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ersonal !urlsdlcLlon 2
noLlce 6
l Servlce of rocess (l8C 4) 6
ll ConsLlLuLlonal SLandard 7
Sub[ecL MaLLer !urlsdlcLlon 7
l ulverslLy of clLlzenshlp 1332 (A)(1) 7
ll lederal CuesLlon 1331 8
lll SupplemenLal !urlsdlcLlon 8
lv 8emoval 8
venue 9
l 8aslc 8ules 9
ll 1ransfer of venue 9
lll lorum non Convenlens 9
Lrle 10
l Lrle 10
ll Panna 10
lll Lrle SLep 10
leadlngs 11
l 1he ComplalnL 11
ll 1he uefendanL's 8esponse 11
!olnder 12
l Clalm [olnder by lalnLlff 12
ll Clalm !olnder by Lhe uefendanL 12
lll roper arLles (Who may be [olned) 12
lv necessary and lndlspensable parLles 13
v lmpleader 13
vl lnLervenLlon 14
vll Class acLlon 14
ulscovery 13
l 8equlred ulsclosures 13
ll ulscovery Lools 13
lll Scope of ulscovery 13
re1rlal Ad[udlcaLlon 16
l 12(b)(6) 16
ll Summary !udgmenL 16
1rall 16
l 8lghL Lo [ury Lrla 16
ll MoLlons 17
Clalm and lssue recluslon 17
l Clalm recluslon 18
ll lssue recluslon 18

Personal )urisdiction

led (4)(k)(1)(A) 8ule llmlLs Lhe reach of federal courL Lhere Lo whaL Lhe sLaLe courL lL slLs ln has
(4)(k)(2) lf have no mlnlmum conLacLs wlLh any sLaLe can have ! Lhere as long as
(a) no one sLaLe has !
(b) SLlll consLlLuLlonal

1 ennoyer v neff
a 1here are llmlLs Lo where someone can be halled lnLo courL

b SoverelgnLy 1heory MusL exerclse power over
l 1he defendanL (ln personam)
ll Cver Lhelr properLy (ln 8em or Cuasl ln 8em)
c uue process seLs Lhe llmlLs of how much power you can exerclse over Lhese Lhlngs
l ll falls wlLhln due process wlll fall be enLlLled Lo lull lalLh and CredlL

2 CuesLlon Cne uoes a sLaLuLe (long arm) allow us Lo flnd [urlsdlcLlon?
a lf no vold
b lf so Lhen need Lo see lf sLlll wlLhln ConsLlLuLlonal [urlsdlcLlon
3 CuesLlon Lwo ls lL consLlLuLlonal?

