Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 7

4. What were there 4.

What were there

major miatakea? major miatakea?
5. What did they do 5. What did they do
correctIy? correctIy?
Ma|or Mistakes Wbat tbey do correctly
O No maiket ieseaich
O Piouuct focus Zo atteZtioZ
to customeis Zeeus aZu
O No coZsiueiatioZ foi
O Piouuct : too laige, too heavy
aZu too expeZsive
O IZcomplete piouuct
O AuveitisiZg buuget Zot
eZough impoitaZt
O SoZy uelays the piouuctioZ
uZtil it fouZu a paitZei
capable of high level
piouuctioZ aZu uesigZ
capable of loZg time
O Betamax: lightweight,
iZexpeZsive aZu ŵ houi
O Bighei sigZal Zoise iatio
O A loZgei playiZg time of the
vBS foimat

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