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88lLl nC1L Cn 1PL SCPLML

'lAS1 18ACk CCu81S'

1he elevenLh llnance Commlsslon recommended a scheme for creaLlon of 1734
lasL 1rack CourLs ln Lhe counLry for dlsposal of long pendlng Sesslons and oLher cases
1he MlnlsLry of llnance sancLloned an amounL of 8s 30290 crores as speclal problem
and upgradaLlon granL" for [udlclal admlnlsLraLlon 1he scheme was for a perlod of 3
years 1he llnance Commlsslon ulvlslon (lCu) MlnlsLry of llnance released funds
dlrecLly Lo Lhe sLaLe CovernmenLs under Lhe scheme of lasL 1rack CourLs lL ls Lhe prlmary
responslblllLy of Lhe SLaLe CovernmenLs Lo esLabllsh Lhese courLs ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe
concerned Plgh CourLs
2 1he l1Cs were esLabllshed Lo expedlLlously dlspose of long pendlng cases ln Lhe
Sesslons CourLs and long pendlng cases of underLrlal prlsoners
3 1he Lerm of scheme on Lhe lasL 1rack CourLs whlch were recommended by Lhe
LlevenLh llnance Commlsslon ended on 31
march 2003 1he Supreme CourL whlch ls
monlLorlng Lhe funcLlonlng of lasL 1rack CourLs Lhrough Lhe case of 8rl[ Mohan Lal vs
uCl Crs observed LhaL Lhe scheme of lasL 1rack CourLs should noL be dlsbanded all of
a sudden and ln lLs order daLed 31
march 2003 dlrecLed Lhe unlon of lndla Lo conLlnue
Lhe lasL 1rack CourLs
4 1he CovernmenL accorded lLs approval for Lhe conLlnuaLlon of 1362 lasL 1rack
CourLs LhaL were operaLlonal as on 3132003 for a furLher perlod of 3 years le up Lo 31
March 2010 wlLh a provlslon of 8s 309 crores as a 100 per cenL cenLral asslsLance 1he
ueparLmenL of !usLlce ls monlLorlng Lhe scheme 1hese l1Cs have dlsposed of 2116 lakh
cases ouL of Lhe 2884 lakh cases Lransferred Lo Lhem so far 3 1hls ueparLmenL has requesLed SLaLe
CovLs and Lhe Plgh CourLs Lo earmark aLleasL
one l1C ln each ulsLrlcL Lo excluslvely deal wlLh cases lnvolvlng senlor clvlzens abuse
of women and Lhe dlsabled
6 1he CenLral asslsLance under Lhe above sald scheme ls llmlLed Lo an approved
norm le 8s 480 lakh per courL per annum (recurrlng) and 8s 860 lakh (nonrecurrlng)
Any expendlLure lncurred by Lhe SLaLe ln excess as recurrlng and /or nonrecurrlng
expendlLure would have Lo be borne by Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL uurlng Lhe flnanclal year
200306 an amounL of 8s 10000 crore has been released Lo Lhe SLaLes (Annexl) uurlng
Lhe flnanclal year 200607 an amounL of 8s 10293 crore was released Lo Lhe SLaLe
CovernmenLs (Annexll) uurlng Lhe year 200708 an amounL of 8s 3720 crore was
released (Annexlll)
7 A sLaLemenL lndlcaLlng Lhe number of lasL 1rack CourLs esLabllshed and Lhe cases
Lransferred Lo Lhem and dlsposed of ls aLLached as Annexurelv Annexurel
SLaLemenL showlng amounL released durlng 200306 under lasL 1rack CourLs
(8s ln lakhs)
Sl no name of Lhe sLaLe SancLloned
under recurrlng
SancLloned under
1oLal sancLloned
1 Andhra radesh 41280 13770 33030
2 Arunachal radesh 1440 480 1920
3 Assam 9600 3200 12800
4 8lhar 72000 24030 96030
3 ChhaLLlsgarh 14880 4960 19840
6 Coa 2400 800 3200
7 Cu[araL 79680 26600 106280
8 Paryana 7680 2360 10240
9 P 4320 1440 3760
10 !harkhand 42720 14260 36980
11 karnaLaka 44640 14900 39340
12 kerala 14880 4960 19840
13 Madhya radesh 31680 10370 42230
14 MaharashLra 89760 29960 119720
13 Manlpur 960 320 1280
16 Meghalaya 1440 480 1920
17 Mlzoram 1440 480 1920
18 nagaland 960 320 1280
19 Crlssa 19680 6360 26240
20 un[ab 8640 2880 11320
21 8a[asLhan 39840 13300 33140
22 1amll nadu 23320 7830 31370
23 1rlpura 1440 480 1920
24 u 21600 7200 28800
23 uLLarakhand 116201 38779 134980
26 WesL 8engal 37120 19060 76180
1oLal 749801 230199 1000000Annexurell
SLaLemenL showlng amounL released durlng 200607 under Lhe
lasL 1rack CourLs
(8s ln lakhs)
Sl no name of Lhe sLaLe SancLloned
under recurrlng
SancLloned under
1oLal sancLloned
1 Andhra radesh 41280 0 41280
2 Arunachal radesh 1440 0 1440
3 Assam 9600 0 9600
4 8lhar 72000 0 72000
3 ChhaLLlsgarh 12960 0 12960
6 Coa 2400 0 2400
7 Cu[araL 71320 64070 133390
8 Paryana 3360 0 3360
9 P 4320 037 4337
10 !harkhand 22600 0 22600
11 karnaLaka 34080 27000 61080
12 kerala 14880 0 14880
13 Madhya radesh 21340 0 21340
14 MaharashLra 80160 30000 110160
13 Manlpur 960 0 960
16 Meghalaya 1440 0 1440
17 Mlzoram 1440 328 1768
18 nagaland 960 838 1818
19 Crlssa 19680 0 19680
20 un[ab 4800 0 4800
21 8a[asLhan 39840 33324 73364
22 1amll nadu 23320 0 23320
23 1rlpura 380 0 380
24 u 210720 96849 307369
23 uLLarakhand 21600 0 21600
26 WesL 8engal 37120 0 37120
1oLal 774600 234666 1029266Annexurelll
SLaLemenL showlng amounL released durlng 200708 under Lhe
lasL 1rack CourLs
(8s ln lakh)
Sl no name of Lhe sLaLe SancLloned under
recurrlng expendlLure
(8s ln lakhs)
no of l1Cs for whlch
granLs sancLloned
1 Andhra radesh 41280 86
2 Arunachal radesh 1440 3
3 Assam 9600 20
4 8lhar 72000 130
3 ChhaLLlsgarh 12960 27
6 Coa 2400 3
7 Cu[araL 37120 119
8 Paryana 6720 14
9 P 0 0
10 !harkhand 19017 48
11 karnaLaka 23040 48
12 kerala 14880 31
13 Madhya radesh 23980 66
14 MaharashLra 78240 163
13 Manlpur 960 2
16 Meghalaya 0 0
17 Mlzoram 1440 3
18 nagaland 960 2
19 Crlssa 13840 33
20 un[ab 3120 17
21 8a[asLhan 39840 83
22 1amll nadu 23320 49
23 1rlpura 0 0
24 u 49332 242
23 uLLarakhand 12960 36
26 WesL 8engal 37120 119