l ersonal !urlsdlcLlon
a ln ersonam !urlsdlcLlon
Ceneral uefendanL can be sued ln LhaL forum for a clalm LhaL arose ooywbete ln Lhe world on
any clalm
Speclflc Sued on a clalm LhaL arose ftom your acLlvlLles ln LhaL forum
1 1he clalm musL relaLe Lo Lhlngs you dld Lhere
l 1he ConsLlLuLlonal LlmlL 8eason you need Lo Lrace hlsLorlc developmenL ls Lo learn Lhe
ptloclples LhaL Lell you whaL you have Lo do Loday
1 ennoyer v neff
a 1heory of soverelgnLy ! based on sLaLe's physlcal power over u
b Clves toJlloool boses of petsoool I
l u served wlLh process ln forum (8LSLnCL when served) granLs general
(can be Lhen sued for any clalm LhaL arose anywhere)
ll u's ACLn1 ls ln sLaLe (same Lhlngs as above)
lll uCMlClLL CranLs general !
lv CCnSLn1 Walvlng consLlLuLlonal due process proLecLlon (by showlng
up ln courL even lf served elsewhere)
c Powever as socleLy became more moblle hard Lo geL people whlle Lhey were
sLlll ln sLaLe
2 Pess (expandlng LradlLlonal bases)
a 8ased on Mass sLaLuLe saylng LhaL drlvlng vehlcle ln sLaLe lnvolved ln accldenL
you have appolnLed sLaLe offlclal as your ACLn1 for servlce of process
b pooJs ennoyer doesn'L overLurn
l ACLnC? basls Ck served ln rocess
ll CreaLes ,9 cON5N1 consenLlng by speclflc acLlvlLy
c 1oday every sLaLe has a comparable sLaLuLe (nonresldenL moLorlsL acL)
d CranLs 5peclflc IotlsJlcloo
3 lnLernaLlonal Shoe (CreaLlng a new basls)
a MusL have such mlnlmum conLacLs wlLh Lhe forum so LhaL exerclse of
!urlsdlcLlon does noL offend LradlLlonal noLlons of falr play and subsLanLlal
b very flexlble LesL and has led Lo expanslon of [urlsdlcLlon
c Clear now LhaL you can serve u ouLslde of Lhe forum (wlLh mln conLacLs)
d Nowbete does lL overrule ennoyer LxpllclLly sLaLes LhaL Lhls ls Lhe 1esL lf Lhe
defendanL ls noL presenL ln Lhe forum (lmplles ln addlLlon Lo LradlLlonal basls)
e Seems Lo be 2 parLs conLacL parL and a falrness parL
4 McCee (usually a noLe case)
a 1exas company sold a slngle lnsurance conLracL ln CA sued for breach upheld
b u sollclLed ConLacL from CA
c 's clalm arose from u's conLacL wlLh Lhe forum (relaLedness) granLs ! because
arlses dlrecLly from LhaL conLacL
d SLaLe's lnLeresL CA had an lnLeresL ln provldlng forum proLecLlng clLlzens
3 Panson v uenkla
a 1he conLacL musL resulL from u's purposeful avallmenL Lo Lhe forum"
b uelaware 8ank old lady sLarLed a LrusL wlLh Lhem Lhen sbe moved Lhere no !
l 8ecause was her unllaLeral acLlon LhaL goL lL
6 WorldWlde volkswagon
a no ! because no purposeful avallmenL (Lo Lhe beneflLs and proLecLlons of
b Car boughL ln n? drove Lo Ck wanLed Lo sue ln Ck dlsLrlbuLor LhaL only dld
buslness ln norLh LasL 8eLaller only ln LhaL Lown 1rylng Lo sue Lhem ln Ck no !
l u's dld noL reach ouL Lo Ck dldn'L avall Lhemselves Lo Ck
ll Car goL Lhere Lhrough Lhe unllaLeral acL of 3
c CourL loreseeabllLy relevanL foreseeablllLy LhaL producL geLs Lhere ls noL
enough need foreseeablllLy LhaL you could geL sued Lhere
l Seems LhaL clrcular buL LhaL's whaL we have
7 Calder
a uon'L have Lo seL fooL ln Lhe forum buL causlng an effecL Lhere ls enough
b CreaLed Calder effecLs LesL
8 8urger klng SLarL of falrness lnqulry
a 2 lndlvlduals sLarLed a 8k franchlse up ln Mlchlgan 8k wanLs Lo sue Lhem ln lL
where PC'd
b Made clear 2 parLs conLacL parL and a falrness parL
c MusL have a relevanL conLacL before look aL falrness (1
parL of analysls) don'L
conslder convenlence eLc unLll have conLacL
d ln Lhls case ConLacL easy
l u's reached ouL Lo lL avalled Lhemselves of lorum slgned k
e lalrness a blgger deal
l u we're [usL 2 lndlvlduals Lhey should have Lo come up here
ll LsL'd 8urden on Lhe u Lo show LhaL Lhe forum so gravely lnconvenlenL
LhaL lL's aL a severe dlsadvanLage ln Lhe llLlgaLlon"
1 1hey dldn'L show LhaL
lll 8elaLlve weolb of Lhe parLles noL lmporLanL Lhey can Lravel
f Seems Lo suggesL LhaL uue rocess doesn'L guaranLee you a good forum [usL
noL a Lerrlble one
9 Asahl SLream of commerce case (do you producLs because movlng Lhrough
commerce geL somewhere?)
a no deflnlLlve answer abouL LhaL
b PAvL Lo dlscuss boLh sldes of each 4 person camp
c 8rennan 1here ls a conLacL lf l puL my conLacL lnLo Lhe sLream and reasonably
anLlclpaLe Lhe lL would geL Lo Lhe sLaLe
l AfLer all maklng money
d C'Conner need LhaL plus an lnLenL Lo serve LhaL sLaLe
l rove by markeL research adverLlslng hoLllne seL up Lhere eLc
10 8urnham
a n! u served ln CA for a clalm LhaL arose ln n! (CA can only do lL Lhen lf lL has
general [urlsdlcLlon)
b CuesLlon ls seL up Are Lhe LradlLlonal bases sLlll allve lndependenL of Mln
c Scalla Approach resence when served slll good on lLs own (LradlLlonal basls
exlsL along wlLh Mln ConLacLs)
l SLress Lhe hlsLorlcal pedlgree LradlLlon always been good
ll Makes sense wlLh lnLl Shoe Loo because courL Lhere lmplled LhaL mln
conLacLs used where couldn'L geL oLhers
d 8rennan need Lo apply shoe every slngle Llme
l 8uL agree LhaL CA had general !urlsdlcLlon
ll klnd of sLrange Lheory Pad only been presenL ln sLaLe for 3 days
because had been avalllng yourself
lll lf you follow LhaL loglc anyone LhaL's ever seL fooL Lhere sub[ecL Lo sulL
for anyLhlng ouLslde of forum
11 PellcopLeros
a Ceneral !urlsdlcLlon lf you have conLlnuous sysLemaLlc Lles" wlLh Lhe forum
l noLe LhaL klnda hurLs Lhe brennan camp ln 8urnham
b Lx a CorporaLlon PC'd ln a sLaLe can be sued for anyLhlng LhaL arose anywhere
ln Lhe world
ll lramework
a ls Lhere a LradlLlonal basls?
l lf so clLe Scalla 8urnham Lhen good enough
ll 8uL lf 8rennan 8urnham need Lo conLlnue Lo shoe
1 Powever
a LxpllclLly ln k LxpllclL k provldlng for ! ln cerLaln forum AccepLable don'L
conLlnue (Carnlval prlnLed as Lerm on Lhe back of LlckeL)
b uomlclle Mllllken sLlll followed provldes for uomlclle as a basls for !
b lnLernaLlonal Shoe ls Lhere a relevanL conLacL beLween u and lorum LhaL saLlsfles Lhe mlnlmum
conLacL necessary?
l ls Lhere a conLacL?
ll MusL resulL from arlse ouL of purposeful avallmenL (uLlLnuAn1 musL have reached ouL Make
$ used roads caused an effecL sollclLaLlon of buslness eLc uCLSn'1 nLLu 1C 8L physlcal
enLry) volkswagon
1 roducLs llablllLy producLs geLLlng Lhere
a volkswagon A car ls moblle needs Lo depend on more Lhan Lhe unllaLeral
acLlons of 3
,lqb lmply bo otos oo wbebet eoJ coosomets okloq l bete vs
o sopply cbolo
b Asahl 8rennan Awareness LhaL producL geLLlng Lhere sufflces
fet oll mokloq 5 ftom commetce bete so ovollloq lself of ecoo
ooJ be steom of commetce ls pteJlcoble
c Asahl C'Connor need foreseeablllLy LhaL producL could arrlve plus evldence
LhaL purposefully Lrylng Lo serve LhaL markeL
Jbo woolJ sofflce Js motke teseotcb coosomet soppot bete
d Cray Slngle valve (as far as record shows) shlpped Lo lL yeL because lL
exploded and caused ln[urles sufflclenL Lo esLabllsh !
2 CLher 1orLs
a nelson Cne LorL was enough Lo supporL mln conLanLs
3 ConLracL wlLh lorum SLaLe
a 8urger klng A slngle k noL necessarlly enough here upheld ! lacLors for k
ovlsloos looq etm teloloosblp beweeo potles ooe lo fotom
cbolce of lows etm wlll be CovetoeJ by l ow olso belps
4 uefamaLlon
a keeLon SufflclenL LhaL sold beLween 1013000 magazlnes Lhere
3 Cause an effecL ln sLaLe
a kulko LffecL LesL causlng an effecL ln sLaLe Changed now CuL of sLaLe acLs
LhaL cause ln sLaLe effecLs musL be wrongful ln order Lo esLabllsh !"
6 roperLy ln Lhe SLaLe
a roceed ln 8em Cuasl sLlll have Lo aLLach aL Lhe ouLseL ennoyer
b 8uL now also have Lo esLabllsh mln conLacLs as well Schaffer
owevet wbete ptopety ls looJ smbq blq mlqb sofflce os o coooc
lll MusL be foreseeable LhaL u could geL sued Lhere (noLlce ln Lhe 14
1 Make sure Lo speclfy noL enough LhaL producL wlll foreseeably geL Lhere need
foreseeablllLy of sulL volkswagon
a 5tooq pollcy lo fovot of pteJlcobllly of llobllly fot bosloesses
b 8uL lf you're sLuff ls geLLlng Lhere and Lhey have a sLaLuLe eLc maybe so
lv 8elaLedness Lo ln[ury uoes Lhe 's clalm arlse from Lhe u's conLacL wlLh Lhe forum? (noLe LhaL
ofLen lf you meeL Lhe long arms you meeL relaLedness)
1 lf so greaL conLlnue
2 lf noL need Lo flnd general [urlsdlcLlon vla conLlnuous and sysLemaLlc conLacLs"
(PellcopLeros) Could be sued for a clalm arlslng anywhere ln Lhe world

c lnLernaLlonal shoe 2 ls [urlsdlcLlon falr? ComporL wlLh LradlLlonal noLlons of falr play and subsLanLlal
NC1L 8urger k|ng sh|fts burden to D to prove that |f suff|c|ent
m|n|mum contacts st||| unfa|r to exerc|se I (need to prove w|th
aff|dav|ts etc neg|ected to |n 8k and pa|d for |t)
ll lnconvenlence for u
1 8urger klng esL'd LhaL Lough burden on u Lo esLabllsh LhaL so gravely lnconvenlenL LhaL
couldn'L geL a falr Lrlal
a lacL LhaL 8k a blg corp easy Lo Lravel dldn'L mean anyLhlng
2 Asahl unlversally agreed LhaL woolJve falled Lhe falrness prong brlnglng u from oLher
slde of Lhe world
a Look at d|stance between areas
lll SLaLe lnLeresL ln brlnglng u Lo [usLlce Lhere
1 Cray (lll SLaLe leg had lnLeresL ln proLecLlng clLlzens)
lv lalnLlffs lnLeresL ln llLlgaLlng Lhere (noL much welghL) (alLhough argue LhaL lf ln[ured mlghL
1 's lock of cooocs coooo moke l less folt for defendanL (keeLon) plalnLlff's conLacLs
can make lL mote falr
v Ceneral lnLeresL ln efflclency
vl lnLersLaLe lnLeresL ln shared subsLanLlve pollcles
1 kulko courL refused [urlsdlcLlon because Lhe lnLeresL ln famlly harmony was shared
beLween Lhe sLaLes don'L wanL ! Lo upseL Lhls

