

237 WlLhln whaL perlod Lhe arllamenL has Lo approve llnanclal emeraencv declared bv Lhe
(A) Slx MonLhs
(8) 1wo MonLhs
(C) 1hree MonLhs
(u) lour MonLhs

238 ln llnanclal Lmeraencv salarles and allowances of whlch aroups aeL reducLlon
(A) CenLral CovernmenL Lmplovees
(8) !udaes of Lhe Supreme CourL and Plah CourLs
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

239 8a[ ramukh represenLs whom under Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) resldenL
(8) Covernor
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

260 under Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon whaL ls Lhe concepL behlnd Lhe proLecLlon of resldenL and
(A) resldenL Covernors are above Lhe law
(8) resldenL Covernors make anv law for Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(C) resldenL and Covernors are answerable Lo rlme MlnlsLer
(u) resldenL and Covernors shall noL be answerable Lo anv courL Lo Lhe exerclse and performance
of Lhe powers and duLles of Lhelr offlce

261 8v whlch ConsLlLuLlonal amendmenL Lhe appellaLlon 8a[pramukh was omlLLed
(A) 7Lh AmendmenL AcL 1936
(8) 4Lh AmendmenL AcL 1933
(C) 6Lh AmendmenL AcL 1936
(u) 10Lh AmendmenL AcL 1961

262 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle provldes personal lmmunlLv for resldenL and Covernors for offlclal
(A) ArLlcle 362
(8) ArLlcle 363
(C) ArLlcle 368
(u) ArLlcle 361

263 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle provldes personal lmmunlLv Lo Lhe head of Lhe sLaLes for hls offlclal
acL from leaal acLlon lncludlna proceedlnas for conLempL of CourL
(A) ArLlcle 361
(8) ArLlcle 362
(C) ArLlcle 368
(u) ArLlcle 369

264 under whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcles newspapers do noL have Lhe rlahL Lo publlsh reporL of Lhe
proceedlnas of a secreL sesslon of elLher of Lhe Pouses of arllamenL or LealslaLlve Assemblv
LealslaLlve Councll
(A) 361
(8) 361A
(C) 3618
(C) 361C

263 Spell ouL Lhe condlLlon under ArLlcle 361A bv whlch anv person or newspaper cannoL be sued
for leaal proceedlna lf anv reporL of proceedlnas of arllamenL and SLaLe LealslaLure ls publlshed
(A) 1he reporL musL be a reporL of Lhe 'procedlnas' of a Pouse of Lhe unlon or a SLaLe LealslaLure
Pence lL musL be relevanL Lo a moLlon or oLher buslness before Lhe Pouse and musL noL have been
(8) lL musL be a 'reporL' as dlsLlnaulshed from one arLlcle or `CommenL'
(C) Such reporL musL be subsLanLlallv Lrue Pence an exLracL or a aarbed or perverLed reporL would
noL be proLecLed 1he reporLlna musL noL be acLuaLed bv mallce
(u) All of Lhe above

266 Anv CourL lncludlna Supreme CourL does noL have consLlLuLlonal rlahL under ArLlcle 143 Lo
exerclse [urlsdlcLlon over anv dlspuLe arlslna ouL of anv provlslon of whlch aareemenLs LhaL were ln
operaLlon before commencemenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(A) 1reaLv AarremenL
(8) CovenanL LnaaaemenL
(C) Sanad
(u) All of Lhe above

267 WhaL ls Lhe meanlna of lndlan SLaLe ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(A) Anv LerrlLorv recoanlsed bv resldenL of lndla
(8) Anv LerrlLorv before commencemenL of lndlan ConsLlLuLlon bv Lhe 8rlLlsh ruler
(C) Anv LerrlLorv whlch aovernmenL of Lhe uomlnlon of lndla recoanlsed
(u) 8 C

268 8efore whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL rlnce Chlef or oLher person were recoanlsed bv Lhe
resldenL of lndla as Lhe 8uler of Lhe lndlan SLaLe
(A) 26Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(8) 24Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(C) 16Lh AmendmenL AcL 1963
(u) 17Lh AmendmenL AcL 1964

269 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL rlvv urses were abollshed
(A) 36Lh AmendmenL AcL 1973
(8) 26Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(C) 16Lh AmendmenL AcL 1963
(u) 17Lh AmendmenL AcL 1964

270 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle unlon CovernmenL has Lhe power Lo alve dlrecLlon Lo Lhe
SLaLe CovL reaardlna anv of Lhe provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(A) ArLlcle 368
(8) ArLlcle 362
(C) ArLlcle 363
(u) ArLlcle 367

271 lf anv SLaLe CovernmenL falls Lo complv wlLh or Lo alve effecL Lo anv dlrecLlon alven bv Lhe
unlon CovernmenL who can come Lo concluslon LhaL a slLuaLlon has arlsen ln whlch Lhe SLaLe
cannoL carrv ouL aovernance ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslon ln Lhe ConsLlLulon
(A) resldenL
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) Pome MlnlsLer
(u) Supreme CourL

272 under ArLlcle 363 whaL are Lhe duLles of Lhe unlon CovernmenL wlLh respecL Lo SLaLe
(A) Lnsure LhaL everv SLaLe MlnlsLer should acL ln accordance wlLh Lhe advlce of Chlef MlnlsLer
(8) Lnsure LhaL Covernor acLs under advlce of Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer
(C) Lnsure LhaL Covernance ln Lhe SLaLe ls ln accordance wlLh Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(u) All of Lhe above

273 WhaL ls Lhe meanlna of lorelan SLaLe as alven ln our lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) lederal SLaLe
(8) CommonwealLh SLaLe
(C) naLlon
(u) Anv SLaLe oLher Lhan lndla

274 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe work of AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal
(A) ArLlcle 323A
(8) ArLlcle 2338
(C) ArLlcle 2238
(u) none of Lhe above

273 under whlch parL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 1rlbunals have been deflned
(A) arL lour
(8) arL Seven
(C) arL llfLeen
(u) arL 1en

276 WhaL are Lhe sub[ecLs for ad[udlcaLlon or Lrlal bv AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal
(A) rlvaLe secLor emplovee recrulLmenL dlspuLes
(8) ueclde on recrulLmenL ln ubllc secLor
(C) ulspuLe and complalnLs wlLh respecL Lo recrulLmenL and condlLlon of servlce of persons
appolnLed ln Lhe publlc servlces ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe offlcers of Lhe unlon or of anv SLaLe or of anv
local or oLher AuLhorlLv wlLhln Lhe LerrlLorv of lndla
(u) none of Lhe above

277 AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal ls meanL for whom
(A) unlon
(8) Lach SLaLe
(C) 1wo or more SLaLes
(u) All Lhe above

278 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL lnLroduced Lhe sub[ecL 1rlbunal ln Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) lorLvsecond AmendemenL AcL
(8) SlxLvnlnLh AmendmenL AcL
(C) SevenLeenLh AmendmenL AcL
(u) SevenLvone AmendmenL AcL

279 Cn whlch AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal have no rlahL Lo ad[udlcaLe dlspuLes
(A) Members of Lhe uefence lorces
(8) Cfflcers and ServanLs of Lhe Supreme CourL or of anv Plah CourL
(C) Members of Lhe SecreLarlaL SLaff of arllamenL or of anv lealslaLure of anv SLaLe or unlon
(u) All of Lhe above

280 AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunals enLerLaln Lhose emplovees who are under emplovmenL wlLh whom?
(A) unlon or SLaLe CovernmenL
(8) A Local or oLher auLhorlLv wlLhln Lhe LerrlLorv of lndla
(C) A CorporaLlon owned or conLrolled bv Lhe CovernmenL
(u) All of Lhe above

281 !urlsdlcLlon of Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal ls noL supplemenLarv buL ls a compleLe subsLlLuLe for
(A) Plah CourL
(8) Clvll CourLs
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

282 under whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Supreme CourL has been reLalned over Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunals
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 136
(C) ArLlcle 132
(u) ArLlcle 134

283 !urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Plah CourLs under ArLlcle 226 over servlce maLLers has been Laken over bv
whlch [udlclal lnsLlLuLlon
(A) ulsLrlcL CourL
(8) AdmlnlsLraLlve CourL
(C) Chlef MeLropollLan MaalsLraLe
(u) Plah CourL

284 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal lnsLlLuLlon conducLs elecLlons of arllamenL and SLaLe LealslaLures and Lo
Lhe offlces of resldenL and vlceresldenL
(A) SLaLe LlecLlon Commlsslon
(8) rovlslonal LlecLlon Commlsslon
(C) LlecLlon Commlsslon
(u) none of Lhe above

283 AfLer 44Lh ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL provlslons relaLlna wlLh elecLlon ln arL xv of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon of lndla have been reLalned ln how manv ArLlcles
(A) 324329A
(8) 324329
(C) 324327
(u) 224228

286 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle relaLlna wlLh Lhe sub[ecL of elecLlon was omlLLed Lhrouah 44Lh
AmendmenL AcL 1973
(A) 329A
(8) 3298
(C) 329C
(u) 329

287 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL ArLlcle 329A relaLlna wlLh Lhe sub[ecL of LlecLlon
was lnserLed
(A) 23Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(8) 27Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(C) 28Lh AmendmenL AcL 1972
(u) 39Lh AmendmenL AcL 1973

288 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLulonal ArLlcle Lhe sub[ecL of 8ar Lo lnLerference bv courLs ln elecLoral
maLLers have been elaboraLed
(A) ArLlcle 327
(8) ArLlcle 229
(C) ArLlcle 329
(u) none of Lhe above

289 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle elaboraLed power of arllamenL Lo make provlslon wlLh respecL Lo
elecLlon Lo lealslaLures
(A) ArLlcle 329
(8) ArLlcle 327
(C) ArLlcle 328
(u) ArLlcle 330

290 Who appolnLs Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner
(A) resldenL
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) arllamenL
(u) none of Lhe above

291 Who acLs as Lhe Chalrman of Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon afLer appolnLmenL as LlecLlon
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Pome MlnlsLer
(C) Chlef AppolnLmenL Cfflcer
(u) Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner

292 under whose advlce resldenL of lndla appolnLs 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloner
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Chlef !usLlce of Plah CourL
(C) Covernor
(u) Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner

293 Who decldes alloLmenL of svmbols Lo ollLlcal arLles
(A) ollLlcal arLv leader
(8) ollLlcal arLv Covernlna CommlLLees
(C) LlecLlon CommlLLee of ollLlcal arLv
(u) LlecLlon Commlsslon

294 ConducL of LlecLlon 8ules 1961 was made bv Lhe CenLral CovL ln consulLaLlon wlLh whlch
(A) arllamenLarv Members lnqulrv Commlsslon
(8) 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloners
(C) LlecLlon Commlsslon
(u) none of Lhe above

293 Who decldes dlspuLes relaLlna wlLh Lhe alloLmenL of svmbols Lo ollLlcal arLles
(A) 8epresenLaLlon AcL 1932
(8) 8epresenLaLlon AcL 1933
(C) 8epresenLaLlon of Lhe eople AcL 1931
(u) LlecLlon Commlsslon

296 Who made a law for conducLlon of servlces and Lenure of Lhe offlce of LlecLlon Commlssloners
and 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloner
(A) Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner
(8) resldenL
(C) arllamenL
(u) SLaLe LealslaLure

297 Who decldes derecoanlLlon of Lhe ollLlcal arLv solelv on Lhe basls of lLs performance aL Lhe
elecLlon ea bvcoLLlna of Lhe elecLlon
(A) Supreme CourL of lndla
(8) LlecLlon Commlsslon
(C) Plah CourL
(u) ulsLrlcL CourL

298 Can derecoanlLlon of Lhe ollLlcal arLv bv Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon on Lhe basls of lLs
performance aL Lhe lasL LlecLlon be sub[ecLed Lo scruLlnv
(A) !udlclal 8evlew
(8) !udlclal Crder
(C) !udlclal ScruLlnv
(u) none of Lhe above

299 Cn whose recommendaLlon LlecLlon Commlssloner or 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloner shall be
removed from Lhe offlce
(A) Chlef !udlclal MaalsLraLe
(8) resldenL
(C) LlecLlon Commlsslon
(u) none of Lhe above

300 Who has ample powers under ArLlcle 324(1) Lo make approprlaLe orders as Lo Lhe conducL of
LlecLlons ea cancellaLlon of poll and orderlna Lo poll accordlna Lo exlaencles ln parLlcular areas
lnLroducLlon of elecLronlc voLlna machlnes posLponlna of elecLlon eLc
(A) 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloner
(8) LlecLlon CommlLLee of CovernmenL
(C) LlecLoral Cfflcer
(u) LlecLlon Commlsslon

231(A) 232(C) 233(8) 234(u) 233(A) 236(C) 237(8) 238(C) 239(C) 260(u)
261(A) 262(u) 263(A) 264(8) 263(u) 266(u) 267(u) 268(A) 269(8) 270(C)
271(A) 272(C) 273(u) 274(A) 273(C) 276(C) 277(u) 278(A) 279(u) 280(u)
281(C) 282(8) 283(8) 284(C) 283(8) 286(A) 287(u) 288(C) 289(8) 290(A)
291(u) 292(u) 293(u) 294(C) 293(u) 296(C) 297(8) 298(A) 299(C) 300(u)

301 under ArLlcle 324 LlecLlon Commlsslon has vasL funcLlons whlch are as alven ln whaL area
(A) AdmlnlsLraLlve power
(8) Maralnallv !udlcaLlve power
(C) LealslaLlve power
(u) All of Lhe above

302 AfLer whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL even Lhouah declslon of Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon ls
lssued from new uelhl Lhe order of Lhe commlsslon can be challenaed bv Lhe aaarleved parLv ln
anoLher sLaLe ln Lhe Plah CourL of LhaL SLaLe under ArLlcle 226
(A) 13Lh AmendmenL AcL
(8) 10Lh AmendmenL AcL
(C) 11Lh AmendmenL AcL
(u) 12Lh AmendmenL AcL

303 1hrouah whlch procedure a wrlL can be flled ln Lhe Supreme CourL aaalnsL declslon of Lhe
LlecLlon Commlsslon on recoanlslna or derecoanlslna a pollLlcal parLv for Lhe purpose of an elecLoral
svmbol or whlch aroup wlLhln a parLlcular parLv consLlLuLes LhaL parLv for been alloLLed of LlecLlon
svmbol Lo LhaL parLv
(A) under ArLlcle 32
(8) under ArLlcle 229
(C) Speclal leave peLlLlon
(u) ubllc lnLeresL LlLlaaLlon

304 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle Speclal leave Lo appeal lles wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL
(A) ArLlcle 136
(8) ArLlcle 137
(C) ArLlcle 138
(u) ArLlcle 139

303 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle revlew of [udaemenL or orders lles wlLh Lhe Supreme
(A) ArLlcle 139
(8) ArLlcle 137
(C) ArLlcle 140
(u) ArLlcle 141

306 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle enlaraemenL of Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Supreme CourL ls
(A) ArLlcle 143
(8) ArLlcle 148
(C) ArLlcle 138
(u) ArLlcle 143

307 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle menLlons conformaLlon Lhe Supreme CourL of powers Lo lssue
cerLaln wrlLs
(A) ArLlcle 143
(8) ArLlcle 168
(C) ArLlcle 169
(u) ArLlcle 139

308 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle menLlons Lransfer of cerLaln cases for Supreme CourL
(A) ArLlcle 139A
(8) ArLlcle 1398
(C) ArLlcle 139C
(u) ArLlcle 138
309 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes law declared bv Supreme CourL Lo be blndlna on all
(A) ArLlcle 142
(8) ArLlcle 141
(C) ArLlcle 143
(u) ArLlcle 144

310 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle resldenL has Lhe power Lo consulL Supreme CourL
(A) ArLlcle 143
(8) ArLlcle 146
(C) ArLlcle 143
(u) ArLlcle 144

311 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle Clvll and !udlclal auLhorlLles are Lo acL ln ald of Lhe Supreme
(A) ArLlcle 243
(8) ArLlcle 248
(C) ArLlcle 146
(u) ArLlcle 144

312 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle repeal of speclal provlslon as Lo dlsposal of quesLlons
relaLlna Lo consLlLuLlonal valldlLv of law ls menLloned
(A) ArLlcle 144A
(8) ArLlcle 343
(C) ArLlcle 248
(u) ArLlcle 249

313 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe sub[ecL 'Cfflcers and servanLs and expenses of Lhe
Supreme CourL'
(A) ArLlcle 296
(8) ArLlcle 147
(C) ArLlcle 247
(u) ArLlcle 243

314 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes 'lnLerpreLaLlon' of ConsLlLuLlonal rlahL of Supreme CourL
(A) ArLlcle 163
(8) ArLlcle 162
(C) ArLlcle 147
(u) ArLlcle 161

313 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes funcLlons of CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla
(A) ArLlcle 148130
(8) ArLlcle 149130
(C) ArLlcle 148133
(u) ArLlcle 148131

