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8unnlng head 1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew 1

1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew

uanlel 8 Conn
unlverslLy of norLhern Colorado

1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew 2

1hls collecLlon of currenL research arLlcles focuses on Ller Lwo lnLervenLlons 1ler Lwo lnLervenLlons are
lnLended Lo boLh ldenLlfy learnlng dlsablllLles as well as provlde supporL for sLudenLs consldered aL rlsk"
of falllng behlnd Lhelr peers ln school boLh behavlorally and academlcally As lndlcaLed ln several of
Lhese selecLed arLlcles Ller Lwo lnLervenLlon ls a work ln progress buL offers profound poLenLlal Lo Lhe
educaLlon process Several of Lhe auLhors of Lhese arLlcles parLlcularly Sharon vaughn conLlnue Lo
develop Lhelr own oplnlons of Ller Lwo lnLervenLlons as more research and evldence ls presenLed 1hls
selecLlon of arLlcles also offers varylng oplnlons of programs llke 8eadlng 8ecovery wlLh regard Lo lLs
effecLlveness as an lnLervenLlon 1hese arLlcles lnclude some lnLernaLlonal perspecLlve on Llered
lnLervenLlon sysLems especlally from AusLralla AddlLlonally Lhe selecLed arLlcles cover a varleLy of ages
lncludlng preschool elemenLary secondary and even older adulLs 1hese selecLlons offer lnslghL as Lo
how Ller Lwo lnLervenLlon has been used can be used Lo lmprove learnlng for all sLudenLs

1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew 3

Anderson C Campbell A (2008) Lnhanclng effecLs of Checkln/CheckouL wlLh funcLlon based
supporL 8ebovlotol ulsotJets 233243
1hls arLlcle lncludes a quallLaLlve look aL Lwo sLudenLs wlLh Lhe Checkln/CheckCuL Ller Lwo behavloral
lnLervenLlons for Lwo sLudenLs ln rural Cregon 1he auLhors come from Lhe unlverslLy of Cregon and
used Lhorough relaLed llLeraLure whlch broughL conLexL Lo Lhelr research 1he lnLended audlence
probably lncludes oslLlve 8ehavlor SupporL and/or 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon Leams 1hls arLlcle
parLlcularly provldes lnslghL regardlng Ller Lwo lnLervenLlon ln rural seLLlngs
8arLh A Clrlno 1 uenLon C lleLcher !M lrancls u! 8omaln M Wexler ! (2010)
8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon for mlddle school sLudenLs wlLh readlng dlfflculLles effecLs of a
prlmary and secondary lnLervenLlon 5cbool lsycboloqy kevlew 321
1hls ls a quanLlLaLlve arLlcle regardlng Lhe effecLs of Ller Lwo llLeracy lnLervenLlon aL Lhe secondary level
grade 1he arLlcle concludes LhaL ouLcomes were 089 ln favor of LreaLmenL sLudenLs over
comparlson sLudenLs Several of Lhese auLhors appear ln oLher arLlcles wlLhln Lhls selecLlon of llLeraLure
Sharon vaughn a 8egenLs Chalr ln Puman uevelopmenL aL Lhe unlverslLy of 1exas AusLln ls clLed ln
LhroughouL Lhe selecLed arLlcles 1hls arLlcle offers a promlslng hypoLheses regardlng effecLlve ways Lo
remedlaLe Lhls populaLlon 1hls arLlcle also compllmenLs some of Lhe flndlngs deLalled by Lynn S luchs
and her colleagues work ln 8eLhlnklng 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon aL Lhe mlddle and hlgh school
8lshop ! llllce PC 8eeves S (2010) 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon (8Ll) and Ller sysLems quesLlons
remaln as educaLors make challenglng declslons uelto koppo Commo 8olletlo 3033
1hls arLlcle summarlzes some naLlonal quesLlons regardlng 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon and oLher Llered
sysLems 1he auLhors professors aL Lhe unlverslLy of SouLhern Mlsslsslppl have backgrounds ln llLeracy
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew 4

