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0ASL SIu0\
8u||d|ng 8rand Commun|ty on the nar|eyDav|dson osse k|de
S|u th |n my V|t Long wwwv|et|ongp|azacomvn
whot ore the benefits of /onq rides os Posse for customers of nor/ey uovidson
{nu)? vo/uote the re/otiono/ effects bosed on xhibits 7 ond 10 which refer to
pre ond post evo/uotions
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
uestion 1
;uest|on 1
8eneflLs of long rldes such as osse for cusLomers?
ulscover landscape broadenlng Lhe horlzon
eople wlLh Lhe same lnLeresLs soclal saLlsfacLlon
1hrllls and exclLemenL
Memorlals (LshlrL LaLLoo's eLc)
CeL away from Lhelr sLressed llves
'leel free'
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on 1
S|u th |n my V|t Long wwwv|et|ongp|azacomvn
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on 1
Iery saLlsfled wlLh Lhe Parley
1he rlde was Lremendous
Powever augmenLed producL evaluaLed less
CusLomers feel noL LhaL 'heard'
on the nor/ey Owners 6roups {nO6) Posse be chorocterited os o community?
uestion 2
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on 2
eople wanL Lo be lncluded
Lxcluslveness prlde
Shared lnLeresLs
locus on Lhe cusLomer experlence
uestion l
lf so is the community stotic or dynomic? 5upport your onswers with doto from
the Posse event referrinq for exomp/e to doytodoy chonqes!
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on 3
Iarled sLrucLure
Ceographlc concenLraLlon
Soclal conLexL
SponLanelLy dynamlsm
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
uestion 4
now wou/d you evo/uote the interoction between nO6 monoqers ond
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on 4
a 'closeLoLhecusLomer' phllosophy
as a 'LogeLherness'way
come closer due Lo complalnLs and feedback
buslnessrelaLed learnlng experlence userexperlence feellngs
Lowards Lhe brand
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on 4
currenL cusLomermanagemenL lnLeracLlon ln llne wlLh
Lhe sLaLed goals of PCC
poslLlve lnfluence on Lhe places whlch Lhey vlslL
lmproves Lhe Parley uavldson llfesLyle experlence
brlngs Lhe company close Lo lLs cusLomers
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on 4
1he PCC has an essenLlal role of developlng Lhe
lnlLlaLor and organlzer
PCC should conLlnue
learn abouL Lhelr cusLomers ln a way whlch ls really valuable
members are spendlng slgnlflcanLly more money
communlLy fulfllls Lhe goals whlch are sLaLed for PCC
Powever communlLy wlLh hundreds of blkers cannoL be
compleLely lnfluenced
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
uestion 5
now wou/d the Posse ride contribute to nus corporote qoo/s? now wou/d it
contribute to its finoncio/ objectives? 5hou/d the compony work horder to
improve keturn On lnvestment {kOl) of the Posse ride?
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on S
Mlsslon fulflll dreams"
CusLomer cenLrlc model
know Lhe consumer
Learn abouL how Lhe consumer lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe producL
LsLabllsh a LradlLlon conslsLency
$474000 exLra ln revenues
LvaluaLe dealers
ldenLlfy dlssaLlsfacLlon
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
5hou/d nu continue with Posse ond other rides? whot ro/e shou/d nO6 p/oy in
the morketinq mix?
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on 6
Should Pu conLlnue wlLh osse and oLher rldes?
1 Pardcore cusLomers valuable flrm asseL
ConnecLedness llmlLed reglsLraLlon A culLure
ArLlfacLs/symbols 1shlrLs LaLLoos
8lLuals SLory nlghL 1he osse CaLh
1hey become an lmporLanL spokesperson
2 CheckpolnLs ln Lhe form of dealershlps
1ourlsLs nelghborhood geL aLLracLed by commoLlon (rlders and
Merchandlse opporLunlLy for dealer
ManagemenL sees how dealershlps are run
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
;uest|on 6
JhaL role should PCC play ln Lhe markeLlng mlx?
Large JCM funcLlon
lree oneyear membershlp glves a dlrecL feellng of belonglng Lo
Lhe Parley communlLy (culLure wlLh symbols and rlLuals)
Makes lL a very sLrong promoLlonal Lool
Members wlll spread Lhe word as wlll Lhe evenLs
Ctoop 4 MolJet c Neqbloo u Oostetveet l lottooos 5 voet
ve||en Carmen Danny Luc and St|[n (aka Group 4) thank you for your
und|v|ded attent|on !!

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