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unL1PlCAL lSSuLS ln

SALLS AuvL81lSlnC Anu

ln1L8nL1 C8lML
LLhlcs ln markeLlng
MarkeLlng eLhlcs ls Lhe area of applled eLhlcs
whlch deals wlLh Lhe moral prlnclples behlnd Lhe
operaLlon and regulaLlon of markeLlng Some
areas of markeLlng eLhlcs (eLhlcs of adverLlslng
and promoLlon)
rameworks of analysls for
markeLlng eLhlcally
W osslble frameworks
W valueorlenLed framework analyzlng eLhlcal problems on Lhe basls
of Lhe values whlch Lhey lnfrlnge (eg honesLy auLonomy prlvacy
Lransparency) An example of such an approach ls Lhe AMA
SLaLemenL of LLhlcs
W SLakeholderorlenLed framework analyslng eLhlcal problems on Lhe
basls of whom Lhey affecL (eg consumers compeLlLors socleLy as
a whole)
W rocessorlenLed framework analyslng eLhlcal problems ln Lerms
of Lhe caLegorles used by markeLlng speclallsLs (eg research prlce
promoLlon placemenL)
W none of Lhese frameworks allows by lLself a convenlenL and
compleLe caLegorlzaLlon of Lhe greaL varleLy of lssues ln markeLlng
unL1PlCAL lSSuLS ln MA8kL1lnC
W MarkeLlng eLhlcs overlaps wlLh envlronmenLal eLhlcs ln respecL of wasLe problems assoclaLed wlLh
Lhe packaglng of producLs
W LLhlcally Lhlnklng ls respondlng Lo slLuaLlons LhaL deal wlLh prlnclples concernlng human behavlor ln
respecL Lo Lhe approprlaLeness and lnapproprlaLeness of cerLaln communlcaLlon and Lo Lhe
decency and lndecency of Lhe lnLenLlon and resulLs of such acLlons ln oLher words eLhlcs are
dlsLlncLlons beLween rlghL and wrong 8uslnesses are confronLed wlLh eLhlcal declslon maklng
every day and wheLher employees declde Lo use eLhlcs as a guldlng force when conducLlng
buslness ls someLhlng LhaL buslness leaders such as managers need Lo lnsLlll MarkeLers are
eLhlcally responslble for whaL ls markeLed and Lhe lmage LhaL a producL porLrays WlLh LhaL sald
markeLers need Lo undersLand whaL good eLhlcs are and how Lo lncorporaLe good eLhlcs ln varlous
markeLlng campalgns Lo beLLer reach a LargeLed audlence and Lo galn LrusL from cusLomers
W MarkeLlng eLhlcs regardless of Lhe producL offered or Lhe markeL LargeLed seLs Lhe guldellnes for
whlch good markeLlng ls pracLlced When companles creaLe hlgh eLhlcal sLandards upon whlch Lo
approach markeLlng Lhey are parLlclpaLlng ln eLhlcal markeLlng 1o markeL eLhlcally and effecLlvely
one should be remlnded LhaL all markeLlng declslons and efforLs are necessary Lo meeL and sulL Lhe
needs of cusLomers suppllers and buslness parLners LLhlcal behavlor should be enforced
LhroughouL company culLure and Lhrough company pracLlces
1he mosL common eLhlcal lssues faclng salespeople Many of Lhe mosL
common slLuaLlons you could face as a salesperson lnvolve lssues such as Lhe
W A cusLomer asklng for lnformaLlon abouL one of Lhelr compeLlLors who
happens Lo be one of your cusLomers
W uecldlng how much Lo spend on hollday season glfLs for your cusLomers
W A buyer asklng for someLhlng speclal whlch you could easlly provlde buL
aren'L supposed Lo glve away
W uecldlng Lo play golf on a nlce day slnce no one knows lf you are acLually
aL work or noL