lll SLaLuLory Analysls (does a sLaLe sLaLuLe allow for !)
a Lvery sLaLe seems Lo have a sLaLuLe LhaL permlLs [urlsdlcLlon LhaL mlrrors Lhe LradlLlonal basls LhaL glves
general !
b Lvery sLaLe has a nonresldenL moLorlsL acL Pess Speclflc !n
c Lvery SLaLe has a long arm sLaLuLe
lv Long Arm SLaLuLe Allows you Lo go afLer a nonresldenL (noL domlclled) for dlfferenL Lhlngs (llke Pess buL
broader a loL glve llsLs of Lhlngs you can do)
a Classlc example Cver any non resldenL LhaL commlLs a LorL
l Crey Lven lf Lhe negllgenL acL Look place elsewhere lf Lhe ln[ury occurs ln sLaLe LhaL sufflces
ll CLher courLs wlll look aL where neg manufacLure Look place
v ln 8em or Cuasl ln 8em (ln rem Case ls abouL ownershlp of properLy Cuasl ulspuLe noL over ownershlp
uefendanL deflnlLely owns ennoyer)
a ln 8em and Cl8 consLlLuLlonally valld as long as courL selzes properLy aL Lhe ouLseL of Lhe case ennoyer
b need a sLaLuLe (noL a long arm LhaL's abouL ln personam)
l need an aLLachmenL sLaLuLe Allows selzure of properLy Lhey own or clalm Lo own
c Shaeffer ConsLlLuLlonallLy need Lo selze Lhe properLy aL Lhe ouLseL sLlll bo JefeoJoo sLlll need Lo
have lnLernaLlonal shoe mln conLacLs
l 8uL Lhe properLy lLself especlally lf land mlghL sufflce

l Service of Process {FRCP ]
a 9rocess cons|sts of a summons 4(a)(1) (comes from Lhe courL) and a copy of the comp|a|nt
b erv|ce can be made by any nonparty who |s at |east 18 4(c) (2)
c Pow Lo serve an lndlvldual? 4(e)
l 4(e)(2) (qlves leJetol J oploos)
1 ersonal servlce Walklng up and handlng lL Lo Lhem (anywhere)
2 SubsLlLuLed servlce (sLrlcLer)
a MusL be aL u's dwelllng or usual abode
b Serve someone of soloble age and dlscreLlon
c Who teslJes Lhere
3 Serve Lhe defendanL's agenL (Lhey mlghL have appolnLed or Pess by law)
ll 4(e)(1) Can use soe law
1 Dse Lhe law of Lhe sLaLe LhaL Lhe CourL slLs ln C8 Lhe courL where servlng
d Pow do you serve a buslness? 4(h)(1)
l MusL serve o offlcet ot o moooqloq ot o qeoetol oqeo#
1 Cfflcer Clear execuLlve
2 Managlng or general agenL 5offlcleo tespooslbllly bo bey wlll koow wbo o Jo wlb
l ooJ toosfet be popets
ll C8 4(e)(1) Can use sLaLe law
e Walver of servlce 4(d) (NO1 setvlce by moll wolvet)
l Mall process and speclal walver form Lo defendanL by regular flrsL class mall wlLh self
addressed sLamped envelope
ll uefendanL can slgn lL lalnLlff flles lL and can go forward
lll lf uefendanLs falls Lo reLurn Lhe form (have 30 days)
1 Pave Lo formally serve uefendanL
2 1hen 1bey have Lo pay Lhe cosL of servlce
ll Constitutional Standard (noLlce and uue rocess)
a Mullane noLlce musL be reasonably calculaLed under all Lhe clrcumsLances Lo glve Lhe parLy noLlce of
Lhe proceedlng"
l ll meLhods ln Lhe l8C are consLlLuLlonal eveo lf Lhe uefendanL never had acLual noLlce
because lL was reasonably calculaLed"
b !ones v llowers lf Lhe defendanL ls owote LhaL Lhe person never goL noLlce you may have Lo Lake
oLher sLeps

Sub|ect Matter )urisdiction
vs ersonal [urlsdlcLlon ersonal [urlsdlcLlon ls over Lhe parLles Sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon ls over Lhe
clalms/case Can Lhls courL hear Lhls klnd of clalm?
SLaLe CourLs can hear anyLhlng
4 Mlnor excepLlon 5ome federal quesLlon musL go Lo federal very llmlLed excepLlon Lhough llke
paLenL bankrupLcy
lederal CourLs have llmleJ sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon ArLlcle 3
4 DnconsLlLuLlonal Lo do oLherwlse
l Diversity of citizensbip: {A]{] - nC1 a federal rule a sLaLuLe
a 8eLween clLlzens (noL resldenLs) of dlfferenL sLaLes
l 1he CompleLe ulverslLy 8ule no dlverslLy lf ooy plololff ls a clLlzen of Lhe same sLaLe as any
JefeoJoo nC1 everyone dlverse from everyone else [usL can'L have Lhe same sLaLe on boLh
sldes of Lhe v
ll ClLlzenshlp of a human belng uCMlClLL
1 A DS clLlzen ls a clLlzen of Lhe sLaLe ln whlch she ls domlclled
a Can only have one domlclle aL a Llme and O O,c 5 k1N ooll
mee be cooJlloos below A1 1PL SAML 1lML
l volkswagon SLlll domlclled ln new ?ork even Lhough lnLended Lo
seLLle ln AZ hadn'L have physlcal presence yeL
b Dp unLll 18 domlclled wlLh parenLs AfLer whlch deLermlned by
l hyslcal presence ln Lhe sLaLe and
ll oeo Lo make Lhe new sLaLe your permanenL home (lnLenL Lo remaln
1 very facLual ln sLaLe LulLlon reglsLerlng Lo voLe eLc
lll ClLlzenshlp of a corporaLlon 1332 (C) (1) 2 clLlzenshlps unllke human
1 ClLlzen of Lhe sLaLe ln whlch lL ls lncorporaLed N
2 ClLlzen of be sLaLe LhaL ls lLs prlnclpal place of buslness
a PerLz 8 ls Lhe nerve cenLer" of Lhe corporaLlon
l ueflned lace from whlch Lhe buslness ls dlrecLed
3 ClLlzen of oolocotpotoeJ bosloesses (All oLher buslnesses LLC eLc)
a Dse Lhe clLlzenshlp of oll be membets every sLaLe LhaL has a member ln (could
be all) (Common Law no sLaLuLe on lL)
b 1he amounL ln conLroversy exceeds $73000
l MusL LkCLLD $73000 aL leasL $7300001
1 Looklng aL clalm only noL lnLeresL eLc
ll lalnLlff's clalm governs unless lL ls #cleot o o eqol cetoloy# LhaL defendanL cannoL recover
more Lhan $73000
lll AggregaLlon Where you have Lo oJJ mulLlple clalms Lo geL more Lhan $73000
1 AggregaLe lalnLlff's clalms lf Lhere ls 1 plalnLlff v 1 defendanL
a Could be compleLely unrelaLed doesn'L maLLer how many
2 CAnnC1 aggregaLe lf Lhere are mulLlple parLles on Ll1PL8 slde
a AgalnsL 2 uefendanLs no good
3 LxCL1lCn WlLh !Cln1 clalms use Lhe LoLal value of Lhe clalm (noL really aggregaLlng
because you don'L need Lo)
a Pere Lhe number of parLles ls lrrelevanL
b lf Lhe parLles are [olned [olnL clalm look aL Lhe value of Lhe clalm
c ove Lo have Lhe word [olnL Lo lndlcaLe lf Lhey're [olned
ll Federal Question:
a MusL otlse under federal law
b Jell pleoJeJ complolo tole Look ooly aL Lhe complalnL lgnore compleLely aL whaL Lhe defendanL says
and look ooly aL Lhe clalm lLself noL Lhe addlLlonal sLuff (le anLlclpaLlng defenses) and LhaL clalm musL
arlse under federal law
l MoLley MoLleys geL llfeLlme passes ln seLLlemenL
1 cooqtess (look for where lL says congress for federal) passes a law saylng can'L glve
away free passes
2 MoLleys sue for breach of k
a Anu ln Lhe complalnL say Lhe new federal sLaLuLe" doesn'L apply Lo us
3 Are Lhey enforclng a federal rlghL? nC noL glvlng Lhe plololff a rlghL
a MoLleys Lrylng Lo ovolJ Lhe federal rule ln facL!
4 Dsually when you see lL lL wlll be Lo Lrlck you here 1he plalnLlff Lrylng Lo dodge a
federal rule or argue LhaL lL doesn'L apply Lo Lhem
c ASk lS Lhe plalnLlff enforclng a feJetol rlghL?

