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Surveys of employers consistently show that the ability to ________ is critical to effective job placement, performance, career advancement,

and organizational success. a. multitask and to respond quickly b. work flexible schedules and to accept overtime c. adapt to technological advances and to use computers effectively d. communicate effectively status: incorrect (0.0) correct: d your answer: b feedback: Incorrect. Employers most frequently identify strong communication skills. See page 2. 2 If you project and maintain a professional image in the workplace, you are more likely to be taken seriously and promoted. Which of the following is the best example of professional behavior? a. Keeping your cell phone on during meetings so that you don't miss any calls. b. Recording an outgoing message for your voice mail that is witty and fun to show your personality. c. Making sure that the background is quiet when answering the telephone. d. Using IM abbreviations in your e-mail messages to make them more concise. status: incorrect (0.0) correct: c your answer: b feedback: Incorrect. A professional outgoing message should state your name, phone number, and instructions for leaving a message. See page 5. 3 Many communication and collaborate technologies are used in today's workplace. Which of the following tools is a Web site that allows multiple users to collaboratively create and edit pages? a. Wiki b. Blog c. Intranet d. Presence technology status: incorrect (0.0) correct: a your answer: c feedback: Incorrect. To share insider information, many companies provide their own protected Web sites called intranets. A wiki is a Web site that allows multiple users to collaboratively create and edit pages. See page 9. 4 Which of the following factors contribute to poor listening? a. The brains of listeners can process information at least three times as fast as speakers can talk. b. Listeners tend to tune out ideas that run counter to their own. c. Most people prefer to talk rather than listen. d. All of the answers are correct. status: incorrect (0.0) correct: d your answer: c feedback: Incorrect. All of these factors contribute to poor listening. Many of us are poor listeners because our brains can process information faster than speakers talk, because we tend to tune out speakers whose ideas run counter to our own, and because we would rather talk than listen. See page 11. 5 You can improve your listening skills if you follow tips for active listening, including: a. keeping an open mind, establishing a receptive mind-set, and listening between the lines. b. establishing a receptive mind-set, concentrating on appearance and delivery, and sifting information through biases.

c. capitalizing on lag time, concentrating on your next comment, and taking as many notes as possible. d. All of the answers are correct. status: incorrect (0.0) correct: a your answer: b feedback: Incorrect. You should have a receptive mind-set, but you should not judge appearances or sift information through biases. See page 12. 6 Chandra needs to participate in an important conference call and plans to use active listening skills. Chandra shuts down her computer, turns off her pager, and tells her assistant to hold all incoming calls or visitors for the next hour. What technique is she using to improve listening? a. Keeping an open mind. b. Establishing a receptive mind-set. c. Controlling her surroundings. d. No answer choice is correct. status: incorrect (0.0) correct: c your answer: a feedback: Incorrect. Active listeners strive to do all of these, but Chandra is focusing on controlling her surroundings by removing as many competing sounds and distractions as possible. See page 12. 7 Which is the most accurate statement about nonverbal behavior? a. When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, receivers put more faith in verbal messages. b. Gestures have the same meanings in all cultures. c. The eyes are often the best predictor of a speaker's true feelings. d. All of the above statements are accurate. status: incorrect (0.0) correct: c your answer: b feedback: Incorrect. Gestures do not have the same meanings in all cultures and should be used carefully. See page 13. 8 Greg has been asked to lead his work group in a problem-solving discussion with a goal of reducing workplace injuries. Greg notices that Lisa rolls her eyes every time he says something. Greg should: a. take Lisa aside and tell her to keep her negative attitude to herself. b. respond to the verbal message only and thank Lisa for her support. c. politely seek additional information by saying, I'm not sure that you really agree with my ideas. Do you have a suggestion to improve them? d. respond only to the nonverbal message since body language is always more accurate than words. status: correct (1.0) correct: c your answer: c feedback: Correct. When you perceive nonverbal cues that contradict verbal meanings, politely probe for more information. You can improve communication and resolve confusion by asking a sincere, polite question. See page 15. 9 The unique culture and heritage of each country helps its members primarily to understand how: a. to behave and react. b. communication affects business. c. the government and social order work together. d. members should endure culture shock.

status: incorrect (0.0) correct: a your answer: b feedback: Incorrect. Every country has a unique culture or common heritage that teaches its members how to behave and conditions their reactions. See page 16. 10 Which of the following best describes high-context cultures? a. Communicators in high-context cultures assume listeners know very little and must be told practically everything. b. High-context cultures tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented. c. In high-context cultures, words are often not taken literally. d. Business messages in high-context cultures tend to be objective, professional, and efficient. status: incorrect (0.0) correct: c your answer: b feedback: Incorrect. Low-context cultures tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented. See pages 16-17. 11 Values common in the dominant U.S. culture include freedom and independence. These values together form the cultural value of: a. idealism. b. democracy. c. individualism. d. ethnocentrism. status: correct (1.0) correct: c your answer: c feedback: Correct. The strong values of freedom and independence common in the U.S. are components of individualism. Other cultures may value groups more highly, which must be recognized when conducting business globally. See page 17. 12 Brandon was overheard in the employee break room saying, "I am glad that the Technology Department finally hired an Asian guy. Asians are the only ones who really know anything about computers." Brandon's boss warned him that his statement makes him guilty of ________, which is not acceptable in a diverse work environment. a. ethnocentrism b. tolerance c. stereotyping d. a cultural norm status: incorrect (0.0) correct: c your answer: b feedback: Incorrect. The belief that all members of a group have the same behavioral pattern or ability is stereotyping, which Brandon indicates when he states that Asians are best for computer work. See page 19. 13 A culturally diverse workforce can benefit organizations and their employees if employees show tolerance for differences. One way to improve tolerance is by: a. practicing empathy. b. demonstrating nonverbal differences. c. encouraging ethnocentrism. d. increasing communication barriers in virtual work groups. status: incorrect (0.0) correct: a your answer: b

feedback: Incorrect. Tolerance requires you to have sympathy for and appreciation of the customs of other cultures. You develop this through practicing empathy, which helps you to see the world through another's eyes. Emphasizing ethnocentrism, communication barriers, or nonverbal differences will probably result in less tolerance. See page 19. 14 You can improve your oral communications with people who do not speak English as their first language by: a. speaking very slowly and loudly to improve their comprehension. b. avoiding smiling and eye contact because it may not be their cultural norm. c. incorporating jargon and regional dialects to encourage them to adopt American communication styles. d. using simple English. status: incorrect (0.0) correct: d your answer: b feedback: Incorrect. When speaking with someone for whom English is a second language, you should use simple English. Speak in short sentences and use familiar, short words. Eliminate puns, sports and military references, slang, jargon, and idiomatic expressions. See page 20. 15 When writing for a multicultural audience, you are more likely to be understood if you use short sentences and short paragraphs and if you include: a. slang, such as This product really rocks! b. idioms, such as You can improve your bottom line using this product. c. acronyms, such as ASAP. d. action-specific verbs such as order this product rather than get this product. status: incorrect (0.0) correct: d your answer: b feedback: Incorrect. A multicultural audience is less likely to understand American slang, idioms, or acronyms. The audience is more likely to understand clear writing that uses short sentences, short paragraphs, and action-specific verbs. See pages 20-21. 16 Technology has made writing less important in today's workplace. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 17 We are born with the ability to read, listen, speak, and write effectively. True False status: correct (1.0) correct: false your answer: false feedback: Correct. The good news is that good communication skills are developed through nurturing with training and practice. They are not inborn. You can become a good communicator by careful study and by using your text and your instructor as resources. See page 6. 18 In today's workplace the focus is on information and knowledge as corporate assets. True False status: incorrect (0.0) correct: true your answer: false feedback: Incorrect. Corporate America is increasingly aware that information is the key to better

products and increased profitability. You will be expected to gather, sort, store, and disseminate data in a timely and accurate fashion. See page 7. 19 Morgan is developing a marketing page for her company's Web site and is concerned about the appearance of the active links. She seeks reactions from fellow employees. The reactions she seeks are part of the decoding phase of the communication process. True False status: correct (1.0) correct: false your answer: false feedback: Correct. Morgan is seeking feedback, not decoding, from her fellow employees. See page 10. 20 Good listening skills are a weak component of the communication skills of most people with most listening at only 25 percent efficiency. True False status: incorrect (0.0) correct: true your answer: false feedback: Incorrect. Unfortunately, it is true that most people listen at only 25 percent efficiency. Practicing the tips to improve learning provided in your text will help you surpass that low percentage. See page 11. 21 Travis is having difficulty listening to his professor's lecture because he is not feeling well. This is an example of a physical barrier to effective listening. True False status: incorrect (0.0) correct: true your answer: false feedback: Incorrect. Physical barriers to listening include illness, hearing disabilities, poor acoustics, and noisy surroundings. See page 11 22 While your physical appearance delivers an important nonverbal message to your customers, the physical appearance of your documents delivers an important nonverbal message as well. True False status: incorrect (0.0) correct: true your answer: false feedback: Incorrect. Employees send important nonverbal messages to others through their physical appearance and the way their letters, memos, or reports look. Both personal and document appearance have either a positive or a negative effect on the receiver. See page 5. 23 You can use eye contact to show attentiveness and interest. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 24 The belief in the superiority of one's own culture is known as ethnocentrism. True False