and speclal educaLlon 1he arLlcle was mosL llkely wrlLLen for school pollcy makers AlLhough Lhe depLh
of research ln Lhls arLlcle ls Lhe broadesL of any ln Lhls blbllography Lhe general sLaLemenLs and
undersLandlng of 8Ll from a naLlonal perspecLlve provldes conLexL Lo lLs currenL role ln Amerlcan
8orsuk C vesL 8 (2002) 8eachlng hlgher secondary lnLervenLlons eoJetsblp 1718
1hls quallLaLlve arLlcle examlnes an lnLervenLlon for sLudenLs parLlcularly glfLed and LalenLed LhaL
appear unmoLlvaLed or lnLellecLually sLagnanL ln hlgh school 1he arLlcle recommends Lhese sLudenLs Lo
a program ln whlch Lhey Lake college classes for dual credlL Cne of Lhe auLhors works as a coordlnaLor
Lhrough Mlddle College Plgh School and Lhe San 8erardlno ClLy unlfled School ulsLrlcL 1he audlence of
Lhls arLlcle could lnclude glfLed and LalenLed coordlnaLors or Leams parenLs school dlsLrlcLs and
communlLy colleges 1hls arLlcle flLs lnLo Lhls collecLlon because lL offers an lnLervenLlon sLraLegy for
capable sLudenLs LhaL lack moLlvaLlon ln school lL also examlnes an lnLervenLlon sLraLegy for advanced
sLudenLs whlch broadens Lhe scope of Ller Lwo lnLervenLlon
8rlggs C Pobsbaum A SchwarLz 8M Scull ! (2009) 8eadlng 8ecovery and evldencedbased
pracLlce a response Lo 8eynolds and Wheldall (2007) lotetootloool Iootool of ulsoblllty
uevelopmeot ooJ Jocotloo 313
1hls quallLaLlve arLlcle responds Lo crlLlclsm presenLed ln Lhe arLlcle 1he devll ls ln Lhe deLall regardlng
Lhe efflcacy of 8eadlng 8ecovery a re[olner Lo SchwarLz Pobsbaum 8rlggs and Scull 1he arLlcle
suggesLs LhaL properly resourclng and fundlng 8eadlng 8ecovery programs are Lhe key Lo lLs success
1hese auLhors represenL Lhe 8eadlng ueparLmenL aL Lhe School of LducaLlon aL Cakland unlverslLy Lhe
ueparLmenL of Larly Chlldhood and rlmary LducaLlon of London (uk) and Lhe readlng deparLmenL aL
Lhe College of rofesslonal LducaLlon (uenLon 1exas) and Lhe Melbourne CraduaLe School of LducaLlon
(vlcLorla AusLralla) 1he audlence of Lhls arLlcle could lnclude members of Lhe academlc communlLy as
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew 3

well as 8eadlng 8ecovery advocaLes and crlLlcs 1hls arLlcle was lncluded ln Lhls blbllography because lL
responded dlrecLly Lo crlLlclsm ln anoLher arLlcle of Lhls secLlon 1hls arLlcle adds conLexL Lo Lhe debaLe
regardlng Lhe value of a 8eadlng 8ecovery program as a form of lnLervenLlon
8ryanL 88 8ryanL u Chavez MM CersLen 8M Scammacca nn (2008) MaLhemaLlcs
lnLevenLlon for flrsL and secondgrade sLudenLs wlLh maLhmaLlcs dlfflculLles kemeJlol ooJ
5peclol Jocotloo 2032
1hls quanLlLaLlve arLlcle shows Lhe progress of 126 sLudenLs LhaL recelve 13 mlnuLes of boosLer lessons
over Lhe course of 18 weeks ln early maLhemaLlcs skllls and concepLs 1he auLhors represenL Lhe
unlverslLy of 1exas as well a research group ln Long 8each Callfornla and Lhelr backgrounds lnclude
speclal educaLlon lecLurer dlrecLor of a prlvaLe educaLlonal research lnsLlLuLe research assoclaLe
asslsLanL prlnclpal and dlrecLor of speclal educaLlon 1he research ln Lhls arLlcle was supporLed Lhrough
a granL from Lhe 1exas LducaLlon Agency and Lhelr audlence lncludes schools ln search of lmprovlng
maLhemaLlcal learnlng aL Lhe elemenLary level 1hls arLlcle shows boLh slgnlflcanL growLh Lhrough Ller
Lwo lnLervenLlons aL Lhe second grade level and nonslgnlflcanL growLh aL Lhe flrsL grade level 1hls
arLlcle also models fldellLy conslderaLlons ln quanLlLaLlve research
8ryanL ! CompLon uL uavls Cn luchs u luchs LS (2007) Maklng secondary lnLervenLlon
work ln a LhreeLler responslvenesLolnLervenLlon model flndlngs from Lhe flrsLgrade
longlLudlnal readlng sLudy of Lhe naLlonal 8esearch CenLer on Learnlng ulsablllLles keoJloq ooJ
wtltloq 413436
1hls arLlcle aLLempLs Lo quallfy daLa collecLed by Lhe naLlonal 8esearch CenLer on Learnlng ulsablllLles
from Lwo largescale fleldbased longlLudlnal and experlmenLal 8Ll sLudles lL focuses only on Lhe daLa
relaLed Lo llLeracy whlch came from a Lhree year sLudy 1he arLlcle aLLempLs Lo answer Lhree quesLlons
Who should parLlclpaLe ln 8Ll? WhaL lnsLrucLlon should be conducLed Lo decrease Lhe prevalence of
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew 6

