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Lydla 8edford

2) now effect|ve |s the comb|nat|on of your ma|n product and anc|||ary task?

l belleve my Lhree producLs my maln vldeo and Lhen my Lwo anclllary LexLs Lhe magazlne adverL and
Lhe dlglpak all work really well LogeLher 1here ls a conslsLenL 'lndle/alLernaLlve' Lheme whlch runs
LhroughouL Lhem alongslde Lhe general 'homemade' ldea LhaL l wanLed Lo geL across
An lssue you could poLenLlally foresee ln Lhe comblnaLlon of my Lhree producLs would be you
wouldn'L be able Lo recognlse Lhe vldeo necessarlly relaLlng Lo Lhe adverL and dlglpak (oLher Lhan Lhe
band name whlch appears on Lhe drums ln Lhe vldeo and obvlously on Lhe cover of Lhe dlglpak and
also on Lhe adverL) 1hls ls because Lhere are no band phoLos or phoLos all LogeLher on Lhe adverL
or dlglpak meanlng LhaL you wouldn'L able Lo relaLe faces or scenes from Lhe vldeo Lo Lhe anclllary
LexLs Powever l don'L Lhlnk Lhls makes Lhe package any less effecLlve as wlLh mosL muslc vldeos lL
lsn'L necessarlly obvlous whlch album Lhey have come from and ln parLlcular lndle genre vldeos
whlch are slmllar Lo ours 1hey all Lend Lo lack relevanL phoLos on Lhelr dlglpaks and adverLs also so
Lhe vldeo ls noL ofLen remlnlscenL of Lhe oLher LexLs
When looklng and comparlng my producLs wlLh oLhers allke l have found LhaL many markeLed and
successful dlglpaks and adverLs along wlLh a vldeo from Lhelr album also have no obvlous llnk or
relevance Lo each oLher An example of Lhls would be 1he vacclnes album 'WhaL uld ?ou LxpecL
from 1he vacclnes?' and Lhelr muslc vldeo for Lhelr slngle 'lf ?ou Wanna' Laken from Lhls album As
you can see below Lhe album cover and freeze frames from varlous parLs LhroughouL Lhe vldeo
Lhere ls no obvlous connecLlon and llnk however Lhey sLlll boLh work LogeLher and have boLh
generaLed a loL of success 1he vacclnes also obvlously are a rellable source Lo Lake Lhls lnformaLlon
of success from as our chosen song 'Wreckln' 8ar' was evenLually Laken from Lhls same album

Lydla 8edford

l Lhlnk noL lncludlng shoLs from Lhe vldeo ln boLh my dlglpak and adverL was Lhe rlghL cholce 1hls ls
because no acLual album would base Lhelr whole deslgn around slngle 1hls would deLracL
aLLenLlon from all Lhe oLher songs on Lhe Lrack llsL and so would noL work well as a whole producL as
lL would be unsuccessful and unprofesslonal Lo use Lhese klnds of phoLos for Lhe reason already
sLaLed and lL also appears llke Lhe deslgner has no alLernaLlve ldeas or Llme Lo make a compleLely
separaLe producL 1herefore boLh my anclllary LexLs and my vldeo flL nlcely lnLo Lhe 'lndle' caLegory
and lL ls compleLely leglLlmaLe LhaL Lhese could all be markeLable producLs
Cne oLher crlLlc l have of my adverL and dlglpak worklng alongslde our vldeo as a package ls LhaL Lhe
dlglpak and adverL LogeLher have a 'sweeL' and 'homely' persona whereas Lhe vldeo conLrasLs Lhls
wlLh upbeaL fasL paced and qulckly edlLed fooLage whlch ls would maybe be more effecLlve lf
Leamed wlLh a 'harsher' palr of anclllary LexLs uesplLe Lhls Lhere ls noLhlng Lo say LhaL oLher Lracks
on Lhe album would noL have a sofLer feel whlch would Leam well wlLh Lhe LexLs so l don'L Lhlnk Lhls
aspecL ls enLlrely lmporLanL as dlglpaks and adverLs aren'L focused solely on one Lrack and one
aspecL of LhaL Lrack l sLlll Lhlnk Lhey work well as a package as Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lhlng l belleve
LhaL makes my producLs work well LogeLher ls Lhe conslsLenL 'homemade' feel whlch ls also
remlnlscenL of oLher lndle bands
l belleve lL was always golng Lo be mosL lmporLanL for Lhe Lwo anclllary LexLs Lo be more LlghLly
connecLed raLher Lhan conLlnulng Lhls LlghL connecLlon wlLh Lhe vldeo as Lhe adverL and dlglpak boLh
represenL Lhe deslgn and markeLlng of Lhe album as a whole whereas Lhe vldeo ls only based on Lhe
markeLlng and sale of one slngle alone 1herefore Lhey are bound Lo be noL as LlghLly connecLed as
Lhey are almed Lo do Lwo dlfferenL Lhlngs
My Lwo anclllary LexLs are effecLlve ln worklng as a package Lo promoLe Lhe album as Lhey boLh use
conslsLenL ldeas 1hey boLh share Lhe same LypewrlLer fonL 'CraLor SLd' whlch added a vlnLage feel
whlch many lndle bands also adopL lL also furLhered Lhe homemade approach 1he backlng for each
was also shared and conslsLed of scanned brown parcel paper whlch agaln furLhered Lhe deslred
look for Lhe handmade ldea 1he palsley paLLern l drew agaln remalned conslsLenL as parLs were cuL
ouL uslng Lhe magneLlc lasso allowlng me Lo creaLe a moLlf for use on Lhe adverL whlch was
Lydla 8edford

remlnlscenL of Lhe dlglpak cover (of Lhe whole paLLern) Cnce agaln lL furLhered Lhe ldea l wanLed Lo
geL across as lL lncorporaLed anoLher vlnLage feaLure as Lhls paLLern ls ofLen found ln older sLyllng
and also slnce lL was hand drawn was an anoLher obvlous feaLure Lo add Lo Lhe homemade
approach 1he conslsLency across Lhese Lwo producLs allowed for recognlsable brandlng Lo emerge
as any feaLures of Lhese used elsewhere (such as Lhe moLlf) would Lhen be relaLed back Lo Lhem
Cheap klcks
1he general ldea of belng 'homemade' llnks Lo Lhe vldeo ln LhaL Lhe vldeo also has a very homemade
approach as we see Lhe band ln many locaLlons LhaL are accesslble Lo anybody maklng lL feel more
relaLable Lo Lhe LargeL audlence as Lhey can reflecL on Lhelr own experlences 1he band messlng
around also allows Lhe band Lo galn an 'lmage' as lL hlnLs Lowards Lhelr personallLles allowlng Lhe
vlewer Lo feel more able Lo relaLe Lo Lhem 8y creaLlng Lhls lmage lL allows promoLlon for Lhe band
as Lhls klnd of behavlour would be recognlsable LhroughouL oLher vldeos and also llnks Lo Lhe quoLe
used ln my dlglpak 'leL's see whaL we can do' whlch agaln hlnLs Lo Lhe consumer elemenLs of Lhelr
persona and behavlour
Cverall l belleve my Lhree producLs are leglLlmaLe and can work effecLlvely as a package as Lhe
comblnaLlon of Lhem LogeLher creaLes a brand Cheap klcks We are able Lo recognlse Lhem Lhrough
Lhelr very 'aL home' ldeas homemade feellng anclllary LexLs and fooLage whlch allows a personallLy
Lo be reflecLed llke Lhey are acLlng as Lhey would aL home

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