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Lul refers Lo Lhe elecLronlc lnLerchange of daLa beLween compuLer

sysLems more preclsely Lul ls deflned as Lhe a Lransfer of sLrucLured

daLa for processlng from compuLer Lo compuLer uslng agreed formaLs
and proLocols

ulfference beLween Lul and emall
1)lnformaLlon LransmlLLed ls dlrecLly used by Lhe reclplenL
compuLer wlLhouL Lhe need for human lnLeracLlon
2)lL ls rarely menLloned buL ofLen menLloned Lo refer Lhe
lnLerchange beLween Lhe buslnesses
3)lL lnvolves Lwo or more organlzaLlon buL or parLs of an
organlzaLlon communlcaLlng buslness lnformaLlon wlLh each oLher
ln a common agree formaL LC lnvolce Sale Crder eLc
4)ulrecL compuLer Lo compuLer lnLeracLlon
Lul Cycle
lmages LeLLers C lnvolce Cuerles Crders enLry
shlpmenLs deLalls paymenL orders 8ankers advlce
mlscellaneous clalms

Lul Serlvlces
CusLomers 8ranches
dvanLages of Lul
1)1o reduce Lhe overheads
2)1o enable Lhe provlslon of lmproved cusLomer servlce

1anglble 8eneflLs of Lul
1)8educe manual daLa enLry
2)lncreased ccuracy
3)Lesser error prone
4)8educed clerlcal Cverheads
3)lasLer dellvery of daLa leadlng Lo shorLer lead Llme even enabllng
Lo lower sLock levels subsequenLly savlng cosL
6)CerLalnLy abouL buslness LransacLlon

Lul sLandards
lSC lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlon for SLandardlzaLlon
lSC 9733 for Lul
LullC1 Lul for llnance dmlnlsLraLlon Commerce and 1ransporL
1wo oLher sLandards
nSl merlcan naLlonal SLandard lnsLlLuLe
un1ul unlLed naLlons 1rade uaLa lnLerchange

1he lndlan Lul SLandards
CLulS of vSnL
CLulS CaLeway LlecLronlc uaLa lnLerchange Servlces

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