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A Intro to Copyr|ght
a Jf ls Copyrlg"
l Se of excluslve rlgs grfed o e fuor or crefor of f orlglfl work lcludlg e rlg o copy dlsrlbue
fd fdfp e work
ll Crfs fuors llmled propery rlg l form of expresslo of elr ldefs
1 fe proeclo srog bu rlgorous fppllcflo process
2 1rfde secre dlffers from sfe o sfe
3 ufflr compello o sufflcle proeclo
4 C/8 fs smflles egflve lmpfc
lll ls bflfced for publlc leres purposes wl llmlflos fd exceplos o e excluslve rlg (le fflr use)
lv Cueslo of elllg ow ere ls copyrlg lfrlgeme"
1 Je ls e orlglfl/copy mfde"
2 Jy ls e orlglfl/copy mfde"
3 uegree of slmllfrly"
4 uld e copyls ever see/efr fbou e orlglfl"
3 Jere wfs e orlglf/copy mfde"
6 roeclo for e copy
b lsorlcfl 8fckgroud
l Sfred wl e 16

Ceury prl sop Cueberg press

ll Sfue of Ae (Lg 1710)
lll Amerlcf coloy sfues 1rs Amerlcf prllg press
lv uS Coslulo Ar l 8 cl 8 1o promoe e progress of sclece fd useful frs by securlg for llmled lmes
o fuors fd lveors e excluslve rlg o elr respeclve wrllgs fd dlscoverles"
1 Llmlflo o power
f Mus be o promoe sclece fd usefu| arts"
b Mus be for llmled lmes" oug Lldred upeld llfe + 70 yrs
c 8lgs oly secured o authors" fd wr|t|ngs"
c Ceerfl rlclples urpose/gofl of copyrlg lfw"
l oser creflo for publlc welffre (ulllfrlf) provlde f lcelve o crefe works of fr
ll 8ewfrd people for creflg (furfl rlgs) Lfffer Curve
d Cverv|ew of Copyrlg
l Lfrly cfses deermllg e coours of Copyrlg Sub[ec mfer fd sfdfrds
1 8ottowClles lltboqtopblc co v 5otooy photography |s protected fd amount of or|g|na||ty needed for
protect|on |s sma|| does# fve o be mos creflve lg l e world
f fcs poogrfper Sfroy fkes poo of Cscfr Jllde wlc ls copled
l Appefls sfld poogrfps o c/r#fble sub[ec mfer
b eld poogrfps fre proeced so ffr fs ey fre represeflos of orlglfl lellecufl
coceplos of e fuor" fd o [us mere mecflcfl reproduclo of e pyslcfl fefures or
oulles of some ob[ec flmfe or lflmfe"
l Creflvly l pose clolg llglg
2 8lelstelo v uooolJsoo lltboqtopbloq co lgs used for commerc|a| purposes are c]r'ab|e le fds
f clrcus poser 2 cs below sfld l wfs o proeced b/c l#s low brow fd commerclfl
b eld poser ls proeced does# mfer lf l#s good fr or bfd fr
ll -fure of Copyrlg 17 uSC 102(f) c/r#fble sub[ec mfer 17 uSC 102(b) ldef v Lxpresslo
1 rotects express|on NC1 |deas and NC1 facts
2 prolbls copylg" o ldepede produclo of slmllfr or ldelcfl work
3 l order for lfrlgeme fs o be some wfy of copylg le fccess
f 8tlqbt 1ooes Moslc cotp v nottlsooqs Moslc
lll uurflo of roeclo
1 Starts when work |s created or we flxed l fglble medlum
f uoes# requlre reglsrflo (u-LlkL pfes)
2 Ld dfe depeds o mfy ffcors
f Je crefed (for wlc fc fpplles)
b Jfs l f work for lre" e owed by pfry f you#re worklg for
c Jfs e work publlsed"
lv Cwerslp (of e c/r)

1 lrs vess l fuor (or fuors)
2 Cf be rfsferred rfsfer cf be ermlfed 33 yefrs ffer e grf
3 ls sepfrfe from owerslp of e fglble work
f Ceotqe 1botooqbqooJ !o orwfrd pfld for recordlg seclos fd wfed o sell fpes of
sesslo lfer clflmlg e owed c/r owerslp of fpes does# mef you ow e c/r
l eld performer/composer ows e c/r b/c flxed l fglble medlum
v 8eglsrflo
1 -o requlred srlcly oplofl bu ls f prereq for flllg f lfrlgeme sul
2 Slmple procedure c/r offlce cecks e form bu o e subsfce
vl -olce lfrgely uecessfry slce uS fdered o e 8ere Covelo bu depeds o wlc C/8 fc govers
vll Lxcluslve 8lgs of C/8 ower (106)
1 8lg o reproduce
2 8lg o mfke derlvflve works
3 8lg o dlsrlbue
4 8lg o publlcly perform/dlsplfy
vlll Lllgflo/lfrlgeme
1 L|ements
f Cwnersh|p of va||d c]r
l Is |t c]r'ab|e sub[ect matter?
ll What are exc|us|ve r|ghts?
b Copy|ng (|nfr|ng|ng an exc|us|ve wr|te) of "'s work by
c #s work subsflflly slmllfr" o "#s work
2 kemed|es
f rellmlfry fd permfe l[uclo
b uesruclo of lfrlglg frlcles
c ufmfges
d oelflly fy fees
lx Llmlflos o Lxcluslve 8s (defeses)
1 Lxempt|ons clfssroom use rellglous cfrlfble performfces fd dlsplfys cerfl lsruclofl
brofdcfss rfdlo fs bfckgroud muslc l smfll commerclfl esfbllsmes
2 Compu|sory ||censes cerfl uses l muslc
3 Ia|r Use orlglflly [udlclflly crefed l 19

Ce ow codlfled l 107
f fllows wf would be ufuorlzed copylg provlded f use ls refsofble fd does# deprlve
"#s work of mfrke
8 CCkIGn1A8LL SU8ILC1 MA11Lk 1lS lS JA1 ?Cu AvL 1C l8S1 uLCluL!!!
a 102a c/r proeclo subslss |n or|g|na| works of authorsh|p f|xed |n any tang|b|e med|um of express|on ow kow
or lfer developed from wlc ey cf be percelved reproduced or oerwlse commulcfed eler dlrecly or wl
e fld of f mfcle or devlce
l lcludes llerfry works muslcfl works lcludlg fy fccompfylg words drfmflc works lcludlg fy
fccompfylg muslc pfomlmes fd coreogrfplc works plcorlfl grfplc fd sculpurfl works molo
plcures fd oer fv works soud recordlgs frclecurfl works
ll uef pg 300 of supp
lll Los of lgs fre# c/r#fble sub[ec mfer llke cfrs cloes ec
b Cr|g|na||ty (works of fuorslp)
l nas to be work that |s |ndependent|y created by the author creflvly eeded ls reflly low does# slgfl
ovely fs log fs ldepede creflo
1 Independent creat|on
2 Some degree of or|g|na||ty cf be slmple fs poo or clrcus poser
ll elst lobllcotloos v kotol 1elepbooe 5etvlce fuorslp queslo uder 102 c/r of ffcufl compllflo ls l
1 Copylg of elepoe book for b/c fs o be orlglfl cf# exed c/r o poebooks
lll Moqlc Motketloq v Mollloq 5etvlces of llttsbotqb
1 " sulg Amerlcf fper for mfuffcurlg fd supplylg lfrlglg coples of leers forms fd evelopes
w/ kowledge of "#s c/r
2 eld evelopes cf# be glve c/r proeclo lfcks level of orlglflly
f Lfbels fre c/r#fble
b rfses moos slogfs sor fds fre o

3 1yplcflly lgs o c/r#fble words sor prfses suc fs fmes lles fd slogfs ffmlllfr symbols or
deslgs mere vfrlflos of ypogrfplc orfmeflo leerlg or colorlg llslg of
lv 5ebostloo lotl loc v coosomet cootoct (l1) ltJ lsruclos o sfmpoo bole c/r#fble b/c modlcum of
v ;uest|on of |s |t |nfr|ngement?
vl Cer exfmples
1 cookbooks some frgume f wfy lsruclos sfld could be proeced
2 -? Arrows soccer efm mfy or mfy o be
c I|xed |n a tang|b|e (form) medlum of expresslo
l Med|um cf be oe ow kow or lfer developed"
ll I|xat|on sufflcle lf work cf be percelved reproduced or oerwlse commulcfed"
1 keq
f Lmbod|ment
b urat|on req fs o be more f rfslory durflo
2 Ay wfy you cf flx l o percelve lfer
3 fs o be flxed wl fuor#s permlsslo
4 Coples fd poorecords fre wfys l wlc words cf be flxed
3 ulfferece bewee flxed" fd wrllg" (Co)
f C/8 cl l Co proec wrllgs of fuors for llmled perlod of lme"
b le plece of muslc l publlc domfl flso recordlg of e plece uder C/8 Ac would be vlolflo
lf you rerecord e plece bu would pfss cosluloflly uder CC
lll ulglfl Medlf/1ecology
1 Sofwfre o lfrlgeme lf copy crefed fs esselfl sep l ulllzflo of compuer progrfm
f Compuers cf mfke qulck coples l order o use sofwfre lofded oo compuer memory
2 cottooo Netwotks v c5c nolJloqs
f Cfble compfy sfred sysem cflled 8S uv8 mfde coples of sows oo elr sysem would
buffer coe for 1/10 of f secod ls could mef rfslory durflo
lv Soud 8ecordlgs def l 101
1 1lg f#s recorded ls fcufl soud o e fcufl flxed lg (le vlyl or cd)
f ulslc from poorecord from wlc souds cf be percelved reproduced or oerwlse
commulcfed (wlc ls e flxed medlum)
b C/8 refs muslc dlfferely f oer lgs b/c fuor of soud recordlg cf fve more f
1 fuor were dlffere people cf be lvolved performer/producer
2 Lxcludes soudrfck of molo plcure b/c covered by oer pfrs of e sfue
3 Lx mf ows muslc fll fd records !fls !opll cf go eler wfy
v Llve Muslcfl erformfce Cg crefed rlg o flx" oerwlse evfesce work for flboolegglg purposes
vl Arclecurfl Jorks blueprls models bulld l
vll fomlme wrle dow lsruclos or you cf record l
vlll Lx
1 Lecure o c/r#fble sub[ec mfer
f Lecure lself ls o flxed so o c/r#fble
b A recordlg yes oes yes
2 Zfpruder fllm fdeld cllp !k#s fssfsslflo
f Jfs c/r#fble sub[ec mfer
b Jould survelllfce vldeo probfbly yes b/c fs ml fmou of creflvly
3 1rfslflo of plfy yes c/r#fble b/c ls fuor creflvly flxed
f 8u for derlvflve works you eed permlsslo from uderlylg fuor of work
d Idea]Lxpress|on d|chotomy
l 102b c/r does# exed o fy ldef procedure process sysem meod of operflo cocep prlclple or
dlscovery sfys wf ls# c/r#fble sub[ec mfer
1 wy" b/c pol of c/r lfw ls o ecourfge creflvly fd more fvfllfbllly o publlc so cf# glve
owerslp o ldef or else wlll slfle creflvly
2 Jf ls f ldef"
f Sfkespefre does# ge o ow ldef of sfrcrossed bu does ge o ow f rose ls f rose"
b Llsel cf# ge o ow LMC
bu e pfper f explfls l e ges o ow
3 rocedures fd processes wfys o do lgs

f ulfferece bewee pfe fd c/r pfes you cf ge excluslve rlg o meods of operflo
ll 8ules
1 b|ank form" ru|e eg 8oket v 5elJeo 8lbbeto
2 merger doctr|ne eg Mottlssey CCC lfo Servlces
3 th|n c]r eg cootloeotol cosoolty
f o lfrlge l c/r fs o mfke flmos exfc copy
lll 8oket v 5elJeo |deas aren't c]r'ab|e but the express|on of them are do# ge o ow fccoulg meod bu
cf ow expresslo of fccoulg meod
1 8ooks o bookkeeplg fd cerfl forms or blfks coslslg of ruled lles efdlgs lllusrflg sysem
fd sowlg ow used fd cfrrled ou l prfclce
2 Jeer " secured excluslve rlg o use sysem or meod of bookkeeplg
3 eld for b/c fy perso cf prfclce fd use e fr lself wlc "#s book descrlbes fd lllusrfes
use of frs dlffere f publlcflo of book explfllg l
lv Mottlsey v ltoctet Comble co merger doctr|ne |f on|y ||m|ted number ways to express an |dea |n c]r then
the express|on merges w] that |dea and |t's not c]r'ab|e sub[ect matter
1 8oxop/sweepsfkes cfse were " sfys lfrlgeme by becfuse used rules of e promo coes
2 eld for b/c ere fre# f lo of wfys you cf descrlbe rules
v cootloteotol cosoolty co v 8eotJsley lsurfce forms oly elled o th|n c]r fbou scope so esselfl for
deslred resul coceps fre very closely relfed slce l#s fbou ow mfy wfys you cf sfy e suff
1 -ew kld of lsurfce publlsed pfmple descrlblg pollcy fd lcluded forms copled forms bu o
2 eld c/r forms oly proecs fgfls exfc redllo of e preclse wordlg le th|n c]r
vl 8lbbeto 5ystems loc v colwell 5ystems loc b|ank form ru|e somelmes f blfk form fcuflly looks llke f busy
oe forms flmos ever elled o some gref uge scope of c/r
" uesigns blank foims that uoctois use foi obtaining ieimbuisement fiom insuiance
companies, put out supeibill that was neaily iuentical but with slightly uiffeient typefaces
anu shauing
2 eld for form o c/r#fble or else would be llmlless b|ank forms w]o |nfo aren't c]r'ab|e 8U1 |f
|ntegrated text then yes
f 9

