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lea & MaHaBote & ~ The Little Key The Ancient System of Burmese irthbay Astrology By Sandy L. Crowther fan an Astrologer analyze a chart without “£ the birth time? Absolutely! MaHaBote is Bete pees tpieniand ts basedon the Dayal the Weekbirth. The exception to this ruleoccursfor the Wednesday born, where the general time of birth must be known for determining the Birth Lord. Wednesday births that take place before Noon are ruled by Mercury, while Wednesday births that take place after Noonareruled by Rahu. lnrespective of having knowledge of the birth time Yorn Wednesdagh beret ost experienced Astrologer's are capable of ascertaining whether the birth lord is that of Mercury or Rabu, based on the personality of the client. The qualities present in the Rahu born are much more driven ~ whereas (Meters qoslitter ate ar lee eeeyreonty Rohs and Mercury are also totally different in their unigue form of expression ~ making the relationship between them uneasy. Think of Rahu manifestations as a combination of energy comprising the edginess of Mars - combined with the versatility of Mercury - and this visual image should mentally stage an understanding of the distinguishing differences that exist between the preraiesol Meectirg versus Rabu. MaHaBote uses a Permanent Planetary Calendar todetermine the day of the week a person was born on. No software program, ephemeris, or book of tablesis needed toconstruct the Mal laBote Chart, and the system gives a revealing take on the general personality of the native. MaHabote is completely portable, much more involved Sy (el clic than many fons of Astrology requiring no birth time, and can be used right alongside other systems, orstand completely on its own merit. IMeHePatehoucve7vis vohas inidest aan assessment as the more involved branch o/ Eastem ee WesteraAsticlejg) The little Kcgite Coatpafable to examining the forest fullief clas, dap oon ke aud hem) cle tas crear (6 examining cach iuleeilosl eeeamte tevert (tise system that is wonderful for delineating the personalities of those clients for which no known birth time 1s available, and in my opinion, MalieBote it is a tool that belongs in every serious Astrologers toolbox. While birth times are often suspect, birth days are very rarely based on pure conjecture. Male Date of Birth: August 35,1977 Wednesday Born: AM Birth Mercury Birth 16 Eg Moon and Venus © Mercury's Enemy and Negative Element: RahuandSun @ Mercury's Hostile Combination: Major Period:Rahu-MinorPeriod:Moon © Keep in mind that significations in MaHaBote are not all identical to significations in traditional Systems of Astrology. One such difference is that Clad eniere ropreven ody: Manca MeHaBote, rather than the traditional dipiter ) Mevetsg Barth Manel posited uatally ta Houseof Wealth: House 4: 2008 Mercury 3 tracsiting oyeruatel Soa in the third House of Fame MaHaBote Table of Planctary Relationships: ‘You will note from the MaHaBote Planetary Relationship Table that Moon and Jupiter are iy listed asboth positive elements toone another, and MatlaBote House Sad HSH Natal and Transit ChartsChart eS Ss See Sabaier | Sa€Stas | TSab Vm | Sue Nry Moan | None lquta | ManGlogia | MoM Net Ange 1977 008 ant Psne = Mist Veus | McG Rin | Vos | Vout Sam San @ Ran [Moan Vou] Moana | Span Rake © Houses 3, 4,5, and 7 are considered assets or See Neeser Seeds: Ge Teue = Hos: Hegseat Hessest Mgarseinens alih iegls Ponies acest Meuse Tenis entee! Hie xasce1Siebhy eee kecas Howse ot eperesesce Brice iy beneficial houses, while houses 1,2 and 6 are considered liability or challenging houses. Mercury's Friend and Positive Element: sy (on permanent enemies. This is always somewhat confusing for the new student of MaHaBote; fetever (ere ira logicol caplanction cs tu why these two diverse conditions exist simultaneously. Moon operates from the core element of intuition, emotion, and feeling, while Jupiter operates from thecoreelement of wisdom, knowledge,and law.So while they are both henelic and very positive eres eee ty, theymyly coer omar come to terms - with how to best accomplish the Greater good. This is due to the fact that they each vibrate at such different levels of inner core impulse. To reiterate, the Moon prefers to operate from her natural emotional vibrations, while Elipilon prolores (ai opevale irom lite seiar| Alswesi ion of lenewiaca MeHaBote Analysis: fel The