readlng dlsablllLles? Pow should responslveness and nonresponslveness be deflned? 1he auLhors
represenL vanderbllL unlverslLy and Lhe boLh Lynn S and uonald luchs appear ln oLher arLlcles wlLhln
Lhls blbllography 1he luchs are professors of speclal educaLlon and human developmenL 1he audlence
could lnclude educaLlon pollcy makers school offlclals and 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon Leams 1hls arLlcle
offers a naLlonal perspecLlve regardlng Lhe funcLlon of 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon
8ryanL 88 8ryanL u lunk C CersLen 8M ool C Scammacca nn Shlh M WlnLer A
(2008) 1he effecLs of Ller 2 lnLevenLlon Cn Lhe maLhmaLlcs performance or flrsLgrade sLudenLs
who are aL rlsk for maLhmaLlcs dlfflculLles eotoloq ulsoblllty Ooottetly 4763
1hls quanLlLaLlve arLlcle measures Lhe effecLs of progress monlLorlng for 161 flrsL grade sLudenLs LhaL
recelved 20mlnuLe boosLer lessons ln maLhemaLlcs ln number and operaLlon skllls over Lhe course of 23
weeks 1he auLhors all represenL Lhe unlverslLy of 1exas or an lndependenL research group and Lhe
ma[orlLy of Lhese auLhors also conLrlbuLed Lo anoLher arLlcle ln Lhls blbllography 1he audlence could
lnclude 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon Leams as well as elemenLary school maLh Leachers 1hls arLlcle showed
evldence of quanLlLaLlve galns aL Lhe flrsL grade level Lhrough boosLer lessons 1he prevlous arLlcle ln
Lhls collecLlon does noL flnd slgnlflcanL galns for flrsL grade sLudenLs Lhrough boosLer lessons so
varlables such as Llme and skllls LaughL can be conLrasLed beLween Lhe Lwo arLlcles
8usLamanLeAvellaneda v Lchenlque M Llsdorfer C llla L MendezMuleL L MeLsch L
SanchezMarLlnez M (2010) ro[ecL roadmap reeducaLlng older adulLs ln malnLalnlng AluS
prevenLlon a secondary lnLervenLlon for older PlvposlLlve adulLs Alu5 Jocotloo ooJ
lteveotloo 138147
1hls ls a quanLlLaLlve arLlcle abouL a Llered Lwo prevenLlon program for older adulLs llvlng wlLh Plv/AluS
300 parLlclpanLs were sLudled over Lhe course of 12 monLhs 1hese adulLs were glven Ller Lwo
educaLlon and assessed Lo see lf Lhelr sexual paLLerns were affecLed from Lhls educaLlon 1he auLhors
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew 7

