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AlSS lnqulry Cycle supporL maLerlal


O JaL do l know abouL Lls unlL of lnqulry?
1e cenLral ldea? 1e llnes of lnqulry?
O ow do l know lL?
O JaL experlences do l ave wlL Lls Loplc?
O JaL don'L l know?
O JaL do l f Lo know?
O JaL do l need Lo know?
O JaL are some posslble ldeas abouL Lls Loplc
LaL l am lnLeresLed ln?
O JaL am l wonderlng?
O JaL are Le key concepLs we wlll focus on ln
Lls unlL?
O JaL are my quesLlons?
O JaL am l feellng?
O Jere mlgL l go Lo flnd ouL more
O JaL resources mlgL l use?
O JaL key words could l use ln my searces?
O Jere can l flnd dlfferenL polnLs of vlew on
O Jo could elp me wlL my lnqulry?
O JaL can l do Lo learn more?
O JaL are my quesLlons?
O ow do l know lf my resources are good?
O JaL am l feellng aL Lls pase?
O ls Lere anyLlng l can do Lo feel more
successful abouL Le way l am currenLly
O JaL ave l learned?
O ow wlll l organlse/record/presenL Lls
O JaL wlll l do flrsL/nexL?
O o l ave all Le lnformaLlon l need?
O JaL connecLlons can l make beLween new and
prlor knowledge?
O ow ave my ldeas canged?
O JaL sLraLegles may be used Lo elp make sense
of Le lnformaLlon?
O JaL do oLer people Llnk abouL Lls
O JaL lnformaLlon do l wls Lo sare?
O Jo wlll be my audlence?
O Are all my quesLlons answered?
O ave l addressed all my llnes of lnqulry?
O ave l consldered Le dlfferenL polnLs of vlew on
Lls Loplc?
O ave l found enoug lnformaLlon?
O Jere else can l source lnformaLlon?
O ow can l plan Lo sow Le connecLlons l ave
O ow do l wanL Lo sow waL l ave learned?
O JaL am l feellng abouL sowlng waL l ave
O ls Lere someLlng LaL l wanL Lo flnd even more

O JaL do l know and undersLand abouL Le CenLral
O JaL are my endurlng undersLandlngs?
O JaL ls Le maln polnL l wls Lo make?
O ave l effecLlvely sared wlL oLers waL l ave
O Jo ls Le audlence l wlll sare my lnformaLlon
O ld l answer all my quesLlons?
O JaL am l golng Lo do wlL waL l ave learned?
O JaL could l do dlfferenLly?
O ow do l feel abouL Le way l sared my learnlng?
O ow do l feel abouL waL oLers LougL?
O ow ave l demonsLraLed Le aLLrlbuLes of Le
learner proflle durlng my lnqulry process?

O ow can waL l ave learned elp me ln my
O ow can waL l ave learned elp oLers?
O ow can l lmprove my learnlng?
O JaL dld l learn besL?
O ow dld l learn besL?
O ow am l golng Lo Lake acLlon Lo lmprove my
O ow am l golng Lo use waL l ave learned Lo Lake
acLlon and make a dlfference?
O ow wlll my acLlons affecL oLers?
O JaL dld l en[oy mosL abouL Lls lnqulry?
O ow ave my feellngs canged LrougouL Lls
lnqulry process?
O rom waL l ave learned waL do l feel mosL
passlonaLe abouL?
O JaL can l celebraLe? (my commendaLlons)

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