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A rlghL based approach Lo CSL seeks Lo equlp

young people wlLh Lhe knowledge skllls
aLLlLudes and valur Lhey need Lo deLermlne and
en[oy Lhelr sexuallLy physlcally and
emoLlonally lndlvldually and ln relaLlonshlp
rovlde accuraLe lnformaLlon abouL Loplcs LhaL chlldren and
young people are curlous abouL and abouL Lhey need Lo know
rovlde chlldren and young people wlLh opporLunlLles Lo
explore values aLLlLudes and norms concernlng sexual and
soclal relaLlonshlps
romoLe Lhe acqulslLlon of skllls
Lncourage chlldren and young people Lo assume
responslblllLy for Lhelr own behavlor and respecLs Lhe rlghLs of
SexuallLy educaLlon leads Lo early sex
SexuallLy educaLlon ls agalnsL cerLaln culLures or rellglous
SexuallLy may be good for young people buL noL for young chlldren
arenLal ob[ecLlon Lo sexuallLy educaLlon belng LaughL ln schools
1eachers may be wllllng Lo Leach buL are uncomforLable or lacks Lhe
skllls Lo do so
43 of all new Plv lnfecLlons occur Lhose aged beLween 13 Lo 34 years
AbouL 300 000 new curable sexually LransmlLLed lnfecLlons occurlng ln young
people everyday
1here were 237 411 new borns wlLhouL faLher beLween 20002008 from
8eglsLraLlon ueparLmenL
Soclal Welfare ueparLmenL recorded 407 abandoned bables ln Lhe pasL 3
ollce sLaLlsLlcs reveal of average of 100 cases annually
1he percenLage of females lnfecLed by Plv lncreased from 12 of Lhe LoLal
number ln Lhe 1990 Lo 191 ln 2008
no female had AluS ln 1990 Lo 166 ln 2008 for Plv lnfecLlons and 296 for
8y 2008 Lhe number of verLlcal Lransmlsslon cases LoLalled 742 (09) for Plv
and 186 (13) for AluS
Sexual abuse
8ecause Lhey felL beLrayed and belng used by Lhe baby's
Lo be pregnanL as a resulL of sexual abuse
Lack on sex knowledge
oor knowledge on reproducLlve healLh on mensLrual cycle
and healLhcare durlng pregnancy
usage of conLracepLlve
Loose soclal problem
Loose soclal sysLem was loosenlng up due Lo hlgh phase of
modernlzaLlon and developmenL
nelghborllness whlch should become Lhe agenL of soclal
conLrol Lo curLall soclal llls was also wanlng
Schools are no longer senslLlve Lo whaL ls happenlng Lo
physlcal and soclal envlronmenL as Lhey are engrossed ln
examlnaLlon resulL
oor parenLal modelllng
uoes noL pay full aLLenLlon Lo Lhe chlldren as Loday Lhey expecL Lhe chlldren are
good enough
1oo busy wlLh Lhelr [obs
Medla mass
Lasy access Lo pornograpy example lnLerneL cyber daLlng 3d games and plraLe
LxpllclL shows wlLhouL censorshlp
LffecL Lowards moLher
8lsk of deaLh caused by bleedlng and lnfecLlon ln Lhe moLher's womb
Womb also suffered ln[urles when dolng aborLlons because Lhose who perform
aborLlon LradlLlonally noL quallfled uslng woods Lwlgs or sLlcks
Lxpelled from school
unable Lo aLLend school because noL feellng well all Lhe Llme
MenLal pressure
MosL of Lhe famlly Lends Lo Lhrow Lhelr daughLers away lnsLead of glvlng moral
supporL aL Lhe crlLlcal momenLs
ressured as no supporL from frlends and famllles Lhus Laklng easy way ouL by
commlLLlng sulclde
CullLy feellng when Lhey are geLLlng marrled because Lhey had been pregnanL ouL of
Lhe wedlock and dumped Lhe lnfanL
Soclal roblem
uoes noL grow ln a normal famlly
leel unwanLed and unloved
unable Lo form sLrong relaLlonshlp wlLh oLhers
8lrLh defecLs as Lhe baby ls noL properly handled by professlonal gyno
Lack of lmmunlLy because Lhey are noL breasL fed
Mlmlckers of Lhe slLuaLlon
8ad lmage of Lhe socleLy
Ways Lo overcome

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