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ConLexL of

CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlor
ConLexL of CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlor

Croup arLlclpanLs
Muhammad Arfan 8Sl1l09M11
Plra Shakeel 8Sl1l09M12
Shazla 8laz 8Sl1l09M
Zahld Ashraf 8Sl1l09M31
Shahld kamran 8Sl1S09M12

Mr larhan Sherazl

ulvlslon of Sclence 1echnology unlverslLy
of LducaLlon 1ownshlp Campus Lahore
Context of 0iganizational Behavioi


1ab|e of Contents and D|v|s|on of Work

PlsLorlcal 8ackground of CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlor 3
Lxample of Apple lnc Company ln Lerms of hlsLorlcal background 3
Challenges laced by Modernuay CrganlzaLlons 4
aradlgm ShlfL 3
8esearch MeLhodology and lssues 6
1heoreLlcal lramework 7

Context of 0iganizational Behavioi


n|stor|ca| 8ackground of C8
ln Lhe early LwenLleLh cenLury early sLudles ln Lhe complexlLles of organlzaLlonal acLlvlLy goL
underway lnlLlal sLudles were mosLly mechanlcal 8elng LreaLed llke machlnes Lhe humans
were sub[ecLed Lo close scruLlny and sLudy 1he aspecLs sLudled were how Lhe human behaved
durlng regular applled LesLlng of a persons responses Lo sLlmull AnoLher sLream of ldeas LhaL
were parL of sLudy organlzaLlons were dlvlded accordlng Lo Lhelr pollLlcal preferences and Lhe
varlous levels of managemenL LhroughouL Lhe enLlre organlzaLlons unforLunaLely Lhere was a
llmlLaLlon Lo boLh of Lhese because Lhey dld noL bear ln mlnd Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe Lwo
connecLed sLreams buL LreaLed each as a separaLe enLlLy arLs of Lhe PlsLory Cf CrganlzaLlonal
8ehavlor SLudles can be seen durlng Lhe 1890s uurlng Lhls Llme sclenLlflc managemenL was
vlewed as Lhe besL way Lo run an organlzaLlon An organlzaLlon LhaL ln lLs course of acLlon
adheres Lo a seL of guldellnes and guldes lLself on flndlngs of Llme and moLlon sLudles ls bound
Lo achleve greaLer levels of producLlvlLy clalmed Lhe advocaLes of Lhls sysLem lL became clear
LhaL organlzaLlons were cenLered on lnLeracLlve groups of Lhelr members and a more
humanlsLlc vlew needed Lo be formulaLed as psychology and analysls as a means of
undersLandlng human behavlor became more sophlsLlcaLed 8y undersLandlng and uslng
psychology producLlvlLy wlll lmprove Lremendously 1he Puman 8elaLlons MovemenL as lL was
called ln Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe 20Lh cenLury broughL focus on collaboraLlon lnfluence and Lhe
aspecL of parLlcular persons undersLandlng Lhe lnLenL of Lhe organlzaLlon 8y Lhe Second World
War a paradlgm shlfL had occurred ln Lhe sLudy of organlzaLlonal behavlor 1he new buzzword
was operaLlons research and more and more people became lnLeresLed ln sclences sysLems
Lheorles complexlLy Lheorles and sLraLegles AL Lhe Llme !ames March and PerberL Slmon were
leadlng experLs ln Lhe fleld Many Lheorles were comlng forLh as Lhe sevenLles came around
More ofLen Lhan noL Lhe basls for Lhls was quanLlLaLlve research and lnLerconnecLed realms of
psychology 8y Lhe 1980s how lmporLanL Lhe culLures of dlfferenL organlzaLlons was
emphaslzed lnsLead of Lhe amounL and quallLy of Lhe research AnLhropology was buL one of
Context of 0iganizational Behavioi


many flelds belng added lnLo sLudles abouL organlzaLlonal behavlors resenLly any managerlal
course has organlzaLlonal behavlor sLudles as lLs lnLegral parL
amp|e of App|e Inc Company |n terms of h|stor|ca| background
SLeve !obs began Apple lnc wlLh Lhe noLlon of Cne person Cne computer" ln hopes of havlng
a personal compuLer LhaL could be easlly used by anyone As of SepLember 2010 wlLh 46600
full Llme employees and 2800 Lemporary employees and conLracLors Lhls noLlon holds Lrue
Loday (Apple lnc 2010) Cver Lhe years of Apple lnc developmenL changes ln organlzaLlonal
leadershlp and sLrucLure occurred Apple's mlsslon of changlng Lhe world by brlnglng
compuLers Lo Lhe masses" broughL mulLlple changes wlLhln Lhe company LhaL became a
hlndrance and a beneflL Lo Lhe company's growLh (lreedman vohr 1989)