Clr muc less forglvlg of forms

vll 8k 8eoeflts 5etvlces loc v NcO Ctoop blfk forms could be c/r#d lf sufflclely lovflve frrfgeme
e Iactua| Comp||at|ons Narrat|ves
l 17 uSC 103 (Compllflos uerlvflves) roecfble compllflos requlre f lefs some creflvly l e
seleclo coordlflo or frrfgeme (eg elst kotb totl uototby lotket upubllsed poems cfse)
1 ldlvldufl elemes mfy be slmple fd mfy o be sepfrfely proecfble (eg kotb totl Mottbew v
2 Comp||at|on resuls from process of seleclg brlglg ogeer orgflzlg fd frrfglg prevlously
exlslg mferlfl of fll klds regfrdless of weer or o orlglfl could fve bee sub[ec o c/r
3 *Somelmes cfses declded o wo ls e beer fdvocfe l#s f ffcspeclflc fflysls
ll elst lobllcotloos loc v kotol 1elepbooe 5etvlce for srflg up ffcs ere wfs o orlglflly ffcs fre o
proecfble bu expresslo ls c/r of ffcufl compllflo ls l
1 " sfys lfrlged upo wle pfges dld# offer o pfy for ruse b/c " refused used w/o cose
2 uld e " complle l orlglfl wfy" -o for b/c rfw ffcs cf be copled f wlll fd " dld# sflsfy
orlglflly req (modlcum of creflvly)
f Swef of brow does# [uslfy c/r proeclo b/c orlglflly ls oucsoe of proeclo
b Subseque compller cf use ffcs
lll fcufl -frrflves lf fuor plfces ffcs" l publlc domfl ey fre# floe proecfble le lsorlcfl ffcs
fre# proecfble
1 Nosb v c85 lf you sfy somelg ls ffc e someoe else mlg be fble o fke l
f "#s book flks fbou ullllger fd cosplrfcy eorles 1v sow fs eplsode used ffcs from eory
of "#s book " sfys f e cfme up wl e cosplrfcy eory
b eld o c/r#fble b/c dld# use ls expresslo bu used ffc
c 1ere ls cofllc bewee clrculs bu ffcufl frrflves probfbly o golg o work
2 Jolowtlqbt 5ecotltles v Joll 5t 1toosctlpt cotp Jlle ews eves fre# proecfble expresslo of
em fre le wrler commulcfed so fuor#s fflysls proeced eves fre o
lv fcs Compllflos

1 Iactua| Comp||at|on |s e||g|b|e for c]r |f |t features an or|g|na| se|ect|on or arrangement of facts but c]r
||m|ted to part se|ect|on or arrangement
2 kotb Cteetloq cotJs v uolteJ cotJ co " mfkes greelg cfrds f fve frlslc drfwlgs o ouslde fd
sfylg o lslde fd mfde slmllfr cfrds for " b/c wole cfrds were c/r#fble sub[ec mfer
f Lx slr p 1343 probfbly lfrlgeme oug prfse probfbly o
3 ccc lofo 5etvlces v Mocleoo nootet Motket kepotts loc ere ls proeclo for compllflos
f ubllser of compedlum of used cfr vfluflos 8ed 8ook seeks o esfblls c/r lfrlgeme o
pfr of compelor CCC wo pus lfo o compuer dffbfse
b or " c/r does offer more proeclo for compllflos so vflld c/r fd lfrlged
l vfluflos dld fve edlors# predlclos
ll lmpfc o 8ed 8ook#s mfrke
lll Seleclo fd frrfgeme of dff l 8ed 8ook dlsplfyed sufflcle orlglflly
lv ldepede creflo fs o compllflo fs o seleclo coordlflo frrfgeme lfused
wl fse or opllo cf wlold fppllcflo of merger
c Merger octr|ne lf cf# express ldef l fy oer wfy e cf# ge c/r of f expresslo
l Abou levels of fbsrfclo
d frd fd Sof ldefs
l nard complllg ffcs f you reflly cf# come up wl foer wfy
ll Soft lfused w/ fuor#s fse or opllo so fre# golg o be merged
4 8ell5ootb Jvettlsloq lobllsbloq cotp v uoooelley lofo lobllsbloq loc
l " publlses yellowpfge dlrecory coverlg Mlfm e dlrecory ls c/r#fble used dffbfse o
produce prled llss of lfo o cofc fbou fd spfce l compelg dlrecory
1 " sfys seleclo coordlflo fd frrfgeme sflsfled orlglflly req
ll or colce of geogrfplc fref fd closlg dfe for llslg o c/r#fble b/c sfdfrd ldusry
3 C/r#fbllly of umber deslgflg ldusrlfl produc pfrs does# reflly seem c/r#fble
f 5ootbco loc v kooebtlJqe cotp "s mfuffcured ffseers fd used umbers o deslgfe
cfrfcerlslcs of ffseers s used umbers l fdverlslg for umbers o c/r#fble b/c
fbsece of creflvly
b 1c ulsttlb v Jbotevet lt 1okes 1toomlssloos lotts loc " publlses cfflogue for fuomolve
rfsmlsslo pfrs subsflflly copled by foer compfy for part numbers and cata|ogue
not c]r'ab|e b/c mllmfl creflvly fd sub[ec o merger
6 ssessmeot 1ecb of Jl llc v JlkJoto loc (oser) data not c]r'ab|e b/c from uc/r#fble mferlfl
f Aemp of c/r ower o use c/r lfw o block fccess o dff o c/r#fble or obfled/crefed by c/r
l c/r ower fs c/r#ed progrfm sfys dff cf# be exrfced w/o lfrlgeme of ls c/r dff ls
from fx fssessors lred by e mulclpfllles
ll Jlreuff wfs o ge dff so refl esfe brokers cf use wfs o use e uderlylg ffcs
do# wf fflysls ec
b or work f merely coples uc/r#ed mferlfl ls wolly uorlglfl fd o lfrlgeme of c/r
uderlylg ffcs cf use o c/r lssue
c Lu fs exrf proeclo for dffbfses
7 Lx uototby lotket guy flds upubllsed poems fd collecs em lo book fd offered em o
egul lefd o frrfgeme of publlsed fd upubllsed poems l book
f ne|d no or|g|na| se|ect|on b]c [ust p|cked what wasn't pub||shed o orlglflly
b " sfld e flgured ou wf poems o pu ogeer
8 5potoco v lowlet ffcufl compllflo cf be c/r#d lf fefures f orlglfl seleclo or frrfgeme of ffcs
f " f lfd surveyor (fppellf) fd plfer sfys copled sle plf l creflg f fmeded sle plf
for use l cosruclo of e ffcllly
b 8emfded for " b/c wfs creflve deflled
l Mfps fve flwfys bee c/r#fble
ll ere sle plfs [us ld#d exlslg ffcufl lfo fbou e sle
lll Jlle sfys ook ldef (geerfl fbsrfclo) C sfys deflled specs for sle were cocree
f er|vat|ve Works
l er|vat|ve work bfsed o preexlslg works requlres process of recfslg rfsformlg or fdfplg oe or
more preexlslg works" wlc fs o come w/l geerfl sub[ec mfer of C/8

1 le mousepfd w/ vf Cog#s Sfrry -lg" foer perso cf do e sfme bu cf# copy exfc
2 somelmes more cflleglg o esfblls lf derlvflve work
f 5cblock 1omfs e 1fk plcure fd someoe else copled l poogrfp ls c/r#fble sub[ec
mfer 8u1 lf poo of c/r#fble sub[ec mfer poo could be derlvflve work
ll Crlglflly l uJ fs o be dlslgulsfble from e orlglfl
1 l 8otllo 5oo v 5oyJet fs o fve eoug subsflfl vfrlflo from orlglfl
f ueslg of Amerlcf oy ucle Sfm mecflcfl bfks ow l publlc domfl Syder we o k o
deslg plfslc repllcfs fd fd c/r olce reglsered 8fll rled o do e sfme fd rled o ge e
c/r vold
b Jeer Syder#s plfslc bfk fs eoug orlglflly o be proeced by c/r
c eld o f vflld c/r o subsflfl vfrlflo o 1 Lxfclude or 2 Crlglflly
l ere oo efsy o copy e orlglfl l publlc domfl

2 Ctoceo Jlzfrd of Cz pfllg pfler rled o clflm lfrlgeme of 2
pfler c sfld for b/c
orlglfl pfllg dld# fve eoug orlglflly
f Somelmes dlfflcul o ell o see wo copled wf
3 tsnoklo v 5kyy 5pltlts lf scenesafa|re e o lfrlgeme (llke merger docrle)
f 1rs poogrfper ook plcure of Skyy bole bu Skyy dld# llke l fd fsked 2
poogrfper o
fke plcure 1rs poog sued
b Ana|ys|s
l Is the Skyy vodka bott|e c]r'ab|e sub[ect matter?
1 -o c/r#fble bu ls 1M
ll Are the photographs themse|ves c]r'ab|e?
1 ?es ey fre
lll uld e 2
photograph |nfr|nge the 1rst photograph?
1 !us b/c looks slmllfr does# mef l#s e sfme lg
c eld for b/c ere fre oly so mfy wfys o fke plcures of blue vodkf vodkf suc plcures
oly elled o l c/r
4 Lx poogrfp of grfve mfrker l Sfvff 1 becfme book cover wlc sued e movle poser ey
fre derlvflve works cs sfys o lfrlgeme
3 Lx 5t nook vs 1ocket 2 poos of -ew Crlefs ls o lfrlgeme
6 Lx Cbfmf ope poser ls f derlvflve work bu o permlsslo 8u1 probfbly fflr use
f 8emember fdfper fs o ge permlsslo o crefe ew verslo
7 Lx 5cblffet lob v cbtoolcle 8ooks poogrfps of ffbrlc deslgs mflfesed requlsle orlglflly
g |ctor|a| Graph|c Scu|ptura| Works GS (18 221)
l 1ese cfses wlll d|fferent|ate between funct|ona| art and art
1 ls we feselcflly plefslg deslg mfy be mfrrled o f useful ob[ec
2 1es ls ucerfl oug
f Ana|ys|s
l lrs declde lf l ls f useful frlcle
ll lf l ls f useful frlcle fve o deermle sepfrfbllly
1 1es for sepfrfbllly dlffers
ll 17 USC 101 sfys CS lcludes 2u fd 3u works of fle grfplc fd fpplled fr poogrfps prls fd fr
reproduclos mfps globes cfrs dlfgrfms models fd eclcfl drfwlgs lcludlg frclecurfl plfs
1 wlll o lclude mecflcfl or ulllfrlf fspecs le useful frlcle
2 usefu| art|c|e" frlcle fvlg lrlslc ulllfrlf fuclo o merely mef o porrfy fppefrfce of e
f fs o exls ldepedely of useful frlcle l order o be c/r#fble
b deplclo of useful frlcle mlg be covered by c/r
3 Mozet v 5telo upeld c/r#fbllly of works of fr" f fd bee lcorporfed fs deslgs of useful frlcles
f Coples of lfmp bfses l form of sfuees wlc were c/r#fble uder wrllgs of e fuor"
b Crlglfl works of fr do# cefse o be c/r#fble we embodled fs useful frlcles
4 MospoetoJe Novelty loc v uolpoe loJosttles mfsks deslged l sfpe of flmfls were proecfble
f Mfsks yplcflly proeced buy cosumes o b/c fs ullly fs clolg
b Jf fbou oy flrplfe" c/r#fble b/c does# fve lrlslc ulllfrlf fuclo oer f o
merely porrfy f plfe

