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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

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Following are the objective questions from Computer Fundamentals Section. Computer Fundamentals section includes the topics such as history of computers, generation of computers, classification of computers, Computer Peripherals, Storage Devices, Computer Security Systems, Computer Viruses, Computer Networking, System Analysis and Design and so on.

Set - 21

1. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?

a. Control Unit and Registers

b. Registers and Main Memory

c. Control unit and ALU

d. ALU and bus

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

Correct Answer: c

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2. The two basic types of record access methods are:

a. Sequential and random

b. Sequential and indexed

c. Direct and immediate

d. Online and real time

Correct Answer: a

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3. A disadvantage of the laser printer is

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

a. It is quieter than an impact printer

b. It is very slow

c. The output is of a lower quality

d. None of the above

Correct Answer: d

Objective Questions - Multiple Choice Questions - MCQs at psExam.com

4. Different components n the motherboard of a PC unit are linked together by sets of parallel electrical conducting lines. What are these lines called?

a. Conductors

b. Buses

c. Connectors

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

d. Consecutives

Correct Answer: b

Computer Fundamentals Fundamentals of Computer Science

5. The language that the computer can understand and execute is called

a. Machine language

b. Application software

c. System program

d. All of the above

Correct Answer: a

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

6. Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?

a. Magnetic drum


c. Floppy disk

d. All of these

Correct Answer: b

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7. Which of the following memories needs refresh?



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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

c. ROM

d. All of above

Correct Answer: b

Objective Questions - Multiple Choice Questions - MCQs at psExam.com

8. Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text?

a. OCR

b. OMR


d. All of above

Correct Answer: a

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

Computer Fundamentals Fundamentals of Computer Science

9. The output quality of a printer is measured by

a. Dot per cm

b. Dots per inch

c. Dots printed per unit time

d. All of above

Correct Answer: b

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10. In analog computer

a. Input is first converted to digital form

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

b. Input is never converted to digital form

c. Output is displayed in digital form

d. All of the above

Correct Answer: b

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11. Who designed the first electronics computer ENIAC/

a. Von Neumann

b. Joseph M Jacquard

c. J. P. Eckert and J. W. Mauchly

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

d. All of above

Correct Answer: c

Objective Questions - Multiple Choice Questions - MCQs at psExam.com

12. Modern computers are very reliable but they are not

a. Fast

b. Powerful

c. Infallible

d. Cheap

Correct Answer: c

Computer Fundamentals Fundamentals of Computer Science

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

13. Which 8-bit chip was used in many of todays TRS-80 computers?

a. Z-8000

b. Motorola 6809

c. Z-8808

d. Z-80

Correct Answer: d

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14. Personal computers used a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?

a. Daughterboard

b. Motherboard

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

c. Father board

d. Childboard

Correct Answer: b

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15. In most of the IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drivers, memory, expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of the board?

a. Motherboard

b. Daughterboard

c. Bredboard

d. Fatherboard

Correct Answer: a

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

Objective Questions - Multiple Choice Questions - MCQs at psExam.com

16. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an

a. Interpreter

b. CPU

c. Compiler

d. Simulator

Correct Answer: c

Computer Fundamentals Fundamentals of Computer Science

17. A computer Program that translates one program inst5ruction at a time into machine language is called a/an

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Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions - Set 21

a. Interpreter

b. CPU

c. Compiler

d. Simulator

Correct Answer: a

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