native's birth planet is Mercury. Mercury falls in the natal fourth House of Wealth. His birth lord posited in Wealth indicates that this native is well respected by his peers, has high ideals and Goals, is a self-made individual, quite generous, andeither religiousor spiritual by nature. Mercury in Wealthisaltosuggestive of hisability tobequite successful with children through teaching orin an education related capacity; although the very Peblemueiow of leche withyethoweda ly bars an olen bacon alliconsning emlleehousticg! With positive deren! Veuns yacsited in [eccles Ghectly abere bith lord Mercury eapentng a time away becomes absolutely energizing and necessary for his long-term happiness and well being. Mercury's natal position suggests that his versatility and communication skills serve him very well. Sun in Fame coupled with birth planet Mercury in Wealth fostersa reputation supportive of an individual who sports a steady and balanced influence - especially with respect to those who Ray appence ke honees advice’ Bidh pleaci a Wealth tells us that he alone is responsible for his pres sce sete eerie fort opp meerer leo Ge etl fliat Levageeta tuck oxrescotuiacteter pero eetlysades He will admirably take ‘ull responsibility for his own actions, and he admires when others do likewise. He is intellectually pro active and canbe exceptionally productive—with a real gift for teaching, writing, lecturing, or communicating inany formor medium. This native is also predisposed to take on more than one career during the course of his life due to the duality and nature of his birth lord, Mereury.He is driven to learn about, or indulge in the study of subjects involving a philosophical and spiritual bend, orbe diawn topartuers who possesso number of these characteristics: His mind is not capped by the influential or fixed opinions of others, nor is al & U7 ee he limited in his approach by a self-induced set of boundaries. He prefers to keep an open mind and expand his views on all subjects of interest — no niatter what the general or popularconsensus. Hes fetta dividual who enjoys Seng tisarental «lds and forming his own opinions on matters of interest flap dooally:Afterl “ets Merewry bom Wealth ~ and therelore quite aware that HE is the Bove oti ies lest eel tery bateverteees itarrives. With Venus in Leader, the native isstronglyledby peaceful interactions with others,andismuch more likely to be drawn to associate with personalities who lead their lives in a peaceful fashion, rather than by those who have the propensity to either create, or perpetuate difficulties He is likely to olferassistancewhen asked, but probably has little patience tea Thy oil these wh oreiave help themselves. Teale sated fetecrind ont thes taplertand] most direct way of approaching matters, rather than complicating things unnecessarily. He will prefer the direct and uncomplicated route when solving problems, and has a tendency to save the deep reserves of his mind for studying the more intense and complex natures of those people and. subjectshe finds most fascinating. He is a thinker, and he has a ‘need to read’ to feel balanced. Also, time spent alone is very important Petrie er bells vellection purposes asdiders lea eieencben Cl he tener qaictt, Aw euclnesiie ts peels so elly wea tie nee) eee — pede teyeserriity lecalao values hisyaira te ae eee een iSome prcople have the fmplession that things have been handed to him, but he has worked quite hard to get what he has, and things arenot alwayswhatthey appeartobe. Mercury is transiting this year over his natal el Sun in the House of Fame, activating other's impressions of who he is and what he is truly all about, Fame is about reputation. This year, people may form different opinionsof him than the opinions they have held in the past. He may also have something to give to the world by way of educational material, and this is an excellent year to either begin such projects or ideas, or present them in their raw form to others for consideration. Whatever the case, his personal status and yglaineeraiee eden ie conn aee vel xighien ghee oc Receeman artets Petter known because of his accomplishments — both personally and professionally, He may shine this year with birth lord in Fame, but it will not be an entirely comfortable year due to the relationship that exists between Mercury and Sun. In other words, when Mercury moves into the residence of the