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<script type="text/javascript" src="records.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
| another javascript from uncle jim |
| feel free to copy, use and change |
| this script as long as this part |
| remains unchanged. you can visit |
| my website at http://jdstiles.com |
| for more scripts like this one. |
| created: 1998 updated: 2006 |

ns4 = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0;
ie4 = (document.all) ? 1 : 0;
ver4 = (ns4 || ie4) ? 1 : 0;

var currecord = 1;
var maxrecords = arrecord.length-1;
var maxfields = arrecord[1].length-1;

function update() {
if (document.images) { document.images["impic"].src="cynic00" +
currecord + ".jpg" };
if (!ver4) { return };
for (i=1; i<=maxfields; i++) {
if (ns4) {
whichel = eval("document.elfield" + i + ".document");
with (whichel) {
write("<b>" + arrecord[currecord][i] + "</b>");
else {
whichel = eval("document.all.elfield" + i);
whichel.innerhtml = "<b>" + arrecord[currecord][i] + "</b>";

function shownext() {
currecord = (currecord < maxrecords) ? ++currecord : 1;

function showprev() {
currecord = (currecord > 1) ? --currecord : maxrecords;

<div align="center">
<table border="0" width="500">
<td width="200" valign="top">
<img name="impic" src="http://images3.orkut.com/images/album/8/285/34169285.jpg"
width=200 height=150 hspace=10 align=left>
<img name="impic" src="http://images3.orkut.com/images/album/8/285/34169285.jpg"
width=200 height=150 hspace=10 align=left>
<img name="impic" src="http://images3.orkut.com/images/album/8/285/34169285.jpg"
width=200 height=150 hspace=10 align=left>


<td width="300" valign="top">

c.i.d. number: <span id="elfield1" style="position: absolute"></span><br>
suspect name: <span id="elfield2" style="position: absolute"></span><br>
race and sex: <span id="elfield3" style="position: absolute"></span><br>
date of birth: <span id="elfield4" style="position: absolute"></span><br>
charges: <span id="elfield5" style="position: absolute"></span><br>
comments: <span id="elfield6" style="position: absolute"></span><br><br>
<a href="javascript:showprev()">previous</a> || <a


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