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/* Author=James DiMauro This procedure will move data and log files for a list of databases using alter

database. This procedure assumes the directories passed exist and that the SQL service account has full control N TFS permissions to the directories. It also assumes the database names passed are valid databases for the instance. Usage = exec p_MoveDatabase 'c:\sqlmovetest\','c:\sqlmovetest\','db1, db2, db3' */ IF ( OBJECT_ID('dbo.p_MoveDatabase') IS NOT NULL ) begin DROP PROCEDURE dbo.p_MoveDatabase end GO create procedure p_MoveDatabase @NewDataFolder nvarchar(1000), @NewLogFolder nvarchar(1000), @DbList nvarchar(4000) as Begin declare @DbTable table (lkey int identity (1,1) primary key, dbname nvar char(100)) declare @FileTable table (lkey int identity (1,1) primary key, [name]nva rchar(100), physical_name nvarchar(1000), [type] int ) declare @sql nvarchar(4000) declare @count int, @RowNum int declare @DbName nvarchar(100) declare @OldPath nvarchar(1000) declare @Type int declare @LogicalName nvarchar(100) declare @ParmDefinition nvarchar(1000) declare @FileName nvarchar(100)

declare @NewPath nvarchar(1000) declare @ShowAdvOpt int declare @XPCMD int set nocount on; --insert into @DbTable (dbname) values ('testdb1') --insert into @DbTable (dbname) values ('testdb2') if right(@DbList,1) = ',' Begin print 'DbList must NOT end with "''"' return End declare @MyString NVARCHAR(100) declare @Pos INT declare @NextPos INT declare @String NVARCHAR(4000) declare @Delimiter NVARCHAR(1) set @String = @DbList set @Delimiter = ',' SET @String = @String + @Delimiter SET @Pos = charindex(@Delimiter,@String) WHILE (@pos <> 0) BEGIN SET @MyString = substring(@String,1,@Pos - 1) insert into @DbTable (dbname) values (LTRIM(RTRIM(@MyString))) SET @String = substring(@String,@pos+1,len(@String)) SET @pos = charindex(@Delimiter,@String) END set @ShowAdvOpt = cast(( select [value] from sys.configurations where [n ame] = 'show advanced options') as int) set @XPCMD = cast(( select [value] from sys.configurations where [name] = 'xp _cmdshell') as int) if right(@NewDataFolder,1)<> '\' or right(@NewLogFolder,1)<>'\' Begin print 'new path''s must end with \'

return end EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced option', '1' RECONFIGURE exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell' , '1' RECONFIGURE print 'NewMdfFolder is ' + @NewDataFolder print 'NewLdfFolder is ' + @NewLogFolder SET @RowNum = 1 SET @count = (select count(*) from @DbTable) while @RowNum <= @count Begin select @DbName = DBName from @DbTable where lKey = @RowNum set @sql = 'select name, physical_name, type from ' + @DbName + '.sys.database_files' insert into @FileTable exec sp_executesql @sql

-- kill all user connections by setting to single user with imme diate set @sql= 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DbName + '] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE' print '' print 'Executing line -' + @sql exec sp_executesql @sql -- set db off line set @sql = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DbName + '] SET OFFLINE;' print '' print 'Executing line - ' + @sql exec sp_executesql @sql select * from @FileTable while @@rowcount > 0

begin select top 1 @OldPath = physical_name, @Type = [type], @Log icalName = [name] from @FileTable --move physical files set @FileName = (SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(@OldPath) , 0, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(@OldPath), 1)))) if @type = 0 begin set @NewPath = @NewDataFolder + @FileName end else begin set @NewPath = @NewLogFolder + @FileName end set @Sql = 'EXEC master..xp_cmdshell ''MOVE "' + @OldPat h + '" "' + @NewPath +'"''' print '' print 'Executing line -' + @sql exec sp_executesql @sql --alter file paths set @sql = 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @DbName + ' MODIFY FILE ( NAME = ' + @LogicalName + ', FILENAME = "' + @NewPath + '")' exec sp_executesql @sql delete from @FileTable where [name] = @LogicalName select * from @FileTable end --while set @sql = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DbName + '] SET ONLINE;' print '' print 'Executing line -' + @sql exec sp_executesql @sql SET @RowNum = @RowNum + 1 -- allow multi user again. set @sql= 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DbName + '] SET MULTI_USER' print ''

print 'Executing line -' + @sql exec sp_executesql @sql end exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell' , @XPCMD reconfigure EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced option', @ShowAdvOpt RECONFIGURE End --procedure

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