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Vygotsky and Chomsky

Similarities Language influenced in child s development. Vygotsky and Chomsky believe that language plays an important role in child s development.


a) Interactionist Theory : i. Argue that language development is both biological and social"children are born with a powerful brain that matures slowly and predisposes them to acquire new understandings that they are motivated to share with others". b) ZPD and Scaffolding c) Language is central in social interaction transmission of culture and internal regulation of thinking. d) Learn by doing, by becoming involved in meaningful activities with a more knowledgeable person.

a) Influenced by

b) Theory used

a) The nativist perspective: i. Argues that humans are biologically programmed to gain knowledge. b) All humans have a language acquisition device (LAD). c) Argued that humans are biologically prewired to learn language. d) Language is inborn; language is a specific skill that develops according to its own laws.

c) Social/Science

d) Nurture/Nature

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