status: incorrect (0.0) correct: true your answer: false feedback: Incorrect. Ethnocentrism is the belief in the superiority of one's own culture. This is a natural attitude found in all cultures. See page 19. 25 The best way to manage a diverse workplace is to do everything possible to minimize or eliminate differences. True False status: correct (1.0) correct: false your answer: false feedback: Correct. Good managers should understand the value of differences. Diversity makes an organization more innovative and creative. Sameness fosters an absence of critical thinking. See page 22. .... Chap 2 When you prepare a business message or oral presentation, you should be certain that your writing is purposeful, persuasive, economical, and: a. audience oriented. b. creative. c. lengthy. d. formal. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 2 Business documents should be economical. Economical means that you should: a. print the documents on inexpensive paper. b. avoid writing whenever possible to save money. c. send all business messages via e-mail to reduce expenses. d. try to present ideas clearly but concisely. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 3 Which of the following identifies the three parts of the writing process? a. Audience focus, message purpose, and economy b. Prewriting, writing, and revising c. Inform, persuade, and entertain d. Oral presentation, written presentation, and technology-mediated presentation status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 4 Lauren and Charlie are in the first phase of the writing process as they prepare a formal report for a client. In this phase they should: a. conduct research to make sure the report is thorough and informative. b. select words that match the mission and vision statements of their client. c. analyze the audience for and the purpose of the message. d. do all of these things. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 5

The writing phase of the writing process includes writing the message: a. revising the message for clarity, and fine-tuning the document layout. b. researching information, and organizing the message. c. anticipating audience needs, and focusing on sender information. d. evaluating the message, and recasting content. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 6 The revising phase of the writing process includes checking for clarity and readability, proofreading for errors, and: a. determining how to organize the document. b. anticipating how the reader will react to the document. c. solving the problem and conveying the information. d. evaluating for effectiveness. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 7 Experts say that writers should spend the most time in the ________ stage of the writing process. a. prewriting b. writing c. revising d. creating status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 8 Typically, the primary purpose(s) for sending business messages is (are) to: a. inform only. b. persuade only. c. inform and persuade. d. promote goodwill. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 9 Olena must determine the channel for an important business message. Channel in this use can best be defined as the: a. primary and secondary audiences. b. medium through which the message is sent. c. selection of the direct or indirect organizational approach. d. final profile of the reader. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 10 Human Resources Manager Francisco Arce must inform Alice Murillo that company job changes require her to seek retraining or lose her position. The best channel for Mr. Arce to deliver this message is: a. an e-mail. b. face-to-face communication. c. voice mail. d. registered mail. status: not answered () correct: b

your answer: 11 During the first phase of the writing process, you should profile the audience. This involves: a. identifying audience characteristics. b. using writing tools targeted for this audience. c. writing with appropriate slang and jargon for this audience. d. determining whether audience members have criminal records. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 12 Writers who put themselves in the receiver's shoes to focus a message on audience benefits are using the skill of: a. clarity. b. empathy. c. sender focus. d. coherence. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 13 Cape Aluminum must inform a customer that the storm doors she requested are unavailable. Which of the following sentences best demonstrates the "you" view Cape Aluminum should use in its message to the customer? a. We cannot supply the storm doors you requested because the manufacturer has gone out of business. b. Your request for the older storm door model cannot be honored due to manufacturer failure. c. Although your requested storm door model is unavailable, you may choose from five excellent alternatives with longer warranties. d. You chose a storm door model that is too old. The manufacturer no longer makes them. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 14 You can establish a professional yet conversational tone in business messages by: a. using common IM abbreviations such as BTW and FYI. b. including current expressions and slang, such as this rocks. c. using familiar words, occasional contractions, and pronouns such as I and you. d. integrating familiar jargon. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 15 Which of the following represents the best business writing? a. You can participate in online bidding when you submit your credit application. b. No credit application--no bidding; this policy protects our buyers and sellers. c. We cannot accept your bid because you did not provide a completed credit application. d. You can't bid because your completed credit application is not on file. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 16 In business and technical writing, quantity enhances quality. That is, longer messages represent

better writing than shorter ones. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 17 The three phases in the writing process must always be followed in order. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 18 The first thing to do when composing a message is to indentify the purpose of the message. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 19 Face-to-face conversation is a richer medium than a written report or proposal. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 Today's faster communication channels have made hard-copy memos obsolete in today's workplace. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 21 When creating an audience profile for your business document, you should focus on only the primary audience. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 22 You can enhance the conversational style of your business message by including occasional phrases such as I'm happy or we're delighted. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 23 Inclusive language is demonstrated effectively and correctly in this sentence: Because of increased security, every employee must display their personal identification to enter the building. True False

status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 24 Business writers who use official-sounding language such as aforementioned and hereinafter will seem more impressive and be more effective than those who use plain English. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 25 Marcus is writing an e-mail message to his team members. To make his message clear, Marcus should use simple alternatives instead of less familiar words, such as using salary instead of remuneration. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: .... chap 3 To prepare a report for a client on network security techniques, Robert must collect information. This process is called: a. collection. b. information processing. c. research. d. data analysis. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 2 Collecting information before composing is important primarily because it: a. helps shape the message. b. determines the document format and layout. c. eliminates any later need for revision. d. guarantees unified sentences and coherent paragraphs. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 3 Melissa is preparing a market analysis for her business plan and knows she will have to conduct formal research to gather the information she needs. To conduct formal research, she should: a. look in her company files. b. conduct interviews and surveys or organize a focus group. c. talk with her boss. d. brainstorm for ideas. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 4 Organizing data includes two processes. These are: a. grouping and patterning. b. brainstorming and researching. c. outlining and drafting. d. drafting and editing.

status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 5 As a business writer, you want to create messages that are easy to read. Which of the following is an effective technique to use? a. Group similar items together and emphasize important ideas. b. Avoid emphasizing important ideas so that readers may judge for themselves. c. Proceed free form from one idea to the next for maximum creative effect. d. Use no specific pattern that might restrict the flow of your ideas. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 6 Antonio is writing an e-mail message to his employees, and he expects them to be pleased with the message. Antonio should: a. build up to the good news by starting his message with a neutral statement. b. put his main point at the end of the message where it will be most memorable. c. put his main point in the first or second sentence. d. avoid frontloading because employees might find it offensive. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 7 Business Manager Megan Caldwell expects her employees to be displeased or even hostile when she announces a new work schedule that will become effective next month. An effective organizational strategy is to: a. put any bad news first. b. begin with the main idea. c. explain all background information first. d. get to the main idea quickly by frontloading. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 8 If you begin your business message directly with bad news, you: a. are most likely to get the reader to accept bad news. b. may cause the reader to stop reading or listening. c. have used the best strategy since you sound authoritative. d. are demonstrating sensitivity. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 9 Which of the following is a compound sentence? a. If you want to vote in the next election, you must register by October 20. b. Register by October 20 so that you can vote in the next election. c. We know you'll want to vote in the next election; therefore, please register by October 20. d. Although the deadline is October 20, there is still time to register; however, you must be able to show valid identification. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 10 How should the following be classified? Many voters used absentee ballots to vote, others chose

to vote in person on election day. a. Complete sentence b. Fused sentence c. Run-on sentence d. Comma splice status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 11 To de-emphasize an idea, place it: a. in a simple sentence. b. in an independent clause. c. first or last in a sentence. d. in a dependent clause. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 12 Which of the following sentences is most effective in de-emphasizing the bad news? a. Although the company will not reimburse you for tuition costs, you may attend class during work hours. b. Although you can attend class during work hours, the company will not reimburse you for tuition costs. c. Because we pay only for in-house classes and workshops, you will not receive company funds for tuition costs. d. Because of our educational benefits policy, you may not receive funds for tuition costs. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 13 Business writers prefer the active voice for most business writing because in active-voice sentences: a. the subject is the doer of the action. b. the subject is the recipient of an action. c. bad news is de-emphasized. d. the doer of an action is concealed. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 14 Which of the following sentences contains no dangling or misplaced modifiers? a. Skilled at graphic design, the contract went to DesignPlus. b. The Park Hotel is just one of the Art Deco buildings you can see strolling about South Beach. c. To meet the deadline, your Excel figures must be received before June 1. d. To apply for financial aid, send in your application by January 1. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 15 You should strive to make your paragraphs coherent in all business writing. Paragraph coherence occurs when: a. all sentences are written in the active voice. b. each sentence includes dependent and independent clauses . c. ideas are linked; that is, ideas in a paragraph hold together.