under cofounder SLeve !obs and CLC AC Mekkula ln 1983 Lhen Apple CompuLers lnc was
under a cenLrallzed organlzaLlonal sLrucLure 1he auLhorlLy Lo make declslons was resLrlcLed Lo
hlgher level managemenL and Lhese managers would sLlll reporL Lo Markkula (Schermerhorn
PunL Csborn and uhl8len (2010)) Apple's sLrucLure conslsLed of flve producL dlvlslons four
producL supporL dlvlslons and numerous admlnlsLraLlve deparLmenLs 1hese dlvlslons would
reporL Lo !obs and Mekkula and flnal declslons would resL wlLh Lhem 1hls dlvlslon creaLed
dlvlslons wlLhln Lhe company and newly hlred CLC !ohn Schulley sLaLed As o membet of tbe
execotlve stoff l come owoy wltb o cleot lmptessloo tbot tbete wosot o commoo ooJetstooJloq
of tbe compooy we wete ttyloq to bollJ lo foct tbete wete mooy competltlve flefJoms A qtoop
colleJ lcu5 (letsoool compotet 5ystems ulvlsloo) wos tespooslble fot tbe Jevelopmeot ooJ
motketloq of tbe Apple ll wltblo tbot Jlvlsloo wos o smollet spllotet qtoop lo cbotqe of tbe
Apple lll 1bete wos tbe llso compotet Jlvlsloo ooJ 5teves Moclotosb teom wblcb boJot yet
lottoJoceJ o ptoJoct (lreedman vohr 1989)
Cha||enges Iaced by ModernDay Crgan|zat|ons
1he challenges faced by a manager ln Lhe LwenLy flrsL cenLury dlffer greaLly from Lhose of
prevlous decades Where once lL was commonly held knowledge LhaL Lhe manager's maln focus
was LhaL of recrulLlng and conLrolllng sLaff and oLher corporaLe resources avallable Lo achleve
Lhe organlzaLlon's ob[ecLlves wheLher lL be maxlmlzlng proflL or lncreaslng markeL share ln
Loday's worklng envlronmenL Lhe manager's funcLlon ln Lhe organlzaLlon has dlscernlbly alLered
from LhaL of prevlous Llmes uynamlc changes ln Lhls cenLury's worklng envlronmenL due Lo
1 Lack of Cap|ta|
Context of 0iganizational Behavioi


Lack of caplLal ls ofLen Lhe mosL crlLlcal challenge LhaL a successful manager or leader faces as
lLs very success creaLes Lhls and lL qulckly becomes a vlclous clrcle WlLhouL very dlllgenL cash
flow managemenL and/or rlslng of more caplLal lncludlng debL Lhe buslness ofLen ls
consLralned by caplLal as lL grows CfLen Lhe proflL ln one operaLlng cycle ls lnsufflclenL Lo fund
Lhe exLra worklng caplLal requlred for Lhe nexL operaLlng cycle Many capable managers cannoL
overcome Lhe obsLacles ln Lhelr buslnesses cash flow cycle and cannoL undersLand why bankers
and oLher lenders ofLen cannoL provlde Lhe flnanclng as Lhe manager ofLen does noL have Lhe
securlLy Lo supporL Lhe debL
1he soluLlon ls ofLen easler Lhan mosL enLrepreneurs reallze lL ofLen sLarLs wlLh a plan Lo see
whaL your cash needs are and when your cash needs arlse 1hen one ls ln a poslLlon Lo manage
lL and focus on Lhe cash managemenL Lechnlques mosL llkely Lo be successful ln hls/her
Lack of Management Sk|||s
Lack of managemenL skllls ls a problem LhaL ls very dlfflculL Lo deal wlLh ln mosL small and
medlum enLerprlses as Lhe slze of Lhe senlor managemenL Leam ls necessarlly llmlLed 1hese
areas of weakness could be ln flnance human resources markeLlng or any area where Lhe
currenL managemenL does noL have Lhe experLlse or Lhe Llme Lo deal wlLh Lhe lssues
lL can be solved by deLermlnlng Lhe weak areas and Lhen developlng a plan for deallng wlLh
Lhose challenges SoluLlons can be as slmple as asslgnlng Lhe responslblllLy Lo an exlsLlng
manager wlLh a requlremenL Lo waLch for Lhe obvlous plLfalls Lo hlrlng a person parLLlme or a
3 Lack of Iocus
lgnorlng rlsks ln Lhelr assessmenL of alLernaLlves and opporLunlLles
4 Lack of |ann|ng
lallure Lo plan for lssues absorblng Lhe ma[orlLy of your Llme
Challenge for Apple lnc Company ls LhaL afLer SLeve [ob deaLh
arad|gm Sh|ft
A model of organlzaLlonal change LhaL ls based on kuhns paradlgm Lheory ls applled Lo a long
Lerm plannlng process aL Lhe unlverslLy of MlnnesoLa 1he daLa suggesL LhaL alLhough plannlng
began ln Lhe mld1970s Lhe 1980s saw a paradlgm change LhaL lncreased cenLrallzaLlon ln
Context of 0iganizational Behavioi


