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Sample Paper - 2012
Class - XII
Subject - Informatics Practices
1lme 1 hours Max Marks23
Ceneral lnsLrucLlons
1 nswer Lhe quesLlons afLer carefully readlng Lhe LexL
;1 nswer Lhe followlng quesLlons
(a) Compare uuL and uML sLaLemenLs of S;L 1
(b) SwaLl needs Lo remove all Lhe rows from SALLS Lable Lo release Lhe sLorage space 8uL she
does noL wanL Lo remove Lhe Lable sLrucLure Whlch sLaLemenL should she use?
(c) Meena uses a LM Lable wlLh followlng columns
She needs Lo dlsplay names of employees who have noL been asslgned any deparLmenL or
have been asslgned paLhology" deparLmenL aLhology course's names end wlLh
aLhology" She wroLe Lhe followlng query
WPL8L unML nuLL C8 unML paLhology"
8uL Lhe query ls noL produclng resulL ldenLlfy Lhe problem
(d) WhaL ls Lhe lmporLance of prlmary key ln a Lable? Lxplaln wlLh example 1
(e) 1he 1lLle and rlce columns of Lable L|brary" are glven below
MasLerlng C++ 493
Culde neLwork 300
MasLerlng S;L 630
uos CuluL 400
8aslc for beglnners 399
MasLerlng Wlndow null



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8ased on Lhls lnformaLlon flnd Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe followlng querles
(a) SLLLC1 Mln(rlce)from llbrary
(b) SLLLC1 CCun1(1lLle) from llbrary WPL8L rlce 130
(c) SelecL IC(prlce) from llbrary WPL8L LlLle llke 'e'
(d) SelecL LlLle from llbrary where prlce (selecL max(prlce) from llbrary)

(f) Lable CCCun1 ln a daLabase has 6 columns and 60 rows 1he u8 has added 3 more
columns and 30 more rows Lo Lhe Lable 8uL Lhe Lable has abouL 13 records where balance ls
null WhaL ls Lhe degree and cardlnallLy of Lhls Lable now ?
;2 (a) name Lhe consLralnLs(4) whlch can be added aL boLh Lhe levels(Lable and column) 1
(b) WhaL are dlfferenL Lypes of S;L funcLlons? Lxplaln and glve examples 2
(c) Conslder Lhe Lable PosplLal glven below osp|ta|
No Name Age DLAk1MLN1 DateCfAdm Charges Sex
1 Sandeep 64 Surgery 23/02/97 400 l
2 8avlna 24 CrLhopedlc 20/01/98 200 l
3 karan 43 CrLhopedlc 10/02/97 200 M
4 1arun 12 Surgery 01/01/98 300 l
3 Zubln 36 Ln1 12/01/98 230 M
6 keLakl 16 Ln1 12/02/98 300 l
7 nklLa 29 Cardlology 20/02/98 800 l
8 Zareen 43 Cynecology 22/02/98 300 l
9 kush 19 Cardlology 13/01/97 800 M
10 Shallya 31 Medlclne 19/02/97 400 l

WrlLe commands ln S;L for (l) Lo (xll)
(l) 1o show all lnformaLlon abouL Lhe MLL paLlenLs of cardlology deparLmenL
(ll) 1o llsL Lhe names of male paLlenLs who are ln orLhopaedlc deparLmenL


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(lll) 1o dlsplay aLlenL's name charges ge for male and female paLlenLs
(lv) 1o counL Lhe number of paLlenLs wlLh ge 30
(v) lncrease Lhe charges of male paLlenL ln Ln1 deparLmenL by 4
(vl) dd anoLher column emall_ld wlLh sulLable daLa Lype
(vll) ueleLe Lhe records of all female paLlenLs ln Surgery deparLmenL
(vlll)ulsplay a reporL llsLlng name age charges and amounL of charges lncludlng I1 as 2
on charges name Lhe column as LoLal charges and keep Lhe daLa ln ascendlng order of name
(lx)1o dlsplay Lhe dlfference of hlghesL and lowesL charges of each deparLmenL havlng
maxlmum charges more Lhan 300

(x) llnd ouL Lhe deLalls of paLlenLs whose age ls same or more Lhan LhaL of paLlenL whose
hosplLal charges are maxlmum
(xl)ulsplay Lhe deLalls of all Lhe paLlenLs who are hosplLallsed ln 1998
(xll)ulsplay Lhe charges of varlous deparLmenLs charge amounL should appear only once
llnd ouL Lhe ouLpuL for S;L commands (xlll) Lo (xvl)
(xlll)SLLLC1 CCun1(ulS1lnC1 ueparLmenL) l8CM PCSl1L
(xlv)SLLLC1 MO(ge) l8CM PCSl1L WPL8L SLO'M'
(xv)SLLLC1 IC(Charges) l8CM PCSl1L WPL8L SLO'l'
(xvl)SLLLC1 SuM(Charges) l8CM PCSl1L WPL8L u1LCladm '12/08/98'
;3 (a) WrlLe an S;L command for creaLlng a Lable 1eacher whose sLrucLure ls glven below
1no number 3 arL of rlmary key
Class Iarchar 3 arL of rlmary key
age number 32 22 and 40
ro[no number 6 lk ro[ecL(pno)
ddress Iarchar 30 uefaulL Mumbal



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(b) ln a daLabase Lhere are Lwo Lables 'LCn' and '8C88CWL8' as shown below
Loan_number 8ranch_name Amount
k70 uownLown 3000
k230 8edwood 6000
k260 erryrldge 3700
Customer_Name Loan_no
!ones k170
SmlLh k230
Payes k133

(l) ldenLlfy Lhe foregln key column ln Lhe Lable 8C88CWL8
(ll) Pow many rows and columns wlll be Lhere ln Lhe crossl [oln of Lhese Lwo Lables?

(c) Conslder Lhe Lables LCLL and kCLk1ILS glven below
Name hone ID
lsha 9411223344 1
karan 9422114433 2
8osy 9433112244 3


ID SID arm_Name
1 1 Cld house farm
3 2 nanada's farm
3 3 Wlll's farm
3 4 1all farm
4 3 1he florlsL


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aper Subm|tted 8y
Name Sharm|stha Dho|e
Lma|| |akshm|psraoQgma||com
hone No 949292174S

WlLh reference Lo Lhese Lables wrlLe command ln S;L for (l) and (lll) and ouLpuL for (lll)
(l) ulsplay Lhe name and phone number of each person who has a farm
(ll) ulsplay Lhe farm name of farm(s) owned by karan
(lll) SLLLC1 namehonelarm_name
l8CM LCLL rlghL [oln 8CL81lLS
Cn LCLLlu 8CL81lLS lu

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