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American History B Syllabus Miss Pohl (Student Teacher) / Mr.

DeLong Perry High School Winter 2011-2012 Trimester

Course Description: American History is a two-trimester class. Students will examine the connections that exist among all facets of life. The purpose of American History is to immerse students in all the elements that comprised American life in the second half of our history. The course attempts to answer the question, What does it mean to be an American? Course Goals: Students will: Use knowledge of the past to construct meaningful understanding of our diverse cultural heritage and to inform their civic judgments. Understand narratives about major eras of American and world history by identifying the people involved, describing the setting, and sequencing the events. Reconstruct the past by comparing interpretations written by others from a variety of perspectives and creating narratives from evidence. Evaluate key decisions made at critical turning points in history by assessing their implications and long-term consequences. Use methods of investigation to answer questions about American society.

Textbook and Resources: Students will use a variety of resources such as a classroom lectures, articles, Internet research, videos, audio clips, art, music, and maps. There will also be many in-class activities that will build skills and knowledge about the content utilizing some/all of the relevant resources listed above. We will also be using portions the textbook, America: Pathways to the Present (2005). Textbooks will be checked out to students for the trimester. Instructional Delivery: Classroom discussion, cooperative learning, research, simulations, projects, in-class activities, and lecture will be employed during this class. Students will learn, develop, and practice note-taking skills. Students are expected to take notes during lecture and daily activities. Supplies: Students are expected to bring the following with them to class everyday: PHS student planner Writing utensil A three-ring binder (2 recommended) with dividers A flash drive (USB) is highly recommended Notebook paper Positive attitude Attendance: Attendance and participation are extremely important components of this course.

When Absent from Class Procedures: 1. When absent, you should check the classroom website (www.misspohlsclassroom.weebly.com) for what was done in class and retrieve the necessary information/paperwork. 2. If necessary, see the absent folder in the classroom for information about classroom activities and make-up assignments when you return or if you did not have access to the class website. 3. Complete class work to turn in when you return. You will have up to two days for each day you were absent to turn in work, but it is most beneficial for you to turn it in as quickly as possible. 4. You are responsible for your own learning, so do NOT expect the Miss Pohl to automatically catch you up. Use the resources at your disposal. However, please ask questions to clarify any assignment or project. 5. If possible, inform the teacher of absences in advance and ask for work that you will miss. 6. According to the PHS handbook, chronically absents students (7 or more absences per trimester) are NOT allowed to receive make-up work. 7. Absence on the day of a presentation, video, class discussion, project, in-class activity, etc. will result in the loss of points for that assignment. Students that have an excused absence and miss an assignment may request an alternative assignment. 8. Missed tests and quizzes must be made up within 2 days of the absences before or after school. No make-up tests or quizzes will be handed out during class. Late Work: Late work is defined as not turning in an assignment when it is asked for. All assignments will have posted due dates. Students are responsible for being aware of due dates. Binders will be collected after each unit. Binders will be checked in for all materials used during that unit. Every day that an assignment is late, 10% will be deducted. There will be a cap of 50% deductions. There will also be a grace period at the end of the trimester to turn in missing work, but after that final due date, no missing work will be accepted. Videos: Below is a list of videos that may be shown in Global Studies. Some of the videos listed below will be viewed in their entirety and others will be edited; some may not be viewed at all. As other films become available this list may have additions. The characterization and themes in these movies relate directly to the course concepts of American History. These concepts are directly linked to the State of Michigan High School Content Expectations. Parents/Guardians have the right to exempt their student from viewing a movie. An alternative assignment will be provided to any student who is exempted by their parent/guardian. Movies are available for parents/guardians to preview. Title Truman Tora Tora Tora Nuremburg Thirteen Days Rating PG G PG-13 PG-13 Title Spies Like Us Ghosts of Mississippi Eyes on the Prize Malcolm X Rating PG-13 PG-13 PBS PG-13

**Other short, educational video clips will be used from unitedstreaming.com. These will supply additional information about the content being studied. These clips will be available to view at home through the classroom website. **

