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Lesson Plan: 10/26/2011

Objectives: By the end of the class today, students will:

O e Iamiliar with Edgar Allan Poe`s poem, %0#,;03
O &nderstand how diIIerent scenes can invoke horror into the minds oI the readers
aterials Needed:
O opies oI the poem
O omputer in order to stream the Youtube video
O andy
O ntroduce ourselves to the class and ask iI they have any questions Ior us
O Ask the students iI they know who Edgar Allan Poe is; and then ask iI they know any oI
his works
O %ell them we are going to be reading the Raven and then pass out the poem to each
The Raven
O $tudent`s will read the poem aloud as a class
O $how the $impson`s version oI the poem and compare how the movie version relates
to the original poem.
O ave the students pick out words or scenes that cause Ieelings oI horror or gloom
O Pass out candy to whoever participates
O ave the students write on an exit slip, how they thought the lesson went and iI they have
a Iull understanding oI the poem

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