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Bedpan Bedpans and urinals are devices that allow a person in bed to urinate or have a bowel movement A bedpan is a small container used for people who are unable to get out of bed to urinate and have BM bowel movements.

Why do I need to use a bedpan or urinal? You may need to use a bedpan or urinal because you cannot walk to the bathroom. Illness, injury or surgery are some reasons you may not be able to walk. It is important that you urinate and have BMs regularly while you must stay in bed. This will help prevent other health problems. The caregiver must be quick to respond to the toileting needs of the person in bed.

What kinds of bedpans and urinals are there? There are several different kinds of bedpans and urinals available. Some are metal and others are hard plastic. Bedpans are usually constructed of stainless steel and may be cold, hard and uncomfortable stainless steel is easy to clean and durable, and bacteria have little chance to survive new ergonomic bedpans have been developed, which support the patient with a larger area of warm plastic. Some designs completely cover the genitalia during use, offering protection and an extra measure of privacy the material is difficult to clean, and plastic may be a reservoir for microorganisms.

the bedpan liner made of recycled pulp (molded pulp) is

more popular in UK hospitals; it is high total cost, singleuse, decreasing the risk of cross-contaminated disease. Use a fracture bedpan, which is designed for people who cannot elevate their hips and buttocks, if necessary. Slide it into position without moving the knees up. Before the proedure: Run warm water over the bedpan and dry it. A metal bedpan retains heat, so check to make sure it is not too hot before putting it under the person. Sprinkle baby powder on the edge of the bedpan to make it easier to slide under the person. Put on disposable gloves.

Procedure: Provide privacy Wear disposable gloves If the bedpan is metal, warm it by rinsing it with warm water Adjust the bed to a height appropriate to prevent back strain elevate the side rail on the opposite side to prevent the client from falling out of bed Put a waterproof pad under the buttocks of the person to protect the bed from spills. Ask the client to assist by flexing the knees , resting the weight on the back and heels, and raising the buttocks or by using a trapeze bar if present

Help lift the client as needed by placing one hand under

the lower back, resting your elbow on the mattress, and using your forearm as a lever (person who cannot raise his buttocks) Roll the person on his side. Put a waterproof pad under the buttocks of the person to protect the bed from spills. Place the bedpan against the buttocks of the person with one hand. While holding the bedpan in place, gently roll the person onto his back and up onto the bedpan. Raise the head of the bed a little if allowed by the caregiver. If the person is in a sitting position it may be easier for him to have a BM or urinate.

Place a regular bedpan so that the clients buttocks rest on the smooth rounded rim. Place a slipper pan with the flat, low end under the clients buttocks For the client who can not assist, obtain the assistance of another nurse to help lift the client onto the bedpan or place the client on his/her side, place the bedpan against the buttocks, and roll the client back on to the bed pan To provide a more normal position for the clients lower back, elevate the clients bed to a semifowlers position, if permitted. If elevation is contraindicated, support the clients back with pillows as needed to prevent hyperextension of the back

Provide privacy Cover the client with bed linen to maintain comfort and

self dignity Provide toilet tissue, place the call light within reach, lower the bed to the low position , elevate the side rails if indicated and leave the client alone Answer the call bell promptly When removing the bed pan, return the bed to the position used when giving the bedpan, hold the bed pan steady to prevent spillage of its contents, cover the bedpan, and place it on the adjacent chair If the client needs assistance, don gloves and wipe the clients perineal area with several layers of toilet tissue

If a specimen is to be collected, discard the soiled tissue into a moisture proof receptacle other than the bedpan. For female clients , clean from the urethra toward the anus to prevent transferring rectal microorganisms into the urinary meatus
Wash the perineal area of a dependent clients with soap and water as indicated and thoroughly dry the

area. For all clients, offer warm water, soap, a wash cloth and a towel to wash the hands Assist the client to a comfortable position, empty and clean the bedpan, and return it to the bedside

Remove and discard your gloves and wash your hands

Spray the room with air freshener as needed to control odor unless contraindicated because of respiratory problem or allergies Document color, odor, amount and consistency of urine and feces and the condition of the perineal area.

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