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l8 lnsurance

8LAu 8CCk CPA1L8 19

W egal expenses Lo defend Lhlrd parLy clalms
alleglng lnfrlngemenL of Lhelr l8
W 1hlrd parLy damages (arlslng from
unlnLenLlonal breach of l8)
W AppllcaLlon Lo amend cancel revoke or
declare lnvalld l8
W AppllcaLlon Lo amend cancel revoke or
declare lnvalld your l8
W Alleged lnfrlngemenL of you of anoLher
person's l8
W Lnforce and proLecL flrm's l8s agalnsL
W ay Lhe cosLs of lnvesLlgaLlng or defendlng
agalnsL alleged lnfrlngemenL
W ay Lhe cosLs of lnvesLlgaLlng or enforclng and
proLecLlng llcense and confldenLlal
W ay Lhe cosLs of lnvesLlgaLlon lf you suspecL
LhaL your l8 ls belng lnfrlnged
1allored made ollcles
W lnLellecLual roperLy lablllLy lnsurance
W aLenL lnfrlngemenL lablllLy lnsurance
W aLenL Clalm roLecLlon
W WarranLy and 8epresenLaLlon lnsurance
W 1echnology lablllLy lnsurance

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