d. All answer choices are correct. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 16 Human Resources Manager Kris Royka is researching case studies as she prepares a diversity training workshop for her employees. An effective method of formal research is to search print and online journal articles. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 17 One advantage of the direct organizational pattern is that it saves the reader's time. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 18 Using the indirect organizational pattern to announce bad news shows disrespect for the reader's feelings. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 19 Because sentences of 20 or fewer words have the most impact, business writers should strive to keep sentences to fewer than 20 words. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 To avoid creating sentence fragments, writers should not punctuate dependent clauses as complete sentences. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 21 To emphasize a main idea through style, underline, italicize, or bold the main idea. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 22 The following sentence is in the active voice: The company rewarded its top performers by giving them a day off with pay. True False

status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 23 The following sentence demonstrates parallelism: A good financial planner must be certified, competent, and must possess ethical standards. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 24 Paragraphs with eight or fewer printed lines look more inviting and readable than longer paragraphs. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 25 Students can overcome writer's block by using the same plan as businesspeople: set aside a given time and allow no calls, visitors, or other interruptions. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: .... chap 4 Michael has finished the first and second phases of the writing process and has a rough draft of his rsum completed. He is ready for the third phase of the writing process, which is: a. revision. b. publication. c. second drafting. d. sprint writing. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 2 Which of the following is true about revising and proofreading business documents? a. Rarely is the first version satisfactory, but the second version is usually perfect for most writers. b. Experts say only amateurs expect writing perfection on the first try. c. If the first draft has no errors in spelling and punctuation, it is ready to be delivered to the reader. d. The real work of revision should happen in the writing stage as you select words and form sentences. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 3 The best business writing is concise. Concise means that the writing: a. contains no flabby phrases. b. is free of errors in grammar and punctuation. c. has been revised to include examples and research. d. has coherent paragraphs.

status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 4 Which of the following is accurate about long lead-ins such as Please be advise that and This letter is to inform you that? a. You should use long lead-ins to make the tone of your message more businesslike. b. Long lead-ins can be used to clarify your message by making it more concrete. c. Avoid long lead-ins because they delay the reader from reaching the meaning of the sentence. d. Eliminate long lead-ins because they are unnecessary intensifiers that create redundant expressions. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 5 There are three candidates running for the school board is an example of a sentence with: a. concise wording. b. a filler. c. redundancies. d. outdated expressions. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 6 Which of the following sentences does NOT contain a redundant expression? a. Your participation in this survey is absolutely essential to help us create products that meet your needs. b. Each and every employee will be pleased to learn about our new benefits offerings. c. The price options offered are exactly identical. d. The fundamentals of our economy are strong. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 7 Which of the following phrases avoids outdated, trite business expressions and uses more modern phrasing? a. Enclosed please find b. Thanking you in advance c. I trust that d. As you requested status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 8 Which of the following is true about the use of jargon in business writing? a. Jargon is the specialized terminology of a specific profession and can be used if you are writing for that profession. b. Jargon, another name for outdated expressions, must be avoided in business writing. c. Adding jargon to your business document will improve its precision and clarity. d. Creating up-to-date, fresh images is made simpler by the use of jargon. status: not answered () correct: a

your answer: 9 Clichs should be avoided in business writing because they: a. are dull and sometimes ambiguous. b. have become exhausted by overuse. c. may cause comprehension problems for people new to our culture. d. All choices are reasons to avoid the use of clichs. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 10 Which of the following sentences does NOT contain a buried verb? a. We hope to discover the reason our profits are declining. b. We will give serious consideration to your application. c. The task force reached a conclusion about how to improve morale. d. The board will conduct a discussion about the possible merger. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 11 Words such as definitely, quite, extremely, rather, and actually are: a. adjectives that add a welcome degree of emotion to your writing. b. adjectives that may be omitted because they are imprecise. c. adverbs that should not be used excessively in business writing. d. adverbs that streamline your writing. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 12 Which of the following is most concrete and precise? a. Of the survey replies received, 38 percent were from two-parent households. b. The shipping department has to move a lot of inventory. c. A motor vehicle in our parking lot has its lights on. d. You will appreciate the many fine features on our new product. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 13 Which of the following is the best tip for enhancing readability and comprehension in a business document? a. Avoid white space on a page so that you can make a document look shorter. b. Use numbered and bulleted lists in your document. c. Justify your margins so that both left and right margins are even. d. Use a wide variety of typefaces to add interest to your document. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 14 Which of the following is the best tip for proofreading documents? a. Run your computer's grammar checker to eliminate all grammar errors. b. Proofread each section as you complete it. c. Proofread your document once it is in its final form. d. Proofread for spelling using your spell checker, but don't waste time on small concerns such as the difference between affect and effect. status: not answered () correct: c

your answer: 15 For complex documents, it's best to proofread: a. from a printed copy only. b. on the computer screen only. c. as you compose the document. d. either on the screen or from a printed copy using the method you prefer. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 16 Proofreading means improving the content and sentence structure of your message, including adding, cutting, recasting, reformatting, or redesigning what you have written. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 17 One reason concise messages are essential in business is that they save money by saving time. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 18 I am writing this e-mail message to let you know that should be eliminated from a sentence because it represents a long lead-in. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 19 It was our CEO who made the announcement contains an unnecessary filler. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 Although scientists and the medical field use jargon, most other fields do not have terminology specific to the field. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 21 Common phrases such as think outside the box and easier said than done add freshness and clarity to your writing. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer:

22 When creating bulleted and numbered lists, capitalize the first word in each line. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 23 Headings should be used in reports only; they are not appropriate for other business documents such as e-mail messages, letters, or memos. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 24 You are likely to become a stronger proofreader of complex documents if you criticize yourself each time you find an error. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 25 Most sophisticated word processing software includes technology to identify significant problems including spelling errors, typographical mistakes, word use problems, and punctuation problems. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: ..... chap 5 Internal communication has become increasingly important in many companies today. What has led to this trend? a. Downsizing of organizations. b. Increasing use of work teams. c. Empowering rank-and-file employees. d. All answer choices are correct. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 2 Which of the following is appropriate to send via e-mail? a. A notice of termination of an employee. b. An announcement of the location and time of the weekly staff meeting. c. The annual review of an employee with merit pay earned. d. All of these messages would be appropriate to send via e-mail. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 3 Which of the following e-mail subject lines is most effective? a. Greetings! b. Conference Call Rescheduled for May 1 at 1 p.m. EST c. Conference Call

d. Urgent! Read Immediately! status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 4 Which of the following statements about the beginning of an e-mail message or memo is most accurate? a. In most routine messages, the main idea should be revealed immediately. b. Since the purpose of the memo or e-mail is summarized in the subject line, do not restate it in the first sentence. c. To be courteous, start with something like I am writing this e-mail to inform you that . . . . d. Begin by introducing yourself, your job title, and your department or company name. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 5 Jill Roberson, office manager, is writing an e-mail to her employees about an upcoming meeting. What is the best way for Jill to begin her e-mail message? a. Our next department meeting will take place on Thursday, November 7, at 9 a.m. b. I hope this e-mail message finds you well. c. I am writing this e-mail message to let you know about our next department meeting. d. As you know, our department meets monthly to discuss important issues. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 6 Generally an e-mail message will close with action information, dates or deadlines, a summary or the message, or a(n): a. inspirational quotation. b. copyright notice or confidentiality statement. c. closing thought. d. reference line, including the typist's initials. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 7 When formatting an e-mail message, you should: a. type your name at the bottom of the message. b. cover just one topic in the message. c. try to keep the total message under three screens in length. d. do all of these things. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 8 Good advice for e-mail is to use the "top-of-screen" test, which means: a. avoiding a misleading subject line. b. getting the e-mail address right. c. composing offline. d. conveying your purpose in the subject line and first paragraph. status: not answered () correct: d your answer:

9 Which of the following is the best advice for using e-mail? a. If your e-mail message covers several topics, it's acceptable to leave the subject line blank. b. E-mail is perfect for sending confidential information because the reader will receive the message almost immediately. c. Because e-mail is casual communication, you don't have to worry about the tone you use. d. You should proofread e-mail messages as carefully as you would any other type of business document. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 10 You just received a great joke from a friend via e-mail. You immediately forward the joke to everyone in your department. What netiquette rule have you violated? a. You have just sent spam. b. You have just "shouted" to your colleagues. c. You have just sent blanket copies to people who may not want or need to see the message. d. You have just sent an attachment that your reader may not be able to open. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 11 What is the one primary function of e-mail messages and memos that distribute information, describe procedures, or deliver instructions? a. To impress readers. b. To let readers know how to contact the sender if they have questions. c. To convey the idea so clearly that follow-up is unnecessary. d. To provide proper documentation. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 12 Which of the following would be the most effective opening statement in a routine request e-mail message? a. I am writing this message to request information about your organization's hurricane relief efforts in Texas. b. My name is Annette Jenkins, and I am interested in your Hurricane Ike relief efforts. c. I recently read in Habitat for Humanity magazine that your organization is rebuilding homes for Texas residents following Hurricane Ike. d. Please send detailed information about how I can participate in your Hurricane Ike "house in a box" project. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 13 Which of the following would be the most effective closing in a routine request e-mail message? a. Thanking you in advance for any information you may be able to provide. b. Please send answers to my questions by August 9 so that I can prepare for our August 15 board meeting. c. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. d. If you don't respond by August 9, I will be very disappointed. status: not answered ()

correct: b your answer: 14 Which is the most effective opening sentence for a memo or e-mail message that responds to an information request? a. Pursuant to your request, I take great pleasure in answering your questions. b. This message is in response to your e-mail message of June 30 in which you ask a number of questions. c. Here are the answers to the questions asked in your e-mail message of June 30. d. Thank you for your interest in our services. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 15 When responding to an e-mail message requesting information, you should organize the information in your response: a. from the most important to the least important. b. alphabetically. c. in the same sequence as the information appeared in the request. d. from the least important to the most important. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 16 Electronic messages, such as e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, podcasts, blogs, and wikis, have made paper-based messages obsolete in today's workplace. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 17 Podcasts are used for entertainment purposes, but they have no business-related applications. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 18 Because busy readers may glance at a subject line and decide whether to read a message or delete it, an effective subject line is essential. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 19 During the prewriting phase of the writing process, you should decide whether to send a hardcopy memo or an e-mail message. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 Once an e-mail message has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved.

