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4 2003 MONOGRAPHS UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA “LA SAPIENZA” CENTRO INTERUNIVERSITARIO DI RIGERCA SULLE CIVILTA E AMBIENTE DEL SAHARA ANTICO E DELLE ZONE ARIDE DEPARTMENT OF THE ANTIQUITIES OF LIBYA ARID LANDS IN ROMAN TIMES PapERs FROM THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (Rome, JuLy, 9™-10™ 2001) Edited by Mario Liverant Assembled by Francesca MERIGHI Arip Zone ARCHAEOLOGY MONOGRAPHS 4 ae EDIZIONI ALLINSEGNA DEL GIGLIO 2003 Contents Contributors Mlustrations Tables Introduction Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Bight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Fleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Mario Liverani.. +++ Steps and timing of the desertification during Late Antiquity The case study of the Tanezauft oasis (Libyan Sahara) Mauro Cremaschisesvov+eeeee es eee 1 Populations of the Roman era in Central Sahara: skeletal samples from the Fezzan (south-westeen Libya) in a diachronic perspective Giorgio Manzi and Francesca Ricci re ies. 45 Aghram Nadhatif and the southern border of the Garamantian kingdom Mario Liverani ...... vane Serna Farming the Sahara: the Garamantian contribution in southern Libya David Mattingly and Andrew Wilson 7 Water management at Pantelleria in Punic-Roman times Vittorio Castellani and Simone Mantellini 31 Napa the desroyed city, A method for plundering Alessantro Roceati cone 59 ‘The kingdom of Kush: Rome's cereus cree Derek Welsby ....- rr 65 Trade and caravan routes in Meroitic times Irene Vincentelli.. 6.00600 Me loess, 79. Prolemaic and Roman water resources and heir management in the eastern desert of Egypt Steven E. Sidebotbam . ee Becween the Nile and the Red Sea. Innes trade and barbarians Federico De Romanis a 27 ‘The ancient landseape of Aksum (northern Ethiopia), ca 400 BC = AD 700: some preliminary remarks Rodolfo Fattovich 5 2 13 The sustainable Sahean irrigation in Yemen Veli treater nie Be eca peer ue eas ane 129 Tama’, ancient capital of the Yemen desert. Information about the first wo excavation campaigns (1999, 2000) Alessandro De Maigres .. - Beas 135 ‘Centre-periphery’ relations in pre-islamic south Alessandra Avanzini .. Mi

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