Sun, the energies are not congenial — and. incompatibilities willarise This native should be advised to associate with individuals les vente ost ce a tere, Necane Ni eet eee ere eg poor fered bytes eters oes heal end well being = heis quite sensitive tonegativity, This native needs tobe very careful of whom hebefriends Current Planetary Period for Year 2008: Jupiter/Moon - Extremity and Impermanence lords up until August 3, 2008 then Minor Period lord changes to: Mars on August 3, 2008 until Angust3,2009. Jeptier Major For Year 2008: wo Tee eaerie = Pale donee: Mercury cand Jupiter are neutral in their relationship to Picante er erable MajorandMinorPeriods: eJupiter/Moon ~ Positive and Enemy ys) tn ee relationship, showing mixed results. © Jupiter/Mars — Neutral in their relationship — compatible ~ but not overly friendly withone another. © Jupiter is posited in Natal 2" in Extremity Position: @ Jupiter Major is ranning and Jupiter is transiting overlord Moonfor2008: Tapiter sitet adil fy low in thiseatiyeechort in oe eve ob stent bringing about patos of can ee oa oka Marie elle Ly periods of learning sabbaticals. With the planet of wisdom and knowledge holding a natal position in a liability house, this indicates that he cultivates extremesinhisleamingendeavors. This native will likely have a time in his life (probably more than once) when he will bury himself deeply in an intensive stady - or commit to an exhaustive learning mission — only to be dollowed up ats Ioter dale by the pomtbility of deciding ia completelqahelve everjiaing that le has devoted so much time and attention to. The eerie genre rene eatellysivaed collect dust —but theexperienceisnever disregardedorthrown out, as he will always find uses for his learned and acquired knowledge — even if implemented at a laterdatein life. This may happen either by choice or because of life's circumstances, over which the native may have no control. Whatever the cause, Jupiter in Extremity indicates an extreme of energy directed. at one objective or the other, but not too much “in (etme ceeriy at play io actually level things Se erin a balance witls the planet pestted a Mme ucweeimkey Pedaaps accepting the Preetatyedes of both periods by indulging in (he expectation that the endeavor will be radical or extreme, is where the henelit of the entire experience rests. There are alternatives to all el planetary indicators in MaHaBote whereas challenges may be significantly overcome and dealt with eflectively..however not everyone elects to find alternatives and the result is the chart working the native rather than the native working the chart. One simply has to learn how to “tum the key’ tounlockthesecret. (MaHaBote is all about “fuming the keys” for ifosdiea cal foraa( iwestioi fie chellenteetee Lawe Leen Lormieally iaclisedte cepericuce Alice beyond the scope of this article, for the curious reader let me just say that transit Saturn rooming, with Natal Mercury in Weelth is in a position for the year to assist both planetary energy preferences by pulling up the individual energy vibration, and therefore Saturn can play akey role in overcoming the apparent frustration with Moon/Jupiter. Transit Saturn in Wealth sitting above the Moon/Jupiter configuration suggest that for 2008, Satum’s structure and discipline can become a source of great “wealth” for eflectively dealing with the energies of Moon and Jupiter as Saturn is a neutral influence toward both planets, and harbors no animosity toward the birth lord [esecarg eat ete eres io usinte Gilor ke yer: IP ld etre leectnega on coxeee Low Serera tet be eenstoliemsacecsdul integration of (he Moon/Jupiter dichotomy — and only needs to be consciously tapped into for effects to he manifested). Jupiter Major and Moon Minor ran up through August 3,2008.On August 5,2008 hewill begina Mars Minor in a Jupiter Major. He is currently ranting a planetary Major period of his 2" lord of Extremity, Jupiter, and 0 Minor of his I" lord of Impermanence, Moon, Both are natally posited in ligbility houses - which in MaHaBote arc houses, Q and 6 ~ or Impennanence, Extremity, ond Sickly/Changing In transit, these posttions remind me of a al & 119 ee start/stop, start/stop mission. With natal fPetemily Jupiter wanating qvevlapennatence Moon, fluctuations in his approaches a6 occurring, Jupiter and Moon are both Positive fel Bets a Enomalos tp outeraran’ ere lca ie Peisedce! xind'slontyie