l !us b/c you cf plfy wl l does# mef l wfs ulllfrlf
lll 17 USC 113 Scope of Lxl 8s l CS works
lv Separab|||ty c/r oly proecs fefures of useful frlcle f cf be |d'd separate|y from and are capab|e of
ex|st|ng |ndependent|y of e ulllfrlf fspecs of e frlcle
1 llvot lolot lot loc v cbotleoe ltoJs loc ls fbou ow you deermle sepfrfbllly
f " broug clflm sfylg lfrlged mfequl efd sfys ls f useful frlcle slce mfrkeed fd
used for prfclclg fr of mfkeup fppllcflo
l " worked w/ frls o crefe orlglfl sculpure of femfle umf efd
b eld for " reversed remfded sfld efd wfs sub[ec o c/r proeclo 8u1 oly lf deslg cf be
ld#d sepfrfely from fd exls ldepedely of e useful frlcle
l uclofl elemes efdsfped umf fefures ec
ll ere wfs frlslc process w/o fuclofl cocers fd [us copled
2 Cf by pyslcflly fd cocepuflly severfble
f hys|ca||y cf fcuflly fke fpfr from e oer
b Conceptua| fve some fbllly l your mld o sepfrfe sepfrfble lf o requlred o e fuclo
l Arlslc fefures fre prlmfry" fd ulllfrlf fefures fre subsldlfry"
ll useful frlcle fs o slll be mfrkefble o some slglflcf segme of commuly b/c of ls
feselc qufllles"
c kelselstelocotJ v ccessotles by leotl cocepuflly sepfrfble sculpurfl elemes of bel buckles
d cotol 8otobott v cooomy mfequl orsos o cocepuflly sepfrfble b/c cf# mfke orsos
fy oer wfy
l 1est weer cocep of e ulllfrlf fuclo ls dlsplfced l e mld by some oer
e 8tooJlt v coscoJe blke rfck o c/r#fble b/c sould ur o relfloslp bw work fd process of
ldusrlfl deslg ere wfs# f purely feselc colce wfs ldusrlfl
l form fd fuclo lerwllg ulllfrlf
3 Lx
f Jlle e oo lfmp fs sepfrfbllly
b Mlckey Mouse olle pfper older probfbly fs sepfrbllly
c Are cfrs c/r#fble" -o b/c useful frlcle bu ere fre lgs f fre sepfrfble f fre purely
v Arch|tectura| Works deslg of bulldlg embodled l fy fglble medlum of expresslo lcludes bulldlg
frclecurfl plfs or drfwlgs des|gn |s protected
1 Sub[ec o usufl llmlflos for CS works fve o ld sepfrfely fd cfpfble exlslg ldepedely of
ulllfrlf fspecs of e frlcle
f lfs fre sub[ec o c/r bu bulldlg sfld [us o embody ldef
2 1990 C]k Act fmeded o exed proeclo o frclecurfl works" bu does# fpply o bulldlgs mfde
before 1990 (120 exceplos) so lf bull ffer 1990 do# fve o fflyze sepfrfbllly req
f uoes# fpply o ldlvldufl sfdfrd fefures le wldows doors ec
b uoes# fpply o derlvflve works so people cf fke plcures of l ec
c Cwer cf desroy w/o cose of c/r older
3 uemeJttloJes v koofmooo 1 kld of resldece go plfs fd bulld sfme ouse o sree for " b/c
copylg of plfs so ook fwfy plfs
vl C]k of typeface des|gn cose o declle reglsrflo
vll |cture Moooloo v coots 8tewloq compooy c/r oly exeds o wf ls orlglfl o e fuor le wf mfkes
poo orlglfl
1 oogrfp of kC used l blllbofrd fd for Coors Llg fd compfy go permlsslo from poog#s rep o
use e poo bu ey cfged e poo f bl beer fd ook gls of poo efd ls cropped ec
2 Jeer fd o wf exed e poo proeced fd weer ere wfs subsflfl slmllfrly bw
proeced elemes of kC poo fd e fd
3 -ever resuled declslo bu fure fd exe of proeclo by c/r l poo wlll vfry depedlg o fure
of orlglflly
f s could frgue ldef/ex 8u1 ere sfme fgle pose bfckgroud composllo fd llglg
4 1h|ngs to |ook at for photo
f kend|t|on ow ls e sub[ec deplced e look of e plcure
l roecs fgfls uslg sfme cfmerf fgle llglg ec
b 1|m|ng le plcure of sfllor klsslg urse
c Creat|on of the sub[ect e c/r exeds o f sub[ec le koos 8 pupples cfse
3 Leve| of abstract|on def|nes whether there w||| be merger or not
f koploo C eld o subsflflly slmllfr slmllfrlles oly flowed o uproeced ldef
l ldef buslessmf coemplflg sulclde cf be expressed l oer wfys
ll lf ldef ls more speclflc e less wfys o express l so ere wlll be o proeclo
b Advocfe wlll fve o keep l from belg merger so keep l fbsrfc
6 uloJoto v 5poJe poo used l kfe Spfde fd o lfrlgeme
h Characters yplcflly bo ess (#story be|ng to|d" #fu||y de||neated") fve o be sflsfled bu vfrles l [xd
l Nlcbols v uolvetsol llctotes cotp Coes fd kelleys fve slmllfr plos o lfrlgeme c/r does# exed o
sock cfrfcers less developed cfrfcers e less ey cf be c/r#d ls e fu||y deve|oped character c]r test
ll J8 v colomblo Mflese flco cfse fsslgme of rlgs o J8 dld# mef fuor could# use cfrfcers
fgfl for oer sorles who|e po|nt of story be|ng to|d test b/c cfrfcers [us velcles for sory
1 8lgs o cfrfcers were# l k w/ J8
2 C rled o le fuor use ls ow sory
lll oJetsoo v 5tollooe someoe else (") wroe refme of 8ocky ls refme o c/r#fble b/c elemes o
subsflflly slmllfr
1 " could be cfrged for lfrlgeme for uslg e cfrfcers b/c 8ocky ls c/r#fble
lv MCM v nooJo lfrlgeme of 8od Cfrfcer sory belg old" fully dellefed" fd me bo ess
v Colmoo v Mcotlooe Mcfrlfe fsked wrlers for scrlp bfsed o comlc srlp Spfw" fd Cflmf wroe
Spfw -o 9" Cflmf wfed o c/r cfrfcers were dlslclve eoug so c/r#fblee
| Sound kecord|ngs
l uef Are orlglfl works comprlslg of fggregfe muslcfl spoke or oer souds flxed l fglble form
1 cosldered wrllgs of e fuor" (performer or prodecuer)
2 ls e fcufl muslc
3 composllo ls e oes o pfper
ll Newtoo v ulomooJ sfmpllg cfse
1 " ls composer wo composed Colr" fd llcesed rlg o soud recordlg 8efsle 8oys used Colr"
l fss e Mlc" obfled llcese bu o permlsslo from composer (uderlylg comp)
2 eld for fklg composllo ls de mllmls fd o fclofble
3 ulffers from lfer cfses wlc sfy sfmpllg -C1 fllowed
[ Computer rograms
l 17 uSC 117 llmlflos fd excluslve rlgs for compuer progrfms o lfrlgeme lf
1 A essent|a| step l ulllzflo of e compuer progrfm
2 Cf mfke copy for arch|va| purposes
ll pple v tookllo compotet cotp computer programs are protectab|e to extent that they have d|fferent way of
1 Apple fs 14 dlffere compuer progrfms sfys vlolfed c/r pfes ufflr comp mlsfpproprlflo of
source code fd ob[ec code mfuffcures pc#s f fre Apple compflble fd sfys ls f
meod/process so o c/r (ldef/expresslo)
f Computer program se of sfeme lsruclos used dlrecly or ldlrecly l compuer l order
o brlg fbou cerfl resul lfgufge of provlslo sfys progrfms cf be proeced
2 eld for " compuer progrfm ls llerfry work" fd proeced from ufuorlzed copylg
f l ls flxed
b Meod/process ls f se of lsruclos so cf be c/r#d
c ldef/expresslo source code ls expresslo fdoped by progrfmmer fd cf be oer wfys of
expresslg e sofwfre (so o merger)
d 1ls ls wy everyoe mfkes C compflble compuers (l8M le ope source)
lll lotos uevelopmeot v 8otlooJ commands are unprotectab|e
1 " fs compuer sprefdsee progrfm fd sfys lfrlged sfys progrfm o c/r#fble b/c l#s f
meod process procedure
2 Jeer compuer meu commfd ls c/r#fble sub[ec mfer
3 eld for o lfrlgeme
f Lous meu commfd ls meod of operflo fd o c/r#fble
b lf speclflc words esselfl o operflg somelg e pfr of meod of operflo
c ubllc pollcy flso frgues for o c/r
lv uoto Ceoetol v Ctommoo " reglsered compuer progrfms l source code copled ob[ec code for " wo
fd c/r#s o vfrlous verslos of e compuer progrfm fd o [us source code (SCCC)
v u v uelto ueotol lloos 1fxoomy fd descrlplos of defl procedures lS c/r#fble
k Govt Works
l 17 USC 10S c/r proeclo uder ls lle ls o fvfllfble for fy work of e uS Cov bu uS Cov ls o
precluded from recelvlg fd oldlg c/r#s rfsferred o l by fsslgme beques or oerwlse
ll coooty of 5offolk v 1tst m keol stote 5olotloos fx mfps sowlg owerslp for " so vflld clflm for
1 1oug lf due process refso for e -C1 c/r#fble
lll veeck v 5ootbet 8lJq copled model codes f fve bee fdoped by oer coules for b/c l publlc domfl
1 1oug dld fve c/r#fble sub[ec mfer c/r dlsfppefred we codes fdoped by coules
2 ldef f lfws fve o be fccesslble
| Cbscen|t|es Mltcbell 8tos llm Ctoop v cloemo Jolt 1beotet 8eld Cree uoor por wfs c/r#fble eve oug
uclef fds refsolg
C 106 LkCLUSIVL kIGn1S |n C]k'd works
a 106 Sub[ec o 1070122 ower of c/r uder lle fs excluslve rs o do fd o fuorlze e followlg
l 8eproduce c/r#d work l coples or poorecords
ll repfre derlvflve works
lll ulsrlbue coples or poorecords of c/r#d work by sfle rfsfer refl lefse or ledlg
lv erform e c/r#d work publlcly
1 Lefves ou soud recordlgs b/c you do# ecessfrlly fve sole r o perform publlcly
v ulsplfy works publlcly
1 Also lcludes plcorlfl/sculpurfl works
vl erform c/r#d work publlcly by mefs of e dlglfl fudlo rfsmlsslo
b k|ght to keproduce (mfke coples poorecords)
l lfrlgeme Je rlgs fbove vlolfed le reproduces
1 Lfsy Cfses fre lelofl copylg
ll Cop|es mferlfl ob[ecs oer f poorecords wlc work ls flxed by fy meod ow kow or lfer
1 -o copy" uless work percelved
2 Mottbew 8eoJet co v Jest lobllsbloq co
f " sfys sfr pfglflo embeds frrfgeme of cfses fd fllows users o flgure ou wf pfges
lgs fre
b eld for b/c dld# copy exfc frrfgeme
3 cottooo Netwotk v c5c nolJloqs loc c sfys ere sould be some kld of volllofl coduc l order for
you o ld wo lfrlger ls
f sfves sows o frddrlve o brofdcfs lfer 3 coples mfde
l 8emember 5ooy sfys f ldlvldufl uses l recorders fre ok
ll fve o look f 101 o see weer more f rfslory durflo
b eld for b/c o volllofl coduc fd "s oly flleged dlrec llfbllly so bfslcflly wflved ldlrec
l #s corlbulo does o coslue dlrec llfbllly b/c cusomers dolg copylg roug e
lll rov|ng |nfr|ngement 2 elemes
1 Is there Copy|ng? resold lqulry
f fs o be enough s|m||ar|ty
b fs o be access
l Are l lverse relfloslp so lf more slmllfrly less fccess eeded
2 M|sappropr|at|on? e copylg we so ffr fs o coslue lmproper fpproprlflo
f ls ere substant|a| s|m||ar|ty"
l Coslder ordlfry experleces (o expers)
ll Ad leded fudlece
b ue mllmls use"
3 I|rst rong rov|ng s|m||ar|ty and access
f fc drlve dlffere fd depeds o cfse cf fve expers ec
b tstelo v lottet estab||shes 2 prong test 1 Acufl copylg/fccess 2 llllcl/wrogful
fpproprlflo flso lmporfce of [ury rlfl

l " sued for lfrlgeme of c/r of muslcfl composllo bw sogs 8egl e 8egule" fd
Lord ls My Sepfrd"
ll eld for " remfded for [ury o declde lf lfrlgeme fd L of fccess
lll ulsse sfys [us repellve use of oe e!
lv Actua| copy|ng]access queslos of proof
1 Lsfblls roug clrcumsflfl L
2 subsflfl slmllfrly"
f lf ldepedely crefed o lfrlgeme (o so l pfe)
v I|||c|t]wrongfu| appropr|at|on vlolflg "#s c/r leress by wrogfully copylg l
c uowsoo v nlosbow Moslc loc C sfld deermlflo of subsflfl slmllfrly" fs 2
es from
Arsel be mfde from perspeclve of fudlece leded fudlece rule
d lyoos lottoetsblp v Mottls costomes uses leded fudlece rule
l compfy fd cosume f looked llke 8frey
ll C sfys perceplos of 23 yr olds sould fpply o e fduls wo wefr e cosume
oug obvlous o pfres f l#s o 8frey l would# be fs obvlous o e clldre
e 8tlqbttooes Moslc cotp v nottlsooqs Moslc le does# mfer ere frrlso could fve fd
loce le
l Ceorge frrlsos sog My Swee Lord" wfs very slmllfr o f sog publlsed fbou 10 yefrs
prevlously es So le"
1 Lower C sfld lfrlged upo e copyrlg of e#s So le" bu e cour
fckowledged f frrlso mfy fve subcosclously copled e ue
f ls subcosclous kew l flrefdy fd worked l f sog ls cosclous dld o
remember1f ls uder e lfw lfrlgeme of copyrlg fd ls o less so
eve oug subcosclously fccompllsed"
ll eld for " ffflrmed
1 1ere wfs eoug slmllfrly o go forwfrd oug wfs# ecessfrlly dlrec fccess
sfys fd o fve efrd e#s so le"
2 As f prfclcfl mfer e problems of proof lere l f rule f would perml
loce le fs f defese o copyrlg lfrlgeme could subsflflly udermle
e proeclos Cogress leded o ffford o copyrlg olders"
f Access clrcumsflfl proof of copylg
l 5ell v Clbb 8as|ca||y sa|d substant|a| s|m||ar|ty not enough
1 " sfld 8eeCees copled ls sog l ow ueep ls ?our Love"
2 C sfld o proof f 8eeCees copled "#s sog b/c o fcufl L f #s copled
f 7

Clr sfld fs o be some refsofble posslbllly f complfllg work wfs

fvfllfble o flleged lfrlger
ll 1y loc v CM ccessotles relerpreed Clbb o a||ow " to base proof of access so|e|y on
str|k|ng s|m||ar|ty str|k|ng s|m||ar|ty ru|e
1 b/c somelmes so srlklg f fccess cf be lferred
2 2
Clr fderes o e ls rule fs see l Coste v kolsetmoo were sogs eve w/o
fccess could be lfrlgeme
3 8as|ca||y |f they sound a |ot a||ke then can have rea||y c|rcumstant|a| L
lll ltlce v ox ot Ctoop "s need not prove there was access but that there was reasonab|e
poss|b|||ty of access
1 uodgebfll movle sul " sfld e fd sopped ls verslo froud
f Slmllfrlles efms uderdogs rlse up uder fses bo efms cofced by
weelcflr boud perso
2 eld for " L of fccess wfs f screeplfy fd bee se froud o fge wo wfs
sfme fge of e wrler of #s movle
f Slmllfrlles dld# begl lll fve flleged fccess dfe
4 Second rong M|sappropr|at|on subsflfl slmllfrly de mllmls"
f -o [us fbou copylg bu flso evfluflo of e fure of e correspodece bw 2 works
l looteysseos v lJeo Ctoop
1 weer "#s [lgsfwype puzzle wfs lfrlged by #s puzzle
2 eld for o lfrlgeme b/c deslg cofls proecfble fd uproecfble
elemes fd slmllfrlles were ldefs

b kare|y |s there d|rect copy|ng usua||y have to f|gure out |eve|s of abstract|on]substant|a||y
l lgure ou lowes level of fbsrfclo mos deflled pol f wlc e wo lgs fre
c e m|n|m|s lfw wlll o lmpose for rlvlfl vlolflos
l Je copylg fflls below qufly of subsflfl slmllfrly
ll Mfy be relevf o fflr use
lll kloqqolJ v 81 bfslcflly o de mllmls lf people wllllg o pfy for l
1 8lggold mfde sory qull" fd wfs used fs se decor o poser wlc wfs sow 9
lmes o v sow e museum poser of e work sells for $20 sfys de mllmls
slce wfs# e focus of e sow
2 eld for " e frls o fflr use or demllmls poelfl mfrke effec for llceslg
lf fllowed ls use
lv 8tlJqepott Moslc v ulmeosloo llms o mfer ow muc sfmpllg l#s flwfys fclofble
so don't samp|e!
d letet loo obtlcs v Mottlo Jeloet cotp we ordlfry observer cf overlook dlspfrlles fd
regfrd feselc fppefl fs e sfme ls lfrlgeme
l used c/r#d deslg 8yzflum" fd lmprled o clo sold o mfuffcurers fd sold fs
ll eld for " fklg lo fccou e scruly of ordlfry observer
e netbett koseotbol Iewelty cotp v kolpokloo eve |f 2 works substant|a||y s|m||ar may not be
|nfr|ngement |f s|m||ar|t|es on|y |n unc]r'ab|e e|ements of work merger
l " mfkes bee pl fd sues for elr bee pl
ll eld for b/c copled uc/r#fble elemes of work
1 8e[eweled bee pl ldef o c/r#fble
2 -o flerflve wfy of mfklg f be[eweled bee pl
f 15 v kotzmoo |mperm|ss|b|e copy|ng |s when ord|nary person cou|d conc|ude they were the
l L1S mfkes SA1s kfzmf l rlceo 8evlew o elp klds do well
ll eld for " b/c wfs c/r#fble sub[ec mfer fd lmpermlsslble copylg
1 1ere fre mfy oer wfys o es ou verbfl skllls
;uest|on What |eve| of abstract|on to go to?
g Nlcbols v uolvetsol llctotes cotp doesn't have to be d|rect copy|ng cf fve dlffere levels of
fbsrfclo bu have to match at deta||ed enough |eve| l order for subsflfl slmllfrly
l " flleged f e copyrlg l er plfy Able#s lrls 8ose" cocerlg f mfrrlfge bewee f
!ewls mf fd f lrls womf fd e resullg dlfflculles bewee bo ffmllles wfs
lfrlged by defedf#s movle 1e Coes fd 1e kellys" fbou e mfrrlfge of f lrls
mf fd f !ewls womf flso focuslg o dlffereces bewee elr ffmllles
ll !udge Lefred fd for o lfrlgeme were ulversfl sock coceps
1 l#s fbou levels of fbsrfclo
2 roeclo of llerfure cfo be llmled o e exfc ex or else f lfrlger could
ge fwfy wl copylg by mfklg rlvlfl cfges so quest|on becomes |s what |s
taken #substant|a|"?
3 ulfflcul o se flrm boudfry mfrklg lle bewee work fd ldefs
lll 5belJoo v MCM cotp
1 lfy mfde lo fllm fbou wfywfrd lfdy wo kllls er lover
2 eld for " sfys ere ls copylg lf you do# fld lfrlgeme e l would ever
be posslble o fld lfrlgeme from plfy o movle w/o exfc dlflogue
lv oqot ColJe cose lf fccess fd eoug slmllfrly ls ere fclofble lfrlgeme"
1 Could be frg for uproecfble ffcs
2 8u lfused wl opllo (lg level of fbsrfclo) oug uses dlffere rflgs
v 8omboozleJ v 1o 1ell tbe 1totb
1 ls ere low eoug level of fbsrfclo f ere ls subsflfl slmllfrly"
2 C sfys ldef of gfmesow o proecfble fd slmllfrlles flowed from wf you fve
l gfmesow