unL1PlCAL lSSuLS ln AuvL81lSlnC
LLhlcal plLfalls ln adverLlslng and promoLlonal conLenL lnclude
W lssues over LruLh and honesLy ln Lhe 1940s and 1930s Lobacco used Lo be
adverLlsed as promoLlng healLh 1oday an adverLlser who falls Lo Lell Lhe LruLh noL
only offends agalnsL morallLy buL also agalnsL Lhe law Powever Lhe law permlLs
puffery (a legal Lerm)1he dlfference beLween mere puffery and fraud ls a
sllppery slope 1he problem ls Lhe sllppery slope by whlch varlaLlons on puffery
can descend falrly qulckly Lo lles
W 1asLe and conLroversy 1he adverLlslng of cerLaln producLs may sLrongly offend
some people whlle belng ln Lhe lnLeresLs of oLhers Some companles have acLually
markeLed Lhemselves on Lhe basls of conLroverslal adverLlslng see 8eneLLon Sony
has also frequenLly aLLracLed crlLlclsm for uneLhlcal conLenL (porLrayals of !esus
whlch lnfurlaLed rellglous groups raclal lnnuendo ln markeLlng black and whlLe
verslons of lLs S producL grafflLl adverLs ln ma[or uS clLles)
W negaLlve adverLlslng Lechnlques such as aLLack ads ln negaLlve adverLlslng Lhe
adverLlser hlghllghLs Lhe dlsadvanLages of compeLlLor producLs raLher Lhan Lhe
advanLages of Lhelr own 1he meLhods are mosL famlllar from Lhe pollLlcal sphere
see negaLlve campalgnlng
unL1PlCAL lSSuLS ln AuvL81lSlnC
AdverLlslng ls a pald non personal
communlcaLlon abouL an organlzaLlon and lLs
producLs LhaL ls LransmlLLed Lo a LargeL audlence
Lhrough a mass medlum lL ls a klnd of
promoLlonal acLlvlLy AdverLlslng ls wldely
W AJvettlsloq petsooJes people to boy tbloqs
tbey Joot woot
W AJvettlsloq petsooJes people to boy tbloqs
tbey Joot oeeJ
W AJvettlsloq exoqqetotes tbe Jlffeteoces
omooq ptoJocts
W AJvettlsloq fovots exlstloq btooJs becoose of
tbe blqb cost of looocbloq oew ptoJocts
unL1PlCAL lSSuLS ln AuvL81lSlnC
W AJvettlsloq tolses tbe ptlce of ptoJocts
W AJvettlsloq ptomotes poestloooble ptoJocts
ooJ setvlces
W AJvettlsloq pteseots messoqes of poestloooble
W AJvettlsloq oses sex oppeol to ptomote
W lolltlcol oJvettlsloq locteosloqly ls oeqotlve
ooJ meoospltlteJ
Pow dlfferenL naLlons deal wlLh such
LLhlcal lssues wlLhln adverLlslng ofLen are addressed by codes and
sLandards prepared ln varlous
counLrles Some naLlonal codes are qulLe speclflc or example ln
Malaysla a deeply rellglous lslamlc
counLry Lhe adverLlslng code bans adverLlslng of alcohol and blue
denlms and lL resLrlcLs Lhe use of
sporLsrelaLed cloLhlng such as swlmmlng sulLs Lo aLhleLlc scenes wlLh
no close phoLography !apan
calls for adverLlslng Lo be honesL conLrlbuLlve Lo a healLhy llfe
sclenLlflcally accuraLe unblased
dlgnlfled and educaLlonal ln Pungary Lhe code bans ads LhaL are
mlsleadlng LhaL use lnsulLs or
mlsuse rellglous symbols or LhaL promoLe fear or mlsLrusL among
1ypes of lnLerneL crlmes
W nack|ng
W Packlng can Lake several forms
W Accesslng enLerlng a neLwork whlch ls lnLended Lo be prlvaLe
W uefaclng changlng Lhe conLenL of anoLher person's Web slLe
W Pl[acklng redlrecLlng elsewhere anyone Lrylng Lo access a
parLlcular Web slLe
W 8omblng overwhelmlng a slLe wlLh counLless messages Lo slow