316 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla
(A) ArLlcle 148
(8) ArLlcle 149
(C) ArLlcle 130
(u) ArLlcle 131

317 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle duLles and powers of 'CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral' ls
(A) ArLlcle 133
(8) ArLlcle 149
(C) ArLlcle 199
(u) ArLlcle 168

318 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes 'lorm of AccounLs of Lhe unlon and Lhe SLaLe'
(A) ArLlcle 131
(8) ArLlcle 132
(C) ArLlcle 130
(u) ArLlcle 133

319 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon ls a 1rlbunal
(A) ArLlcle 136
(8) ArLlcle 136(3)
(C) ArLlcle 136
(2)(u) ArLlcle 136(1)

320 up Lo whlch vear Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner funcLloned as oneman Commlsslon
(A) 1988
(8) 1989
(C) 1987
(u) 1986

321 ln whlch monLhs and vear Lhe resldenL noLlfled LhaL besldes Lhe Chlef LlecLlon Commlsloner
Lhe Commlsslon should have Lwo oLher members called as LlecLlon Commlssloner
(A) nov 1989
(8) leb 1989
(C) CcL 1989
(u) uec 1989

322 1hrouah whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL lL has been pronounced LhaL Chlef LlecLlon
Commlssloner should have Lwo oLher members called LlecLlon Commlssloner wlLh CoordlnaLe
(A) uuraa Shankar vs 8aahura[ Al8 1934 SC 320
(8) Mohlnder vs LlecLlon Commlsslon Al8 1978 SC 831
(C) lnder[eeL vs LlecLlon Commlsslon Al8 1984 SC 1911
(u) uhanoa vs unlon of lndla Al8 1991 S C 1743

323 Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner cannoL be removed excepL bv whlch process
(A) 8eslanaLlon
(8) resldenLlal Crder
(C) lmpeachmenL
(u) !udlclal ueclslon

324 under whlch Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner LlecLlon Commlsslon was made a bodv of
mulLlmember LlecLlon Commlsslon
(A) 1 n Seshan
(8) P k Sen
(C) S Sen verma
(u) M S Clll

323 Whlch Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner appealed Lhe Supreme CourL LhaL under ArLlcle 324
LlecLlon Commlsslon as a mulLl member LlecLlon Commlsslon ls noL valld
(A) k 8 Sundram
(8) 1 SwamlnaLhan
(C) P S Shakdhar
(u) 1 n Seshan

326 uurlna 1 n Seshan perlod as Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner who was Lhe oLher Commlssloner ln
Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon
(A) M S Clll
(8) C v krlshnamurLhv
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

327 lor whlch LlecLlon one Ceneral LlecLoral 8oll for everv LerrlLorlal ConsLlLuencv shall exlsL
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) 8a[va Sabha
(C) LealslaLure
(u) All Lhe above

328 Cn whaL basls LlecLlon Lo Lok Sabha and SLaLe LealslaLure shall be conducLed
(A) AdulL Suffraae
(8) lndlrecL LlecLlon
(C) ulrecL LlecLlon
(u) none of Lhe above

329 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL provlslon for mlnlmum aae as 18 vears for Lhe lndlan
clLlzen was made Lo become ellalble Lo voLe
(A) 60Lh AmendmenL AcL 1988
(8) 61sL AmendmenL AcL 1989
(C) 62nd AmendmenL AcL 1989
(u) none of Lhe above

330 8efore 61sL AmendmenL AcL 1989 whaL was Lhe aae of lndlan clLlzen ellalble Lo voLe ln Lhe
(A) 23
(8) 24
(C) 21
(u) 22

331 under ArLlcle 326 whaL was Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal requlrmenL for Lhe lndlan clLlzen noL Lo become
ellalble as a voLer
(A) non 8esldenL
(8) unsoundness of Mlnd
(C) Crlme or CorrupL or llleaal pracLlve
(u) All Lhe above
332 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down quallflcaLlon for becomlna a voLer
(A) ArLlcle 328
(8) ArLlcle 339
(C) ArLlcle 326
(u) ArLlcle 293

333 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down quallflcaLlons for Lhe lndlan clLlzens for elecLlon Lo
(A) ArLlcle 81
(8) ArLlcle 80
(C) ArLlcle 83
(u) ArLlcle 84

334 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes quallflcaLlons for Lhe lndlan clLlzen for elecLlon Lo a SLaLe
(A) ArLlcle 173
(8) ArLlcle 173
(C) ArLlcle 177
(u) ArLlcle 178

333 under Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon whaL does 'AdulL Suffraae' slanlfv
(A) Chlldren
(8) ersons
(C) Anv lndlan clLlzen who ls of Lhe aae of 18 vears and above
(u) none of Lhe above
336 Who makes law wlLh respecL Lo LlecLlons for SLaLe LealslaLure
(A) arllamenL
(8) !udlclarv
(C) CovernmenL
(u) LlecLlon Commlsslon

337 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcles 327 or 328 whlch sub[ecL shall noL be called Lo be quesLloned ln
anv CourL
(A) uellmlLaLlon of ConsLlLuencles
(8) 1he alloLmenL of seaLs Lo such ConsLlLuencv
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above
338 Pow Lhe elecLlon Lo elLher Pouse of arllamenL or Lo elLher Pouse of Lhe LealslaLure of Lhe
SLaLe shall be called ln quesLlon ln Lhe courLs whose manner of presenLaLlon mav be provlded made
bv law bv approprlaLe LealslaLure
(A) lL (ubllc lnLeresL LlLlaaLlon)
(8) SL (Speclal Leave eLlLlon)
(C) AcLlon under ArLlcle 32
(u) LlecLlon eLlLlon

339 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down Lhe reservaLlon of seaLs for Scheduled CasLes and
Scheduled 1rlbes ln Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) ArLlcle 330
(8) ArLlcle 332
(C) ArLlcle 333
(u) ArLlcle 334

340 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deals wlLh '8epresenLaLlon of Lhe Analolndlan CommunlLv' wlLh
Pouse of Lhe eople
(A) ArLlcle 334
(8) ArLlcle 331
(C) ArLlcle 332
(u) ArLlcle 333

341 under ArLlcle 331 how manv members of Lhe Analolndlan CommunlLv can be nomlnaLed ln
Lok Sabha bv Lhe resldenL
(A) 3
(8) 4
(C) 2
(u) 1

342 ln whlch SLaLe a separaLe dlsLrlcL has been reserved for Scheduled 1rlbes
(A) Assam
(8) Andhra radesh
(C) karnaLaka
(u) kerala

343 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deals wlLh represenLaLlon of Lhe Analolndlan CommunlLv ln Lhe
LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) ArLlcle 334
(8) ArLlcle 333
(C) ArLlcle 336
(u) ArLlcle 333

344 under ArLlcle 333 how manv members from Lhe Analolndlan CommunlLv can be nomlnaLed bv
Lhe Covernor ln Lhe LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) 8
(8) 1
(C) 4
(u) 3

343 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL of ArLlcle 334 reservaLlon of seaLs for Scheduled
CasLes and Scheduled 1rlbes ln Lhe Lok Sabha and SLaLe LealslaLlve Assemblv has been lald down
(A) 31sL AmendmenL AcL 1939
(8) 23rd AmendmenL AcL
(C) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980 62nd AmendmenL AcL 1989
(u) All Lhe above

346 8efore whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL 20 vears were flxed for reservaLlon of seaLs for
Scheduled CasLes and Scheduled 1rlbes ln Lok Sabha and SLaLe LealslaLure
(A) 23rd AmendmenL AcL 1969
(8) 8Lh AmendmenL AcL 1939
(C) 44Lh AmendmenL AcL 1978
(u) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980
347 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL 30 vears were flxed for reservaLlon of seaLs for SC
and S1 ln Lok Sabha and SLaLe Assemblv
(A) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980
(8) 30Lh AmendmenL AcL 1984
(C) 23rd AmendmenL AcL 1969
(u) 31sL AmendmenL AcL 1984
348 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL flxes 40 vears for reservaLlon of seaLs for SC and S1 ln Lok
Sabha and SLaLe LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) 33Lh AmendmenL AcL 1986
(8) 36Lh AmendmenL AcL 1987
(C) 32nd AmendmenL AcL 1983
(u) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980

349 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL lavs down 30 vears for reservaLlon of seaLs for SC and S1 ln
Lhe Pouse of eople and SLaLe LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) 62nd AmendmenL AcL 1989
(8) 44Lh AmendmenL AcL 1928
(C) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980
(u) none of Lhe above
330 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle menLlons 'Clalms of SC and S1 ln CovL servlces and posL'
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 333
(8) ArLlcle 338
(u) ArLlcle 339

301(u) 302(A) 303(C) 304(A) 303(8) 306(C) 307(u) 308(A) 309(A) 310(C)
311(u) 312(A) 313(8) 314(C) 313(u) 316(A) 317(u) 318(C) 319(u) 320(8)
321(C) 322(u) 323(C) 324(A) 323(u) 326(C) 327(u) 328(A) 329(8) 330(C)
331(u) 332(C) 333(u) 334(A) 333(C) 336(A) 337(C) 338(u) 339(A) 340(8)
341(C) 342(A) 343(u) 344(8) 343(u) 346(8) 347(C) 348(u) 349(A) 330(8)

331 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down Lhe provlslon for a naLlonal Commlsslon for SC and S1
(A) ArLlcle 337
(8) ArLlcle 334
(C) ArLlcle 338
(u) ArLlcle 339

332 Whlch communlLv aeLs speclal provlslon for CenLral Servlces ln ArLlcle 336
(A) Slkh CommunlLv
(8) Musllm CommunlLv
(C) Plndu CommunlLv
(u) Analolndlan CommunlLv

333 AL Lhe Llme of commencemenL of Lhe lndlan CommunlLv how manv vears were lald down for
appolnLmenL Lo Lhe posL ln Lhe 8allwavs CusLoms osLal 1elearaph servlces for Lhe Analolndlan
(A) 2 vears
(8) 3 vears
(C) 4 vears
(u) 6 vears

334 WhaL shall be Lhe composlLlon of naLlonal Commlsslon for SC and S1
(A) Chalrperson
(8) vlceChalrperson
(C) llve oLher members
(u) All Lhe above

333 naLlonal Commlsslon for SC and S1 shall be made bv whlch consLlLuLlonal lnsLlLuLlon
(A) arllamenL
(8) LxecuLlve
(C) !udlclarv
(u) SLaLe LealslaLure

336 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe SC
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 346
(C) ArLlcle 341
(u) ArLlcle 342

337 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe S1
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 343
(C) ArLlcle 347
(u) ArLlcle 342

338 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle speclfles offlclal lanauaae of Lhe unlon
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 344
(C) ArLlcle 343
(u) ArLlcle 346

339 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 343 whlch ls Lhe offlclal lanauaae of Lhe unlon
(A) urdu
(8) Plndl
(C) Lnallsh
(u) b c

360 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle empowers Lhe SLaLe LealslaLure Lo adopL Plndl or anv sLaLe
lanauaae as Lhe offlclal lanauaae of LhaL sLaLe
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 346
(C) ArLlcle 348
(u) ArLlcle 349

361 Whose saLlsfacLlon ls requlred under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 347 reaardlna speclal provlslon for
creaLlna lanauaae spoken bv a secLlon of Lhe populaLlon of a sLaLe
(A) arllamenL
(8) !udlclarv
(C) resldenL
(u) rlme MlnlsLer

362 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes offlclal lanauaae for communlcaLlon beLween Lhe sLaLe and
anoLher sLaLe and Lhe unlon
(A) ArLlcle 349
(8) ArLlcle 346
(C) ArLlcle 243
(u) ArLlcle 303

363 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe anchavaL 8a[
(A) 243C
(8) 243A
(C) 243
(u) 243l

364 ln Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon whlch Lvpe of Lhe Sabha ls menLloned under anchavaL 8a[
(A) ulsLrlcL Sabha
(8) Cram Sabha
(C) naaar anchavaL Sabha
(u) Zlla Sabha

363 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 243 whaL ls Lhe meanlna of anchavaL
(A) Self Cram anchavaL 8a[
(8) CovernmenL of vlllaae
(C) Self CovernmenL
(u) none of Lhe above

366 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 243u ln anchavaL who aeLs reservaLlon
(A) Scheduled CasLe
(8) Scheduled 1rlbes
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

367 Who make composlLlon of anchavaL under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 243(C)
(A) SLaLe Assemblv
(8) Lok Sabha
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) LealslaLure of SLaLe

368 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes dlsquallflcaLlon for Lhe members of anchavaL
(A) ArLlcle 243l
(8) ArLlcle 243C
(C) ArLlcle 243l
(u) none of Lhe above

369 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe duraLlon of Lhe anchavaL
(A) ArLlcle 243n
(8) ArLlcle 243C
(C) ArLlcle 243L
(u) ArLlcle 2438

370 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflne 'MunlclpallLles'
(A) ArLlcle 243
(8) ArLlcle 243C
(C) ArLlcle 2431
(u) ArLlcle 343u

371 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes 'consLlLuLlon of MunlclpallLles'
(A) ArLlcle 243M
(8) ArLlcle 243l
(C) ArLlcle 243L
(u) ArLlcle 243C

372 ConsLlLuLlonallv who noLlfles Lhe phenomenal area of
(A) arllamenL
(8) Covernor
(C) Chlef MlnlsLer
(u) SLaLe CovernmenL

373 A Munlclpal Councll ls slLuaLed ln whlch area
(A) Laraer urban area
(8) urban area
(C) Smaller urban area
(u) none of Lhe above

374 Covernor lssues a noLlflcaLlon for whlch areas on Lhe sub[ecL of consLlLuLlon of Munlclpal
(A) A 1ranslLlonal Area
(8) A Smaller urban Area
(C) A Laraer urban Area
(u) All Lhe above

373 lor LlecLlon of Members Lo Lok Sabha and LealslaLlve Assemblv elecLoral consLlLuencles
comprlse whollv or parLlv of whlch area
(A) A 1ranslLlonal Area
(8) Munlclpal Area
(C) LealslaLlve Councll
(u) none of Lhe above

376 Where wards CommlLLees are found
(A) Cram Sabha
(8) Cram anchavaL
(C) MunlclpallLles
(u) none of Lhe above

377 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 343u a meLropollLan area represenL how manv number of
(A) 1en Lakhs or more
(8) llfLeen Lakhs or more
(C) Less Lhan 1en Lakhs
(u) Less Lhan llve Lakhs

378 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 243u whaL ls Lhe maxlmum duraLlon of MunlclpallLles
(A) 4 vears
(8) 6 vears
(C) 3 vears
(u) 3 vears

379 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes LlecLlon Lo MunlclpallLles
(A) ArLlcle 243A
(8) ArLlcle 243ZA
(C) ArLlcle 243Z8
(u) ArLlcle 243

380 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL MunlclpallLles conLlnued Lo be ln force ln Lhe sLaLe
whlch exlsLed before commencemenL of Lhe lndlan consLlLuLlon
(A) SevenLvfourLh AmendmenL AcL 1992
(8) lorLvfourLh AmendmenL AcL 1978
(C) lorLvflfLh AmendmenL AcL 1989
(u) lorLvsevenLh AmendmenL AcL 1984
381 1he ConsLlLuLlon of lndla was drafLed and enacLed ln whlch lanauaae
(A) Plndl
(8) Lnallsh
(C) 1amll
(u) 1eluau

382 ln ArLlcle 394A whlch lanauaae ls Lhe auLhorlLaLlve LexL of Lhe consLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) un[abl
(8) Manlpurl
(C) Plndl
(u) urdu

383 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle sLaLes '1hls ConsLlLuLlon mav be called Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla'
(A) ArLlcle 397
(8) ArLlcle 396
(C) ArLlcle 393
(u) ArLlcle 394

384 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle sLaLes LhaL Plndl ls Lhe offlclal lanauaae
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 346
(C) ArLlcle 343
(u) ArLlcle 347

383 ln whlch lanauaae scrlpL ConsLlLuLlon of lndla was slaned bv Lhe members of Lhe ConsLlLuLenL
Assemblv on 21sL !an 1930
(A) Lnallsh
(8) Plndl
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

386 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe 'rovlslon ln case of fallure of ConsLlLuLlonal AuLhorlLv
ln Lhe sLaLe
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 337
(C) ArLlcle 333
(u) ArLlcle 331

387 AfLer whlch reporL resldenL promulaaLes resldenL 8ule ln Lhe SLaLe
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) unlon Pome MlnlsLer
(C) Chlef MlnlsLer
(u) Covernor

388 Who has Lhe AuLhorlLv Lo approve resldenL 8ule ln Lhe sLaLe
(A) arllamenL
(8) Lok Sabha
(C) SLaLe LealslaLure
(u) Councll of SLaLe