Evaluation: Grades will be determined on the number of points earned in a trimester. Points will be derived from classroom behavior, participation, notebooks (binders), daily assignments, projects, quizzes, tests, and a final exam (15% of final grade). Extra credit will be offered sparingly and only through projects that will further the students knowledge/working skill set in the content currently being studied in class. Parents/guardians/students may request a grade report at any time during the trimester. 100-93% 92-90% 89-87% 86-84% 83-80% 79-77% 76-74% 73-70% 69-67% 66-64% 63-60% 59% and lower A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF GRADE DEFINITIONS: A = Outstanding Achievement: The student demonstrates exceptional mastery of the content. An "A" is an exceptional grade indicating distinctly superior performance. The student demonstrates unusually sharp insight regarding the content, and every aspect of performance is exemplary. B = Commendable Achievement: The student demonstrates above average mastery of the content. A "B" is an above average grade indicating achievement of a high order. The student has exceeded the stated requirements. The student demonstrates commendable insight regarding the content, and overall performance is above average. C = Acceptable Achievement: The student demonstrates average mastery of the content. A "C" is an average grade indicating that a student has performed satisfactorily in all aspects of their work. The student has adequately met the stated requirements. The student demonstrates acceptable insight regarding the content, and overall performance is average. D = Marginal Achievement: The student demonstrates below average mastery of the content. A "D" is a below average grade indicating that a student has marginally met the stated requirements. The student demonstrates minimal insight regarding content, and the overall performance is marginal. F = Failing: The student demonstrates little or no mastery of the content. An "F" is a failing grade indicating that a student has not met the stated requirements. The student demonstrates insufficient insight regarding content, and overall performance does not meet the required standards under the State of Michigan high school content expectations for the course. Note: A plus (+) or minus (-) indicates performance at the higher or lower end of the grade range. Miscellaneous/Contact: Students and parents are encouraged to contact me at school. Please leave a message and a phone number where you can be reached, and I will contact you as soon as possible. My email address is pohle@goperry.org. My phone number at school is 625-0022. Mr. DeLongs email address is delongt@goperry.org. The classroom website will be updated with what is going on in class and announcements. I will be using a twitter account to update the announcements, so parents/guardians and students are encouraged to follow me on twitter. My username is MissPohl1.

Miss Pohls Classroom Expectations: **In addition to the PHS classroom expectations, this is what is expected in Miss Pohls class: 1. Respect all people, property, and ideas. Keep the common rules of curtsey; value all people, including yourself, and ideas (regardless of what you personally feel about that idea); all property, including school property, is to be treated well to maximize and enhance learning for all students. 2. Be able to take your shoes off. (Note: No actual shoes will be removed during class time.) Be able to consider different perspectives from anothers point of view; tolerate dissent and ambiguity; offer dissent courteously; to create a learning environment everyone feels safe to share his or her input in, respect others points of view. Refrain from name calling or degrading ideas and views; think before you act or speak. Also, consider perspectives that you personally disagree with. 3. Believe you and others can achieve. Mindset is a big part of learning; the higher you aim, the higher you can go. I believe in you; believe in yourself and classmates; challenge each other to push the learning envelope and see what you can go. Effort and participation are major components of this course.

Classroom Procedures: Beginning of Class Procedure 1. Greet your teacher at the door and your classmates when you come in. 2. Turn in any assignments that are due to the tray on the front table. 3. Go directly to your seat and quietly sit down with necessary tools (notebook, pen/pencil, book, etc.) ready to use. 4. Journal on the topic written on the board; patiently wait to discuss and start the days lesson. 5. If finished early, quietly copy the weeks schedule in your planner, silently read, or look over the agenda for the day. Turning In Assignments Procedure 1. All handwritten assignments are due at the beginning of the class when you come in. 2. All typed/digital assignments are due by 11:59:59 PM on the due date and can be submitted electronically (through the class website.) If you do not submit electronically, they are due at the start of class in the front tray. All assignments not received in class or by the time stamp in my inbox will be considered late. 3. Discuss projects, concerns, and due dates with the teacher in advance. 4. All work should be the original work of the student (unless cited otherwise.) Be proud of your work. 5. Students may work together (discuss the topic), but each student must do his or her own work. 6. All assignments submitted after the above deadlines will be considered late. Late assignments will be accepted up to one week late; however, there will be a deduction of ten percent (10%) for each day it is late.

Restroom Procedure 1. Only one person may go at a time and you must have your planner. 2. DO NOT ask while Miss Pohl is teaching. Wait until a slow period in class or independent work time. If there is an emergency, raise your hand to get Miss Pohls attention, then you may quietly go to the restroomtake your planner. 3. Wash your hands afterward. 4. Get a drink if need be, and then come right back to class using the shortest route and enter quietly. Group Work Procedure 1. Greet all group members in a pleasant manner. 2. Be prepared with the necessary tools and resources to be successful. 3. Collaboration is the key to a successful learning experience: cooperate, practice active listening, take turns sharing ideas and respect all ideas even if you do not agree with them, and do your personal best. 4. All members participate, share, learn from and help one another. No one group member is to do all the work. 5. Discuss all challenges or concerns with the teacher in advance of the due date. Computer Usage Procedure 1. Use computers only when you have something to work on that requires the use of a computer. 2. Only go to sites that are relevant to your project, and make sure all sites visited are school appropriate. 3. Keep computer area free of food and uncapped beverages. 4. Sit in your assigned computer lab seat. Taking Quizzes and Tests Procedure 1. Clear desk/area of everything except the test, writing utensil, something to cover your answers with and bottled water (unless otherwise instructed or approved.) 2. Keep answers covered to prevent an uncomfortable cheating situation for you and your classmates on independent tests and quizzes. 3. Work quietly and independently. Respect your classmates testing needs. 4. When asking a question, quietly raise your hand and wait for the teacher to assist you, or quietly walk to the teacher. If other students are already at the teachers desk asking a question, keep a respectful distance until it is your turn. Use a hushed voice when asking. 5. When finished, put your pen/pencil down (for oral quizzes, put your pencil down after each question so the teacher knows when you are finished) and turn your test in. Then, return quietly to your seat to copy down the weeks schedule in your planner, silently read, or work quietly on other homework. 6. (For quizzes) If correcting together, put original writing utensil away, and correct your own paper with a different color. Be honest.

