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Anointing of the Sick

Chapter Seven
The Mystery oI SuIIering
Jesus did not come to explain or take
away suIIeringhe came to be with
people as they suIIered
We should try to eliminate suIIering only
iI we are not eliminating
Seek blessing oI good health so we can
IulIill our role in society and in the
The Mystery oI SuIIering
Accept suIIeringmove
through it with ove and
trust in God
When we suIIer God suIIers with us
God is present in , oI our suIIering
God`s love intensiIies
The Mystery oI SuIIering
Jesus` great compassion and identiIication
with the sick
Jesus` preIerential love Ior the suIIering
SuIIering participate in God`s kingdom in unique
Those healed by Jesus
understood what it meant to
be granted new liIe
Jesus Healed Body and Soul
Jesus instructed
disciples to heal
the sick
As Church, we are
responsible to heal
the sick
Jesus healed
relationships, and
Jesus Healed Body and Soul
Jesus Healed Body and Soul
Somciimcs ii is iIc
sirii iIai nccds iIc
mosi Icaling
Jesus gave 2eaning to suIIering
1.) Jesus` suIIering was redemptive
It brought humanity back into the Iullness
oI relationship with God
2.) Jesus` suIIering redeemed humanity
Sin brought illness, suIIering,
and death into the world- not
part oI God`s plan
Jesus Healed Body and Soul
Illness or suIIering gives us opportunity
to surrender completely to God
SuIIering Irees us to embrace love with
the wholeheartedness oI Jesus
SuIIering allows us to
prioritize what is important
Irom what is insigniIicant
Jesus Healed Body and Soul
God invites us to share in the work oI
God gives us ability to give to others
SuIIering is opportunity to
love as Jesus loved
Jesus Healed Body and Soul
Loving through suIIering unites us with Christ
Our suIIering becomes part oI Christ`s suIIering
BeautiIul giIt to become Christ-like through
Great power to make a
Jesus Healed Body and Soul
We need Holy Spirit to endure suIIering
Church gives the sacrament oI Anointing to
help those suIIering use their illness in service
to Christ
Sacrament oI Anointing
#ite oI Anointing:
Sacrament oI Anointing
Olive oil blessed by bishop, anointing on Iorehead and
hands with prayer
Sacrament Ior seriously ill; can be repeated iI
Sacrament takes place within
Mass, outside oI Mass, or in
hospital or institution
Priest is minister oI the sacrament
&nites sick or
elderly with
passion of Christ
Consecrated to
participate in
saving work of
Special grace
of Holy Spirit
intercedes to
help the sick and
the sick in turn
assist the Church
given to pass over
into eternal life
with God
IIects oI the Sacrament
Sacrament instituted by Jesus in his healing
arliest reIerence Iound in letter oI James
Followers oI Jesus anointed
and laid hands on sick
Historical Development
Historical Development
Incurable illness related to persistent sin
Seriously ill believed to be separated Irom
healing love oI God
- 7
prayer oI healing seen as
part oI overall ministry
oI Church
Middle Ages
Sacrament associated
with death, could only
be oIIered by priest
12th Century
treme unction: last
anointing - insurance against
Council oI Florence declares
sacrament only Ior dying
Historical Development
From Council oI Trent through Vatican II
sacrament associated with last rites
Vatican II renames sacrament Anointing oI
the Sick
Historical Development
- Sacrament not just Ior the dying, but also the
seriously ill
- Anointing seen as part oI mission oI
everyone in the Church
- As minister, priest is
spokesperson oI the
whole Church
Historical Development
Anointing strengthens connection
between seriously ill and the rest oI the
body oI Christ
Grace given in the sacrament is always a
healing grace
Sometimes physical,
sometimes Ior Iorgiveness oI
sins, sometimes spiritual
Historical Development

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