Software compotet ssoclotes lot loc v ltol 3 step process abstract|on f||trat|on compar|son
test (substant|a| s|m||ar|ty) to app|y to software
l CA (") crefed [ob scedullg progrfm cflled CAsceduler wlc rus o compuer fd
AuA1L8 f fllowed l o be used o dlffere operflg sysems Alfl () crefed ZLkL f
sceduler fd wfed o ru o foer operflg sysem recruled someoe from "#s
compfy used "#s source code for AuA1L8 o crefe CSCA8
ll Jeer CSCA8 wfs subsflflly slmllfr o AuA1L8
lll eld for o c/r lfrlgeme b/c oly few lgs slmllfr o AuA1L8 e CS wfs o
proeced by c/r
1 Abstract|onf||trat|on doctr|ne 3 step test flgure ou wf level of fbsrfclo ls
e sfme fd fller ou wf ls# proeced fd compfre wf ls lef
f ueermle progrfm#s srucurfl pfrs (wf level of fbsrfclo")
b Lxrfc oproeced elemes
l Llemes of efflclecy
ll Llemes dlcfed by exerfl ffcors
lll Llemes fke from publlc domfl
c 8emfllg elemes compfred o fllegedly lfrlged progrfm see lf slmllfr
l 5telobetq v colomblo llctotes loJosttles fs e sfme fflysls fs Alfl weer fverfge lfy
observer would recoglze flleged copy fs fvlg bee fpproprlfed form c/r#d work
l " (lllusrfor) for -ew ?orker sued Columblf 8CA fd fgecy for f poser for movle
Moscow o udso" sfylg l lfrlges c/r of lllusrflo from -ew ?orker
1 1ere wfs fccess b/c fr dlrecor fdmled e referred o "#s poser
ll eld for " goes roug e slmllfrlles syle of drfwlg wfs subsflflly slmllfr
1 Copy|ng need not be exact to every deta|| does# requlre ldelcfless
2 Syle of lllusrflo ex deflls very slmllfr
3 Also f ecoomlc fflysls b/c wf dlrecor o keep mfklg plcures
[ klscb v mmltotl lotls loc overfll syle fd feel cf deermle subsflfl slmllfrly bu slll
fve o deermle wf level of fbsrfclo ls e sfme
l " ook poo of womf l lgclub wl f cocerf flso fke l sfme lgclub sowed
mf wl sfx
ll eld for " b/c ordlfry observer could fld subsflflly slmllfr l oe or mood ec
1 were poogrfper 'l cooslg sub[ec mfer cfmerf fgle llglg ec coples
fd femps o dupllcfe fll suc elemes fs cofled l prlor poogrfp"
2 So eve lf dlffere sub[ec could slll be lfrlgeme
k kott 5 Jlet loc v JotlJ 8ozoots loc
l Sff Clfuse sfues
ll fve o flrs look f proecfble elemes wfy olds cup wfy e ls syllzed sfpes gree
lll uproecfble elemes o proeced red sul wle befrd
lv eld wfs subsflflly slmllfr so lfrlgeme
l When art|st doesn't own c]r anymore cf slll be lfrlgeme lf subsflflly slmllfr
l Ctoss v 5ellqmoo poogrfper ook poo of ude youg womf fd sold rlgs o l fd
e ook foer plcure wl f sllg cfge of bfckgroud fd cerry sem bw er ee
wfs lfrlgeme b/c sfme frlslc expresslo
ll tookllo Mlot cotp v Notloool JllJllfe tt xcbooqe frls pfled cfrdlfls fd sold rlgs
e mfde foer for rfkll Ml Jfercolor for frls b/c f#s [us ow e pfls
lll 1ere ls queslo lf l preves f frls from worklg l ls ow syle
c k|ght to Make honorecords
l honorecords mferlfl ob[ecs l wlc souds oer f ose fccompfylg f molo plcure or oer fv
work flxed by fy meod ow kow or lfer developed
1 Copy commulcfes work o eye
2 honorecord commulcfes work o efr
f Lmbodles 1 Muslcfl composllo 2 Soud recordlg
ll 17 USC 11S compu|sory ||cens|ng sfuory rfe
1 l cfse of nondramat|c mus|ca| works e excluslve rlgs provlded by clfuses (1) fd (3) of 106 o
mfke fd o dlsrlbue poorecords of suc works fre sub[ec o compulsory llceslg

f Affecs e 1 1e rlg o reproduce fd 2 8lg o dlsrlbue
b urfmflc works operf plfys ec
2 2
you dlsrlbue o publlc compulsory llcese fpplles mefs you cf mfke f cover of f sog bu you
fve o pfy royflles
3 Llcese cf coform l o syle fd mfer of lerpreflo of performfce lvolved bu frrfgeme
sfll o cfge e bfslc melody or fudfmefl cfrfcer of e work
4 8kcO Moslc loc v 5tellot kecotJs loc kfrfoke sogs fve o ge 2 dlffere llceses
3 8tlJqepott Moslc v ulmeosloo llms ge f llcese or do# sfmple eve 3 oe cord plfyed l broke
ffslo sufflclely orlglfl o susfl c/r we looped wfs lfrlgeme o de mllmls
d k|ght to repare er|vat|ve Works Under 106(2)
l 106(2) Cwer cf prepfre derlvflve works bfsed upo e c/r#d work
1 1o be lfrlgeme derlvflve work" mus be bfsed upo e c/r#d work" mus lcorporfe f porlo
of e c/r#d work l some form
ll notqoo v Mocmllloo loc weer subsflflly slmllfr ordlfry observer es
1 " (execurlx of esfe of 8flfcle f coreogrfper wo cofouded -?C 8flle) 8flfcle
coreogrfped 1e -ucrfcker fre publlser of book 1e -ucrfcker A Sory fd 8flle" wlc fd
60 color poos of scees from 8flfcle#s -ucrfcker
2 eld for " reversed fd remfded b/c book eler f copy of coreogrfplc work or derlvflve work
bfsed o l eve smfll fmou of orlglflly cf be sufflcle for lfrlgeme
3 p 608609 ls l lfrlgeme"
f x secures f copy of e copyrlged molo plcure fllm of e fssfsslflo of reslde keedy
fke f scee by Abrffm Zfpruder fd mfkes dlrec copy of e fllm ?es
b x f few fee fwfy from Zfpruder f lme of fssfsslflo fllms exfcly e sfme sequece of
eves wl ls ow molo plcure cfmerf -o
c x reposes Cscfr Jllde o mfc e Sfroy poogrfp fd fkes ls ow slll poogrfp ls
oe l color (Assume f Jllde ls fllve fd f Sfroy poogrfp ls slll l copyrlg)
lll lee v k1 co(p 620) or|g|na||ty |s essent|a| to der|vat|ve work
1 " mfkes frwork fd ueck e Jflls buys some of er work fd sold em o wo moued e works
o cerfmlc lles fd resold em
f uls C sfld o derlvflve work b/c moulg process of cfrd does o cfge e work fs f
wole" fd ls o sufflclely orlglfl o suppor f c/r
2 Jeer cfrd o f lle ls f derlvflve work fd cf# be prepfred w/o permlsslo of c/r ower -o flrs
sfle b/c derlvflve work crefes sepfrfe excluslve rlg
3 eld for o f derlvflve work o eoug rfsformflo
lv Notloool Ceoqtopblc 5oclety v closslfleJ Ceoqtopblc loc cf be ower of fcufl copy bu slll o fuorlzed o
mfke cerfl uses
1 mfkes books by purcfslg coples of -flofl Ceogrfplc efrlg mfgfzles fpfr fd brlglg
ogeer frlcles of relfed sub[ec mfer fd offers em for sfle
2 eld for " wfs lfrlgeme
v Mlcto 5tot v otmqeo loc (p 614)
1 ormCe fd rlgs o uuke -ukem f compuer gfme wlc fllows plfyers o crefe ow levels
dowlofded 300 usercrefed levels fd pu em o f Cu fd sold em
2 eld for " ls f derlvflve work b/c wfs l cocree form fd wfs sequel e lfrlgeme wfs e sory
lself b/c proeced work ls sory fd cfrfcers
vl L|m|tat|ons o e uerlvflve Jorks 8lg
1 Iam||y Move Act of 200S were lssue fgfl wfs wl sfllzlg scees deplclg sex fd/or
2 Adfpflo of compuer progrfms 117 o lfrlgeme for ower of copy of f compuer progrfm o
mfke or fuorlze e mfklg of foer copy or fdfpflo of f compuer progrfm 8u1 fs o be f
esselfl sep
e Mora| k|ghts
l Affords proeclo for fuor#s persofl oecoomlc leress l recelvlg frlbulo for er work fd l
preservlg work l form l wlc l wfs crefed eve ffer sfle or llceslg
1 fs o bee l Amerlcf c/r for f log of f lme
2 Cllllom v 8c (p 621) C flluded o ffc f frlss fve e rlg o frlbulo fd legrly

f Cllllfm crefor of Moy yo fd sold sow o 88C wo sold rlgs o A8C wo brofdcfs e
sow bu mfde slglflcf edls o l for commerclfls " sfys A8C#s edllg lmpflred legrly of
e work
b eld for " b/c l vlolflo of Lffm Ac o preve someoe from mfklg rep of f work fflse
lmpresslo of e orlglfl
3 1ere#s flso sfe proeclo of morfl rlgs o precluded by vA8A o exe l complles wl l
f N Arts Cu|tura| Affa|rs Law cocer ls wl refsofble llkellood of dfmfge o frls#s rep
resullg from flerflo deffceme mullflo or oer modlfled form
b CA C|v Code 987 fs frlbulo fd legrly rlgs wlc frls cf wflve
c 1oug deermle weer covered by vA8A flrs
ll 106A V|sua| Art|sts k|ghts Act of 1990 (vA8A) codlfled morfl rlgs l order o comply w/ 8ere Covelo
1 V|sua| art pfllg drfwlg prl sculpure exlslg l slgle copy or llmled edllo of 200 coples or
fewer befrs slgfure of fuor
2 Attr|but|on o clflm fuorslp of work fd preve use of ls or er fme fs fuor of fy work of
vlsufl fr wlc e or se dld# crefe A-u o preve fme from fppefrlg o modlfled work
3 Integr|ty preve lelofl dlsorlo mullflo desruclo of work of recoglzed sfure
4 Lxcept|ons publlc preseflo lme pfssfge wflver work for lre coservflo
lll What |s v|sua| art fs o be geerflly fcceped sfdfrds of frlslc commuly
1 cottet v nelmsley5peot sculpure mfde l lobby of bulldlg wlc wfs removed o work of fr b/c
work mfde for lre
2 lock v tleoJs of Ooeeo cotbetloe loc excludes cfr ec drfwlg dlfgrfm model
3 Mottlo v clty of loJlooopolls wfs f work of recoglzed sfure
lv Is |t of recogn|zed stature look o see lf e work ls vlewed fs merlorlous fd lf ls sfure ls recoglzed by fr
expers oer members of e frlslc commuly or some oer crossseclo of socley
1 lolloto v 5eymoot
f " pfled murfl o pfper o be exlbled f covelo orgflzers fd efred l from e frfme
" sfw l crumpled l offlce corer " sued uder vA8A
b eld for bfer o proeced by vA8A b/c commerclfl l fure (promo mferlfl)
c Lx p 634
l oos l vogue fd CC prob o b/c fdverlslg supposed o be for exlbllo purposes
ll uoes murfl frls fve clflm for obsruclo of l probfbly o r uder vA8A b/c probfbly ls
vlslble l some wfy
2 lbllllps v lembtoke keol stote loc s|te spec|f|c art not protected by VAkA
f " (sculpor) bull 27 sculpures l pfrk fd sfld l wfs 1 exlslg plece f wfs slespeclflc
rled o redeslg pfrk fd " sued uder vA8A
l Lower c sfld slespeclflc works cf be proeced bu f l fell uder publlc preseflo
exceplo l vA8A
b eld for slespeclflc work o proeced becfuse o expllclly meloed l vA8A f fll so
removfl wfs o desruclo ec
3 lovlo v 1120 ve of metlcos ssoc dlsmfllg of sculpure l lobby o fgfls vA8A b/c fppeed
before sfue#s effeclve dfe
v Jojootowlcz v metlcoo omlly ss o
1 " ls mullmedlf frls wfs o sop publlcflo of pfmple by sfys l#s lfrlgeme deffmflo
vlolflo of Lffm Ac pu "#s works l pfmple crllclzlg gov fuds o subsldlze suc fr
2 eld for " l vlolflo of N's Art|st's Authorsh|p kts Act b/c l fffeced vflue of "#s work by fssoclflg
lm o oly 1 sub[ec omosexufl fclvly
f Ac sfys o perso sfll kowlgly dlsplfy l plfce fccesslble o publlc or publls work of fle fr
or reproduclo ereof l flered deffced mullfed or modlfled form lf dlsplfyed fs f of
frls bfslcflly preves fflse frlbulo (proecs frls#s rep)
f k|ght to |str|bute under 106(3)
l 8lg o dlsrlbue coples or poorecords of e c/r#d work o e publlc by sfle or oer rfsfer of owerslp
or by refl lefse or ledlg"
1 8lg o corol flrs publlc dlsrlbulo
2 ubllc dlsrlbulo roug dlglfl ecologles ls e mfklg of fddllofl coples
f uowlofds could be copylg fd could be dlsrlbulg
b lSs lfclve e o lfrlgeme o elr pfr