True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 21 Employers can legally monitor employees' e-mail. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 22 Benefits of instant messaging in the workplace include speed, cost savings, and presence functionality. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 23 Information and procedure e-mail messages and memos typically flow upward from employees to management. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 24 Would you please give us your feedback on the proposed use of job sharing is an example of polite command that can be used to begin a request e-mail message. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 25 Please send me a brochure as soon as possible is an effective way to end an information request e-mail message. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: .... chap 6 Although e-mail is incredibly successful for both internal and external communication, you should still use letters when: a. you need immediate feedback. b. the message must reach your reader very quickly. c. you want your message to convey a sense of formality and importance. d. you have insufficient time to proofread. status: not answered () correct: c your answer:

2 Customer letters should receive high priority because they: a. encourage product feedback. b. project a positive image of the company. c. promote future business. d. All answer choices are correct. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 3 The most emphatic positions in a business letter are the: a. letterhead and inside address. b. salutation and complimentary close. c. middle paragraphs. d. opening and closing paragraphs. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 4 You need to ask your reader five questions in a routine information request letter. What is the best way to present these questions? a. As a separate enclosure. b. In a bulleted or numbered list in the body of your letter. c. In paragraph form in the body of your letter. d. As a P.S. at the end of your letter. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 5 Nick is using the three-part plan to draft a claim letter about substandard service he received during the installation of his wireless network. What should Nick put in his opening? a. A clear description of the desired action. b. A detailed explanation of the nature of his problem with the wireless network. c. A goodwill statement. d. The details necessary for justifying his claim. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 6 The body of an effective direct claim letter should include: a. enough hostile or threatening words to prove your point. b. an exact chronology of what happened and whom specifically you blame for the problem. c. an explanation of the problem with necessary details to justify your request. d. a subtle reference to your attorney or to the Better Business Bureau. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 7 In the closing of a direct claim letter, you should: a. justify and explain your request. b. promote goodwill and summarize your action request. c. reference all copies of pertinent documents enclosed. d. warn the company that failure to comply could cause legal action. status: not answered () correct: b

your answer: 8 When replying favorably to an information request, where is the best place to refer to the previous correspondence from the customer? a. In the first sentence of the reply letter. b. In the subject line. c. On the outside of the envelope. d. In a P.S. to the letter. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 9 Which of the following is the most effective opening sentence for an information response letter? a. Pursuant to your letter of May 9, this is to advise you about our banquet facilities for your June 30 sales meeting. b. This letter is to inform you that we received your letter of May 9 asking for information about our banquet facilities for your June 30 sales meeting. c. Yes, we have banquet facilities that will accommodate your group for your June 30 sales meeting. d. We are so excited to be hosting your June 30 sales meeting! status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 10 Which of the following is the best closing for a direct reply letter? a. If we may be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to call. b. Please call us at (800) 555-1255 to schedule a demonstration. c. We hope to hear from you soon. d. We will be waiting eagerly by the phone to hear from you about scheduling a demonstration. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 11 Which of the following is the most appropriate opening for a letter granting a claim? a. First, please allow us to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this unfortunate situation has caused. b. Thank you for your letter of September 14 in which you detailed the problems you are experiencing with your new smartphone. c. Although you purchased your new smartphone "as is," we might be willing to make an exception in your case. d. Enclosed is authorization for you to take your new smartphone to your local dealer for repair. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 12 What is the best advice for writing goodwill messages? a. Focus the message solely on the sender. b. Make a good impression by giving a ready-made card instead of writing your own message. c. Send a goodwill message promptly. d. Send a goodwill message only to show appreciation for a gift or monetary award. status: not answered () correct: c your answer:

13 What should you do when writing a goodwill message? a. Personalize your message by mentioning specific incidents or characteristics of the receiver. b. Use familiar phrases such as Good luck in the future to be certain your message is understood. c. Write a goodwill message following the indirect strategy so that you can explain your reasons for the message first. d. Be certain your tone is formal and professional in goodwill messages. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 14 Why do many business communicators NOT write goodwill messages? a. Goodwill messages are written to friends and family, not to business colleagues. b. Goodwill message are not appropriate in a business setting because they are too personal. c. Finding the right words to express feelings is often difficult. d. Sending goodwill message can hurt you professionally. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 15 Which of the following would be the most effective opening for a thank-you note? a. Thanks, Melissa, for covering the phones for me yesterday while I attended my daughter's parent-teacher conference. b. Yesterday's parent-teacher conference went well. c. I can't believe you did this for me! d. Please accept this note as an expression of my deep gratitude for the selfless favor you performed for me yesterday. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 16 Most of the workplace messages you write will probably deal with routine information. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 17 Letters carrying routine news should follow a direct organizational strategy. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 18 Including a statement such as Thank you for your cooperation is an effective and professional way to end an information request letter. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 19

If you have a legitimate claim and expect a positive response from the company, begin by telling the reader immediately what the problem is or what action you would like taken. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 Claims made by telephone or e-mail message are just as effective as claims made in writing. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 21 When a company receives a claim and decides to respond favorably, the letter is called an acceptance letter. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 22 The most effective way to begin a customer claim response letter is to explain what went wrong. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 23 You should always apologize in a customer claim response letter. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 24 A personally written message will have much more impact on your reader than a ready-made card. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 25 Responding to a letter of congratulations is a good way to build professional bonds. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: ...... chap 7 The bad feelings associated with disappointing news can generally be reduced if the reader knows the reasons for the rejection, feels that the news was revealed sensitively, believes that

the decision was fair, and: a. sees that the message was presented on high-quality company letterhead. b. notices that the direct strategy was employed. c. thinks the matter was treated seriously. d. learns who is to blame for the problem. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 2 In which of the following situations would it be more appropriate to use the direct method to communicate bad news? a. When the receiver may overlook the bad news. b. When the bad news is significant. c. When the receiver prefers indirectness. d. Never. Bad news should always be delivered indirectly. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 3 Alexandra makes an abusive statement about Jackson. This language will be actionable (likely to result in a lawsuit) if: a. Alexandra's statement is true. b. Alexandra's statement is damaging to Jackson's reputation. c. Alexandra makes the statement to Jackson in private. d. All of these would make Alexandra's language actionable. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 4 Which of the following is the best advice for avoiding legal liability when communicating bad news or other messages? a. Communicate personal and professional feelings and opinions on corporate stationery. b. Mark any potentially dangerous document as "Confidential" so that it can't be used in court. c. Be careful about what you send via e-mail or post to a Web site. d. Sign any letter that describes your personal concerns and place your official title below your signature. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 5 Terry turned down a job applicant and included this statement in her letter: Although I thought you were the most qualified for this position, the hiring team decided to offer another candidate the position. This is an example of: a. abusive language. b. careless language. c. professional language. d. the good-guy syndrome. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 6 The buffer in a bad-news message is a: a. hint that good news will follow to prompt the receiver to read further. b. statement completely unrelated to the bad news so that receivers won't know that

bad news is coming. c. neutral but meaningful statement that encourages the receiver to continue reading. d. polite and empathetic denial of a requested action. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 7 Which of the following is the best choice for a buffer statement in a bad-news message? a. Suggesting an alternative solution to the problem. b. Stating the bad news related to the message as concisely as possible. c. Making a relevant comment with which both reader and sender can agree. d. Presenting the bad news immediately but sensitively. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 8 You are writing to a professional organization to decline its invitation to speak at its annual awards banquet. Which of the following is the best buffer for your letter? a. Thank you so much for inviting me to speak at your annual awards banquet. b. Unfortunately, I won't be able to accept your invitation to speak at your annual awards banquet. c. Your annual awards banquet honoring outstanding contributions to the community is an important yearly event. d. I can think of no greater honor than to be asked to speak at your annual awards banquet. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 9 Which of the following is the best advice for presenting the reasons in a message that declines a request? a. Whenever possible, cite company policy as the reason for the bad news since most people willingly accept this reason. b. Do not present the reasons for the bad news; instead, focus solely on presenting the bad news sensitively. c. Always be as specific as possible when explaining the reasons. d. Cite reader or other benefits if plausible when presenting the reasons. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 10 Which of the following techniques would be most effective for de-emphasizing the bad news? a. Putting the bad news at the end of a paragraph. b. Putting the bad news in a subordinate clause. c. Using the active voice. d. Putting the bad news at the very end of the letter. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 11 Which of the following uses passive voice to present the bad news? a. We are unable to interview you for the network administrator position at this time. b. Although we were impressed with your application, we have no positions available at this time. c. Although the network administrator position has been filled, we wish you well in