lll Supplemental )urisdiction (MusL already have a case ln federal courL already vla lC or ulverslLy)
nCW addlLlonal clolms
a 1367
l Lvery c|a|m you have you have to assess d|vers|ty or federa| quest|on Ik1
ll 1ry upp|ementa| CNL AI1Lk have tr|ed the other 2
c LeLs Lhe federal courL hear a clalm LhaL by lLself couldn'L geL lnLo courL because lLs nondlverslLy non
federal quesLlon
l 1he underlylng cose musL have goLLen ln Lhrough lC or ulverslLy
d Clbbs (1n) had 2 clalms agalnsL u(1n)
l 1
Clalm vlolaLlon of lederal Labor laws
ll 2
Clalm Dnder sLaLe law
lll tose ftom be some Jlspoe be some teol wotlJ eveo
lv Supreme CourL allowed lL ln vla 5opplemeool IotlsJlcloo because shared #hared a common
nuc|eus of operat|ve fact" wlLh clalm number 1
1 1est ff met |n c|a|ms that ar|se from the same transact|on or occurrence
e Clbbs codlfled ln 1367 S1LS LvL8? 1lML
| uoes 1367 (a) granL supplemenLal [urlsdlcLlon? (?es lf lL meeLs Clbbs) Common nucleus of
operaLlve facL
|| uoes 1367 (b) oke away supplemenLal [urlsdlcLlon
1 Applles ooly lo Jlvetsly coses (never applles for federal quesLlon)
2 Cnly kllls [urlsdlcLlon over clalms by plololffs
3 Cnly clalms LhaL
a 8y plalnLlffs agalnsL parLles [olned by rule 141920 or 24
b 8y rule 19 plalnLlffs
c 8y rule 24 plalnLlffs
lv Removal Allows a uefendanL Lo have a sLaLe courL case removed Lo Lhe federal courL
a 1441 1446 1447 ??? ver|fy
b Ceneral 8ule lL ls removable lf Lhe case meeLs feJetol sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon (lC or dlverslLy)
| rof's use Lo LesL lf you know Lhe oLher 2 ways Lo geL ln even lf broughL ln
c LxCL1lCn CannoL remove a ulvL8Sl1? CASL lf ooy defendanL ls a Cl1lZLn Cl 1PL lC8DM
| nC1L rof 1rlck wlll brlng a lC clalm wlLh Lhe clLlzenshlp excepLlon sLlll good
d All uefendanLs MDS1 agree
e Can only remove Lo Lhe federal dlsLrlcL LhaL embraces LhaL reglon/sLaLe
f MusL remove wlLhln 30 days of 5kvc (noL from flllng) of Lhe Jocomeo bo mokes be cose
temovoble (usually Lhe orlglnal complalnL

ulfference ln venue and lC Sub[ecL maLLer Lells you LhaL you can go Lo federal courL sysLem venue
Lells you whlch courL exacLly you can sue ln (easLern dlsLrlcL of x sLaLe eLc)
l Basic Rules lalnLlff flllng ln federal courL 2 baslc cholces
a 1391 (a) for dlverslLy (b) for lC buL preLLy much Lhe same Lhlng
b llrsL you may lay venue ln any dlsLrlcL ln whlch all defendanLs reslde
l Pave Lo oll reslde
ll LxCL1lCn lf all reslde wlLhln dlfferenL dlsLrlcL of Lhe same sLaLes coo soe bem oll lo o Jlstlc
wbete ooy of bem teslJes
lll ueflnlng where Lhe 8LSluL
1 lndlvlduals 1he dlsLrlcL where you are JomlclleJ
2 CorporaLlons ooJ oLher buslnesses 1391 (c) 8esldes ln evety dlsLrlcL ln whlch lL ls
sub[ecL Lo personal [urlsdlcLlon
a Nvk cONlu5 J1 c1N59 lOk vk51 9uk9O55
b Where lL has mln conLacLs eLc nC1 where lL was lncorporaLed
c Second may lay venue ln any dlsLrlcL where a subsLanLlal parL of Lhe clalm arose" Can be mulLlple
ll Transfer of Venue
nC1L ulfferenL Lhan 8LMCvAL 8emoval moves beLween sLaLe and federal sysLems Lransfer ls all
wlLhln federal sysLem
1ransferor Where lLs comlng from Lransferee Where lLs golng
a Dnder boLh sLaLuLes 1PL 18AnSlL8LL MDS1 8L A 8CL8 vLnDL Anu PAvL L8SCnAL !D8lSulC1lCn
CvL8 uLlLnuAn1
l Pave Lo be lndependenLly Lrue
ll CAnnC1 wolve personal [urlsdlcLlon (lL saylng doesn'L have personal over me buL l wanL Lo go
Lhere anyway CannoL do LhaL)
1 Agaln LxAM Cood way Lo LesL all of lL
b 1wo sLaLuLes
l 1404 (a) Applles when Lhe Lransferor ls a ptopet veooe
1 May Lransfer based on convenlence and Lhe lnLeresL of [usLlce
a ldea ls lL makes more sense Lhe oLher place LhaL's Lhe cenLer of gravlLy Assess
2 ubllc and prlvaLe facLors
ll 1406 When Lhe Lransferor ls an lmptopet veooe
1 Says LhaL you can dlsmlss C8 Lransfer
lll Forum Non Conveniens nC1 a Lransfer buL a dlsmlssal
a AnoLher CourL ls Lhe cenLer of gravlLy lL should be Lhere
b CnL? dlsmlss because Lransfer ls noL posslble
l C1PL8 CCD81 ls ln a dlfferenL [udlclal sysLem ofLen ln a forelgn counLry
ll ulsmlss and leL Lhe plalnLlff brlng lL Lhere
c lper lane crash ln ScoLland manufacLurers sued ln Lhe DS
l Supreme CourL sald when looklng aL publlc and prlvaLe facLors we should dlsmlss
ll SLL lper fooLnoLe 6 publlc and prlvaLe facLors SAML facLors as ln Lransfer
d lorelgn CourLs don'L allow as much recovery as Amerlcan [urles

