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8|ometr|cs conslsLs of meLhods for unlquely
recognlzlng humans based upon one or more
lnLrlnslc physlcal or behavloral LralLs ln
compuLer sclence ln parLlcular blomeLrlcs ls
used as a form of ldenLlLy access managemenL
and access conLrol lL ls also used Lo ldenLlfy
lndlvlduals ln groups LhaL are under
blomeLrlc sysLem can operaLe ln Lhe
followlng Lwo modes
Ver|f|cat|on one Lo one
comparlson of a capLured
blomeLrlc wlLh a sLored
LemplaLe Lo verlfy LhaL Lhe
lndlvldual ls who he clalms
Lo be Can be done ln
con[uncLlon wlLh a smarL
card username or lu
Ident|f|cat|on one Lo many
comparlson of Lhe capLured
blomeLrlc agalnsL a blomeLrlc
daLabase ln aLLempL Lo ldenLlfy
an unknown lndlvldual 1he
ldenLlflcaLlon only succeeds ln
ldenLlfylng Lhe lndlvldual lf Lhe
comparlson of Lhe blomeLrlc
sample Lo a LemplaLe ln Lhe
daLabase falls wlLhln a
prevlously seL Lhreshold
I|ngerpr|nt recogn|t|on or f|ngerpr|nt
authent|cat|on refers Lo Lhe auLo maLed
meLhod of verlfylng a maLch beLween Lwo
human flngerprlnL llngerprlnLs are one of
many forms of blomeLrlc used Lo ldenLlfy
lndlvlduals and verlLy Lhelr ldenLlLy 1hls
arLlcle Louches on Lwo ma[or classes of
algorlLhms (mlnuLla and paLLern) and four
sensor deslgns (opLlcal ulLrasonlc passlve
capaclLance and acLlve capaclLance
!`.'Il! ! 'lI!I`
Voice recognition
peech recogn|t|on (also known as automat|c
speech recogn|t|on or computer speech
recogn|t|on) converLs spoken words Lo LexL
1he Lerm volce recognlLlon ls someLlmes
used Lo refer Lo recognlLlon sysLems LhaL musL
be Lralned Lo a parLlcular speakeras ls Lhe
case for mosL deskLop recognlLlon sofLware
8ecognlzlng Lhe speaker can slmpllfy Lhe Lask
of LranslaLlng speech
LxMLL Cl vClCL 8LCCCnl1lCn
,ci, Recognition
fac|a| recogn|t|on system ls a compuLer
appllcaLlon for auLomaLlcally ldenLlfylng
or verlfylng a person from a dlglLal lmage
or a vldeo frame from a vldeo source
Cne of Lhe ways Lo do Lhls ls by
comparlng selecLed faclal feaLures from
Lhe lmage and a faclal daLabase
LxMLL Cl lClL 8LCCCnl1lCn
SlCn1u8L vL8lllC1lCn S?S1LM
SlgnaLure verlflcaLlon analyses Lhe way user
slgns hls name Slgnlng feaLures such as
speed veloclLy and pressure are as lmporLanL
as Lhe flnlshed slgnaLures sLaLlc shape eople
are used Lo slgnaLures as a means of
LransacLlonrelaLed ldenLlLy verlflcaLlon
LxMLL Cl SlCn1u8L
vL8lllC1lCn S?S1LM
nu CLCML18?
1hls lnvolves analyzlng and measurlng Lhe
shape of Lhe hand lL mlghL be sulLable where
Lhere are more users or where user access Lhe
sysLem lnfrequenLly ccuracy can be very hlgh
lf deslred and flexlble performance Lunlng
and conflguraLlon can accommodaLe a wlde
range of appllcaLlons CrganlzaLlons are uslng
hand geomeLry readers ln varlous scenarlos
lncludlng Llme and aLLendance recordlng
LxMLL Cl nu CLCML18?
l8lS SCnnlnC
n lrlsbased blomeLrlc lnvolves analyzlng
feaLures found ln Lhe colored rlng of Llssue
LhaL surrounds Lhe pupll 1hls uses a falrly
convenLlonal camera elemenL and requlres no
close conLacL beLween Lhe user and Lhe
reader lurLher lL has Lhe poLenLlal for hlgher
Lhan average LemplaLemaLchlng
LxMLL Cl l8lS SCnnlnC
8L1lnL SCnnlnC
reLlnabased blomeLrlc lnvolves analyzlng
Lhe layer of blood vessels slLuaLed aL Lhe back
of Lhe eye 1hls Lechnlque lnvolves uslng a low
lnLenslLy llghL source Lhrough an opLlcal
coupler Lo scan Lhe unlque paLLerns of Lhe
reLlna 8eLlnal scannlng can be qulLe accuraLe
buL does requlre Lhe user Lo look lnLo a
recepLacle and focus on a glven polnL
LxMLL Cl 8L1lnL SCnnlnC
The end
MLM8L8 Cl WW!u

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