your job search. d. Because your qualifications did not match our current needs, we are unable to offer you an interview for the network administrator opening. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 12 If an alternative or compromise to a refused request is available, which of the following is its best location? a. Within the buffer so that the reader develops the proper mind-set before reading the bad news. b. As part of the explanation. c. Before the bad news is revealed so that readers will be more likely to accept the bad news. d. Immediately after the bad news is revealed. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 13 You must decline an employee's request to telecommute three days per week. Which of the following is the best explanation? a. Our current company policy does not allow telecommuting. b. Unfortunately, we are unable to afford the expenses associated with telecommuting. c. Your daily presence in the office is important to ensure regular customer contact. d. Your work standards cannot be relied upon unless we are able to observe you at your workstation. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 14 Which of the following would best refuse a customer claim? a. We're sorry that company policy prohibits giving you a full refund. b. Because the espresso maker was damaged, we will not be able to give you a full refund. c. If you had read the warranty carefully, you would know that damage to your espresso maker caused by your negligence is not covered. d. Although a cash refund cannot be given, we would be happy to issue an in-store credit that you can use to purchase a replacement. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 15 Select the best subject line for a memo delivering bad news to employees. a. Discontinuation of Free Health Insurance b. Change in Health Insurance Benefits c. Insurance d. Major Reduction in Health Insurance Benefits status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 16 One primary goal when delivering bad news is to maintain a positive image of you and your organization. True False

status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 17 Because revealing bad news indirectly shows sensitivity to your reader, all bad news should be delivered indirectly. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 18 Using the following statement in an explanation of bad news could help the receiver to accept the message: Although we would like to consider installing the heating system you have offered, we are seeking a more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly unit. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 19 Company policy prohibits us from displaying your political campaign posters is an example of an effective explanation for bad news. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 20 Because we appreciate your continued loyalty, we have enclosed a coupon for half off your next dinner for two with us is an effective closing statement for a bad-news letter. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 21 When something happens that is disappointing to customers, such as late deliveries, product failures, deficient service, or improper charges, business professionals should begin the damage control process by writing a letter. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 22 One goal when writing a letter that refuses customer credit is to retain the customer on a cash basis. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 23 Smart organizations involved in a crisis prefer to communicate the news openly to employees, customers, and stockholders.

True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 24 Bad news to employees should always be delivered directly. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 25 The key to ethical communication lies in the motives of the sender. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: ..... chap 8 Persuasion is necessary when you must prepare before you can present your ideas effectively or when: a. your reader is already knowledgeable about your topic. b. your reader prefers directness. c. you expect your reader to agree with your ideas. d. you expect resistance. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 2 Which of the following situations is most likely to require a persuasive approach? a. An e-mail message asking for information about a university's MBA program. b. A letter requesting a copy of your credit report. c. An invitation to your state representative to deliver the commencement address at your college's graduation ceremony. d. A repair order for a malfunctioning office copier. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 3 The writing plan for a persuasive request includes an opening that obtains the reader's attention, a body that builds interest and reduces resistance, and a closing that: a. avoids repeating the request so that the reader does not feel pressured. b. mentions a new unrelated topic to end with fresh information. c. makes a specific request and motivates action. d. repeats all the logical reasons supporting the request. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 4 You need to persuade a busy executive to speak before your trade group. Which of the following examples illustrates an indirect benefit to the reader? a. You will be performing a service to the profession. b. You will receive a $500 honorarium for your presentation. c. You will enjoy your all-expenses-paid trip to the beautiful resort where this

meeting will be held. d. Because of the impact of rising fuel costs on our trade, your presentation should focus on alternative fuel sources. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 5 Which of the following situations would most likely require persuasion within an organization? a. Asking employees to attend a meeting about new benefits options. b. Telling employees about a new procedure that will go into effect next month. c. Asking employees to change their working hours to meet new customer demands. d. Informing employees about the company's new wireless service provider. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 6 You have decided to ask your supervisor to authorize the purchase of new smartphones for your sales staff. The most important thing for you to include in your persuasive request is: a. a clear explanation of how you will benefit from the purchase. b. an appeal to your supervisor's emotions. c. clear documentation, including facts, figures, and evidence, about how these phones will increase productivity. d. the warranty period for the smartphones. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 7 When should a claim letter be written using an indirect approach? a. When a past claim has been refused. b. When you anticipate that your reader will be reluctant to grant the claim. c. When a past claim has been ignored. d. The indirect approach would be best in all of these situations. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 8 What is the best advice for composing a persuasive claim letter? a. Give a complete, detailed chronology of everything that happened leading up to the complaint. b. Use emotional language to show how much the situation means to you. c. Address your complaint to a specific person. d. Place a cc: notation at the bottom of the letter showing that your attorney will be receiving a copy. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 9 Learning to write sales letters helps you sell yourself and helps you: a. in any communication that requires persuasion and promotion. b. receive satisfaction for your claim. c. send directives downward from management to subordinates. d. avoid legal responsibility for your statements. status: not answered () correct: a your answer:

10 One of the purposes of the first sentence of a sales letter is to: a. persuade the receiver to read further. b. convince the reader of the superiority of the product or service being sold. c. let the reader know how to take action. d. describe central selling points and make rational and emotional appeals. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 11 Which of the following represents a rational appeal? a. For a limited time you can get employee pricing on any new Ford Motor Company vehicle. b. You'll catch everyone's attention behind the wheel of a brand new Mustang convertible. c. Wouldn't you like to drive the same Ford hybrid vehicle driven by some of Hollywood's best-known celebrities? d. Soon you can be cruising America's highways in your sporty new Ford Focus. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 12 A sales message may use a dual appeal, which means that you: a. emphasize customer and seller benefits. b. include both emotional and rational reasoning. c. explore individual user benefits and company savings. d. use a combined direct and indirect organizational strategy. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 13 Which of the following illustrates a testimonial? a. Here's what a new user has to say: "The Blackberry Storm surpasses all other smartphones on the market." b. We are certain you will find our Blackberry Storm the most innovative and exciting smartphone on the market. c. You'll be impressed by the Blackberry Storm's unique touch screen and cuttingedge multimedia capabilities. d. Make a great impression with the Blackberry Storm as you travel in town, across country, or around the world. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 14 Which of the following is the most effective closing for a sales letter? a. Taking action today may be the smartest decision you'll ever make. b. More than half of all new subscribers sign up for a full year at only $128. c. Visit our Web site at your earliest convenience to learn more about our great line of outdoor adventure products. d. Come to our showroom before May 31 to receive your 25 percent discount. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 15 Which of the following makes online sales messages most effective? a. Sending online sales messages only to customers or prospects who have given

you permission to send them e-mail marketing messages. b. Focusing on one or two central selling points only. c. Telling readers how to be removed from your mailing list. d. All answer choices are correct. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 16 Only people who expect to become managers and executives should learn to use persuasive techniques. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 17 Persuasive requests are generally more effective when they use the indirect strategy. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 18 The body of a persuasive request should be used to reduce resistance. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 19 In a letter asking for monetary donations to an AIDS organization, you tell your reader how the donation will help provide needed services to children with AIDS. This is an example of a direct benefit to the reader. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 20 In a persuasive message written to employees using the indirect pattern, a supervisor's goals are to present a strong but honest argument and to avoid manipulation or trickery. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 21 When writing a persuasive claim letter, be sure to enclose copies of relevant documentation. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 22 By the time you finish reading this letter, you will know how your company can save up to $10,000 each year is an example of using a promise to gain the reader's attention.

True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 23 Imagine relaxing in your own private hot tub overlooking the beautiful snow-capped Rocky Mountains is an example of a rational appeal. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 24 Adding a postscript to a sales letter is considered to be unprofessional and amateurish. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 25 Savvy businesses are using blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, and podcasts as marketing tools. True False status: not answered () correct: tru ..... chap 9 Why should business communicators know how to write reports? a. Business reports are the number one channel of communication in most corporations today. b. Most short, routine messages in a corporation are sent via reports. c. Management decisions in many organizations are based on information submitted in the form of reports. d. Business reports are most commonly used as persuasive sales tools when customers are reluctant. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 2 Business reports are systematic attempts to: a. control employee and customer influences on decision making. b. create a corporate image on the Web, in broadcast media, and in print advertisements. c. demonstrate the writer's ability to integrate research into projects that use correct format and documentation. d. answer questions and solve problems. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 3 Which of the following distinguishes informative reports from analytical reports? a. Informative reports are informal, and analytical reports are formal. b. Analytical reports require careful scientific experimentation. c. Analytical reports present data with analysis and/or recommendations;

informative reports present data without analysis or recommendations. d. All of the above answers are correct. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 4 The indirect pattern of organization is appropriate for a report when readers: a. are supportive of or familiar with the topic. b. are unfamiliar with the problem being discussed in the report. c. want to know the results of the report immediately. d. need no persuasion. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 5 You've been asked to study ways to market a new product, a device that will warn homeowners before their pipes freeze. You come up with a great idea that you will submit to your boss, who is already familiar with the product and your assignment. How should you organize the report? a. Problem, facts, discussion, recommendation b. Problem, recommendation, facts, discussion c. Introduction, findings, summary d. Introduction, findings, analysis, conclusion status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 6 A long report from a committee summarizing the results of a yearlong investigation of reasons consumers default on mortgage loans would likely be prepared in what format? a. Memo format b. Printed form c. Letter format d. Manuscript format status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 7 Cheryl must deliver a hiring recommendation to her supervisor, whose office is just down the hall. Which delivery method is most appropriate for this written report? a. By fax b. By e-mail c. On a Web page d. In person status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 8 What is the first step you should take when you are assigned to write a report? a. Analyze your audience. b. Determine the purpose of your report. c. Begin your research. d. Choose the delivery method. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 9 You are writing a short report to a familiar audience and plan to use an informal writing style.