389 Who has Lhe consLlLuLlonal power noL Lo approve 'resldenL 8ule' ln Lhe sLaLe under ArLlcle
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) arllamenL
(C) unlon Councll of MlnlsLers
(u) SLaLe CovernmenL
390 ln case resldenL 8ule ln Lhe sLaLe ls noL approved bv Lhe arllamenL 'lor how manv monLhs
Lhe same promulaaLlon shall lasL'
(A) lour MonLhs
(8) 1wo MonLhs
(C) 1hree MonLhs
(u) Slx MonLhs

391 under ArLlcle 336 Covernor shall noL be bound bv whose advlce
(A) Chlef MlnlsLer Councll of MlnlsLers
(8) resldenL
(C) rlme MlnlsLer
(u) none of Lhe above
392 ln whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL lL has been pronounced LhaL 'ArLlcle 336 cannoL be
lnvoked unless lL can be held LhaL aovernmenL of Lhe sLaLe cannoL be run ln accordance wlLh Lhe
provlslon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon'
(A) Arun vs unlon of lndla Al8 1992 Allahabad SC 1918
(8) S 8 8ommal vs unlon of lndla Al8 1990 kanL 93
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above
393 ln whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL lL has been pronounced LhaL 'Lhe unlon CovernmenL
cannoL dlsmlss a dulv elecLed SLaLe CovernmenL on Lhe sole around LhaL Lhe rullna parLv ln Lhe sLaLe
suffered an overwhelmlna defeaL ln Lhe elecLlon of Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) S 8 8ommal vs unlon of lndla Al8 1994 SC 1916
(8) SLaLe of 8a[asLhan vs unlon of lndla Al8 1977 SC 1361
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

394 Pow manv Schedules are lncorporaLed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) LlevenLh Schedule
(8) 1enLh Schedule
(C) nlnLh Schedule
(u) 1welfLh Schedule

393 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down dlsLrlbuLlon of work Lhrouah Lhe unlon LlsL SLaLe LlsL
and ConcurrenL LlsL beLween Lhe unlon and SLaLe
(A) 246
(8) 247
(C) 248
(u) 249

396 ln Lhe unlon LlsL how manv sub[ecLs are lncorporaLed
(A) 93
(8) 92
(C) 97
(u) 99

397 ln Lhe SLaLe LlsL how manv sub[ecLs are lncluded
(A) 63
(8) 66
(C) 64
(u) 63

398 ln Lhe ConcurrenL llsL how manv sub[ecLs have been lncluded
(A) 42
(8) 43
(C) 43
(u) 47

399 ConsLlLuLlonallv how a law can be made ouL of Lhe sub[ecL ln Lhe ConcurrenL LlsL
(A) unlon
(8) SLaLe
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) A 8

400 ConsLlLuLlonallv who has Lhe power Lo make a law on Lhe sub[ecL menLlonable ln Lhe unlon
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) arllamenL
(C) 8a[va Sabha
(u) LealslaLlve Councll

331(C) 332(u) 333(A) 334(u) 333(A) 336(C) 337(u) 338(A) 339(u) 360(A)
361(C) 362(8) 363(C) 364(8) 363(C) 366(C) 367(u) 368(A) 369(C) 370(A)
371(u) 372(8) 373(C) 374(u) 373(8) 376(C) 377(A) 378(C) 379(8) 380(u)
381(8) 382(C) 383(u) 384(A) 383(C) 386(A) 387(u) 388(A) 389(8) 390(u)
391(A) 392(C) 393(C) 394(u) 393(A) 396(C) 397(8) 398(u) 399(u)

1 lndlan 8epubllc ls noL Lhe producL of
(A) ollLlcal 8evoluLlon
(8) ulscusslon
(C) Made bv a bodv of emlnenL represenLaLlves of Lhe people
(u) All Lhe above

2 lor Lhe flrsL Llme 8rlLlsh arllamenL enacLed whlch laws for Lhe 8rlLlsh CovernmenL Lo aovern ln
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1837
(8) CovL of lndla AcL 1838
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1891
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1888

3 1he 8rlLlsh SecreLarv of Lhe SLaLe aoverned lndla Lhrouah whlch lnsLlLuLlon
(A) LxecuLlve Councll
(8) arllamenL
(C) Covernor asslsLed bv an LxecuLlve Councll
(u) Covernor Ceneral appolnLed bv an LxecuLlve Councll

4 under Lhe 8rlLlsh 8ule ln lndla Covernor Ceneral was responslble Lo
(A) SecreLarv of lndla
(8) SecreLarv of 8rlLaln
(C) SecreLarv of SLaLe
(u) none of Lhe above

3 MorelvMlnLo reform ls assoclaLed wlLh whlch AcL
(A) lndlan Councll AcL 1836
(8) lndlan Councll AcL 1909
(C) lndlan Councll AcL 1908
(u) lndlan Councll AcL 1912

6 uurlna Lhe 8rlLlsh rule whlch communlLv aoL separaLe represenLaLlon from whlch AcL
(A) ChrlsLlan CommunlLv lndlan Councll AcL 1909
(8) 8uddhlsL CommunlLv lndlan Councll AcL 1907
(C) Musllm CommunlLv lndlan Councll AcL 1909
(u) All Lhe above

7 uurlna Lhe 8rlLlsh perlod under whlch AcL elecLlon was lnLroduced ln lndla
(A) lndlan Councll AcL 1913
(8) lndlan Councll AcL 1909
(C) lndlan Councll AcL 1906
(u) lndlan Councll AcL 1907

8 MonLaauChelmsford reporL ls assoclaLed wlLh whlch CovL of lndla AcL
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1918
(8) CovL of lndla AcL 1920
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1930
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1919

9 When was Lhe lndlan naLlonal Conaress esLabllshed
(A) 1888
(8) 1883
(C) 1889
(u) 1890

10 under Lhe 8rlLlsh 8ule when 'uvarchv Covernlna SvsLem' was lnLroduced for Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1919
(8) CovL of lndla AcL 1929
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1923
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1933

11 under Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 whlch communlLles were provlded separaLe represenLaLlon ln
Lhe LlecLoraLe svsLem
(A) Slkh Luropeans
(8) lndlan ChrlsLlans
(C) Analolndlans
(u) All Lhe above

12 under whlch CovernmenL of lndla AcL lederaLlon and rovlnclal AuLonomv were lnLroduced ln
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1933
(8) CovL of lndla AcL 1930
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1940
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1936

13 under Lhe 8rlLlsh rule how manv acLs came lnLo operaLlon
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1838 lndlan Councll AcL 1861
(8) lndlan Councll AcL 1892 lndlan Councll AcL 1809
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1919 CovL of lndla AcL 1933 lndlan lndependence AcL 1947
(u) All Lhe above

14 Whlch AcL provlded lndla Lo become an lndependenL sLaLe
(A) lndlan lndependence AcL 1949
(8) lndlan lndependence AcL 1946
(C) lndlan lndependence AcL 1947
(u) none of Lhe above

13 under Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 Lhe lndlan lederaLlon worked Lhrouah whlch klnd of llsL
(A) lederal LlsL
(8) rovlnclal LlsL
(C) ConcurrenL LlsL
(u) All Lhe above

16 ln Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1833 lederal LlsL conLalned whlch klnd of sub[ecLs
(A) LxLernal Affalrs
(8) Currencv and Colnaae
(C) naval MlllLarv and lorce Census
(u) All Lhe above

17 ln Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 provlnclal llsL lncluded whlch klnd of sub[ecLs
(A) ollce
(8) rovlnclal ubllc Servlce
(C) LducaLlon
(u) All Lhe above

18 ln Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 whlch sub[ecLs are lncluded ln Lhe concurrenL llsL
(A) Crlmlnal Law rocedure Clvll rocedure
(8) Marrlaae
(C) ulvorce ArblLraLlon
(u) All Lhe above

19 under Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 who had Lhe power Lo proclalm emeraencv
(A) Covernor Ceneral
(8) Ceneral of lndla
(C) Covernor of Lhe SLaLe
(u) none of Lhe above

20 ln Lhe CovL of lndla AcL 1933 who was auLhorlsed Lo make a law on Lhe rovlnclal sub[ecL
(A) Covernor
(8) Covernor Ceneral
(C) lederal LealslaLure
(u) none of Lhe above

21 Whlch ConsLlLuLlon ls ln Lhe wrlLLen form for Lhe flrsL Llme bv an elecLed bodv durlna Lhe Modern
(A) lndla
(8) Amerlca
(C) 8rlLaln
(u) lrance

22 Who was Lhe de facLo rlme MlnlsLer aL Lhe Llme of evoluLlon of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuenL
(A) MoLl Lal nehru
(8) Sardar 8allabh 8hal aLal
(C) !awahar Lal nehru
(u) P n kunzru

23 Who bolcoLLed Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) unlonlsL Musllm
(8) Musllm Leaaue
(C) unlonlsL Scheduled CasLe
(u) krlshak o[a

24 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlch parLles were members
(A) Conaress Musllm Leaaue unlonlsL Musllm
(8) unlonlsL Scheduled CasLe krlshak o[a Scheduled CasLes lederaLlon Slkh (non Conaress)
(C) CommunlsLs lndependenLs
(u) All Lhe above

23 Whlch parLv sald LhaL lndlan ConsLlLuenL Assemblv does noL have a fullv represenLaLlve
(A) Conaress
(8) Musllm Leaaue
(C) unlonlsL Musllm
(u) unlonlsL Scheduled CasLes

26 AfLer lndependence who declded Lo deLermlne Lhe luLure ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Sardar 8allabh 8hal aLel
(C) ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(u) none of Lhe above

27 Whom Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuenL Assemblv represenLed
(A) lullv represenLaLlve of Lhe Plndus
(8) lullv represenLaLlve of Lhe SLaLe ln lndla
(C) lullv represenLaLlve of Lhe rovlnces ln lndla
(u) lullv represenLaLlve of Lhe SLaLes and rovlnces ln lndla

28 1hrouah whlch offer Lhe 8rlLlsh CovernmenL auLhorlLaLlvelv supporLed a ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
for maklna Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) AuausL offer
(8) vlcerov offer
(C) Slr SLrafford Crlpps offer
(u) none of Lhe above

29 Who supporLed Lhe vlews of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv for maklna Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) Sardar aLel
(8) Candhl[l
(C) !lnnah
(u) none of Lhe above

30 Candhl[l wroLe whlch arLlcle ln Lhe Parl[an of 19Lh november 1939 Lo supporL Lhe formaLlon of
ConsLlLuenL Assemblv for maklna Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) 1he need of ConsLlLuLlon
(8) lormaLlon of ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(C) 1he onlv wav
(u) 1he wav

31 Whlch arLv supporLed formaLlon of a ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) Conaress
(8) Musllm Leaaue
(C) unlonlsL Musllm
(u) unlonlsL Scheduled CasLes

32 When dld ConsLlLuenL Assemblv adopL a naLlonal llaa
(A) 22nd Aua 1947
(8) 22nd !ulv 1947
(C) 22nd !an 1947
(u) 22nd CcL 1947

33 uld Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv exlsL aL Lhe Llme of lndlan lndependence
(A) no
(8) Cnlv ldea emeraed
(C) ?es
(u) uncerLalnLv reaardlna formaLlon of sald Assemblv

34 Who was Lhe lasL 8rlLlsh Covernor Ceneral who addressed Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) Lord ALLlee
(8) Lord MounL 8aLLen
(C) Lord 8enLlck
(u) none of Lhe above

33 When dld Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv passed a resoluLlon for LranslaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of
lndla lnLo Plndl and oLher manv lanauaaes of lndla
(A) 17Lh Sep 1949
(8) 17Lh CcL 1949
(C) 17Lh nov 1949
(u) 17Lh uec 1949

36 WhaL was Lhe lasL sesslon of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) LlevenLh sesslon
(8) 1welfLh sesslon
(C) SlxLeenLh sesslon
(u) SevenLh sesslon

37 When was Lhe lasL 1welfLh sesslon of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv held
(A) 24Lh !an 1930
(8) 24Lh leb 1930
(C) 24Lh Aprll 1930
(u) 24Lh uec 1930

38 Pow manv coples of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon were prlnLed afLer Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv framed Lhe
(A) 1wo
(8) Cne
(C) 1hree
(u) lour

39 Whlch sona was sana ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv before lLs Ad[ournmenL slne dle
(A) !ana Cana Man
(8) vande MaLram
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

40 lor how manv vears monLhs and davs dld Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv work on Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of
(A) 2 ?ears 11 monLhs and 19 uavs
(8) 3 ?ears 12 monLhs and 16 uavs
(C) 4 ?ears 18 monLhs and 6 uavs
(u) none of Lhe above

41 Pow manv number of sesslons were held ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 1wenLv sesslons
(8) 1welve sesslons
(C) 1wenLvflve sesslons
(u) 1wenLvelahL sesslons

42 Pow manv ArLlcles and Schedules were ln Lhe llrsL urafL ConsLlLuLlon presenLed bv Lhe urafLlna
CommlLLee Lo Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 318 ArLlcles and 7 Schedules
(8) 319 ArLlcles ad 10 Schedules
(C) 313 ArLlcles and 8 Schedules
(u) 399 ArLlcles and 3 Schedules

43 ln Lhe flnal form of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon adopLed bv Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv how manv ArLlcles
and Schedules were Lhere
(A) 397 ArLlcles and 9 Schedules
(8) 393 ArLlcles and 4 Schedules
(C) 396 ArLlcles and 7 Schedules
(u) 393 ArLlcles and 8 Schedules

44 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv how manv LoLal number of AmendmenLs were proposed ln Lhe urafL
(A) Approx 7933
(8) Approx 7892
(C) Approx 7363
(u) Approx 2473

43 WhaL was Lhe expendlLure made bv Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlle framlna Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of
(A) 8s 6396729
(8) 8s 6498723
(C) 8s 6992769
(u) 8s 6392926

46 Pow manv vlslLors came Lo wlLness Lhe proceedlnas of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 32300
(8) 33000
(C) 34000
(u) 34300

47 Who presenLed Lhe Cb[ecLlve 8esoluLlon ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) !awaharlal nehru
(8) MoLllal nehru
(C) Sardar 8allabah 8hal aLel
(u) none of Lhe above

48 When was Lhe llrsL urafL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla proposed
(A) CcL 1943
(8) CcL 1947
(C) CcL 1946
(u) CcL 1948

49 Who prepared Lhe flrsL drafL ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Candhl[l
(C) Advlsorv 8ranch of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(u) Sardar 8allabh 8hal aLel

30 Who was Lhe Chalrman of Lhe urafL CommlLLee of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) ur 8 8 Ambedkar
(8) k M Munshl
(C) !aa[lvan 8am
(u) none of Lhe above

1(A) 2(8) 3(u) 4(C) 3(8) 6(C) 7(8) 8(u) 9(8) 10(A)
11(u) 12(A) 13(u) 14(C) 13(u) 16(u) 17(u) 18(u) 19(A) 20(C)
21(8) 22(C) 23(8) 24(u) 23(8) 26(C) 27(u) 28(A) 29(8) 30(C)
31(A) 32(8) 33(C) 34(8) 33(A) 36(8) 37(A) 38(C) 39(C) 40(A)
41(8) 42(C) 43(u) 44(C) 43(A) 46(8) 47(A) 48(8) 49(C) 30(A)

31 When was Lhe drafL ConsLlLuLlon of lndla prepared bv Lhe urafLlna CommlLLee submlLLed Lo Lhe
resldenL of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 28Lh leb 1948
(8) 26Lh leb 1948
(C) 21sL leb 1948
(u) 23Lh leb 1948

32 When was Lhe Second 8eadlna of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon compleLed ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 18 nov 1949
(8) 17 nov 1949
(C) 13 nov 1949
(u) 16 nov 1949

33 Pow manv readlnas were held on Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) llrsL 8eadlna
(8) 1hlrd 8eadlna
(C) Second 8eadlna
(u) none of Lhe above

34 When was Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla adopLed bv Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 23Lh nov 1949
(8) 29Lh nov 1949
(C) 26Lh nov 1949
(u) 27Lh nov 1949

33 Pow manv rlncelv SLaLes exlsLed aL Lhe Llme when Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv was maklna Lhe
(A) 600
(8) 800
(C) 900
(u) 930

36 Who sald 'l feel however aood a ConsLlLuLlon mav be lL ls sure Lo Lurn ouL bad because Lhose
who are called Lo work lL Laken Lo be a bad loL Powever bad a ConsLlLuLlon mav be lL mav Lurn ouL
Lo be aood lf Lhose who are called Lo work lL happens Lo be a aood loL 1he worklna of a
ConsLlLuLlon does noL depend whollv upon Lhe naLure of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon'
(A) ur Ambedkar
(8) ur 8a[endra rasad
(C) ur Subhash kashvap
(u) none of Lhe above