down or even crash Lhe server
W uenlal of servlce runnlng a program whlch sends Lhousands of
requesLs Lo a slLe slmulLaneously frequenLly from more Lhan one
source so LhaL Lhe relevanL server slows down conslderably or
preferably (from Lhe polnL of vlew of Lhe hacker) crashes
1ypes of lnLerneL crlmes
W V|ruses
W vlruses ln Lhe broadesL sense come ln Lhree forms
W vlrus 1hls ls a code LhaL aLLaches lLself Lo a program ln
a compuLer and Lhen reproduces lLself lL can erase flles
or lock up a sysLem
W Worm 1hls ls slmllar Lo a vlrus buL does noL aLLach
lLself Lo flles or programs ln a compuLer 1hls leaves lL
free Lo spread Lhrough a neLwork on lLs own
W 1ro[an horse 1hls ls a program LhaL performs mallclous
acLlons whlle preLendlng Lo do someLhlng else lL ls
slmllar Lo a vlrus buL does noL Lry Lo reproduce lLself
1ypes of lnLerneL crlmes
W |rat|ng
W ulglLal Lechnology makes lL very easy Lo copy perfecLly
creaLlve producLs such as muslc or fllms and Lhe
lnLerneL provldes a free and almosL anonymous means
of LransmlLLlng or exchanglng Lhls plraLed maLerlal
around Lhe world 1he favoured means of maklng such
maLerlal avallable ls peerLopeer fllesharlng
appllcaLlons Crlglnally Lhe maln problem was wlLh
muslc ln Lhe form of M3 flles exchanged Lhrough slLes
such as napsLer now wlLh Lhe growlng avallablllLy of
broadband connecLlons Lhe provlslon of fulllengLh
movles can Lake place ln an hour or Lwo Lhrough slLes
such as Movle88com based ln 1alwan
1ypes of lnLerneL crlmes
W I||ega| 1rad|ng
W lllegal Lradlng on Lhe lnLerneL uses chaLrooms bulleLln boards
newsgroups and Web slLes 1he arrangemenLs can Lake varlous
W A manufacLurer wlLh a leglLlmaLe order Lo produce goods for a well
known company can dellberaLely overrun Lhe volume of Lhe order
and sell Lhe excesslve lLems aL lower prlces ln oLher markeLs
W 1he same goods such as drugs or drlnks may be sold ln dlfferenL
markeLs aL dlfferenL prlces ln a process known as parallel Lradlng
W 1here ls frequenLly sLralghLforward counLerfelLlng of wellknown
brand goods wlLh 40 of clgareLLes and 10 of cosmeLlcs and
perfumes sold worldwlde belleved Lo be fake
1ypes of lnLerneL crlmes
W er 1error|sm
W ln Lhe summer of 1999 hackers LhoughL Lo be
worklng for 8usslan lnLelllgence were found Lo
have broken lnLo Lhe sysLems of Lhe enLagon
8lchard Clarke head of counLer Lerrorlsm
efforLs for Lhe uS naLlonal SecurlLy Councll
lnslsLs LhaL several naLlons have developed
cyberwarfare capablllLles
ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance lnLerneL users especlally
Lhose maklng purchases on Lhe Web need Lo
exerclse a sense of cauLlon as Lhey oughL Lo do
wlLh any offllne purchases 1hls lncluded
checklng Lhe securlLy pollcy of Lhe Web slLe and
belng parLlcularly cauLlous when deallng wlLh an
unknown or new brand lL mlghL be helpful Lo
noLe LhaL any Web slLe wlLh an address beglnnlng
wlLh hLLps" ls uslng an encrypLlon Lechnology
called Secure SockeL Layer (SSL) A new
Lechnology whlch wlll evenLually replace SSL ls
Secure LlecLronlc 1ransacLlon (SL1)

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