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The Pentateuch

B. The Revelation of the Covenant  20:126

C. The Judgments21:123:33
D. The Formal Ratification of the Covenant  24:111
E. The Tabernacle  24:1227:21
F. The Priests28:129:46
G. Institution of the Covenant30:131:18
II. The Response of Israel to the Covenant  32:140:38
A. Israel Willfully Breaks the Covenant32:16
B. Moses Intercedes for Israels Salvation 32:733
C. Moses Convinces God Not to Abandon Israel 32:3433:23
D. God Renews the Covenant with Israel 34:135
E. Israel Willingly Obeys the Covenant35:140:33
F. God Fills the Tabernacle with His Glory40:3438


Bordered by the Mediterranean Sea on the north, the Sinai Peninsula and
the Gulf of Suez on the east, and the Lybian desert on the west, Egypt is a land
with a rich and well-recorded ancient history. Some of our knowledge of Egypts
ancient history stems from the work of the Egyptian priest Manetho (c. 270 b.c.),
who records events of 31 dynasties, beginning c. 3200 b.c. The chart which follows begins with Ahmosis I, the founder of the eighteenth dynasty. According to
the early date theory of the Exodus (adopted here), the Pharaoh of the Exodus
was probably Amenhotep II; according to the late date theory, the Pharaoh was
probably Rameses II.

Egyptian Phar aohs

Ahmosis I

157046 b.c.

Amenhotep IV

137962 b.c.

Amenhotep I

154626 b.c.


136461 b.c.

Thutmose I

152612 b.c.


136152 b.c.

Thutmose II

151204 b.c.


135248 b.c.

Thutmose III

15041450 b.c.


134820 b.c.


15041483 b.c.

Rameses I

132018 b.c.

Amenhotep II

145025 b.c.

Seti I

131804 b.c.

Thutmose IV

142517 b.c.

Rameses II

13041236 b.c.

Amenhotep III

14171379 b.c.


12361223 b.c.


Maps and Charts.indd 25

1/18/10 4:05:18 AM

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