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COFFEE CREME BRULEE 2 cups double thick cream 1 cup thin cream cup castor sugar 1 tsp Nescafe

e 8 egg yolks 2 tsps vanilla esence 1 cup castor sugar Preheat oven to 140 C. Heat creams, castor sugar and coffee over a low heat on the stove until the sugar is dissolved.. Beat egg yolks until very light and pour the warmed cream over them, whisking all the time. Stir in vanilla and pour into small dishes or espresso cups. Lower oven temp to 130 Place ramekins dish into a roasting pan filled with 3-4 cms of hot C. water and bake until knife or skewer comes out clean, approximately 20-25 mins. Chill until ready to serve. Just before serving, sprinkle with castor sugar. Put in a roasting pan filled with a bed of crushed ice and place under the grill to melt. OR Sprinkle with castor sugar and use a blow torch to melt the sugar. Makes 6 servings.

35 14th Ave, Houghton, Johannesburg, South Africa. Tel/Fax +27 11 483 3924. Email sharon@sharonsrecipes.co.za Website: www.sharonglass.co.za Sharon Glass 2010

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