A federal [udge musL declde an lssue and Lhe quesLlon ls MusL Lhe federal [udge use sLaLe law or are
Lhey free Lo lgnore lL?" (really only dlverslLy)
l Erie 8lack leLLer 1he federal courL musL apply sLaLe sobsoolve law"
a Lrle 8ule commanded
l by 1632 rules of declslon acL Anu
ll 10
1he federal governmenL cannoL lnvade Lhe powers of Lhe sLaLe governmenL
1 1o lgnore sLaLe law would be Lo vlolaLe Lhe 10

lll D8L SD8S1AnCL 1he elemenLs of Lhe clalm under sLaLe law are clearly subsLanLlve
ll Hanna 8lack leLLer Ask ls Lhere some federal dlrecLlve (l8C or sLaLuLe) on polnL on LhaL lssue?
a lf so Lrumps sLaLe law Lhe federal law wlns as long as lL ls valld
b AS LCnC AS vALlu lf an l8C have Lo LesL lLs valldlLy under 2072
l nLvL8 lnvalldaLed ln l8C
ll VLkI Lhe federal sLaLuLes spoken of LhaL aren'L l8C could only be challenged on
consLlLuLlonallLy grounds (subsLanLlvely le Commerce clause) and LhaL's why you never
menLlon Lhem
lll Shady Crove no ma[orlLy on how you approach Lhls never been clear lC8k PL8L
c lf noL go Lo Lrle
lll Erie Step have Lo llgure ouL lf lL ls subsLanLlve 3 LesLs
a CuLcome deLermlnaLlve? lf lL affecLs Lhe ouLcome of Lhe case lL ls subsLanLlve
l CuaranLee 1rusL
ll SLaLe SoL had run [udge declded dldn'L wanL Lo follow sLaLe SoL Lhough
lll Supreme CourL ?ou cannoL do LhaL Case has Lo come ouL Lhe same way ln federal courL as
SLaLe CourL
lv Lx SuggesLed LhaL lf a quesLlon of how much damages maybe noL
b 8alance Lhe lnLeresL
l 8lrd Sald LhaL a parLlcular lssue musL be declded by a oJqe noL a [ury
ll led [udge dldn'L llke wanLed Lo go Lo a [ury can he do LhaL?
lll Supreme CourL lederal courL should osoolly follow sLaLe law unless Lhere's a federa| |nterest ln
dolng lL dlfferenLly
lv Where tate dldn'L really have an lnLeresL had no [usLlflcaLlon for Lhelr law uldn'L know why
Lhe sLaLe law was Lhere wasn'L explalned
v SC lederal lnLeresL won ouL
vl Lx ollcles as promulgaLed by sLaLe leglslaLure
c 1wln Alms of Lrle
| 1o avo|d Iorum hopp|ng and
|| 1he |nequ|tab|e adm|n|strat|on of the |aw (Where would cause parLles Lo flock Lo fed unfalr
because ln sLaLe parLles couldn'L brlng lL Lhere
||| Way Lo flgure lL ouL lf Lhe federal [udge lgnores sLaLe law on Lhls lssue wlll lL cause parLles Lo
flock Lo federal courL? (unfalr) lnequlLable as well agalnsL ln sLaLers
|v lf beneflclal for plalnLlff assume LhaL every plalnLlff LhaL can wlll
d CCnCLDuL buL say LhaL no one knows

CuesLlon Shaeffer Pow much does properLy ln a sLaLe counL as a conLacL? lf Lhe sulL ls over Lhe
properLy does LhaL mean LhaL properLy necessarlly meeLs mln conLacLs?

l Tbe Complaint: llllng ls whaL sLarLs Lhe law sulL 8ule 8 (a)
a 8(a)(1) Crounds of SM!
b A shorL and plaln sLaLemenL of Lhe clalm" A loL of change here
l Dsed Lo be uldn'L need any facLs
ll Changed recenLly
1 1womblyand lqbal
a lalnLlff musL plead lAC1S supporLlng a 9u5 clalm
l (noL ln Lhe rules rule goes ouL of Lhe way noL Lo say facLs)
ll n
b A courL wlll lgnore concluslons of law
l lL Lhe defendanL was negllgenL eLc
c CourL wlll use lLs own experlence and common sense Lo deLermlne lf a clalm ls
l Plghly crlLlclzed very sub[ecLlve changed by [udge
lll AllegaLlons of lraud or mlsLake or speclal damages requlre mote
1 8ules 9(b) and 9(g)
2 9(b) allegaLlons of fraud or mlsLake need deLalls wlLh parLlcularlLy
a lraud uaLes eLc
3 9(g) lf requesLlng speclal damages need Lo glve deLall
a Speclal damage SomeLhlng LhaL does noL normally flow from an evenL
c A uemand for rellef soughL
ll Tbe Defendant's Response: 8ule 12
a ,os respond wlLhln 21 days afLer servlce
l ,os respond ln 2 ways
b 8y MoLlon under rule 12 No a pleadlng A requesL for a courL order
1 !usL asklng Lhe [udge for a courL order for ooybloq
2 8ule 12 (b) (1he bases for moLlons Lo dlsmlss)
c 8y Answer 5 o pleadlng need 2 Lhlngs
l 8esponses 8(b) 3 ways
1 AdmlL sLuff
2 ueny sLuff
3 Say you lack sufflclenL lnformaLlon
a lallure Lo uLn? lS 18LA1Lu AS An AuMlSSlCn
l LxcepL for damages everyLhlng else LreaLed llke you admlLLed lL
ll 8alse afflrmaLlve defenses 8 (c)(1)
1 LlsLs Lhe ma[or defenses
2 noL denylng buL tolsloq somebloq oew
a lL sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons sLaLuLe of frauds res [udlcaLa
3 ,os pleoJ lo ooswet or you rlsk walver
d 12 (b) moLlons MoLlon Lo dlsmlss for
l 12(b)(1) no sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon
ll 12 (b) (2) no personal !
lll 12 (b) (3) no venue
lv 12 (b) (4) lnsufflclenL process (lL noL enough docs)
v 12 (b) (3) lnsufflclenL setvlce of process
vl 12 (b) (6) lallure Lo sLaLe a clalm
vll 12 (b) (7)lallure Lo [oln an absenLee under rule 19 (lndlspenslble parLy problem)
e 12 (g) and 12 (h)
l 12(b)(2) (3) (4) and (3) MDS1 8L D1 ln ?CD8 lk51 8ule 12 response or Lhey are walved
no maLLer lf you respond by moLlon or answer
WPA1LvL8 you do wlLh 12(b) flrsL 234 and 3 musL be ln Lhere
ll 12 (b) (6) and (7) can be ralsed ooylme Lhough Lrlal
lll 12 (b) (1) ls oevet walved
1 (Cwens ?) (reassess dlverslLy aL every sLep)
f LxAM Wlll LesL such LhaL u served responds wlLh 12(b)(3) moloo denled Lhen alleged 12(b)(2)
12(b)3) ln answer
l Pypo Wlll be vety clear LhaL personal [urlsdlcLlon and venue are woy wrong
ll uCLSn'1 MAL1L8! now for all lnLenLs and purposes Lhese are held Lo be accepLed all
allegaLlons LhaL Lhey were lmproper have been wolveJ an are consldered valld Lhere afLer
1 MDS1 D1 ln ?CD8 ll8S1 12(b) response