Presentations Procedure 1. When your classmates are presenting, stay respectfully attentive and quiet. 2. Refrain from making any distractions. 3. When a classmate is finished presenting, ask appropriate questions regarding their topic. Refrain from disagreeing with them or debating with them. 4. Clap for everyone after his or her presentation. End of Class Procedure 1. Wait for the days lesson to be finished before packing up. 2. Gather the necessary materials for finishing work at home if necessary. 3. Clean the area around you. (i.e.: take care of supplies; rearrange furniture, etc.) 4. Sit quietly in your seat and wait patiently for the teacher to dismiss you (even if the bell has rung.) 5. Remember to tell your family about your day at school. When there is a Substitute Teacher Procedure 1. Abide by all rules and expectations that are followed when the normal classroom teacher is present. 2. Be helpful and understanding with the sub. Different teachers have different styles, so work with the sub if he or she does something different than normal. Cell phone Procedure 1. When using cell phones as a part of class, make sure the ringer is turned off and all material on the screen is relevant to class. No outside texting. 2. When not used as a part of class, no meditating. Keep cell phones in your pocket or bag with the ringers turned off for the entire class period. 3. If you have an emergency or need to be able to receive a message/call from a family member, discuss the situation with the teacher and keep your cell phone on the corner of your desk. When it rings, please take the call outside in the hallway. Enter the classroom again quietly. MP3 Players/iPods Procedures 1. You may use mp3 players and iPods only during independent work time or group work when pertinent to the project. 2. Some tests may be given in audio form, if helpful. Please bring in your blank mp3 player (or the teacher will clear it before putting on the test) so that the teacher may load the test onto your device. 3. Phones may be used as an audio player during independent or group work time if it fits the above procedure and is only being used as an audio player; however, tests cannot be loaded onto phones. Other Technology Devices Procedure 1. Acceptable technology devices include assistive technologies, kindles/nooks, iPads, tablets, and laptops, as long as the technology is being used to enhance learning. If used incorrectly, technology privileges will be revoked. 2. No gaming devices (gameboys, Nintendo DS, etc.) will be allowed in class. 3. No cameras on technology devices will be allowed in the classroom. 4. All new technology utilized in the classroom is to maximize learning and should be used as a learning tool. Respect all people, property, and ideas within the uses of technology.

Ineffective Behavior Consequences: If misbehaving, such as talking or messing around, I will use body language and proximity to remind the student of the expectations. If the student does not follow one of the beginning of class or end of class procedures, that student or the class, if need be, will have the opportunity to redo that action correctly. If more serious, I will speak with that student either during class or after class, depending on the misbehavior, about the necessity for the expectations and how to correct the behavior. If the behavior is intentionally contrary to expectations, that student will be removed to student parking where he or she will take the work to finish, as well as complete a behavior intervention questionnaire to discuss with me at the earliest convenience. That questionnaire will serve as documentation, and depending on the misbehavior, the student may need to see additional school staff. If needed and prudent, parents and guardians will be notified of the misbehavior and preventative supports for future misbehavior will be implemented. **All negative consequences will be appropriate to the misbehavior and carried out as soon as possible. **

I reserve the right to make any reasonable and necessary change/adjustment to this syllabus to better meet the educational needs for this course. All adjustments will be communicated in writing.

Please detach this portion, sign, and return to Miss Pohl by Friday, December 2nd, 2011 with the filled-out Parent Survey. Keep the rest of the syllabus in your binder for reference. Thank you! Student Name(s): _______________________ Parent /Guardian Name(s): _____________________________ Please initial the option of your choosing. __________ My son(s) or daughter(s) has my permission to be videotaped or photographed for educational purposes in the classroom. These photographs/videotapes may be used for Miss Pohls student-teaching requirements or portfolio. No names or identifying signals/grades/school names will be used. __________ My son(s) or daughter(s) does NOT have my permission to be videotaped or photographed for any reason during class. I acknowledge that I have read and understand the whole syllabus. As a student, I agree to abide by these expectations. As a parent, I agree that I am aware of the expectations. __________________________________________________ Student Signature _________________ Date

__________________________________________________ Parent Signature

_________________ Date

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