What can you do to make your writing informal? a. Use first-person pronouns such as I, we, me, my, us, and our. b. Use contractions such as I'm, it's, let's, and we're. c. Use shorter sentences and familiar words. d. All of these will make your writing style informal. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 10 Which of the following is the best advice for making your report more objective and believable? a. Include your personal opinions to prove how strongly you feel about the issue. b. Present only the side of the issue you favor so that you can discuss it thoroughly. c. Cite all sources used when conducting your research. d. Use the strongest and most emotional language you can to really get your point across. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 11 What is the best advice for designing professional-looking reports? a. Include at least one heading per report page. b. Use numerous typefaces to give your report interest. c. Justify the right margins of long and short reports. d. Enclose headings in quotation marks so that they stand out. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 12 Your company needs a new wireless service provider (ISP), and you have been placed in charge of researching the alternatives. Based on your research, you have picked a provider that you believe would be the best for the company. What kind of report would you most likely write to inform the company CEO of your findings? a. Summary report b. Justification/recommendation report c. Information report d. Progress report status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 13 Which of the following is NOT needed in a feasibility report? a. The background and problem necessitating the proposal. b. Problems that may result from implementation. c. Costs of implementing the proposal. d. Persuasive techniques. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 14 You are in charge of preparing the minutes for a recent board meeting. What should you include in these formal minutes? a. The name of those attending and the names of those absent. b. The precise wording of motions. c. Your name and signature. d. You should include all of these items. status: not answered ()

correct: d your answer: 15 Your law firm has just been named co-counsel in a large lawsuit, and you have been given the task of condensing the original 500-page complaint into a shorter report for your partners to read. What kind of report would you most likely write to do this? a. Information report b. Summary report c. Justification/recommendation report d. Progress report status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 16 Although reports vary greatly in length and formality, the most common type of business report is informal. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 17 The direct report organizational pattern seems most rational to readers because it follows the normal thought process: problem, alternatives, solution. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 18 Reports should be written with both primary and secondary readers' needs in mind. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 19 Conducting interviews with individuals is usually less economical than sending out questionnaires. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 Although it is essential to cite sources in a formal report, you do not need to cite sources in an informal report. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 21 A Policy Change That Will Improve Employee Morale is an example of a functional heading. True False

status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 22 A trip report is a type of information report. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 23 You are serving on a task force that is planning a fund-raising event that will take place in six months. Management wants to periodically be informed of your activities. You will most likely write a progress report to keep management informed. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 24 You are writing a justification/recommendation report, and you expect your reader to oppose your recommendation. You should use an indirect organizational pattern. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 25 Most feasibility reports are written for external audiences. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: ...... chap 9 .... chap 10 A company would most likely prepare a proposal for which of the following reasons? a. To meet government regulations. b. To make an offer to solve problems, provide services, or sell equipment. c. To deliver bad news to employees. d. To advertise for applicants for an open position. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 2 An RFP (request for proposal) can best be defined as: a. a document that solicits competitive bids on a project. b. an offer to provide a service, sell equipment, or solve a problem. c. an internal report justifying a request for additional staffing and equipment. d. a persuasive sales presentation emphasizing benefits for the reader. status: not answered () correct: a

your answer: 3 What is the primary difference between informal and formal proposals? a. Informal proposals are written for internal audiences; formal proposals are written for external audiences. b. Informal proposals are presented orally; formal proposals are presented in writing. c. Formal proposals contain reference citations; informal proposals do not. d. Formal proposals are longer and are organized into many more parts than informal proposals. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 4 Which of the following should you do to best capture your reader's interest in the introduction of an informal proposal? a. Identify a serious problem and promise a solution. b. Discuss a detailed plan for solving a problem. c. Present a detailed budget that beats your competitors' prices. d. Describe the credentials and expertise of the project leaders. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 5 In what section of her proposal should Megan include a timetable showing when events will take place during the construction project she is proposing? a. In the Budget section b. In the Proposal section c. In the Staffing section d. In the Authorization Request section status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 6 Patrick has decided to include a deadline for acceptance in his proposal to install ergonomically designed workstations for a local accounting firm. In which section should Patrick place the deadline? a. Introduction b. Background c. Authorization Request d. Proposal status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 7 You are preparing a proposal to recommend that your company institute a wellness program. Your boss asks you to review the secondary data surrounding your research topic. You should: a. begin at the library or on the Internet. b. interview your colleagues on how they feel about the topic. c. prepare a questionnaire to distribute to your colleagues. d. conduct a scientific experiment. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 8 Alicia is conducting research on the topic of instant messaging in a corporate environment. Her

least valuable source of information for this topic will probably be: a. blogs. b. magazines. c. books. d. newspapers. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 9 The research department of the Organic Coffee Company wants to test the hypothesis that caffeine from organic coffee more safely stimulates mental alertness than caffeine from nonorganic coffee. Which of the following would most effectively provide that type of primary data? a. Experimentation b. Medical journals c. Corporate Web sites d. Surveys status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 10 Allan knows that he should document his data in the business report he is writing. Which of the following is a reason for properly citing his sources? a. Documenting data will give information to enable his readers to pursue the topic further. b. Documenting data will protect him from charges of plagiarism. c. Documenting data will strengthen his argument and add credibility to his report d. All of these are reasons for properly documenting report data. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 11 Which of the following should be documented in a report? a. Barack Obama and John McCain ran for president in 2008. b. A lot of people were energized by McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. c. With 53 percent of the popular vote and 364 electoral votes, Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States on November 4, 2008. d. All of these statements would require documentation. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 12 As your organization faces cost-saving restructuring, you must write a report that analyzes the responsibilities and services of each division in your company. You will probably organize your report: a. chronologically by the date services were rendered by each division. b. around extensive secondary data to assure the reader that adequate research was conducted before the report was written. c. using a topic/function arrangement so that you can show what each division does. d. geographically, with sections representing each region's divisions. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 13

You are preparing a report about an organization your company is thinking about acquiring. You want to show this organization's revenues and expenses over the past five years and how they've changed over time. What graphic would be best for showing this data? a. Pie chart b. Table c. Line chart d. Organization chart status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 14 Maya is writing a letter of transmittal to accompany a report to her client. The transmittal letter should announce the topic of the report, tell how it was authorized, and: a. identify the recommendation and costs. b. list the sections of the report and any appendices. c. express appreciation for the assignment. d. market additional services or products. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 15 Which of the following contains a condensed version of a longer report? a. Executive summary b. Introduction c. Letter of transmittal d. Table of contents status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 16 Most proposals are external and solicited. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 17 Repeating the language of the RFP in the background section of your proposal is an effective technique to show your reader that you understand the problem completely. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 18 A proposal budget must be prepared carefully because it represents a contract. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 19 Formal proposals differ from informal proposals not in style but in tone, structure, format, and length. True False

status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 Social network sites such as Facebook are useful for leisure but not for business research projects. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 21 Using someone else's ideas without documenting the source is called plagiarism. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 22 If you put research information into your own words, you do not have to document these sources in your report. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 23 If you are writing a report to document the history of your company, you would probably use a chronological sequence. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 24 To show the chain of command within a company, use an organization chart. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 25 Business reports should always be single-spaced to make them more concise. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: ...... chap 11 ocial intelligence: a. points to a deep understanding of culture and life that helps us negotiate interpersonal and social situations. b. is easier to acquire than basic etiquette skills. c. is a hard skill.

