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To form a good conscience when
an act to have both ethically
beneficial and physically harmful
effects, the following conditions
should be met:
• directly intended object of the act
• intention of the agent
• foreseen beneficial effects
• beneficial effect
• a. The directly intended object of the act
must not be intrinsically contradictory to
one’s fundamental commitment to God and
neighbor (including oneself).
• b. The intention of the agent must be to
achieve the beneficial effects and as far as
possible to avoid the harmful effects (that is
must only indirectly intend the harm).
• c. The foreseen beneficial effects must be
equal or greater than the foreseen harmful
• d. The beneficial effect must follow from
the action or at least as immediately as do
the harmful effects.
• The physician rightly decides that this is ethical
– his direct intention is morally good (to save the
woman’s life from the cancer) - 1st condition
– He would save the child’s life if she could - 2nd
– The value of the mother’s life is equivalent to that of
the child’s - 3rd conditio
– The removal of the cancer is what saves the woman’s
life not the child’s death - 4th condition

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