1oLal 371989 1366 Annexurelv
S1A1uS Cl lAS1 18ACk CCu81S MA? 2008

nC Cl lAS1
18Ak CCu81

nC Cl

1 2 3 4 3 6 7
1 AnuP8A 8AuLSP 108 177834 143680 32174 May08
2 A8unACPAL 8Au 3 3043 1048 1997 May08
3 ASSAM 20 49960 36861 13099 May08
4 8lPA8 130 78493 29178 49317 March03
3 CPPA11lSCA8P 31 41939 32762 9177 March06
6 Cu!A8A1 121 322914 313201 209713 May08
7 CCA 3 3208 4114 1094 Aug07
8 PA8?AnA 14 31238 20793 10463 Apr08
9 PlMACPAL 8AuLSP 8 20711 13734 4937 May08
10 !AMMu kASPMl8 0 0 0 0
11 !PA8kPAnu 49 74767 61268 13499 Mar08
12 kA8nA1AkA 43 120386 97731 22833 Mar08
13 kL8LLA 38 77028 63373 13633 May08
14 MAuP?A 8AuLSP 63 188633 143218 43437 Mar08
13 MAPA8ASP18A 134 408774 276630 132124 Mar08
16 MAnlu8 2 2430 2211 219 May08
17 MLCPALA?A 3 849 498 331 May08
18 MlZC8AM 3 1491 1080 411 Mar08
19 nACALAnu 2 633 499 134 May08
20 C8lSSA 32 44360 36342 8018 May08
21 un!A8 16 34027 26423 27604 Apr08
22 8A!AS1PAn 83 112081 90986 21093 Apr08
23 SlkklM 0 0 0 0
24 1AMlL nAuu 49 334724 301266 33438 uec07
23 18lu8A 3 4421 4311 110 May08
26 u11A8AkPAnu 10 72817 67243 3372 May08
27 u11A8 8AuLSP 240 346369 266399 79770 uec07
28 WLS1 8LnCAL 130 108866 76289 32377 Apr08
1C1AL 1400 2884462 2113382 768880

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