8ules LhaL deLermlne Lhe 5cO9 of llLlgaLlon Pow many clalms? Pow many parLles?
a 1esLed commonly because k5 5uIc1 ,11k Iuk5c1ON (SupplemenLal)

l Claim |oinder by Plaintiff brlnglng clalms agalnsL u
a 8ule 18(a)
b lalnLlff can [oln as many clalms as Lhey wanL All Lhose you wanL agalnsL LhaL parLy
c oo bove Lo do lL buL may
l Always assess sub[ecL maLLer !
1 I D|vers|ty upp|ementa|
2 NLVLk 1Ak1 W1n U99LL,LN1AL
ll Claim )oinder by tbe Defendant (O, very LesLable) uefendanL becomes a c,N1
a CounLer clalm 8ule 13(a) and 13 (b)
l Clalm agalnsL an opposloq parLy
ll Pave Lo flle wlLh your answer
lll 2 1ypes
1 Compulsory 13(a)
a Cne LhaL arlses from Lhe some toosocloo ot occotteoce"
b Compulsory ,os asserL Lhe complalnL ln Lhls case
c CnL? CCMDLSC8? CLAlM 8DLL CLhers you may Lhls ls Lhe only one LhaL
you PAvL Lo use or you LCSL l1
l "Where agalnsL an opposlng parLy arlslng ouL of Lhe same
LransacLlon or occurrence" MusL ralse
2 ermlsslve 13(b)
a uoes noL arlse from Lhe same LransacLlon or occurrence
b May asserL lL elsewhere don'L have Lo asserL lL here
lv ALWA?S ASSLSS SD8!LC1 MA11L8 !D8lSulC1lCn
1 I D|vers|ty upp|ementa| (W||| a|ways have)
2 NLVLk 1Ak1 W1n U99LL,LN1AL
b Cross Clalm 8ule 13 (g)
l AgalnsL a coparLy MDL1lLL u's or MDL1lLL 's
ll ,u51 arlse from Lhe same LransacLlon or occurrence" Lo ralse
lll Proper Parties {Wbo may be |oined] 20(a) CnL? LAln1lll MA? DSL
a uL1L8MlnlnC CC LAln1llls) 20(a)(1) May [oln lf
l Arlse from Lhe same LransacLlon or occurrence
ll Clalms ralse aL leasL one common quesLlon (lL lf a parLy was neg)
b ueLermlnlng CouLlLnuAn1s 20(a)(2) may [oln lf
l Arlse from Lhe same LransacLlon or occurrence
ll Clalms have aL leasL one common quesLlon
c SD8!LC1 MA11L8 !D8lSulC1lCn
1 I D|vers|ty upp|ementa|
2 NLVLk 1Ak1 W1n U99LL,LN1AL
lv Necessary and indispensable parties (Who MDS1 be [olned who sboolJ be Lhere) 8ule 19
O, Comes up when plololff lefL someone ouL
1he courL reaches ouL and forces Lhe absenLee lnLo Lhe case
3 S1LS
a ueLermlne lf Lhe absenL parLy ls necessary (8ule calls k;uk)
l 8ule 19(a) glves Lhree LesLs LxAM Lk9LAN ALL
1 19(a)(1)(a) WlLhouL Lhe A (absenLee) courL CannoL accord compleLe rellef among
Lhe parLles"
a Worrled abouL efflclency
b uCn'1 DSL MDCP
2 19(a)(1)(b)(1)
a 1he AbsenLee's lnLeresL may be harmed lf she ls noL [olned"
l Worrled abouL A
ll robably Lhe mosL lmporLanL of Lhese
3 19(a)(1)(b)(2)
a 1he absenLee's lnLeresL may sub[ecL Lhe lNN1 Lo mulLlple or
lnconslsLenL obllgaLlons
l Worrled abouL Lhe uefendanL
a SLock cerLlflcaLes ln someone's name Sue Lhe corporaLlon Lo geL Lhem ln
yoot name eLc 8elssues ln your name necessary?
l (a)(1)(a) Conna be mulLlple llLlgaLlons you'll sue laLer
ll (a)(1)(b)(1) ?our lnLeresL wlll be harmed!
lll (a)(1)(b)(2) 1he corporaLlon could be sub[ecLed Lo mulLlple or
lnconslsLenL corporaLlons 8ecause you'll sue laLer
b ls !olner of Lhe absenLee feaslble? nLLu 2 8equlremenLs underneaLh
l ersonal [urlsdlcLlon
ll uoes noL desLroy dlverslLy
1 lf 8C1P Lhen !oln
c WhaL lf you cannoL geL Lhe necessary parLy? 2 cholces
l roceed wlLhouL Lhe absenLee
1 4 facLors lf you can sLlll proceed (or need Lo dlsmlss)
a MCS1 lmporLanL facLor Wlll Lhe plololff sLlll have an adequaLe remedy lf
you dlsmlss?
l ll can sue elsewhere Lhen you should allow dlsmlssal
ll ulsmlss Lhe case
1 ll 1PL CCD81 ulSMlSSLS c 1he absenLee lnulSLnSl8LL
a lnulSLnSl8LL !usL a label you slap on aL Lhe end
2 AL 12(b)(7) MoLlon
v Impleader 8ule 14 A uefendlng parLy (uefendanL or one plalnLlff has broughL lL) wlll [oln a new
a 8rlnglng ln someone who's been parL of Lhe lawsulL before
l lmpleadlng means Lhls
b very llmlLed 1he 1bltJ 9oty efeoJoo may be llable Lo Lhe uLlLnuAn1 on Lhe LAln1lll's clalm
l A clalm for N,N1 ot cON1ku1ON
1 lndemnlLy lnsurance Co
2 ConLrlbuLlon Llke a [olnLer LorL feasor
c nC1 a cross clalm
l Cross clalm ls beLween CoarLles
ll Pere someone who's never been a parLy before
d lalnLlff can asserL clalm up agalnsL Lhe 1u 14(a)(3) verlfy??
l lf from same LransacLlon or occurrence
e 1u can asserL a clalm agalnsL lalnLlff 14 (a)(2)(d)
l lf same LransacLlon or occurrence
f Assess Sub[ecL MaLLer !urlsdlcLlon
l lC ulverslLy SupplemenLal
vl Intervention AbsenLee [olnlng betself 8ule 24
a CeL Lo choose plalnLlff or defendanL
l CourL mlghL reallgn you
b need Lo do lL ln a Llmely fashlon
c 1wo Lypes
l lnLervenLlon of 8lghL 24(a)(2)
1 Says LhaL you a tlqb Lo lnLervene
2 ll your lnLeresL may be harmed lf you're noL [olned"
a lL lf you don'L have someone Lhere looklng ouL for you lnLeresL
3 LxAC1L? 1PL SAML AS nLCLSSA8? A81lLS under 19(a)(1)(b)(1)
4 1WC 8DLLS uClnC 1PL SAML 1PlnC !usL a dlfferenL parLy Laklng acLlon
ll ermlsslve lnLervenLlon 24 (b)(2)
1 All you have Lo show ls LhaL Lhe AbsenLee's clalm or defense have aL leasL one
common quesLlon
2 1hen aL courL's dlscreLlon
vll Class action A represenLaLlve sulng on behalf of a class
a rerequlslLes 23(a)
l numeroslLy So many wouldn'L work Lo have Lhem all be coplalnLlffs lmpracLlcal
1 23 enough maybe? Look aL all facLs
ll CommonallLy
1 Pas Lo be someLhlng ln common among all Lhese people (never a problem
oLherwlse why would Lhey brlng lL?)
lll 1yplcallLy
1 1he represenLaLlve's clalm ls yplcol of Lhe class members (leels Lhelr paln)
lv Adequacy
1 8ep adequaLely represenLs Lhem
b 1ypes 23(b) can be any of Lhese Lhree
l 8(1)
ll 8(2)
lll 8(3) MusL show 2 Lhlngs
1 Common quesLlon 9kLDC,NA1L over lndlvldual quesLlons
a lL lf a parLy was negllgenL eLc
2 1he class ls Lhe U9LkCk meLhod for resolvlng Lhls dlspuLe
a (8eLLer Lhan havlng everyone sue separaLely eLc)
lv nC1L Can have class acLlon llLlgaLlon abouL parLlcular lssues le was a parLy negllgenL eLc
c A case ls noL a class acLlon unLll a courL cerLlfles lL
l need Lo make a moLlon for class cerLlcaLlon
ll lf CourL cerLlfles Lhe courL musL appolnL class councll 23(g)
d noLlce of endency
l ln Lhe 8(3) class Lhe courL MDS1 ClvL lnulvluDAL nC1lCL Lo all member 8LASCnA8L?
luLn1lllA8LL 23(c)(2)(b)
1 8(1) and b(2) do noL requlre
ll ,os Lell Lhem LhaL Lhey have Lhe rlghL Lo opL ouL
e vety member of Lhe class ls bound by Lhe [udgmenL excepL Lhose who opLed ouL of a b(3) class
l 8(1) and 8(2) cannoL opL ouL Called MandaLory class acLlons
f SeLLlemenL ot dlsmlssal of a cerLlfled class musL be approved by Lhe courL
l need Lo have hearlng eLc
g Sub[ecL maLLer !urlsdlcLlon
l Could be a federal quesLlon
ll ulverslLy (very LesLable) 8ules
1 ClLlzenshlp Look ooly aL Lhe rep oLher class members lrrelevanL
a need only LhaL Lhe tep ls dlverse from every defendanL
2 AmounL ln ConLroversy
a As long as Lhe teps clalm exceeds $73000 LhaL's Ck
h Class AcLlon lalrness AcL (CAlA)
l Was passed because lL was Loo easy Lo geL class acLlon ln federal courL meanL Lo funnel
more cases lnLo federal courL (where generally held Lo be easler on us)
ll 1332 (d)(2)
1 Can go Lo federal courL lf
a oy class member ls dlverse from ooy defendanL
b 1be oqqteqoe damages exceed $3000000
lll MosLly a Lool for defendanLs Lo remove Lo federal courLs