sLraLeglc orlenLaLlon and a reducLlon ln slze and programs 1he shlfL ls descrlbed as a
paradlgmaLlc LransformaLlon from anarchlc popullsm Lo managed popullsm lmpllcaLlons
for organlzaLlonal research are dlscussed ln apple lnc Company paradlgm shlfL Lake place ln
laLe 90 s When SLeve [ob regulaLed each and every Lhlng ln new manner
esearch Methodo|ogy and Issues
8esearch can be deflned as Lhe sclenLlflc search for knowledge or as any sysLemaLlc
lnvesLlgaLlon Lo esLabllsh novel facLs solve new or exlsLlng problems prove new ldeas or
develop new Lheorles usually uslng sclenLlflc 1he prlmary purpose for baslc research (as
opposed Lo applled) ls dlscoverlng lnLerpreLlng and Lhe developmenL of meLhods and sysLems
for Lhe advancemenL of human knowledge on a wlde varleLy of sclenLlflc maLLers of our world
and Lhe unlverse

Steps |n Conduct|ng esearch
O Ventification of research problem
O LlLeraLure revlew
O Speclfylng Lhe purpose of research
O uaLa collecLlon
O Analyzlng and lnLerpreLlng Lhe daLa
O 8eporLlng and evaluaLlng research
What |s Methodo|ogy?
1he analysls of Lhe prlnclples of meLhods rules and posLulaLes employed by a dlsclpllne
1he sysLemaLlc sLudy of meLhods LhaL are can be or have been applled wlLhln a dlsclpllne
esearch Methodo|ogy
A research meLhodology deflnes whaL Lhe acLlvlLy of research ls how Lo proceed how Lo
measure progress and whaL consLlLuLes success Al meLhodology ls a [umbled mess ulfferenL
meLhodologles deflne dlsLlncL schools whlch wage rellglous wars agalnsL each oLher
MeLhods are Lools use Lhem donL leL Lhem use you uonL fall for slogans LhaL ralse one above
Lhe oLhers ``Al research needs Lo be puL on flrm foundaLlons ``hllosophers [usL Lalk Al ls
abouL hacklng ``?ou have Lo know whaLs compuLed before you ask how 1o succeed aL Al
Context of 0iganizational Behavioi