fedora bene Feplans obec! how too it Tits hava! Gutreeull ia brtaaea abou! eprcot bale! a ren ued ie ois beesions ya diy teu eaeray pallsbaes) on what his mind wants to do versus what the voice of wisdom and intelligence says heshould be doing. Jupiter and Moon can actually succeed. in canceling out one another resulting ina state of inertia if the stress becomes too much to deal with. The result can bring into play inactivity of any nature. In other words, this native will more than likely peclude: Us teepereese cl Leciud very. good Gates bode ies etetlenral ehiexperience Laon per eration Mermet tlle carry arpreicct Pace oe par len ey ete enaisiene Necomes extremely difficult for him. So although he may have good intentions, he will also have extreme fluctuations in his moods about the projects he takes on. This occurs hecause of the overpowering changeable nature of the Moon, who actually loves Jupiter, but Moon is also at odds with Jupiter on howtogo about accomplishing theirsimilar goals. As mentioned earlier, these two planets both have very high ideals and good direction, but agree on venylittlewith respect toconfluence and timing So my takeon thisisasfollows—although hemay have eed intentions for the yeor, he may not be in the mood foreally get anything ofasubstantiol nature ey trel (aut without recogaitaqtthat Saturn's structure and discipline 1s there for assistance). The best way to effectively deal with this transit is to refrain from placing a high priority, el oravoid placing toohigh ol anexpectation for himself throughout this period. He would be hettersuitedto take hisambitionsand initiatives at a steady and realistic pace — always expecting, or at the very least, being fully prepared, for his learning endeavors tochange direction at thedrop ofahat. arom Moon th Netsl fern lemsereenerce * Moon Minor and Moon transiting over natal VenusinLeader7: His natal Moon is in the 1* House in Impermanence. This is highly reflective of a changeable nature, particularly with respect to his interactions and communications with others. In other words, the native can be in a fine mood, and someone may say something that either insults his intelligence, or hurts his feelings, and everything immediately changes. And these changes last more than a minute — he thinks, and thinks, and then thinks someemoqenatnt Lowsver, coming tog (inal oar eee ete teecelraaepe Sopane tec iin! Leteeasetereeattiemed he w lela itetac ted This is usually not the reality of the situation - however-itislikely tobe his perception of howthe scenarioplayedout. Tn transit, Moon and Venus are neutral to one another ~ not exceptional helpful, but neither exceptionally hurtful either. He is led by peace with Venus in the Leader position in his chart, and heimmensely dislikes disharmony or discord of any type. The native wants peopleto get along, and this trait is reflective to others by his very nature. So soils toeeatal Wecn rarmten ee: Dosdor Vouce Lieesu certainly erpectsoeaeactictel eituctiae tendo Me goatee tre spicces = He wil isd Gtereell ec grewmteranllg reactin: to tee situations, maybe even moresothan usual, This native is also very taken and impacted by appearances — his own and others, Visually Gh el 120 Ee locking good and being well-groomed is an important factor in his emotional well-being, If he dresses to go out, and is then unhappy with how he looks once out, he will find this affecting whether or not he can actually unwind and enjoy himself/ He is very self-conscious about his appearance and probably overly critical as well. With. Venus in Leader, he probably receives comments about hisstriking eyes or expressions. (Ales wiluttant eg Woon ever Veaus situations inveliog bets himether and/or eother igure elong with females in general -will takea leading role at this time in his life. His mother being positioned in the Impermanence position natally is reflective of the native experiencing some difficulty with existing on the same page as her — and they may not he as close ~ or in agreement ~ about many things in life~or perhaps they simply hage Grovcompleteli litre! cutlosks an lite Overall, hisrelationship is subject to fluctuations in life with respect to his mother, or mother-like figtige Also ther hyeeal atecction er beauty ee eel eee reper coach all that is femaleand/orbeautiful ~is intriguing to Plemertl stews a promeeet nce a hic dete especie cfhissexoal orientation The Year