c ls# f clefr fswer
ll L|m|ted by 109 llmlflo o excluslve rlgs
1 lrs sfle docrle
2 Cwer of pfrlculfr copy wlou c/r ower cf dlsplfy copy publlcly eler dlrecly or by pro[eclo
3 rlvlleges prescrlbed by subseclos do# exed o fy perso wo fcqulred possesslo of copy or
lll I|rst Sa|e octr|ne exfuslo of dlsrlbulo rlg exceplos
1 Je c/r ower pfrs wl lle o pfrlculfr copy of e work dlvess excluslve rlg o ved f copy
f c/r offlce declled o edorse dlglfl flrs sfle docrle"
2 kecord kenta| and ComputerSoftware kenta| Amts of '84 and '90
f uoes# resrlc rlg of purcfser of poorecord o sell or glve l fwfy
b 1ls ls ow 8lockbuser works fpplles flrs sfle so cf re dvd#s ou
c Crfs fuors or producers of sofwfre e rlg o fuorlze or prolbl e refl of coples
d Also fpplles o muslc
3 owcett lobllcotloos v lllot lobllsbloq co (p 631)
f " mfde comlc fd c/r#d l purcfsed secodfd coples fd foer c/r#d publlcflo fd
boud em ogeer fd sold fs uouble Comlcs"
b Jeer vlolfed "#s rlg o dlsrlbue
c eld for due o flrs sfle b/c bfslcflly resold "#s comlc uder dlffere cover
d -o f derlvflve work b/c o rfsformflve ec
lv ub||c Lend|ng k|ght Auor recelves royfly bfsed upo clrculflo of e work
v ro|t de Su|te rovldes f frls sfll sfre l e profls fccrulg o subseque purcfsers from e
fppreclflo l vflue of e frls#s works le llke l CA for fle fr
vl 602(a) Importat|on k|ght and |ts ke|at|onsh|p to |str|but|on kt grfy mfrke
1 lmporflo lo uS wlou fuorly of ower of c/r ls lfrlgeme of excluslve r o dlsrlbue coples
or poorecords
2 Coollty kloq ulsttlbotots v loozo keseotcb lotetootloool loc
f C/8#d lfbels for sfmpoos ec domeslc fd lerflofl fd e lerflofl bfc foud ls
wfy bfck lo uS " wfed o proec ls meod of mfrkelg producs e lfbels fre o
b Jeer flrs sfle" docrle fppllcfble o lmpored coples
l 106 ls sub[ec o flrs sfle defese bu does# fpply o 602
c eld for o f mfer relevf o C/8 does# preve wf Cuflly klg dld
g k|ghts of ub||c erformance and |sp|ay uder 106(4) (S) (6)
l Lxcluslve rlg of muslcfl composllo o perform l publlcly for profl"
1 Cueslo of wf ls o perform recle reder plfy dfce or fc l
2 Cf be dlrecly C8 by mefs of devlce or process (rfsml)
ll ub||c erformance
1 Cpe o publlc fref were subsflfl umber of ouslde of ormfl clrcle of ffmlly
2 8y mefs of fy devlce or process commulcfe l by devlce or process recelved beyod plfce form
wlc ey were se
3 lcludes rfsml fll cocelvfble forms fd combos of wlred or wlreless commulcflos medlf
lll colomblo llctotes loJosttles v veco loc r|ght has to be open to pub||c sem|pub||c |s determ|ne by s|ze and
compos|t|on of aud|ence
1 " (producers) broug c/r lfrlgeme fgfls wlc lcludes relg vldeos of fllms l rooms ey cf
be vlewed
2 Jeer excluslve rlg o perform c/r#d work publlcly fd weer " fuorlzed suc performfces
3 eld for " wfs f publlc performfce vlolflo works were performed b/c ey were sow fd flrs sfle
does# fpply
1 Llcese odrfmflc performfce rlgs of fbou 300000 wrler fd publlser members fd ffflllfes
2 Cperfed uder cose decrees
3 Ocosek v neqqlooJ keeplg rfck usuflly doe by 8C#s
f Aclo for lfrlgeme broug by 4 c/r owers fgfls ower fd operfor of dfce fll "s
members of ASCA fd sfld composllos publlcly performed w/o fuorlzflo
l ASCA eforces c/r of ower b/c before dld# fve mecflsm o eforce fd ower dld#
fve refl wfy o demfd eforceme
ll ASCA lllfed e lfwsul

b eld for "
h k|ghts of ub||c |sp|ay
l l cfse of llerfry muslcfl drfmflc fd coreogrfplc works pfomlmes plcorlfl grfplc or sculpurfl
ll |sp|ay sow copy of eler dlrecly or by mefs of fllm sllde v devlce or process
lll 109 defls wl scope of c/r ower#s excluslve rlg o corol publlc dlsplfy of pfrlculfr copy of work
lv kelly vs tlbbo 5oftdlsplfy lcludes sowlg o e scree fd l#s publlc by sowlg o lere
v letfect 10 v Cooqle loc do# vlolfe dlsplfy rlg lf you slmply ope e wldow lf you dlsplfy somelg
1 Coogle llked o erfec10 lmfges
2 ls l vlolflo of dlsplfy rlg"
3 eld for o f vlolflo (oug uder Arlbbf probfbly would fve bee)
f l ffvor of server es oly websles os coe f fppefred l users# screes cf be deemed
o fve dlsplfyed" f coe
b ere lllfl dlrec lfrlgers fre websles f sole 10#s fullslze lmfges
c Coogle fs o copy of lmfge
4 robfbly ffcored l ecourfglg creflo of creflve works fd ecourfglg dlssemlflo of lfo
107 IAIk USL (p 713)
a 107 Llmlflos o Lxcluslve 8lgs flr use
l flr use of f copyrlged work lcludlg suc use by reproduclo l coples or poorecords or by fy oer
mefs speclfled by f seclo for purposes suc fs crllclsm comme ews reporlg efclg (lcludlg
mullple coples for clfssroom use) scolfrslp or resefrc ls o f lfrlgeme of copyrlg
1 Cf lclude oer purposes o w/l e lls
ll Iactors to |ook at fll 4 sould be cosldered l every cfse eve oug o refl def of cocep fd fre welged
usuflly focus o 1 4 (more fflysls)
1 e purpose and character of the use lcludlg weer suc use ls of f commerclfl fure or ls for
oprofl educflofl purposes
2 e nature of e copyrlged work
3 e amount and substant|a||ty of e porlo used l relflo o e c/r#d work fs f wole fd
4 e effect of e use upon the potent|a| market for or vflue of e copyrlged work
f Cfe e frdes ffcor
lll Cours more lele we lcldefl use
lv Less lele we dlsregfrded "#s leres fd l bad fa|th wlc ls suggesed l notpet v kowe bu compbell
sfld ere wfs o bfd ffl
1 N\lvM cotp v koss lostltote bfd ffl does# bfr fflr use
f " provldes mfufl for pfld subscrlbers o semlfr rfllg progrfm mfufl ls o fvfllfble o
geerfl publlc mfde repors fbou mfufl fd mfde l publlc roug websles fd mfy fve
fcqulred mfufl l bfd ffl
b or s fflr use cf# [us be bfd ffl floe b/c c/r ls o fbou vlrue
v |f you can show that somehow transformat|ve then eas|er to show why |t doesn't hurt market
vl A|so |f benef|c|a| use then ||ke|y fa|r use
b Mfy be e mos veerfble llmlflo
l used o be mfde [udgemfde lfw e codlfled l #76 Ac
ll Lo#s of fdvocfcy used ere
lll ree o fdfp docrle o f cfsebycfse bfsls
lv ls o promoe sclece fd frs by ecourfglg developme fd evolulo of ew works
v ls f defese o lfrlgeme
c arody compbell v coffkose Moslc (uS 1994) shows ana|ys|s re[ecs llmus fd brlglle es fpply wole es
(fll ffcors fd resuls welged ogeer)
l 2 Llve Crew ook e muslc of 8fy Crblso#s rey Jomf fd mfde f sog ey dld fsk llcese flrs bu wfs
re[eced by publlsers
ll 8eversed fd remfded for reversed look speclflcflly o 1 fd 4

ffcors wfs f pfrody (eed o slll flgure

ou 3
fd 4

ffcors) resuls welged ogeer

1 urpose character wfs commerclfl bu commelg e orlg fd crllclzlg l
f If commerc|a| |s the new work transformat|ve? (commerclfl does# mef o fflr use)
l 1est fdds somelg ew wl furer purpose or cfrfcer
ll ere wfs f pfrody fd by fure rfsformflve

lll *lf rfsformflo ls somelg l fure of f derlvflve work e mlg be lfrlglg
derlvflve work
2 Nature of c]r'd work orlglfl sog w/l core of c/r purpose
3 Amount and substant|a||ty ook e efr of e sog bu f#s ecessfry for pfrody
f Abou e fmou borrowed fd quflly of l
b 1est o more f ecessfry"
4 Lffect on market va|ue -eed o look lo lf rey Jomf#s llceslg cfpfblllles of opfrody rfp
verslo could fve bee mfde
f 1est lf we le people do ls f lo ow bfdly would l fffec e mfrke of e orlglfl or for
derlvflve works
l lmpfc fs o be relfed o c/r
ll uoes# mfer lf l urs mfrke b/c ew work ls crllcfl ec (llke f revlew)
3 *compulsory llcese ls we you cf# cfge fudfmefl cfrfcer of e work so could# use l coff
lll arody eeds o mlmlc e orlglfl o mfke f pol l#s fbou weer pfrodlc cfrfcer mfy refsofbly be
percelved ls f product|ve use that comments on or cr|t|c|zes cop|ed work fd c/r owers ullkely o llcese
1 uoes# mfer lf l#s good or bfd
2 Is NC1 fa|r use per se
3 ut 5eoss v leoqolo 8ooks uses Cf l e f o mfke [oke fbou C! Slmpso rlfl wfs o fflr use
dld# fcuflly pfrody so o rfsformflve
4 lelbovltz v lotomooot sfld fllm fd wfs pfrody fd proeced uder fflr use ls commerclfl bu wfs
rfsformflve (8lr of veus) b/c pfrodylg serlousess of e cover
3 5oottost 8ook v nooqbtoo Mlffllo co
f mfde pfrody of Coe wl e Jld cflled Jld uoe Coe wlc wfs f pfrody fd crllque of
deplclo of slfvery fd Amerlcf Sou of CJ1J old from e perspeclve of slfve fmed
l Appefls sfld subsflflly slmllfr so prlmf ffcle cfse of lfrlgeme so fs o use fflr use
b eld for wfs pfrody fd fflr use b/c lgly rfsformflve fd probfbly does# supplf
demfd for Surus#s llcesed derlvflves
l -o oe buylg ls book lsefd of e orlglfl fd Mlcell esfe ever llceses derlvflves
ll frody does# fve o be fuy
c Lx p 739 lf wfed o reell frry oer book bu reold from Cv of voldemor probfbly o
pfrody b/c Surus commeed o e rfcls fure of e orlglfl bu ere o commelg o
6 Mottell loc v Jolkloq Moootolo ltoJ
f pfrodled 8frble l poos l mlds of klce fppllfces ouseold ob[ecs ec wfs f crllque
ob[eclflcflo of wome fssoclfed w/ 8frble lfmbfse covelofl befuy my ec Mfel
sued for c/r lfrlgeme wfs f prlmf ffcle cfse of lfrlgeme bu sfld fflr use
b eld for wfs fflr use b/c wfs f pfrody fd comme o e orlglfl
l urpose wfs commerclfl l fure bu eve works lvolvlg comme fd crllclsm fre
coduc for profl l ls coury
ll -fure welgs fgfls b/c 8frble proeced b/c creflve work
lll Amou used fll of "#s work bu pu l lo f ew work fd lmbued l w/ dlffere cfrfcer
for pfrody do# fve o fke e fbsolue mllmum fm
lv Mfrke " ullkely o llcese o f kld of poo mos people wo wf o plfy wl 8frble
wlll buy fywfy (fs o fve c/r lmpllcflos of mfrke)
d Appropr|at|on Art koqets v kooos
l koos mfde sculpure ou of poo of f couple wl dogs
ll eld o fflr use b/c copled oo muc o rfsformflo mfrke frm fd wfs commerclfl l fure
e Sat|re cf flso be fflr use bu requlres more seps fve o explfl [uslflcflo for uslg pfrlculfr lg for sflre
l 8loocb v kooos wf ls rfsformflve cf be rlcky
1 koos pfllg of soes dous ec fd e used "#s ffslo poo from fllure
2 eld for koos wfs fflr use
f ls o f pfrody b/c eeds o mlmlc e orlglfl
b Jfs sflre b/c cf sfd o ls ow 2 fee bu slll fs o fve some geule creflve rflofle for
borrowlg 8lfc#s poogrfp
f News keport|ng notpet kow lobllsbets loc v Notloo otetptlses (uS 1983) ere publlslg somelg f ls
upubllsed fflr use ls cfse by cfse fflysls fd ffc f l wfs upubllsed egfes fflr use defese (wlc ls
l (1e -flo) publlsed excerps (pfrs of e -lxo pfrdo) from blo of Cerfld ord before book relefsed 1lme
wfs llcesed o publls excerps bu cfcelled b/c of 1e -flo
1 uls C sfld for fd fflr use
ll eld for " o fflr use b/c fuor#s flrs rlg rumps l l mfered o e c f work wfs upubllsed so
fffec o mfrke fd f fuor fd publlser lvesed exeslve resources
1 urpose ews ls fflr use uder some clrcumsfces bu ere commerclfl purpose of supplflg c/r
older#s rlg of flrs publlcflo
2 -fure ffcs eed o be dlssemlfed o c/r#fble bu ere l wfs upubllsed
3 Amou fd subsflflly ook e efr of e book
4 Mfrke ffcor mos lmporf eleme ere wlll fve fcufl effec
lll ulsse [us 300 words of f 200000 mfuscrlp wfs efr of e plece bu dlfflcul o sfy f fklg wfs
excesslve l relflo o ews reporlg
lv Lx p 730 Cueslo 2 does fflr use queslo cfge we fuor ever publlses e work" 5olloqet v kooJom
noose obfled upubllsed leers for blogrfpy cf borrow some of e work bu o oo muc
g 8|ography ctoft v koblet copylg o fcleve llerfry vlvldess v copylg mferlfl f ls legrfl o 2
fuor#s frg
or fflysls re[eced fflr use defese of fuor of f blogrfpy of lgor Srfvlsky 8u1 you do ge lflude l blogrfpy
l or fflr use fs o be ecessfry o suppor fflysls of e 2
work lfer blogrfpers do fve o use efrller
blogrfper#s work
ll ere fklgs were ffr oo umerous fd oo llle lsruclofl [uslflcflo
h Censor|ng cleoollcks v 5oJetbetqb
l Clefllcks ook fllms fd edled pfrs ou o mfke clef verslos
1 -o morfl rlgs b/c vA8A oly fpplles o vlsufl frs
ll eld for wfs fflr use 4