you have Lo be good aL Lechnlcal meLhods and you have Lo be susplclous of Lhem lor lnsLance
you should be able Lo prove Lheorems and you should harbor doubLs abouL wheLher Lheorems
prove anyLhlng
MosL good pleces of Al dellcaLely balance several meLhodologles lor example you musL walk a
flne llne beLween Loo much Lheory posslbly lrrelevanL Lo any real problem and volumlnous
lmplemenLaLlon whlch can represenL an lncoherenL mugglng of adhoc soluLlons ?ou are
consLanLly faced wlLh research declslons LhaL dlvlde along a boundary beLween ``neaL and
``scruffy Should you Lake Lhe Llme Lo formallze Lhls problem Lo some exLenL (so LhaL for
example you can prove lLs lnLracLablllLy) or should you deal wlLh lL ln lLs raw form whlch lll
deflned buL closer Lo reallLy? 1aklng Lhe former approach leads (when successful) Lo a clear
cerLaln resulL LhaL wlll usually be elLher borlng or aL leasL wlll noL Address Lhe lssues Lhe laLLer
approach runs Lhe rlsk of Lurnlng lnLo a bunch of hacks Any one plece of work and any one
person should alm for a [udlclous balance formallzlng sub problems LhaL seem Lo cry for lL
whlle keeplng honesL Lo Lhe 8lg lcLure
Some work ls llke sclence ?ou look aL how people learn arlLhmeLlc how Lhe braln works how
kangaroos hop and Lry Lo flgure lL ouL and make a LesLable Lheory Some work ls llke
englneerlng you Lry Lo bulld a beLLer problem solver or shapefrom algorlLhm Some work ls
llke maLhemaLlcs you play wlLh formallsms Lry Lo undersLand Lhelr properLles hone Lhem
prove Lhlngs abouL Lhem Some work ls exampledrlven Lrylng Lo explaln speclflc phenomena
1he besL work comblnes all Lhese and more MeLhodologles are soclal 8ead how oLher people
aLLacked slmllar problems and Lalk Lo people abouL how Lhey proceeded ln speclflc cases
1heoret|ca| Iramework
MosL research ls founded on a quesLlon 1he researcher or wrlLer of Lhe reporL noL only
quesLlons buL ponders and develops LhoughLs or Lheorles on whaL Lhe posslble answers could
be 1hese LhoughLs and Lheorles are Lhen grouped LogeLher lnLo Lhemes LhaL frame Lhe sub[ecL
1hls ls whaL ls known as a LheoreLlcal framework
A LheoreLlcal framework ls a seL of assumpLlons a paradlgm or model lf you wlll LhaL makes a
sLory coherent
8enef|ts of 1heoret|ca| Iramework1he maln beneflL of a LheoreLlcal framework ls LhaL lL
can help a researcher or wrlLer deLermlne problem areas conLenL conslderaLlons research
quesLlons LhaL need Lo be addressed and Lhe meLhodology or way ln whlch Lhe researcher
plans Lo go abouL flndlng an answer Lo Lhe research quesLlon lL can be used Lo make noLes on
flndlngs so LhaL aL a laLer Llme Lhe wrlLer can qulckly recall Lhls lnformaLlon All of Lhese secLlons
of Lhe research paper can be shown ln neaL LhemaLlc groups LhaL can sysLemaLlcally and
conclsely lead Lhe wrlLer Lhrough Lhe sub[ecL
Context of 0iganizational Behavioi

Page 8

Length of TheoreticaI Framework:
A LheoreLlcal framework ls usually abouL a page long 1hey are conclse and deal only wlLh Lhe
polnLs Lhe wrlLer hopes are lmporLanL enough Lo brlng ouL ln Lhe paper Many researchers or
wrlLers wlll use dlagrams Lo lllusLraLe Lhelr frameworks 1hey wlll draw Lhem showlng a clrcle ln
Lhe cenLer of Lhe dlagram lllusLraLlng Lhe maln focus or ldea and from Lhere show legs or
arrows polnLlng Lo or connecLlng whaL Lhey hope Lo brlng ouL ln Lhe process of flndlng Lhe
answer Lo Lhe sLudys quesLlon
ampIes of TheoreticaI Framework:ln academla when wrlLlng a LhemaLlc paper such
as a Lhesls or dlsserLaLlon ofLen Lhe wrlLer can creaLe a synopsls or absLracL LhaL summarlzes ln
brlef whaL Lhe paper ls abouL 1hls ls handy when oLhers wanL Lo know aL a glance whaL Lhe
core of Lhe papers sub[ecL ls When Lhe paper ls belng revlewed ofLen a wrlLer ls expecLed Lo
presenL a LheoreLlcal framework of Lhe paper 1hls framework wlll show Lhe revlewer how Lhe
wrlLer came abouL chooslng Lhe dlrecLlon he dld lL wlll show Lhe anLlclpaLed Lhemes and whaL
quesLlons Lhose Lhemes Lheorles and ldeas hope Lo answer wlLhln Lhe paper
ognitive Framework

CognlLlve approach emphaslzes Lhe poslLlve and freewlll aspecLs of human behavlor and uses
concepLs such as expecLancy demand and lnLenLlon CognlLlon can be slmply deflned as Lhe
acL of knowlng an lLem of lnformaLlon ln cognlLlve framework cognlLlons precede behavlor
and consLlLuLe lnpuL lnLo Lhe person's Lhlnklng percepLlon problem solvlng and lnformaLlon
1he work of Ldward 1olman can be used Lo represenL Lhe cognlLlve LheoreLlcal approach
Accordlng Lo 1olman learnlng conslsLs of Lhe expecLancy LhaL a parLlcular evenL wlll lead Lo a
parLlcular consequence 1hls cognlLlve concepL of expecLancy lmplles LhaL organlsm ls Lhlnklng
abouL or ls consclous or aware of Lhe goal and resulL of a behavlor exhlblLed by lL lL means LhaL
a person deslres a goal and also knows Lhe behavlor LhaL wlll lead Lo achlevemenL of Lhe goals
ln Lhe sub[ecL of organlzaLlonal behavlor cognlLlve approach domlnaLes Lhe unlLs of analysls
such as percepLlon personallLy and aLLlLudes moLlvaLlon behavloral declslon maklng and goal