ldea ls LhaL shouldn'L have Lrlal by ambush
8ecenLly amended Lo Lr
l Required Disclosures: Rule {a)
a lnformaLlon you have Lo glve wlLhouL even belng asked
b Comes up aL 3 Llmes
l 26(a)(1) 1he lollol dlsclosures
1 MusL ldenLlfy people wlLh dlscoverable lnfo LhaL you mlghL use aL Lrlal
2 ALSC musL glve a descrlpLlon or coples of documenLs LSl (elecLronlcally sLored
lnformaLlon) or Langlble lLems planned Lo use
3 MusL glve a calculaLlon of damages
4 uefendanLs musL dlsclose lf Lhey have lnsurance coverage
ll 26(a)(2) LxperL
lll 26(a)(3) reLrlal (abouL a monLh before Lrlal)
1 1ell Lhem evetybloq you're golng Lo ralse aL Lrlal
ll Discovery tools
(know whlch can be used Lo geL lnformaLlon from a nonparLy)
a ueposlLlon ln lawyer's offlce geL sworn ln eLc
l Can Lake of arLy !usL need Lo ask
ll nonarLy ?ou need Lo geL a subpoena Lo brlng Lhem under courL's auLhorlLy
b lnLerrogaLorles
l Can only send Lo parLles
ll Pave 30 days Lo answer can ask loLs of background sLuff
c 8equesL Lo produce (8ule 34)
l WrlLLen requesL LhaL someone glve you access Lo someLhlng
ll 34(c) Can use for nonparLles buL musL subpoena
d Medlcal LxamlnaLlon (8ule 33)
l ,os geL a courL order Lo use need Lo make a showlng of need
ll Can be ordered of a 9oty ot 5omeooe lo o 9otys cosoJy ot eqol cootol
1 reLLy narrow !usL klds and parenLs preLLy much NO1 for an employee
a 8uL make employee a parLy lf you can
e 8equesL for Admlsslon
l Can only send Lo arLles
lll Scope of Discovery (whaL ls dlscoverable?)
a 1he SLandard 26 (b)(1)
l Can dlscover ooybloq relevanL Lo a clalm or defense
1 ,eoos reasonably calculaLed Lo lead Lo admlsslble evldence
2 uoesn'L have Lo be admlsslble aL Lrlal (hearsay eLc Ck)
b rlvlleged MaLLer ls noL ulscoverable
l lL confldenLlal communlcaLlon beLween lawyer and cllenL
c WC8k8CuDC1 (Cr Lrlal preparaLlon maLerlals) 26(b)(3)
l ueflnlLlon MaLerlal prepared ln anLlclpaLlon of llLlgaLlon
ll 8DLL lf lL ls work producL lL ls proLecLed from dlscovery (no maLLer how relevanL)
1 1o avold Lhe freeloader" problem
2 Pelps Lhe economy
lll LxCL1lCn Can overrlde lf you show
1 SubsLanLlal need" and
2 1he lnformaLlon ls noL oLherwlse avallable"
a lL can'L flnd Lhe wlLness
lv LxCLM1 l8CM LxCL1lCn Cplnlon work producL always proLecLed
1 MenLal lmpresslons concluslons oplnlons and legal Lheorles
v nC1 LlMl1Lu 1C LAW?L8S can be a parLy or any represenLaLlve of a parLy can generaLe W
vl Lxample lnLervlews eLc

