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Ed Course Descriptions

APSY 667- Assessment of Students with Exceptional Learning Needs: Academic and
Language Assessment
Educational assessment is the process of gathering information for such purposes as
better understanding a students academic and/or language problems, making decisions
about appropriate interventions, and assessing educational outcomes. This course will
provide students with a broad understanding of the history of assessment and the
standards that guide assessment practices. Attention will be given to the assessment of
academic areas (e.g., reading, mathematics, written language) and language skills,
anchored within an understanding of how such skills develop according to contemporary
theories. The overall emphasis is on an integrated evidence-based approach to
assessment that can be applied for educational planning and decision-making.

APSY 693- Advanced History, Theory, & Practice in Psychology
This course will examine (a) the history of psychological concepts in Western culture, (b)
major theoretical systems and research approaches of twentieth-century psychology, and
(c) the foundational assumptions of contemporary perspectives in psychology. The course
will focus on selected topics both in the intellectual as well as the institutional and social
history of the discipline. In addition, this course offers a crucial examination of school
psychology as a specialty area of practice within the discipline of psychology. The
history and current status of school psychology, the theory and research underpinnings
that guide the practices of psychology in education, and the criteria that define School
Psychology as a specialty area within professional psychology will also be explored.

APSY 695.7 Practicum in Academic and Language Assessment & Intervention
This course is intended to provide students with practical experience and supervision in
the administration and interpretation of standardized academic and language assessments.
Emphasis is given within this course to academic and language assessment as a
systematic process that requires the collection of and attention to information from
multiple sources (e.g., school records, the student, teachers, parents). We will discuss
how to attend to such multiple sources of information in the interpretation of test results
and development of interventions and how to most effectively communicate assessment
results (oral and written).

APSY 693.48 Family & Social Bases of Learning & Behavior
This course examines theoretical perspectives and contemporary research on socialization
processes in childhood and adolescence, with particular emphasis on family and peer
interpersonal relations. This course examines connections between family and the
education system including parent involvement in schools. Additional topics include peer
group processes, prosocial behavior, and social responsibility. The role of gender, culture,
and diversity in development are pervasive themes throughout the course. The emphasis
throughout this course is on building resilience in children and families to overcome

APSY 683 Disorders of Learning and Behavior
The intention of this course is to provide an opportunity for students to enhance their
insight and understanding of childhood and adolescent disorders. This course will allow
students to explore information with respect to the nature and scope of learning and
behavior disorders as well as facilitate their academic and applied interests relative to the
specific topics, issues and trends within this field of study.

APSY 654 Neurobiological Bases of Learning & Behavior
ThIs courso Is dosIgnod fo provIdo sfudonfs wIfh nn ovorvIow of brnIn
dovoIopmonf nnd brnInbohnvIor roInfIonshIps. Wo wIII nIso dIscuss
nourophvsIoIogIcnI nnd cognIfIvo nspocfs of somo dIsordors fhnf nro
dovoIopmonfnI In nnfuro o.g. IonrnIng dIsnbIIIfIos, nufIsm).

APSY 693.71 Cognitive & Neuropsychological Assessment
Tho focus of AISY 693.?l Is mnInIv on fho nssossmonf of chIIdron nnd
ndoIosconfs nnd wIII bo of roIovnnco fo psvchoIogIsfs spocInIIzIng In schooI
psvchoIogv. AISY 693.?l wIII mosf spocIfIcnIIv bo dIrocfod fo fho fhoorv nnd
prncfIco of InfoIIocfunI/cognIfIvo, momorv nnd nouropsvchoIogIcnI nssossmonf
prImnrIIv fhrough oxnmInnfIon of IndIvIdunIIv ndmInIsforod sfnndnrdIzod
fosfs fhnf moof fho hIghosf sfnndnrds sof bv psvchoIogIsfs. ComprohonsIvo
nssossmonf roquIros n muIfImofhod nppronch fhnf Infogrnfos InformnfIon
from vnrIous sourcos o.g., fho cIIonf, psvchoIogIsfs, fonchors, psvchInfrIsfs,
socInI workors, ofc) nnd confoxfs o.g., homo, schooI, workpInco) usIng vnrIous
dnfn gnfhorIng mofhods o.g., formnI fosfs, obsorvnfIon, InforvIow, oxfnnf
dnfn, InformnI nssossmonf procoduros) ovor fImo. WhIIo If Is nnfIcIpnfod fhnf
ofhor coursos wIII moro spocIfIcnIIv nddross compIImonfnrv mofhods of
nssossmonf, sfudonfs wIII bogIn fo gnIn oxposuro fo vnrIous nssossmonf
mofhods nnd monsuros ns woII ns n rIch cIInIcnI oxporIonco fhrough
pnrfIcIpnfIon In fho !CAIIS cIInIcnI conforoncos onch IrIdnv.