ehaviorist Framework

loneer behavlorlsLs lvan avlov and !on 8 WaLson sLressed Lhe lmporLance of sLudylng
observable behavlors lnsLead of Lhe eluslve mlnd 1hey advocaLed LhaL behavlor could be besL
undersLood ln Lerms of sLlmulus and response (S8) 1hey examlned Lhe lmpacL of sLlmulus and
felL LhaL learnlng occurred when Lhe S8 connecLlon was made Modern behavlorlsm LhaL
marks lLs beglnnlng wlLh 8l Sklnner advocaLes LhaL behavlor ln response Lo a sLlmulus ls
conLlngenL on envlronmenLal consequences 1hus lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL behavlorLlsLlc
approach ls based on observable behavlor and envlronmenLal varlables (whlch are also
Context of 0iganizational Behavioi

Page 9

Soc|a| Cogn|t|ve Iramework

Soclal learnlng Lheory Lakes Lhe poslLlon LhaL behavlor can besL be explalned ln Lerms of a
conLlnuous reclprocal lnLeracLlon among cognlLlve behavloral and envlronmenLal
deLermlnanLs 1he person and Lhe envlronmenLal slLuaLlon do noL funcLlon as lndependenL
unlLs buL ln con[uncLlon wlLh behavlor lLself reclprocally lnLeracL Lo deLermlne behavlor lL
means LhaL cognlLlve varlables and envlronmenLal varlables are relevanL buL Lhe experlences
generaLed by prevlous behavlor also parLly deLermlne whaL a person becomes and can do
whlch ln Lurn affecLs subsequenLly behavlor A persons cognlLlon or undersLandlng changes
accordlng Lo Lhe experlence of consequences of pasL behavlor

8andura developed soclal learnlng Lheory lnLo Lhe more comprehenslve soclal cognlLlve Lheory
(SC1) SLa[kovlc and LuLhans have LranslaLed Lhls SC1 lnLo Lhe LheoreLlcal framework for
organlzaLlonal behavlor Soclal cognlLlve Lheory recognlzes Lhe lmporLance of behavlorlsm's
conLlngenL envlronmenLal consequences buL also lncludes cognlLlve processes of self
regulaLlon 1he soclal parL acknowledges Lhe soclal orlglns of much of human LhoughL and
acLlon (whaL lndlvldual learns from socleLy) whereas Lhe cognlLlve porLlon recognlzes Lhe
lnfluenLlal conLrlbuLlon of LhoughL processes Lo human moLlvaLlon aLLlLudes and acLlon ln
soclal cognlLlve LheoreLlcal framework organlzaLlonal parLlclpanLs are aL Lhe same Llme boLh
producLs and producers of Lhelr personallLy respecLlve envlronmenLs and behavlors 1he
parLlclpanLs as a group of produce Lhe envlronmenL every lndlvldual ls a producL of Lhe
enlronmenL and Lhrough hls behavlor changes Lhe envlronmenL for oLhers as well as for
hlmself every lndlvldual ls a producL of hls personallLy buL also lnfluences hls personallLy as
consequence of resulLs of hls behavlor

8andura ldenLlfled flve baslc human capablllLles as a parL of SC1

1 Symbollzlng eople process vlsual experlences lnLo cognlLlve models 1hey help ln fuLure
2 loreLhoughL Lmployees plan Lhelr acLlons
3 CbservaLlonal Lmployees learn by observlng Lhe performance of Lhe referenL group
(peers supervlsors and hlgh performers) and Lhe consequences of Lhelr acLlons
4 SelfregulaLory Lmployees self regulaLe Lhelr acLlons by seLLlng lnLernal sLandards (asplred
level of performance)
3 SelfreflecLlve Lmployees reflecL back on Lhelr acLlons (how dld l do?) and percepLually
deLermlne how Lhey belleve Lhen can successfully accompllsh Lhe Lask ln Lhe fuLure glven Lhe
conLexL (probablllLy of success beLween 0 Lo 100 ls esLlmaLed)

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