37 Who sLaLed 'As Lo Lhe execuLlon LhaL Lhe urafL ConsLlLuLlon has produced a aood parL of Lhe
provlslons of Lhe CovernmenL of lndla AcL 1933 make no apoloales 1here ls noLhlna Lo be ashamed
of ln 8orrowlna'
(A) ur 8a[endra rasad
(8) !awhar Lal nehru
(C) Candhl[l
(u) ur Ambedkar

38 Who sald 'lf Lhe people who are elecLed are capable and men of characLer and lnLearlLv Lhev
would be able Lo make Lhe besL even of a defecLlve ConsLlLuLlon lf Lhev are lacklna ln Lhese Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon cannoL help Lhe counLrv'
(A) Sardar Pukam Slnah
(8) k M Munshl
(C) ur 8a[endra rasad
(u) Sardar 8allabh 8hal aLel

39 When were Lhe elecLlon Lo Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv held
(A) !ulv 1946
(8) Aua 1946
(C) Sep 1946
(u) CcL 1946

60 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv how manv seaLs were aoL bv Lhe Conaress
(A) 204
(8) 203
(C) 203
(u) 208

61 Pow manv seaLs were obLalned bv Lhe Musllm Leaaue ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 74
(8) 73
(C) 73
(u) 76

62 Pow manv seaLs were acqulred bv Lhe oLher parLles ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 14
(8) 13
(C) 17
(u) 18

63 Pow manv LoLal members were elecLed ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) 296
(8) 293
(C) 291
(u) 292

64 ln Lhe arllamenL of lndla upper Pouse ln known as
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) 8a[va Sabha
(C) Councll of SLaLes
(u) none of Lhe above

63 ln Lhe arllamenL Lower Pouse ls called as (A) LealslaLlve Assemblv
(8) LealslaLlve Councll
(C) 8a[va Sabha
(u) Lok Sabha (Pouse of eople)

66 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv who was Lhe Pead of Lhe unlon ConsLlLuLlon CommlLLee
(A) !awaharlal nehru
(8) Sardar aLel
(C) Subhash 8use
(u) none of Lhe above

67 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlch words were assoclaLed wlLh Lhe arllamenL
(A) arllamenL of Lhe LealslaLure
(8) arllamenL of Lhe unlon
(C) arllamenL of Lhe lederaLlon
(u) All Lhe above
68 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv lL was sald LhaL arllamenL of Lhe lederaLlon shall conslsL of Lhe
resldenL and whaL else
(A) naLlonal LealslaLure
(8) naLlonal Assemblv
(C) Pouse of eople
(u) Councll of SLaLe

69 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlch commlLLee recommended LhaL lndlan ConsLlLuLlon adopL
arllamenLarv lorm of LxecuLlve
(A) urafLlna CommlLLee
(8) ConsLlLuLlonal CommlLLee
(C) unlon ConsLlLuLlon CommlLLee
(u) All Lhe above

70 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv how manv seaLs were flxed for Pouse of eople
(A) 300
(8) 400
(C) 300
(u) 230

71 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whaL was Lhe number of populaLlon flxed for one 8epresenLaLlve
(A) 7300
(8) 730000
(C) 30000
(u) 78300

72 Who elecLed ur 8a[endra rasad as Lhe llrsL resldenL of lndla
(A) ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(8) LealslaLlve Assemblv
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) Lok Sabha

73 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv who proposed Lhe name of ur 8a[endra rasad as resldenL of
(A) !awaharlal nehru
(8) Sardar aLel
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

74 Whlch ls our naLlonal anLhem
(A) !ana Cana Mana
(8) vande MaLram
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

73 When dld Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv adopL naLlonal AnLhem
(A) 23Lh !an 1930
(8) 26Lh !an 1930
(C) 24Lh !an 1930
(u) 29Lh !an 1930
76 ln Lhe lasL sesslon of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv whlch sona was suna
(A) !an Cana Mana
(8) vande MaLram
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

77 Whlch women presenLed naLlonal llaa ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) SmL Saro[lnl naldu
(8) SmL Pansa MehLa
(C) SmL lndlra Candhl
(u) none of Lhe above
78 ln Lhe lndlan naLlonal llaa whaL does Ashoka's wheel represenL
(A) Wheel of Lhe 1ruLh
(8) Wheel of Lhe Moral
(C) Wheel of Lhe uharm
(u) Wheel of Lhe Law

79 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whaL does areen colour represenL
(A) Anlmals
(8) Soll
(C) Puman naLure
(u) SplrlLual hllosophv

80 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whaL does saffron colour represenL
(A) SplrlL of 8enunclaLlon
(8) SplrlL of colours
(C) SplrlL of Puman naLure
(u) none of Lhe above

81 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whom does Lhe wheel represenL
(A) rlLhlvl 8a[ Chauhan
(8) 8a[a Man Slnah
(C) Ashoka
(u) none of Lhe above

82 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whaL shall be Lhe 8aLlo of Lhe wldLh Lo Lhe lenaLh
(A) 2 3
(8) 2 4
(C) 2 3
(u) 2 6

83 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa how manv colours are Lhere
(A) lour
(8) 1hree
(C) 1wo
(u) llve

84 Whlch colours are lncluded ln Lhe naLlonal llaa
(A) ueep Saffron
(8) WhlLe
(C) uark Creen
(u) All Lhe above

83 ln Lhe naLlonal llaa whlch colour ls used ln Lhe wheel
(A) 8lue
(8) navv 8lue
(C) 8ed Creen
(u) CreenWhlLe

86 ln Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv when was Lhe adhoc CommlLLee appolnLed for Lhe naLlonal llaa
(A) 23rd !une 1947
(8) 23rd !ulv 1947
(C) 23rd !an 1947
(u) 23rd leb 1947

87 WhaL was Lhe name of lndla's llrsL LealslaLure
(A) arllamenL
(8) unlon arllamenL
(C) ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(u) naLlonal Assemblv

88 uurlna whaL perlod ConsLlLuenL Assemblv of lndla worked
(A) 19481930
(8) 19491931
(C) 19471949
(u) 19311932

89 Who was Lhe flrsL Speaker of free lndla's flrsL LealslaLure (ConsLlLuenL Assemblv)
(A) C v Mavalankar
(8) k M Munshl
(C) lrank AnLhonv
(u) SmL Saro[lnl naldu

90 AfLer lndlan lndependence who represenLed rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) arllamenL
(C) 8a[va Sabha
(u) ConsLlLuenL Assemblv

91 When dld lndla become a fullv Soverelan uemocraLlc 8epubllc
(A) 26Lh nov 1949
(8) 26Lh nov 1930
(C) 26Lh !an 1949
(u) 26Lh nov 1931

92 AfLer lndlan lndependence whaL was noL rovlslonal arllamenL provlded
(A) ulrecLlv LlecLed 8odv
(8) lndlrecLlv LlecLed 8odv
(C) Soverelan 8odv
(u) none of Lhe above

93 ln Lhe rovlslonal arllamenL of lndla how manv members were Lhere
(A) 296
(8) 313
(C) 318
(u) 316

94 ln lndla who amended Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhrouah Lhe flrsL AmendmenL 8lll 1931
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) 8a[va Sabha
(C) rovlslonal arllamenL
(u) arllamenL

93 Who was Lhe flrsL rlme MlnlsLer of lndla aL Lhe Llme of rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Lal 8ahadur ShasLrl
(C) lndlra Candhl
(u) 8a[lv Candhl

96 Who was be uepuLv rlme MlnlsLer of lndla aL Lhe Llme of rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Sardar 8allabh 8ahl aLel
(u) Maulana Abdul kalam Azad
(u) Culzarllal nanda
97 Whlch occupaLlon was represenLed more ln Lhe rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) AarlculLurlsLs
(8) 8uslnessmen
(C) 1eachers/Academlclans
(u) Lawvers

98 lrom whlch area more members were represenLed ln Lhe rovlslonal arllamenL
(A) 8ural area
(8) urban area
(C) MunlclpallLles
(u) anchavaLs

99 When dld Lhe flrsL Lok Sabha funcLlon
(A) 19321936
(8) 19331937
(C) 19321937
(u) none of Lhe above

100 Who was Lhe rlme MlnlsLer of lndla ln Lhe flrsL Lok Sabha
(A) andlL Covlnd 8allabh anL
(8) !awahar Lal nehru
(C) Abdul kalam Azad
(u) C u ueshmukh

31(C) 32(u) 33(8) 34(C) 33(A) 36(A) 37(u) 38(C) 39(A) 60(8)
61(C) 62(A) 63(u) 64(8) 63(u) 66(A) 67(C) 68(A) 69(C) 70(A)
71(8) 72(A) 73(C) 74(C) 73(C) 76(C) 77(8) 78(u) 79(8) 80(A)
81(C) 82(A) 83(8) 84(u) 83(8) 86(A) 87(C) 88(C) 89(A) 90(u)
91(C) 92(A) 93(8) 94(C) 93(A) 96(8) 97(u) 98(A) 99(C) 100(A)

101 Who was Lhe MlnlsLer of Pome Affalrs ln Lhe flrsL Lok Sabha
(A) !aa[lvan 8am
(8) C u ueshmukh
(C) andlL Covlnd 8allabh anL
(u) Abdul kalam Azad
102 Who was Lhe flrsL Speaker of Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha
(A) Cv Mavalankar
(8) C u ueshmukh
(C) ur S 8adhakrlshnan
(u) andlL Covlnd 8allabh anL

103 Who was Lhe chalrman of Lhe 8a[va Sabha aL Lhe Llme of flsL Lok Sabha
(A) nC ChaLLer[ee
(8) ur S 8adhakrlshnan
(C) A k Copalan
(u) Mahavlr 1vaal

104 Who was Lhe faLher of Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) Pukam Slnah
(8) n San[lva 8eaddv
(C) C S uhlllon
(u) C v Mavalankar

103 When dld Lhe orlaln and evoluLlon of Lhe offlce of Speaker sLarL ln lndla
(A) ln Plndu perlod
(8) ln 8rlLlsh erlod
(C) ln Muahal perlod
(u) none of Lhe above

106 1lll 1920 who preslded over Lhe LealslaLlve Councll of lndla
(A) Speaker
(8) uepuLv Speaker
(C) Covernor
(u) Covernor Ceneral

107 When was Lhe LlLle 'Speaker' assumed ln lndla
(A) 1947
(8) 1948
(C) 1949
(u) 1946

108 under whlch acL Lhe 8lcameral CenLral LealslaLure was esLabllshed durlna Lhe 8rlLlsh perlod for
Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) CovL of lndla AcL 1938
(8) 1he lndlan Councll AcL 1861
(C) CovL of lndla AcL 1919
(u) CovL of lndla AcL 1933

109 Who was Lhe flrsL resldenL of CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv before lndla was lndependenL
(A) Slr lrederlck WhvLe
(8) Slr CP SeeLalbad
(C) Sardar aLel
(u) Slr Mohammad ?akub

110 Who was Lhe Speaker of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv
(A) Slr Abdul 8ahlm
(8) C v Mavalankar
(C) M A Avvanaar
(u) Slr lbrahlm 8ahlm 1oola

111 Who was Lhe lasL resldenL of Lhe lndlan CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv durlna Lhe 8rlLlsh Llme
(A) C v Mavalankar
(8) Abdul 8ahlm
(C) Slr 8 k Shanumukham CheLLv
(u) none of Lhe above
112 Who was Lhe flrsL lndlan Lo be Lhe resldenL of CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) M A Avvanaer
(8) 8 8 8haaaL
(C) ur 8alarm !akhar
(u) vlLhalbhal ! aLel

113 AfLer Lhe deaLh of Shrl C v Mavrlankar who became Lhe Speaker of Lhe flrsL Lok Sabha
(A) M A Avvanaar
(8) kS Peade
(C) n San[lva 8eddv
(u) none of Lhe above

114 Who was Lhe Speaker of Lhe second Lok Sabha
(A) k S Peade
(8) M A Avvanaar
(C) Salman khurshld
(u) 8abl 8ov

113 Whlch lndlan resldenL was Lhe Speaker of Lhe lourLh Lok Sabha
(A) S u Sharma
(8) ur 8a[endra rasad
(C) n San[lva 8eddv
(u) ur S 8adhakrlshanan

116 Who was Lhe Speaker of Lhe SlxLh Lok Sabha
(A) n San[lva 8eddv
(8) k S Peade
(C) A and 8
(u) none of Lhe above

117 Whlch arLlcle of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon menLloned Lhe posLs of Speaker and uepuLv Speaker of
Lhe Pouse of eople
(A) ArLlcle 93
(8) ArLlcle 93
(C) ArLlcle 91
(u) ArLlcle 96

118 Who ls Lhe Pead Lo LransacL Lhe buslness of Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Members of Lok Sabha
(C) Speaker
(u) resldenL

119 ln Lhe absence of Lhe Speaker who performs Lhe duLles of LransacLlna Lhe buslness ln Lok
(A) uepuLv Speaker
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) Members of arllamenL
(u) arllamenLarv Affalrs MlnlsLer

120 under whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhe Councll of SLaLe (8a[va Sabha) has a Chalrman and
uepuLv Chalrman
(A) ArLlcle 109
(8) ArLlcle 108
(C) ArLlcle 89
(u) ArLlcle 91

121 WhaL members of Lhe arllamenL cannoL represenL
(A) Members of Lok Sabha
(8) Members of 8a[va Sabha
(C) Members of LealslaLlve Assemblv
(u) Members of boLh Pouses of arllamenL

122 Pow can member of arllamenL reslan from hls seaL
(A) 8v speaklna ln Lhe Pouse
(8) 8v an announcemenL ln Lhe ress
(C) 8v wrlLlna under hls slanaLure addressed Lo Lhe Chalrman or Lhe Speaker
(u) All Lhe above

123 Who flxes salarles and allowances for Lhe Chalrman and uepuLv Chalrman of Lhe 8a[va Sabha
and Lhe Speaker and uepuLv Speaker of Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) 8a[va Sabha
(C) Members of Lhe arllamenL
(u) arllamenL bv Law
124 ln whlch Schedule of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon salarles and allowances for Lhe Chalrman and uepuLv
Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha and Speaker and uepuLv Speaker of Lhe Lok Sabha are speclfled
(A) llrsL
(8) Second
(C) 1hlrd
(u) lourLh

123 under whlch ArLlcle ConducL of 8uslness of arllamenL ls menLloned
(A) ArLlcle 99
(8) ArLlcle 93
(C) ArLlcle 76
(u) ArLlcle 92

126 under whlch Schedule of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon everv member of arllamenL Lakes oaLh or
(A) llrsL
(8) 1hlrd
(C) llfLh
(u) SlxLh

127 under Lhe 8rlLlsh 8ule who was Lhe llrsL uepuLv resldenL of CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) Shrl Sachchldananda Slnha
(8) Shrl Abdul MaLla Chaudharv
(C) Slr Muhammad ?akub
(u) Shrl 8 8 Shamnukhavm CheLLv
128 8efore lndlan lndependence how was Lhe osL of uepuLv Speaker ln Lhe CenLral LealslaLlve
Assemblv called
(A) vlce resldenL
(8) vlce Chalrman
(C) uepuLv resldenL
(u) none of Lhe above

129 Who was Lhe lasL uepuLv resldenL of CenLral LealslaLlve Assemblv durlna Lhe 8rlLlsh erlod
(A) Slr Muhammad ?amln khan
(8) Shrl Abdul MaLla Chaudharv
(C) Slr Muhammad ?akub
(u) Shrl 8 8 Shamnukham CheLLv

130 Who was Lhe uepuLv Speaker of Lhe ConsLlLuenL Assemblv (LealslaLlve)
(A) Shlvara[ aLll
(8) C Laxman
(C) Sv krlshnamurLhv 8ao
(u) M A Avvanaar

131 Who was Lhe uepuLv Speaker of Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha
(A) M A Avvanaar
(8) Sardar Pukam Slnah
(C) M 1hambldural
(u) none of Lhe above

132 Who was Lhe rlme MlnlsLer aL Lhe Llme of Second Lok Sabha
(A) Lal 8ahadur ShasLrl
(8) L !awahar Lal nehru
(C) narslmha 8ao
(u) l k Cu[ral

133 Who was Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha Speaker unanlmouslv elecLed
(A) Pukam Slnah
(8) ur CS uhlllon
(C) MA Avvanaar
(u) 88 8haaaL

134 ln Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha LlecLlon whaL was Lhe expendlLure lncurred
(A) 8s 1043 crore
(8) 8s 390 crore
(C) 8s 781 crore
(u) 8s 1443 crore

133 Who sald 'As resldenL l have no eves buL consLlLuLlonal eves l cannoL see vou'
(A) ur 8a[endra rasad
(8) ur 8adhakrlshnan
(C) Abraham Llncoln
(u) MahaLma Candhl

136 When was Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha dlssolved
(A) 4Lh Aprll 1937
(8) 3rd Aprll 1937
(C) 6Lh Aprll 1937
(u) 8Lh Aprll 1937

