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Haley Baas Abstract #1 November 14, 2011 Wade, N. (2007). Is Do Unto Others Written Into Our Genes?

New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/18/science/18mora.html?_r=2&scp=1&sq=haidt%20morality &st=cse. Recent research has led scientists to discover and further acknowledge this puzzling question amongst the psychological area of study: Where do morals come from? From the basis of this article, new information has led scientists to sway from the ideology of morals stemming from reason or from God, and to the new idea of evolutionary impact. This information has come about from the resulting actions of scientists and their testing of peoples reactions to certain situations. The corresponding author speaks of natural selection the continuation of traits passed through preceding generations for which is a sound explanation for learned and innate morals. Jonathan Haidt, a moral psychologist at the University of Virginia has explained his findings as causation- resulting actions for which the field of morality has had a far narrower view than needed for an expansion of results. This information is relatively new for which

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