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Maces criollos en un escenario de cambio climtico en Tlaxcala Maice landraces in a climate change scenario in Tlaxcala

Maria RA1*, Muoz OA2*, Hernndez CJM1, Ortega CA3,. INIFAP-CIRCE, 2Colgio de Postgraduados, 3INIFAP-CIRNO maria.andres@inifap.gob.mx

In Tlaxcala State over 118 thousand hectares are sown with maize, mostly under rainfed conditions (85.5%). Over 90% of the area is sown with landraces. Average grain yields are 2.5 tha-1. In 2009, SAGARPA acknowledged the presence of El Nio weather phenomenon in Mexico. In August 2009 this agency recognized the presence of atypical drought in more than 35 thousand hectares in the State The eastern region was one of the most affected by frost and drought. The aim of this study was to identify the native maize varieties that better tolerate frost and drought, common events in this region of Tlaxcala. Two hundred and three native maize varieties, collected in the state during 2008-2009 were sown in a farmer`s field arranged according to their racial group, in a sandy and deep soil in Tequexquitla, Tlaxcala. In this nonreplicated trial the plot size was one row 10m long for each variety. The crop management was performed by the cooperating farmer, following the traditional production technology, which included the use of cow and sheep manure, and weed control by hand. Concerning crop phenology only male flowering was recorded. Frost and drought began to occur when plants averaged 60cm (81 days after sowing). From June 15 to August 17. Rain was absent in the experimental site, unusualy, frost did not occurr before the 10 of November. At that time the late varieties were still in the grain milky and dough stage. An outstanding variety with viable seed and tolerance to drought and frost was identified. (Its plants were typical of a highland Conico Race maize).

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