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LC Lo explore Lhe reasons why markeLlng ls successful by maklng Lhe llnk beLween genre

represenLaLlon and audlence

n8 MarkeLlng ls Lhe means by whlch producLs are lnLerfaced wlLh Lhelr LargeL audlences lLs maln
funcLlon ls Lo sell or persuade
A WrlLe down Lhe names of 3 Lhlngs LhaL you have wanLed boughL used or been Lo see because
you saw lL adverLlsed
1) nlnLendo uS

2) nlnLendo Wll

3) 8arble uoll

8 now compleLe Lhe Lable below Lhlnklng abouL how Lhose adverLs (or oLher forms of markeLlng
were successful)
8lchard uyer's uLoplan 1heory and uses and CraLlflcaLlons 1heory
key 1erm WhaL Lhe LexL offers Lxample

An escape from reallLy
8ecause you can'L really go round shooLlng
and explorlng ln Lhe [ungle ln everyday llfe

SomeLhlng LhaL you wanL Lo be or look up Lo
normally ln Lhls slLuaLlon lL would be men ln
Lhe game raLher Lhan women

A sense of famlly frlends and belng wlLh oLhers
uoesn'L show a sense of famlly and frlends
because she rldes solo ln Lhls game

1he ldea of plenLy money frlends when you
may have llLLle ln reallLy
1he guns and Lhe gear she ls wearlng shows
LhaL she has a loL of money Lo afford guns
and all Lhls body gear

1he LexLs help you Lo creaLe and malnLaln your
8rave and felsLy woman she ls on her own
and she has guns and obvlously wanLs Lo

1exLs offer acLlvlLy as opposed Lo real llfe whlch
can be sedenLary
A loL of energy ln Lhls plcLure because she has
guns and looks ready Lo flghL and rald Lombs

C Worklng wlLh a parLner analyse Lhe lmage LhaL you have been glven ln Lerms of whaL uyer would
suggesL LhaL lL offers Lhe audlence Make sure LhaL you analyse noL descrlbe ?ou musL flrsL
esLabllsh who Lhe audlence ls

O 1he background ls blurred and Lara CrofL ls ln focus
O er cloLhes are very summery and sporLy wlLh a sense of advenLure 1he colour of her shorL shorLs ls
brown whlch has Lhe connoLaLlons of sLeadlness naLural naLure and dependablllLy er cloLhes ln
general blend lnLo Lhe background and Lhe undergrowLh
O er posLure ls blg bold and fearless er guns sLaLe LhaL she ls fearless of whaL ls ahead of her
O er posLure also says brlng lL on"
O 1he shoL Lype ls mldshoL because all LhaL ls ln focus ls Lara and she fllls Lhe frame
O Lara ls also sLarlng rlghL lnLo Lhe camera so you can see LhaL she ls unafrald and all Lhe emoLlon ln
her eyes become clear

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