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#wxsand: owen piette's falling sand game

#version 4.4, file subversion 2

#element element r g b gravity slip density conductivity visible
#made by roflking
#special thanks to randomcraziness
group cookiemaking cookie chocolatechips wall fire bluefire stove dough
group cookiesaving cookiepolice antidote
group cookiedestroying poison drug fire bluefire monster
group life monster
group icing wicing bicing ricing gicing
group randomcookiestuff gc-bomb p-bomb d-bomb do-bomb
element empty 0 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1
element cookie 218 165 32 0 0 1 1 1
#chocolate chips!
element chocolatechips 139 71 38 0 0 1 1 1
#good cookie
element goodcookie 217 165 33 0 0 1 1 0
element poison 85 26 139 1 2 0 1 1
#poisoned cookie (gasp who would do such a thing?)
element poisonedcookie 205 170 125 0 0 2 1 0
#poisoned chips
element poisonedchips 138 73 37 0 0 1 1 0
#cookie police
element cookiepolice 238 154 0 0 2 0 0 1
#sheer amazing cookie
element amazingcookie 213 165 40 0 0 0.9 1 0
#burnt cookie
element burntcookie 99 99 99 1 3 0.1 1.000000000000000001 0
#make cookies with this
element wall 128 128 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000 1
element fire 222 46 26 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.100000 1
#hot fire.
element bluefire 66 66 250 -1 1 0 1.5 1
#melted chocolate
element meltedchocolate 137 71 40 1 1 0.9 1.2 0
#the infamous cookiemonster
element monster 0 174 45 0 0.004 0.1 0 1
#poisoned monster
element poisonedmonster 0 186 49 1 0.04 0.1 0 0
#cured monster
element curedmonster 0 180 56 1 0.004 0.1 0 0
element drug 247 247 247 0.9 0.7 0.01 1 1
element d1 247 0 0 0.9 0.7 0.01 1 0
element d2 0 247 0 0.9 0.7 0.01 1 0
element d3 0 0 247 0.9 0.7 0.01 1 0
#drugged cookie
element dc 230 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
element dc1 0 230 0 0 0 1 1 0
element dc2 0 0 230 0 0 1 1 0
element dc3 230 230 230 0 0 1 1 0
element dc4 230 230 0 0 0 1 1 0
element dc5 230 0 230 0 0 1 1 0
element dc6 0 230 230 0 0 1 1 0
#drugged monster
element dm 207 207 207 1 0.004 0.1 0 0
element dm1 0 207 207 1 0.004 0.1 0 0
element dm2 207 0 207 1 0.004 0.1 0 0
element dm3 0 207 207 1 0.004 0.1 0 0
element dough 118 65 32 0.5 0.0001 0.0001 1 1
element stove 101 101 101 0 0 1 0 1
element gas 177 177 177 -1 0.7 1 1 0
element gc-bomb 23 63 93 0 0 0.0003 1 1
element d-bomb 34 54 78 0 0 0.0003 1 1
element p-bomb 134 254 178 0 0 0.0003 1 1
element antidote 252 253 254 1 3 0.1 0 1
element a1 251 250 149 0 0 1 0 0
element a2 248 247 246 0 0 1 0 0
element ma1 174 241 87 1 0.04 0.1 0 0
element ma2 46 56 199 1 0.04 0.1 0 0
element do-bomb 37 93 156 0 0 0.0003 1 1
#white icing
element wicing 233 233 233 0 0 1 1 1
#blue icing
element bicing 0 0 233 0 0 1 1 1
#falling blue icing
element fbicing 0 0 231 1 0 1 1 0
#falling white icing
element fwicing 231 231 231 1 0 1 1 0
#red icing
element ricing 233 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
#falling red icing
element fricing 231 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
#green icing
element gicing 0 233 0 0 0 1 1 1
#falling green icing
element fgicing 0 231 0 1 0 1 1 0
neighbor 1.0 chocolatechips cookie 1.0 chocolatechips goodcookie