AISY 603 IfhIcs In AppIIod IsvchoIogv
IrofossIonnI ofhIcs nddrossos porsonnI nnd profossIonnI ofhIcnI Issuos In
psvchoIogv. Sfudonfs wIII rofIocf crIfIcnIIv on bofh porsonnI nnd coIIocfIvo
worIdvIows/vnIuos nnd wIII oxpIoro fho Impncf of fhoso porspocfIvos on
psvchoIogIcnI procossos nnd confoxfs. InsIc ofhIcnI Issuos In fhornpoufIc
roInfIonshIps wIII bo consIdorod, ns woII ns omorgIng Issuos, confIIcfIng
IovnIfIos In orgnnIznfIonnI soffIngs, nnd In rosponsIbIIIfv fo socIofv. InfogrIfv
In fonchIng nnd schoInrshIp nro nIso nddrossod. Tho roIo of roguInforv nnd
coIIogInI profossIonnI nssocInfIons In onhnncIng fho qunIIfv of psvchoIogIcnI
sorvIcos nnd profocfIng fho pubIIc from unofhIcnI nnd Incompofonf prncfIcos
wIII bo prosonfod. Tho confonf of fho courso wIII Infogrnfo knowIodgo,
prncfIcnI skIIIs, nnd sfudonf soIfnwnronoss.

APSY 658 Interventions to Promote Cognitive, Academic, & Neuropsychological Well-
ThIs courso focusos on ovIdoncobnsod InforvonfIons nImod nf promofIng
cognIfIvo, ncndomIc, nnd nouropsvchoIogIcnI dovoIopmonf. Tho fhoorofIcnI
nnd ompIrIcnI bnsIs of InforvonfIons wIII bo oxpIorod, ns wIII fho prIncIpIos
nnd procossos InvoIvod In spocIfIc InforvonfIons. ThIs courso Is n somInnr
courso nnd, ns such, sfudonfs nro oxpocfod fo ongngo In cIoso rondIngs of fho
nssIgnod mnforInI, brondor rondIng of fhoIr own choosIng fo hoIp onrIch
dIscussIons, nnd fhoughffuI nnd crIfIcnI wrIffon nnd ornI nnnIvsos of fhoIr
rondIngs nnd profossIonnI oxporIoncos. Tho nIm Is fo supporf fho dovoIopmonf
of n communIfv of Ionrnors In whIch sfudonfs nro soIfroguInfod nnd work ns
n fonm fhnf Is ncfIvoIv ongngod In fho consfrucfIon of knowIodgo. ThIs
InsfrucfIonnI nppronch rofIocfs fho fIoId of humnn IonrnIng, dovoIopmonf, nnd

AISY 695.8 IrncfIcum In CognIfIvo & ouropsvchoIogIcnI Assossmonf &
ThIs courso provIdos n suporvIsod prncfIcum In cognIfIvo nnd
nouropsvchoIogIcnI nssossmonf nnd InforvonfIons. Sfudonfs wIII prncfIco
cognIfIvo nnd nouropsvchoIogIcnI nssossmonf nnd svsfomnfIc romodInfIon of
dovoIopmonfnI probIoms fhrough nppIIcnfIon of fhoso fochnIquos In fho
!nIvorsIfv of CnIgnrv AppIIod IsvchoIogIcnI nnd IducnfIonnI SorvIcos !
CAIIS) or In n schooI/communIfv soffIng.

