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A temple for Prahalada

Balaji Narasimhan | sherlockbalaji@yahoo.com | www.balaji.ind.in May 2011: One of the advantages of having the lord of the 4
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primary source of happiness tends to come from God; if the said 4 may get joy by writing something in praise of his chosen Lord.

lord is Budha, the native

I have been thus blessed. Between May 2010 and May 2011, I composed three slokas in honour of Prahalada. In May 2010, I wrote the Prahaladabhayam in Tamizh, in March 2011 I wrote the Prahaladeshwara Mahatmya in Kannada and in May 2011, I wrote the Prahaladeshwara Gayatri in Sanskrit. Somewhere in the back of my mind has been the desire to construct a temple for Prahalada, and on 16th May 2011, it being Narasimha Jayanti, I cast a prashna chart to see if this would be possible. ......................... . .ku bu.su ke. . . .gu sk. . . . . . . . ......................... . .16 May 2011. . . .07:52 pm . . . .Bangalore . . .......12n59,77e35....... . .Lg: 1901 . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . .ra lg.ch .sa . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Temples are associated with Surya and it is heartening to note that Surya is aspecting Lagna as the lord of karmastana, indicating that it is my destiny to build a temple for Prahalada. The association of the nodes is typically not very welcome, but here, they have a special significance Rahu and Ketu are cousins of Prahalada because both of them are sons of Simhika, the sister of Prahaladas father Hiranyakashipu. The dasa sequence at the time of the prashna was Ra-Ku-Sa (May-15-2011 to July-14-2011). Rahu occupies lagna as the lord of the 4th house of end of undertakings and is in the star of 11th lord Budha, with the 11th ruling desires and fulfilment. Kuja is in the 6th, indicating that this will be a difficult journey, but there is some relief in the fact that he is in his own house aspected by 9th lord and conjunct 5th lord. And finally, Sani is in the star of Chandra. Now, a note on 9th lord Chandra. At the time of prashna, purnima was running (from 7:40 PM) and the star was Swati (until 8:42 PM). Chandra with a Shad Bala of 8.80 rupas is the strongest graha, while the 9th with a Bhava Bala of 10.3 rupas is the strongest house. This clearly indicates that the desire manifest in this chart will be fulfilled by His grace.


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