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The Teaching for Thinking

Student Course Evaluation Form

Respond to the following ten items by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with each.

O O O O O 1. In this course I learned useful strategies for approaching complex questions

disagree strongly strongly agree in a variety of reasonable ways.

O O O O O 2. In this course I seldom found myself actively engaged in thinking about

disagree strongly strongly agree difficult questions for which we still need to find answers.

O O O O O 3. In this course I improved my ability to evaluate new information and analyze

disagree strongly strongly agree the central ideas of this subject area.

O O O O O 4. In this course I improved my ability to give sound reasons for my beliefs and
disagree strongly strongly agree
opinions regarding issues in this subject area.

O O O O O 5. As a result of taking this course I find that I am more fair-minded.

disagree strongly strongly agree

O O O O O 6. As a result of taking this course my interest and curiosity about the issues
disagree strongly strongly agree
and questions in this subject area has grown.

O O O O O 7. As a result of taking this course my thinking is more focused and systematic,

disagree strongly strongly agree
at least in this subject area.

O O O O O 8. The professor did not encourage thoughtful exploration of the central ideas
disagree strongly strongly agree
and relationships in the course content.

O O O O O 9. The way the professor conducted this course did not illustrate how to think
disagree strongly strongly agree
in reasonable, objective, and fair-minded ways.

O O O O O 10. The assignments (tests, readings, projects, papers, classroom activities) in

disagree strongly strongly agree
this course frequently did not engage me in complex thinking.


Reflecting on my thinking and learning in this course, my considered advice to the professor is:

Created by P. A. Facione, Santa Clara University and N. C. Facione, the University of California, San Francisco, this document is public domain. [CAP:021295]

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