lnclude faculLy from Lhe unlverlsLy of Mlaml nova SouLheasLern unlverslLy College of CsLeopaLhlc
Medlclne (lL Lauderdale) and !ackson Memorlal PosplLal ln Mlaml llorlda 1hls arLlcle would be useful
Lo people ln Lhe medlcal fleld as well as adulL educaLlon programs AlLhough Lhls arLlcle may appear ouL
of conLexL wlLh regard Lo Lhe oLher clLed arLlcles lL offers evldence regardlng Lhe use of Ller Lwo
lnLervenLlon ln adulL educaLlon
Cheney u llower A Pawken L lwaszuk W Lynass L Mlelenz C Waugh M (2010) 1he Check
ConnecL and LxpecL rogram a LargeLed Ller 2 lnLervenLlon ln a schoolwlde oslLlve 8ehavlor
SupporL model lteveotloq 5cbool lollote 132138
1hls arLlcle examlnes Lhe Check ConnecL and LxpecL rogram effecLs for 18 dlfferenL urban schools
over a Lwo year perlod and concludes Lhls Lype of lnLervenLlon can reduce problemaLlc behavlor reduce
referral raLes Lo speclal educaLlon and enhance sLudenLs soclal behavlor 1he auLhors lnclude a speclal
educaLlon dlrecLor a professor from Lhe unlverslLy of 1exas docLoral sLudenLs from Lhe unlverslLy of
WashlngLon and a professor from Lhe unlverslLy of uLah 1he audlence could lnclude oslLlve 8ehavlor
SupporL Leams and school sysLems parLlcularly urban ln search or sysLemlc behavloral supporL
programs 1hls arLlcle shows examples of uslng a large sample slze over a Lwo year span
Clanclo u loorman 88 (2003) Screenlng for secondary lnLervenLlon concepL and conLexL Iootool
of eotoloq ulsobllltles 494499
1hls quanLlLaLlve arLlcle echoes some concerns regardlng accuracy resulLs of early llLeracy screenlng 1he
auLhors lnclude a professor of pedlaLrlcs and dlrecLor of Lhe CenLer for Academlc and 8eadlng Skllls aL
Lhe unlverslLy of 1exasPousLon Medlcal CenLer 8oLh medlcal and educaLlonal academlc communlLles
could beneflL from Lhe lnformaLlon found ln Lhls arLlcle 1hls arLlcle adds a medlcal perspecLlve Lo Lhe 8Ll
process and offers analyLlcal volce Lo Lhe research ln Lhls blbllography
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew 8

CompLon uL (2006) Pow should unresponslveness Lo secondary lnLervenLlon be operaLlonallzed?
Iootool of eotoloq ulsobllltles 170173
1he quallLaLlve arLlcle examlnes how unresponslveness Lo secondary lnLervenLlon should be
operaLlonallzed ln an 8Ll approach Lo ldenLlfylng sLudenLs wlLh learnlng dlsablllLles 1he arLlcle suggesLs
LhaL lnLevnLlon ls ofLen a maLLer of provldlng a nudge for sLruggllng sLudenLs 1he auLhor appears ln
several arLlcles LhroughouL Lhls selecLlon and he ls an asslsLanL professor of speclal educaLlon aL
eabody College vanderbllL unlverslLy 1he audlence of Lhls arLlcle could lnclude speclal educaLlon
dlrecLors currlculum dlrecLors school admlnlsLraLors and school pollcy makers 1hls arLlcle speaks
dlrecLly Lo Lhe quesLlons regardlng Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon process wlLhln 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon whlch
compllmenLs some of Lhe arLlcles ln Lhls blbllograpyLhe flnal sLep on Lhe 8Ll process
CompLon uL luchs u luchs LS (2010) 8eLhlnklng 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon aL Lhe mlddle and
hlgh school 5cbool lsycboloqy kevlew 2228
1hls arLlcle dlscusses Lhe dlfflculL currenL slLuaLlon 6
grade 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon faces 1he
arLlcle offers recommendaLlons regardlng a dlfferenL approach Lo secondary Ller Lwo lnLervenLlons such
as less exLenslve lnlLlal screenlng 1he auLhors have all been lnvolved ln dlfferenL arLlcles ln Lhls
blbllography 1hey are also professors of speclal educaLlon aL vanderbllL unlverslLy 1he lnLended
audlence could lnclude secondary schools and 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon Leams 1hls arLlcle menLlons
work by anoLher auLhor ln Lhls selecLlon Sharon vaugh and offers soluLlons Lo resldual lssues presenLed
ln secondary educaLlon Ller Lwo lnLervenLlon
LsLravlz L Lukln C (2010) 1he relaLlonshlp beLween severe oral language lmpalrmenL and progress
wlLh readlng lnLervenLlon Aosttolloo Iootool of ooqooqe ooJ ltetocy 126133
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew 9