ffcor mos lmporf b/c cosumers of edled verslo would o fve emselves
boug e orlglfl verslos
1 lf you#re gof pu your suff ou ere e le oer people use l l#s e bfrgfl f you mfke
| Cther 2
l coosomets uoloo of u5 v New keqloo cotp mfuffcurer recelved good revlew from Cu fd wfed o use l l
f fdverlseme wfs# fflr use wfs f commerclfl use fd lcocluslve fs o wf mfrke you sould coslder
ll nostlet Moqozloe v Motol Mojotlty !erry flwell for morfl mf[orly ook fd fd suck l l elr pfmple
usler sued fflr use b/c oprofl org
lll costle kock otettolomeot v cotol lobllsbloq Ctoop loc " ows c/r o Selfeld broug fclo fgfls publlser
wo sold Selfeld Aplude 1es book cofled rlvlf queslos ec o fflr use b/c o reflly rfsformflve
fd could be effeclg derlvflve rlg!! (mfrke f "s could go lo)
lv J8 v kuk 8ooks
1 Cuy wroe frry oer lexlco orlglflly sfred fs webpfge
2 eld for J8 b/c ey fd bee meflg o mfke frry oer lexlco
f Jork wfs rfsformflve b/c wfs o e sfme fs books bu eve oug fd o borrow l urs
rfsformflve fure lf you do borrow
v 8lll Ctobom tcblves v uotlloq kloJetsley fflr use of reduceslzed lmfges of posers of Crfeful uefd for " wfs
fflr use b/c wfs rfsformflve posers plfyed oly modes role fd dld# effec prlmfry mfrke for sfle of
poser lmfges
1 Lve lf publlser cf llcese cf slll fve fflr use of lmfges
[ Intermed|ate Copy|ng
l 5eqo otettolomeot v ccoloJe loc defllg wl compuer gfmes lf legllmfely reverse egleerlg rylg o
ge f lgs f fre# proeced roug lgs f fre slll could be fflr use
1 go fcufl codes of compuer gfme roug reverse egleerlg fd e mfde gfmes f could be
plfyed o e cosole sfys lermedlfe copylg so fflr use
2 Jeer c/r fc permls persos wo fre eler c/r olders or llcesees o dlsfssemble c/r#d compuer
progrfm o gfl udersfdlg of uproeced fuclofl elemes
3 l wfs lfrlgeme 8u1 fflr use goes roug 4 ffcors
f Segf#s vldeo gfme progrfms cofled uproeced fspecs f cf# be exfmled w/o copylg
b fcors 1 2 4 for does# fcuflly ur e mfrke
c fcor 3 for "
ll 5ooy compotet v coooectlx upeld fflr use defese of mfuffcurer f reverse egleered Soy lfysflo#s
operflg sysem
1 reverse egleered so f could plfy lfysflo gfmes o your ow C flgured ou e code f
operfes e gfme
2 Jfs fflr use b/c moderfely rfsformflve e more rfsformflve l ls e efsler l ls o sow wy l
does# ur e mfrke
k New 1echno|og|es of Copy|ng and |ssem|nat|on
l oocopylg by commerclfl fd ocommerclfl lermedlfrles
ll Copy mach|ne fllowed mfklg of coples f were refdfble exeslve l leg fd l umbers fd
dlsrlbufble l e mfrkeplfce
1 lssue ls f ere ls llle or o rfsformflo
2 Jlllloms Jllklos co v u5 lssue weer mfklg of slgle poocoples of ldlvldufl frlcles from rfge
of medlcfl fd sclelflc [ourfls by -l fd -flofl Llbrfry of Medlcle wfs lfrlgeme o fflr use
ye bu slll for b/c " fflled o prove fuure frm
lll ltlocetoo uolv ltess v Mlcblqoo uoc 5etvlces loc (1996)
1 (copysop) reproduced segmes of c/#d works of scolfrslp boud coples lo coursepfcks fd sole
em for use l fulfllllg refdlg fsslgmes f ulv of Mlclgf (6 works) Copysop dld# ge
permlsslo fd does# pfy royflles o c/r owers
f uls C sfys lfrlgeme wlllful
2 eld for " o fflr use bu sould# be dfmfges fwfrd ere wfs for commerclfl use
f 4 ffcors o equfl 4

ffcor welged more ere b/c ls ls l e coex of orfsformflve

l burden of proof as to market effect for noncommerc|a| use rests w|th c]r ho|der
ll burden of proof as to market effect for commerc|a| use rests w] a||eged |nfr|nger
b ere lf use becfme wldesprefd e would fdversely fffec poelfl mfrke for c/r#d works
l 4

ffcor egfes fflr use b/c c/r older ere does fve leres l explollg f llceslg
1 ere ges o mfke more $ b/c does# fve o go ge llcese so clefrly fs f effec
o e mfrke slce llceslg ls e llvellood for publlsers
2 1oug sfys lf you fssume mfrke loss l#s clrculfr
ll Cer ffcors 1 -o rfsformflve 2 -fure of orlg ls c/r#fble 3 uslg fs muc fs 30 of
e work
3 ulsse fflr use requlres ullmled publlc fccess o publlsed works l educflofl selgs
f coslder fflr use provlslo l llg of sum ofl of publlc beefls leded by c/r lfw
b copylg doe ls permlsslble b/c c/r sfue fllows mullple coples for clfssroom use" for
lefrlg fd o for e erlcme of publlsers "s fve# demosrfed copylg cfused
ecoomlc frm
c sfld erred l focuslg o mfrke ffcors fd sould be exfmled uder fll 4 ffcors
l fcor 3 excerps cf sfd sepfrfe from elre work
ll fcor 4 mus be meflgful llkellood of fuure frm c/r permlsslo fees o lmporf
lcelve o fuors fd publlsers
4 C|assroom gu|de||nes fflr use for educflofl purposes goes fgfls Mu5 (oug guldelles frd o
f Mees es of brevly (1000 words or less)
b Copylg mees es of spofely
c -o more f 9 lsfces of mullple copylg fke plfce durlg f erm
d Lfc copy cofls olce of c/r
e Copylg does# subslue purcfse of books publlsers# reprls or perlodlcfls
f Sude o cfrged fymore f cos of copylg
lv metlcoo Ceopbyslcol uoloo v 1exoco loc copylg sclelflc [ourfl cfse rlcky cfse b/c cocer f someoe
cf come l fd sue compfy for fll coples resefrcers fve mfde ere l#s f lssue f l#s blg compfy llke
1 83 publlsers flled fclo for lfrlgeme fgfls 1exfco for mfklg coples of [ourfl frlcles f reques
of #s resefrcers
2 eld for " o fflr use 4 ffcors
f 1 goes fgfls 1exfco o rfsformflve fd copled bfslcflly so ey do# fve o buy e

l 8u1 o for commerclfl use
b 2 or 1exfco b/c ffcufl fure of e work
c 3 fvors publlsers b/c copled l full
d 4 Mfrke ffcor mos lmporf "#s ecoomlc l[ury fklg form of los llceslg royflles d
fees wlc could fuure mfrkes
l publlsers crefed llceslg progrfm so ey cf sow we ey lose subscrlplos
v 108 Copylg by oprofl llbrfrles ses for speclfl reglme ffvorlg cerfl fcs of copylg by oprofl
llbrfrles ls sepfrfe from 107
1 ses for speclfl reglme ffvorlg cerfl fcs of copylg by oprofl llbrfrles
2 eed# be oprofl or ope o e publlc
3 mus fve olce of c/r
4 does# fuorlze sysemflc reproduclo or dlsrlbulo of coples or poorecords
3 1998 amdts expfded scope of fddllofl copylg dlglfl copylg

vl |g|ta| Copy|ng by Commerc|a| Intermed|ar|es
1 uMC kecotJloqs loc v MlJcom loc
f lfuced servlce o sore cusomlze fd llse o recordlgs cofled o Cus boug Cus
fd w/o permlsslo copled recordlgs oo compuer servers so o replfy recordlgs o
subscrlbers wo dld fve o prove ey ow Cu verslo or mus purcfse e sogs
b or " fflr use deled 4 ffcors fll for " dfmfges sfuory $118 mllllo pfrles seled
l -o rfsformflve
ll Jorks fre c/r#fble work
lll Jfs wole work
lv "#s fve mfrke erfce rlg
c *remember purpose of c/r ls o proec ower#s rlgs fd o crefe lcelve for em o crefe
d Spacesh|ft|ng has fa||en f|at b]c so many peop|e have tr|ed to expand |ts def from 8etamax
l 8erfsmllg does# work
2 kelly v ttlbo 5oft cotp used to [ust|fy search eng|nes! do very we||
f " (poogrfper) fs c/r#d mfy of ls works operfes lere sefrc egle dlsplfylg resuls
l form of smfll plcures (umbflls) developed crfwler f dowlofds fullslzed coples of
lmfges oo server oug ever fsked permlsslo
l uls C sfys wfs lfrlglg bu coslued fflr use
b lssue 1 Jeer reproduclo of "#s lmfges l sefrc egle wfs fflr 2 ulsplfy of lfrger
lmfges from umbflls
c eld f lssue 1 Jfs fflr fd lssue 2 Jfs reversed bu eler pfry refced e lssue
l Jfs presumplvely ufflr slce for profl bu o uslg lmfges o promoe websle or profl by
selllg kelly#s lmfges umbflls were rfsformflve
1 Jere smfller lowerres fd crefed for dlffere purpose pollcy rflofle
2 ub||c benef|t!
ll -fure ffvors "
lll Coes o eler fry
1 lf copy elre work e fgfls fldlg of fflr use
2 lf user coples wf#s ecessfry f ffcor wlll o welg fgfls lm or er
lv Lffec o mfrke rfsformflve work less llkely o fve fdverse lmpfc o mfrke of orlglfl
does# frm mfrke for "#s lmfges b/c wlll ever be subslue for fullslze lmfges o frm
o " for selllg or llceslg of lmfges
3 letfect 10 v Cooqle loc (9

clr fppefls) sefrc egle umbfll use was fa|r use! lf l wfs#
would#ve fke dow Coogle lmfges
f Coogle#s sefrc egle dlsplfyed umbfll lmfges of "#s poos "#s sued Coogle/Amfzo b/c
cf# fld e people f os e lmfges o elr sle
l uls C oldlg sfld o fflr use desple publlc beefl b/c of mfrke ffcor fd google uslg
1 google#s use commerclfl bu does# welg oo efvlly l ffvor of 10 eler oug
more commerclfl f Arrlbf

2 rfsformflve/creflo fd dlsplfy deslged o dlsplfy vlsufl sefrc resuls qulckly fd
3 Mfrke o llkely o fffec mfrke for fullslze lmfges oug mfy fve f effec o
dowlofdlg ec
b eld for wfs fflr use b/c o L of mfrke ffcor fd fdsese
l Ct |s |ook|ng at overa|| effect b/c lmpfc of sopplg e wole sefrc egle busless
4 Joll uoto loc v l coooty 5betlffs uept
f LA Serlff#s boug llcese o lsfll 3000 coples of "#s sofwfre lsflled l o efrly wlce
b eld for " o fflr use commerclfl fd orfsformflve wfs resrlced o slgle compuer l
erms of use lsflled w/o pfylg fee wlc would lefd o overuse of sofwfre
vll Copy|ng by Lnd Users
1 5ooy cotp of metlco v uolvetsol clty 5toJlos loc (1984 8etamax) can t|mesh|ft!
f Soy mfde 8efmfx wlc lmeslfed (vlewers cf record fd vlew progrfm lfer) "s sfy wfs
lfrlgeme fd Soy llfble fs corlbuory lfrlger Sudlos worrled fbou people keeplg
recordlgs forever
b eld for wfs fflr use b/c beeflclfl uses
l -ocommerclfl use so eeds e f some llkellood of fuure frm exlss
1 ere " sowed o fcufl frm of c/r o dfe
2 robfbly flds "s rfer f frm em
ll 1lmeslflg expfds publlc fccess fd soclefl beefls
lll Sfld would# ffs forwfrd b/c oo frd o do
c ulsse fflr use f fre commoly recoglzed fre flrefdy l 107
l c/r ower eed prove oly poelfl frm o mfrke for or vflue of c/r#d work sudlos llsed
posslble frms flrefdy
ll o ocommerclfl fure suppors " b/c creflve works used fll fmou poelfl mfrke
effec sould be cosldered
2 M kecotJs v Nopstet retransm|tt|ng |s not transformat|ve samp||ng not fa|r use
f -fpser ffclllfes rfsmlsslo of M3 flles fmog users roug 2 sfrlg Complfl f ls
corlbuory fd vlcfrlous c/r lfrlger
l fve o demosrfe f #s lfrlged f lefs 1 excluslve rlg
ll sfys users egfges l fflr use sfmpllg spfceslflg permlsslve dlsrlbulo
b eld for " o fflr use ffflrmed fd reversed l pfr
l -o rfsformflve merely rfsmllg l dlffere medlum (llke mp3 cfse) flso wfs
commerclfl use fd dlrec ecoomlc beefl o requlred o demosrfe commerclfl use
1 ere repefed explolflve copylg of c/r#d works
ll Jfs c/r#fble work by fure
lll Jfs copylg of elre work (oug somelmes slll fflr use llke 8etomox)
lv frms mfrke reduces cd sfles rlg o flerflve mfrkes
1 Sfmpllg o f defese
2 -o spfceslflg b/c o for 1 user#s persofl use mllllos could copy c/r#d suff
3 8MC Moslc et ol v Coozolez (7

Clr) ere frgelg ed user o copy o fflr use don't copy!

