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-- two steps to install sort data table:

1. copy the coding into the head of your html document

2. add the last code into the body of your html document -->

<!-- step one: paste this code into the head of your html document -->


<script language="javascript">

<!-- this script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- the javascript source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- begin
function setdatatype(cvalue)
// this function converts dates and numbers for proper array
// sorting when in the sort function
var isdate = new date(cvalue);
if (isdate == "nan")
if (isnan(cvalue))
// the value is a string, make all characters in
// string upper case to assure proper a-z sort
cvalue = cvalue.touppercase();
return cvalue;
// value is a number, to prevent string sorting of a number
// add an additional digit that is the + to the length of
// the number when it is a string
var mynum;
mynum = string.fromcharcode(48 + cvalue.length) + cvalue;
return mynum;
// value to sort is a date, remove all of the punctuation and
// and return the string number
//bug - string and not numerical sort .....
// ( 1 - 10 - 11 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 41 - 5 etc.)
var mydate = new string();
mydate = isdate.getfullyear() + " " ;
mydate = mydate + isdate.getmonth() + " ";
mydate = mydate + isdate.getdate(); + " ";
mydate = mydate + isdate.gethours(); + " ";
mydate = mydate + isdate.getminutes(); + " ";
mydate = mydate + isdate.getseconds();
//mydate = string.fromcharcode(48 + mydate.length) + mydate;
return mydate ;
function sorttable(col, tabletosort)
var icurcell = col + tabletosort.cols;
var totalrows = tabletosort.rows.length;
var bsort = 0;
var colarray = new array();
var oldindex = new array();
var indexarray = new array();
var barray = new array();
var newrow;
var newcell;
var i;
var c;
var j;
// ** populate the array colarray with contents of the column selected
for (i=1; i < tabletosort.rows.length; i++)
colarray[i - 1] = setdatatype(tabletosort.cells(icurcell).innertext);
icurcell = icurcell + tabletosort.cols;
// ** copy array for comparison after sort
for (i=0; i < colarray.length; i++)
barray[i] = colarray[i];
// ** sort the column items
//alert ( colarray );
//alert ( colarray );
for (i=0; i < colarray.length; i++)
{ // loop through the new sorted array
indexarray[i] = (i+1);
for(j=0; j < barray.length; j++)
{ // loop through the old array
if (colarray[i] == barray[j])
{ // when the item in the old and new match, place the
// current row number in the proper position in the
// new order array so rows can be moved ....
// make sure current row number is not already in the
// new order array
for (c=0; c<i; c++)
if ( oldindex[c] == (j+1) )
bsort = 1;
if (bsort == 0)
oldindex[i] = (j+1);
bsort = 0;
// ** sorting complete, add new rows to base of table ....
for (i=0; i<oldindex.length; i++)
newrow = tabletosort.insertrow();
for (c=0; c<tabletosort.cols; c++)
newcell = newrow.insertcell();
newcell.innerhtml = tabletosort.rows(oldindex[i]).cells(c).innerhtml;
//move new rows to top of table ....
for (i=1; i<totalrows; i++)
tabletosort.moverow((tabletosort.rows.length -1),1);
//delete the old rows from the bottom of the table ....
for (i=1; i<totalrows; i++)
// end -->


<!-- step two: copy this code into the body of your html document -->


<table width="75%" border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 name="rstable" id=rstable

<tr bgcolor=mediumblue>
<td><a href="javascript:sorttable(0, rstable);"><font
<td><a href="javascript:sorttable(1, rstable);"><font
<td><a href="javascript:sorttable(2, rstable);"><font
<td><a href="javascript:sorttable(3, rstable);"><font
<td><a href="javascript:sorttable(4, rstable);"><font
<td>andy berry</td>
<td>dan developer</td>
<td>john javascript</td>
<td>jerry jspage</td>
<td>mary mainframe</td>
<td>elaine ecommerce</td>
<td>john smith</td>
<td>candy coder</td>
<td>pippy long stocking</td>
<td>apple man</td>

<font face="arial, helvetica" size"-2">free javascripts provided<br>
by <a href="http://javascriptsource.com">the javascript source</a></font>

<!-- script size: 7.51 kb -->

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