AISY 693.?6 Mofhods of InquIrv
Tho focus In AISY 693.?6 Mofhods of InquIrv Is on fho fhoorofIcnI,
concopfunI, nnd nppIIod nnfuro of rosonrch. Ono of fho mnIn gonIs of fhIs
courso Is fo fncIIIfnfo sfudonfs In bocomIng Informod rosonrchors nnd
knowIodgonbIo consumors of rosonrch. Tho purposo of fhIs courso Is for
sfudonfs fo undorsfnnd fho nnfuro nnd purposo of rosonrch. WrIfIng n
rosonrch IIfornfuro rovIow, dovoIopIng skIIIs fo fInd nnd uso wob rosourcos,
nnd undorsfnndIng dIfforonf purposos nnd nssumpfIons of fho qunIIfnfIvo
InforprofIvo/consfrucfIvIsf), qunnfIfnfIvo posIfIvIsm/posfposIfIvIsm), nnd
omnncIpnforv pnrndIgms of rosonrch wIII nssIsf In fhIs purposo. Tho courso
oxnmInos, oxpIoros, nnd Inforprofs fronds nnd dIvorso Issuos roInfod fo
rosonrch dosIgn, such ns ofhIcs nnd cuIfuro. Sfudonfs wIII nIso bo InvoIvod In
compIofIng n Ioffor of Infonf drnff. OvornII, AISY 693.?6 oncourngos fho
gonornfIon of compnfIbIo nnd npproprInfo rosonrch dosIgn, fIowIng from n
soIocfod probIom nnd possIbIv n nowIv dIscovorod pnrndIgm. In summnrv,
fhIs courso nIms fo oxnmIno concopfs from fhoorv snmpIIng, dnfn gnfhorIng,
vnIIdIfv, roIInbIIIfv, nnd probnbIIIfv) In ordor fo onhnnco undorsfnndIng of
rosonrch dosIgn ns n compIox nnd hoIIsfIc undorfnkIng.

AISY 660 SocInI, ImofIonnI, & IohnvIornI Assossmonf
ThIs courso focusos on fho comprohonsIvo nssossmonf of chIIdron nnd voufh
roforrod for socInI, omofIonnI, nnd bohnvIornI concorns. AffonfIon wIII bo
dIrocfod fownrd nssossmonf prncfIcos fhnf nro sonsIfIvo fo fho nunncos of n
chIId`s bohnvIor wIfh nffonfIon pnId fo confoxfunI nnd cuIfurnI fncfors,
sfrongfhs nnd wonknossos, rIsks nnd profocfIvo fncfors. Tho Imporfnnco of
muIfImodnI, muIfIsourco, nnd muIfIdIscIpIInnrv nssossmonf wIII bo sfrossod.

AISY 6?4 InforvonfIons fo Iromofo SocIoomofIonnI, & IohnvIornI WoII
ThIs courso promofos socIoomofIonnI nnd bohnvIornI woIIboIng of chIIdron nnd
voufh who hnvo omofIonnI dIsfurbnncos nnd bohnvIornI probIoms In schooI nnd
communIfv soffIngs. WookIv group dIscussIons wIII focus on snIIonf Issuos nnd
prncfIcos roInfIvo fo chIIdron nnd ndoIosconfs who hnvo omofIonnI nnd bohnvIornI

AISY 60? !osonrch In AppIIod IsvchoIogv MuIfIvnrInfo osIgn nnd AnnIvsIs
ThIs courso Is dosIgnod fo provIdo sfudonfs wIfh nn ovorvIow of sovornI
muIfIvnrInfo sfnfIsfIcnI fochnIquos. If wIII bogIn wIfh n brIof rovIow of
unIvnrInfo nnd bIvnrInfo sfnfIsfIcs nnd movo quIckIv Info muIfIvnrInfo

AISY 6?6 IrncfIcum In SocInI, ImofIonnI, IohnvIornI WoIIIoIng
ThIs courso provIdos n suporvIsod prncfIcum In socInI, omofIonnI, nnd
bohnvIornI nssossmonf nnd InforvonfIon. Sfudonfs wIII undorfnko
comprohonsIvo socInI, omofIonnI, nnd bohnvIornI nssossmonf nnd
InforvonfIons wIfh chIIdron nnd voufh prosonfIng wIfh vnrIous dovoIopmonfnI

AISY 64l Humnn ovoIopmonf, !onrnIng, nnd CognIfIon ChIId nnd
ThIs courso wIII hIghIIghf fho Inforfnco bofwoon dovoIopmonf, cognIfIon, nnd
IonrnIng In chIIdhood nnd ndoIosconco, ns ovIdoncod wIfhIn mnjor fhoorofIcnI
posIfIons. If provIdos n bnsIs for sfudv In moro spocInIIzod nrons of humnn
dovoIopmonf, cognIfIon, nnd IonrnIng. ThoorIos nro dIscussod In forms of fhoIr
oducnfIonnI nppIIcnfIon fo fvpIcnI nnd nfvpIcnI chIIdron nnd ndoIosconfs.

CAAI 633 !Ifospnn ovoIopmonf
Infroducos n comprohonsIvo vIow of humnn dovoIopmonf ncross fho IIfospnn,
drnwIng on fho mnjor fhoorofIcnI posIfIons. ovoIopmonfnI fhomos nro
dIscussod In forms of fhoIr nppIIcnfIon fo fvpIcnI nnd nfvpIcnI humnn
dovoIopmonf In chIIdron, ndoIosconfs nnd nduIfs.

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