137 ln Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha whaL was Lhe 8epresenLaLlon of Women
(A) 27
(8) 34
(C) 22
(C) 39

138 ln Lhe llrsL Lok Sabha how manv seaLs were
(A) 300
(8) 499
(C) 344
(u) 321

139 ln whlch Lwo Lok Sabhas Women 8epresenLaLlon was equal
(A) llrsL and SlxLh Lok Sabha
(8) llrsL and LlahLh Lok Sabha
(C) llrsL and llfLh Lok Sabha
(u) llrsL and nlnLh Lok Sabha
140 Whlch rlme MlnlsLer of lndla lmposed resldenL 8ule for more number of Llmes
(A) !awahar Lal nehru
(8) Lal 8ahadur ShasLrl
(C) n u ueva Cowda
(u) lndlra Candhl

141 uurlna Lhe Llme of !awahar Lal nehru how manv 1lmes resldenLs 8ule was reproduced
(A) Seven
(8) 1wo
(C) Zero
(u) lour

142 uurlna Lal 8ahadur ShasLrl Llme how manv Llmes resldenL 8ule was lmposed
(A) lour
(8) 1en
(C) 1wo
(u) llfLeen

143 uurlna Lhe Llme of lndlra Candhl whaL was Lhe number of resldenL's 8ule lmposed
(A) 16
(8) 48
(C) 4
(u) 6

144 uurlna Lhe Llme of Morar[l uesal and Charan Slnah whaL was Lhe number of Llmes resldenL
8ule lmposed
(A) 16
(8) 4
(C) 3
(u) 10

143 ln 8a[eev Candhl Llme how manv Llmes resldenL 8ule was lmposed
(A) 13
(8) 20
(C) 3
(u) 6

146 AL Lhe Llme of v Slnah how manv Llmes resldenL's 8ule was lmposed
(A) 2
(8) 6
(C) 7
(u) 8

147 uurlna Lhe perlod of Chandra Shekhar how manv Llmes resldenL's 8ule was lmposed
(A) 9
(8) 4
(C) 3
(u) 11

148 uurlna Lhe Llme of v narslhmha 8ao whaL was Lhe number of resldenL's 8ule
(A) 90
(8) 100
(C) 7
(u) 11

149 AL Lhe Llme of P u ueva Cowda whaL was Lhe number of resldenL's 8ule
(A) 2
(8) 3
(C) 13
(u) 16

130 under whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla ConsLlLuLlon of arllamenL has been deflned
(A) 80
(8) 79
(C) 82
(u) 81

101(C) 102(A) 103(8) 104(u) 103(8) 106(u) 107(A) 108(C) 109(A) 110(8)
111(A) 112(u) 113(A) 114(8) 113(C) 116(C) 117(8) 118(C) 119(A) 120(C)
121(u) 122(C) 123(u) 124(8) 123(A) 126(8) 127(A) 128(C) 129(A) 130(u)
131(A) 132(8) 133(C) 134(A) 133(C) 136(A) 137(C) 138(8) 139(C) 140(u)
141(A) 142(C) 143(8) 144(u) 143(u) 146(A) 147(8) 148(u) 149(A) 130(8)

131 Who nomlnaLes 12 members ln Lhe Councll of SLaLe
(A) Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(8) uepuLv Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(C) resldenL of lndla
(u) rlme MlnlsLer of lndla
132 Members of 8a[va Sabha are elecLed bv whlch members
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) LealslaLlve Assemblv
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) LealslaLlve Councll

133 8epresenLaLlve of unlon LerrlLorles ln Lhe Councll of SLaLe shall be choosen ln such a manner as
declded bv
(A) As prescrlbed bv law ln Lhe Assemblv
(8) As prescrlbed bv law bv SLaLe
(C) As prescrlbed bv law bv Lhe unlon
(u) As prescrlbed bv law ln Lhe arllamenL

134 Pow manv members represenLed unlon LerrlLorles ln Lok Sabha
(A) 20
(8) 21
(C) 22
(u) 23

133 lor a LlecLlon Lo Lok Sabha each SLaLe shall be dlvlded lnLo
(A) ConsLlLuencles
(8) 1errlLorlal ConsLlLuencles
(C) unlon ConsLlLuencles
(u) SLaLe ConsLlLuencles

136 Pow manv members are flxed for Lok Sabha
(A) 301
(8) 331
(C) 330
(u) 306

137 ln whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla duraLlon of Pouse of arllamenL has been
(A) 83
(8) 84
(C) 83
(u) 88

138 Whlch Pouse shall noL be a sub[ecL for dlssoluLlon
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) Pouse of eople
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) SLaLe LealslaLure

139 AfLer how manv vears oneLhlrd of Lhe members of Lhe 8a[va Sabha reLlre
(A) 6 vears
(8) 3 vears
(C) 3 vears
(u) 2 vears

160 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal sub[ecL ln operaLlon llfe of Lok Sabha can be exLended bv one
(A) roclamaLlon of Lmeraencv
(8) roclamaLlon of resldenL 8ule ln Lhe SLaLe
(C) roclamaLlon of AmendmenL Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(u) none of Lhe above
161 WhaL ls Lhe perlod of Lok Sabha
(A) lour vears
(8) Slx vears
(C) llve vears
(u) 1hree vears

162 under whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla quallflcaLlon for membershlp of arllamenL has
been menLloned
(A) 88
(8) 84
(C) 89
(u) 91

163 WhaL power Lhe resldenL mav exerclse from Llme Lo Llme ln respecL of arllamenL
(A) roroaue elLher of Lhe Pouse of arllamenL
(8) ulssolve Pouse of Lhe eople
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above
164 WhaL acLlvlLles does Lhe resldenL perform ln respecL of boLh Lhe Pouses of Lhe arllamenL
(A) 1lme Lo Llme Lo summon each of arllamenL
(8) roroaue elLher of Lhe Pouse of Lhe arllamenL
(C) ulssolve Lhe Lok Sabha
(u) All Lhe above
163 under whose advlce Lhe resldenL shall have Lhe power of summonlna proroaaLlon and
(A) Pome MlnlsLer
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) Councll of MlnlsLers
(u) arllamenLarv Affalrs MlnlsLers

166 WlLhln whlch perlod Lhe resldenL has Lo summon sesslon of Lhe arllamenL
(A) Slx MonLhs
(8) llve MonLhs
(C) lour MonLhs
(u) 1hree MonLhs

167 under whlch Supreme CourL !udamenL acLlon of Lhe resldenL Lo summon proroaue and
dlssolve elLher of Lhe Pouses of Lhe arllamenL shall be unconsLlLuLlonal lf acLed wlLhouL advlce of
Councll of MlnlsLers
(A) lndlra Candhl vs 8a[ naraln Al8 1973 SC 2299
(8) 8ao vs lndlra Candhl Al8 1971 SC 1002
(C) Anandan vs Chlef SecreLarv Al8 1966 SC 637
(u) none of Lhe above

168 ln Lhe evenL of dlssoluLlon of Lok Sabha who need noL reslan or aeL dlsmlssed lmmedlaLelv
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Pome MlnlsLer
(C) unlon Councll of MlnlsLers
(u) none of Lhe above
169 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle resldenL has Lhe rlahL Lo address and send messaae Lo Lhe
(A) 84
(8) 83
(C) 83
(u) 86

170 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle resldenL has Lhe rlahL for Speclal Address Lo Lhe
(A) 87
(8) 88
(C) 89
(u) 90

171 Whlch law offlcer shall have Lhe rlahL Lo speak ln boLh Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) SollclLor Ceneral
(8) AdvocaLe Ceneral
(C) ALLornev Ceneral
(u) Leaal Advlsor

172 Whlch ArLlcle of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla menLloned Lhe posLs of Lhe Chalrman and uepuLv
Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(A) 90
(8) 89
(C) 93
(u) 94

173 Whom Lhe 8a[va Sabha has Lhe power for removal
(A) Speaker
(8) uepuLv Speaker
(C) Councll of resldenL
(u) uepuLv Chalrman

174 uurlna Lhe absence of Lhe Chalrman who runs Lhe 8a[va Sabha ?
(A) uepuLv Chalrman
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) Pome MlnlsLer
(u) arllamenLarv Affalrs MlnlsLer

173 under whlch ArLlcle Pouse of Lhe eople can have Lhe Speaker and uepuLv Speaker
(A) 93
(8) 93
(C) 98
(u) 96

176 WhaL ls Lhe perlod lald down bv Lhe ConsLlLuLlon before Lhe proposal for removal of Speaker
and uepuLv Speaker of Lok Sabha can be Laken up bv a resoluLlon ln Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) 13 uavs
(8) 18 uavs
(C) 16 uavs
(u) 14 uavs

177 ln Lok Sabha who can noL preslde ln Lhe Pouse whlle a 8esoluLlon for 8emoval from hls offlce ls
under conslderaLlon
(A) Speaker
(8) uepuLv Speaker
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

178 under whlch ArLlcle Salarles and allowances of Lhe Chalrman and uepuLv Chalrman of 8a[va
Sabha and Speaker and uepuLv Speaker of Lok Sabha are menLloned
(A) 97
(8) 96
(C) 93
(u) 94

179 Whlch ArLlcle menLlons Lhe conducL of buslness of Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) 99
(8) 100
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

180 Who appolnLs each member of elLher of Lhe Pouses of Lhe arllamenL afLer noLlflcaLlon ls
recelved from Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon
(A) resldenL
(8) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(C) Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(u) rlme MlnlsLer

181 Who shall noL alve voLe ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance ln elLher of Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) Speaker
(8) Chalrman
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above
182 When Speaker and Chalrman shall alve Lhelr voLes on Lhe arllamenL
(A) When rlme MlnlsLer asks Lhem Lo alve voLe on Lhe 8lll
(8) When Lhe Pouse passes such a resoluLlon
(C) ln Lhe case of a Lle beLween ?es and no
(u) All Lhe above
183 WhaL ls Lhe Cuorum lald down Lo consLlLuLe a meeLlna of elLher of Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) oneLenLh of Lhe LoLal number of members of LhaL Pouse
(8) onefourLh of Lhe LoLal number of members of LhaL Pouse
(C) oneflfLh of Lhe LoLal number of members of LhaL Pouse
(u) onehalf of Lhe LoLal number of members of LhaL Pouse
184 Whlch ArLlcle menLlons dlsquallflcaLlon of members ln Lhe arllamenL
(A) ArLlcle 101 Lo ArLlcle 104
(8) ArLlcle 101 Lo ArLlcles 103
(C) ArLlcle 102 Lo ArLlcle 106
(u) ArLlcle 106 Lo ArLlcle 110

183 Lok Sabha has Lhe supremacv ln whlch maLLer
(A) 8allwav 8udaeL
(8) uefence 8udaeL
(C) lorelan affalrs
(u) llnanclal 8lll

186 normallv whaL klnd of sesslon does Lhe arllamenL hold
(A) 8udaeL sesslon
(8) Monsoon sesslon
(C) WlnLer sesslon
(u) All Lhe above

187 Whlch sesslon of Lhe vear resldenL addresses boLh Lhe Pouses of arllamenL
(A) llrsL sesslon (8udaeL)
(8) Second sesslon (Monsoon)
(C) 1hlrd sesslon (WlnLer)
(u) none of Lhe above

188 ln whlch sesslon of arllamenL 8allwav and Ceneral 8udaeLs are presenLed
(A) Monsoon sesslon
(8) llrsL sesslon
(C) WlnLer sesslon
(u) none of Lhe above

189 WhaL ls Lhe meanlna of Lhe ad[ournmenL moLlon under arllamenLarv procedure
(A) Member draws aLLenLlon reaardlna lmporLanL sub[ecLmaLLer
(8) Member wanLs Lhe Pouse Lo dlscuss hls sub[ecLmaLLer
(C) Member wanLs Lo ralse compllcaLed lssue
(u) Member wanLs Lo draw Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe Pouse Lo wav recenL maLLer of uraenL publlc
lmporLance havlna serlous consequences
190 Who has Lhe power Lo accepL ad[ournmenL ln Lhe Pouse
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Pome MlnlsLer
(C) Speaker ln Lhe Lok Sabha and Chalrman ln Lhe 8a[va Sabha
(u) All Lhe above

191 Whlch auLhorlLv ln Lhe arllamenL has Lhe rlahL Lo ad[ourn Lhe Pouse
(A) Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(8) resldenL
(C) arllamenLarv Affalrs MlnlsLer
(u) rlme MlnlsLer
192 Who has Lhe power Lo presenL ad[ournmenL moLlon ln Lok Sabha and 8a[va Sabha
(A) MlnlsLer
(8) uepuLv Speaker
(C) rlme MlnlsLer
(u) Member of Lhe sald Pouse

193 ln Lhe arllamenL everv 8lll has Lo pass Lhrouah whlch sLaaes of 8eadlna before lL becomes
(A) llrsL 8eadlna
(8) Second 8eadlna
(C) 1hlrd 8eadlna
(u) All Lhe above

194 When a 8lll ls passed bv Lhe arllamenL and Lhe resldenL whaL ls Lhe sLaLus of Lhe name
(A) Law
(8) 8lll approved
(C) 8lll exerclsed for admlnlsLraLlon
(u) CovernmenL procedure

193 Whlch Lwo houses can have a [olnL slLLlna
(A) LealslaLlve Assemblv and arllamenL
(8) Lok Sabha and 8a[va Sabha
(C) Councll of SLaLe and LealslaLlve Councll
(u) none of Lhe above

196 When does Lhe resldenL assenL Lhe 8lll
(A) Lok Sabha passes Lhe 8lll
(8) 8a[va Sabha passes Lhe 8lll
(C) Lok Sabha and 8a[va Sabha boLh passed Lhe 8lll
(u) none of Lhe above
197 ln lndla when does Lhe flnanclal vear commence
(A) llrsL Aprll
(8) Second Aprll
(C) llrsL March
(f) llfLeenLh March

198 Cn Lhe sub[ecL of budaeL demands for aranL are arranaed ln whlch wav
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) llnance MlnlsLer
(C) MlnlsLrv wlse
(u) All Lhe above

199 ln how manv parLs Lhe 8udaeL ls presenLed ln Lok Sabha
(A) Cne
(8) 1wo
(C) 1hree
(u) lour

200 Pow are Lhe parLs of Lhe 8udaeL known as
(A) Ceneral 8udaeL
(8) 8allwav 8udaeL
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

131(C) 132(8) 133(u) 134(A) 133(8) 136(C) 137(A) 138(C) 139(u) 160(A)
161(C) 162(8) 163(C) 164(u) 163(C) 166(A) 167(8) 168(C) 169(u) 170(A)
171(C) 172(8) 173(u) 174( ) 173(8) 176(u) 177(C) 178(A) 179(C) 180(A)
181(C) 182(C) 183(A) 184(A) 183(u) 186(u) 187(A) 188(8) 189(u) 190(C)
191(A) 192(u) 193(u) 194(A) 193(8) 196(C) 197(A) 198(C) 199(8) 200(C)

201 ln Lhe arllamenL whaL ls Lhe meanlna of Lhe CovernmenL 8lll
(A) 8lll presenLed bv 8ullna arLv member
(8) 8lll approved bv Lhe CovernmenL
(C) Cnlv Lhe rlme MlnlsLer presenLs Lhe 8lll
(u) A 8lll lnLroduced bv anv MlnlsLer ln elLher of Lhe Pouses of Lhe arllamenL

202 ln Lhe Second 8eadlna whaL klnd of process ls adopLed Lo approve Lhe 8lll
(A) A aeneral dlscusslon on Lhe 8lll
(8) Clause bv clause conslderaLlon of Lhe 8lll
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

203 Who has Lhe auLhorlLv Lo call a [olnL slLLlna of Lhe Lwo Pouses of arllamenL
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) resldenL
(C) Member of Lok Sabha
(u) Member of 8a[va Sabha

204 Who has Lhe power Lo accord hls assenL or wlLhhold hls assenL Lo a 8lll passed bv Lhe
(A) resldenL
(8) Member of Lhe Pouse
(C) MlnlsLer
(u) none of Lhe above

203 Whlch 8lll resldenL can nelLher reLurn nor wlLhhold hls assenL
(A) uefence 8lll
(8) Monev 8lll
(C) Law 8lll
(u) llnanclal AccounL CommlLLee 8lll
206 Pow mav SLandlna CommlLLees are Lhere ln Lok Sabha
(A) 14
(8) 13
(C) 13
(u) 18

207 SLandlna CommlLLees ln Lok Sabha are
(A) 8uslness Advlsorv CommlLLee CommlLLee of rlvlleaes
(8) CommlLLee on Absence of Members from Lhe slLLlna of Lhe Pouse CommlLLee on LsLlmaLes
(C) CommlLLee on CovernmenL assurances and CommlLLee on papers lald on Lhe 1able
(u) All Lhe above
208 llnanclal CommlLLees ln Lok Sabha are
(A) CommlLLee on LsLlmaLes
(8) ubllc AccounLs CommlLLee
(C) ubllc underLaklna CommlLLee
(u) All Lhe above