or Transit Chart always changes on January 1, while Major and Minor Period Lords change on the Birthday, with the Minor Period Lordchanging each year. August 3,2008: © Mars in Natal 6 House of Sickly and/or Changing: © Mars Minor and Mars transiting over Natal Saturn in Kingly Position: Mar; ia Natal O* House of Sickly cud/ar Change indicates an energy level that is either naturally on the low side, or erratic in nature. fe This nativeneeds a good night'ssleep in order to productively accomplish his tasks on a daily basis. Healso needs acertain amount of hours of restful sleep and aon. regularbasistofeel at his optimum level of performance. Lack of sleep a ther steer iol (cliadycomracartsed)oieal Vy) Whea sleep deprived (sy Uislanretlerdag tote Cwovewl! cawen too dere terrae loc lea te peresually feel well netted), be Pecoees lethargic and sometimes irrational - much more so than the average person due to Mars in Sickly/Changing, Exercise is a must for an increase in his level of energy, as is proper diet. While both of these two factors may beaddressed, they are unlikely totake root permanently without working the chart to his best advantage through mitigation and the strict discipline of Satur. Foods have more of an effect on his health than he may be aware of — so an Plscdoncs ol (arb tule od weseiahlarae suede tee }ferenesay chen Marais u thispoaficn: Prelouge die esi@litsrill do canta bevoxt!stny oral slece We ererllity smetse en toreccaiee in lie early years, but becomes more pronounced as he heginstoage. Mars transiting overnatal Saturn in KinglyPosition places energy above him relative to a series of moments - addressed to specitically trying to understand his position in life — along with his stmeture, his boundaries, and why they are in place. Hemay never figure this peripheral pattem eur bat ba lato ever cocse trying (Thisiea Gener ete the place? pastel i Kicaiy Position) imweeetling (ee Giants fatlicea why he len fende|aanpe eee = exreciall) oo situations that he excels in ~ and in tum gives him an uncomfortable degree of emotional distress and nervous tension that are job performancerelated. Worthy of mention is that Saturn in thisposition of Kingly is afforded a lot of respect in any field uel Eg he elects; the difficulty falls in the challenge of absolute knowing what it ishe wants toaccomplish in life,and then how to go about getting it Staying with his chosen field is another matter entirely, flee etrerres|l scence inrsele lum toreoremes els more, learn more, become wiser,ete. Mars and Saturn form a neutral relationship with oe choles they are woblntcicel justacices, basically because of the two natural energies of the planets involved. The question then becomes, “Am! doing what I'm supposed to he doing in this life?”.. ‘And then the search begins with no end in sight. Later in life, resolutions to these very questions become much more apparent. © SunintheNatal 3“ in the Honseof Fame: ¢ Sun transiting over Jupiter in the 2" House of Extromity: Sun posited natally in the House of Fame is a good position for taking care of oneself, self-esteem, discipline, and reputation. He is likely a courageous individual; ambitious, industrious, and hasafatherwhois well known by many. His reputation is righteous, however, he has or will experience injustices based on the jealousies of others. Some may think he has not worked all that hard and just has an incredible amount of good fortume at his disposal. That is only tre in the respect that he tends to hide his efforts well, and ele Wiebeat ally everything way com jan = tad bit easier for him than for others He does not recognize this, but others do, and therefore others harbor some resentment toward him on account of this natural ability within himself to learn with ease. This year the Sun moves down toa liability house, taking with it Jupiter's wisdom and good intentions. This position threatens his self- Hel confidence in transient ways. He will probably encounter some difficulty with his level of confidence with respect to leaming, wisdom, abilities, or intellectual endeavors — however difficulties will not result in any permanent or lasting effects. Just realizing that he has a low liability Sun for the year should help. him to recognize these apparent insecurities and soll cicer issucves Whey Gop cee aslilc aud ealoritl ew arcordinaly les ulespessil

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