f dowlofded c/r#d muslc roug kfZfA (1370) sogs sfys fflr use fd [us sfmpllg dld#
ow legllmfe copes of 30 of e sogs se dowlofded
l uls C for " fd fwfrded $22000 l dfmfges
b old for " o fflr use remfded orderlg er o pfy
l 8MC soug dfmfges for 30 sogs bu sub[ec o dfmfges for 1000 sogs b/c vlolfed
sfue (crefed coples)
ll Llke sfylg se oly sopllfed 30 Cus
a 1ls ls were you#ve doe somelg f cfused somebody else o lfrlge c/r
b Cons|der both v|car|ous contr|butory and |nducement!
c oovlso loc v cbetty octloo (1996) 2 d|fferent tests for v|car|ous and contr|butory ||ab|||ty
l Swfpmee l fsfdef l ured ou swfpmee wfs f plfce were people would sell c/r#d suff
1 -ol l c/r fc f flks fbou secodfry llfbllly
ll 2 1ess
1 V|car|ous L|ab|||ty

f fve o fve rlg fd fbllly o supervlse lfrlglg fclvly fd dlrec flfclfl fbllly
2 Contr|butory L|ab|||ty
f Jeer kowlgly lduce/cfuse mferlflly corlbue o lfrlglg fclvly of foer
lll eld f wfs vlcfrlously fd corlbuorlly llfble
1 vlcfrlous fgfls b/c fd ab|||ty to exc|ude vendors contro| of access to customers
fdmlsslos/pfrklg fees ec
f fd rlg f fbllly o corol lfrlglg fclvly o llke lfdlord wo cf# see wf you#re dolg
b Ad s were beefllg
2 Corlbuory dld# pus people o sell lfrlglg produc 8u1 were pulg everylg ogeer for
vedors o lfrlge
d 5ooy cotp of metlco v uolvetsol clty 5toJlos loc (2
pfr of 8efmfx) 1est whether s|gn|f|cant # of uses wou|d be
l Jeer sfle of 8efmfx o geerfl publlc vlolfes fy of rlgs coferred upo respodes by C/8 Ac ls
mfuffcurer llfble for corlbuory c/r lfrlgeme"
ll Soy o llfble for corlbuory lfrlgeme b/c fd subsflfl olfrlglg use
1 uevlces sold for legllmfe uob[eclofble purpose pfssed e es
e M kecotJs loc v boJollob Soy docrle oly fpplles o sfple frlcles or commodlles of commerce suc fs
vC8#s poocoplers fd blfk sfdfrdleg cfssee fpes
l sold lmelofded fudlocfssees o clles wo used cfssees o produce fd mfrke lllegflly couerfeled
ll eld fgfls wfs lfrlgeme requlres f produc sold fve subsflfl olfrlglg use
1 ere [us could fve bee olfrlglg
2 fced fs cofc bewee cusomers fd suppllers for couerfel cfrds
f M kecotJs loc v Nopstet loc llfble
l 8ecord compfles sued fllesfrlg sle for c/r lfrlgeme sfld fflr use
ll eld fgfls wfs corlbuorlly fd vlcfrlously llfble b/c fd fcufl fd cosruclve kowledge of dlrec
lfrlgeme sood o beefl from lfrlgeme fd could corol use of users
1 flr use
f 1 uowlofdlg mp3 o rfsformflve
b 2 Sogs fre c/r proeced
c 3 Jolesfle copylg mfy be proeced
d 4 uld effec muslc sfles
2 Sfmpllg fd spfceslflg o fflr use b/c fvfllfble o oer users
3 ermlsslve dlsrlbulo wfs olfrlglg
g MCM v Ctokstet ltJ llfble |nducement ||ab|||ty
l Sudlos sued p2p flle sfrlg compfles successfully frgued l 9

clrcul f ey sould# be corlbuorlly

ll eld fgfls remfded could be llfble for c/r lfrlgeme due o lduceme so corlbuory vlcfrlous
b/c profllg from lfrlgeme fd could supervlse
1 fd fdverlsed fs ex -fpser wlllful lfrlgeme b/c fd kowledge
f wfs mosly used for lfrlglg fclvly
2 mfde o effor o fller c/r mferlfl wlc boers e cour
f Los of flglg over lf l could eve be fllered
3 Inducement mefs reflly puslg l |ook at |ntent
f Clsburg would be llfble eve fbse L of lduceme
b 8reyer sfys would be proeced by Soy w/o L of lduceme
h |g|ta| M|||enn|um Copyr|ght Act (MCA 2000)
l Crlmlfllzes produclo fd dlssemlflo of ecology devlces or servlces leded o clrcumve mefsures
(commoly kow fs dlglfl rlgs mffgeme or u8M) f corol fccess o copyrlged works
ll Also crlmlfllzes e fc of clrcumvelg f fccess corol weer or o ere ls fcufl lfrlgeme of
copyrlg lself
lll S12 Safe narbour L|m|tat|ons on ||ab|||ty for on||ne prov|ders re|at|ng to mater|a| on||ne (p 430 of
suppleme) lf you mee 1 of 4 cfegorles e o llfble for lfrlgeme of c/r fs log fs you do lgs l sfys
o do
1 1rans|tory d|g|ta| connect|ons suff pfsslg roug sysem
2 System cach|ng provldes lermedlfe fd emporfry sorfge

3 Informat|on res|d|ng on systems or networks at d|rect|on of users you mflfl sysem or ework fd
oer people pu suff o your ework
4 Informat|on |ocat|on too|s some kld of sefrc egle
lv ulffere thresho|d req f you fve o mee
1 Mee e test for a serv|ce prov|der ls l (k)
2 Cond|t|ons for e||g|b|||ty fre l (I)
f Sop em from lfrlglg
b fve o fllow rlgs olders o use eclcfl mefs o be fble o sefrc for lfrlglg lgs
c 1e fve o provlde for olce fd takedown procedure (defled l (c))
l Id agent who rece|ves not|ce
1 ell people ow o ge o f fge wo ls reglsered
ll 1o g|ve not|ce fve o fve elemes of olce
1 ld speclflcflly lfrlglg mferlfl
2 lfo refsofbly sufflcle o cofc complfllg pfrles
3 lclude f sfeme f good ffl bellef f use ls o fuorlzed by ower
4 Ad sfeme uder pefly of per[ury f lfo ls fccurfe
lll Cne S rece|ves proper not|ce
1 8equlred o fke dow flleged mferlfl
2 Je you fke dow you go o (g) wf fppes we you fke somelg dow
3 fve o olfy e perso wo#s work ls belg fke dow
4 upo recelp of couer olflcflo fve o replfce mferlfl or cefse dlsfbllg fccess
o l fs o provlde fll lfo
lv Counter Not|ce
1 Slgfure
2 lu of mferlfl f fs bee removed
3 Sfeme uder pefly of per[ury f e subscrlber fs f good ffl bellef f e
mferlfl wfs removed or dlsfbled fs f resul of mlsfke or mlsldelflcflo of e
mferlfl o be removed or dlsfbled
d kedf|ag facts l fll 4 seclos
l Jf kowledge e lS fs
ll lf does# fve fcufl kowledge or o fwfre of ffcs or clrcumsfces
v Serv|ce rov|der ||ab|||ty under MCA
1 8urde o c/r owers o ld fd olfy mere codul" lSs of lfrlgemes cfrrled by or resldlg o e
provlder#s sysems
2 1fkedow provlslos
3 *8as|ca||y |f you have a reasonab|e po||cy you'|| be okay!
f Los o websles fve 3 srlkes fd you#re ou pollcy
b -o golg o pu exrf burde o lS
c usuflly f wl for e lS
vl letfect 10 v cc8lll have to have r|ght not|ce to IS or won't get any re||ef under the act everylg l 1 wrle
docume requlre everylg of olce lf you do wlll lmpue o lS kowledge of lfrlglg fclvly e websle
wlll fve o do somelg fbou l
1 CC8lll provldes sorfge for websles f osed sole lmfges from erfec 10 wo sfys ey gfve buc
of olces f 2
pfrles gfve olces fd f ere were red flfgs
2 eld for remfded b/c erfec 10 dld# provlde effeclve olce o red flfgs
f 8efsofbly lmplemeed S12(|) oug c does# sfy wf refsofbly lmplemeed mefs
l ere sfys refsofbly lmplemelg pollcy
b S not requ|red to go out and f|gure out whether peop|e are repeated|y |nfr|ng|ng
c l order o qufllfy fs red flfg fd o efble users o lfrlge c/r oug do# reflly kow wf
f sfdfrd ls
d S fs o o recelve dlrec flfclfl beefl from ls
vll kellqloos 1ecbooloqy ceotet v Netcom Oolloe commoolcotloo 5etvlces loc weer operfor of compuer
bullel bofrd servlce fd lS fllows f 88S refc lere sould be llfble for c/r commled by subscrlber of
88S " sfys corlbuorlly vlcfrlously llfble eld -C1 b/c dlspue over kowledge slce o ffflrmflve
fclo o copy work fd recelved o dlrec flfclfl beefl from lfrlgeme
vlll cotbls cotp v mozoocom no duty to po||ce users! eve olce uder uMCA ls o eoug b/c ere mlg be
fflr use defeses fs o be fddllofl L

1 eld for b/c o eoug L for ffllure o ermlfe fve o fve clefr obvlous ldlcflo [us plfl
olce l uMCA ls o eoug
lx Lrroneous takedown not|ce mlsfke good ffl bellef" or fclofble kowlg mlsrepreseflo""
1 kossl v Ml for l o o be good ffl fs o be kowlg mlsrepreseflo
f Could# fcuflly dowlofd movle
b Jf ls e sfdfrd for deermllg good ffl sub[eclve or ob[eclve sfdfrd" fs o be
kowlg mlsrep (sub[eclve)
c eld for b/c good ffl ls sub[eclve sfdfrd
2 Oolloe lollcy Ctoop v ulebolJ " sfys emflls c/r#fble sub[ec mfer for wfs fflr use b/c publlc
leres refso o mfke lfo publlc
f kowlg mlsrep fd good refso o kow ese lgs o elled o c/r
b ulebold (") foud o fve vlolfed goodffl sfdfrd of uMCA
x now much know|edge does IS have to have for IS to be ||ab|e"
1 veob Netwotks for b/c fd refsofble pollcy fd fuomfed fller by 3
pfry compfy ls#
sufflcle olce for veo o be llfble b/c o wfy of verlfylg fylg fudlble mfglc does
2 vlocom v ootobe Iust mere know|edge of preva|ence of |nfr|ng|ng act|v|ty |s not enough actua|
know|edge are the red f|ags
f Clflm f ?ouube does# do eoug o remove mferlfl from repef lfrlgers ffer ey fve
olce vlfcom sfys sould# be fllowed o sl fd recelve proeclo
b eld for ?ouube b/c reflly good f removlg lfrlglg vldeos
l -o refl red flfgs
ll ?ouube flso uses fudlble mfglc removlg lfrlglg vldeos fuomflcflly ls f good ffl
c 8ed flfg would be lf kep pulg suff o
xl kl v vetlzoo subpoef o obfl fmes of flleged olle lfrlgers k|||ed the subpoena prov|s|on (S12h)
that makes |t easy to re|ease |nfo
1 eld for verlzo cf# use uCMA olflcflo procedures o fld suff oly golg o work o ld wo#s
o f sle
f c/r ower fs o flle olflcflo ld of works subpoef swor declfrflo
b verlzo sfld e provlslo cf ever be sflsfled for someoe wo ls f mere codul
xll C]k |s statutory so |ook at statute f|rst
1 Look f 101 def
2 1oug secodfry llfbllly ls elrely [udgemfde
xlll Ior MCA to App|y
1 fs o be CS (k)
2 1e fve o ffll lo f b c or d cfegorles
3 fve o fve vflld olce fd fkedow procedures
4 fve o sflsfy req uder (I) refsofbly lmplemeed pollcy
f look f weer good ffl bfsls ec
a kemed|es Acufl dfmfges or profl
l 17 USC S01 lfrlgeme of C/8
ll 411 o requlred o reglser c/r l order for you o ge beefl of fvlg f c/r
1 1oug lf dellvered o c/r offlce fd refused ower cf slll flle f pello ec
lll S02 8emedles for lfrlgeme l[uclos
1 Cf obfl emporfry or prellmlfry l[uclo (lf cf# obfl moefry rellef)
2 boy cfse l[uclos l pfe cfses cs fve kee [erk refclo o flwfys glve f l[uclo
3 5olloqet cfse Lbfy fpplles equflly o c/r provlslo fve o coslder wf e refl frm would be
f erso wfs golg o wrle f sequel o e Sfllger cfse esfe moved for prellmlfry l[uclo
b eld f would# reflly frm fuor lf ere wfs o prellmlfry l[uclo
l e#d ever wrle fylg else dld# reflly do lervelg yefrs ec
ll 1oug l could ur Sfllger#s rlg o f sequel
c In[unct|on has to be a harm to LLGAL |nterest fd cf# be flxed by flfl fd[udlcflo
l nave to cons|der whether perm|tt|ng work to cont|nue t||| f|na| ad[ud|cat|on has some
separate |n[ury that can't be remed|ated by f|na| ad[ud|cat|on
ll ere could be flxed by flfl fd[udlcflo (moefry leres)
b amages S04

l amages + prof|ts C8 statutory damages
1 Actua| amages ofe dlfflcul o cflculfe
f Lx moey you would fve mfde from selllg e exbooks
2 rof|ts e profls lfrlger mfde over fd fbove your fcufl dfmfges
f l order o mfke sure does# ufflrly beefl
3 Statutory amages
f uder 17 USC 412 (fd S04(c)) ey fre oly fvfllfble lf e copyrlg older fs reg|stered
the copyr|ght o e lfrlgeme!
b Can get separate statutory awards for each r|ght that |s v|o|ated!
c C/8 ower cf elec f fy lme up roug rlfl o ge sfuory dfmfges l-S1LAu of fcufl
dfmfges fd profls
d S04(c)(2) 1eory of wlllfuless
l ere ls some lelofl purpose
ll le sowlg colued lfrlgeme eve oug you kew you sould# do l
4 *you do# ge o double collec does# fve o glve fll f ey mfke
3 *fy#s fees permled l sfue
f usuflly Amerlcf rule ls pfy for your ow
b ere glves you more lmpeus o feel llke you cf sped $$ o declfre your cfse
c oqetty Cfse bo pfrles elled o fy#s fees o equfl bfsls
ll Oo uovls v 1be Cop " has to show connect|on between |nfr|ngement and |oss of revenue
1 C ufvls mfde suglfsses fd fd f copyrlg o em 1e Cfp rf f fd wl f model wo wfs
wefrlg C ufvls suglfsses C ufvls sued for copytlqbt loftloqemeot C ufvls wo bu e queslo
wfs ow o cflculfe dfmfges uder 17 USC S04
2 eld fve o subml evldece f ls fllored o e frm c/r " mus esfblls wl refsofble
probfbllly e exlsece of f cfusfl coeclo bewee e lfrlgeme fd f loss of reveue
f fs o be bfsed o fflr mfrke vflue
b Acufl ufmfges cflc
l Lost ||cens|ng revenue (fssume f e Cfp fd llcesed e use f f teosoooble toyolty) C
ufvls suggesed
1 $2 per lmfge x 230000 coples of e fd or
2 $1 per lmfge x 2000000 cusomers
3 Cfg frgued f C ufvld llcesed slmllfr suglfsses for f slmllfr fd for oly $30
ll Lost sa|es C ufvls probfbly dld lose fy suglfsses sfles becfuse of 1e Cfps
c lfrlgers rofls
l 1e Cfp mfde $1668 bllllo f qufrer wlc wfs fbou 10 more f ey mfde e
prevlous qufrer very llle fd o do wl C ufvls# suglfsses
ll ?ou have to show a reasonab|e re|at|onsh|p between the sa|es and the |nfr|ngement l wfs
wfy oo speculflve o guess f ow mfy more clolg sfles were frlbued o C ufvls
suglfsses l e fd
d Also fsked for pullve dfmfges usuflly oe l c/r
l 412 before flle lfrlgeme cfse fve o reglser c/r
1 lf you sue somebody for lfrlgeme f commenced before you reg|stered c]r not
ent|t|ed to co||ect statutory damages or atty's fees
ll C ufvls fd o reglsered e copyrlg ull ffer e fd rf so o sfuory dfmfges were
fvfllfble so o sfuory dfmfges
lll took Moslc cotp v MCM loc (9

