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IkLSnCCMM Lmergency Meet|ng Cctober 27 2011 Start 127pm

Lnd 1S7 pm

I Attendance
resent Mlguel uyplanco Mlko Cngkengko lranco Mendoza Clno 8ermudez !amo
8aron aolo Lscalona AC Medlna Carlo Llm Cabby unLalan !lggy vlllanueva
SLeven 8lvera AnLon AlonLe !lgo Slson
Absent kenzo CuLlerrez Carlo Lovenla Lnrlque 8auLlsLa uavld ueCuzman !osef
uawana hlllp Sevllla Slmon uomlngo
Lxcused AnLon Samanlego !M lyog Marro Mendoza

II Cpen|ng rayer Clno 8ermudez

III Cut||ne
l 8aLlonale
ll 1lLle proposal
lll Cb[ecLlves

IV Updates and kem|nders
O -o meeLlng Lhls lrlday due Lo u3
O lollow up wlLh llsL of members 10 members per commlLLee lncludlng Pead
and CoPead

V Agenda
a kat|ona|e
O ConLalns Lheme values descrlpLlon on whaL Lhe even ls beneflLs we would
geL from havlng Lhe evenL reasons why we are havlng and why we should
have Lhls evenL explanaLlon why we should have Lhe pro[ecL
O ro[ecL arLy wlLh a cause
O 8easons why we should have a parLy wlLh a cause
1o earn money for our cause envlronmenLal educaLlon"
8aLch unlLy
1hls ls whaL our baLch wanLs
lL can be an opporLunlLy for our baLch Lo showcase our LalenLs and
O JhaL we wlll lnclude ln Lhe raLlonale are Lhe ff
Clve Lhe baLch whaL Lhey wanL whlle belng ln accordance and
applylng Lhe 3 C's
SLlll belng ln accordance wlLh Lhe goals of Lhe school
ldenLlLy of Lhe baLch
LnvlronmenLal awareness (2 ouLreaches Lree planLlng
envlronmenLal lnformaLlon campalgn)


b 1|t|e roposa|
O Cx1gen
O Cxygen ls fresh
O lresh freshmen
O lresh 1ree planLlng
O 1ree planLlng Cxygen
O JhaL are men wlLhouL oxygen?

c Cb[ect|ves
O 8alse funds for envlronmenL Lhrough parLylng
O CulLlvaLe and apply one of Lhe 3 C's speclflcally Compasslon
Compasslon Lowards Lhe envlronmenL because everyLhlng ls
O Love for LnvlronmenL
O losLer and develop baLch unlLy

VI C|os|ng kemarks Mr Apo
O 1hlnk of a Lagllne for our LlLle
O 8e ready wlLh members ob[ecLlves budgeL

VII C|os|ng rayer n/a

VIII S|gnatory

Cabrlel unLalan
Ireshcomm Secretary

-oLed by

!lggy vlllanueva SLeven 8lvera
Ireshcomm nead Ireshcomm nead

Mr Melvln Apo
ACC ModeraLor

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