d. All of these statements describe social intelligence. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 2 Which of the following demonstrates professional workplace behavior? a. Apologizing for errors or misunderstandings. b. Keeping personal opinions of people private. c. Giving customers more than they expect. d. All of these represent professional workplace behavior. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 3 You want to improve your pronunciation skills. Which of the following is most practical for business communicators? a. Hire a professional speech coach. b. Listen carefully to educated people. c. Practice sounding enthusiastic when you speak. d. Don't worry about it. Everyone mispronounces certain words, and doing so won't hurt you professionally. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 4 You have just started a new job and want to promote positive workplace relations through conversation. What should you do? a. Address everyone by his or her first name to sound friendly. b. Bring up politics and other controversial topics to show your knowledge of current events. c. Avoid making negative remarks about your colleagues, your organization, and your job. d. You should do all of these. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 5 As she received her performance review, Melanie was surprised by several comments that she felt were inaccurate. How should she react to the criticism? a. Melanie should interrupt her supervisor frequently to comment on the suggestions being made and to defend her position at every opportunity. b. To avoid any type of confrontation with her supervisor, Melanie should agree with all comments being made. c. Melanie should try to place blame for anything negative being said on others in her department. d. Melanie should restate what she is hearing in her own words. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 6 Fabrizio recently chaired a task force that developed a Web-use policy for his company. Now Fabrizio must critique the performance of each member of his task force. Which of the following suggestions about giving constructive criticism is accurate? a. Instead of focusing on what went wrong, use language that focuses on improvement. b. To avoid any type of negative interaction, it's better to deliver constructive

criticism via e-mail. c. Use vague comments so that what he says is less hurtful. d. Use the word you to keep the focus on the employee being evaluated. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 7 What is the best advice for making and receiving telephone calls professionally? a. If you made the call, it is your responsibility to end it. b. Avoid smiling while talking because it might make you sound insincere. c. When answering a call, don't identify yourself until you know who is on the other end. d. When answering the phone for someone who is away, always be completely honest about where the other person is. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 8 What is the best advice for using cell phones professionally on the job? a. Keep your cell phone on at all times so that you don't miss an important business call. b. Raise your voice to make sure that the person on the other end can hear you. c. Be careful about using your cell phone to discuss private or confidential company information. d. You should do all of these. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 9 Why are businesses today forming conventional and virtual teams in the workplace? a. Teams generally make better decisions than individuals. b. Teams are able to respond more quickly than individuals. c. Teams improve employee morale. d. Businesses form teams for all of these reasons. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 10 Which of the following is the most accurate statement about successful professional teams? a. Larger, homogenous teams have the best results. b. The best teams develop procedures to guide them. c. Effective teams avoid conflict. d. The most productive teams appoint a formal leader. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 11 Which of the following statements about meetings is most accurate? a. Reliance on e-mail and increasing use of wireless devices are causing face-toface meetings to disappear. b. Meetings consist of ten or more individuals who gather to achieve a goal, solve a problem, or create a work plan. c. As businesses become more team oriented, people are attending more meetings than ever. d. Most people enjoy attending meetings because they recognize that meetings present great opportunities for professional growth and recognition.

status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 12 To conduct an effective and efficient meeting, Maria should: a. wait until all participants arrive before beginning the meeting. b. make all final decisions after the group discusses each issue. c. establish meeting ground rules during her introduction. d. do as much talking as possible to be sure all issues are covered thoroughly. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 13 Which of the following is the most appropriate meeting etiquette for participants? a. Leave the meeting as needed to retrieve files or other materials. b. Make sure your negative comments are about ideas, not people. c. Don't waste time cleaning away trash; that's the custodian's job. d. Make a thorough presentation even if you are exceeding your time allotment. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 14 Which of the following statements about workplace conflict is most accurate? a. Conflict is a normal part of every workplace. b. Even when managed properly, conflict destroys group cohesiveness and increases tensions. c. Conflict should be avoided because it destroys morale and reduces productivity. d. Conflict is always negative. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 15 Which of the following statements about ending a meeting is most accurate? a. The meeting should not end until all agenda items have been fully discussed. b. If participants arrived late to the meeting, summarize everything they missed when they arrive to avoid the need for summarizing at the end of the meeting. c. Because all participants should be responsible for paying attention during the meeting, a summary at the end of the meeting would be a waste of time. d. No one should leave the meeting without a full understanding of what was accomplished. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 16 Communication skills and social graces are examples of soft skills. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 17 Because of today's technologies, face-to-face communication is no longer essential in business and professional transactions. True False status: not answered ()

correct: false your answer: 18 Actions at work-related social functions such as dinners, picnics, and holiday parties can help or harm your career. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 19 Responding positively and professionally to workplace criticism can help improve your job performance. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 As a timesaving device, use your work voice mail to screen all incoming calls. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 21 Virtual teams are groups of people who work independently with a shared purpose across space, time, and organizational boundaries using technology. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 22 Competition among team members leads to superior results. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 23 Meetings generally have little impact on employees' careers. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 24 Meetings should not be held when the flow of information is strictly one way. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 25 To maximize collaboration and participation in a meeting, set the room up with rows of chairs

facing the front of the meeting room. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: ..... chap 12 The first thing you should do when you start to prepare for an oral presentation is to: a. decide what you are going to wear. b. determine what visual aids would be most appropriate. c. decide on the purpose of the presentation. d. analyze your audience. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 2 You have analyzed your audience and believe that audience members will be hostile. What should you avoid during your presentation? a. A question-and-answer period. b. Visual aids and startling statistics. c. Objective data and expert opinions. d. A delivery style that includes direct eye contact or slow, even speech. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 3 Which of the following organization techniques is recommended by speech experts? a. Repeat your main points in the introduction, body, and conclusion. b. State the topic in the introduction, a thesis in the body, and your main points in the conclusion. c. Preview the topic, develop the main points, and thank the audience. d. Use no formal structure because it makes the speech too stiff. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 4 The introduction of a presentation should: a. capture your listeners' attention and get them involved. b. identify yourself and establish your credibility. c. preview your main points. d. do all of these. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 5 The body of a short, 20-minute presentation should focus on: a. at least five to eight main points. b. up to ten main points. c. approximately two to four main points. d. as many points as necessary to get your message across. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 6 The conclusion of a presentation should:

a. leave the audience with a specific and memorable "take-away." b. introduce one more key point as a surprise bonus. c. end with a recognizable statement such as That's it. d. do all of these. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 7 Effective speakers use verbal signposts to connect with the audience. Verbal signposts are: a. interesting personal stories. b. words or phrases that indicate previews, summaries, and changes in direction. c. comparisons that include the words like or as so that the audience can see the connection. d. use of statistics that relate directly to the audience. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 8 Which of the following statements about nonverbal messages during an oral presentation is least accurate? a. To maintain your professionalism, it's best to stay behind the podium when speaking. b. Because you will be judged by your appearance during a presentation, it's important to dress appropriately. c. Pausing before and after important points allows the audience to take in your ideas. d. You should change your facial expressions to correspond with the thoughts you are voicing. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 9 When choosing visual aids for a presentation, your primary concerns include cost, degree of formality desired, potential effectiveness, and: a. statistical representations. b. benefits to the speaker. c. ease of preparation. d. humorous effects. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 10 If you choose to use handouts, it is best to distribute these: a. before your introduction. b. after you finish speaking. c. when you introduce the first point included on the handout. d. during your conclusion. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 11 Which of the following statements about creating effective PowerPoint presentations is most accurate? a. To ensure originality, avoid using predesigned templates. b. Consider the cultural background of your audience when choosing background colors.

c. If you'll be giving your presentation in a darkened room, it's best to use dark text on a light background. d. Each bullet point on a slide should be a complete sentence. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 12 What should you do to keep your audience engaged during your oral presentation? a. Maintain eye contact with individuals in the room. b. Leave the lights as dim as you can so that the audience can see your slides better. c. Avoid using a laser pointer because many people find them annoying. d. Read the bullet points on your slides word for word to keep your audience focused. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 13 One of the most effective strategies for reducing stage fright is to: a. dress in an expensively and expertly tailored suit. b. picture your audience without any clothes on. c. know your subject thoroughly. d. have a stiff drink right before the presentation. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 14 To come across professionally during a business presentation: a. present your first sentence from memory. b. apologize whenever you make a mistake. c. talk as quickly as you can to keep your audience interested. d. try not to pause as these periods of silence will puzzle your audience. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 15 After an oral presentation, a speaker should do all but which of the following? a. Distribute handouts, if appropriate. b. Encourage questions, but set a time limit. c. Use yes, but to respond to challenging questions. d. When answering audience questions, begin each answer with a repetition of the question. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 16 Speaking skills are useful at every stage in your career. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 17 To sound professional, begin your oral presentation with something like It's a pleasure to be here. True False

status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 18 The biggest problem with most oral presentations is poorly designed PowerPoint slides. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 19 Tawana is making a presentation to investors about the historical market fluctuations in technology stocks. She will most likely organize by chronology. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 Our company is a rocket ship ready to take off is an example of a metaphor. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 21 The 6-x-6 rule states that you should have no more than six slides in a PowerPoint slide show. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 22 The simplest option for moving your PowerPoint slide presentation to the Web is to post the slides online for others to access. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 23 The best presentations are delivered from memory. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 24 It is normal to experience some degree of stage fright when speaking before a group. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 25 Adding variety and enthusiasm to your voice can help to keep your audience alert and interested.