209 Ad hoc CommlLLees ln arllamenL are
(A) CommlLLee on urafL llve ?ear lan eLc
(8) CommlLLee ln Lhe conducL of cerLaln members durlna Lhe resldenL Address (C) SelecL or !olnL
CommlLLee on 8llls
(u) All Lhe above

210 Who appolnLs Ad hoc CommlLLee on arllamenL
(A) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(8) Chalrman of 8a[va Sabha
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

211 8v whlch procedure Lhe lndlan resldenL and Amerlcan resldenL are elecLed as lald down bv
Lhelr counLrv's consLlLuLlon
(A) LlecLed Lhrouah Member of LealslaLure
(8) LlecLed bv Lhe eople
(C) LlecLed bv SLaLe LealslaLures
(u) LlecLed bv an LlecLoral Colleae
212 ln whaL wav our lndlan arllamenL ls noL Soverelan or Supreme wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
(A) ln Lhe reamble ConsLlLuLlon of lndla deflnes people of lndla as Soverelan
(8) WrlLLen ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(C) SeparaLlon of ower and Checks and 8lanees beLween Lhe Lhree consLlLuLlonal oraan
(u) All Lhe above

213 Who has sald LhaL baslc feaLures of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon do noL amounL Lo a chanae
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) arllamenL
(C) Supreme CourL of lndla
(u) CovernmenL

214 WhaL ls Lhe naLure of lndla's pollLlcal svsLem
(A) resldenLlal SvsLem
(8) arllamenLarv SvsLem
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

213 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle was verv much affecLed ln Lhe Supreme CourL !udaemenL of
kesavanand 8harLl vs SLaLe of kerala
(A) ArLlcle 332
(8) ArLlcle 368
(C) ArLlcle 331
(u) ArLlcle 342

216 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle emopowers amendmenL ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) ArLlcle 368
(8) ArLlcle 336
(C) ArLlcle 337
(u) ArLlcle 339

217 Whlch consLlLuLlonal oraan has Lhe power Lo amend ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) !udlclarv
(8) LxecuLlve
(C) LealslaLlve
(u) arllamenL

218 Cn whlch sub[ecL arllamenL has Lhe power Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe same also need
raLlflcaLlon bv Lhe SLaLe LealslaLure
(A) ArLlcles 34 33 73 162 and 241 or ChapLer lv of arL v ChapLer v of arL vl or ChapLer l of arL
(8) Anv of Lhe LlsLs ln Lhe SevenLh Schedules of Lhe represenLaLlon of SLaLe on arllamenL
(C) 1he rovlslons of ArLlcle 368
(u) All Lhe above
219 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL AcL ArLlcle 368 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon was amended for
Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) 23Lh AmendmenL AcL
(8) 26Lh AmendmenL AcL
(C) 24Lh AmendmenL AcL
(u) 27Lh AmendmenL AcL

220 Whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL pronounced LhaL lundamenLal 8lahLs cannoL be abrldaed
(A) Colak naLh vs SLaLe of un[ab Al8 1967 SC 1643
(8) kesavanand 8harLl vs SLaLe of kerala Al8 1973 SC 1961
(C) lndlra Candhl vs 8a[naraln Al8 1973 SC 2299
(u) none of Lhe above
221 Who curbed Lhe !udlclal 8evlew power of !udlclarv Lhrouah AmendmenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(A) SLaLe LealslaLure
(8) arllamenL
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) LealslaLlve Councll

222 Who resLored Lhe !udlclal 8evlew power of !udlclarv under lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) Supreme CourL of lndla
(8) Plah CourL
(C) Chlef MeLropollLan MaalsLraLe
(u) ulsLrlcL CourL
223 ln whlch Pouse !anLa CovernmenL falled Lo secure LwoLhlrd ma[orlLv for new clause under
ArLlcle 368 for lnLroduclna referendum for effecLlna chanaes ln cerLaln loalc feaLures of Lhe
(A) LealslaLlve Councll
(8) SLaLe LealslaLure
(C) SLaLe Assemblv
(u) 8a[va Sabha

224 Who sald ln hls [udaemenL LhaL no parL of our ConsLlLuLlon ls unamendable
(A) Allahabad Plah CourL
(8) CalcuLLa Plah CourL
(C) Madras Plah CourL
(u) Supreme CourL of lndla

223 WhaL was Lhe lmporLanL landmark [udaemenL reaardlna amendmenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(ArLlcle 368)
(A) Shankarl rasad vs unlon of lndla
(8) Colak naLh vs SLaLe of un[ab
(C) kesavananda vs SLaLe of kerala Mlnerva Mlll vs unlon of lndla
(u) All Lhe above
226 Whlch Supreme CourL [udaemenL descrlbed Lhe baslc sLrucLure of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla for
Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) Sankarl rasad vs unlon of lndla
(8) kesavananda vs SLaLe of kerala
(C) lndlra Candhl vs unlon of lndla
(u) Colak naLh vs SLaLe of un[ab
227 Pow manv [udaes of Lhe Supreme CourL were ln Lhe 8ench Lo descrlbe Lhe baslc sLrucLure of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon for Lhe flrsL Llme ln Lhe landmark !udaemenL kesavananda vs SLaLe of kerala
(A) ArLlcle 13
(8) ArLlcle 12
(C) ArLlcle 14
(u) ArLlcle 13

228 under whlch Chlef !usLlce of lndla Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 8ench descrlbed Lhe baslc sLrucLure of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon for Lhe flrsL Llme
(A) Mr !usLlce ! M ShelaL
(8) Mr !usLlce ! S verma
(C) Mr !usLlce C ! Slkrl
(u) Mr !usLlce k v Chandrachud

229 ln whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL lL has been pronounced LhaL arllamenL cannoL enlarae lLs
own powers bv maklna lLself new ConsLlLuLlon
(A) Sasanka vs unlon of lndla
(8) kesavananda vs SLaLe of kerala
(C) Mlnerva Mllls vs unlon of lndla
(u) Sankarl rasad vs unlon of lndla
230 WhaL ls Lhe naLure of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) 8lald ConsLlLuLlon
(8) llexlble ConsLlLuLlon
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

231 Whlch ArLlcles ln Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon represenL emeraencv provlslons
(A) ArLlcle 348334
(8) ArLlcle 332360
(C) ArLlcle 339361
(u) ArLlcle 368380

232 under whlch arLlcle of Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon proclamaLlon of emeraencv has been deflned
(A) ArLlcle 332
(8) ArLlcle 333
(C) ArLlcle 334
(u) ArLlcle 338

233 Whlch arLlcle ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla deflnes effecL of proclamaLlon of Lmeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 333
(C) ArLlcle 334
(u) ArLlcle 237

234 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes LhaL onlv Lhe unlon has Lhe power Lo proLecL sLaLes aaalnsL
exLernal aaaresslon and lnLernal dlsLurbance
(A) ArLlcle 339
(8) ArLlcle 360
(C) ArLlcle 333
(u) ArLlcle 361

233 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe provlslons ln case of fallure of consLlLuLlonal machlnarv
ln SLaLes
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 338
(C) ArLlcle 339
(u) ArLlcle 369

236 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes exerclse of LealslaLlve power afLer proclamaLlon ls lssued
under arLlcle 336
(A) ArLlcle 338
(8) ArLlcle 337
(C) ArLlcle 360
(u) ArLlcle 338

237 Whlch arLlcle deflnes suspesslon of Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 18 durlna emeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 344
(8) ArLlcle 343
(C) ArLlcle 343
(u) ArLlcle 338

238 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe provlslon ln respecL of flnanclal emeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 339
(8) ArLlcle 337
(C) ArLlcle 336
(u) ArLlcle 330

239 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe provlslon ln respecL of flnanclal emeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 348
(8) ArLlcle 331
(C) ArLlcle 360
(u) ArLlcle 362

240 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes proLecLlon of resldenL and Covernors
(A) ArLlcle 362
(8) ArLlcle 363
(C) ArLlcle 368
(u) ArLlcle 301

241 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes proLecLlon aaalnsL publlcaLlon of proceedlnas of arllamenL
and LealslaLure
(A) ArLlcle 361u
(8) ArLlcle 361A
(C) ArLlcle 364
(u) ArLlcle 363

242 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe 8ar Lo lnLerference bv CourLs ln dlspuLes arlslna ouL of
cerLaln LreaLles aareemenLs eLc
(A) ArLlcle 363
(8) ArLlcle 370
(C) ArLlcle 371
(u) ArLlcle 372

243 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle abollshed Lhe rlvv urses
(A) ArLlcle 374
(8) ArLlcle 392
(C) ArLlcle 363A
(u) ArLlcle 364

244 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe effecL of fallure Lo complv wlLh or Lo alve effecL Lo
dlrecLlon alven bv Lhe unlon
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 367
(C) ArLlcle 368
(u) ArLlcle 363

243 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe varlous deflnlLlons of consLlLuLlonal sub[ecL
(A) ArLlcle 366
(8) ArLlcle 369
(C) ArLlcle 373
(u) ArLlcle 378

246 Whlch lundamenLal 8lahLs ArLlcle ls noL ln operaLlon durlna Lhe emeraencv
(A) ArLlcle 22
(8) ArLlcle 19
(C) ArLlcle 23
(u) ArLlcle 24

247 Whlch consLlLuLlonal oraan has wlder powers when emeraencv ls ln operaLlon
(A) LxecuLlve
(8) LealslaLlve
(C) !udlclarv
(u) A 8

248 Whlch oraan does noL have Lhe rlahL Lo quesLlon and [usLlfv as null and vold Lhe law whlch
vlolaLes lundamenLal 8lahLs arLlcle?
(A) LxecuLlve
(8) !udlclarv
(C) LealslaLlve
(u) none of Lhe above

249 Who has Lhe power Lo declare LhaL clLlzen has no rlahL Lo move anv courL for Lhe enforcemenL
of Lhe rlahLs conferred bv arL 3 of lundamenLal 8lahLs durlna Lhe course of emeraencv
(A) LxecuLlve
(8) resldenL
(C) Covernor
(u) rlme MlnlsLer

230 Whlch lundamenLal 8lahLs arLlcle ls enforceable durlna Lhe perlod of emeraencv
(A) 20
(8) 21
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

201(u) 202(C) 203(8) 204(A) 203(8) 206(u) 207(u) 208(u) 209(u) 210(C)
211(u) 212(u) 213(C) 214(8) 213(8) 216(A) 217(u) 218(u) 219(C) 220(A)
221(8) 222(A) 223(u) 224(u) 223(u) 226(8) 227(A) 228(C) 229(C) 230(C)
231(8) 232(A) 233(8) 234(C) 233(A) 236(8) 237(u) 238(A) 239(C) 240(u)
241(8) 242(A) 243(C) 244(u) 243(A) 246(8) 247(u) 248(8) 249(8) 230(C)

231 1hrouah whlch consLlLuLlonal amendmenL ln arLlcle 339 lL has been lald down LhaL
lundamenLal 8lahLs under arLlcles 20 and 21 are enforceable durlna Lhe operaLlon of emeraencv
(A) 44Lh AmendmenL AcL
(8) 46Lh AmendmenL AcL
(C) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL
(u) 48Lh AmendmenL AcL

232 Cn whose saLlsfacLlon perlod of emeraencv shall be exLended for operaLlon ln case securlLv of
lndla or anv parL of Lhe lndlan LerrlLorv ls LhreaLened
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Pome MlnlsLer
(C) resldenL of lndla
(u) vlceresldenL of lndla

233 ArLlcle 20 of Lhe lundamenLal 8lahLs represenLs whlch sub[ecL
(A) LquallLv of opporLunlLv ln maLLers of publlc emplovmenL
(8) roLecLlon ln respecL of ConvlcLlon of Cffence
(C) roLecLlon of llfe and personal llberLv
(u) none of Lhe above

234 ArLlcle 21 of Lhe lundamenLal 8lahLs deals wlLh whlch sub[ecL
(A) roLecLlon of cerLaln rlahLs reaardlna freedom of speech
(8) roLecLlon ln respecL of convlcLlon of offence
(C) roLecLlon aaalnsL arresL and deLenLlon ln cerLaln cases
(u) roLecLlon of llfe and personal llberLv

233 Who declares Lhe flnanclal emeraencv
(A) resldenL
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) llnance MlnlsLer
(u) none of Lhe above

236 AfLer declaraLlon of flnanclal emeraencv bv Lhe resldenL whaL ls Lhe perlod of operaLlon
wlLhouL approval bv Lhe arllamenL
(A) 1hree MonLhs
(8) lour MonLhs
(C) 1wo MonLhs
(u) Cne MonLh

237 WlLhln whaL perlod Lhe arllamenL has Lo approve llnanclal emeraencv declared bv Lhe
(A) Slx MonLhs
(8) 1wo MonLhs
(C) 1hree MonLhs
(u) lour MonLhs

238 ln llnanclal Lmeraencv salarles and allowances of whlch aroups aeL reducLlon
(A) CenLral CovernmenL Lmplovees
(8) !udaes of Lhe Supreme CourL and Plah CourLs
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

239 8a[ ramukh represenLs whom under Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) resldenL
(8) Covernor
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

260 under Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon whaL ls Lhe concepL behlnd Lhe proLecLlon of resldenL and
(A) resldenL Covernors are above Lhe law
(8) resldenL Covernors make anv law for Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(C) resldenL and Covernors are answerable Lo rlme MlnlsLer
(u) resldenL and Covernors shall noL be answerable Lo anv courL Lo Lhe exerclse and performance
of Lhe powers and duLles of Lhelr offlce

261 8v whlch ConsLlLuLlonal amendmenL Lhe appellaLlon 8a[pramukh was omlLLed
(A) 7Lh AmendmenL AcL 1936
(8) 4Lh AmendmenL AcL 1933
(C) 6Lh AmendmenL AcL 1936
(u) 10Lh AmendmenL AcL 1961

262 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle provldes personal lmmunlLv for resldenL and Covernors for offlclal
(A) ArLlcle 362
(8) ArLlcle 363
(C) ArLlcle 368
(u) ArLlcle 361

263 Whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle provldes personal lmmunlLv Lo Lhe head of Lhe sLaLes for hls offlclal
acL from leaal acLlon lncludlna proceedlnas for conLempL of CourL
(A) ArLlcle 361
(8) ArLlcle 362
(C) ArLlcle 368
(u) ArLlcle 369

264 under whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcles newspapers do noL have Lhe rlahL Lo publlsh reporL of Lhe
proceedlnas of a secreL sesslon of elLher of Lhe Pouses of arllamenL or LealslaLlve Assemblv
LealslaLlve Councll
(A) 361
(8) 361A
(C) 3618
(C) 361C

263 Spell ouL Lhe condlLlon under ArLlcle 361A bv whlch anv person or newspaper cannoL be sued
for leaal proceedlna lf anv reporL of proceedlnas of arllamenL and SLaLe LealslaLure ls publlshed
(A) 1he reporL musL be a reporL of Lhe 'procedlnas' of a Pouse of Lhe unlon or a SLaLe LealslaLure
Pence lL musL be relevanL Lo a moLlon or oLher buslness before Lhe Pouse and musL noL have been
(8) lL musL be a 'reporL' as dlsLlnaulshed from one arLlcle or `CommenL'
(C) Such reporL musL be subsLanLlallv Lrue Pence an exLracL or a aarbed or perverLed reporL would
noL be proLecLed 1he reporLlna musL noL be acLuaLed bv mallce
(u) All of Lhe above

266 Anv CourL lncludlna Supreme CourL does noL have consLlLuLlonal rlahL under ArLlcle 143 Lo
exerclse [urlsdlcLlon over anv dlspuLe arlslna ouL of anv provlslon of whlch aareemenLs LhaL were ln
operaLlon before commencemenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(A) 1reaLv AarremenL
(8) CovenanL LnaaaemenL
(C) Sanad
(u) All of Lhe above

267 WhaL ls Lhe meanlna of lndlan SLaLe ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(A) Anv LerrlLorv recoanlsed bv resldenL of lndla
(8) Anv LerrlLorv before commencemenL of lndlan ConsLlLuLlon bv Lhe 8rlLlsh ruler
(C) Anv LerrlLorv whlch aovernmenL of Lhe uomlnlon of lndla recoanlsed
(u) 8 C

268 8efore whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL rlnce Chlef or oLher person were recoanlsed bv Lhe
resldenL of lndla as Lhe 8uler of Lhe lndlan SLaLe
(A) 26Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(8) 24Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(C) 16Lh AmendmenL AcL 1963
(u) 17Lh AmendmenL AcL 1964

269 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL rlvv urses were abollshed
(A) 36Lh AmendmenL AcL 1973
(8) 26Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(C) 16Lh AmendmenL AcL 1963
(u) 17Lh AmendmenL AcL 1964