Clr) can't get actua| damages |f you can't make c|ear what your actua|
damages are and |f you have any cf coslder oer fd dlrec profls lf ere ls f le! (fufl repors ec)
everylg slll fs o be t|ed to the |nfr|ngement!
1 " ow c/r o muslcfl MCM fd muslcfl revue were slgers fd dfcers recrefe scees from ffmous
ollywood muslcfls
f 1e 1rlfl Cour foud f e dfmfges were oly $22k for fll 1700 lmes MCM pu o elr sow
b 1est of market buyer wf buyer would fve pfld for "#s work
2 eld o refl sowlg f ere were fcufl dfmfges so ur o weer ere were profls fd ow o
fpporlo e profls remfded
f lf you cf# le e reveue o e lfrlgeme fd does# come forwfrd wl umbers
umber sfds fs wf you recover

l ere e rled o deduc f lo of coss from profl
ll " sfys deduclos fre# led o lfrlgeme fd fs o le em llke e profls
b " flso wfed o ge profls from dlffere reveue srefms (ldlrec profls) bu slll fve o le o
l sfys sow broug people o MCM Crfd broug fddllofl promolofl vflue
ll s sfld fd o be some kld of fpporlome slce oly 3 sogs
lv cteom kecotJs v Ios 5cblltz 8tewloq co Can't [ust g|ve the " whatever they want l#s l e dlscrelo of e
1 8eer used emesog from Sff " sfld fee o llcese ls $180000 fd sfys poelfl llcesee wldrew
b/c of e sog l e fd " flso rled o ge sfle of llquor by cflculflg commerclfl cos fd ow muc
lfrlglg muslc elped l fdverlslg by gelg f focus group sfld oly used pfr of sog
2 eld /r older o elled o recover fll ose profls merely cfuse lfrlger cf# flgure ou some
fpporlome c dld## glve muc bfsls fs o wy ey cfme ou e wfy ey dld
v oqel v JllJ Oots loc
1 ls grocery sore f pu "#s poo o slr llfbllly coceded so oly lssue wfs dfmfges frd o
qufllfy b/c frm o rep of poogrfper
2 eld foud lfrlgeme wfs wlllful (sould fve kow) fwfrded $20k cf coslder profls ec ls
wfs fdequfe for "#s losses fd fd f llle pullve edge o l (b/c wlllful)
vl Lx Auor wrles 3 fc plfy fd drfmflc compfy performs e plfy l Aprll Mfy !ue
1 Jf#s e mfx fm f fuor cf clflm"
2 or fll lfrlgemes of 1 work ge 1 sfuory work
f Sowlg flrs plfy for mo 1 fwfrd for 1 plfy so 3 fmous
3 Mos se could collec ls $30k/mo oug lf wlllful could ge up o $113k
vll 8MC Moslc v 1eoeoboom Cons|der |ook|ng to gu|deposts and due process
1 llesfrlg cfse wl " fwfrded $613000
2 eld sfuory dfmfges fwfrd wfs ucosluloflly excesslve [udge comes up wl $67900
f Gu|deposts
l egree of reprehens|b|||ty look f wf wfs beld e fwfrd pyslcfl or ecoomlc frm"
1 ere fll e dld wfs sefl f couple of sogs
ll Coslder whether pun|t|ve damages bear a reasonab|e re|at|onsh|p o frm f #s coduc
cfused or ls llkely o fve cfused
lll lsruc cour o compare pun|t|ve damages award to c|v|| pena|t|es fuorlzed or lmposed
for slmllfr mlscoduc
b 1ere ls f llml o coslder o some level weer fwfrd mfkes sese l brofder sceme of lgs
[udge cf overur [ury
vlll 8MC v Coozolez you do fve rlg o [ury rlfl eve we oly seeklg sfuory dfmfges
1 8MC wo sfuory mllmum wfed [ury rlfl o declde lf sfuory mllmum could be fllowed
2 eld lf 8MC fppy e cf ge summfry [udgme 8u1 lf 8MC wfed o kow were fmou sould
ffll e [ury rlfl l#s foer cfse were [udge reduced verdlc
lx kev|ew 8emedles
1 Sprefd over f couple dlffere seclos
2 -eed fcufl deflls of remedles you cf ge
3 8emember lmlg of we you fve o reglser
G MCA (other part) CIkCUMVLN1ICN ec 1201 (flclrcumvelo) 1202 (vlolflg c/r mffgeme lfo)
a rovldes for clvll fd crlmlfl peflles for removlg proeclo of c/r#d work
b 1201 C|rcumvent|on of c]r protect|on systems
l meods of effeclvely corolllg fccess o f c/r#d work
ll C|rcumvent scrfmble decryp ec lmpflr f ecologlcfl mefsure
lll rotect|on Systems keep you from belg fble o use e work l oer wfys
1 le u8Ms
2 ex cf# refd kldle books o -ook
c keoloetwotks loc v 5tteombox loc vlolflo of uMCA clrcumvelo prevelo
l Abou srefmlg ls vC8 would fllow you o record suff f wfs srefmed " broug sul uder 1201
ll 2 measures to contro| access
1 Secrethandshake flk o efc oer fd excfge lfo
f fble o recrefe f secre fdsfke
2 Copysw|tch ower of srefmlg mferlfl cf sfy weer fllowed you o copy or o

f reves you from copylg e work
lll uoes Srefmbox vlolfe uMCA" ?es
1 8ypfssed fdsfke deslged o clrcumve fccess corol
2 Jy does l o ffll uder 8efmfx lmeslflg"
f -o oflly f c/r lssue ere you#re vlolflg uMCA
b Ce sep removed from c/r lfrlgeme
d lM5 v 8etksblte lofo 5ystems loc
l uslg proeclo mefsure w/o proeclo
ll -o reflly clrcumvelg b/c do|ng someth|ng unauthor|zed |s not necessar||y c|rcumvent|on
1 ?ou fve o ge froud clrcumvelo
e lexmotk v 5totlc coottol compooeotsfs o corol fccess o c]r'ab|e sub[ect matter fd access has to be some k|nd
of c|rcumvent|on
l mfkes 3
pfry prler cfrrldges l#s e prler kowlg weer lk cfrrldges fre fuorlzed or o
flgured ou ow o ell prler f ey fre fuorlzed cfrrldge
ll Cueslo of weer ls vlolfes 1201
lll eld f l does# b/c not prevent|ng access to someth|ng c]r'ab|e
1 c/r#fble sub[ec mfer would be e sofwfre prler used o flk o e cfrrldge 8u1 fdsfke
does# sop you from c/r#fble sub[ec mfer
2 Corolllg fccess o prler bu o e c/r#fble sub[ec mfer
f uolvetsol clty 5toJlos loc v kelmetJes flrs es uder controvers|a| MCA as to what the except|ons are to 1201
exceplos fve o mee very speclflc requlremes no fa|r use
l s mfde progrfm ueCSS f progrfm f could crfck e c/r proeclo of uvu#s 8roug uder flrffflcklg
pfr of MCA 1201(a)(2)
1 1 sfys sfll o do fy of ese lgs
2 2 sfys cf# mfuffcure ec lgs f fllow people o do ls somewf llke secodfry llfbllly
ll 1ese ecologlcfl fccess corol mefsures could preve uses of fa|r use sould# e sfme defeses be
fllowed eve uder e uMCA"
1 Cg dld# lclude fflr use fs f defese bu dld lclude except|ons (d)(e)(f) p 309 (supp)
f Lfw eforceme use
b -oprofl llbrfrles
c 8everse egleerlg bu fs o be for oe purpose fd does# fpply every lme
d Lcryplo fs o repor weer l#s effeclve ec
2 Also broug clflm uder 1rs clflm
3 uls C eld for " foud f prlmfry purpose of e defedfs fclos wfs o promoe redlsrlbulo
of uvus l vlolflo of copyrlg lfws becfuse e defedfs fdmled fs muc
lll eld for " upeld flso o 1rs Am cfuse o fbou coe
g 1202 |f you put c]r management |nfo on your th|ng cou|d be v|o|at|on |f somebody takes |t off dolg somelg
o vlolfe mffgeme of c/r proeclo (Copyrlg Mffgeme lformflo)
l Slmllfr o flclrcumvelo
ll (b) cf# remove or fler cml have to have know|edge
lll (c) wf c/r mffgeme lfo ls
lv goes o eory f uMCA defls wl d|g|ta| stuff
1 Sfue does# expllclly sfy fylg fbou fvlg o be elecrolc bu cfses fre golg f wfy
2 8fslcflly poorly drffed
h kelly v ttlbo 5oft fflr use fflysls CMl lssue dld somelg remove CMl fd wl kowledge"
l Arrlbf copled lmfges from websles lo oer websles
ll eld for sefrc egles cf use umbflls very l Arrlbf#s ffvor
| Moclotcby b/c uslg ecologlcfl process wfs eoug o come wll 1202 bfslcflly fs o be some kld of
elecrolc compoe
l 1ook poo of cloud rlg ffer 9/11 s ook f plcure of er fd e poogrfp fd cropped ou e c/r olce
of er work so broug clflm uder 1202 s sfy ls ls o somelg dlglfl " sfys se uses dlglfl progrfm
f prls ou e lfo o e poo
ll eld for " b/c lcluded dlglfl formf" se uses process o crefe e poo ls fllowed er frgume o
sflsfy 1202
[ oyo 1extlle cose l#s |ntended to be about e|ectron|c th|ngs and stuff (or refdfble wl suc f process) do# wf
provlslo o fve llmlless scope
l " mfkes ffbrlc wlc cf be c/r#fble lf l fs some feselc f ls sepfrfe from ls fuclofl fspecs
8epeflg prl of efcock fefers fll ffbrlc fs selvfge e ook off
ll oldlg o vlolflo of 1202 goes roug fflysls of sfuory bfckgroud lf for " e e provlslo would
fve llmlless scope fd would fpply o fylg wl ls or er fme
1 Lve oug probfbly mfde ffbrlc uslg ecology
2 robfbly mef for dlglfl lgs fd o reflly mef for provldlg llfbllly for people fklg c/r pfge
ou of f book
n CWNLkSnI (Cfper 3)
a 201 c/r l work vess lllflly l fuor or fuor#s of e work
l somelmes you fve cfses were you do# kow wo fuors fre
b lloJsoy v kM5 1ltoolc |f you [ust f|xed the work |n tang|b|e form doesn't make you the author
l Someoe rled o clflm Lldsfy wfs# e fcufl fuor of e fllm
ll Auor ls were oe pfry fs lg degree of corol
1 ulfferece bewee creflg f work fd flxlg l l f fglble form
2 lxlg does# mfke you fuor le e womf wo elped e guy l e ulvlg 8ell fd e 8uerfly
o flx l l fglble form
c 201(b) defles wo ls ower of work for lre
l Lmployer ls cosldered e fuor for purposes of e lle
ll Look f 101 deflllos
1 Work made for h|re
f Whether prepared by emp|oyee w]|n scope (fgecy prlclples) C8
b lf work spec|a||y ordered or comm|ss|oned as part of |arger work and |f express|y agreed |n
wr|tten |nstrument slged by em
lll commoolty fot cteotlve Noovloleoce v kelJ (uS) bfslcflly lesso ls fve wrle k wlc ls wf mos pfrles
do ses ou 13 factors for emp|oyer]emp|oyee relfloslp
1 oprofl commlssloed f sfue mef o be somelg f mfkes you lk fbou omeless
2 eld for " wfs o f employee o [ol work looked f 13 ffcor es A-u e secod pfr of 101
def wlc " wfs# eler (9 cfegorles)
3 13 factors se ou es for employer ec bfslcflly ow muc corol does e lrlg pfry fve
f LvL8?1lML look f weer ge beefls or ls fxed fs oe
b kill iequiieu
c heie you uiu woik
d ow long ielationship
e iiing paities uiscietion
f hose tools etc
4 1oug mfybe could be [o|nt authors fd sfme leres l work fd leded l o fve work ogeer
lv Mottbo Ctobom coreogrfper wfs foud o be employee of dfce scool
v *lf you fve wrllg mfke sure l#s before you mfde e work
1 2
Clr fs eld orfl k eforcefble fd cf execue lfer
d Io|nt Authorsh|p had same |nterest |n work and |ntended |t to have work together
l 1bompsoo v lotsoo wf mfers ls e le of e pfrles!
1 Abou keot lred 1ompso o elp Lfrso o pu ogeer plfy elped polls e plfy plfy opes fd
Lfrso#s ffmlly lerls fll ls moey fd 1ompso sfys se#s [ol fuor
2 Jeer [ol fuors look o le of pfrles
f Lvldece ere wfs lelo for work o be [ol work sepfrfble bu useful corlbulos
3 eld sfld o [ol work bu f Lfrso dld corlbue suff so remfded o see weer se dld
somelg ldepedely c/r#fble (for e sog)
f Somelmes frd o sepfrfe wf e pfrles dld
b C sfld ever rled o ge credl l fy wfy
c oled o ffc f Lfrso sfld se dld# wf fy elp so wfs L f o [ol work
ll olmobommeJ v lee Splke Lee fllm " elped fdvlse o [ol work b/c [us ere o elp wl lslfm pfr
lll Colmoo v Mcotlooe slll |ook at |ntent work doesn't have to be c]r'ab|e |ndependent|y (usua||y does though)
1 Collfborfed o Spfw comlc book Cflmfl sued
2 Jere 2 or more people se ou o crefe cfrfcer [olly l mlxed medlf were works cf# sfd
floe could slll be [ol work fve o look f le!


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