True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: ..... chap 13 The first step in the employment process is to: a. purchase a professional interview suit. b. write a customized and persuasive rsum. c. analyze your likes and dislikes so that you can make good employment decisions. d. start contacting employers. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 2 Which of the following statements about the changing nature of jobs in today's workplace is most accurate? a. Because most organizations are moving toward a more flattened structure, more people will be employed in permanent positions. b. Upgrading your skills through constant retraining is the best career strategy. c. Most new jobs today are created by large corporations. d. Employers today want to hire people into jobs with narrow descriptions. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 3 If you are using the Web to search for a job, what is most likely your best source? a. Use a large Web site such as Monster.com because you will find hundreds of thousands of jobs there. b. Check the job openings listed on individual company Web sites. c. Check newspaper classified ads that are placed online. d. Put your rsum on your own Web site and let employers find you. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 4 Most job candidates locate their jobs through: a. classified newspaper ads. b. networking. c. the Internet. d. college placement centers. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 5 Which of the following is the best career objective for a rsum? a. To obtain an entry-level position in the human resources field. b. To obtain a challenging position where I can use my skills and abilities. c. To work for a company that provides good benefits and room for advancement. d. To obtain a position in human resources with responsibilities in hiring, training, and compensation. status: not answered () correct: d your answer:

6 A Summary of Qualifications section on a rsum: a. saves recruiters and hiring managers time by making a rsum easier to read. b. helps to ensure that your most impressive qualifications are not overlooked. c. includes six to eight bulleted statements that prove you are the ideal candidate for the position. d. does all of these. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 7 In the Education section of your rsum, you should: a. list all the college courses you have taken to give the employer a complete picture. b. include relevant seminars attended and workshops completed. c. list only colleges where you have completed a degree or certificate program. d. include both high school and college information. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 8 Which of the following statements about the Work Experience section of your rsum is most accurate? a. Work experience should always be listed after education. b. Your employment should be listed in chronological order, ending with your most recent or current position. c. Use action verbs to describe your work experience so that you sound forceful and persuasive. d. For each job, include one paragraph that describes your employment achievements and job duties. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 9 Of the following statements describing employment achievements, which is most effective? a. Supervised and trained employees. b. Operated a variety of office equipment. c. Supervised 45 employees in three different branch locations. d. Knowledgeable in a variety of computer software packages. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 10 Which of the following statements demonstrates the use of an action verb? a. Competent in Web research skills. b. Processed all accounts receivable for large department. c. Responsible for hiring, training, and evaluating staff. d. All of these statements use action verbs. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 11 What should you do when preparing a rsum for e-mailing? a. Test your rsum before sending it to an employer. b. Save your rsum in HTML format. c. Use unusual typefaces to make your rsum stand out.

d. You should do all of these. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 12 On a rsum it is unethical to: a. alter your employment dates. b. enhance your job titles. c. inflate your education, grades, or honors. d. do all of these things. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 13 Which of the following is the most effective opening sentence in a cover letter for a job that has been announced? a. You need a designer and I need a job; it's the perfect match! b. At the suggestion of Mr. Lee Montgomery of your IT Department, I submit to you details of my 12 years' experience in multimedia for your Web designer opening. c. Please consider my application for the available position of Web designer. d. Does your company have an opening for a Web designer with three years of experience? status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 14 Which of the following is the best closing sentence for a cover letter? a. I will be available for an interview on Tuesday, March 11, at 10 a.m. b. To add to your team a well-trained, knowledgeable accountant with proven analytical and communication skills, call me at (555) 555-1234 to arrange an interview. c. Please feel free to call me any time at your earliest convenience. d. I hope to hear from you soon to set up an interview for the accountant position. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 15 Which of the following statements about cover letters is accurate? a. If you submit your rsum by e-mail or fax, a cover letter is optional. b. Avoid using the pronoun I in a cover letter. c. Your cover letter must be perfect. d. All of the above statements about cover letters are accurate. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 16 A question such as Do I enjoy working with people, data, or things? will help you evaluate your qualifications. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 17 Companies today are employing fewer people in permanent positions. True False

status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 18 To save time, it's acceptable to prepare a generic, all-purpose rsum that you can use for any position you apply for. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 19 The goal of preparing a persuasive rsum is to obtain an interview. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 20 The most popular rsum style with recruiters is the functional rsum because it focuses attention on a candidate's skills rather than on past employment. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 21 You should limit the length of your rsum to one page. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 22 To ensure that potential employers will be able to contact you, include your work e-mail address on your rsum. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 23 It is important to provide both personal and professional references when applying for a position. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 24 Even if an advertisement doesn't request one, include a persuasive cover letter with your rsum. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 25

The biggest mistake job seekers make when writing cover letters is making them sound too generic. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: ..... Chap 14 Most interviews are set up by employers through: a. e-mail. b. a phone call. c. a registered letter. d. an IM or text message. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 2 Which of the following should you do to make a positive first impression in a phone conversation with an employer? a. Use a professional tone and businesslike language, just as you would in an interview. b. Before you hang up, reconfirm the date and time of your interview. c. If caught off guard by the call, ask whether you can call back in a few minutes. d. You should do all of these. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 3 The most common mistake job seekers make during interviews is: a. not dressing professionally enough. b. showing up late. c. having little or no knowledge about the potential employer. d. chewing gum. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 4 Effective interview preparation techniques include practicing answers to possible questions, preparing to explain problem areas on your rsum, deciding on professional attire, and: a. informing your current employer of your plans. b. preparing success stories. c. writing a resignation letter. d. inviting a friend to come along to help you relax. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 5 Which of the following is the best advice when answering interview questions? a. Don't worry about the way you answer questions; what really counts is what you say. b. Using the interviewer's name during the interview will make you sound insincere. c. Never ask your own questions until the very end of the interview. d. Always aim your answers at the key characteristics interviewers seek. status: not answered () correct: d

your answer: 6 If an interviewer says Tell me about yourself, you should: a. summarize your education, work experience, and skills in one or two minutes. b. elaborate on all the jobs you have held during the last ten years. c. identify your major weakness and describe how you are correcting it. d. give a brief history of yourself, beginning with where and when you were born. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 7 What is the best answer to the interview question Why do you want to work for us? a. Because I heard that you offer excellent benefits and an amazing pay scale. b. I'm broke and I have to begin paying off those college loans. c. Your company has the reputation of a relaxed work environment and good management -- employee relations. d. Your market share and your commitment to continued growth are impressive, and I would like to be part of the team that helps you achieve your goals. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 8 As a recent college graduate, you have little experience and dread this question: Why should we hire you when other applicants have more experience and better credentials? Which of these tips will best help you with this question? a. Agree that you are less qualified, but stress that means you will work for less money. b. Show confidence in your ability by emphasizing strengths such as your openness to new ideas and your knowledge of the latest methods and equipment. c. Admit to a major weakness and describe how you are correcting it; this will prove to the interviewer your strong work ethic and determination. d. You may as well thank the interviewer and excuse yourself; it's clear that you're not going to get the job. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 9 Which of these responses is the best answer to the question Where will you be in your career five years from now? a. I will have your job, because this response shows a good sense of humor. b. I will be your corporate CEO, because this response shows ambition. c. I will have my own advertising business, because this response shows selfmotivation. d. After five years as a member of your advertising team, I will have learned enough to achieve a position in management, because this response shows that you want to grow with the organization. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 10 Which of the following is an example of a situational question? a. You suspect that your supervisor is harassing a coworker. What would you do? b. What type of supervisor gets your best effort? c. What is your greatest weakness? d. Tell me about a time that you solved a difficult problem. status: not answered ()

correct: a your answer: 11 Which of the following is an example of a behavioral question? a. Your supervisor has just told you that she is dissatisfied with your work, but you think it is acceptable. How would you resolve the conflict? b. How do you define success? c. What was your major in college, and why did you choose it? d. Describe a time when you worked as part of a team. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 12 Which of the following is an inappropriate and potentially illegal interview question? a. What do you like to do in your spare time? b. Are you able to work weekends and holidays? c. Are you a United States citizen? d. Have you ever worked under another name? status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 13 How should you close an interview? a. Briefly review your strengths, thank the interviewer, and ask what action will follow. b. Be confident and say, This job sounds great! When do I start work? c. Ask about salary and benefits. d. Invite the interviewer to lunch. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 14 Select the best statement to include in the interview follow-up letter. a. Thank you for taking the time to interview me. b. I enjoyed interviewing with your company for the available position. c. Talking with you on Tuesday, October 25, about the marketing associate position was both informative and interesting. d. I really hope to hear from you soon. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: 15 When writing a resignation letter to notify your employer of your intentions, you should: a. allow more than the standard two-week notice if you have a high or responsible position within the company. b. offer thanks and end with a forward-looking statement. c. remind the employer of your contributions. d. All answer choices are correct. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 16 The most common type of interview is the group interview. True False status: not answered ()

correct: false your answer: 17 Blogs can be useful for gathering information about a potential employer prior to an interview. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 18 Many companies now use tools such as Google, Yahoo, and Facebook to screen applicants. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 19 If you find out ahead of time that the company has a casual dress code, you should dress casually for the interview so that you'll look as if you fit in. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 20 You will be judged not only by the interviewer but also by the receptionist and anyone else who sees you before and after the interview. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 21 When asked an inappropriate or illegal question, it's best to refuse to answer it. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: 22 Wait for the interviewer to signal the end of the interview. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 23 After an employment interview, it's wise to send thank-you notes to all who interviewed you, as well as to the receptionist and the person who set up the interview. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 24 After you have thanked your interviewer, alert your references that they may be contacted by the

employer. True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 25 If a question on a job application does not apply to you, you should leave the item blank. True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer:

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