1hls quallLaLlve arLlcle examlnes Lhe effecLs of severe recepLlve language lmpalrmenL wlLh regard Lo
readlng lnLervenLlon 1he auLhors represenL Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon and 1ralnlng ln Cueensland
AusLralla 1he lnLended audlence could lnclude 8esponse Lo lnvenLlon Leams and speclal educaLlon
dlrecLors 1hls arLlcle polnLs ouL LhaL wlLhln Lhe realm of sLudenLs LhaL need lnLevenLlon physlcal
characLerlsLs such as hearlng lmpalrmenL can affecL lnLervenLlon ouLcomes 1hus noL all sLudenLs LhaL
need lnLervenLlon have Lhe same needs nor learnlng capablllLles
lulmer u ParLy k8 CConnor 8L (2003) 1lers of lnLervenLlon Lhrough Lhlrd grade Iootool of
eotoloq ulsobllltles 332338
1hls arLlcle ls a quanLlLaLlve comparlson of Lhe readlng achlevemenL among Lhlrd grade chlldren who
were ldenLlfled aL rlsk ln klndergarLen SLudenLs LhaL recelved Llered lnLervenLlon ln decodlng word
ldenLlflcaLlon fluency and readlng comprehenslon showed moderaLe Lo large dlfferences ln growLh
when compared wlLh Lhe conLrol group 1he auLhors lnclude a professor of speclal educaLlon from Lhe
unlverslLy of Callfornla aL 8lverslde an asslsLanL professor ln speclal educaLlon aL SL vlncenL College ln
ennsylvanla and a research assoclaLe aL Lhe unlverslLy of lLLsburgh 1he audlence of Lhls arLlcle could
lnclude 1lLle l Leachers school admlnlsLraLors currlculum dlrecLors and speclal educaLlon Leachers 1hls
arLlcle modeled how graphs can be used Lo hlghllghL key lnformaLlon parLlcularly wlLh a large sample
slze of a long span of Llme 1hls arLlcle also provlded a Lhorough llsL of relaLed llLeraLure regardlng Llered
Cray S Parmon M1 kouLsofLas Au (2009) 1he effecL of Ller 2 lnLervenLlon for phonemlc
awareness ln low responseLolnLervenLlon model ln lowlncome preschool classrooms
ooqooqe 5peecb ooJ neotloq 5etvlces lo 5cbools 116130
1hls arLlcle assessed Lhe effecLlveness of Ller Lwo lnLervenLlon deslgned Lo lncrease phonemlc awareness
for lowlncome preschoolers and Lhe research concluded Lhe lnLervenLlon was successful for 71 of Lhe
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew

sLudenLs sLudled 1he auLhors all represenL Arlzona SLaLe unlverslLy 1he audlence could lnclude
preschool dlrecLors 8CCLS personnel and 8eadlng llrsL Classrooms 1hls arLlcle provlded sLaLlsLlcal
lnslghL regardlng quanLlLaLlve daLa as well as graph and organlzaLlonal modellng 1he arLlcle also
lncluded some lnLeresLlng appendlxes for lnLervenLlon scrlpLs and probes
kerlns M8 1roLLer u SchoenbrodL L (2010) LffecLs of a Ller 2 lnLervenLlon on llLeracy measures
lessons learned bllJ ooqooqe 1eocbloq ooJ 1betopy 287302
1hls arLlcle compares Lhe ouLcomes of Lwo groups of flrsL grade sLudenLs ldenLlfled as havlng below
average readlng ablllLles and/or poor phonemlc awareness Lhrough classroombased and sLandard
assessmenLs AlLhough one group recelved expllclL lnsLrucLlon ln Lhese deflclLs on a regular basls and Lhe
oLher group dld noL Lhere were no slgnlflcanL dlfferences regardlng growLh beLween Lhe Lwo groups
1he auLhors represenL Loyola unlverslLy and Charles CounLy ubllc Schools 1he audlence could lnclude
school pollcy makers as well as school admlnlsLraLors 1hls arLlcle offers daLa conLrary Lo Lhe ma[orlLy of
arLlcles ln Lhls blbllography whlch ls Ller Lwo lnLervenLlons dld noL help lnduce academlc galns
Lu L? (2010) honlcs and semloLlcs for early lnLervenLlon lotetootloool Jocotloool 5toJles 1726
1hls quallLaLlve arLlcle deLalls Lhe experlences of Lhree aLrlsk flrsL grade sLudenLs wlLh Clays 8eadlng
8ecovery 1he arLlcle noLes a break Lhrough Lhe boLLle neck success ln llLeracy for Lhese sLudenLs
parLlcularly ln Lhe form of engagemenL 1he auLhor represenLs valdosLa SLaLe unlverslLy 1hls arLlcle
appears Lo be wrlLLen for an lnLernaLlonal audlence as evldenced by Lhe name of Lhe publlcaLlon
lotetootloool Jocotloo 5toJles and Lhe auLhors use of Lermonology 1hls arLlcle records esenLall
converaLlons wlLh Lhe Ller group and lnlcudes expamples of Lhe sLudenLs work
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew

Madelalne A 8eynolds M Wheldall k (2009) 1he devll ls ln Lhe deLall regardlng Lhe efflcacy of
8eadlng 8ecovery a re[olner Lo SchwarLz Pobsbaum 8rlggs and Scull lotetootloool Iootool of
ulsoblllty uevelopmeot Jocotloo 1733
1hls quallLaLlve arLlcle provldes commenL on lssues ralsed ln a prevlous arLlcle abouL Lhe effecLlveness of
8eadlng 8ecovery by SchwarLz Pobsbaum 8rlggs and Scull (2009) 1he auLhors represenL Macquarle
unlverslLy Sydney new SouLh Wales AusLralla 1he lnLended audlence could lnclude school pollcy
makers 8eadlng 8ecovery schools 8eadlng 8ecovery advocaLes and 8eadlng 8ecovery crlLlcs noL only
does Lhls arLlcle provlde lnLernaLlonal flavor Lo Lhls collecLlon arLlcles lL also provldes an lnLellecLual
challenge Lo a prevlous arLlcle 1hls arLlcle clalms Lo use Lhe same daLa seL as Lhls oLher arLlcle buL draws
far dlfferenL concluslons regardlng 8eadlng 8ecovery 1hls arLlcle also challenges Lhe convenLlonal loglc
behlnd 8eadlng 8ecovery and lLs resulLs
8eschly u (2003) Learnlng dlsablllLles ldenLlflcaLlon prlmary lnLervenLlon and Lhen whaL? Iootool of
eotoloq ulsobllltles 310313
1hls quallLaLlve arLlcle dlscusses Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon process of speclflc learnlng dlsablllLles Lhrough Ller
one and Lwo lnLervenLlons 1he arLlcle polnLs ouL LhaL Leacher raLlngs of aLLenLlon/behavlor were one of
Lhe besL predlcLors of longLerm ouLcomes of lnLervenLlons for chlldren wlLh learnlng dlfflculLles 1he
auLhor ls a professor of educaLlon and psychology and Chalr of Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon aL eabody
College vanderbllL unlverslLy 1he audlence could lnclude speclal educaLor dlrecLors school
admlnlsLraLors and 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon Leams 1hls arLlcle dlscusses Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon process
from Ller Lwo or Lhree Lo speclal educaLlon 1he arLlcle also ralses lnLeresLlng quesLlons regardlng how
many Llers Lhe 8Ll model should use
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew

8oberLs C vaugh S (2007) Secondary lnLervenLlons ln readlng provldlng addlLlonal lnsLrucLlon for
sLudenLs aL rlsk 1eocbloq xceptloool bllJteo 4046
1he quallLaLlve arLlcle examlnes Lhe role of 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon and Lhe role of a Llered sysLem
1he arLlcle noLes LhaL as much a 30 of sLudenLs wlll requlre supplemenLal lnsLrucLlon Cne of auLhors
serves as PL ParLfelder/ScoLland CorporaLlon 8egenLs Chalr ln Puman uevelopmenL aL Lhe unlverslLy
of 1exas AusLln and ls clLed or conLrlbuLes Lo several arLlcles ln Lhls selecLlon 1hls arLlcle seems dlrecLly
wrlLLen for school admlnlsLraLors 1hls arLlcle offers broad concluslons based on a wlde range of
research and lL applles Lhls research Lo Lhe roles admlnlsLraLors could Lake wlLh regard Lo 8Ll
SmeLana L (2010) A vlew from Lhe mlddle Ller looklng closely aL Ller 2 lnLervenLlon 1be ollfotolo
keoJet 1324
1hls ls a quallLaLlve arLlcle abouL Leachers ln a graduaLe program and how Lhey see Lhe 8esponse Lo
lnLevenLlon process parLlcularly Ller Lwo lnLervenLlon 1he auLhor ls an assoclaLe professor ln Lhe
educaLlonal phllosophy deparLmenL aL Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy LasL 8ay 1he audlence appears Lo
lnclude Leachers or school offlclals confused abouL Ller Lwo lnLervenLlon 1hls arLlcle adds a phllosophlc
as well as a Leacher aLLlLude perspecLlve Lo Lhe llLeraLure llsL
Speece u (2003) PlLLlng Lhe movlng LargeL known as readlng developmenL some LhoughLs on
screenlng chlldren for secondary lnLervenLlons Iootool of eotoloq ulsobllltles 487493
1hls arLlcle lnlcudes a sLudy of an lnLervenLlon screenlng process of 679 flrsL graders 1he Lhesls
aLLenLlon Lo growLh may neL more accuraLe screenlng resulLs Lhan have been apparenL ln Lhe long
hlsLory of early ldenLlflcaLlon research ls expanded Lhrough Lhe daLa Lo conclude a measure of
chlldrens growLh may add an lmporLanL dlmenslon Lo Lhe screenlng equaLlon 1he auLhor ls a professor
of speclal educaLlon aL Lhe unlverslLy of Maryland and has conducLed prlor research of chlldren wlLh
1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew

learnlng dlsablllLles 1he audlence of Lhls arLlcle could lnclude speclal educaLlon dlrecLors 8esponse Lo
lnLervenLlon Leams and school assessmenL coordlnaLors 1hls arLlcle offers lnslghL Lo Lhe screenlng
process and lndlcaLes a formaLlve declslon maklng value Lo Lhe 8Ll
vaughn S Wanzek ! (2008) 8esponse Lo varylng amounLs of Llme ln readlng lnLervenLlon for
sLudenLs wlLh low response Lo lnLervenLlon Iootool of eotoloq ulsobllltles 126142
1hls quanLlLaLlve arLlcle concludes aL leasL ln Lhls sLudy LhaL lnLenslLy of Ller Lwo lnLervenLlons plays a
blgger role ln Lerms of learnlng achlevemenL Lhan doubllng Lhe amounL of Llme ln lnLervenLlon 1he
auLhors of Lhls arLlcle lnclude an asslsLanL professor of speclal educaLlon aL llorlda SLaLe unlverslLy and
Lhe PL ParLfelder/ScoLland CorporaLlon 8egenLs Chalr ln Puman uevelopmenL aL Lhe unlverslLy of
1exas AusLln 1he audlence of Lhls arLlcle could lnclude 8esponse Lo lnLervenLlon Leams speclal
educaLlon dlrecLors currlculum dlrecLors and school admlnlsLraLors 1hls arLlcle dlsLlngulshes lnLenslLy
of lnLervenLlon as a conLrlbuLlng facLor ln growLh

1ler 1wo lnLervenLlon LlLeraLure 8evlew

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