270 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle unlon CovernmenL has Lhe power Lo alve dlrecLlon Lo Lhe
SLaLe CovL reaardlna anv of Lhe provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(A) ArLlcle 368
(8) ArLlcle 362
(C) ArLlcle 363
(u) ArLlcle 367

271 lf anv SLaLe CovernmenL falls Lo complv wlLh or Lo alve effecL Lo anv dlrecLlon alven bv Lhe
unlon CovernmenL who can come Lo concluslon LhaL a slLuaLlon has arlsen ln whlch Lhe SLaLe
cannoL carrv ouL aovernance ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslon ln Lhe ConsLlLulon
(A) resldenL
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) Pome MlnlsLer
(u) Supreme CourL

272 under ArLlcle 363 whaL are Lhe duLles of Lhe unlon CovernmenL wlLh respecL Lo SLaLe
(A) Lnsure LhaL everv SLaLe MlnlsLer should acL ln accordance wlLh Lhe advlce of Chlef MlnlsLer
(8) Lnsure LhaL Covernor acLs under advlce of Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer
(C) Lnsure LhaL Covernance ln Lhe SLaLe ls ln accordance wlLh Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(u) All of Lhe above

273 WhaL ls Lhe meanlna of lorelan SLaLe as alven ln our lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) lederal SLaLe
(8) CommonwealLh SLaLe
(C) naLlon
(u) Anv SLaLe oLher Lhan lndla

274 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal arLlcle deflnes Lhe work of AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal
(A) ArLlcle 323A
(8) ArLlcle 2338
(C) ArLlcle 2238
(u) none of Lhe above

273 under whlch parL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 1rlbunals have been deflned
(A) arL lour
(8) arL Seven
(C) arL llfLeen
(u) arL 1en

276 WhaL are Lhe sub[ecLs for ad[udlcaLlon or Lrlal bv AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal
(A) rlvaLe secLor emplovee recrulLmenL dlspuLes
(8) ueclde on recrulLmenL ln ubllc secLor
(C) ulspuLe and complalnLs wlLh respecL Lo recrulLmenL and condlLlon of servlce of persons
appolnLed ln Lhe publlc servlces ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe offlcers of Lhe unlon or of anv SLaLe or of anv
local or oLher AuLhorlLv wlLhln Lhe LerrlLorv of lndla
(u) none of Lhe above

277 AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal ls meanL for whom
(A) unlon
(8) Lach SLaLe
(C) 1wo or more SLaLes
(u) All Lhe above

278 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL lnLroduced Lhe sub[ecL 1rlbunal ln Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon
(A) lorLvsecond AmendemenL AcL
(8) SlxLvnlnLh AmendmenL AcL
(C) SevenLeenLh AmendmenL AcL
(u) SevenLvone AmendmenL AcL

279 Cn whlch AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal have no rlahL Lo ad[udlcaLe dlspuLes
(A) Members of Lhe uefence lorces
(8) Cfflcers and ServanLs of Lhe Supreme CourL or of anv Plah CourL
(C) Members of Lhe SecreLarlaL SLaff of arllamenL or of anv lealslaLure of anv SLaLe or unlon
(u) All of Lhe above

280 AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunals enLerLaln Lhose emplovees who are under emplovmenL wlLh whom?
(A) unlon or SLaLe CovernmenL
(8) A Local or oLher auLhorlLv wlLhln Lhe LerrlLorv of lndla
(C) A CorporaLlon owned or conLrolled bv Lhe CovernmenL
(u) All of Lhe above

281 !urlsdlcLlon of Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunal ls noL supplemenLarv buL ls a compleLe subsLlLuLe for
(A) Plah CourL
(8) Clvll CourLs
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

282 under whlch consLlLuLlonal arLlcle [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Supreme CourL has been reLalned over Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlve 1rlbunals
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 136
(C) ArLlcle 132
(u) ArLlcle 134

283 !urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Plah CourLs under ArLlcle 226 over servlce maLLers has been Laken over bv
whlch [udlclal lnsLlLuLlon
(A) ulsLrlcL CourL
(8) AdmlnlsLraLlve CourL
(C) Chlef MeLropollLan MaalsLraLe
(u) Plah CourL

284 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal lnsLlLuLlon conducLs elecLlons of arllamenL and SLaLe LealslaLures and Lo
Lhe offlces of resldenL and vlceresldenL
(A) SLaLe LlecLlon Commlsslon
(8) rovlslonal LlecLlon Commlsslon
(C) LlecLlon Commlsslon
(u) none of Lhe above

283 AfLer 44Lh ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL provlslons relaLlna wlLh elecLlon ln arL xv of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon of lndla have been reLalned ln how manv ArLlcles
(A) 324329A
(8) 324329
(C) 324327
(u) 224228

286 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle relaLlna wlLh Lhe sub[ecL of elecLlon was omlLLed Lhrouah 44Lh
AmendmenL AcL 1973
(A) 329A
(8) 3298
(C) 329C
(u) 329

287 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL ArLlcle 329A relaLlna wlLh Lhe sub[ecL of LlecLlon
was lnserLed
(A) 23Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(8) 27Lh AmendmenL AcL 1971
(C) 28Lh AmendmenL AcL 1972
(u) 39Lh AmendmenL AcL 1973

288 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLulonal ArLlcle Lhe sub[ecL of 8ar Lo lnLerference bv courLs ln elecLoral
maLLers have been elaboraLed
(A) ArLlcle 327
(8) ArLlcle 229
(C) ArLlcle 329
(u) none of Lhe above

289 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle elaboraLed power of arllamenL Lo make provlslon wlLh respecL Lo
elecLlon Lo lealslaLures
(A) ArLlcle 329
(8) ArLlcle 327
(C) ArLlcle 328
(u) ArLlcle 330

290 Who appolnLs Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner
(A) resldenL
(8) rlme MlnlsLer
(C) arllamenL
(u) none of Lhe above

291 Who acLs as Lhe Chalrman of Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon afLer appolnLmenL as LlecLlon
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Pome MlnlsLer
(C) Chlef AppolnLmenL Cfflcer
(u) Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner

292 under whose advlce resldenL of lndla appolnLs 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloner
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) Chlef !usLlce of Plah CourL
(C) Covernor
(u) Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner

293 Who decldes alloLmenL of svmbols Lo ollLlcal arLles
(A) ollLlcal arLv leader
(8) ollLlcal arLv Covernlna CommlLLees
(C) LlecLlon CommlLLee of ollLlcal arLv
(u) LlecLlon Commlsslon

294 ConducL of LlecLlon 8ules 1961 was made bv Lhe CenLral CovL ln consulLaLlon wlLh whlch
(A) arllamenLarv Members lnqulrv Commlsslon
(8) 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloners
(C) LlecLlon Commlsslon
(u) none of Lhe above

293 Who decldes dlspuLes relaLlna wlLh Lhe alloLmenL of svmbols Lo ollLlcal arLles
(A) 8epresenLaLlon AcL 1932
(8) 8epresenLaLlon AcL 1933
(C) 8epresenLaLlon of Lhe eople AcL 1931
(u) LlecLlon Commlsslon

296 Who made a law for conducLlon of servlces and Lenure of Lhe offlce of LlecLlon Commlssloners
and 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloner
(A) Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner
(8) resldenL
(C) arllamenL
(u) SLaLe LealslaLure

297 Who decldes derecoanlLlon of Lhe ollLlcal arLv solelv on Lhe basls of lLs performance aL Lhe
elecLlon ea bvcoLLlna of Lhe elecLlon
(A) Supreme CourL of lndla
(8) LlecLlon Commlsslon
(C) Plah CourL
(u) ulsLrlcL CourL

298 Can derecoanlLlon of Lhe ollLlcal arLv bv Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon on Lhe basls of lLs
performance aL Lhe lasL LlecLlon be sub[ecLed Lo scruLlnv
(A) !udlclal 8evlew
(8) !udlclal Crder
(C) !udlclal ScruLlnv
(u) none of Lhe above

299 Cn whose recommendaLlon LlecLlon Commlssloner or 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloner shall be
removed from Lhe offlce
(A) Chlef !udlclal MaalsLraLe
(8) resldenL
(C) LlecLlon Commlsslon
(u) none of Lhe above

300 Who has ample powers under ArLlcle 324(1) Lo make approprlaLe orders as Lo Lhe conducL of
LlecLlons ea cancellaLlon of poll and orderlna Lo poll accordlna Lo exlaencles ln parLlcular areas
lnLroducLlon of elecLronlc voLlna machlnes posLponlna of elecLlon eLc
(A) 8ealonal LlecLlon Commlssloner
(8) LlecLlon CommlLLee of CovernmenL
(C) LlecLoral Cfflcer
(u) LlecLlon Commlsslon

231(A) 232(C) 233(8) 234(u) 233(A) 236(C) 237(8) 238(C) 239(C) 260(u)
261(A) 262(u) 263(A) 264(8) 263(u) 266(u) 267(u) 268(A) 269(8) 270(C)
271(A) 272(C) 273(u) 274(A) 273(C) 276(C) 277(u) 278(A) 279(u) 280(u)
281(C) 282(8) 283(8) 284(C) 283(8) 286(A) 287(u) 288(C) 289(8) 290(A)
291(u) 292(u) 293(u) 294(C) 293(u) 296(C) 297(8) 298(A) 299(C) 300(u)

301 under ArLlcle 324 LlecLlon Commlsslon has vasL funcLlons whlch are as alven ln whaL area
(A) AdmlnlsLraLlve power
(8) Maralnallv !udlcaLlve power
(C) LealslaLlve power
(u) All of Lhe above

302 AfLer whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL even Lhouah declslon of Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon ls
lssued from new uelhl Lhe order of Lhe commlsslon can be challenaed bv Lhe aaarleved parLv ln
anoLher sLaLe ln Lhe Plah CourL of LhaL SLaLe under ArLlcle 226
(A) 13Lh AmendmenL AcL
(8) 10Lh AmendmenL AcL
(C) 11Lh AmendmenL AcL
(u) 12Lh AmendmenL AcL

303 1hrouah whlch procedure a wrlL can be flled ln Lhe Supreme CourL aaalnsL declslon of Lhe
LlecLlon Commlsslon on recoanlslna or derecoanlslna a pollLlcal parLv for Lhe purpose of an elecLoral
svmbol or whlch aroup wlLhln a parLlcular parLv consLlLuLes LhaL parLv for been alloLLed of LlecLlon
svmbol Lo LhaL parLv
(A) under ArLlcle 32
(8) under ArLlcle 229
(C) Speclal leave peLlLlon
(u) ubllc lnLeresL LlLlaaLlon

304 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle Speclal leave Lo appeal lles wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL
(A) ArLlcle 136
(8) ArLlcle 137
(C) ArLlcle 138
(u) ArLlcle 139

303 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle revlew of [udaemenL or orders lles wlLh Lhe Supreme
(A) ArLlcle 139
(8) ArLlcle 137
(C) ArLlcle 140
(u) ArLlcle 141

306 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle enlaraemenL of Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Supreme CourL ls
(A) ArLlcle 143
(8) ArLlcle 148
(C) ArLlcle 138
(u) ArLlcle 143

307 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle menLlons conformaLlon Lhe Supreme CourL of powers Lo lssue
cerLaln wrlLs
(A) ArLlcle 143
(8) ArLlcle 168
(C) ArLlcle 169
(u) ArLlcle 139

308 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle menLlons Lransfer of cerLaln cases for Supreme CourL
(A) ArLlcle 139A
(8) ArLlcle 1398
(C) ArLlcle 139C
(u) ArLlcle 138
309 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes law declared bv Supreme CourL Lo be blndlna on all
(A) ArLlcle 142
(8) ArLlcle 141
(C) ArLlcle 143
(u) ArLlcle 144

310 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle resldenL has Lhe power Lo consulL Supreme CourL
(A) ArLlcle 143
(8) ArLlcle 146
(C) ArLlcle 143
(u) ArLlcle 144

311 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle Clvll and !udlclal auLhorlLles are Lo acL ln ald of Lhe Supreme
(A) ArLlcle 243
(8) ArLlcle 248
(C) ArLlcle 146
(u) ArLlcle 144

312 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle repeal of speclal provlslon as Lo dlsposal of quesLlons
relaLlna Lo consLlLuLlonal valldlLv of law ls menLloned
(A) ArLlcle 144A
(8) ArLlcle 343
(C) ArLlcle 248
(u) ArLlcle 249

313 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe sub[ecL 'Cfflcers and servanLs and expenses of Lhe
Supreme CourL'
(A) ArLlcle 296
(8) ArLlcle 147
(C) ArLlcle 247
(u) ArLlcle 243

314 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes 'lnLerpreLaLlon' of ConsLlLuLlonal rlahL of Supreme CourL
(A) ArLlcle 163
(8) ArLlcle 162
(C) ArLlcle 147
(u) ArLlcle 161

313 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes funcLlons of CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla
(A) ArLlcle 148130
(8) ArLlcle 149130
(C) ArLlcle 148133
(u) ArLlcle 148131

316 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla
(A) ArLlcle 148
(8) ArLlcle 149
(C) ArLlcle 130
(u) ArLlcle 131

317 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle duLles and powers of 'CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral' ls
(A) ArLlcle 133
(8) ArLlcle 149
(C) ArLlcle 199
(u) ArLlcle 168

318 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes 'lorm of AccounLs of Lhe unlon and Lhe SLaLe'
(A) ArLlcle 131
(8) ArLlcle 132
(C) ArLlcle 130
(u) ArLlcle 133

319 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon ls a 1rlbunal
(A) ArLlcle 136
(8) ArLlcle 136(3)
(C) ArLlcle 136
(2)(u) ArLlcle 136(1)

320 up Lo whlch vear Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner funcLloned as oneman Commlsslon
(A) 1988
(8) 1989
(C) 1987
(u) 1986

321 ln whlch monLhs and vear Lhe resldenL noLlfled LhaL besldes Lhe Chlef LlecLlon Commlsloner
Lhe Commlsslon should have Lwo oLher members called as LlecLlon Commlssloner
(A) nov 1989
(8) leb 1989
(C) CcL 1989
(u) uec 1989

322 1hrouah whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL lL has been pronounced LhaL Chlef LlecLlon
Commlssloner should have Lwo oLher members called LlecLlon Commlssloner wlLh CoordlnaLe
(A) uuraa Shankar vs 8aahura[ Al8 1934 SC 320
(8) Mohlnder vs LlecLlon Commlsslon Al8 1978 SC 831
(C) lnder[eeL vs LlecLlon Commlsslon Al8 1984 SC 1911
(u) uhanoa vs unlon of lndla Al8 1991 S C 1743

323 Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner cannoL be removed excepL bv whlch process
(A) 8eslanaLlon
(8) resldenLlal Crder
(C) lmpeachmenL
(u) !udlclal ueclslon

324 under whlch Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner LlecLlon Commlsslon was made a bodv of
mulLlmember LlecLlon Commlsslon
(A) 1 n Seshan
(8) P k Sen
(C) S Sen verma
(u) M S Clll

323 Whlch Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner appealed Lhe Supreme CourL LhaL under ArLlcle 324
LlecLlon Commlsslon as a mulLl member LlecLlon Commlsslon ls noL valld
(A) k 8 Sundram
(8) 1 SwamlnaLhan
(C) P S Shakdhar
(u) 1 n Seshan

326 uurlna 1 n Seshan perlod as Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner who was Lhe oLher Commlssloner ln
Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon
(A) M S Clll
(8) C v krlshnamurLhv
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

327 lor whlch LlecLlon one Ceneral LlecLoral 8oll for everv LerrlLorlal ConsLlLuencv shall exlsL
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) 8a[va Sabha
(C) LealslaLure
(u) All Lhe above

328 Cn whaL basls LlecLlon Lo Lok Sabha and SLaLe LealslaLure shall be conducLed
(A) AdulL Suffraae
(8) lndlrecL LlecLlon
(C) ulrecL LlecLlon
(u) none of Lhe above

329 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL provlslon for mlnlmum aae as 18 vears for Lhe lndlan
clLlzen was made Lo become ellalble Lo voLe
(A) 60Lh AmendmenL AcL 1988
(8) 61sL AmendmenL AcL 1989
(C) 62nd AmendmenL AcL 1989
(u) none of Lhe above

330 8efore 61sL AmendmenL AcL 1989 whaL was Lhe aae of lndlan clLlzen ellalble Lo voLe ln Lhe
(A) 23
(8) 24
(C) 21
(u) 22

331 under ArLlcle 326 whaL was Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal requlrmenL for Lhe lndlan clLlzen noL Lo become
ellalble as a voLer
(A) non 8esldenL
(8) unsoundness of Mlnd
(C) Crlme or CorrupL or llleaal pracLlve
(u) All Lhe above
332 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down quallflcaLlon for becomlna a voLer
(A) ArLlcle 328
(8) ArLlcle 339
(C) ArLlcle 326
(u) ArLlcle 293

