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SRUARIEDD ILMFTE sawuse so fy Newsletter of Nativity Lutheran Church 4517 Mt. Royal Boulevard e-mail: NativityL¢@vetizon.net VAY Allison Park, PA 15101 website: www.nativitylutheranchureh15101.org 412/487-107: from the.) a Pastor, ‘When | am traveling by car, will often scan the radio for preachers. More often than not, these radio preachers do not share my understanding of the Christian faith. There was one speaker, however, that caught my attention. He was talking about the Christmas cards he had received from friends and family. He noted that some of the cards had a sort of “Happy Holidays” theme. Others shared the secular meaning of Christmas with Santa, Christmas trees, or one of the other secular icons of the season. Others featured a scene of the Holy Family or reminded the reader of the true meaning of the season. The cards that seemed to baffte this radio preacher were those that featured the senders’ family portraits. He went on for some time playing the part of the curmudgeon decrying the narcissism of sending a picture of yourself and your immediate family at the precise time of the year when we celebrate the one who came into the world to suffer on our behalf When I heard this some time ago, | thought he made a good point, but it seems to me that he is taking too narrow a view of the purpose of the Christmas card. Is the true purpose of Christmas cards intended to be ‘one of proclamation only? Are Christmas cards supposed to function as salvation tracts in hopes that people will come to faith? Are they supposed to pull us back from the consumerist frenzy of the season to return our focus to Christ? Of course cards can serve all of these functions, but the majority of us, 1am certain, send cards for other reasons, | stopped sending an “official” Christmas card years ago. Honestly, | just stopped doing the extra work of preparing a card for mailing. Now | send a letter that includes information about my family, me, and some pictures. lam certain that the radio preacher | heard would not be pleased, but | have made the decision for my Christmas newsletter to serve a different purpose. As the years have gone by, people have moved in and out of the lives of my family. Despite all good intentions, we do not keep in touch with these people as we had hoped we would. For my family and for many families and individuals, Christmas has become a time when we reconnect with those who we still love but may be far from us. We may send Christmas greetings and news across the country or to the other side of the world. Gone are the days when the only people we knew were those who lived within a few miles of the place where we born. In a fragmented and mobile world, the Christmas letter can be how we let others know that we still think about them, value their relationship, and love them. Now | am not recommending that everyone needs to send a Christmas letter, nor am | rationalizing some hidden narcissism on my part (at least not consciously}. But at this time of the year when God sent God's only Son into the world to bring us back into relationship with God, it seems that the family pictures and news are very appropriate to the season as we foster relationships with one another. Emmanuel, God with us, came and lives among us so that we might be in relationship with God in order that we can reach out and be in relationship with each other. So, send those Christmas greetings and reconnect with those loved ones. Wishing you the Peace of the Christ child, festa, Saokt Pastor Scott KuechenmeisterHall Dear Members of Nativity, ‘Thank you all so much for the wonderful installation service and reception. Everything went so well and was beautifully done. The choir and the music sounded great. The food was a delight to the senses and was delicious. Most of all, thank you all for your participation and warm welcome. God has blessed us and given us a charge for our future together. With the working of the Holy Spirit within our hearts, we will faithfully proclaim the Gospel in word and deed as Nativity Lutheran Church. Christ's Peace, Pestan S cat Pastor Scott KuechenmeisterHall Change in Worship Beginning January 8, 2012, the announcements will be moved from the end of the service to after the prelude before the Confession. Pastor Scott initiated discussions with the Worship and Music Committee and the Church Council. They have given their approval, ‘The flow of the liturgy is gathering, hearing the word, offering prayers and gifts, receiving the sacrament and sending out to serve. Making the announcements first will preserve the integrity of the liturgy and also give us an opportunity to welcome our visitors prior to worship. Pastor Scott on Vacation Pastor Scott will be spending some time with his family in Atlanta over the holidays. He will be out of town December 26 through January 6. Pastor Jenniter McCurry of Emmanuel Lutheran in Etna will be providing coverage for pastoral ‘emergencies during that time. She may be reached at Emmannel (412-781-2764) or through Nancy Coon or Tom Beecher ‘Thanks for the Final Exam Care Package ‘Thank you So much for caring and keeping me in your prayers. | appreciate the CD and all that was in the package. The candy was a big plus! Finals are going well and everything is good. } can't wait to be back home and in church The congregation seems very nice and welcoming. I can’t wait to get to know each individual better. Thanks again. | hope everything is going well for all of you this season, See you soon, Allen Kuechenmeister Directory To Be Updated The church directory will be updated anuary. Please check your entry and send any corrections to Nancy Coon at nancy.coonl@verizon.net or call the church office by January 18. in Boy fed BS Pweg Recent Worship Attendance November 20, 2011 8 Installation Service 91 November 27, 1011 60 December 4, 2011 71 December 11, 2011 89 December 18, 2011 96 Nativity Lutheran Church Planning Calendar January 11 - Council meeting - 7 pm 15 - Newsletter Articles Due February 8 - Council meeting - 7 pm 19 - Newsletter Articles Due 22 - Ash Wednesday Service - 7 pm 29 - Lenten Soup & Bread Supper - 6 pm. Lenten Service - 7 pm March 7 - Lenten Soup & Bread Supper - 6 pm Lenten Service - 7 pm Mareh 14 - Lenten Soup & Bread Supper - 6 pm Lenten Service - 7 pm Mareh 15. - Council meeting - 7 pm March 18 - Newsletter Articles Due Mareh 21 - Lenten Soup & Bread Supper - 6 pm Lenten Service - 7 pm March 28 - Lenten Soup & Bread Supper - 6 pm Lenten Service - 7 pm ALTAR GUILD The Altar Flower Chart for 2012 is also on the bulletin board across from the nursery. Please sign your name beside the date you wish. If you want one vase sign one side; if' you would like both vases sign both sides. The cost for each vase if $15.00. Please specify “flowers” on your offering envelope. Also, remember to fill out a card on the board stating what you would like printed in the bulletin regarding your flowers. Linda Ryan CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS During Advent the Sunday School classes began collecting special offerings for the God’s Global Barnyard Program”, The money which is saved in our barn banks from now through the Lenten season will go to providing animals for the food and clothing needs of people around the world. THERE WILL BE NO REGULAR SUNDAY, SCHOOL ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25". On Sunday, January 1" we will have a special holiday video and craft activity for all classes in place of our regular Sunday School classes. The tentative date for our next Christian Education meeting is Sunday, January 8 at 11:30 a.m. following the worship service. The Middle School and High School teachers are asked to attend to discuss the program for the remainder of the year. Submitted by Ruth Kiefer ‘SOUPS ON” FOR CAMP RESTORE: ‘Tom Beecher and Dottie Zaffuto will be heading to the Gulf Coast on February 4" to help the Katrina victims again. ‘The Social Ministry/Outreach committees will be selling quarts of homemade soup in January. The proceeds from the sales will provide additional Visa Cards for the Gulf coast victims, a small portion will be donated to the Synod Disaster Fund. This fundraiser is intended to supplement the donations you have given to Tom. A sign up sheet will be in the Narthex after Christmas. ‘Your support for this fundraiser will provide comfort, to those who has been devastated. So plan on having soup for lunch on January 15", 22" and 29". John Ottv/Gayle Henne

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