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W CharL ls a Lype of conLrol charL used Lo monlLor Lhe proporLlon

of nonconformlng unlLs ln a sample
lor eg
proporLlon of broken cookles ln a baLch
proporLlon of lncompleLe lnsurance clalm forms recelved weekly
W 1he pcharL only accommodaLes pass/fallLype lnspecLlon effecLlvely
applylng Lhe speclflcaLlons Lo Lhe daLa before Lhey are ploLLed on Lhe
W used Lo deLermlne lf Lhe process ls sLable and predlcLable as well as Lo
monlLor Lhe effecLs of process lmprovemenL Lheorles
W charLs have been wldely accepLed among quallLy pracLlLloners as an ald
for monlLorlng managlng analyzlng and lmprovlng process performance
by ellmlnaLlng causes of varlaLlons
Servlce quallLy conLrol uslng pcharLs
W CuallLy of a servlce could be evldenL ln Lhe percenLage of people who
volunLeer aL leasL one negaLlve response
W lor any glven sample of cusLomers compleLlng a speclflc servlce relaLed
quesLlonnalre we can calculaLe Lhe proporLlon of people p
who gave aL
leasL one negaLlve response
/ n
where u
ls Lhe no of people who gave aL leasL one negaLlve response
for a glven sample 'l' and
ls Lhe sample slze
W 1he proporLlon p ls calculaLed for every sample
W CreaLe Lhe conLrol charL uslng Lhe average of all ps whlch look llke as
below CalculaLe uCL cenLer llne and LCL as below
nLerpreLaLlon of ConLrol CharL
1here are Lhree posslble slLuaLlons Lo conslder
1 All Lhe p values are lnslde Lhe conLrol llmlLs process ls ln sLaLlsLlcal
conLrol and only lnherenL varlaLlons wlll be aL work wlLh Lhe process
2 Cne or Lwo p values are ouLslde Lhe conLrol llmlLs Lhese values or any
sample lnformaLlon from Lhese samples are noL lncluded and all
calculaLlons wlll need Lo be reflgured lncludlng Lhe pbars and conLrol
3 1hree or more p values are ouLslde Lhe conLrol llmlLs Lhe process ls
clearly ouL of conLrol Causes musL be deLermlned lmmedlaLely and should
be resolved
ample of Lhe p charL
W uslng Lhe cusLomer saLlsfacLlon quesLlonnalre for Lhe banklng lndusLry a
bank recelvlng a hlgh number of complalnLs would llke Lo deLermlne Lhe
percenLage of cusLomers who glve aL leasL one negaLlve response abouL
servlce Lhey recelved from banklng personnel
W A negaLlve response occurs when
Lhe cusLomer lndlcaLes he or she elLher dlsagrees or sLrongly dlsagrees Lo a poslLlvely
phrased saLlsfacLlon lLem or
agrees or sLrongly agrees Lo a negaLlve saLlsfacLlon lLem
uaLa collecLed over 20 weeks appear ln 1able below sample slze for each of Lhe 20
samples ls 30
1he calculaLlons of Lhe uCL cenLer llne and LCL are
uCL 213 + 3(0379) 3867
C-18 L- 213
LCL 213 3(0379) 0393
1he resulLlng conLrol charL appears ln flgure below
Several polnLs lle ouLslde Lhe conLrol polnLs 1hus Lhere may be Lwo
posslble slLuaLlons
1hls could lndlcaLe LhaL an evenL (ass|gnab|e cause) occurred durlng
Lhe week ln whlch Lhose polnLs fell ouLslde Lhe uCL
1hus f we can ldenLlfy asslgnable causes for Lhese polnLs we should
eclude Lhese samples when calculaLlng Lhe conLrol llmlLs and cenLer
f no asslgnable causes are apparenL Lhen Lhe currenL conLrol llmlLs
and cenLer llne are approprlaLe

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