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1. Always read the First and Last sentence more carefully no matter what. GMAT passages are very structured and the first stence will always contain the main idea and set the tone. 2. Watch for trigger words such as "but, however, still, regardless, nevertheless, althogh" and others 3. Always ask yourself why the author put this example here 4. Pretend that you are very interested in the reading material or another option is to play a game with the author and try to prove the author wrong - pick at every word 5. Always know what the main idea of the passage is, even if the questions are not asking for it 6. It helps to know the vocabulary but you can make it - as long as you know all of the tone and general words, you will be able to tell author's direction. Specifics may not matter, though again, I have found that good vocabulary helps on RC 7. Do whatever it takes to help you read/remember the passage better - write summary notes (even if you never go back to them), paraphrase each paragraph or even sentence, etc.

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