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Agreeing and Disagreeing

copyright by Jlio Csar

To agree with someone you can say:

Thats exactly what I think. Thats a good point. Quite right, I couldnt agree more. Thats just what I was thinking. I agree entirely. Yes, Im all in favour of that.
copyright by Jlio Csar 2

To disagree with someone you can say:

I see what you mean, but ... I dont think its such a good idea ... Thats true, but on the other hand ... I dont quite agree because ... Maybe, but dont you think ...?

copyright by Jlio Csar

Pair / Group Work

People working in business should be told what to do and should do it without asking questions. Employees want to be recognized as people with their own (personal) needs. Employees have to be forced to work: otherwise they are just lazy. Managers need to closely control what employees do. Nobody wants responsability at work. If there are problems to be solved, everybody should be asked their opinion before anything is done.

copyright by Jlio Csar

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