neighbor 1.0 goodcookie cookie 1.0 goodcookie goodcookie
neighbor 1.0 poison cookie 1.0 empty poisonedcookie
neighbor 1.0 poisonedcookie cookie 1.0 poisonedcookie poisonedcookie
neighbor 1.0 poison goodcookie 1.0 empty poisonedcookie
neighbor 1.0 poisonedcookie goodcookie 1.0 poisonedcookie poisonedcookie
neighbor 1.0 poisonedchips chocolatechips 1.0 poisonedchips poisonedchips
neighbor 1.0 poisonedchips cookie 1.0 poisonedchips poisonedcookie
neighbor 1.0 poisonedchips goodcookie 1.0 poisonedchips poisonedcookie
neighbor 1.0 cookiepolice cookie 1.0 cookiepolice amazingcookie
neighbor 1.0 cookiepolice goodcookie 1.0 cookiepolice amazingcookie
neighbor 1.0 cookiepolice poisonedcookie 1.0 cookiepolice amazingcookie
neighbor 1.0 poisonedcookie amazingcookie 1.0 amazingcookie amazingcookie
neighbor 1.0 amazingcookie cookie 1.0 amazingcookie amazingcookie
neighbor 1.0 amazingcookie goodcookie 1.0 amazingcookie amazingcookie
neighbor 1.0 monster cookie 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 1.0 monster goodcookie 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 1.0 monster amazingcookie 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 1.0 monster burntcookie 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 1.0 monster chocolatechips 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 1.0 monster meltedchocolate 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 1.0 monster poisonedcookie 1.0 poisonedmonster poisonedmonster
neighbor 1.0 poisonedmonster monster 1 poisonedmonster poisonedmonster
neighbor 1.0 poison monster 1 poisonedmonster poisonedmonster
neighbor 1.0 poison chocolatechips 1 poisonedchips poison
neighbor 1.0 cookiepolice empty 1.0 empty cookiepolice
neighbor 1.0 monster empty 1.0 empty monster
neighbor 1.0 drug cookie 1.0 empty dc
neighbor 1.0 dc cookie 1.0 dc dc
neighbor 1.0 drug goodcookie 1.0 empty dc
neighbor 1.0 dc goodcookie 1.0 dc dc
neighbor 1.0 drug amazingcookie 1.0 empty dc
neighbor 1.0 dc amazingcookie 1.0 dc dc
neighbor 1.0 dc chocolatechips 1.0 dc dc
neighbor 1.0 drug chocolatechips 1.0 empty dc
neighbor 1.0 d1 chocolatechips 1.0 empty dc
neighbor 1.0 d2 chocolatechips 1.0 empty dc
neighbor 1.0 d3 chocolatechips 1.0 empty dc
neighbor 1.0 dm monster 1.0 dm dm
neighbor 1.0 drug monster 1.0 empty dm
neighbor 1.0 dc monster 1.0 dm dm
neighbor 1.0 gas fire 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 gas bluefire 1.0 bluefire bluefire
neighbor 1.0 stove empty 1.0 stove gas
neighbor 1.0 drug curedmonster 1.0 empty dm
neighbor 1.0 drug poisonedmonster 1.0 empty dm
neighbor 1.0 dm poisonedmonster 1.0 dm dm
neighbor 1.0 dm curedmonster 1.0 dm dm
neighbor 1.0 dc poisonedmonster 1.0 dm dm
neighbor 1.0 dc curedmonster 1.0 dm dm
neighbor 1.0 drug poisonedcookie 1.0 empty dc
neighbor 1.0 dc poisonedcookie 1.0 empty dc
neighbor 1.0 drug antidote 1.0 drug drug
neighbor 1.0 antidote dc 1.0 drug dc
neighbor 1.0 antidote dc1 1.0 drug dc1
neighbor 1.0 antidote dc2 1.0 drug dc2
neighbor 1.0 antidote dc3 1.0 drug dc3
neighbor 1.0 antidote dc4 1.0 drug dc4
neighbor 1.0 antidote dc5 1.0 drug dc5
neighbor 1.0 antidote dc6 1.0 drug dc6
neighbor 1.0 antidote dm1 1.0 drug dm1
neighbor 1.0 antidote dm2 1.0 drug dm2
neighbor 1.0 antidote dm3 1.0 drug dm3
neighbor 1.0 antidote d1 1.0 drug d1