333 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down quallflcaLlons for Lhe lndlan clLlzens for elecLlon Lo
(A) ArLlcle 81
(8) ArLlcle 80
(C) ArLlcle 83
(u) ArLlcle 84

334 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes quallflcaLlons for Lhe lndlan clLlzen for elecLlon Lo a SLaLe
(A) ArLlcle 173
(8) ArLlcle 173
(C) ArLlcle 177
(u) ArLlcle 178

333 under Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon whaL does 'AdulL Suffraae' slanlfv
(A) Chlldren
(8) ersons
(C) Anv lndlan clLlzen who ls of Lhe aae of 18 vears and above
(u) none of Lhe above
336 Who makes law wlLh respecL Lo LlecLlons for SLaLe LealslaLure
(A) arllamenL
(8) !udlclarv
(C) CovernmenL
(u) LlecLlon Commlsslon

337 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcles 327 or 328 whlch sub[ecL shall noL be called Lo be quesLloned ln
anv CourL
(A) uellmlLaLlon of ConsLlLuencles
(8) 1he alloLmenL of seaLs Lo such ConsLlLuencv
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above
338 Pow Lhe elecLlon Lo elLher Pouse of arllamenL or Lo elLher Pouse of Lhe LealslaLure of Lhe
SLaLe shall be called ln quesLlon ln Lhe courLs whose manner of presenLaLlon mav be provlded made
bv law bv approprlaLe LealslaLure
(A) lL (ubllc lnLeresL LlLlaaLlon)
(8) SL (Speclal Leave eLlLlon)
(C) AcLlon under ArLlcle 32
(u) LlecLlon eLlLlon

339 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down Lhe reservaLlon of seaLs for Scheduled CasLes and
Scheduled 1rlbes ln Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) ArLlcle 330
(8) ArLlcle 332
(C) ArLlcle 333
(u) ArLlcle 334

340 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deals wlLh '8epresenLaLlon of Lhe Analolndlan CommunlLv' wlLh
Pouse of Lhe eople
(A) ArLlcle 334
(8) ArLlcle 331
(C) ArLlcle 332
(u) ArLlcle 333

341 under ArLlcle 331 how manv members of Lhe Analolndlan CommunlLv can be nomlnaLed ln
Lok Sabha bv Lhe resldenL
(A) 3
(8) 4
(C) 2
(u) 1

342 ln whlch SLaLe a separaLe dlsLrlcL has been reserved for Scheduled 1rlbes
(A) Assam
(8) Andhra radesh
(C) karnaLaka
(u) kerala

343 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deals wlLh represenLaLlon of Lhe Analolndlan CommunlLv ln Lhe
LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) ArLlcle 334
(8) ArLlcle 333
(C) ArLlcle 336
(u) ArLlcle 333

344 under ArLlcle 333 how manv members from Lhe Analolndlan CommunlLv can be nomlnaLed bv
Lhe Covernor ln Lhe LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) 8
(8) 1
(C) 4
(u) 3

343 under whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL of ArLlcle 334 reservaLlon of seaLs for Scheduled
CasLes and Scheduled 1rlbes ln Lhe Lok Sabha and SLaLe LealslaLlve Assemblv has been lald down
(A) 31sL AmendmenL AcL 1939
(8) 23rd AmendmenL AcL
(C) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980 62nd AmendmenL AcL 1989
(u) All Lhe above

346 8efore whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL 20 vears were flxed for reservaLlon of seaLs for
Scheduled CasLes and Scheduled 1rlbes ln Lok Sabha and SLaLe LealslaLure
(A) 23rd AmendmenL AcL 1969
(8) 8Lh AmendmenL AcL 1939
(C) 44Lh AmendmenL AcL 1978
(u) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980
347 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL 30 vears were flxed for reservaLlon of seaLs for SC
and S1 ln Lok Sabha and SLaLe Assemblv
(A) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980
(8) 30Lh AmendmenL AcL 1984
(C) 23rd AmendmenL AcL 1969
(u) 31sL AmendmenL AcL 1984
348 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL flxes 40 vears for reservaLlon of seaLs for SC and S1 ln Lok
Sabha and SLaLe LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) 33Lh AmendmenL AcL 1986
(8) 36Lh AmendmenL AcL 1987
(C) 32nd AmendmenL AcL 1983
(u) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980

349 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL lavs down 30 vears for reservaLlon of seaLs for SC and S1 ln
Lhe Pouse of eople and SLaLe LealslaLlve Assemblv
(A) 62nd AmendmenL AcL 1989
(8) 44Lh AmendmenL AcL 1928
(C) 43Lh AmendmenL AcL 1980
(u) none of Lhe above
330 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle menLlons 'Clalms of SC and S1 ln CovL servlces and posL'
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 333
(8) ArLlcle 338
(u) ArLlcle 339

301(u) 302(A) 303(C) 304(A) 303(8) 306(C) 307(u) 308(A) 309(A) 310(C)
311(u) 312(A) 313(8) 314(C) 313(u) 316(A) 317(u) 318(C) 319(u) 320(8)
321(C) 322(u) 323(C) 324(A) 323(u) 326(C) 327(u) 328(A) 329(8) 330(C)
331(u) 332(C) 333(u) 334(A) 333(C) 336(A) 337(C) 338(u) 339(A) 340(8)
341(C) 342(A) 343(u) 344(8) 343(u) 346(8) 347(C) 348(u) 349(A) 330(8)

331 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down Lhe provlslon for a naLlonal Commlsslon for SC and S1
(A) ArLlcle 337
(8) ArLlcle 334
(C) ArLlcle 338
(u) ArLlcle 339

332 Whlch communlLv aeLs speclal provlslon for CenLral Servlces ln ArLlcle 336
(A) Slkh CommunlLv
(8) Musllm CommunlLv
(C) Plndu CommunlLv
(u) Analolndlan CommunlLv

333 AL Lhe Llme of commencemenL of Lhe lndlan CommunlLv how manv vears were lald down for
appolnLmenL Lo Lhe posL ln Lhe 8allwavs CusLoms osLal 1elearaph servlces for Lhe Analolndlan
(A) 2 vears
(8) 3 vears
(C) 4 vears
(u) 6 vears

334 WhaL shall be Lhe composlLlon of naLlonal Commlsslon for SC and S1
(A) Chalrperson
(8) vlceChalrperson
(C) llve oLher members
(u) All Lhe above

333 naLlonal Commlsslon for SC and S1 shall be made bv whlch consLlLuLlonal lnsLlLuLlon
(A) arllamenL
(8) LxecuLlve
(C) !udlclarv
(u) SLaLe LealslaLure

336 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe SC
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 346
(C) ArLlcle 341
(u) ArLlcle 342

337 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe S1
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 343
(C) ArLlcle 347
(u) ArLlcle 342

338 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle speclfles offlclal lanauaae of Lhe unlon
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 344
(C) ArLlcle 343
(u) ArLlcle 346

339 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 343 whlch ls Lhe offlclal lanauaae of Lhe unlon
(A) urdu
(8) Plndl
(C) Lnallsh
(u) b c

360 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle empowers Lhe SLaLe LealslaLure Lo adopL Plndl or anv sLaLe
lanauaae as Lhe offlclal lanauaae of LhaL sLaLe
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 346
(C) ArLlcle 348
(u) ArLlcle 349

361 Whose saLlsfacLlon ls requlred under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 347 reaardlna speclal provlslon for
creaLlna lanauaae spoken bv a secLlon of Lhe populaLlon of a sLaLe
(A) arllamenL
(8) !udlclarv
(C) resldenL
(u) rlme MlnlsLer

362 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes offlclal lanauaae for communlcaLlon beLween Lhe sLaLe and
anoLher sLaLe and Lhe unlon
(A) ArLlcle 349
(8) ArLlcle 346
(C) ArLlcle 243
(u) ArLlcle 303

363 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe anchavaL 8a[
(A) 243C
(8) 243A
(C) 243
(u) 243l

364 ln Lhe lndlan ConsLlLuLlon whlch Lvpe of Lhe Sabha ls menLloned under anchavaL 8a[
(A) ulsLrlcL Sabha
(8) Cram Sabha
(C) naaar anchavaL Sabha
(u) Zlla Sabha

363 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 243 whaL ls Lhe meanlna of anchavaL
(A) Self Cram anchavaL 8a[
(8) CovernmenL of vlllaae
(C) Self CovernmenL
(u) none of Lhe above

366 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 243u ln anchavaL who aeLs reservaLlon
(A) Scheduled CasLe
(8) Scheduled 1rlbes
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

367 Who make composlLlon of anchavaL under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 243(C)
(A) SLaLe Assemblv
(8) Lok Sabha
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) LealslaLure of SLaLe

368 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes dlsquallflcaLlon for Lhe members of anchavaL
(A) ArLlcle 243l
(8) ArLlcle 243C
(C) ArLlcle 243l
(u) none of Lhe above

369 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe duraLlon of Lhe anchavaL
(A) ArLlcle 243n
(8) ArLlcle 243C
(C) ArLlcle 243L
(u) ArLlcle 2438

370 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflne 'MunlclpallLles'
(A) ArLlcle 243
(8) ArLlcle 243C
(C) ArLlcle 2431
(u) ArLlcle 343u

371 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes 'consLlLuLlon of MunlclpallLles'
(A) ArLlcle 243M
(8) ArLlcle 243l
(C) ArLlcle 243L
(u) ArLlcle 243C

372 ConsLlLuLlonallv who noLlfles Lhe phenomenal area of
(A) arllamenL
(8) Covernor
(C) Chlef MlnlsLer
(u) SLaLe CovernmenL

373 A Munlclpal Councll ls slLuaLed ln whlch area
(A) Laraer urban area
(8) urban area
(C) Smaller urban area
(u) none of Lhe above

374 Covernor lssues a noLlflcaLlon for whlch areas on Lhe sub[ecL of consLlLuLlon of Munlclpal
(A) A 1ranslLlonal Area
(8) A Smaller urban Area
(C) A Laraer urban Area
(u) All Lhe above

373 lor LlecLlon of Members Lo Lok Sabha and LealslaLlve Assemblv elecLoral consLlLuencles
comprlse whollv or parLlv of whlch area
(A) A 1ranslLlonal Area
(8) Munlclpal Area
(C) LealslaLlve Councll
(u) none of Lhe above

376 Where wards CommlLLees are found
(A) Cram Sabha
(8) Cram anchavaL
(C) MunlclpallLles
(u) none of Lhe above

377 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 343u a meLropollLan area represenL how manv number of
(A) 1en Lakhs or more
(8) llfLeen Lakhs or more
(C) Less Lhan 1en Lakhs
(u) Less Lhan llve Lakhs

378 under ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle 243u whaL ls Lhe maxlmum duraLlon of MunlclpallLles
(A) 4 vears
(8) 6 vears
(C) 3 vears
(u) 3 vears

379 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes LlecLlon Lo MunlclpallLles
(A) ArLlcle 243A
(8) ArLlcle 243ZA
(C) ArLlcle 243Z8
(u) ArLlcle 243

380 1hrouah whlch ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenL MunlclpallLles conLlnued Lo be ln force ln Lhe sLaLe
whlch exlsLed before commencemenL of Lhe lndlan consLlLuLlon
(A) SevenLvfourLh AmendmenL AcL 1992
(8) lorLvfourLh AmendmenL AcL 1978
(C) lorLvflfLh AmendmenL AcL 1989
(u) lorLvsevenLh AmendmenL AcL 1984
381 1he ConsLlLuLlon of lndla was drafLed and enacLed ln whlch lanauaae
(A) Plndl
(8) Lnallsh
(C) 1amll
(u) 1eluau

382 ln ArLlcle 394A whlch lanauaae ls Lhe auLhorlLaLlve LexL of Lhe consLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) un[abl
(8) Manlpurl
(C) Plndl
(u) urdu

383 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle sLaLes '1hls ConsLlLuLlon mav be called Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla'
(A) ArLlcle 397
(8) ArLlcle 396
(C) ArLlcle 393
(u) ArLlcle 394

384 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle sLaLes LhaL Plndl ls Lhe offlclal lanauaae
(A) ArLlcle 343
(8) ArLlcle 346
(C) ArLlcle 343
(u) ArLlcle 347

383 ln whlch lanauaae scrlpL ConsLlLuLlon of lndla was slaned bv Lhe members of Lhe ConsLlLuLenL
Assemblv on 21sL !an 1930
(A) Lnallsh
(8) Plndl
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

386 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle deflnes Lhe 'rovlslon ln case of fallure of ConsLlLuLlonal AuLhorlLv
ln Lhe sLaLe
(A) ArLlcle 336
(8) ArLlcle 337
(C) ArLlcle 333
(u) ArLlcle 331

387 AfLer whlch reporL resldenL promulaaLes resldenL 8ule ln Lhe SLaLe
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) unlon Pome MlnlsLer
(C) Chlef MlnlsLer
(u) Covernor

388 Who has Lhe AuLhorlLv Lo approve resldenL 8ule ln Lhe sLaLe
(A) arllamenL
(8) Lok Sabha
(C) SLaLe LealslaLure
(u) Councll of SLaLe

389 Who has Lhe consLlLuLlonal power noL Lo approve 'resldenL 8ule' ln Lhe sLaLe under ArLlcle
(A) rlme MlnlsLer
(8) arllamenL
(C) unlon Councll of MlnlsLers
(u) SLaLe CovernmenL
390 ln case resldenL 8ule ln Lhe sLaLe ls noL approved bv Lhe arllamenL 'lor how manv monLhs
Lhe same promulaaLlon shall lasL'
(A) lour MonLhs
(8) 1wo MonLhs
(C) 1hree MonLhs
(u) Slx MonLhs

391 under ArLlcle 336 Covernor shall noL be bound bv whose advlce
(A) Chlef MlnlsLer Councll of MlnlsLers
(8) resldenL
(C) rlme MlnlsLer
(u) none of Lhe above
392 ln whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL lL has been pronounced LhaL 'ArLlcle 336 cannoL be
lnvoked unless lL can be held LhaL aovernmenL of Lhe sLaLe cannoL be run ln accordance wlLh Lhe
provlslon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon'
(A) Arun vs unlon of lndla Al8 1992 Allahabad SC 1918
(8) S 8 8ommal vs unlon of lndla Al8 1990 kanL 93
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above
393 ln whlch Supreme CourL !udaemenL lL has been pronounced LhaL 'Lhe unlon CovernmenL
cannoL dlsmlss a dulv elecLed SLaLe CovernmenL on Lhe sole around LhaL Lhe rullna parLv ln Lhe sLaLe
suffered an overwhelmlna defeaL ln Lhe elecLlon of Lhe Lok Sabha
(A) S 8 8ommal vs unlon of lndla Al8 1994 SC 1916
(8) SLaLe of 8a[asLhan vs unlon of lndla Al8 1977 SC 1361
(C) A 8
(u) none of Lhe above

394 Pow manv Schedules are lncorporaLed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
(A) LlevenLh Schedule
(8) 1enLh Schedule
(C) nlnLh Schedule
(u) 1welfLh Schedule

393 Whlch ConsLlLuLlonal ArLlcle lavs down dlsLrlbuLlon of work Lhrouah Lhe unlon LlsL SLaLe LlsL
and ConcurrenL LlsL beLween Lhe unlon and SLaLe
(A) 246
(8) 247
(C) 248
(u) 249

396 ln Lhe unlon LlsL how manv sub[ecLs are lncorporaLed
(A) 93
(8) 92
(C) 97
(u) 99

397 ln Lhe SLaLe LlsL how manv sub[ecLs are lncluded
(A) 63
(8) 66
(C) 64
(u) 63

398 ln Lhe ConcurrenL llsL how manv sub[ecLs have been lncluded
(A) 42
(8) 43
(C) 43
(u) 47

399 ConsLlLuLlonallv how a law can be made ouL of Lhe sub[ecL ln Lhe ConcurrenL LlsL
(A) unlon
(8) SLaLe
(C) Councll of SLaLe
(u) A 8

400 ConsLlLuLlonallv who has Lhe power Lo make a law on Lhe sub[ecL menLlonable ln Lhe unlon
(A) Lok Sabha
(8) arllamenL
(C) 8a[va Sabha
(u) LealslaLlve Councll

331(C) 332(u) 333(A) 334(u) 333(A) 336(C) 337(u) 338(A) 339(u) 360(A)
361(C) 362(8) 363(C) 364(8) 363(C) 366(C) 367(u) 368(A) 369(C) 370(A)
371(u) 372(8) 373(C) 374(u) 373(8) 376(C) 377(A) 378(C) 379(8) 380(u)
381(8) 382(C) 383(u) 384(A) 383(C) 386(A) 387(u) 388(A) 389(8) 390(u)
391(A) 392(C) 393(C) 394(u) 393(A) 396(C) 397(8) 398(u) 399(u)

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