Pre-Trial Ad|udication
8lg Lwo are MS! and 12(b)(6) need Lo know dlfference
l {b]{] MoLlon Lo dlsmlss for fallure Lo sLaLe a clalm
a WlLh Lhls moLlon be coot Nevet ooks o vlJeoce
b Cnly look aL Lhe face of Lhe complalnL
l SLandard lf everyLhlng here were Lrue would Lhe plalnLlff wln
ll Comblne of course wlLh lqbal Wlll lgnore concluslons of law
c Lxample ?ou lefL ouL a necessary elemenL
l Dsually dlsmlssed wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo leL you have anoLher chance Lo puL ln more deLalls
ll Summary )udgment: 8ule 36
a CourL can and wlll look aL evldence
b ,ovloq parLy musL show
l 1here ls no dlspuLe on a maLerlal lssue of facL" and
ll ?ou're enLlLled Lo [udgmenL as a maLLer of law"
c Pave sLaLed a sufflclenL clalm buL showlng LhaL no need Lo go Lo Lrlal
l Ooly reason Lo ever go Lo Lrlal ls Lo flgure ouL lssues of facL (noL nec 1rue)
d Lvldence roffered by Lhe parLles
l Lvldence Means LhaL under Lhe penalLy of per[ury Dnder oaLh
1 Can use affldavlLs deposlLlons lnLerrogaLorles (because all under penalLy of per[urles)
2 oes No ocloJe 9leoJloqs
a lMC81An1 nonmovlng parLy lf Lhey do noLhlng doesn'L sufflce
3 8uL lf you have some evldence LhaL dlspuLes a maLerlal lssue of facL you ,os deny MS!
e never os Lo granL always dlscreLlonary

uecldlng dlspuLes of facL !ury or !udge (bench Lrlal)
l Rigbt to |ury trial
a 7
AmendmenL Applles on Lo federal courL [ury noL guaranLeed Lo
l 9tesetves a rlghL Lo [ury Lrlal
1 uoesn'L creaLe a rlghL buL preserves So hlsLorlcal Analysls
2 Look back Lo 1791 when Am passed
ll Cnly ow noL oly
1 reserved for law noL equlLy
2 Looklng aL Common Law of Lngland ln 1791
b 2 parL LesL
l ls Lhe clalm analogous Lo a clalm LhaL exlsLed ln 1791?
ll 8emedy Seeklng a legal or equlLable remedy (MosL lmporLanL parL)
1 AL Law uamages $ 1O cO,9N51 Ou lOk k,
2 AL LqulLy 8emedles when damages wouldn'L make you whole
a ln[uncLlon
b Speclflc erformance
c 8esclsslon of ConLracL
3 Where have boLh?
a CannoL geL equlLable remedles unless legal remedles are lnsufflclenL Lo make
you whole
b Dsed Lo be look aL whaL was more lmporLanL
l lf damages were lncldenLal NO oty
c nCW 3 rules lrom 8eacon 1heaLer and ualry Cueen
l Wlll deLermlne Lhe rlghL Lo a [ury lssue by lssue no longer all or noLhlng
ll ll Lheres an lssue of facL LhaL ls relevanL Lo boLh your law clalm and
equlLy clalm you geL a [ury
lll Ceoetolly Lry Lhe [ury lssues flrsL
ll Motions
a !nCv/!udgmenL as a maLLer of law 30(a)(2)
l !udge Lakes lL away from Lhe [ury says LhaL no reasonable [ury could flnd x reasonable people
could noL dlsagree
1 Agaln lf Lhey lefL ouL an elemenL
ll 1lmlng Can only move afLer Lhe oLher parLy has glven all Lhelr lnformaLlon
lll LxacL same Lhlng as MS!
b 8enewed !udgmenL as a maLLer of law 30(b)
l !usL comes up laLer
1 CourL has already denled and case wenL Lo a [ury
ll !ury reLurns a verdlcL buL sLrange verdlcL eLc
lll Come up when CourL Lhlnks lL should be granLed before buL leLs lL go Lo a [ury hoplng Lhey'll
make Lhe loglcal cholce
1 lnsLead Lhey reach a concluslon loglcal people could noL reach
lv PAvL Lo have already moved for Lhe !nCv
c MoLlon for new Lrlal 8ule 39(a)(1)
l Also afLer Lhe [udgmenL enLered
ll !udge Lhlnks LhaL someLhlng wenL wrong
1 Serlous enough LhaL need Lo sLarL over
lll LlmlLless grounds for Lhls
1 !ury lnsLrucLlons wrong [uror mlsconducL anyLhlng
lv 55 k51c boo 8enewed moLlon for [udgmenL as a maLLer of law
1 8ecause whlle sLlll Laklng Lhe vlcLory away from one person Lhey mlghL sLlll wln noL
glvlng lL Lo someone else llke 8!MCL

Claim and Issue Preclusion
8es !udlcaLa and CollaLeral LsLoppel
Wlll be obvlous
4 MusL be Lwo cases 1
has gone Lo [udgmenL
4 Case Lwo ls pendlng
CuesLlon uoes Lhe [udgmenL ln case one preclude us from llLlgaLlng someLhlng
l Claim Preclusion (res [udlcaLa)
a Means you geL ooe cose Lo vlndlcaLe a clalm (don'L geL 2 blLes of Lhe apple)
b 1hree sLeps need Lo meeL all requlremenLs 8L 8LClSL
l need Lo show LhaL boLh of Lhe cases are by Lhe same clalmanL agalnsL Lhe same defendanL
1 Same parLles ln Lhe same conflguraLlon one agalnsL Lhe oLher
a owever can be compulsory counLer clalm 13(a)
2 uoesn'L need Lo be plalnLlff and defendanL Lhough
ll need Lo show LhaL ended ln a flnal valld [udgmenL on Lhe merlLs
1 vety oJqmeo on Lhe merlLs unless based on [urlsdlcLlon venue or lndlspenslble
parLles uoesn'L have Lo be llLlgaLed
a 8ule 41 (8)
lll 8oLh cases lnvolved Lhe same clolm Lwo vlews
1 Ma[orlLy Arlslng ouL Lhe same LransacLlon or occurrence
a MusL ask for everyLhlng you wanL from LhaL evenL
2 MlnorlLy rlmary rlghLs
a Cne clalm for your body one clalm for your properLy
ll Issue Preclusion
a narrower !usL means LhaL facLual lssue deemed esLabllshed
b llve 8equlremenLs
l Case one ended ln a valld flnal [udgmenL on Lhe merlLs
ll Same lssue was ocoolly lllqoeJ ooJ JeclJeJ ln case one
lll Show LhaL LhaL lssue wos esseolol Lo Lhe [udgmenL ln case one
lv Ask qolos whom ls precluslon used
1 Cnly use oqolos someone who was a parLy Lo case one
2 8equlred by uue rocess
v Ask JO, ls precluslon used?
1 SLarLlng olnL 8ule of MuLuallLy
a Can only ose lL lf you were a parLy ln case one
b nC1 requlred by due process so coo by re[ecLed
2 8e[ecLlon of MuLuallLy nonmuLual lssue precluslon
l nonmuLual means noL a parLy ln case one
b Means belng used by someone who was noL a parLy Lo case one
c Comes up ln 2 ways
l nonmuLual defenses
1 Ck as long as you had a full chance Lo llLlgaLe ln case one
ll nonmuLual Cffenses (Means now Lhe plalnLlff ln case 2)
1 Ma[orlLy probably says no buL sLrong Lrend led by federal law lf
lL ls falr arklane lacLors
a Pave a full chance Lo llLlgaLe ln case one?"
b uld you fotesee mulLlple sulLs?"
c Could you have [olned easlly ln case one?
l 1he sldellne slLLer lssue
d Are Lhere any lnconslsLenL [udgmenLs?"

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