neighbor 1.0 antidote d2 1.0 drug d2
neighbor 1.0 antidote d3 1.0 drug d3
neighbor 1.0 antidote poisonedcookie 1.0 empty a1
neighbor 1.0 a1 poisonedcookie 1.0 a1 a1
neighbor 1.0 antidote poisonedmonster 1.0 empty ma1
neighbor 1.0 ma1 poisonedmonster 1.0 ma1 ma1
neighbor 1.0 ma2 poisonedmonster 1.0 ma2 ma2
neighbor 1.0 bicing empty 1.0 fbicing empty
neighbor 1.0 fbicing bicing 1.0 fbicing fbicing
neighbor 1.0 wicing empty 1.0 fwicing empty
neighbor 1.0 fwicing bicing 1.0 fwicing fwicing
neighbor 1.0 ricing empty 1.0 fricing empty
neighbor 1.0 fricing ricing 1.0 fricing fricing
neighbor 1.0 gicing empty 1.0 fgicing empty
neighbor 1.0 fgicing gicing 1.0 fgicing fgicing
neighbor 0.9 wicing monster 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 0.9 fwicing monster 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 0.9 bicing monster 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 0.9 fbicing monster 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 0.9 ricing monster 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 0.9 fbicing monster 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 0.9 gicing monster 1.0 monster monster
neighbor 0.9 fgicing monster 1.0 monster monster
self 0.005 poisonedcookie 0.02 empty 0.98 poisonedcookie
self 0.005 poisonedchips 0.02 empty 0.98 poisonedchips
self 0.005 goodcookie 1. burntcookie
self 0.005 cookie 1. burntcookie
self 0.005 poisonedcookie 1. burntcookie
self 0.005 amazingcookie 1 burntcookie
self 0.050 fire 1 empty
self 0.03 bluefire 1 empty
self 0.005 chocolatechips 1 meltedchocolate
self 0.0005 poisonedmonster 1 empty
self 0.2 drug 0.33 d1 0.33 d2 0.34 d3
self 0.2 d1 0.33 d2 0.33 d3 0.34 drug
self 0.2 d2 0.33 d3 0.33 drug 0.34 d1
self 0.2 d3 0.33 drug 0.33 d1 0.34 d2
self 0.2 dc 0.15 dc1 0.15 dc2 0.15 dc3 0.15 dc4 0.15 dc5 0.25 dc6
self 0.2 dc1 0.15 dc2 0.15 dc3 0.15 dc4 0.15 dc5 0.15 dc6 0.25 dc
self 0.2 dc2 0.15 dc3 0.15 dc4 0.15 dc5 0.15 dc6 0.15 dc 0.25 dc1
self 0.2 dc3 0.15 dc4 0.15 dc5 0.15 dc6 0.15 dc 0.15 dc1 0.25 dc2
self 0.2 dc4 0.15 dc5 0.15 dc6 0.15 dc 0.15 dc1 0.15 dc2 0.25 dc3
self 0.2 dc5 0.15 dc6 0.15 dc 0.15 dc1 0.15 dc2 0.15 dc3 0.25 dc4
self 0.2 dc6 0.15 dc 0.15 dc1 0.15 dc2 0.15 dc3 0.15 dc4 0.25 dc5
self 0.2 dm 0.33 dm1 0.33 dm2 0.33 dm3
self 0.2 dm1 0.33 dm2 0.33 dm3 0.34 dm
self 0.2 dm2 0.33 d3 0.33 dm 0.34 dm1
self 0.2 dm3 0.33 dm 0.33 dm1 0.34 dm2
self 0.4 dough 1 cookie
self 0.05 gas 1 empty
self 0.05 dc1 1 empty
self 0.05 dc2 1 empty
self 0.05 dc3 1 empty
self 0.05 dc4 1 empty
self 0.05 dc5 1 empty
self 0.05 dc6 1 empty
self 0.04 a1 1 a2
self 0.4 a2 1 cookie
self 0.04 ma1 1 ma2
self 0.1 ma2 1 monster
hotself 89 cookie
hotself 89 poisonedcookie
hotself 89 goodcookie
hotself 89 amazingcookie
hotself 66 chocolatechips
hotself 35 dough
hotself 89 dc1
hotself 89 dc2
hotself 89 dc3
hotself 89 dc4
hotself 89 dc5
hotself 89 dc6
hotcolor wall 200 55 55
hotcolor fire 230 90 20
hotcolor bluefire 66 66 170
pexplosion gc-bomb fire 128 goodcookie
pexplosion gc-bomb bluefire 128 goodcookie
pexplosion d-bomb fire 28 drug
pexplosion d-bomb bluefire 28 drug
pexplosion p-bomb fire 12 poison
pexplosion p-bomb bluefire 12 poison
pexplosion do-bomb fire 37 dough
pexplosion do-bomb bluefire 37 dough

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